新概念英语2 词汇总结


新概念英语2 词汇总结(共10篇)

新概念英语2 词汇总结 篇1

at 在钟点前面要用介词aton 在具体日期前面要用介词on in 在月份前要用介词inin 在某年前面要用介词in

on 在星期前要用介词onover 在...上方,经过under在...底下across/in 此句如填across,可译成:这男孩正在游过/横渡这条河。如填in,可译成:这男孩正在河里游泳。aiong沿着

on 在....顶上in 在....里off与....离开,脱离between 在两者之间 into 进入out of 出来knock sb out 把某人打昏

borrow借来,借入(同介词from连用)borrow sth.from sb.向某人借某物 lend 借给,借出(与借词to 连用)lend sth.to sb.把某物借给某人

be over 结束,过去be not up to 不能胜任,不能做set up 创造(记录等)give back 还给give away 送出,把....送给(某人)give in 交上,投降 withdraw....from从....提取,收回comment on 评论include in 包括,在...中 congratulate sb.on sth.为某事向某人祝贺protect...from 保护,使...免于 emerge from 从...出现dream of/ about 梦想,幻想rely on 依靠 prevent sb.from doing sth.阻止某人做某事interested in 对....感兴趣 count on 依赖help sb.in 帮助某人beware of....谨防,注意,当心persisted in 坚持insist on 坚持get rid of 摆脱,排除

hear of(通常用于问句或否定句中)获知....消息separate....from 把...分开 cure....of 治愈operate on 动手术,开刀depend on 依靠

accuse....of....控告 suspect....of 对....猜疑/怀疑think of 思考,考虑 expect....of/from期望smell of....闻到differ from 与.....不同/不一样


invest...in投资based on在基础上lean on依靠于suffer from...受...之苦 embark on从事,开始believe in信仰,相信be dismissed from被解雇

experiment on做实验,尝试concentrate on集中于pride(oneself)on为...感到自豪 fail in不成功escape from从...逃出economize on节约,节省

live on靠...为生be employed in被雇用,受聘于consist of由...组成act on遵守,按照write on在...上写,写...的事boast of夸耀

encourage...in鼓励instruct in指教,教导be involved in使卷入

prohibit from不准许,禁止assure...of让...放心,使...确信approve of赞成 despair of失望,丧失信心perform on上演,扮演warn...of警告...有危险 borrow from从...借delight in喜欢,乐于includ in包括

recieve...from从...收到,接收rely on依赖,依靠think of考虑,思考 be tired of对...感到厌倦agree with同意prefer to更喜欢wait for等待 correspond with each other互相通信account for说明(原因)object to反对

reply to his letter给他回信attend to照顾,注意exchange sth.for sth.用某物换取某物 occur to想到arrive at到达be shocked at感到震惊comply with 遵照,遵守 cope with处理mention...to向...提起pay for付钱unprepared for没有准备的 blame sb.for sth.为某事责备某人disgusted with对...感到厌恶

thank...for感谢stare at盯着...看satisfied with 对...感到满意amout to总计为 mix...with与...混合knock at敲belong to 属于reason with以理说服

listen to听accustomed to习惯于part with离开call for需要

新概念英语2 词汇总结 篇2

隐喻是指将一个词从其本义转为一般不能换用但却相似的另一个词, 强调其认同, 即两者相似, 但不是明喻。隐喻是一种生动的源自生活的表达方式, 因此在生活中很是常见。近年来, 隐喻在国内外引发众多学科的关注, 如哲学、心理学及其他跨学科, 但到目前为止还未形成一套统一的隐喻理论。作为一种认知现象, 隐喻对人类思维方式、艺术创造、语言使用等影响深刻而广泛。因此, 对隐喻现象的本质及其功能的进一步认识有益于对当代认知科学和艺术本体论研究的发展。概念隐喻理论则认为隐喻是从一个具体的概念域向一个抽象的概念域的系统映射;隐喻是思维问题, 不是语言问题;隐喻是思维方式和认知手段。概念隐喻理论的革命性观点促进了认知语义学的整体发展。


概念隐喻理论思想首先是在雷可夫和詹生的《我们赖以生存的隐喻》一书中提出来的。概念隐喻连结两个概念领域, 分别是来源域 (source domain) 和目标域 (targe domain) 。一个概念领域是跟语意相关的本质、特性和功能之集合。来源的领域通常由具体概念组成, 如金钱, 而目标域则牵涉到抽象概念, 如时间。概念隐喻理论可以帮助我们用来源领域去了解目标领域, 例如, 如果我们要谈时间, 我们就可以说“时间就是金钱”。从中我们可以看出, 来源域和目标域的映照是发生在来源域及目标域的概念之间且具有一致的系统。


词汇作为语言建筑的砌块, 构成英语教学中重要的组成部分。但在传统的词汇教学中, 教师受结构主义思想的干扰, 认为词汇与其词义的关系是任意的, 割裂了词汇表义与其深层内涵的联系。在教学中, 通常侧重于单词的表面含义及其在具体语言环境中的使用, 却甚少从认知的层面来解释单词的涵义和运用。众所周知, 70%的语言是隐喻的, 因此, 概念隐喻理论的引入使得教师将词汇教学的重点转向其背后的隐喻原则, 并引导学生对各种复杂的表达方式进行归纳总结, 同时, 鼓励学生在总结过程中发挥创造性思维, 发明出更多更新的隐喻表达方式。

例如, 教师在讲解“bank”一词的含义时, 其核心意义为堤岸, 用于储水 (water) , 而其引申意义为银行, 其功能是用于储存货币 (money) 。从中我们可以看到水和货币之间的微妙联系, 水是人们生活中必不可少的资源, 对于它的性质和特点学生们早已熟烂于心。当教师通过引入概念隐喻理论, 将水与货币这两个概念域联系起来进行对比总结时, 学生会惊讶的发现, 修饰水的特性的一系列词汇也可以同样应用于货币这一概念, 从而帮助学生更好的记忆与货币相关的词汇体系, 这样的记忆模式更为形象且深刻。

隐喻既是一种普遍的语言现象, 也是一种思维现象。正如束定芳和汤本庆所言, 英语教师不仅可以利用隐喻理论来解释语言意义的变化发展过程, 词义之间的关联, 同时, 还可以解释不同形式的隐喻之间的系统性和关联性。因此, 概念隐喻理论为词汇教学开辟了新的路径, 提供了新的切入点, 加强了对词汇意义的理解, 也促进了语言水平的提高。


迄今为止, 概念隐喻理论的提出已有三十余年的历史, 但其发展仍处于一个初级阶段, 相关的理论还不完善, 尤其这一理论与英语教学的结合还需要进一步的探索研究。因此, 教师应积极参与到这一流派理论的完善工作, 并将这一理论运用到实际教学工作中, 引导学生构建概念域, 从而提高学生词汇学习的效率, 加强他们在写作中的隐喻表达力, 最终实现学生英语交际能力的不断提高。

摘要:概念隐喻理论被应用到了诸多领域, 例如, 政治、文化、艺术、数学等。但这一理论与教学的结合, 尤其是英语教学, 却鲜有探索。因此, 本文将从词汇这个方面来探讨概念隐喻理论在英语教学中的应用。



[1]Dirven, R.&V.Marjolijn.Cognitive Exploration of Language and Linguistics[M].Amsterdam:John Benjamins Publishing Company, 1998.

[2]Lakoff, G.&M.Johnson.Metaphors We Live By[M].Chicago:The University of Chicago Press, 1980.3:26.

[3]程琪龙.语言认知和隐喻[J].外国语, 2002 (1) :46-52.

概念隐喻在英语词汇教学中的应用 篇3

【关键词】概念隐喻 词汇教学















[1]赵荣静. 概念隐喻在高中英语词汇教学中的运用[D].信阳师范学院,2013.

新概念英语2 词汇总结 篇4

It has been said that everyone lives by selling something. In the light of this statement, teachers live by selling knowledge,philosophers by selling wisdom and priests by selling spiritual comfort. Though it may be possible to measure the value of material goods in terms of money, it is extremely difficult to estimate the true value of the services which people perform for us. There are times when we would willingly give everything we possess to save our lives, yet we might grudge paying a surgeon a high fee for offering us precisely this service. The conditions of society are such that skills have to be paid for in the same way that goods are paid for at a shop. Everyone has something to sell.

Tramps seem to be the only exception to his general rule. Beggars almost sell themselves as human beings to arouse the pity of passers-by. But real tramps are not beggars. They have nothing to sell and require nothing from others. In seeking independence, they do not sacrifice their human dignity. A tramp may ask you for money, but he will never ask you to feel sorry for him. He has deliberately chosen to lead the life he leads and is fully aware of the consequences. He may never be sure where the next meal is coming from, but he is free form the thousands of anxieties which afflict other people. His few material possessions make it possible for him to move from place to place with ease. By having to sleep in the open, he gets far closer to the world of nature than most of us ever do. He may hunt, beg, or steal occasionally to keep himself alive; he may even, in times of real need, do a little work; but he will never sacrifice his freedom. We often speak of tramps with contempt and put them in the same class as beggars, but how many of us can honestly say that we have not felt a little envious of their simple way of life and their freedom from care?





philosopher n. 哲学家

wisdom n. 智慧

priest n. 牧师

spiritual adj. 精神上的

grudge v. 不愿给

surgeon n. 外科大夫

passer(s)-by n. 过路人

dignity n. 尊严

deliberately adv. 故意地

consequence n. 后果

afflict v. 使精神苦恼

ease n. 容易

nature n. 自然,本质

contempt n. 蔑视

学习新概念英语2的建议 篇5

关于英音和美音的区别,个人感觉真太明显了。听一下George Bush的谈话和*** standard,再听听BBC你就会发现。后来,我因为看了太多美剧,习惯美音了,偶尔看一下BBC拍的SITCOM的时候,快崩溃了,说的都是什么鸟语啊。这里不是说听不懂,其实你听力水平不差的话,一样听得懂,只是很古怪,原来英国人是这么说话的。提醒一下,我们教材的英语发音语调和真正的口语是完全不同的,后者你看欧美电视剧就明白了。生活中没人会像播音员那样说话,所以平时多接触一些不同口音是很有必要的。(我女朋友特别喜欢小Bush的发音,确实有味道。)


三、巩固阶段。新东方老俞推荐说经翻译新概念的课文,这样会显著提高写作水平。具体就是看着译文翻译成英文,再和原来的课文对照,看自己错在哪里,再模仿,不断修改。10篇下来你的写作水平就有很大提高。我个人试过,很有效。在不断地比较中你会慢慢发现自己和真正的英美人在思维上的差异,逐渐调整自己,直到有一天你骇然发现自己真正能理解他们为什么要这样写,你的英文可以说是真正的学到了髓而非皮毛,和native speaker一样的原版英文。

外贸英语商务函电词汇-2 篇6


1 bar code 条形码

2 bulk cargo 散装货;统装货

3 bulky cargo (体大质轻的.)泡货

4 bulky parcel 大宗包裹

5 color assortment 颜色搭配

6 country of origin 原产地国

7 customary packing习惯包装

8 equal assortment平均搭配

9 flexible container 集装包/袋

10 gunny bag 麻袋

11 iron drum 铁桶

12 lot number 批号

13 metric ton 公吨

14 open-top container 开顶式集装箱

15 state-of-the-art 最先进的

16 gross weight 毛重

17 net weight 净重

18 indicative marks指示性标志

19 shipping marks 装运标志;唛头

20 warning marks 警告性标志

21 neutral packing 中性包装

22 nude cargo 裸装货

23 packing list 装箱单

24 paper bag 纸袋

25 long ton 长吨

26 short ton 短吨

27 seller’s usual packing 卖方习惯包装

28 size assortment 尺寸搭配

29 trade mark 商标


1 ETA: Estimated Time of Arrival 估计到达时间

2 ETD: Estimated Time of Departure 估计离开时间

3 Secure the vessel 弄到船只

4 Cargo capacity 载货能力

5 Charter party 租船合同

6 Air waybill 空运提单

7 Carrying vessel 运货船

8 Direct steamer 直达船

9 Dock receipt 码头收据

10 Document of title 产权单证

11 Freight prepaid 运费已付

12 Freight to collect 运费到付

13 General cargo vessel 杂货船

14 Negotiable instrument 可流通/转让票据

15 Sailing schedule 船期表

16 Sailing date 启航日期

17 Shortlanded memo 短卸单

18 Take delivery of 取货

19 Make delivery of 发货

20 Dispatch money 速谴费,快装费

21 Freight ton 运费吨

22 Measurement ton 尺码吨

23 Weight ton 重量吨

24 Weight memo 重量单

25 Ocean transportation 海洋运输

26 Full container load: FCL 整箱货

27 Less than container load: LCL 拼箱货

28 Bill of lading: B/L 海运提单

29 Partial / part shipment 分批装运

30 Port of destination 目的港

31 Port of shipment 装货港

新概念英语2 词汇总结 篇7

近些年来, 语言学家对概念转喻理论进一步研究, 并指导着英语教学的各个方面及交流运用等技能培养。


传统转喻观指出, “转喻 (metonymy) ”源于拉丁文denomination, 被视为一种修辞手法, 等同于汉语中的修辞格, 且仅定格在语言层面。但随着认知语言学的发展, 转喻认识已经上升到概念、思维层面上。简言之, 概念转喻是在同一领域内, 某一事物代替另一事物的认知过程。在同一认知矩阵或者理想化认知模式内, 目标实体被另一载体实体所激活。


传统转喻分类法, 容纳各种具体的表达, 繁琐且不系统。认知语言学家们基于不同的出发点给出了不同的分类方法, 比如语用功能、共现性、连续性等。最全面、最系统的分类方法是Radden & Kovecses基于转喻喻体和目标间关系的分类。转喻分为以下两大类:


2 . 同一领域内部分与部分间的转喻:行为、感知、因果、生产、控制、所属、容器、地点、符号和指称等。

这种转喻分类方法有优势, 系统概括性强, 但未得到一致赞成。




2.满足的默认映射类型也受认知和交际原则的制约。从交际角度来说, 为了满足交际的经济性与礼貌性、准确性等原则, 人们趋于选择清晰明了的、有共同认知背景的、紧密相关的事物形象去代替相反特性的事物。

3 . 默认类型还会受到其它原则的制约, 诸如心理、文化、教育、美学等。

a.I have bought a Picasso. (Barcelona 2002:231)

b.I have bought a Jane. (Barcelona 2002:231)

a句Picasso在认知背景下具有完型感知, 并在文化、社会背景下成立。但b句由于人们对简的了解不足, 无法在简和其创作间建立清晰、直接的联系, 使得b句的表达不能被所有人理解并认同。



英语词汇的学习是有趣的思维活动。转喻作为一种认知手段, 为语言的选词和构词提供了主要依据。

1.一词多义。词汇含义不是一成不变的, 它是不断认知并丰富发展起来的。一词多义现象, 以隐喻和转喻等为认知手段, 对语言形式进行扩展延伸。

例如, head本指人体某一部位, 也指领头者, 处于领先地位等;在习语中, “to have a good head on one’s shoulder (有见识) ”、“to have wheels in one’s head ( 发疯) ”、“to have a bee in one’s head ( 苦思冥想) ”、“lose one’s head (丧命, 慌张) ”。再如surgery既可以指外科手术, 也可以指手术室、诊疗室;crown我们所熟悉的含义是具体的王冠, 即佩戴物品, 也是王权的象征, 或比赛胜利、最高荣誉的冠军称号。在理解的时候, 理解者通常不需要花费太多努力, 可运用认知转喻思维去获取其意义。由此可见, 以转喻为基础的一词多义是英语词汇学习的基础。多义词的各个含义之间都具有一定的联系, 这些彼此有联系的含义以最基本的意义为基础, 其他含义是根据这个基本意义派生出来的。

2.词类转变。词类转变构成了大量新的词汇, 使语言更加形象化。我们要学会将转喻思维和词类转换紧密联系起来, 学习与吸纳新的语言现象与其用法。

词类转变中, 词类变化的只是其词性和功能方面。常见的词类转变有名词和动词间的转变, 形容词和动词的转变, 形容词和名词的转变。例如:Never trouble trouble until trouble troubles you.这句话中, 名词troub1e活用作动词, 赋予了trouble栩栩如生的形象。


施事者与动作间转喻:to author a new book

行为方式与动作间转喻:to hand sth.to sb.

时间与动作间转喻:to summer in America

位置与动作间转喻:to bottle the glasses

其他词类间的相互转化, 也有着它们的转喻含义。

由于文化和认知上的差异, 也会导致表达上的差异, 因此, 词汇教学过程中, 要注重文化背景下的转喻。

3.英语习语俗语。在一些习语、俗语中, 转喻也得到了广泛的应用, 并与一定的社会、文化背景联系起来。如:I was absolutely green when I saw his splendid car.这句话中“green ”正是运用了转喻。众所周知, 中国人嫉妒别人时, 被说成害红眼病, 而西方人则是绿眼病。这也有一定的生理基础, 中国人的眼珠是棕黑色的, 当情绪激动的时候, 血压会升高, 眼珠颜色就会变成红色;而西方人的眼珠是蓝色的, 在激动的情绪下, 就会变成绿色。在其它一些耳熟能详的俗语里, 我们经常用John Bull, British lion, Uncle Sam来分别指代a typical English, British government and the American government。

4.复合词。复合词和转喻也有着密切的联系。它们的含义并不是词根语义的简单叠加。以superstar为例, 我们熟知并很快联想到和其有关的特征, 从位置、特征、性质、作用等方面对其有了清晰的概念。词前加上前缀super (超级) , 将其概念整合化为“超级明星”, 这样学习者就对其有个整体把握, 将此概念储存起来。

再以newspaper为例, news指新闻, paper指纸。将两个分概念news和paper进行概念整合, “具有新闻的纸”, 纸上内容是新闻, 通过部分代替整体, 来转指整体事物, 继而得出了报纸这一概念。

转喻在词汇教学中, 化难为易、增强记忆、使词汇更加生动形象。


在词汇教学中, 教师要更加注重培养学生转喻思维能力, 以构建英语语言知识体系, 提高学生们对语言的理解和语言应用能力。


[2]胡壮麟.语言学教程[M].北京:北京大学出版社, 1988.

[3]王寅.认知语言学[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社, 2004.

[4]李福印.语义学概论[M].北京:北京大学出版社, 2007:89.

新课程概念下的高中英语词汇教学 篇8














在传统教学过程中,师生间的互动交流严重不足。缺乏沟通的师生关系容易造成课堂氛围紧张化。在十分紧张的学习环境中,学生的主体不能得到发挥,同时也容易降低学生的思维活性,不利于学生积极运用知识。因此,教师应该着重加强师生间的互动,只有有效提升师生间的互动才能引导学生踊跃地参与教学实际,才能促进学生对知识的应用及思考。譬如在讲解 English around the world一课时,其中涉及了大量的生词,在教学过程中,教师不应该生硬地将词汇灌输给学生,而是应该通过充分的交流引导学生积极探究知识、应用知识。


知识网络的构建,能够帮助学生理清知识脉络,摒除知识误区,深入体会知识间的内在联系从而加深对知识的理解。学生只有构建起知识网络后,才能够灵活地运用知识解决实际问题。而帮助学生构建知识网络,就需要教师立足于教学实际,整合教学资源,向学生传授有利经验。如在讲解反身单词语法时,教师就可以总结出一些一般需要反身代词的词汇如 absent,bathe,amuse,blame,dry,cut,enjoy,hurt,introduce,behave。这样一来学生在实际应用时就快速整理思路,并做出反应。






新概念英语2 词汇总结 篇9


八、水果、蔬菜fruit, vegetables




































19、雨衣__________________ 20、网球鞋__________________












15、讲台__________________ __________________























十二、其他物品other things



















19、床头柜__________________ 20、随身听__________________








29、牙刷__________________ 30、钱__________________



















19、卫生间__________________ 20、计算机教室__________________









29、花园__________________ 30、体育馆__________________



















十五、国家、城市countries, cities




































新概念英语2 词汇总结 篇10

Unit 1accomplish: 达到,完成,实现 accomplish one’s purpose / accomplish one’s mission / accomplish-ment: 成就,成绩 She’s known for her accomplish-ment in improving the region’s hospitals.apply: 适用,应用 They applied the rules to new members only.(书面形式)申请,请求 You may apply in person or by letter.attach: 系,贴,附加 aid with no conditions at-tached 认为有(重要性等)She attached no signific-ance to his warning / a list attached to the document4 await: 注意后面不接forbold: 勇敢无畏的;冒失鲁莽的.a bold plan of at-tack / be hurt by a bold remarkcritical: 批评的,评论的 The film was a critical success./ The book won wide critical praise.决定性的,关键的 a critical moment(疾病等)危急的,严重的 The patient is in critical condition./ a critical short-age of doctorsdeparture: 离开,起程,背离,变更 arrivals and de-partures of trains / departure from previous policy 8 emerge: 出现,兴起 A modern industrial country is now emerging.enormous: The rent and cost of maintenance of such a building are enormous.evolve: 逐步形成,发展,演化 Hygiene has evolved into preventive medicine./ Mammals evolved from reptiles.exaggerate: 夸张,夸大,言过其实 keep to the facts and don’t exaggerate / The newspaper ac-counts are exaggerated.initial: 开始的,最初的 at the initial stage of learning French / the initial velocity 首字母 initial a handkerchiefinsert: 插入,嵌入 insert a piece of carbon pa-per between 2 sheets 插页 The book contained an insert of several pages of pictures.investigate conditions at the grass rootsnegligent: negligent about traffic regulations./ negligible: His knowledge of English is negligible.16 occasion: 时候,场合A chance meeting was the occasion of a renewal of friendship./ on occasion(s):有时,间或 We go to the theatre on occasion.performance: 执行,履行 the performance of a command 工作性能,表现,销售情况 be disappointed with the performance of the governmentprincipal: 首要的,主要的 Their principal food is potatoes./ the principal town of the district 本金,可生息的资本 How much interest will there be on a principal of $500?priority: 优先(权),优先考虑的事 Fire engines and ambulances have priority over other traffic./ The newly-founded airborne division gets priority in men and equipment.promote: 提升,晋升 be promoted twice in three years 促进,增进promote mutual understanding 宣传,推销 promote the sales of TV setsrelevant: relevant authorities 有关当局 relev--1-

ance:(教育等)社会实用性 give relevance to college coursessomewhat: 有点,稍微 It is somewhat difficult to answer this question.summarize: 总结,概括 The seven categories can be briefly summarized as follows.superior: 上级的,较高等级的 keep the proper superior-subordinate relationship优良的,较好的provide a superior education / superior alloy steel 25 valid: 有根据的,站得住脚的 a valid excuse 具有法律效力的 be valid for 3 months / a valid con-tract / validityfind one’s way:(文中)到达,流入,进入 The river finds its way to the sea.in due course: 到时候,今后适当时候 Sow the seed and in due course you will have the flowers.28 in retrospect: 回想起来,事后看来 There are some things that you only become totally conscious of in retrospect.回顾,追溯 The new chapter starts with a retrospect.make up for: 补偿,弥补 make up for lost time / Do you think beauty could make up for stupidity? 30 not in the least: 一点也不 I’m not in the least worried.31 pick up:(偶然或容易地)获得,学会 pick up ele-mentary French in three months(情况)好转,改进Business appears to be picking up.32 throw light on: help people understand by providing new information

work on: 从事,致力work on the weak points34 bustle: 忙碌,闹哄哄地忙乱 The city is bustling with life./ The office bustled with people.35 elementary: a course in elementary botany36 telling: 有力的,有效的,显著的 have a telling effect / He made a particularly telling remark

lobby: Members of the teachers’ unions suc-cessfully lobbied among the convention delegates.38 attendant: 侍者,出席者 a flight attendant 伴随的,随之产生的 The sufferings attendant upon war.39 vigorous: 充满活力的,有力的 keep oneself vi-gorous by taking exercise

frown: give sb.a frown of disapproval41 anecdote: tell amusing anecdotes about sb.42 colleague: com-together + legare to choose43 sympathetic: 同情的,赞同的 He was obviously sympathetic over what had happened./ a sympa-thetic heart / be sympathetic to a plan

effective: They delayed the effective date from June 6 to July 27./ an effective rebuke45 self-reliance: 自力更生

rear: 抚养,培养,栽种 My parents reared me in all the honored traditions / rear crops / rear cattle 47 intention: 意图,打算,意向 He told me of his intention to resign./ The boy hurt his sister’s feel-ings without intention.48 clumsy: 手脚不灵活,笨拙的a clumsy boy / The translations are clumsy.49 facility: 便利,容易,熟练 Practice gives a won-derful facility.设备,设施 educational facilities / airport facilities

mold: 模子,铸模 a casting mold 塑造,成形His character was molded by childhood experiences.51 craft: 手艺,工艺 Making jewels requires great craft./ The pilot had difficulty landing his craft on the rough ground.52 reversal: 反向,颠倒 The president would ex-plain his sharp reversal of policy./ reverse: in the reverse direction to the time before / the obverse and the reverse of a coin

originality: The design for the building shows a great deal of originality.54 harbor: 藏有,包含,心怀 harbor refugees / har-bor a grudge against sb.55 overstate: overstate the importance of religion56 innovation: introduce innovations that in-crease productivity /innovations such as frozen food and antibiotics

exaggerate the difficulties of a situation

breakthrough: 突破,进展 It demonstrates a major technological breakthrough./ make a break-through in the relations between the two countries.59 foster: 培养,促进,助长 foster a spirit of coop-eration / foster distrust

solution:(问题的)解答,解决办法 The loan was only a temporary solution to the country’s financial difficulties.溶液,溶解 Sea water contains salts in solution.Unit 2abrupt: 突然的,意外的;陡峭的 He made an ab-rupt turn to avoid hitting another car./ an abrupt re-ply / an abrupt departureaffluent: 富裕,充裕的 an affluent person(sub-urb)/ be affluent in mineralsattain: 达到,获得attain one’s goal /attain power4 bless: Other parts of the country were blessed with timely rains, too.bracket: 括号;等级段,档次 The proportion in the 25 to 35 age bracket has shrunk to 7%./ the lower(upper)income bracketcherish: 珍视,爱护;抱有,怀有 cherish peace / cherish the memory of sb.confront: 面临,面对;正视,对抗 The explorers were confronted with gorges almost impassable./ We must confront the future with optimism.consequence: 结果,后果;重要性 This decision will bring long-lasting consequences./ an affair of little consequencecuriosity: intellectual curiositydated: 注有日期的;过时的 dated formalities11 deny: 否认;拒绝给予,拒绝要求 He denied it to be the case./ A ship was denied entry to the canal.12 donation: 捐赠,赠给 He received a letter of thanks for his donation of books to the library./ He donated $50 to the memorial fund.fabricate: 制造,制作;捏造,伪造 The finest craftsmen fabricated this clock./ fabricate liesThey narrowed the focus to the most pressing issue.genuine: 真的,非人造(伪造)的;真实的 genuine

leather /a genuine vintage wine / genuine happiness16 item: an important item on the agenda / an item in an accountlinger: 逗留,徘徊;存留 The children lingered at the zoo until closing time.minimal: 最小的;最低限度的 The new scheme will involve us in only minimal expense.primary: 最初的,初级的;首要的;基本的 the primary meaning of a word / one’s primary goals in life / Security is a primary need.pursuit: be engaged in scientific pursuitseemingly: 表面上;其实未必 the seeming ac-ceptance of the changessentiment: Sentiment unchecked by reason is a bad guide./ the sentiment of patriotismstammer: 结巴,口吃 stammer out an excuse24 tangible: 可触知的,有形的,有实体的 bring few tangible benefits to the poor / tangible evidence / tangible assetstickle: 挠痒;逗乐,使高兴 He tickled the baby’s feet and made her laugh./ I was tickled by the idea.26 vital: 生命的;极其重要的 a vital organism / a question of vital importance / a vital blowwell-off: 境遇好的;富裕的,充裕的 Although she is well-off, she lives quite simply.fall into: 分成;属于 The story falls into two parts./ fall into the same categoryfill out: 填写 fill out an applicationgo through: 经受,经历 You will have to go through a severe test.31 nothing more than: 不强于,不多于,一模一样;确实 Nothing more than a tunnel-like passage greeted the excavators.32 out of place: 不适当的,不相称的 Your remarks were rather out of place.33 wear and tear: 磨损,损耗 a carpet that stands up to the wear and tear of continual use / the wear and tear of modern city life

kettle: 水壶;锅 The kettle’s boiling./ This is a fine kettle of fish.I forgot my book.35 stand: There were still some empty seats in the stands./ customers at a watermelon stand

whim: 突然产生的念头,异想天开;冲动 do something on a whim / be governed by whim

exceptional: 例外的,异常的 He treated his em-ployees with exceptional cruelty./ There have been an exceptional number of rainy days.38 jolt: 震动,颠簸The coach jolted its passengers terribly over the miserable road./ That a few men have such far-reaching power gave the people quite a jolt.39 high-end: 高档的(即所谓高端的)

apron: 围裙,工作裙 wear a kitchen apron

economical: 节约,省俭的convert sunshine into economical energy / be economical of time/energy

Unit 3assure: 使确信;保证I can assure you of its qual-ity./ The dentist’s manner assured me that I was in safe hands.consist of: 组成,构成 The house consists of six rooms./ consist in: 在于,存在于 Her charm does not consist only in her beauty.dread: 怕,畏惧;忧虑,厌恶 I dread to think of what may happen./ have a dread of heightsdumb: She was born dumb./ the dumb millions 5 exhaust: 用完,耗尽(资源或力量)exhaust one’s patience / The soil was exhausted from years of careless farming.详尽地论述或研究 an exhaustive analysis of the policy 废气,废气等的排出 exhaust emissionfade: The color in this material will not fade./ His anger faded away.frank: 坦白的,真诚的,不加掩饰的 a frank reply / show frank distastehumiliate: 羞辱,使丢脸 They were proud men, humiliated at having to accept relief.hysterical: 歇斯底里的 an hysterical outburst of furyinterference: 干涉,干预,干扰 the outside inter-ference in a country / electronic interferencelocation: 位臵,地点,定位 This corner would make a good location for a gas station./ The captain located the ship’s position on the chart.proof: 证据,证明 Can you give proof that you are Spanish? 耐…的,能防…的 heatproof / fireproof13 scheme: 计划,规划,方案;阴谋诡计 a hydroelec-tric scheme / He suggested several schemes to in-crease sales./ a scheme to escape taxestalent: have a talent for languages(drawing)/ recruit athletic(acting)talenttwist: 转动,旋动;缠绕;编织;歪曲Twist the han-dle to the right./ The road twisted and turned across the hills./ He twisted my words.typical: 典型的,特有的 The painting is a typi-cal Rembrandt./ This is typical of you!welfare: 福利,康乐 neglect the welfare of the workers / a welfare recipientat any rate: 无论如何,至少 If he is stupid, he’s at any rate pleasant to look at.come over: 感到,成为 What has come over him? / come over fainthand down: 把…传下去This custom is handed down from the past.in unison: 共同,一起,一致 Her parents nodded in unison./ act in unisonsuspense: 挂心,悬念 The detective story kept me in suspense until the last chapter.know better than: 明事理(而不至于)You should know better than to go swimming right after eating.narrow down: 缩小,缩减,压缩 They narrowed success or failure for the conference to just 2 issues.25 squat: 蹲,盘腿坐 They squatted down to wait in the shade.simultaneous: 同时发生或进行的The audience burst into simultaneous applause./a simultaneous interpreterclench: 握紧,咬紧,收紧 Her teeth clenched on her lower lip./ clench one’s fists/teeth

-recipe: 烹饪法,食谱;诀窍 a recipe for success / a recipe for cookies / cook with a new recipemumble: 含糊地说,咕哝 He mumbled into si-lence./ a mumbled conversationvaccinate: 接种牛痘/疫苗 Has your child been vaccinated against smallpox?

Unit 4abuse: 滥用,妄用 He abused his privileges in activities outside his official capacity./ He abused my confidence in him.虐待 The arrested men have been physically abused.angle: I would like to hear your angle in this dispute / write a news story from investors’ angle3 annoy: 使恼怒,生气;骚扰 She was annoyed at his lighthearted attitude.appointment: 约定 They arranged an appoint-ment for next week./ a dental appointment 委任的职位 He received an appointment as ambassador 5 arrange: 安排,筹划,排列 arrange contacts be-tween the two people / arrange a conference / ar-range cards alphabeticallyclick: 点击 The door clicked shut.converse: 相反的,逆的 in the converse direction / His political views are the converse of mine.crawl: 爬,匍匐 The holiday traffic crawled along the highway.cue:(戏剧)提示,暗示,信号 at a cue from the di-rector / throw cues to sb.edit: Letters are subject to editing for reasons of space and clarity.flee: The enemy troops fled in utter confusion./ He should not flee from responsibility.interpret: 解释,理解 Poetry can hardly be in-terpreted./ The gift was generally interpreted as bribe.jar: 使感到不快;震动;不和谐 The platform jarred as a train rumbled by./ jar the ear14 nightmare: 梦魇,噩梦restore: 恢复,修复 restore an old custom / The relations between the two countries were restored to normal./ The old oil painting was handsomely re-stored.routine: 例行公事,惯例,日常的 start the daily routine / a routine conference / Despite these prob-lems, routine work is continuing.spit: He was spitting out the husks of sun-flower seeds on the floor./ spit out curses at sb.18 stretch: 伸出,延伸,舒展 stretch out a friendly hand to sb./ The forest stretched hundreds of miles.19 symptom: 征候,症状 Calls for import controls were a symptom of the country’s present economic disease.tone: 音调,语气,声调,色调 a tone of apology(command)/ Mandarin Chinese has four tones./ a photograph in war tonestune: 曲调,调整频率,使协调和谐 I don’t know the tune to this song./ The price of gold coins fluc-tuates in tune with commodities.via: book a ticket to Amsterdam via Frankfurt

/ send a message via a friend / via airmailvirtual: 事实上生效的,实质上的 the virtual manager of the business / a virtual impossibility 虚拟的 virtual imagesuck in: 吸收,吸取;卷入 suck in knowledge 25 but then: 但另一方面 The circus was not a very good one, but then, the audience was not de-manding.set apart: 使分开;留出(时间金钱等)set the fighting boys apart from each other / One day of the week should be set apart for relaxation.take in: 接受,吸收 Tankers were taking in cargoes of finished oil products.欺骗 He couldn’t lie convincingly enough to take a child in.accent: 重音,口音 She had a strong Russian accent to her English.groceries: 食品杂货(词根gross, wholesale)30 aversion: 厌恶,反感 have an aversion to war / He is averse to flattery / Preparedness averts peril.31 socialize: 社交,交际 leave oneself little time for socializing

critic: a film(musical, literary, dramatic)critic33 interaction: All things are interrelated and in-teract on each other./ interactive graphic systems34 in sight: 看得见;在望,临近He is nowhere in sight./ Peace was in sight at last after four years of war.35 temper: change the structure of steel by tem-pering it at various temperatures / be in a good(bad)temper / lose one’s temper

sensitive: She is sensitive to criticism.37 commercial: 商业广告

remark: A local newspaper remarked that in-flation was not to be checked for the time being.39 project: 投射 You’re projecting again: I’m not angry with you;it’s you who are angry with me.40 external: 外部的,表面的,外用的 an external wound His art criticism had external brilliance but no substance./ a medicine for external use only41 intolerable: 不能忍受,无法容忍的 an intolera-ble burden / an intolerable multitude of volumes

Unit 5alternate: 交替,轮流,间隔的 alternate crops / al-ternate hot and cold compresses / alternate stripes of blue and white / alternate currentcoincide: 同位,同时发生,相符 The centers of concentric circles coincide./ It was no coincidence that the two disappeared on the same day.dedicate: 奉献,献给 A monument was dedicat-ed to the memory of soldiers who had died there./ The doctor dedicated himself to finding a cure.grace: 优美,宽限(期),恩典 She ran well, grace in every movement./ give a year’s grace / There are 3 days of grace allowed after the day for payment.5 groan: 呻吟;抱怨She was groaning about some essays she had to write.intensity: 强烈,强度,烈度 the intensity of the sun’s ray /labor intensity /A minor earthquake jolted this morning with a maximum intensity of three.-mere: 只不过,仅仅 Mere words won’t help./ Her office lies a mere hundred yards away from her apartment.motion: The train was already in motion when he jumped in./ the dancer’s graceful motions / The motion was defeated by 32 votes to 23.numerous: 许多,众多 There are numerous dif-ferences between the two /be too numerous to count 10 recur: 再发生,复发,被反复提及 It this cheating recurs, you will be expelled./ Certain fevers recur at regular intervals./ This is a problem that recurs with increasing frequency.soar: 翱翔;猛增,高涨 an eagle soaring into the sky / The price of food is soaring.startle: 使惊吓,惊人的 The horse startles easily./ a startling discoverytense: 拉紧的,紧张(局势)Is the rope tense? tension: 紧张,张力 Int’l tension should be reduced when this agreement is signed./ a tension test14 upper: a man somewhere in his upper thirties 15 vain: vain talk / All our work was in vain.自负: be vain of one’s appearancebe ashamed of: I am ashamed of myself for being so stupid.bring back to earth: 回到现实 Emily’s voice brought him back to earth.towel: I think it’s time to throw in the towel.19 vault: 跳跃(尤指手支撑跳或撑杆跳)The jockey vaulted into the saddle./ Her gymnastics perfor-mances vaulted her from obscurity to renown.locomotive: 机车 animals that are locomotive at birthhard-core: 铁杆,顽固不化的 the four hard-core leaders of the gangmotto: 座右铭,箴言;警句,题词chore(s): 杂务 free the teachers from some of their choresinflate: His modest exploits have been inflated to heroic proportions./ The government would in-flate the economy and then put on price controls.25 bale: 大包,大捆 a bale of cotton / He helped bale hay.sprint: 冲刺,短跑 put on a final sprint to pre-pare for the Olympic Gamestakeoff: The plane was so over-weighted that it nearly crashed on takeoff./ The postwar takeoff was particularly painful.erupt: 喷发,爆发 The volcano is due to erupt any day./ New violence and strikes erupted in that region.thump:(拟声词)重击,嘭声 The dictionary fell to the floor with a thump.sponsor: The firm is sponsoring an engineer-ing student at the university./ Who was the sponsor for the reform bill?

in one’s mind’s eye: 在头脑中想象 She was writing her next piece in her mind’s eye

Unit 6abnormal: 反常的,异常的 abnormal behavior /

an abnormal amount of rain / abnormal powers of recollectionbuzz: 嗡嗡,磁磁 The hall buzzed with whis-pered comments./ Buzz when you want me.3 convert: convert coal into pipeline gascrave: 渴望得到;恳求 The unhappy children craved their parents’ love./ I crave to hear his voice5 decent: 得体的,正派的,像样的 She did not have a decent dress for the ball./ Some decent black people were robbed./ decent working conditions 6 distinguish: 区分,辨别,使著名 distinguish facts from rumors / distinguish the sound of a piano in an orchestra / He distinguished himself in chemistry.7 faulty: faulty judgment(design, memory)flexible: 可弯曲,有弹性;灵活的 a flexible sche-dule /flexible foreign policy /flexible working hours9 hybrid: 杂交,混合 artificial hybrids of DNA and RNA / They’ll have a steam or electric car, or may-be a hybrid, soon in their garages.imply: 暗指,暗示,意味着 His silence implied consent./ Drama implies conflict.indication: Modesty is the indication of a great spirit./ In case of collapse the immediate indication is artificial respiration.ironic: 挖苦的,讽刺的 an ironic smile / There was irony in his tone.mechanical: a mechanical failure / mechanical applications of scienceminiature: 微缩的,小型,缩影 a miniature of the Eiffel Tower / a miniature book / Games are real life in miniature.panic: 恐慌,惊慌 Panic overwhelmed me./ The crowd panicked at the sound of the guns.premise: 前提,假设 a necessary premise to an argument / the major and minor premises on which a conclusion is basedshudder: 车辆震动;人打颤,发抖The ship shud-dered as she struck the rocks./ She gave a great shudder of pleasure from time to time.stumble: 绊脚,蹒跚;偶然遇到,碰巧 He stum-bled out of the bar to look for a cab./ Guess who I stumbled across yesterday? / stumble on a book / stumble into chaostransmission: 传送,输送;传染 the long-dis-tance transmission and distribution of electricity / the transmission of diseases /On top of the televi-sion tower, there is a steel transmission mast.herd: 兽群,牧群;人群herds of cattle and flocks of sheep and goats / Camels are grazing in herds.21 can’t help doing: 情不自禁,不自觉做某事grit(one’s teeth): 沙砾,磨料;坚定;咬紧,磨 She gritted her teeth and plunged into the cold water.23 when it comes to: 涉及,谈到 When it comes to politics I know nothing.guzzle: 狂饮,大量消耗 The wine was guzzled like lemonade./ ban cars that guzzle gasoline25 fluorescent: 荧光的,发荧光的 fluor: 萤石incredible: 不可信的;不可思议的,惊人的 The plot of the book is incredible./ at incredible speed / incredible news

Unit 7addition: He will be a valuable addition to our board./ an additional taxalternative:(两者或以上)择一,取舍,供替代的抉择 face the alternative of high taxes or poor highways / Is there any alternative to surgery? / We have no al-ternative in the matter.arouse: 唤起,激起 The music aroused an in-tense feeling of homesickness in him.ban:(以官方明令)禁止,查禁 announce a 30-day ban on hunting / lift the ban against foreign publi-cationsconquer: 攻克,征服 conquer shyness(one’s fear)/ They vowed to right and to conquer.corrupt: 腐败的,堕落的,(词语等)不纯的 The new rulers soon became corrupt./ Bad company may corrupt a good boy./These expressions merely cor-rupt your good English.descend: 下降,递减,起源于,是…的后裔 The sun descended behind the hills./ The countries supply-ing these products, in descending order, are the US, Germany…/ The festival descends from a religious rite./ His family descend from the first immigrants.8 drift: Some people have a purpose in life, others just drift./ a drift of population9 élite: 精英 a privileged elite / the elite of the army / the scientific elite / an elite corpsestablish: 建立,立足,确立 establish dams and windbreaks / an established fact / Cartoonists have established themselves as powerful social com-mentators.fascinate: 强烈地吸引,迷住 a vivacity that fas-cinates the audience / be fascinated with history12 habitual:习惯性的,惯常的 the habitual Sunday walk / She took her habitual place at the tableinhabit: 居住于,栖息;存在于 Fish inhabit the sea./ Near him, I could almost believe I still inha-bited my old days.invade: The Nazis invaded France in 1940./ I object to our family privacy being invaded.liberty: Students have liberty to use all the li-brary facilities./ take the liberty to do something.(冒昧地做某事)massive: 大块的,大量的,大规模的 a massive volume of 800 pages / make massive efforts / mas-sive hemorrhage / provide massive helpmodify: 修改,改造,修饰 modify a law(policy)Those aircraft were extensively modified and im-proved./Adverbs modify verbs, adjectives and oth-er adverbs.necessity: He’ll never learn German until the necessity arises./ Maps are a necessity to travelers / Man dies as a necessity./ Necessity knows no law.19 nourish: 养育,培养,助长 The country has ab-undant raw materials to nourish and develop her industries./A variety of animals nourish themselves on vegetables.resemble: 相似,形似,类似 He bears a striking resemblance to his father./ resemble each other in appearance or natureroyal: the royal family / Royal Air Forcesnack: 快餐,点心,小吃 buy a snack at a road-side stand / a mid-night snacksurrender: surrender one’s privileges / The enemy troops surrendered themselves to the PLA./ The glorious spring surrendered to the long summer 24 systematic: systematic classification / syste-matic habits / abolish all systems of exploitation of man by mantolerance: 宽容,容忍,耐受(药)Tolerance be-tween the races of the world is a must./ I’ve built up a tolerance to the drugs prescribed for me.come up with:(针对问题)提出,想出 He could always come up with a reason for them to linger another month.for effect: Here the speaker paused for effect28 put into practice: 付诸实践,实施 put principles into practice / He put his plans to practice.spring up: 涌现,(友谊等)产生 New buildings are springing up everywhere./ An attachment sprang up between him and her.strike out: 设计出,搞出,开辟 strike out a new plan / He decided to leave the company to strike out on his own as a writer.31 to an extent: To what extent would you believe it? / These shortages do not exist to the extent that you report / within the extent of human knowledge32 messy: a messy bed / messy thinking

parade: 庆祝游行,列队接受检阅parade through Tiananmen Square / The troops are on parade

corrupt: 腐败的;(文中解释为)充斥讹误的,不标准的,不纯的 speak a corrupt form of French / These expressions merely corrupt your good English.35 manufacture: manufacture paper from rags / manufacture steel into rails

pass on to: pass on extra labor costs to the consumer / He is passing on his knowledge to team mates.37 disciple: 门徒,信徒(与discipline词根相同)38 sovereign: 君主的,至尊的,拥有独立主权的 the rose, sovereign among flowers / a sovereign state / They refuse to give up sovereign over the island.39 renaissance: 复兴 a renaissance of interest in archaeology / the explosive renaissance of the Brit-ish theater in the late 1950s

capsule: 胶囊,航天舱,密封舱

catastrophe: 原指古希腊悲剧第4幕,现泛指灾难,结局 the catastrophe of war

thermometer: 温度计 thermo-表示“热”43 cyberspace: 网络空间/虚拟现实

academy: the U.S.Military Academy at West Point / the Chinese Academy of Sciences

shoot: 嫩芽,新枝 The rose trees are shooting this year.46 preserve: Few of his early poems are pre-served./ preserve fish in salt / a panda preserve / apricot preserves

intellectual: 智力的,知识的,知识分子 intellec-tual curiosity / an intellectual worker / intellectual property rights
