


牛津英语七年级上册 篇1


table tennisn.乒乓球




seldomadv.不常,很少 geographyn.地理



ringv.(使)发出钟声,响起铃声 endv.结束,终止







junior high school初级中学 on foot步行

take part in参加

have a good time 过得愉快

go to bed去睡觉

牛津英语七年级上册 篇2

单元:Unit 2 Grammar A&B


(一) 教学内容

译林牛津版英语八年级上册8A Unit 2 Grammar A&B

(二) 教学目标


学会使用more...than, fewer...than和less...than进行两者之间的比较。

学会使用the most, the fewest/the least进行三者或三者以上的比较。


以培养学生听、说能力为主, 通过本课教学加强学生的语言输出训练, 鼓励学生大胆开口说英语。


(1) 让学生认识到学习英语的目的在于交流、乐于参与英语实践活动。

(2) 在学习活动中积极与他人合作, 相互帮助, 共同完成学习任务。

(三) 教学重点

运用more...than, fewer...than, less...than, the most, the fewest/the least句型进行比较。

(四) 教学难点

fewer...than与less...than, the fewest与the least的用法区别。


(一) 面向全体学生, 注重素质教育

《英语课程标准》明确提出了“以学生发展为基本出发点, 力求体现素质教育”的思想。教学中, 教师要关注学生的情感, 激发他们的学习兴趣, 帮助他们建立自信并发展有效的学习策略, 形成一定的语言综合运用能力。

(二) 强调语言运用的交际教学理念和实践

教学改革的趋势表明:英语教学的课程设计以满足学生的发展需求为目标, 强调语用的交际教学理念和实践, 注重英语教学的交际功能。因此, 让学生在课堂中围绕熟悉而又感兴趣的问题进行交流, 在交流的过程中发展语言能力、思维能力以及交流合作的能力, 也是教学改革的一种趋势。

(三) 倡导体验、实践、参与、交流与合作的学习方式

传统的语法教学模式往往从教师的经验出发, 单调乏味。教师应创设良好的语言情境, 提供大量的语言实践机会, 使学生通过自己的体验、感知、实践、参与和交流, 形成语感, 并在教师的引导下, 通过观察、发现和归纳等方式, 掌握语言的规律, 从枯燥的语法讲解中解脱出来。

(四) 提倡“任务型”教学, 把语言综合运用能力的培养落实在教学过程中

让学生带着明确的任务目标, 积极主动地学习。在执行任务的过程中, 学生通过独立或合作、实践、思考、讨论交流等方式学习和使用英语, 完成学习任务。

(五) 注重“有效”与“可操作”

追求课堂设计的整体性, 有助于高效达成教学目标。不随意引伸, 不搞花架子, 注重实效, 立足师生实际, 使课堂设计的每一个环节都具有可操作性。


根据行为主义理论, 语言习得与学习都是通过模仿、巩固与重复对刺激的反应而形成的。笔者采用的教学模式是, 教师设置一定的语言情境让学生理解语言知识, 通过多种途径与方式, 组织学生操练, 逐步从机械操练过渡到有意义操练, 直至能够灵活应用, 让学生在习得语言知识的过程中掌握语言。


Step 1 Warm-up


T:Hi!Boys and Girls!My name is Hu Zhongjun.But I’m not handsome, a little fat.I’m an English teacher from Zefu Middle School.Our school lies in a small town called Qinnan, but Zefu is a great man.He was called Lu Xun of North Jiangsu by Chen Yi.Welcome to our school!I’m looking forward to seeing you again.Today I’m glad to be your teacher.I believe everyone in our class will do our best.Do you think so?

T:I’ve introduced my school and me.Can you say something about you and your school?



Ⅱ.Show the learning aims

T:This class we’ll learn the first part of Grammar—Grammar A&B, please look at the blackboard.Here are the learning aims.

A:Comparing two things

B:Comparing more than two things.


教师通过诙谐幽默的自我介绍, 拉近与学生的距离, 激发学生对教师的兴趣, 为学生营造宽松愉悦的学习氛围。围绕本单元School life这一主题让学生介绍自己和学校, 有意识地将学生带入本课题的英语学习之中, 同时, 揭示本课题的教学目标。

Step 2 Presentation

Review some words and expressions.

Flower—some flowers—many flowers—few flowers—I have many flowers—Millie has few flowers.

Subject—many subjects—few subjects—I study many subjects.—He studies few subjects.

Juice—orange juice—much orange juice—little orange juice—He has much orange juice.—Amy has little orange juice.

Free time—much free time—I have much free time.—He has little free time.


复习相关词汇与表达, 为接下来的学习环节作准备, 扫清基础知识障碍。

Step 3 The use of“more...than”and“fewer...than”.

Ⅰ.设置情境, 导入句型, 机械操练

运用简笔画在黑板上画出Millie手中握着三朵花、Amy手中握着两朵花的图片, 边画边介绍:Millie has three flowers.Amy has two flowers.

That’s to say→Millie has more flowers than Amy. (板书) →Amy has fewer flowers than Millie. (板书)

Ⅱ.机械操练, 让全体学生脱口而出

Read the sentences in this way:

Ⅲ.半机械操练, 用books, CDs替换flowers

Practise in pairs.

Ⅳ.有意义操练, 实际运用

Let’s compare

Compare with each other about their own things. (dictionaries, bags, apples, pencils)

Step 4 The use of“more...than”and“less...than”.


S1:I have more coffee than you.

S2:I have fewer coffee than you.

T:Fewer coffee than him?Right?—No.

You have less coffee than him.

接着在黑板上Millie和Amy各自的另一只手上画一个装coffee的杯子, Millie杯中的coffee比Amy多, 边画边介绍:

Millie has more coffee than Amy. (板书)

Amy has less coffee than Millie. (板书)


用free time, orange juice, water替换coffee

Practice in pairs.


Let’s compare.

Compare with each other about their own things.

Ⅳ.结合学生表达的句子, 进行思想教育

S:I have more money than you.

T:Do you love money?


T:Yes, I agree with you.Money is necessary for all of us, but it isn’t all.Do you think so?


Ⅴ.Work out the rule.

Discuss in groups and work out the rule.

We use“more...than”and“fewer...than”to talk about countable nouns, we use“more...than”and“less...than”to talk about uncountable nouns.

Step 5 The use of the“the most”and“the fewest”/“the least”

Ⅰ.设置情境, 导入句型, 进行操练

在黑板上画Daniel, 一只手握着一朵花, 另一只手持着比Amy少得多的盛有咖啡的杯子, 边画边介绍:


Work in groups. (money, free time, orange juice and so on)

Ⅲ.Work out the rule.

We use“the most”and“the fewest”to talk about countable nouns.We use“the most”and“the least”to talk about uncountable nouns.


通过设置情境, 导入句型, 从机械操练过渡到有意义操练, 让学生在操练的过程中自主习得语言, 从而掌握与运用语言。

Step 6 Compare Daniel’s school life with Nancy’s and John’s.

John studies fewer subjects than Daniel, but Nancy studies the fewest.

Nancy joins more clubs than John, but Daniel joins the most.

John has less free time than Nancy, but Daniel has the least.


通过本环节培养学生灵活运用所学知识的能力, 避免眼高手低, 既要让学生开口说得出, 又要让学生动手考得好。

Step 8 Consolidation

Compare the sentences with“more/fewer/less...than”or“the most/fewest/least”.

a.Millie and I are in the Reading Club.We like reading comic books, I have eight comic books and Milliehas five.I have more comic books than Millie.Millie has fewer comic books than I.

b.Simon and Sandy are in the Music Club.Last Sunday, they went to buy CDs.Simon spent$25 and Sandy spent$20.Sandy spent less money on CDs than Simon.Simon spent more money on CDs than Sandy.

c.Amy, Kitty and Andy are in the Health Club.Every day, Amy drinks one glass of milk, Kitty drinks two and Andy drinks three.Kitty drinks less milk than Andy.Amy drinks the least milk of the three students.

d.Sandy, Andy and Kitty are in the Online Friendship Club.Sandy has eight online friends, Andy has five and Kitty has two.Andy has fewer online friends than Sandy.Of the three students, Kitty has the fewest online friends.


通过学生富有韵律的朗诵, 让学生记住本堂课的知识要点。

Step 10 Summary

总结本堂课教学内容, 帮助学生进一步梳理相关知识体系。

We use“more...than”“fewer...than”“less...than”to compare two things.

We use“the most”“the fewest”“the least”to compare more than two things.

We use“more...than”“fewer...than”“the most”“the fewest”to talk about countable nouns.

We use“more...than”“less...than”“the most”“the least”to talk about uncountable nouns.


总结本堂课教学内容, 帮助学生进一步梳理相关知识体系。


本堂课中, 笔者围绕《英语课程标准》能级要求, 立足教材文本, 制订具体的多元教学目标, 抓住教学重点, 分散教学难点, 以学生为学习的主体, 有层次地设计一些系列教学活动, 调动了学生学习的兴趣, 让学生在自主、合作、探究中获得知识, 习得技能, 基本达成了教学目标。为总结经验教训, 查漏补遗, 现对本堂课做如下教学反思:

(一) 对英语语法教学的重新认识

8A Unit 2 Grammar A&B这节课是让学生学会运用more...than, fewer...than, less...than以及the most, the least/the fewest谈论学校生活。因为学生很熟悉这个话题, 对其感兴趣, 有话可说, 且在8A Unit 1中已学过比较级与最高级。笔者起初接到该课题的教学任务时认为该课题的教学比较简单, 但在备课过程中, 通过研读《英语课程标准》并分析教材文本认识到, 语法教学并不是机械地教给学生一些语法规则, 评讲一些相关语法题, 而是让学生在自主学习活动中习得、掌握这些语言规律, 并将其转化成自己的知识, 继而形成语言能力, 最终能够灵活运用。语法教学并不简单。在授课过程中, 有些环节不如Reading上起来得心应手。

(二) 语言知识与交际能力关系的进一步澄清

语言是重要的交际工具, 英语教学的目的不仅仅是教给学生零散的语言知识, 更重要的是提高学生的语言交际能力, 这种能力的获得只能通过大量的实践训练。教师在教学中应将语言知识的掌握和交际运用语言的培养有机地结合起来, 达到学以致用的目的。例如:在学习了Millie has more flowe rs than A my后, 笔者要求学生用身边的物品进行交流, 学生在自由交谈过程中既巩固了所学知识, 又培养了交际能力, 达到了多元培养目标。

(三) 教学理念的反思

如何有效教学?如何做到减负增效?最重要的是, 教师要转变教学思想。传统教学中, 教师的教学思想长期受应试教育的影响, 遵从“应试第一, 分数至上”的理念, 把学生看成是挣分的机器, 过分重视语法和词汇知识的讲解传授, 忽视对学生实际语言应用能力的培养, 对学生“乐学”的潜能几乎无暇开发, 这种教学观念与《英语课程标准》的要求极不相符。为了贯彻落实《英语课程标准》, 教师必须更新自己的教学理念, 以学生为主体, 认识到教师的作用是引导学生学会认知, 学会做事, 让学生经历获取知识的过程, 关注学生各种能力的发展, 促进知识与技能、过程与方法、态度与价值观的全面发展, 建立学生自主探索、合作学习的课堂模式, 创设和谐、宽松、民主的课堂环境, 追求学习结果转向追求学习过程。

(四) 操练方式的反思

针对初中低年级学生的年龄特征, 在课堂操练这一环节, 笔者设计了一套方法, 即链式训练, 通过Group 1—Group 2—Group 3—Group 4—Together, Row 1—Row 2—Row 3—Row 4—Row 5—Together等方式, 借助教师的手势语言, 要求学生站起来操练, 调动了全体学生参与活动的积极性, 集中了他们的课堂注意力, 提高了操练效果;同时, 富有节奏的操练方式渲染了课堂气氛, 增添了课堂气势。但要完善这一操练模式, 还应注意以下两个方面:

1.链式训练适合于低年级学生词汇、句型机械操练阶段, 并不能作为固定模式运用于学生练习的全过程。随着学习的深入, 课堂上更多的是有意义训练, 留给学生自主思考的空间, 尊重个性差异, 鼓励学生发表独特的见解。

牛津英语七年级上册 篇3

1. Topic: How to keep healthy

2. Teaching Aim: According to Unit Five, write an article about how to keep healthy.

3. Key Points: Teach students to use effective sentences to write a good composition.

4. Teaching Method: Discuss in groups


任务前——Review and make a summary


Teacher: Boys and girls, do you want to be healthy? Do you know how to keep healthy? I want to know your ideas. So, this class we’ll write an article: How to keep healthy.

Teacher: Can you remember the language points about health in Unit 5? Let’s talk about them together.(Ask the students to say one by one) e.g.


Step 1: Discuss in group of four

Teacher: You did a good job. Next, you’ll work in group of four to discuss the following questions:

1. Why does someone often feel tired and weak? And why does he/she often have a cold ?

2. If you are ill, what should you do?

3. Which habits are good/bad?

4. Which food is healthy/unhealthy?

5. If you want to be healthy, what should you do?

The teacher goes around the classroom during their discussion. If they have new words, encourage them to use a dictionary. After they finish.

Teacher: OK, let’s share your answers. (Ask one of the group members to read their answers to the whole class,

Step 2: Oral composition

Teacher: Well done! Now let’s discuss how to write the article. (讨论怎样开头、结尾,中间怎样展开,然后小组由组长带领口头操练,鼓励每个成员大胆说,勇于开口。)有的小组成员练习中还巧妙地使用了first, second, then, next, at last ... 等连接词。

Step 3: Writing (在讨论和口头练习的基础上,形成书面文字。)

(Let the whole class write their own articles according to their oral practice. The teacher moves around the classroom affording support as needed.)


(1) 自评:通读全文,对自己的作文进行修改;

(2) 互评:小组之间互评(指出词、句、标点等错误)。

Teacher: OK. I’ll ask two students to show your work, the others listen carefully and see if they have mistakes.

Present two students’articles to the whole class as models and correct their spelling or grammar mistakes with the whole class.


Step 4: Rewriting

Write the articles in their exercise books and hand in.


1. 从教学目标来看,本节课紧扣本单元所学内容,在熟练掌握的基础上,提高了学生的写作技能,达到了预期目的.

2. 从教学方法上看,打破了传统的单调的方法,采用了group work, 学生的团结合作意识加强了,学生在互相帮助中语言交际水平得到了提高,收到了较为理想的课堂效果。

3. 整个活动过程中,教师引导学生全程参与,发挥了其主体作用,激发了写作热情。

4. 不足之处:有个别学生由于各种原因不敢开口说,参与热情不高。

5. 应搞清楚不开口学生的原因,提出相应措施。

6. 活动要规范化、常态化。

牛津英语七年级上册 篇4

型 新

第几课时 2

标 1、准确听读Reading中的生词



点 重点:1、19个单词的学习



源 1、学生在小学已具备一些自我介绍的能力



计 1、听录音,结合音标,准确拼读本课生词



Who has the same hobby as you among the six students?

施教日期 9月2日

学程预设 导学策略 调整与反思

Step 1 Warming up


1.Do you remember their names?

2.Where do they come from?

3.Do you want to know more about them?

Step 2 Presenting


1)How old are you?

2)Are you tall or short/strong or slim?

3)Where do you come from?

4)Which class /grade are you in?

5)What do you love/enjoy?

6)When do you usually listen to music?

7)Do you work hard?

8)Do you like wearing sunglasses?



My name is……

I am …… years old

I come from……

I (外貌描写)

I love……

4.Read the text and finish Part B1

5.Listen to the first paragraph with books closed. Then answer questions.

1)How old is Millie?

2)What class is she in?

3)Where does she live?

4)What does she love?

5)Is she in the Reading Club or the Swimming Club?

6.Listen to the second paragraph with books closed. Then do some ‘T/F’exercises.

1)Simon was born in Beijing but he lives in Shanghai.

2)He loves playing football very much.

3)Simon often plays football after supper.

4)Simon’s cousin’s name is Annie.

5)Simon’s cousin is his uncle’s or aunt’s daughter.

7.Listen to the third paragraph , then fill in the blanks.

I am Sandy. I ____ ____ Beijing. I am very _____ and slim. I have _____ black _____. I like _______ to _______.

8.Listen to the last three paragraphs. Then fill in the blanks.

Kitty is 11 years old. She is _______. She loves _______. She works _______.

Amy is not very _____. She has ______ hair. She is good at ______. She is ______.

Daniel wears _____. He enjoys

_______ computer games. He is ______ and ______.

借Welcome to the unit 中的图片引出本课的6个主人公,激发学生对他们的兴趣

通过提问,引出本课生词:year, grade, reading, club, everyone, be born, after, slim, long, music, hard, short, swimming, wear, glasses, enjoy, polite, helpful, hobby. 在情景中帮助学生理解单词



由Who has the same hobby as you among the six students?这个预习作业的检查,导入课文信息。

完成Part B1,帮助学生学会在语篇中寻找有效信息






9.Read the text out, paying attention to the pronunciation and intonation.

Step 3 Having a summary

Discuss “Who do you like best among the six students?” 采用跟读、齐读、互读、范读等多种方式,让学生熟悉课文,加深对这6个学生的了解,力争能复述


计 1. Read and try to retell the whole passage.

2. Recite the new words.

牛津英语七年级上册 篇5

Part One: Important Words and Phrases

1. be (well ) worth sth / doing (只用主动); be worthy of sth / being done;

be worthy to be done

2. get along / on (well) with sb: 与sb 相处(好)

get along/on with sth: 在….进展

How are getting along with your English study?

3. betray sb, feel betrayed by sb; betray secret to sb

4. feel like doing sth I was so upset that I felt like crying.

feel like+ 从句 I didn’t feel like I was overlooking my studies.

5. overlook a fact; overlook the city from air

6. admit doing sth / 从句:承认I admitted how badly I had done.

He admitted having broken the window

admit sb into/to sp: 允许…进入… be admitted into a college:被一所大学录取

7. keep one’s word / promise / secret ; make a promise

8. stare at sb:盯着 glance at sb: 盯一眼 glare at sb: 怒视…

9. forgive sb for …. be forgiven for…

10. I have a dilemma. I am in a dilemma.

11. focus one’s mind/attention on…

12. as a result = so as a result of…= because of…

13. be mean with money; be mean to sb, say mean things to hurt me

14. be guilty of murder: 有罪的 be guilty about telling a lie: 内疚的

15. be cruel to sb

16. bitter taste, bitter memory, bitter enemy

17. apologize (to sb) for … make an apology (to sb) for….

18. have the/no right to do sth

19. embarrass sb, be embarrassed about…

20. be to blame (for…): 应该对…负责

注: 无被动语态 You are to blame for the accident.

比较: blame sb for sth, be blamed for sth

The boy was blamed for breaking the window.

21. avoid/escape/miss doing sth

He is lucky to avoid being hurt. 注: 常用被动形式

22. be gifted at football

23. ruin our friendship

24. delay the sports meet, delay doing sth; without delay

25. persuade sb to do sth / into doing sth 注: 强调 “ 说服了”这种结果.

比较: advise sb to do sth, try to persuade sb to do sth

26. take care (of…), look out / watch out (for…)

27. in everyday/daily life

28. stay up (late) at night

29. discourage sb from doing sth, encourage sb to do sth

30. for sure/certain:肯定 One thing is for sure-It is easy.

No one knows for sure what happened

31. Moving to a new town or area can be a trying time.

32. be anxious about her safety., be anxious to study abroad

33. suffer heavy loss / hunger and cold / pain, suffer from a headache

34. for free = free of charge

35. get through ( to sb): I tried calling you, but I couldn’t get through.

get through the exam: 通过考试 get through with the task= finish/complete sth

36. hesitate to do sth, without hesitation

37. be consistent with…与…一致

The results are totally consistent with our earlier research.

be consistent in…:在 … 一致

She is not consistent in the way she treats her children.

38. respond to…, in response to

Part Two: Sentence Patterns

1. Other children say we are no fun, but we like it that way.

It is great fun. 注: fun为不可数名词

2. I must have sounded proud of myself, saying loudly how easy the test was.

Hannah must have deliberately told everyone about my mark.

注: 情态动词+ have done: 可表示对过去或已发生的事的猜测

3. I was determined to be cheerful.

I was determined to win. “坚定/决地要做某事”

比较: I determined to go there on my own (= I decided to go….)

4. I don’t think I can ever forgive her. 注: 否定前移

I don’t think your plan will work.

5. Football is very important to me, but so is our friendship.

注:so表示 “也…”要倒装; 表示 “的确如此”不倒装

– You made a mistake. – So I did.

6. I can’t stand seeing our team lose. ( 不能忍受做某事)

7. I can’t help wondering if he wants Peter to be his best friend instead of me.


比较: I am busy with my work, so I can’t help clean the house. (不能帮助做…)

8. He seemed absent-minded and as a result of his careless playing, we lost the game.

(= because of…)

9. You have every right to feel betrayed by your friend if she did tell (的确告诉过)your secret to others, but it seemed unlikely that she did.( It is unlikely that从句= sb/sth is unlikely to do sth)

10. Did you feel jealous of your friend’s mark? If so, the problem lies with you, not her.

注: 是 “if it is so”的省略形式; 又如: “ if not, if possible/necessary”

11. I have no doubt(=don’t doubt) he will succeed.

注: “ I don’t doubt +陈述性的从句”; “I doubt+疑问性的从句”

比较: I doubt whether he can succeed.

There’s no doubt + (that )从句, There is no doubt about sth

12. Maybe one day he will make it to the Olympics. (成功做到/及时赶到)

13. Speaking of friends(“说到/起朋友”, 现在分词短语作状语),

I’ve met some nice people here in London and I think we might become close friends.

14. I decide to write rather than email you. (而不是,常接动词原形)

prefer to do sth rather than do sth

15. We have been friends ever since. (= since then, 与现在完成时连用)

16. They are still sitting on the sofa, absorbed in conversation. (“沉浸/专注于…中”, 分词短语表伴随)

17. What in the world do they have to talk about? (= on earth “到底/究竟”)

18. Boys and girls have / hold different attitudes towards friendship.

19. It has also been shown that many boys can’t name a single best friend.

20. When asked, they usually hesitate before responding.

注: when (they are) asked的省略, 当从句主语与主句主语一致时,从句中的 “主语+ be” 可省略 Unless invited, I won’t go to the party.

When spoken to, he kept silent.

21. Friendship between girls are based on / upon (以…为基础)

shared feelings and support.

22. When a boy is said to have( sb/sth + be said to do ) a best friend, it’s likely that they two share little about their feelings with one another.

23. Boys share activities, while girls share feelings. (表对比, “然而”)

While (尽管)cloning human is illegal in some countries, some scientists are pushing ahead with research.

24. Regardless of (无论/不管)what friendship are based upon, the important is both of them are friendship.

★ 人教版英语7年级下第六单元复习教案 (人教版英语七年级)

★ 人物描写一组教学设计

★ 七年级语文下第三单元 建筑艺术3

★ 人物描写一组教学设计一等奖

★ 单元教学设计

★ 大单元教学设计

★ 二年数学下第二单元-与复习设计

★ 理想(七年级选修) 教案教学设计

★ 春(七年级必修) 教案教学设计

牛津英语七年级上册 篇6

Teaching aims:

A: Knowledge

1. Learn the greetings of meeting people

Good morning / afternoon / evening

Hi, I’m ----------. What’s your name ?

My name is ---------- .

2. Learn the new words .

e-dog , master , instruction

B: Language skill

Use everyday expressions for greetings and introductions .

e.g. What’s your name ?

My name is -------.

C: Feeling

1. To develop students to like English .

2. Arouse students’ interest in learning English

3. Train cooperation study

Main points :


Difficult points : How to greet when meeting people .

Teaching method : Circumstance teaching

Teaching aids : Pictures, record and slide

Style of lesson : New lesson

Design for blackboard :

Unit 1 This is me !Hi, I’m--------- . e-dog What’s your name ? masterMy name is -------- . instruction

Teaching process: Teaching activities

Step 1 Warming –up activities

1. self –introduction

Good morning / afternoon /evening

I’m Mr /Mrs /Miss --------.I’m -----------years old . I’m your teacher .

2. Lead-in

Use everyday expressions for greetings and introductions .

The teacher asks one student some questions

“ Hi’, I’m -------- ? What’s your name?”

Then ask some students to do it again . (about 4 students )

Give the model sentences on the blackboard.

e.g. (1) “What’s your name ?” ---- My name is --------.”

(2)“Hi, I’m --------? “ ----“What’s your name ?”

-----“My name is --------“

3. Practice

(1) Let some of the students come to the front and ask the class .

In pairs .(about 4 groups )

Let them practising greetings above.

(2) Work in pairs practising

(3) Check (ask the students to the front and practise )

Step 2 Presentation

2. Introducing six new friends

T: Now you have many new friends .Do you want to make more new friends ?

Show pictures on the blackboard .Let the students look at them .

This is Simon. This is -------.

3. Make six masks of the children and go on introducing six children’s names .( Let the students wear the masks and introduce themselves )

Ask six students to come to the front and play six new friends .

The students point to themselves and say ,

“ I’m Simon” “I’m Amy” “I’m ------------“

3. Pair work.

Let students get to know these six new friends and remember them .Practise greetings in pairs .

Step 3. Greetings

1. Show a clock of different time .Let the students identify the time .

14:35 08:20

22:15 18:10

2. Let the students know when to say

Good morning /afternoon /evening / night

3. Let the students practice greetings at different time

Greet their partners and then introduce themselves

(Ask students to draw pictures of the sun ,the moon , the sun set , a sleeping baby , say greetings to each other according to these pictures.)

4. Do written exercises part B on page 3 and then check it .

(write greetings on the book .)

Step 4 Presentation

1. Use a multimedia to let the students watch the cartoon between Eddie and Hobo.

2. Introduce

This is Eddie . This is Hobo . Eddie is Hobo’s master . Hobo is an e-dog .

3. Ask the students

Who is Eddie? (He’s the master .) Who is Hobo ?

( He’s the e-dog) . Do you like Eddie ? Do you like

e-dogs ? You can ask your mother to go and buy it for you .

Does Eddie like the e-dog ? How do you know ?

(show a real e-dog ) This is an e-dog . It’s very lovely .

4 . Learn new words

Step 5 Presentation

1. Let the students watch the cartoon and listen to the talk

between Eddie and Hobo .

2 .Let students read after the talk of them .

3. Show the new words of this text . Let the students read them first ,then read after the teacher. .

Step 6 Practice

Let the students read by themselves .

Check Let students read the talk .

Step 7 Acting

Let the students play Eddie and Hobo and act out Pair work

Step 8 Homework

Let the students write their profiles .

Notes: 我是-------------。我---------------岁。我是一名学生。我在二班。


Unit One ( the second period )

Teaching Contents : Reading (A, B)

Teaching aims:

A: Knowledge

1. Learn the new words .

Year , flat . clever , maths , basketball , club ,come from , be born , slim ,ponytail ,music ,profile , hard . wear ,enjoy ,polite ,helpful, funny

2. Learn the introduction of oneself

B: Language skill

Let students use the words and the drills to introduce oneself .

C: Feeling

1. To develop students to speak up actively

2. Let students be full of self-confidence

3. Train cooperation study

Main points :

1. The new words

2. Drills

Hi, I’m _______.I’m_________years old . I’m________(tall/short).

I live in a flat in Huai’an.

I love ________(swimming / dancing / playing computer games)

Difficult points : Learn how to make an introduction of oneself

Teaching method : Task-based teaching

Teaching aids : Pictures, record and slide

Style of lesson : New lesson

Design for blackboard :

Unit 1 Reading ( A, B)Millie Simon Sandy Kitty Amy Daniel

Teaching process:

Teaching activities

Step 1 Revision

1. Review the lesson which we learned last time

Greetings (The teacher starts with simple greetings to the students)

2. Let students use everyday expressions to communicate when meeting

people .

Step 2 Presentation

1. Intrduction (show three pictures of Chinese teacher ,Maths teacher and English teacher with a few

self-introduction words below them )

Hi, I’m ---------. I’m ------------years old . I’m ---------tall/short.

I (don’t ) wear glasses. I live in a flat in Huai’an.

2. Ask students to read them and guess who they are .

3. Ask students to say after the teacher .

Step 3 Practise and act out

Ask students to practise themselves in groups and act out .

Step 4 Presentation

1. Show six masks of the new friends and ask students who they are and help students memorize

2. Write the names on the blackboard

3. T: Do you know what they like ? If you want to know ,please read their profiles on page 4.

4. Ask students to answer questions “What do they like ?” Use the sentences “ -----likes doing --------.”

5. Learn the new words

T: Now we know what they like ,but do you know more about them ?

I’ll ask you to read it again . Before that , let’s learn the new wordain task of this Unit?”

Let the students discuss and ask one of the students to tell the class .

Teacher writes it on the blackboard

Main task : Writing a profile about yourself.

2.T: But do you know how to write a profile ? First please read Millie’s and Daniel’s profiles to know how to write a profile .

3. Get the students to read the profiles .

4.Teacher gives the students some questions according to the two profiles, and asks them to answer.

1).How old are they ? 2).When were their birthdays?

3).Where were they born ? 4).Where do they live now ?

5).What do they look like ? 6).What are their hobbies?

7) Who is Andy ? 8). Who has a lot of CDs ?

9).Does Millie have a lot of friends ? 10).What does Daniel do on the line ?

5.Then ask the students to ask and answer in pairs .

Read some new words and phrases on the blackboard .

6).Now do you know how to write a profile ?

Sump up : 1). … 2). … 3). …(让学生总结。)

Step 2. Practice

1.T: Millie has a lot of CDs , I have a lot of CDs ,too.

I like listening to music , do you like listening to music ?

S: Yes , I do .

T: Do you like playing computer games ?

S: Yes ,I do .

T: I’m good at singing , are you good at singing ?

S: No , I’m good at playing football

T: I have a cousin ,Do you have a cousin ?

S: No, I don’t . But I have a sister .

2.Can you practise like this .(Let the students ask and answer freely.)


Step4. Writing

T: We will have a party in our class . And many our penfriends will come to the party .

Can you write your own profile for your class noticeboard to let our penfriends know us well .

Now please write .Let the students write .

Ask some students to come to the front to read theirs , that is to tell the class yourself .

Homework :

1. Ss write their profiles and stick their own photos on the page .

2. Ask the Ss to design their profiles and stick their profiles on the wall . Choose five best ones .

Procedures of teaching for Unit 1

(The Ninth Period)

Teaching content : Checkout To revise the grammar and the vocabulary in Unit 1.

Teaching aims: 1. To revise the grammar and to be able to use it correctly .

2.Enable the students to master the vocabulary in this Unit and to be able to find out more words .

3.Enable the Ss to use what they have learned to communicate with others freely .

Teaching Aids : Pictures Of six students .

A projectors .

Teaching procedures :

Step 1. Revision

1.T: Last lesson I ask you to write your own profile for your class noticeboard . Have you finished ?

S: Yes .

T: Now please hand in your profiles with their photos .

Show some profiles to the Ss and talk to the Ss like the following .

T: Do you know this girl ? S: Yes, I do . She is … .

T: Is she lovely / pretty / beautiful ? S: Yes, she is .

T: Look at this girl , is she tall/ slim / fat /thin ? S: Yes, she is .

T: Does she have long hair ? S: Yes , she does .

T: What is she like ? S: She is slim .

2.Then teachers and Ss talk about their profiles together .

3.T: This is Lily’s profile , look ,Lily is pretty .

Lily ,can you read your profile?

4.Ask some other Ss to come to the front to read their profiles .

Step 2. Presentation

1.Today let’s learn the last lesson --- Checkout .

We will revise grammar and vocabulary .

2.T: Do you like listening to music ? S: Yes, I do .

T: Do you like playing football?(板书)

S: No, I don’t like playing football .(板书)

But Simon likes playing football .(板书)

T: Excuse me , Simon . Do you like playing football ?

Simon: Yes, I do .

T: Oh. I see . You like having sports . Me , too.

But how many kinds of sports do you know .

S: Basketball , football , volleyball and so on .

Now open your book at page 17. We have three word families ---- People , Sports , Appearance .Please put the words on the right word families .

3.Ask three Ss to come to the blackboard and write their answer .

4.Check the answers on the blackboard . Let the students read the words on the blackboard together .

5. Can you say more words about people , sports , and appearance ?

Let the Ss discuss in pairs .

6. Ask some Ss to say their answers .


Step 3.Grammar

T: Now boys and girls ,please look at the blackboard


What kind of tense is used in these sentences .

S: The simple present tense .

T: yes, you are right . Now do you know how to use it ?

Let the Ss discuss in groups to sum up the usage of the simple present tense .


Step4. Exercises

1.T: Now do you know the grammar ?

Do you understand it ?

S: Yes , we do .

T: Please open your books at page 17. Do part A.

Let the Ss fill in the blanks , and then check the answers .

Ask some pairs to work in pairs .

Get them to write their score on the paw .

3.Ask the Ss to write a profile about their good friends, then get the Ss to read it in class .

Homework :

1.Preview the next lesson .

2.Recite the words and expressions of Unit 1.

3.Write a profile about their teacher .

Unit 1 (the Tenth Period)

Integrated skills B

Study Skills

Teaching Design

Teaching aims:

1. Enable the students to exchange information about oneself.

2. Enable the students to ask questions about personal information.

3. Enable the students to respond questions to oneself.

4.Enable the students to establish and

maintain relationships and routines in school.

5. Enable the students to use everyday expressions to give instructions, make requests, and give responses.

Teaching Aids:

1. Student’s Book 7A

2. Some pictures.

3. A computer and a slide projector

Teaching procedure :

Step 1 Revision

1. Greeting. and try to find something about me .

2. Check the homework.

Step 2 Presentation

B Speak up: making new friends

1. Let students ask the teacher some queations.(to the following table)

Name: (What’s your name?)

Address: (Where do you live?)

Hobby: (What’s your hobby?)

T: Could you please say something about me now?

( Show the paper)

Name: Wang Ling

Address: Renmin Road

Hobby: Reading

A member of the Reading Club

S: Your name is ….

T: Good. Where do I live?

S: You live on Renmin Road.

T: ( to another studrnt) Where do you live?

S: I live …. ( Let students practise them.)

T: What do I like?

S: You like reading and you are a member of the Reading Club.

T: Yes. What do you like?

Ss:I like dancing. I am a member of the Dancing Club.

I like listening to music. I am a member of the Music Club.

I like playing the piano. I am a member of the Piano Club.

I like swimming. I am a member of the Swimming Club.

I like playing football. I am a member of the Football Team.

I love watching films. I am a member of the Film Club

2.Present the dialogue.

T: (OK. Do you want to be my friend?) Hi, my name is Wang Ling. What’s your name?

S: I’m Rose.

T: I live on Renmin Road. Where do you live?

S: I live on ….

T: What do you like?

S: I like listening to music. I am a member of the Music Club.

T: Oh really? I’m reading. I’m a member of the Reading Club

Nice to meet you.

S: Nice to meet you, too.

3. Work in pairs (show the sentences).

4. Act out their dialogue.

Step 3 Listening

( Show the picture of Daniel and Sandy)

T: Look at the picture. Who are they? S: They are Daniel and Sandy.

T: What are they doing? S: They are talking.

T: What are they talking about? Please listen to the tape.

And then answer the questions.

Where do they live?

What do they like? (Written on the blackboard)

1. Play the tape for the students.

2. Check the answers.

3. Listen to the tape and read after the tape.

4. Read the dialogue in parts.

Step 4 Presentation

Working with others A

1. Present this.

T: Boys and girls, I want to copy this dialogue. But I don’t have a pen with me. Do you have a pen?

S: Yes, I do. Here you are.

T: Thank you very much. Oh, do you have a new exercise book with you?

S: No, I don’t.

( Written and read)

Do you have a …? Yes, I do.

No, I don’t.

Step 5 Practice

1.Students make dialogues using them.

2.Act them out.

Step 6 Presentation

1. Present this.

T: Do you have a ruler, Mike?

S: Yes, I do.

T: Can I borrow your ruler?

S: Yes, I can. Here you are.

T: Thank you very much. (to the all) I borrow Mike’s ruler or I borrow the ruler from Mike. And Mike lends me his ruler or Mike lends his ruler to me.

牛津英语七年级上册 篇7

当今世界各国都在倡导21世纪技能和关键能力, 2014年教育部文件提出要进一步深化课程改革, 培养学生的核心素养, 这意味着我国的英语教学, 尤其是基础教育学段的英语教学, 无论是在教学目标、教学内容, 还是在教学方法上都将面临重大变革。如何有效培养学生获取基础知识与基本技能、提升解决问题的能力, 并在此基础上塑造其价值观、世界观, 促进他们健康、快乐成长, 已经成为我国中小学英语教学的热点话题。


关于核心素养的研究, 可以追溯至20世纪中后期, 它是世界各国为进一步增强本国的竞争实力, 提升人才培养的素质的应然结果。各个国家通过不同的方式, 将其研究成熟的核心素养模型融入课程体系, 实现了从旧有的重学科知识体系完备性、重知识结构轻能力培养的教育模式向提升学生能力水平、促进其全面发展的新模式的转变 (辛涛、姜宇, 等2014) 。

当前, 我国新一轮高中英语课程标准修订工作正在进行, 随着基础教育课程改革的不断深入, 学生发展核心素养模型的构建不可避免地成为本轮课标修订中的重点工作之一, 把坚持育人为本, 德育为先, 能力为重, 全面发展作为未来教育发展的战略主题 (顾明远、石中英2010) 。

面对当前社会急切渴求卓越教育的大背景, 教育工作者必须立足于社会主义核心价值观, 充分发挥学科教学在培养学生发展核心素养方面的作用, 进一步改变课程教学重内容轻能力的现状, 明确学生需掌握的核心素养, 将社会主义核心价值观融入国民教育, 实现素质教育, 促进学生全面、可持续发展。


英语教科书中的文化内容是由教师传授给学生的, 是一个文化传播过程, 它改变了原先大部分人认为英语教育过程是一种“知识获得的过程”或者“语言技能传授的过程”的思维定势。文化人类学以及文化语言学的相关理论表明, 语言教学应以人为核心, 以人的全面发展为根本目的。一方面, 英语教育过程是一个文化传递的过程, 并非单一的语言训练过程;另一方面, 英语教育除了训练语言技能外, 还承担着构建人文性, 构建感情精神世界, 促进生命个体和谐发展的任务。从文化人类学的角度来说, 英语教科书承载着多元文化内容, 英语学科教学属于典型的跨学科教学。同时, 整个英语教学过程也是个体的人格、情感、心智全面发展的过程。如果从语言和文化的关系这一根本问题入手, 无论是教科书编撰者, 还是使用者, 都应该将英语教科书赋予文化的内涵, 实现语言教学的人文性。


在文化阐释的框架之下, 对英语教科书中的文化元素及人文性进行深入挖掘, 为英语教科书中文化内容的呈现研究提供了一定的借鉴。笔者从以下三个方面阐释文化内容在人教版《新目标英语》七年级上册教材中的呈现。

首先, 文化内容贯穿于教科书的始终, 在话题中培养学生的听、说、读、写等技能, 在文化的渗透中提升学习者的科学文化素养和思想道德素质, 在展示文化内容的同时达成教学目标。人教版《新目标英语》教材中的文化内容涉及方方面面, 因此, 它的呈现形式多种多样。我们应该认识到, 没有固定的哪种文化内容必须出现在阅读中或者听力中。正是由于话题的特殊性, 文化内容的展示才各有差异。因此, 教师按照不同的文化划分来看待文化内容的呈现方法更具科学性。

其次, 文化内容的呈现方式灵活多样。教师要用辩证的方法、善于思考的态度对待文化内容的呈现。教师可以在真实自然的情景设计 (故事、传记、游记等) 中呈现文化内容及价值观, 或者在新颖别致的写作风格 (悬念、对比、冲突等) 中呈现文化内容及价值观。此外, 教师可以借助文字、插图、表格等形式呈现文化内容及价值观。

最后, 文化内容, 特别是文化点的选择和呈现应多角度 (多元) , 可以采用中外对比、古今联系、不炫不贬等方式;另外, 文化内容的选择、表述和编排应便于教师课堂操作和增强文化教学的效果。编者在考虑教科书跨文化教学属性的同时, 还要注意到从学生年龄的视角来衡量内容取舍和表述方式。


笔者在前文主要对语言及文化的关系进行了理论上的阐述。接下来, 以人教版《新目标英语》七年级上册Unit 8 When is your birthday?为例, 从实践层面进一步探讨语言教学的文化特性。

(一) 教学目标

一般来讲, 遇到“When is your birthday?”这样的话题, 教师通常会将其教学目标确定为:


(1) 词汇方面:掌握1~12月份的表达;掌握序数词1~31。

(2) 日常交际用语:When is your birthday?/My birthday is...

(3) 语法方面:日期表达法。


教师通过设计连贯的听、说、读、写等活动, 训练学生的逻辑思维能力、应变能力以及语言运用能力, 最后使学生熟练应用“When is your birthday?”这一句型, 并进行回答。



(二) 教学过程

为了实现上述教学目标, 教师通常会采用以下教学设计:


由于学生在本册书的上一个单元, 即Unit 7中已经初步接触了数字的英语表达, 因此, 教师可以用提问的方式, 借助句型“What is your telephone (room) number”询问学生的电话号码, 以达到复习相关数字、激活原有知识的目的, 为学生学习新知识做铺垫。




教师可以借助幻灯片、实物 (如挂历) 或PPT, 以两人问答、小组问答、抢答等多种方式操练新知识。




基数词、序数词的转换练习, 翻译练习;让学生参照Page 47 1a中的英文日历自制英文日历, 设计家庭成员生日调查表等。

这样的教学设计在某种程度上摆脱了机械的读、写训练方式, 让学生在实际操作中复习已有知识, 品味、体验、运用新知识。这体现了培养学生用英语做事情的能力的思想主张, 促使学生能够积极主动地学习, 不断提高他们的语言运用能力和人文素养, 进而达到运用所学知识进行交际的目的。

其实, 可以大胆地尝试发散教师和学生的思维, 进一步关注并挖掘话题“When is your birthday?”的文化元素及人文性。不妨尝试增添如下情感目标以及教学内容:

情感目标:通过对birthday以及1~12月相关内容的认识, 教师引导学生理解中西方文化的差异, 提升语言的文化内涵。

教学内容:观看一段英文原版视频, 完成以下三个题目, 并说出为什么。

1.True or false?

For the child’s first birthday party, parents usually make one birthday cake in America.

2.In the USA, after the____birthday, children have the right to get the____driver’s license.

A.fourteenth B.sixteenth C.eighteenth

3.John is 20 years old.What can’t he do, playing computer games, having a date or drinking wine?

另外, Homework部分设计探究型作业———What’s the origin (由来) of the twelve English months?

众所周知, 多媒体与英语学科教学的有机整合可以避免教师单一的讲授方式, 以及学生枯燥的学习方式, 能够弥补学生的文化知识储备, 有效帮助学生获取文化信息。之所以将情感目标增添为对birthday相关内容的认识, 是因为一个国家的语言背后隐藏着这个国家的历史、风俗、习惯、信仰等文化信息。就算是一个句子、一个单词的构成形式, 也蕴含着文化意味。

在谈到birthday时, 人们不可避免地会触及cake这个单词, 而birthday cake又能够反映出中西饮食文化方面的差异。以美国家庭为例, 父母在为一岁的宝宝庆祝生日时会选择两个生日蛋糕。因为美国有这样的习俗:人们先在蛋糕上插蜡烛并将其点燃, 待过生日的人许愿之后将蜡烛吹灭。因为由于一岁的宝宝太小, 可能会将蛋糕弄得不成样子, 所以美国家庭通常会准备两个蛋糕, 一个给小宝宝食用, 另一个留给来庆生的其他人食用。而在中国家庭中, 父母在为一岁的宝宝庆祝生日时, 一般有抓周的习俗。大体来讲, 中西饮食文化方面的差异可以通过中西方人们的饮食观念、饮食内容、饮食方式、烹饪方式、餐桌礼仪这五个方面的异同对比, 引出中西方文化在宗教信仰、气候环境、生活方式上的本质区别。教师在引领学生了解中西饮食文化的区别后, 应尽可能地使学生减少跨文化交际中所产生的误解, 促进文化的互补和交流。

第二个小题非常富有生活性和文化性, 设计得较为巧妙。相对来讲, 美国是一个地广人稀的国家, 他们对青少年拥有驾照的法定年龄限制与我们国家存在着差异。这样的设计很好地落实了语言教学与文化教学的有机融合, 有效地提升了学生的人文素养。

第三个小题的正确答案是drinking wine。在美国, 按照法律的规定, 只有年满21岁的青年才可以饮酒, 否则将会受到法律的惩罚。而在我们国家, 对于饮酒的法定年龄并没有做出强制规定, 只是在未成年人保护法的第十一条中有所提及:父母或者其他监护人应当关注未成年人的生理、心理状况和行为习惯, 以健康的思想、良好的品行和适当的方法教育、影响未成年人, 引导未成年人进行有益身心健康的活动, 预防和制止未成年人吸烟、酗酒、流浪、沉迷网络以及赌博、吸毒、卖淫等行为 (全国人民代表大会常务委员会2012) 。通过这样一个中美文化的比较设计, 教师可以向学生渗透中西方的酒文化, 切实提升学生的跨文化交际意识。

英语月份名称的由来最具挑战性。这里涉及的文化背景知识颇多, 必然会占用很多的课堂时间, 若将其设计为探究形式的家庭作业, 既能发挥学生的团队作用, 又能提高学生的英语学习兴趣, 激发学生的学习欲望以及增强学生对12个月份的单词拼写的记忆效果。正如Byram (1994) 所认为的那样, 文化教学是造成语言学习动力的主要因素, 应该给学习者提供充足的知识和语言文化技能, 以便和外国一些具备同样背景和教育经历的人成功地进行交际。学习者需要有意无意、设身处地地理解外国当地人的文化, 并能够合适地接受其语言和非语言的行为。


诚然, 上述添加的情感目标以及教学内容对英语教师的专业素质与专业发展提出了一定的要求与挑战。随着社会的发展以及对外交流的深入, 掌握英语以及英语文化不仅能顺应社会发展的需求, 而且能提升自身知识水平。在中国, 大多数学生虽然在小学就接触了英语, 但真正开始全面接触英语语法、单词以及文化等内容是从初中开始的。初中阶段的英语教学肩负着重要使命。学习英语的最终目的是灵活运用这门语言, 英语教学的最终目的是让学生有效地运用英语, 提升跨文化交际能力 (王秋艳2013) 。

然而, 由于主客观的原因, 当前的初中英语教学中普遍存在许多问题, 具体表现为以下四个方面:一是教师干预过多, 学生主体地位被忽略;二是教学形式单一, 教学内容单调;三是语言学习与文化分离, 教师教学素质、能力较低;四是过于倾向应试教学, 学生学习任务重。

初中英语教师专业发展面临的问题具体表现为以下四个方面:一是教师职业理想目标模糊, 责任心不强;二是教师职业态度消极, 纪律性差;三是英语教师专业技能不高, 使命感较差;四是教师职业作风不良, 荣誉感不强。

发现并解决初中英语课堂教学的问题, 提升初中英语教师专业发展水平, 既有利于改善初中英语教学质量, 提高初中英语教学水平, 又有利于学生在初中阶段更好地学习英语, 发展核心素养, 为未来的学习和发展打下坚实的基础。


随着传播媒介以及信息的快速发展, 全球一体化趋势趋于明朗。在当今世界, 不同文化的交流碰撞日益成为文明交流的主旋律, 其速度之快、范围之广、规模之大是以往任何时代都不可比拟的。我国初中英语教育越来越注重国际化发展, 以注重培养学生的国际意识为目标, 使学生具备理解不同文化的能力。任何科学研究都是以一定的社会背景和理论基础为依托的, 英语教科书的研究也是如此。随着传播媒介的发展, 社会人文学科研究视角的改变, 英语教育的关注视角也在不断变化。从文化视角加强“初中英语课程与教学建设, 促进学生核心素养发展”的研究必然会成为未来的趋势。

摘要:阐述核心素养的国际背景与现实意义以及语言教学的文化特性, 从英语教学的文化性出发, 深入挖掘英语教科书中的文化元素和人文性, 分析文化内容在英语教材中的三种呈现方式。以人教版《新目标英语》七年级上册Unit 8 When is your birthday?为例, 从实践层面进一步探讨语言教学的文化特性, 并结合具体的文化教学实例, 从知识目标、能力目标以及情感目标三个方面分析文化元素在教材中的体现, 指出文化在英语教学中的重要性。



顾明远, 石中英.2010.国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要 (2010—2020年) [M].北京:北京师范大学出版社, 58.

教育部.2011.全日制义务教育英语课程标准[S].北京:北京师范大学出版社, 27.


王秋艳.2013.初中英语教学存在的问题及应对策略[J].语数外学习 (初中版下旬) , (12) :93.

辛涛, 姜宇, 王烨晖.2014.基于学生核心素养的课程体系建构[J].北京师范大学学报 (社会科学版) , (1) .

牛津英语七年级上册 篇8


2.本节课的话题是The first underground in the world(世界上第一条地铁),这是关于Public transport(公共交通)的问题,更是全球都关注的话题,学生每天上学回家都有可能遭遇到交通堵塞,尤其上下班高峰期、节假日出行都非常困难,经常有学生就因为上学路途遇到交通堵塞而迟到。



本节课是阅读教学的第一课时,该部分是一篇介绍世界上第一条地铁——伦敦地铁发展历史的旅游宣传手册(brochure)。通过对这部分的学习,要求学生对伦敦铁路建造的历史发展过程有深刻的理解,同时也要求学生掌握旅游宣传手册阅读策略的技巧。由于本课课文具有段落多、课文篇幅长、生词多、逻辑性较强等特点,本节课的教学难点就放在帮助学生理解和掌握课文内容,通过预测及归纳各段落中心思想来构建文本的整体框架;然后再运用skimming & scanning等技巧完成问答、填写表格、填词等练习,以加深对文本的理解,并掌握旅游手册的阅读策略。最后,让学生通过巩固练习或讨论活动来运用所学内容、加深对该话题的理解。





Teaching aims:

1.Develop students skills of reading a tourist brochure.

2.Improve students reading ability.

3.Get students to learn about the history of the first underground in the world.

4.Help students summarize the main idea with the help of some key words.

5.Use what they have learned to talk about the things around themselves.

Step Ⅰ: Brainstorming

(1) If you want to go to the park or the museum,or you want to pay a visit to your classmates,which means of transport will you choose?

(2)If you want to pay a visit to your relatives who live in a nearby city,which means of transport will you choose?


Step Ⅱ: Lead-in

Begin the class by asking students “If you want to get some information about the place where you want to go,what can you do?”

Show the picture of a tourist brochure and ask students what a brochure is used for.


Step Ⅲ: Scanning

1.Ask students to read the first paragraph,and help them to analyze the reasons for the development of the first underground in the world.

(Most railway tracks did not go to the London city centre,so buses,trams,cabs and carriages were required. The number of vehicles on the road caused unbelievable traffic jams. So the underground system was developed in London.)

2.Help students get the information of how the underground developed by filling in the diagram. This is a good chance for them to finish C2 on Page 52.


Step Ⅳ: Discussion

1.The World Conference on Transport Research has been held every three years since 1977. The 14th World Conference (交通研究世界大会)will be held on 10-15 July 2016 in Shanghai,China at Tongji University,which will host the Conference at its main campus.

What do you think of the World Conference on Transport Research Society?


Step V: Homework

1.Finish the exercise D on P52.

2.Finish the exercise E on P53.


