


小学生寒假英语日记 篇1

I try hard to adapt myself to it. Why? Because I intend to be a good student. I wish to render service to my country. I get up at six o’clock every day. After I wash my face and brush my teeth, 我每天六点起床、洗脸刷牙后,我就回家了。


小学生寒假英语日记 篇2

本研究的研究思路为:采用文献研究法, 调查研究, 比较分析以及实验法来推进课题研究的开展。

通过文献研究了解当前国内外初中生寒假学习情况;并进一步通过问卷调查, 了解初中生寒假英语词汇学习的情况;在统计分析上述调查结果的基础上, 综合采用得出不同年龄段的学生在寒假学习安排;其后, 通过Moodle平台的词汇学习成果展示, 比较学生在家自学英语新课和接受培训机构辅导学习的差异, 初步了解寒假里初中生不同学习方式的效果;在实验过程中伴随相应的访谈, 作为了更深入的了解及反馈信息的获得, 更深入地了解学生、家长、教师对此看法。

2 文献综述及背景

2.1 上海初中英语教材使用研究

牛津版教材配有生动插图, 结合趣味性课文, 为学生呈现一种强烈的时代感, 尤其展现上海地方特色。教材内容起步较高, 题材丰富, 信息量大。课文语言表达地道, 同类话题多次出现, 编排比较科学。学生在学习过程中培养了自己的能力, 特别是逐渐意识到语言作为工具的本质, 学会利用语言工具解决各类任务 (比如采访和调查) 的运用能力。除了教学参考资料外, 学生还配有各种练习册以及音像图片资料等课外教材。

《新世纪初中英语》具备原统编教材的优点, 其特色是比较重视语法结构和语言功能。编写体系中融合了主题教学法、任务型教学法以及结构功能法。教材增加输入量, 力求扩大信息量, 从听、说、读、写四个角度培养学生的综合素质。练习以任务型教学法为主线, 提高练习中得交际化程度, 课堂中注重学生中心的理念, 辅以现代化教学手法, 与应试教育脱钩, 让学生完成中学学习后初步具备英语交流能力。

2.2 国内外新课学习的研究现状

孟娟 (2009) 在《提高中学英语教学有效性的几点尝试》中指出, 预习是在正式学习之前对新内容进行初步自学的过程。当学生发现自己的归纳总结和感知接近于教师和书本上的观点时, 他们便会获得成功的体验, 由此可强化其主动学习的兴趣和信心。邓永超 (2007) 在《中学生英语学习习惯的培养》表明, 预习是指学生在课前对将要学习的知识进行自主学习的过程。培养学生养成良好的学习习惯对他们以后的学习乃至一生都至关重要。谢昭奎 (2007) 在《谈培养中学生英语学习的习惯》强调学生通过看书、思考、查资料, 结合前面学过的知识, 基本能回答这些问题。在这一预习过程中, 学生不但了解了有关的知识点, 做到开学后上课心中有数, 而且复习了以前学过的知识, 为学习新知识点扫除了障碍, 久而久之, 就能养成良好的预习习惯。此外, 叶小红 (2001) , 赵素琴 (2005) , 周亚娟 (2009) , 王鸿羚 (2007) 等讨论了预习对于学习习惯的养成, 学习成绩的提高的不同作用, 部分学者认为教师在培养学生形成自学的习惯过程中扮演着举足轻重的角色。教师应当督促指导学生设立专门的预习本, 循序渐进地教会学生养成一套符合自己学习特点的习惯。

3 实践探索及简析

3.1 预习新课目标

英国教育家洛克认为:“一切教育都归结为养成儿童的良好习惯, 往往自己的幸福都归结于自己的习惯。”埃德加·富尔在《学会生存》一文中精辟地指出:“未来的文盲, 不再是不识字的人, 而是没有学会怎样学习的人。”顾名思义, 学生接触新课之前应当进行主动的学习活动, 那是学习知识的前提, 目的是为了对新课内容有所涉猎, 培养学生了解知识点得变换和延伸, 巩固理解已知, 明确勾勒未知。把预习工作做到位, 为新课学习做好心理准备。

3.2 学生英语预习信念分析

1) 寒假新课预习情况

在徐汇区、长宁区、黄浦区等校区的问卷调研中, 初步调查显示, 学生普遍自觉性不高, 且年龄偏小者现象更为突出, 见图1。

本次调研预备、初一、初二三组学生均是30人, 进行新课预习的学生为32人, 占据百分比约为36%。数据显示, 预备、初一、初二新课预习学生人数分别是7人、11人、14人。经过通家长的沟通发现, 孩子的自觉性有待于培养, 他们自主性心理尚缺, 学习心理仍在处于培养期。

2) 学生新课预习途径

许多家长认为家庭教育已经远不能满足孩子成长的需要, 因此他们诉诸各种有效途径力求为孩子的教育推波助澜。目前市场上比较盛行的是培训班和家教, 当然还包括其他形式, 见图2。

通过数据发现, 参加培训学习的学生比较多。许多家长认为培训学习能够提供较为完整的授课体系, 教材的选择和师资的配备比较好。许多教师来自比较有名的重点学校, 有时候不乏硕士、博士和外教授课, 而且教学环境良好, 设备齐全。家长请教师上门授课相对较少, 一般家长希望填补孩子学习中的不足, 使得学生的学习更加完满。

3) 学生新课预习内容覆盖面

研究发现中学生的外语学习主要涉及听力、口语、阅读、写作、语法和词汇, 见图3。

目前, 教师授课时强调最多的一般是词汇语法, 因为这对于第二语言学习者来说的确是难点和重点。培训学校单独开设语法词汇重点强化, 学生都会踊跃报名参加。根据授课教师反映, 朗文SBS教学中口语强化已经有所改观。培训学校的学生来自各所中学, 学生情况层次不齐。徐汇区上海世界外国语中学的学生的美式发音较之其他学校学生有明显差异, 这跟校方的教材选择和教学手段有着一定联系。

4) 学生新课预习态度

图4数据显示, 家长强制预习的学生人数较少。经了解, 学生没有主动将学习情况反映给家长。部分家长是在查验子女学习作业布置情况时, 才发现有新课预习的教学任务。家长表示, 他们也支持孩子在新课上提前花些功夫。寒假英语学习中的预习, 也是类似的情况, 以黄浦区昂立中学生、徐汇区爵士英语、长宁区科艺等培训机构中, 我们发现, 大多数的学生是想在这个短暂的假期好好休息一下, 而家长为了学生在新学期赢在起跑线上或弥补上学期的不足, 因此家长把学生寒假学习当成了临时充电站。

4 研究分析及反思

在英语新课的学习过程中, 实验班在培训机构教师的导引下接受新课学习, 各小区选定的30名初中生在家进行其自我新课预习。研究表明, 处于相同起点和教学条件的学生中, 学习态度和习惯的好坏能够造成成绩差异, 见图5。

虽然预习方式、学习环境不同, 但学生普遍认为经过一系列预习之后, 上课的时候精力容易集中, 课后复习时感觉良好。选择“一般”和“无用”的学生表示, 预习之后可以减轻课堂紧张和恐惧感。

然而, 除去个别学生的个人主观因素, 根据预习成效考试结果表明, 大多数学生在接受培训机构新课预习的效果优于家教单独授课, 而接受家教单独授课的预习效果又大于学生自我学习新课的效果。这一结论就折射出, 学生学习习惯和自学能力的问题。在我国中学, 由于长期的应试教育, 激烈的分数竞争, 大部分学生形成了依赖心理:老师告诉我们怎么做, 我们就怎么做;老师教我们做什么, 我们就做什么。总之, 老师教的就是我们学的。因此, 教师在学生自学能力培养中起着重要的作用。

初中英语教材内容丰富多样, 话题涉及家庭、自然、爱好、食物、动物等。并且牛津教材知识体系螺旋上升型的特点使得同一个话题在同年级反复出现, 这就需要多样化的预习作业。学生预习成果的有效完成有赖于教师对预习方法的具体指导。因此, 放假前, 教师对每一个预习环节都要作方法及其要求的细致讲解:预习什么?怎么预习?预习到什么程度?为学生设计具体的预习目标及提纲, 以预习单形式发到每位学生手里, 这样学生预习起来才有章可依, 有法可用。对于中学生来说, 具备恰当的学习方法和良好的学习习惯才能充分发挥学生的积极性和能动性, 有利于学生发掘自身的潜能。

5 项目总结及展望

教育家陶行知曾经说过:“好的先生不是教书, 而是教学生, 而是教学生学。”培养学生养成良好的学习习惯对他们以后的学习乃至一生都至关重要。良好的学习习惯直接影响学生的学习过程、学习质量和学习效果, 因为习惯是学生形成长期行为定势, 如果是积极向上的, 那么对其今后的发展很有意义。新课预习初步了解新课内容, 培养学生主动学习英语的良好习惯, 同时对扫除课堂学习的知识障碍、有利于避免听课处于被动地位、发现自己不能独立解决的问题和增强听课的针对性颇有助益。任课教师提前布置预习作业, 制定周密的预习任务, 可以有效帮助学生提高寒假期间的预习效果。

针对此次研究, 结合英语教学的实际, 抓住英语学科识记任务重的特点, 给学生传授以下的预习方法:

1) 反复记忆法:将生词分组若干组, 每组单词不超过5个;

2) 音形义结合法:鉴于英语是表音字母文字, 而音形是有内在联系的, 鼓励学生进行反复朗读书写;

3) 留难存疑法:要求学生带着问题预习, 把预习过程中疑难问题记录下来, 留待课堂交流讨论。

小学生寒假英语日记参考 篇3


to waste and to lose the way. We only have two years. Two years to go, we were still talking about the new school and new friends. Yes! A year later, we have grown riper. And we learned much more things and got new life. We haven’t enough time to play, we will get the real life which belongs to us. ,。

January 27 2008 Today, I will take a job and work. It’ time for me to begin to learn how to work. January28 2008 I have rested for a week. I began to feel bored. So I went out with my friends. They are my best friends in the middle school. We didn’t go to someplace special. We just saw the other. We had lunch together. While we were having lunch, but I think I should share the work with them. I am one of my family member. In the future, so was my father. They always live in Beijing. They must get up early. Because they will manage the factory. So I know they are very laborious. So I should save my money. Also I should help them. Although I can’t do something useful, I still went to my mother’s office. My mother was very busy。

小学生寒假英语日记50字带翻译 篇4

xiaomei and i went out this morning. we went to the city centre. we went window shopping, and then we had lunch at the restaurant. we didn’t buy anything as we didn’t have much money, but we still had a wonderful time.


初一寒假英语日记 篇5

This week I mostly stayed at home and did some homework.Last Saturday HP6 had just come out.And many Harry Potter fans went to buy it.I did’t buy it because it was too expensive, but I downloaded it on the Internet.It was in English.Many people went on translating as soon as the book came out.I also took part in it and became a part of the translating group.From this group, I first realized that my English was so poor.I needed to look up in the dictionary all the time.It was really troublesome.But I withheld and withheld.I had translated many paragraphs.I was the youngest among the translators, but I didn’t feel there was much pressure.This work was hard but I really felt happy.We had already finished nearly 20 chapters.January 13 2005

It was the first day of our winter holiday.All of us were very happy.Why? Because we have one months to do things we love to do.We are free.Although we have some homework.But we can finish them in several days.And the rest time we can make good use of.My god!We have been very tired after hard studying.In winter holidays, I want to have full sleep and eat good food in order to replenish myself.Last but not the least, I will have a good rest.January 14 2005

It was the second day of our winter holiday.I felt good.I felt I’m free.I had a lot of time to do things I like.My parents are in Beijing.So I live alone but I don’t feel lonely.But I didn’t do something special.I stayed at home and watched TV.Oh!I wrote an English daily composition.It was my homework.Today, I have slept for 14 hours.I thought I was very tired.It was time for dinner.I must go!I am very hungry.January 15 2005

It was the third day of our winter holiday.Today, there are many business in my mother’s company.So my mother told me to help my uncle who is the manager of my mother’s company.I sat in my mother’s office and help her answer the telephone.While I was free, I was writing my homework.Although I also have a lot of time to do my homework, I still do it.Because in my mother’s office,I had nothing to do.If I did nothing, I was wasting my time and my life.I can’t do the foolish thing.We should take good use of our time.January 16 2005

It is a special day today.My mother sent one hundred basket of red bayberries.I like to eat red bayberries.It tastes nice.When they arrived in Shanghai, they were still fresh.But most of them would be sent to my mother’s business friends.I chose the best basket of red bayberries to eat.I put the rest in my refrigerator.Red bayberry is my hometown’s special product.It is well-known in china.Many people like to eat it.January 17 2005

Today, I still went to my mother’s office.My mother was very busy, so was my father.They always live in Beijing.They must get up early.Because they will manage the factory.So I know they are very laborious.So I should save my money.Also I should help them.Although I can’t do something useful, but I think I should share the work with them.I am one of my family member.In the future, I will take a job and work.It’ time for me to begin to learn how to work.January 18 2005

I have rested for a week.I began to feel bored.So I went out with my friends.They are my best friends in the middle school.We didn’t go to someplace special.We just saw the other.We had lunch together.While we were having lunch, we were still talking about the new school and new friends.Yes!A year later, we have grown riper.And we learned much more things and got new life.We haven’t enough time to play, to waste and to lose the way.We only have two years.Two years to go, we will get the real life which belongs to us.January 19 2005

I have stayed in Shanghai alone for a week.It’s time for me to go to my real home—it is in Beijing.My parents are waiting for me.Although outside is no matter how beautiful, Beijing is still my home.In fact, there is many fresh things.Like red bayberries.In the afternoon, I took a bus to Beijing.I was very unlucky that my mp3 was stolen.I was very sad.I didn’t know why thieves went to steal other’s things.Why don’t they hunt for a job? I don’t why!I hope there is no thief in our motherland.January 20 2005

When I got home, it was very dark.Why? There is no electric.Every year in Beijing, there is lack of electric to supply.Because there are a lot of factories.And it is very cold in winter.So the government decided: supply electric to resident and the factories must stop working.My house is in the manufacturing district.I was unlucky.It was very cold.So my father use the electric making machine to make electric.Oh!What a unlucky winter!

January 21 2005

It was cooler than yesterday.One of my father’s friends invited me to eat red bayberries.You must know it is unusual.Because we will climb the hill to eat red bayberries.There is no chance to eat red bayberries in the hill for the people who don’t live in Beijing.On the hill, you can breathe the fresh air, you can listen birds singing and you can eat red bayberries.It was enjoyable.It is said there are wild pigs in the hill.What a beautiful natural.January 22 2005

Today I found time was a cruel thing.Whatever man is, time always goes on.It won’t stay to wait for somebody.You can’t use anything to exchange time.Time is also a fair thing.Although you have a lot of money or you enjoy high reputation, time won’t leave them more.Today I found I hadn’t enough time.Although I have 50-day holiday, but I found I had a lot of things to do.I had a lot of homework to do and I had something necessary to do.January 23 2005

I have rested for 10 days.In these days, I felt very bored.I didn’t know to do what.Although I had a lot of things to do, I felt uncomfortable.I was ill because of the cold weather.I was tired, sleepy and had no strength.My parents are worried about my health.in fact, it didn’t matter.I was always in the room with air-conditioner and opened it in a low temperature.So when I went out, the high temperature disagreed to me.Finally, I was ill.January 24 2005

Today, when I awaked up, I found the air-conditioner didn’t work.I used the control, but it still didn’t work.I knew the air-conditioner was in troubl

e.I went downstairs.My father told me two air-conditioner and two computer had been broken.Because my father used electric making machine to make electric, so the voltage was not stable.It led to the trouble.Oh!Whenever the government will let the factory use electric? If it lasts longer, I will be crazy!

January 25 2005

It doesn’t matter that the air-conditioner has been broken.But my notebook-computer also was broken.I really don’t know what to do.So I went to play basketball.I didn’t know any one in that place.And I was the first time to go there to play basketball.At first, there was no person playing basketball.So I played basketball alone.A few minutes later, some students came to play.So we played together.Of course, we had a match.And It lasts two hours.After the match, I felt I would be dead.I was too tired.January 25 2005

No computer, I will not know to do what.I have no solution to the problem.So I sent my notebook-computer to the Asus computer company.I must have my computer repaired.And the other one, it was thoroughly broken.It can’t be repaired again.The computer company told me that my notebook computer needed one week to repair.The electric led to all trouble.And many electrical appliances are broken.I don’t know when our country can solve the problem.January 26 2005

I have lost two computers, but I had another one.I bought it about five years ago.It can be called curio.Though it was old.But it can still work.Although it works slowly, I was pleased.I can go on internet again.Chatting with my friends is a good relaxing.In the internet, one of my old friends invited me to tomorrow’s party.He told me that some friends would go, too.So I promised to go.A-ha!I can see my old friends.I was very happy and hopeful.January 27 2005

It was sunny today.I was excited.I got up at a quarter to seven.I made a appointment to meet at nine o’clock.After I had my breakfast, I went to the city center of Beijing.It was cold outside.When I arrived, my friends didn’t arrive.I waited for him in front of the KFC’s door.I haven’t seen them for a year.And in a year, we didn’t come into contact with others frequently.Abo

ut ten minutes left, my friends arrived one by one.After we greeted, we went to the 5-star restaurant to have lunch.The lunch cost us 800 yuan.Oh, dear!They were all very rich, and one was poor.January 28 2005

Yesterday we played happily, but there were only ten people.I remembered last year there were twenty-two people at all.I heard some my friends had gone abroad.They went abroad to study.Maybe I couldn’t see them in the future.I think next year we won’t make a party.Next year is a very important year.We all will prepare for the college entrance examination.It is the most important for us now.January 29 2005

I was bored.So I wanted to travel to Hong Kang.I told my father my decision.To my surprise, my father agreed.My father thought I always at home was bad.He thought I should go out to see our country clearly.How beautiful our country is!My father drove me a travel service.I filled out an application form.After that, the agency would finish every things.At last the agency told me it would take a week time to transact procedures.January 30 2005

The screen of my father’s mobile telephone is broken.When you open the mobile telephone, the screen is always white with light.You can’t see from the screen.And my father is a businessman.He needed a new one.So my father and I went to the electrical appliance shop.There are many new kinds of mobile telephones.At first, my father chose a Sumsung one.But all the telephones have sold out.Finally, my father chose a Motorola one.January 31 2005

The food in Shanghai disagree me.I think the food in Beijing is the most delicious.Seafood in Beijing is very fresh.Prawns in restaurant are all alive.And there are many food that you can’t see in other cities.It is very cheap that you eat seafood in Beijing.The less money you pay, the more enjoyable you are.Maybe my stomach is ill.Whatever food I eat, I am still thin.And I am too thin, I want to be a litter fatter.So I must eat more.February 1 2005

My dog will be dead.She is very old.We have kept her for ten years.Now her hairs are falling.And she always lies on the ground.She can’t see very clearly.She eats a little.She becomes thin.She was very strong before.She is still guarding my family.She is one of my family member.Now we are all uneasy because she will die.I think you may know my thinking.Even if it is a dog, you can’t forget it.So these days, we feet her the best food As is well known, books teach us to learn life, truth, science and many other useful things.They increase our knowledge, broaden our minds and strengthen our character.In other words, they are our good teachers and wise friends.This is the reason why our parents always encourage us to read more books.Reading is a good thing, but we must pay GREat attention to the choice of books.It is true that we can derive benefits from good books.However, bad books will do us more harm than good.如众所周知,书籍教我们学习人生,真理,科学以及其它许多有用的东西。它们增加我们的知识,扩大我们的心胸并加强我们的品格。换句话说,它们是我们的良师益友。这是为什么我们的父母终是鼓励我们要多读书的理由。

大学生寒假社会实践报告 篇6

一个月的社会实践, 就这样一晃而过, 却让我从中领悟到了很多东西, 而这些知识将让我终生受用。在这一个多月里, 我主要负责的工作是当客人来时及时的给客人倒红茶, 有时帮同事做一些其他的事情, 还有就是走一下配餐。在这过程中, 我采用了看、问、学等方式, 初步了解了这个餐厅的工作中的一些相关流程, 拓展了我所学的相关知识。为以后正常工作的展开奠定了坚实的基础, 从个人发展方面来说, 对我影响最大的应该是我们的领班的工作作风以及感到在工作过程中一些管理人员的知识对工作的重要, 因为这些都是我在校学习中不曾接触过的。

人生难免会遇到挫折, 没有经历过失败的人生不是完整的人生, 遇到挫折时, 不妨以调整心态来舒解压力, 面对挫折。遇到挫折时应冷静分析, 从客观、主观、目标、环境、条件等方面, 找出受挫的原因, 采取有效的补救措施。树立一个辩证的挫折观, 常保持自信和乐观的态度, 认识到正是挫折和教训才使我们变得聪明和成熟。正是失败才最终造就了成功。学会自我宽慰, 容忍挫折, 心怀坦荡, 情绪乐观, 发奋图强;善于化压力为动力, 改变内心的压抑状态, 以求身心轻松, 重新获取成功, 从而面向未来。在这里工作必须要正确表达领导意图, 正确地办事, 对客人来吃饭, 我们要礼貌用语, 言行要有所分寸, 字能达意。它在一定程度上保证了做事的效率以及客人对餐厅服务的满意程度。另外有助于达到做事信息传递的准确性, 涉及的方面很多, 简要地说, 就是:发文要准, 办事要稳, 情况要实, 主意要慎。而要做到这些, 必须态度认真, 踏实, 不能疏忽大意, 不能马虎潦草。对于这些高要求, 我还差得远, 但在这里实习后我学会和养成了很多好习惯。


每天上班, 遇到的都是自己的同事以及陌生的客人。我微笑着和他们打招呼。从那天起, 我养成了一个习惯, 每天早上见到他们都要微笑的说声“早安”或“早上好”, 那是我心底真诚的问候。往往一些细微的东西容易被我们忽略, 轻轻的一声问候, 却表达了对同事、对朋友的关怀, 也让他人感觉到了被重视与被关心。仅仅几天的时间, 我就和领导们打成一片, 我想, 应该是我的真诚, 换取了领导的信任。他们把我当朋友, 也愿意把工作分配给我。给我讲工作流程, 给我讲了好多, 增长了见识。


沟通是一种重要的技巧, 时时都要巧妙运用。认识一个人, 首先要记住对方的名字。了解一个人, 则需要深入的交流。而这些, 都要自己主动去做。


其实, 不管在哪个行业, 热情和信心都是不可或缺的。热情让我们对工作充满激情, 愿意为共同的目标而奋斗;耐心又让我们细致对待工作, 力求做好每个细节, 精益求精。激情与耐心互补促进, 才能碰撞出最美丽的火花, 工作才能做到最好。


如果你不想让自己在紧急的时候手忙脚乱, 就要养成讲究条理性的好习惯。“做什么事情都要有条理, ”这是我们领班给我的忠告。其它的工作也一样, 讲究条理能让你事半功倍。社会才是学习和受教育的大课堂, 在那片广阔的天地里, 我们的人生价值得到了体现, 为将来更加激烈的竞争打下了更为坚实的基础。希望以后还有这样的机会, 让我从实践中得到锻炼。

通过在职的一个多月里, 我深感自己的不足, 我会在以后的工作学习中更加努力, 取长补短, 需心求教。相信自己会在以后的工作中更加得心应手, 表现更加出色!不管是在什么地方任职, 都会努力!这一次的社会实践使我明白;大学生只有通过自身的不断努力, 拿出百尺竿头的干劲, 胸怀会当凌绝顶的状态, 不断提高自身的综合素质, 在与社会的接触过程中, 减少磨合期的碰撞, 加快融入社会的步伐, 才能在人才高地上站稳脚跟, 才能扬起理想的风帆, 驶向成功的彼岸。

摘要:在大学里学的不仅是知识, 而是一种叫做自学的能力, 参加工作后才能深刻体会这句话的含义。在工作的这一个月中, 既有收获的喜悦, 也有一些遗憾。也许是实习日子短和我并非是这相关专业的关系, 对有些工作的认识仅仅停留在表面, 只是在看人做, 听人讲如何做, 未能够亲身感受、具体处理一些工作, 所以未能领会其精髓。但时通过实习, 加深了我对管理专业基本知识的了解, 懂得了既要注重理论知识的学习, 更重要的是要把实践与理论两者紧密相结合。

初二英语寒假日记 篇7

it was the first day of our winter holiday. all of us were very happy. why? because we have one months to do things we love to do. we are free. although we have some homework. but we can finish them in several days. and the rest time we can make good use of. my god! we have been very tired after hard studying. in winter holidays, i want to have full sleep and eat good food in order to replenish myself. last but not the least, i will have a good rest.

january 14 XX

it was the second day of our winter holiday. i felt good. i felt i’m free. i had a lot of time to do things i like. my parents are in beijing. so i live alone but i don’t feel lonely. but i didn’t do something special. i stayed at home and watched tv. oh! i wrote an english daily composition. it was my homework. today, i have slept for 14 hours. i thought i was very tired. it was time for dinner. i must go! i am very hungry.

january 15 XX

it was the third day of our winter holiday. today, there are many business in my mother’s company. so my mother told me to help my uncle who is the manager of my mother’s company. i sat in my mother’s office and help her answer the telephone. while i was free, i was writing my homework. although i also have a lot of time to do my homework, i still do it. because in my mother’s office, i had nothing to do. if i did nothing, i was wasting my time and my life. i can’t do the foolish thing. we should take good use of our time.

january 16 XX

it is a special day today. my mother sent one hundred basket of red bayberries. i like to eat red bayberries. it tastes nice. when they arrived in shanghai, they were still fresh. but most of them would be sent to my mother’s business friends. i chose the best basket of red bayberries to eat. i put the rest in my refrigerator. red bayberry is my hometown’s special product. it is well-known in china. many people like to eat it.

january 17 XX

today, i still went to my mother’s office. my mother was very busy, so was my father. they always live in beijing. they must get up early. because they will manage the factory. so i know they are very laborious. so i should save my money. also i should help them. although i can’t do something useful, but i think i should share the work with them. i am one of my family member. in the future, i will take a job and work. it’ time for me to begin to learn how to work.

january 18 XX

i have rested for a week. i began to feel bored. so i went out with my friends. they are my best friends in the middle school. we didn’t go to someplace special. we just saw the other. we had lunch together. while we were having lunch, we were still talking about the new school and new friends. yes! a year later, we have grown riper. and we learned much more things and got new life. we haven’t enough time to play, to waste and to lose the way. we only have two years. two years to go, we will get the real life which belongs to us.

january 19 XX

i have stayed in shanghai alone for a week. it’s time for me to go to my real home—it is in beijing. my parents are waiting for me. although outside is no matter how beautiful, beijing is still my home. in fact, there is many fresh things. like red bayberries. in the afternoon, i took a bus to beijing. i was very unlucky that my mp3 was stolen. i was very sad. i didn’t know why thieves went to steal other’s things. why don’t they hunt for a job? i don’t why! i hope there is no thief in our motherland.

january 20 XX

when i got home, it was very dark. why? there is no electric. every year in beijing, there is lack of electric to supply. because there are a lot of factories. and it is very cold in winter. so the government decided: supply electric to resident and the factories must stop working. my house is in the manufacturing district. i was unlucky. it was very cold. so my father use the electric making machine to make electric. oh! what a unlucky winter!

january 21 XX

it was cooler than yesterday. one of my father’s friends invited me to eat red bayberries. you must know it is unusual. because we will climb the hill to eat red bayberries. there is no chance to eat red bayberries in the hill for the people who don’t live in beijing. on the hill, you can breathe the fresh air, you can listen birds singing and you can eat red bayberries. it was enjoyable. it is said there are wild pigs in the hill. what a beautiful natural.

january 22 XX

today i found time was a cruel thing. whatever man is, time always goes on. it won’t stay to wait for somebody. you can’t use anything to exchange time. time is also a fair thing. although you have a lot of money or you enjoy high reputation, time won’t leave them more. today i found i hadn’t enough time. although i have 50-day holiday, but i found i had a lot of things to do. i had a lot of homework to do and i had something necessary to do.

january 23 XX

i have rested for 10 days. in these days, i felt very bored. i didn’t know to do what. although i had a lot of things to do, i felt uncomfortable. i was ill because of the cold weather. i was tired, sleepy and had no strength. my parents are worried about my health. in fact, it didn’t matter. i was always in the room with air-conditioner and opened it in a low temperature. so when i went out, the high temperature disagreed to me. finally, i was ill.

january 24 XX

today, when i awaked up, i found the air-conditioner didn’t work. i used the control, but it still didn’t work. i knew the air-conditioner was in trouble. i went downstairs. my father told me two air-conditioner and two computer had been broken. because my father used electric making machine to make electric, so the voltage was not stable. it led to the trouble. oh! whenever the government will let the factory use electric? if it lasts longer, i will be crazy!!

january 25 XX

it doesn’t matter that the air-conditioner has been broken. but my notebook-computer also was broken. i really don’t know what to do. so i went to play basketball. i didn’t know any one in that place. and i was the first time to go there to play basketball. at first, there was no person playing basketball. so i played basketball alone. a few minutes later, some students came to play. so we played together. of course, we had a match. and it lasts two hours. after the match, i felt i would be dead. i was too tired.

january 25 XX

no computer, i will not know to do what. i have no solution to the problem. so i sent my notebook-computer to the asus computer company. i must have my computer repaired. and the other one, it was thoroughly broken. it can’t be repaired again.the computer company told me that my notebook computer needed one week to repair. the electric led to all trouble. and many electrical appliances are broken. i don’t know when our country can solve the problem.

january 26 XX

i have lost two computers, but i had another one. i bought it about five years ago. it can be called curio. though it was old. but it can still work. although it works slowly, i was pleased. i can go on internet again. chatting with my friends is a good relaxing. in the internet, one of my old friends invited me to tomorrow’s party. he told me that some friends would go, too. so i promised to go. a-ha! i can see my old friends. i was very happy and hopeful.

january 27 XX

it was sunny today. i was excited. i got up at a quarter to seven. i made a appointment to meet at nine o’clock. after i had my breakfast, i went to the city center of beijing. it was cold outside. when i arrived, my friends didn’t arrive. i waited for him in front of the kfc’s door. i haven’t seen them for a year. and in a year, we didn’t come into contact with others frequently. about ten minutes left, my friends arrived one by one. after we greeted, we went to the 5-star restaurant to have lunch. the lunch cost us 800 yuan. oh, dear! they were all very rich, and one was poor.

january 28 XX

yesterday we played happily, but there were only ten people. i remembered last year there were twenty-two people at all. i heard some my friends had gone abroad. they went abroad to study. maybe i couldn’t see them in the future. i think next year we won’t make a party. next year is a very important year. we all will prepare for the college entrance examination. it is the most important for us now.

january 29 XX

i was bored. so i wanted to travel to hong kang. i told my father my decision. to my surprise, my father agreed. my father thought i always at home was bad. he thought i should go out to see our country clearly. how beautiful our country is! my father drove me a travel service. i filled out an application form. after that, the agency would finish every things. at last the agency told me it would take a week time to transact procedures.

january 30 XX

the screen of my father’s mobile telephone is broken. when you open the mobile telephone, the screen is always white with light. you can’t see from the screen. and my father is a businessman. he needed a new one. so my father and i went to the electrical appliance shop. there are many new kinds of mobile telephones. at first, my father chose a sumsung one. but all the telephones have sold out. finally, my father chose a motorola one.

january 31 XX

the food in shanghai disagree me. i think the food in beijing is the most delicious. seafood in beijing is very fresh. prawns in restaurant are all alive. and there are many food that you can’t see in other cities. it is very cheap that you eat seafood in beijing. the less money you pay, the more enjoyable you are. maybe my stomach is ill. whatever food i eat, i am still thin. and i am too thin, i want to be a litter fatter. so i must eat more.

february 1 XX
