


新概念英语一册笔记 篇1

Lesson 17 How do you do? 你好!

employee n.雇员

hard-working adj.勤奋的sales reps 推销员/5seilz-5reps/

man n.男人

office n.办公室

assistant n.助手

employ/employment 雇用

I need to employ some people to help me do this work.employer 雇主

employment 工作


hard-working/hard-work/work hard

hard-working adj.勤奋的 Sophie is a hard-working girl.hard-work 艰苦的工作 This is a hard-work.work hard 努力地工作

diligent adj.勤勉的man也可以表示“人类“的意思。

Old man!

man-to-man defence 人盯人防守


office building/office clerk/office hours/office worker/office assistant


assistant 助手

assist 援助

新概念英语一册笔记 篇2


角色扮演法 (role—play) 是“通过模拟现实生活中的一些场景片断, 由学习者亲身扮演其中的角色, 将角色的言语、行为、表情及内心世界表现出来, 从而达到提高学习兴趣和效果的一种“参与式、体验式”教学方法。具体来说, 角色扮演法是学生在教师的指导下, 在一个设定的情境中, 学生分组讨论, 选择适合自己的角色, 经过一段时间的准备和练习之后, 借助道具、肢体语言和口头表达, 通过模拟表演加深对内容情节的记忆和理解。由于这种教学方法能够为学生提供比其他教学模式更大的思考空间和表现机会, 所以一直被国内外教育改革的倡导者所青睐。


实施角色扮演法需要遵循如下的教学步骤, 理解和掌握这些环节对提高课堂效果, 达到预定的教学目标是非常必要的。

(一) 进入课文情境

学生理解课文情境, 产生浓厚兴趣是实施角色扮演法的起点。因此, 笔者通常是在讲授完课文之后实施角色扮演法。而对课文情境的展示可以通过多种方式。经常采用的形式有:播放课文动画, 制作课文图片, 简笔画等 (《新概念英语》第一册每课都配有动画和图片) 。这一环节应该达到的理想效果是, 学生们对课文情境产生兴趣, 并且有意识地想要表达课文内容。

(二) 合理分配角色

因为学生的英语水平和表达能力有差异, 所以, 教师要认真决定和分配课文角色。一般来说, 性格内向的, 多做解说少作表演性动作;性格外向的, 多做表演性动作;语言表达能力强的多表演难度大的角色;语言表达能力弱得多表演难度小的角色, 使他们各尽其能。在分配角色前还需要先征求学生自己的意见, 看他们愿意扮演什么角色。这样学生之间可以取长补短、互相学习, 增强团结合作意识和集体荣誉感。只有尊重学生的个体差异, 才能真正满足学生的学习需求。

(三) 准备表演框架

通常表演是以小组竞赛的形式进行, 因此在确定表演人员后, 学生分组策划表演内容。学生在准备的时候并不需要把每一句台词背下来, 否则就会抑制学生的临场表现, 阻碍他们创造性的发挥。此时, 笔者会要求学生提前准备表演需要的场景、道具及其他辅助用品, 使表演最大限度地接近真实情境, 产生较强的感染力, 同时也锻炼了学生的动手能力。

(四) 组织安排课堂

在角色扮演的教学活动中, 还需要合理地安排课堂, 让暂时没有参加表演的学生也进入“状态”, 这也是一项重要的任务, 否则课堂教学纪律会出现混乱, 影响教学效果。为了使这部分学生在观看表演的时候也能积极地参与, 笔者会对他们进行有意识的引导和培训。例如, 教师可以首先设置一些观察性的问题。例如:角色扮演是否真实?情节发展是否合理?每个角色的用语是否正确?有没有更好的表现方式?等等。其次, 要求学生认真观看并做记录。全体学生对这些问题进行认真的思考, 并在表演结束后和教师一起进行评分, 对于保证表演后的有效交流非常重要。只有大家都进入到故事情境中, 才能获得真实体验, 下面的讨论才有效果。在鼓励学生参与的过程中, 教师要特别注意那些平时不愿意主动发言的学生, 想办法激发他们的学习兴趣, 使他们也能参与到对问题的讨论之中。

(五) 表演课文情节

这个环节是角色扮演教学过程的核心部分。学生表演者按照事先安排的个人角色进行合作表演。教师和其他学生在观看时, 切忌不要挑剔表演。从一定意义上讲, 学生表演不确定是十分正常的。他们在课文情节真实表演中, 很容易产生新的思想火花, 做出即兴的表情或说出与课文原句不同的句子, 而这正是角色扮演能够展示学生真实情况的优势所在。教师对于学生的积极表演要多给予鼓励, 肯定他们的良好表现。这样, 学生在表演中会增强信心, 不断提高表演情绪。需要注意到一点是, 角色扮演的时间不宜过长, 冗长的表演会增添表演者的负担, 也会使观看者失去兴趣。只要学生把课文内容情境完整地演出来了, 表演就可以停下来。一般来说, 表演时间以10分钟以内为宜。

(六) 讨论表演内容

表演后的讨论和评价, 能够把学生的情绪推向新的高潮。要求学生分组说出每组的优点和不足之处在哪里, 并对事先设置的问题进行讨论, 评出最佳剧情、最佳演员、最佳道具等, 并说明理由。这对提高学生的角色扮演水平和英语表达能力很有帮助。教师在最后要做出总结性评价, 这个时候可以把表演中出现的语言错误指出来并进行更正, 并且鼓励他们在日后的生活实践中加以正确的运用。



由于高职院校的学生英语底子薄弱, 不具备较强的英语学习能力, 因此对高职学生的英语教学应当从简单的英语基础开始, 从浅入深, 并注重培养学生的学习兴趣和英语交际能力。在课堂上采用角色扮演法活动, 课堂气氛轻松活跃, 在这种环境中学习语言, 更容易激发学生的学习愿望。如在Lesson 49《At the butcher’s》中, 一位表演者戴着自制的帽子和围裙, 拿着纸制的牛肉、羊肉、肉馅向顾客推销时, 学生们都表现出了极高的学习兴趣。另外, 笔者认为以小组形式展开角色扮演活动, 能够为学生提供一个理想的学习氛围, 激发每一个人的表现欲望, 充分展示自己。在Lesson 48《Do you like...?》中, 每个学生都参与了表演, 他们自己设置情境 (生日派对、超市购物等) 练习了句型Do you like..?/Do you want...?特别是一些平时不怎么开口的学生在这一课的表演中也扮演了角色, 并进行了不错的表演。


角色扮演是一种具有较高教学价值的群体参与模式, 它要求学生相互交流、彼此合作、共同完成任务。因此, 学生在这个教学活动中能够体验到团结协作的快乐, 培养团队作业的精神和能力。在同一个小组内, 组长要根据每个学生的不同特点和意愿进行任务分配, 学生在完成任务的过程中, 需要相互沟通、相互包容、相互帮助。这样, 学生在课堂活动中, 不仅学习了英语知识, 并且体验到了合作学习的快乐。例如在Group 1中, Yummy擅长画简笔画, 她负责道具的准备;Cathy喜欢表演, 她每次都会扮演不同的角色;Mikky擅长讲故事, 她担任课文情境中的旁白讲解等。学生在这样有趣的课堂活动中学习, 不仅加深了相互间的友谊, 也提高了团队合作的意识。

总之, 在高职英语中采用“角色扮演法”进行教学, 不但提高了学生的听说能力, 同时也增强了学生的团队合作意识。它有效地培养了学生的积极性和主动性, 提高了英语教学的质量。


[1]亚力山大, 何其莘.新概念英语第一册[M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社, 1997.1

[2]董文雅.角色扮演法在中职英语教学中的运用[J].职业教育研究, 2012 (5)

新概念英语一册笔记 篇3




Slip in the mud在泥泞中滑到

--slip on the stairs 在楼梯上滑倒

--I slipped on the icy road and hurt my ankle.我在结冰的路上滑倒了,伤了脚踝。


--The pen slipped from my hand.钢笔从我的手中滑落。

--The glass slipped out of his hand and broke.玻璃杯从他的手中滑落,打碎了。


--He slipped out of the room.他偷偷地溜出房间。

--slip away/ off 不辞而别

--She slipped away from the party.他从舞会上偷偷地溜了出去。


--a slip of the pen 笔误--a slip of the tongue 口误



--She fell into the river yesterday.她昨天掉进河里去了。--Leaves fall in autumn.秋天叶子都落了.2)v.下降

--The temperature will fall tomorrow.明天气温将下降。

--The petrol price has fallen.油价己经跌下去了。

--fall across 偶然碰到„,与„ 邂逅

--He fell across his former girl friend yesterday.昨天他偶然碰见了他以前的女朋友。

--fall asleep 入睡

--He is just falling asleep, The doorbell rang.他刚要睡着,门铃响了。--fall in love with„爱上某人

--She fell in love with him at the first sight.她对他一见钟情。

3.downstairs adv.楼下反义词upstairs

--go downstairs 下楼去--come downstairs 下楼来

--walk downstairs 走下楼--be downstairs 在楼下


1)v.伤--His daughter fell off the bike and hurt her back.他的女儿从自行车上捽了下来,伤到了背部。

2)v.伤害感情--I feel hurt.我感到受到了伤害。(尤指思想、心灵)

3)v.疼痛--Does it hurt? 痛吗?



lie on one’s back 面朝天地躺着My back hurts.我的背部痛(hurts 第 1


2)n.背面--the back of the hand 手背--the back of the paper 纸的背面

--the back of a piece of cloth 一 块布的背面


--There are two students at the back of the classroom.教室的后面有2名学生。

4)adv.在后,向后--stand back 向后站

5)adv.回原处go back to„回到„come back to„.回来到„--put these books back 把书放回原处

6.stand up 站立,站起来--sit down 坐下--stand on one’s head 倒立

stand on one’s own feet独立,自食其力,不依赖别人

--stand behind 做„的后盾,支持„

--I will stand behind you all the time.我将一直支持你。

--stand up to„ 经受住,勇敢面对--stand well with与„和睦相处


1)v.帮助--Can I help you?--We need your help.--help sb out 帮助某人解决难题,摆脱困境

--I don’t know how to do this work.Please help me out.我不知道怎么做这项工作,请帮我一把。

--help sb with sth

--You are so kind to help me with the housework.你帮我做家务真是太好了。

--Can you help me with English? 你能帮我学英语吗?


--Thank you for your help.--I hope that I can be any help for you.希望我能对你有所帮助。

8.at once 立即right now 立刻

--They will go back to the office at once.他们将立即回到公司

--You’d better go to see the doctor at once.你应该立即去看医生。

9.sure adj.一定的,确信的(用作表语)

--Are you sure of it? 你能肯定吗?--Do you feel sure about it? 你对它有把握吗?

I am sure that he will come.我肯定他会来。I’m sure I don’t know.我真的不知道。

--be sure and „(口)千万要,一定要..--Be sure and remember what I told you.千万要记住我对你讲的话。

--Be sure and take the medicine.一定要吃药。--feel sure of oneself 有自信心

--be sure of oneself--She always feels sure of herself.她总是很自信。

Question: What’s wrong with Andy?

What’s the matter, Andy? 安迪,你怎么了?

What’s the matter?=What’s wrong?=What happened? 怎么了?

I slipped and fell downstairs.--fall downstairs 从楼上摔下来downstairs是副词,修饰fell--fall off„从„跌落

--Her grandmother fell off the bed last night.昨天夜里,她的奶奶从床上摔下来。

--fall out of从„里面 摔出去--The poor girl fell out of the window.--fall down 摔倒

--He tried to stand up, but he fell down again.他试图站起来,但是又摔倒了。

Have you hurt yourself?


--hurt oneself 伤到自己

--hurt yourself 伤到你自己


Yes, I have.I think that I’ve hurt my back.--I think 后面接宾语从句

--I’ve hurt my back.我的背摔伤了,这句语由“that”引导,做think的宾语。

--I think that she has already gone to bed.我想她己经上床睡觉了。--He thinks that he is right.他认为他是正确的。

Try and stand up.Can you stand up? Here.Let me help you.--and 连接两个动词

Come upstairs and see it.上楼来看一看吧Go and buy a new dress.去买条新裙子吧!

--try to do „尽力,设法做„--I try to find him out.我设法把他找出来

--You should try to help her.你应该尽力帮助她。

try doing 试着„ He tries telling his mother the truth.他试着把真相告诉他的妈妈。

stand upcan you stand up

--Let sb do sth 让某人做某事--Let him go.放 开他,让他走。I’m sorry, Lucy.I’m afraid that I can’t get up.--I’m afraid(“我恐怕”),后面接由that引导的宾语从句。I can’t get up.做afraid 的宾语。

--get up =stand up 站起来

I think that the doctor had better see you.I’ll phone Dr.Carter.我想最好请医生来给你看一下,我去给卡特医生打电话。

--I think 后面接宾语从句,“the doctor had better see you”由that引导做think的宾语

--had better 最好„(后面加动词原形)

--The doctor had better see you.最好请医生给你看一下。

--She’d better call her mother now.她最好给她的妈妈打个电话。

--phone the doctor = call the doctor 给医生打电话

The doctor says that he will come at once.I’m sure that you need an X-ray, Andy.在英文中如果要把某人所说的话告诉另一人要用间接引语,一般由that引导。--The doctor says that„ 医生说,后面是Lucy 转述医生的话,是间接引语。--I’m sure that„ 后面接宾语从句

--I’m sure„ 我确信„

--I’m sure it will rain tomorrow.我确信明天会下雨。


--fall downstairs 从楼上摔下来

--hurt one’s back 伤到后背

--stand up 站起来

--I am afraid that„ 我恐怕„(后面接宾语从句)

--get up 起来,站起来

--had better„ 最好„

--I’m sure that„ 我确信„(后面接宾语从句)



--He says that he is thirty.他说他渴。

--I think that you need an X-ray.我认为你需要折一个X片。(you need an X-ray 由that 引导做think的宾语)

--I know that you can drive.我知道你会开车。

--I believe that the house is for sale.我想这房子是待售的。(the house is for sale 由that 引导做believe 的宾语。)


--I’m sorry that your father is ill.(your father is ill由that引导作sorry 的宾语)

--He’s afraid that she will come back no more.他恐怕她不再回来了。间接引语:



--She said,“I get up early in the morning”.(直接引语)

--She said that she got up early in the morning.(间接引语)

新概念英语第一册143课教案 篇4

tourist attraction, 游览胜地

eg, I have been old that Qingdao is a good tourist attraction.③ On Sundays, hundreds of people come from the city to see our town and to walk through the woods.through, prep介词,这是试题中肯定会出现的考点,作为介词其释义很多 1,表示位置,在…之中,在…各处 The earth moves through space.2,表示时间,在…期间 Tom bore up bravely through his father `s illness 3,表示方向,从…的一端到另一端 He went through the forest next day.4,表示状态,经历,度过 He had decided to prolong his visit through the weekend.5,表示方式,凭借,用 I learnt of the position through a newspaper advertisement.6,表示原因,因为,由于 It was through him that I missed my train.7,表示让步,尽管,顶着 The politician struggled to speak through the shouts of the crowd.Through,adv.副词 Can I get through by this road?

adj.形容词 through traffic ④ Visitors have been asked o keep the woods clean and tidy Have been asked 现在完成时的被动语态 ⑤ Litter baskets have been placed under the trees, but people still throw their rubbish everywhere.have been placed现在完成时的被动语态

被动语态的基本构成是be+过去分词,体现在现在完成时中,根据人称的不同be变化成has/have been+过去分词 再看一下文章的最后一句:

Anyone who leaves litter in these woods will be prosecuted.will be prosecuted 一般将来时的被动语态 在一般将来时中,be要变化成will be+过去分词 Eg.The rooms haven ’t been cleaned yet.They will be clean soon.I have never been asked to do things I don ’t like.You will be asked to show your passport at the customs office ⑥ Last Wednesday, I went for a walk in the woods.go for a walk=take a walk eg.I ’ll go out and take a walk in the park

=I ’ll go out for a walk in the park.⑦ What I saw made me very sad.make sb.+ adj


make him happy

make her satisfied ⑧ I counted seven old cars and three old refrigerators.refrigerator=fridge ⑨ The litter baskets were empty and the ground was covered with pieces of paper, cigarette ends, old tyres, empty bottles and rusty tins.litter

n.本文中的意思是,废弃物、垃圾 eg, The street was full of litter.n.杂乱,凌乱

eg, Her room was in such a litter that she was ashamed to ask me in.v.使杂乱,乱丢杂物 eg, Don ’t litter!be covered with eg, The furniture is covered with dust.The road is covered with snow.rusty adj.生锈的

eg, The knife got rusty.引申义,荒疏的My English is getting rusty.⑩ Among the rubbish, I found a sign which said, ‘ Anyone who leaves litter in these woods will be prosecuted!’

said 需要表示写着时,英语里不用write eg, The book doesn’t say where he was born.The clock says three o’clock.prosecute



高二新概念英语第一册作文 篇5

The Best Way to Learn Knowledge

Since I go to high school, I make plans for myself. To enter a better university, I must study hard. I know my advantages and weakness. I am good at Chinese and English while I am weak in math and geograph. So I pay special attention to improve the subjects that I am weak in. Even though I have tried hard to listen to my teacher and practise so hard, my math is still so weak. So I decide to ask my classmate who is good at math, and she is very excited to teach me. During our communication, I find her mind is very active and she has a special way to solve the questions. I realize that the best way to learn konwledge is to share opinions with others, so that we can broaden our mind and find more ways to solve the problem.

新概念英语第一册课文详注 篇6

这是一个祈使句。祈使句表示请求或命令。(请参见第13-14课_A new dress语法部分的说明。)表示客气的请求时,通常加please。

2.Which book? 哪一本?

是Which book do you want?的省略形式。下文中的This one? 是Do you want this one?的省略形式。No, not that one是No, I do not want that one的省略形式。口语中常用这样的省略句。

3.This one?是这本吗?

相当于:Do you want this one? one是不定代词,代替 a book,以避免重复。one的复数形式是ones。one和ones前面都可用定冠词,也可有自己的定语。如:

Which one do you want?


The red one,please.


No,not that blunt one。This sharp one.



1010----a thousand and ten

1011----a thousand and eleven

新概念英语第一册语法及单词解析 篇7



陈述句:This is your watch.


疑问句:Is this your watch?


(可参见第15-16课_Your passport,please.语法部分有关 be的一般现在时形式的说明。)

单词解析 Word study

1.coat n.


Is this your coat?


coat and skirt<英>(上衣、裙子匹配的)西式女套装

2.dress n.


Is this your dress?



casual dress 便服

新概念英语一册笔记 篇8


• 表示“需要”时为实意动词,后面可以加名词,也可以加不定式: I need a pen.Do you need any beer? No, I don’t.I need to have a rest.Need doing=need to be done(表示被动)

The flowers need watering.=The flowers need to be watered.花需要浇水。• need在否定时做情态动词使用:

新概念英语一册笔记 篇9


2.keep 3.bring

4.see 5.go

6.do 7.meet

8.shut 9.eat

10.decide 11.rise

12.tell 13.take

14.say 15.retire

16.find 17.sweep

18.make 19.try

20.cry 21.leave



24.drive 25.have

26.empty 27.cost

28.draw 29.walk

30.open 1.________she _________(be)to Australia before? No, she __________.But she ___________(go)there next summer.2._________ Ian ___________(sell)his house yet? Yes, he _________.He ____________(sell)it last week.3.__________ Sam _________(have)a haircut? No, he ____________.He ____________(have)a haircut tomorrow.4.___________they ___________(sweep)the floor yet? No, they ___________.But they ___________(sweep)it this evening.动词过去式及过去分词三十例:


2.keep 3.bring

4.see 5.go

6.do 7.meet

8.shut 9.eat

10.decide 11.rise

12.tell 13.take

14.say 15.retire

16.find 17.sweep

18.make 19.try

20.cry 21.leave



24.drive 25.have

26.empty 27.cost

28.draw 29.walk

新概念英语一册笔记 篇10


未婚夫fiance 配偶spouse 伴郎best man 伴娘bridesmaid 新郎groom 新娘bride 夫妇couple/ a married couple 方面aspect 印象impression 独立independent 看望pay a visit to 向某人求婚make a proposal to/ propose to sb.订婚be engaged to sb.已婚的/结婚的married 结婚marry 胡搞/乱搞mess with 有妇之夫a married man 有夫之妇a married woman 一流的first-class 一个五星级酒店a five-star hotel 办理投宿手续check in 办理退房/结账check out 住酒店stay at a hotel 介绍信a letter of introduction 这里有…here’s…


Future:1.adj.未来的/将来的 2.n.未来/将来/前途

没前途的futureless 前卫/奇特/未来的futuristic

Latest:adj.1.最新的 2.最晚的最新消息the latest news



你将来的生活会怎么样? What will your future life be like?


Have you ever dreamed(imagined)what your future life will be like? 他失去对生活的热忱,他是没有前途的。

He lost his passion for life, so he is futureless.对我们来说,未来总是不可知的。The future is always unknown to us.他的穿着是前卫的。His dressing is futuristic.这对老夫妻结婚50年了。

This old couple has already been married for 50 years.你正在哪家饭店住宿? Which hotel are you staying at?

At what hotel are you staying?


New Paris fashions are introduced into Shanghai every year.你想让我帮你的小说写个介绍吗?

Do you want me to write an introduction to your novel?

你结婚了吗?是的。Are you married? Yes, I am.你什么时候结的婚? When did you get married?


Who do you want to marry? I will marry nobody.故事:

At night, I always dream about my future life, and I not only imagine it, but also I will work hard to realize the goal.In the future, I want to live in a large house in a big city with a garden and a swimming pool.I will become a teacher in the college.I hope I can get 10000yuan a month, so I can get enough money to buy the big house.I will find a girl who is outstanding, independent and outgoing I can spend the rest time of my life with her.I will look after my parents carefully and always pay a visit

新概念一册L1-2教案 篇11

simple question sentence Difficulties vocabulary simple question sentence

Section A

1a.This activity provides guided listening and pronunciation practice using the target language.1.Point to the numbered list of words.Play the recording the first time.Students only listen.2.Play the recoding a second time.Ask Ss to repeat the text 3.Let Ss read the new words aloud individually or in pairs.1b.This activity provides listening practice using the target language.1.Point out the vocabulary of this lesson 2.Play the recording the first time.3.Play the recording a second time.Student only listen.4.Check the answers.1c.This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.1.Point out the conversations in the picture and ask a student to read each one with you, then in pairs, in groups.2.Ask various pairs to present a new one to the class.1.Point out the vocabulary of this lesson.Read and ask students to repeat.2.Point out the list of cities.Read and ask Ss to repeat aloud.3.Ask Ss to work, offer help as needed.4.Correct the work.2b.This activity provides listening practice using the target language.1.Call attention to the list of cities and countries in 2a.Let Ss circle them when they hear the conversations at the first time.2.Play the recording a second time.3.Check the answers.(Japan, Tokyo ,France ,Paris, Australia, Sydney)2c.This activity provides listening and writing practice using the target language.1.Call attention to the chart in 2c.Play the first conversation on the tape.2.Play the recording again and have Ss fill in the chart.3.Check the answers.2d.This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.1.Call attention to the conversation in the picture.2.Ask two Ss to read it to the class.3.Ask Ss to work in small groups.Appoint a leader.Make sure everyone talks about at least one of the people on the chart.4.Ask pairs of Ss to present their conversations to the class.Grammar focus

1.Review the grammar box.Ask Ss to say the questions and answers.1)Where is your pen pal from? He is from Australia.2.Where does he live? He lives in Sydney.2.Ask Ss to make more sentences with “where, from.and live 3a.This activity provides reading and spelling practice.1.Point out the diagram and explain how it works.2.Read the instructions to the class.Ask Ss to work in pairs.3.Correct the answers.(1.China 2.The United States ,The United Kingdom, Australia,3.Singapore)3b.This activity provides guided oral practice.1.Call attention to the conversation in the picture.Ask two Ss to read it to the class.Answer their questions about the conversation.2.Ask Ss to work in pairs.3.Ask several students to perform their conversations for the class.4.This activity provides listening, speaking, reading and writing practice 1.Explain the procedure.2.Play the game.Section B
