


6月六级考试阅读理解分析 篇1






1. 读文章时重点关注文章的首段和首末句。按照西方人习惯性的思维方式和写作习惯,他们惯用的是演绎法:即文章一开始先扔出自己的核心观点,然后具体一步步论证。根据我的统计,每一段的第一句、第二句和最后一句话为本段的主题句的概率分别为50%、20%、20%,三句话成为主题句的概率超过九成,当然也就成为我们阅读的重中之重。

2. 关注一篇文章或者一段话中有没有重复出现的词或词组、有没有黑体字或者是斜体字。如果有,通常这就是文章的核心概念。

3. 问句不会是主题句。问句通常作为过渡或者是引子,因此应该忽略,真正的主题应该是这个问题的答案。

4. 关注一些表征强转折关系的连词,如 “but, yet, however, in fact, indeed, practically, virtually”等,这些词后面连接的通常都是一段话的主题句。

5. 关注一些表征总结性,结论性的词,如 “in brief/short, above/in/after/all in all, conclusion, to sum”等,这些词后面连接的通常也都是一段话的主题句。



(二) 返回原文“定位”

细节事实题每次阅读理解考试的大头,差不多有10题左右。正确的解题思路为:根据题干中的中心词返回原文定位;经常考察的是对原文中一些具体性、细节性信息的阅读,因此一要精确理解原文;正确选项要与原文同义表达;经常诱惑考生的手段:单词替换,扩大范围,无中生有,以偏概全,因果颠倒,张冠李戴等。对于考生最关键就是定位,一定要能够正确的定位到原文中的一句话,而我们目前的四、六级考试,考得最多的就是因果关系。如21题题干中出现why,返回原文定位找到段末句that*****,然后同意替换为d; 又如26题题干中出现consequence,定位到第一段的破折号解释说明,然后找到同意替换为a。



31题,从文章第一段得知什么?这种类型的题干还是找首段主题。第一段主要讲述老年人购物时都能得到折扣,即a“offering senior citizens discounts has become routine commercial practice”所表述的意义。

32题,请问形成这种现象的背后形成因素是什么?讲到产生原因定为文中第二段,说“elderly”和“needy” 是同义词,也就是说因为老年人钱不多了,我们社会要帮助她!即选项c“the elderly, being financially underprivileged, need humane help from society.”

33题,细节事实题。根据政治家和学者可以快速定位到三段末句。文中明确提到是两代人之间的冲突,然后到选项去找同义替换,当然选b “intensify conflicts between the young and the old”。

34题,细节事实题。根据题干中的大写字母可以定位到原文四段首句。文中明确指出会把资源从年轻人传递到老年人处。然后回选项找到c “it benefits the old at the expense of the young.”

6月六级考试阅读理解分析 篇2

1 资料与方法

随机抽查我院2012年1月—6月手写西药门诊处方, 每日抽取50张, 共计处方9 100张, 进行分析。判断处方中存在的问题。

2 结果

所抽查的9 100张门诊处方中, 发现用药有问题处方191张, 占所抽查门诊处方的2.1%。

2.1 用药剂量和次数不合理

2.1.1 许多抗菌药物在使用时常按每日1次的频率给药。如头孢西丁、阿洛西林、克林霉素等药的1 d剂量集中在1次给药。而大多数β-内酰胺类抗菌药及克林霉素、红霉素等属于时间依赖型药物, 其杀菌浓度主要取决于血药浓度超过所针对细菌最低抑菌浓度的时间, 且高出最低抑菌浓度 (MIC) 4~5倍时疗效显著, 后血药浓度进一步提高, 则效果无显著增加, 不良反应及耐药性却会增加[2]。为保证药物在体内最大限度地发挥药效, 杀灭感染灶病原菌, 应根据药代动力学和药效学相结合的原则给药, 消除半衰期 (T1/2) 短者, 应1 d多次给药, 一般每日药量分3~4次给药。

2.1.2 口服控释或缓释片一日1~2次, 而有些处方给药次数过多, 如硝苯地平控释片, 应1 d 1次, 有的处方用法1 d 2次;洛美沙星分散片用于泌尿系统感染, 0.4 g 1 d 1次, 有的处方存在0.6 g 1 d 3次。从药物对机体的作用和机体对药物的处置来看, 有时药物剂量增加, 却不会使药物作用强度也随之增加, 只能使副作用和毒性反应的发生概率增高。

2.2 重复用药

如赛庚啶+氯苯那敏。两者同属于H1受体阻断药, 药理作用相同, 而且有同样的不良反应如:嗜睡、乏力, 两者合用, 加重了不良反应。如伤科七味片+麝香接骨胶囊, 两种药中都有马钱子的成分, 毒性会叠加。

2.3 剂型与给药途径不合理

如将碳酸氢钠片或碳酸氢钠注射液用于冲洗阴道, 治疗霉菌性阴道炎。碳酸氢钠片中除了碳酸氢钠, 还含有填充剂、崩解剂等, 溶于水后, 并不能形成均一溶液, 在治疗部位达不到有效浓度, 不能起到治疗效果;而碳酸氢钠注射液, 其浓度不适宜用来冲洗阴道, 也达不到治疗效果。

2.4 溶媒不合理

舒血宁注射液+0.9%氯化钠。舒血宁注射液为中草药制剂, 易与含有电解质的溶液发生聚合使输液中有沉淀产生[3]。青霉素、参麦注射液、注射用乳糖酸红霉素溶媒的正确选择也非常重要[4]。

2.5 联合用药不合理

2.5.1 铝碳酸镁+四环素类或青霉胺。前者是金属离子药物, 可与后者形成螯合物, 使药物不能吸收。喹诺酮类+H2受体阻滞剂或质子泵抑制剂。后者可使胃肠道pH升高而阻碍前者吸收, 使其减效。

2.5.2 阿司匹林与多种活血化瘀中成药同用, 如活血通脉片、松龄血脉康、血塞通片、银杏叶片等, 这些药物虽然成分各有不同, 但药理作用都有抗血小板抗血栓的作用, 合用不仅增加经济负担, 而且会增加出血风险。氨茶碱+喹诺酮类, 氨茶碱的个体差异大, 安全范围窄, 有效剂量与毒性剂量非常接近;喹诺酮类药物可抑制药物能诱导酶 (主要是细胞色素CYP) , 使氨茶碱在肝脏的代谢和清除减慢, 半衰期延长、血药浓度升高而出现毒性反应。两者合用时应注意监测氨茶碱的血药浓度[5]。

2.6 临床诊断与所开处方不合理

主要表现在临床诊断为头晕待查、腹痛待查、高血压、糖尿病等这些无明确抗菌药物用药指征的疾病中广泛使用抗菌药物。发热的病因较多, 但不能排除病毒引起的发热。还有诊断为胃溃疡, 处方则为兰索拉唑+苦参栓;诊断为糖尿病, 处方为格列美脲+氯沙坦钾+头孢羟氨苄;诊断为急性胃肠炎, 处方为氧氟沙星片+清开灵颗粒。这种情况的出现, 一种可能是医生忘了写第二甚至第三诊断;另一种可能是患者临时要求用药, 医生没写上第二诊断。

2.7 超说明书用药

如注射用脂溶性维生素 (Ⅱ) , 处方上使用1 d 3~4支, 说明书上则为成人和11岁以上儿童每日使用2支。说明书上阿奇霉素注射液用药1 d~2 d后, 改用阿奇霉素口服制剂, 但有的处方上阿奇霉素注射液连用3 d~7 d, 增加了毒副反应的发生。

2.8 超处方权限用药

我院实行抗菌药物分级管理, 职业医师权限为一线 (非限制使用) 药物, 主治医师为一、二线 (限制使用) 药物, 副主任及主任医师为一、二、三线 (特殊使用) 药物。但有些处方超权限使用抗菌药物, 如职业药师开出洛美沙星分散片 (三线药) , 主治医师开出泰能或洛美沙星注射液 (三线药) 。

3 结语

通过本次门诊处方抽查分析结果显示, 我院门诊处方质量还存在着一些需要改进之处。药剂科应加强合理用药的宣传和指导工作, 加强与医师的合作, 加强抗菌药物的合理使用, 做好审方和处方点评工作, 为人民群众提供安全、有效、合理用药的优质医疗服务, 将合理用药水平进一步提高。


[1]戚双双, 王曾寿.我院门诊处方不合理用药分析[J].海峡药学, 2006, 18 (1) :168-170.

[2]温晓娜, 毛静怡.我院门诊抗菌药应用分析[J].中华医药杂志, 2006, 6 (9) :987-989.

[3]王芬.9019张门诊处方用药分析[J].中国药事, 2010, 24 (24) :1246.

[4]汤光.临床药学百科[M].北京:化学工业出版社, 2006:218-219.

6月六级考试阅读理解分析 篇3



六级快速阅读被命名为“Skimming (略读) and Scanning (细看)”,其中的两个单词其实指的就是阅读技巧中的两种方法:skimming指通过阅读文章的标题、首末段以及每段的主题句来快速掌握文章的中心思想和框架结构;scanning指通过寻找题干中的关键词快速回原文定位,并仔细阅读定位到的相关答案信息,主要是解决skimming没有阅读到的部分。下面我们就按照这两个方法来分析2010年6月六级考试快速阅读题。

2010年6月六级考试快速阅读文章来源于《新科学家》 (New Scientist),题为“Obama’s Success Isn’t All Good News for Black Americans”,主要探讨了奥巴马当选总统对于美国黑人来说并不完全是好消息这一话题。按照上文讲述的两种方法,这道题的具体解答过程可分为两步。

第一步:Skimming (略读全文,把握中心)

文章除设置大标题“Obama’s Success Isn’t All Good News for Black Americans”外,还设置了七个小标题作为论述的七个方面,这有助于考生更清晰地把握文章的主题,即“不少人认为奥巴马当选总统对于美国黑人而言是一个天大的好消息,但本文的作者认为不一定如此”。同时,小标题也有助于考生在回原文定位时提高速度和准确率。

第二步:Scanning (分析题干,回原文定位,仔细阅读相关答案信息)


1. How did Erin White feel upon seeing Barack Obama’s victory in the election?

A. Excited.B. Victorious.

C. Anxious.D. Relieved.

解析:根据题干中的人名“Erin White”可将答案信息定位至原文第一段第一句话:“As Erin White watched the election results head towards victory for Barack Obama, she felt a burden lifting from her shoulders.”通过细读这句话,大家可以发现,句中的“watched the election results head towards victory for Barack Obama” 对应题干中的“seeing Barack Obama’s victory in the election”,而句中的“felt a burden lifting from her shoulders”正好对应题干中的问题“How did Erin White feel upon …”,字面意思为“把担子从肩上卸下的感觉”,也就是说“如释重负”,而选项D的“relieved”正表达了这一意思,为正确答案。

除第1题外,第2~7题的题干中均有非常明显的定位词,考生可以通过题干中的人名及与其相关的连词或形容词搭配(第2~7题的定位词分别为:Erin White、Erin White + whether、Ashby Plant、Ray Friedman、Brian Nosek、negative + Obama effect、Cheryl Kaiser)回原文快速定位,寻找正确答案。


9. It is possible that the Obama effect will be short-lived if there is a change in people’s ________.

解析:这道题的题干中没有明显的定位词,所以考生可以依据“顺序原则”回原文定位。由于第8题和第10题分别定位至原文的第17、19和20段,所以考生可以将答案信息定位至原文第18段。这一段只有两句话:“We also don’t yet know how long the Obama effect—both its good side and its bad—will last. Political sentiment is notoriously changeable: What if things begin to go wrong for Obama, and his popularity slumps?” 第一句话的大致意思为:“我们也不清楚奥巴马效应将持续多久。”可见这句话并不是答案所在。那么答案理所当然就锁定在第二句话中,第二句话中的“Political sentiment is notoriously changeable”正好呼应了题干中的“there is a change in people’s ________”,因此这道题的正确答案为“political sentiment”。




1. 简答题

该部分文章来源于《纽约时报》(The New York Times)中的“The Art of Grading”一文,主要探讨了评分的艺术。文章采用问与答的形式,首段便是一位学生对自己老师的评分方法产生的异议:他的老师坚持认为给学生满分就意味着这个学生已经没有任何可以进步的空间了,因此他最多只给学生94分(满分100分),以鼓励学生继续努力;但学生认为自己应该获得更高的分数,对老师的这种做法是否符合职业道德规范提出了质疑。后四段便是针对这一问题的回答,多角度地探讨了这位老师的做法以及评分的艺术。


47.The ninth-grader thought that his art teacher should have given him ________.

解析:这道题为简答题的第一题,是针对“The ninth-grader”的想法提问,因原文中只有第一段陈述的是“The ninth-grader”的想法和问题,其余四段皆为对他的问题的分析和回答,所以考生可以很快将答案信息定位至原文第一段。通过细读第一段,考生可以从第四句话中找到答案:“Because of her ‘improvement’ theory, I got a lower grade than I deserve.”答案的信息点就隐藏在“I got a lower grade than I deserve.”这句话中。这句话的意思是:“我实际得到的分数低于我本应得到的分数。”其潜台词就是:“老师应该给我更高的分数。”所以空格内应填入的内容应该是“a higher grade”。再来看第49题:

49.We learn from the answer that a student who gets a 100 should still work hard and keep _________.

解析:这道题的题干中有明显的数字定位词“100”,按照这一数字可将答案信息定位至原文第三段的第二句和第三句话。通过细读这两句话,考生会发现答案隐藏在第三句话中:“A ninth grader could get a well-earned 100 in English class but still have a way to go before she writes as well as Jane Austen.”这句话中的“still have a way to go”表示“即使是拿了满分的学生仍然还有很漫长的路要走”。言外之意,得了满分的学生仍需努力,所以这道题的正确答案为“making improvement”。


2. 仔细阅读


从上述表格中不难看出,近五次的六级考试仔细阅读文章的主题主要集中在社会、经济、环境、教育等领域,而且主要聚焦在美国。2010年6月六级考试仔细阅读部分的两篇文章关注的焦点仍然是美国:Passage One来源于美国的“家庭与社区网站”(http://community.thenest.com)中的“Why U.S. Needs Paid Family Leave (带薪家事假)?”一文,文章主要呼吁美国实行带薪家事假;Passage Two来源于美国《新闻周刊》(Newsweek)中的“Generation O: A New Blog of Obama Voters”一文,主要探讨处在奥巴马时代的年轻人如何发挥他们的优势来积极参与政治。尽管这两篇文章涉及的话题对考生来说相对比较陌生,但就题目本身的设置而言,还是没有跳出常考的五大题型:细节题、主旨题、词汇题、推理题和观点态度题。在这两篇文章的十道题目中,有八道题(第52~58题、第60题)为细节题,有两道题(第59和61题)为推理题。对于这八道细节题来说,考生只需通过题干中的关键词回原文精确定位即可。例如第53题:

53. What has prevented the passing of work-family balance laws in the United States?

A. The incompetence of the Democrats.

B. The existing Family and Medical Leave Act.

C. The lack of a precedent in American history.

D. The opposition from business circles.

解析:通过题干中的关键词“work-family balance laws”可将答案信息定位至原文第二段最后一句话:“In fact, every step of the way, as (usually) Democratic leaders have tried to introduce work-family balance measures into the law, business groups have been strongly opposed.”这句话中的opposed是对题干中的prevented的同义替换,而business groups正好对应D选项的business circles,所以这道题的正确答案为D选项。


61. What can we infer from the passage about Generation X?

A. They are politically conservative.

B. They reject conventional values.

C. They dare to take up challenges.

D. They are indifferent to politics.

6月六级考试阅读理解分析 篇4

第一节 听力理解命题剖析与预测

听力理解是四级考试中分值较大的一个部分,占整份试卷的35%。它总共分为3个部分,四种类型:Section A由8组短对话和2组长对话组成,前者含有八个问题,后者含有7个问题,分值为15%;Section B由3篇短文组成,含有10个问题,分值为10%;Section C由一篇短文组成,要求填写7个单词和3句话,分值为10%。



第二节 听力理解应试指导――“定位法”



鉴于听力的特殊性――阅读材料中只有题支,没有题干,所以主要是通过题支(复合式听写除外)来预测。预测的基本原则是:联系想内容,区别(反义)定答案;相似可能选,绝对定不选;积极可能选,消极必不选。“联系想内容”是指通过各个题支之间的联系来猜测听力材料的内容;“区别(反义)定答案”是指各个题支间的区别是确定答案的关键地方,尤其是意思截然相反的选项,其中之一很可能就是正确答案;“相似可能选”,是指两个结构相似的句子可能其中之一是正确答案;“绝对定不选”,是指内容过于绝对的选项一定不是正确答案,例如:选项中出现了only, all, any, best等词;“积极可能选,消极必不选”,其实是一个问题的两个方面,是指内容积极向上或者含义深刻的选项有可能是正确选项,而内容消极的选项一定是不正确的选项。但是,由于听力部分含有四种不同的题型,所以除了这个适用于所有听力预测的基本原则之外,每种题型都有自己一些特殊的预测方法,请具体参见后面各节中的解题技巧点拨部分。这里只针对一般情况作出举例说明。


A) Give his ankle a good rest.

B) Treat his injury immediately.

C) Continue his regular activities.

D) Be careful when climbing steps.

M: Today is a bad day for me; I fell off a step and twisted my ankle.

W: Don’t worry, usually ankle injuries heal quickly if you stop regular activities for a while.

Q: What does the woman suggest the man do?

【预测】四个题支的关键区别是谓语不同:give, treat, continue 和be careful,但其中的ankle, injury,regular activities 和climbing steps等之间互有联系,可猜测本题与脚踝受伤有关,而且是女士对男士所提的建议,所以要重点听女士的话语。


A)The man hates to lend his tools to other people.

B)The man hasn’t finished working on the bookshelf.

C)The tools have already been returned to the woman.

D)The tools the man borrowed from the woman are missing.

W: Simon, could you return the tools I lent you for building the bookshelf last month?

M: Uh, well, I hate to tell you this…but I can?t seem to find them.

Q: What do we learn from the conversation?




由于卷面上的听力部分只有选项没有问题,所以除了要定位选项的内容之外,还必须在听的过程中对问题进行定位,这是做好听力的关键。对于问题的定位,一般会涉及到“5w1h”,即:where, when, who, why, what, how;同时,也可以通过题支的语法特点和含义来提前对问题定位,例如:by + doing sth.表示方式。对于选项内容(正确答案)的定位,一般遵循“听到啥选啥”的原则(短对话除外)。例如:(略)


第三节 短对话




A)Having confidence in her son.

B)Telling her son not to worry.

C)Teaching her son by herself.

D)Asking the teacher for extra help.

W: What would you do if you were in my place?

M: If Paul were my son, I’d just not worry. Now that his teacher is giving him extra help and he is working hard himself, he’s sure to do well in the next exam.

Q: What’s the man’s suggestion to the woman?

【技巧点拨】选项B中出现了原文的not worry,选项D中出现了原文的his teacher is giving him extra help,但是正确答案A几乎没有出现对话中的原词。



11.A)She expected more people at her party. B)She enjoys entertaining small children.

C)She threw a surprise party for her friend. D)She has always enjoyed great popularity.

12.A)They are not used to living in a cold place. B)They feel lucky to live in Florida.

C)They are going to have a holiday. D)They have not booked their air tickets yet.

13.A)He was pleased to get the medal. B)He was very courageous.

C)He used to be a firefighter. D)He was accused of causing a fire.

14.A)Make a profitable investment. B)Buy a new washing machine

C)Get parts for the machine from Japan. D)Have the old washing machine fixed.

15.A)He is pleased with his exciting new job. B)He finds the huge workload unbearable.

C)He finds his office much too big for him. D)He is not so excited about his new position.

16.A)The woman is going to hold a big party tomorrow.

B)The man has no idea what the right thing to do is.

C)The woman doesn’t know how to get to the party.

D)The man offers to drive the woman to the party.

17.A)Drawing up a business plan. B) Discussing a term paper.

C) Finalizing a contract. D)Reviewing a co-authored article.

18.A)She ordered some paper. C)She chatted online with a friend.

B)She had the printer repaired. D)She filled in an application form.


11.A)She expected more people at her party.

B)She enjoys entertaining small children.

C)She threw a surprise party for her friend.

D)She has always enjoyed great popularity.

11.四个选项的谓语侧重点和时态都不同,要注意问题如何提问;其中涉及到party, entertain, children, friend, enjoy等词,可以猜测是跟派对有关。

12.A)They are not used to living in a cold place.

B)They feel lucky to live in Florida.

C)They are going to have a holiday.

D)They have not booked their air tickets yet.

6月英语六级考试听力真题 篇5

Section A

Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A),B),C)and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.


1. A) He is pleased to sit on the committee.

B) He is willing to offer the woman a hand.

C) He will tell the woman his decision later.

D) He would like to become a club member.

2. A) Their planned trip to Vancouver is obviously overpriced.

B) They should borrow a guide book instead of buying one.

C) The guide books in the library have the latest information.

D) The library can help order guide books about Vancouver.

3. A) He regrets having taken the history course.

B) He finds little interest in the history books.

C) He has trouble finishing his reading assignments.

D) He has difficulty writing the weekly book report.

4. A) The man had better choose another restaurant.

B) The new restaurant is a perfect place for dating.

C) The new restaurant caught her fancy immediately.

D) The man has good taste in choosing the restaurant.

5. A) He has been looking forward to spring.

B) He has been waiting for the winter sale.

C) He will clean the woman’s boots for spring.

D) He will help the woman put things away.

6. A) At a tailor’s

B) At Bob’s home.

C) In a clothes store.

D) In a theatre.

7. A) His guests favor Tibetan drinks.

B) His water is quite extraordinary.

C) Mineral water is good for health.

D) Plain water will serve the purpose.

8. A) Report the result of a discussion.

B) Raise some environmental issues.

C) Submit an important document.

D) Revise an environmental report.

Questions 9 to 12 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

9. A) They pollute the soil used to cover them.

B) They are harmful to nearby neighborhoods.

C) The rubbish in them takes long to dissolve.

D) The gas they emit is extremely poisonous.

10. A) Growing population.

B) Packaging materials.

C) Changed eating habits.

6月六级作文真题 篇6

colleted by





the above table clearly mirrors an upward trend in the number of people who prefer to travel abroad over the last decade. in 1995, there are only ten thousand tourists going overseas to take a trip. in 2000, the figure climbs to approximately 40 thousand, and peaks at 120 thousand in 2005.

there are a huge number of reasons behind this phenomenon, of which the most important one is --china's booming economy.

thanks to the deepening of reform and opening-up, citizens of the middle kingdom enjoy a sharp improvement in their living standards. they have enormous consuming power to pursue higher level of living quality. perhaps getting tired of visiting scenic spots at home, an increasing number of them choose foreign countries as their tour destinations.

6月六级考试阅读理解分析 篇7





(一) 总体状况

2013年6—7月, 江浙地区主要城市开机率和收视时长如图1所示, 各地区的开机率保持在75%-95%之间, 南京地区的开机率最高, 6—7月的开机率超过90%;杭州稍低。收视时长方面, 南京地区的收视时长高于其他三座城市, 每家庭日收视时长为6.4小时, 杭州为5.5小时, 相对而言, 南京的观众花更多时间收看电视, 而杭州市民或许选择其他休闲方式。

收视份额方面如图2、图3所示:央视和卫视频道组在白天时段收视份额相对较高, 特别是在宿迁地区, 央视份额占据半壁江山。扬州市台在当地拥有较强竞争力, 晚间份额位列市场第一。杭州和南京地区晚间时段, 省台和市台占有率提升压制了外省卫视和央视份额成长。此外, 扬州地区市台在晚间份额提升显著, 略微超过央视频道的份额。

(二) 频道收视表现 (表1)

表1是2013年6—7月各城市收视排名前五的频道, 其中南京地区的江苏城市频道和南京新闻频道排名居前;杭州地区排名领先的频道为浙江卫视、浙江民生频道、浙江教育频道及西湖明珠频道。扬州地区扬州城市频道和扬州新闻频道占据收视排名前两位。而宿迁地区则是央视频道领跑排行榜。


(一) 新闻类 (表2)

2013年6—7月各城市新闻类节目收视排名如表2所示, 南京和杭州本地新闻有着不错的收视成绩, 除扬州地区外, 其他城市基本呈本地新闻加上央视天气预报和新闻联播的格局。本地新闻做得最好的数扬州地区, 扬州的本地新闻占据前五的位置, 本地新闻的贴近与亲民吸引了更多观众眼球。

(二) 娱乐类 (表3)

2013年6—7月各城市娱乐类节目收视排名如表3所示, 进入暑假, 浙江卫视第二季《中国好声音》强势推出, 除扬州地区外, 顺利进入了娱乐类前五的位置。南京地区江苏卫视的《非诚勿扰》占据绝对优势;杭州观众对浙江卫视《中国好声音》更为青睐。两档节目对宿迁有着几近相等的影响。扬州地区市民对本地相亲节目有着较高的偏好度, 贴近市民生活的节目更受扬州观众的喜爱。

(三) 电视剧 (表4)

2013年6—7月各城市电视剧类节目收视排名如表4所示, 南京地区江苏城市频道表现抢眼, 有四部剧排入前五, 南京新闻频道播出《门·第》名列第三。浙江卫视播出的《精忠岳飞》、《第九个寡妇》等剧在杭州地区收视领先。扬州城市频道播出的剧集在当地既受欢迎, 收视表现又稳定, 包揽了榜单前五。宿迁地区观众更为关注江苏城市频道和央视1套播出的电视剧。


(一) 南京市场 (表5)

南京市场的地面频道中, 电视剧占据南京地面频道收视前十中的七个席位。另外有三档新闻类节目表现突出, 《零距离》、《直播南京》和《小鬼子走着瞧》。从频道来看, 江苏城市频道和南京新闻频道各据半壁江山。

(二) 杭州市场 (表6)

杭州市场观众对新闻类节目关注度较高, 前十名节目中新闻类节目占据六个席位, 而本地方言类新闻节目多年来也一直保持着较好收视成绩。此外, 本地频道节目也各具特色, 前十位的频道分布相对分散, 未有收视集中的现象。

(三) 扬州市场 (表7)

扬州市场中, 扬州城市频道占据了市场绝对优势, 其新闻类节目《今日生活》收视最高, 其他排名居前的节目都以电视剧为主。

(四) 宿迁市场 (表8)

6月六级考试阅读理解分析 篇8


总体来说,本次阅读理解题目难度适中,出题思路较稳定,题型没有太大变化。从文章材料来源来看,此次文章主要选自英美著名媒体网站。值得一提的是,这次快读阅读和传统阅读部分各有一篇文章选自The Daily Beast,该网站地址是www.thedailybeast.com。可能很多考生并不熟悉这个网站,The Daily Beast是一家创建于2008年的新闻评论性网站,专注于新闻、评论、文化及娱乐,如今已成为美国知名新闻品牌之一。不仅如此,在2010年,The Daily Beast还和其他四个网站一道被《时代周刊》(Time)评选为全美年度最佳网站之一。同一年,该网站与著名的《新闻周刊》(Newsweek)合并。在以后备考时,考生可以多关注一下这个网站。


本次快速阅读文章摘自The Daily Beast网站,文章标题是“The Three—Year Solution”。这是一篇教育类文章,主要讲述的是美国一所名为“Hartwick College”的学校一反传统,将学制由四年变为三年,由此惠及各方。



就选择题来说,因为有几道题的题干中出现了专有名词,所以无论是在题干中找关键词还是回原文定位答案信息都很容易。比如,第2题题干中的关键词“Stephen Trachtenberg”和第3题题干中的关键词“Judson College”都能让考生在原文快速找到与答案相关的信息。如果答案相关信息找到了,题目其实就解答了一大半。不过,个别题还是有一定难度的。例如本次快速阅读的第5题:“What do we learn about Judson College’s three—year degree program?”如果一道题以“What do we learn about …”这样的句式提问的话,那么这道题考查的往往不是文字的表层含义,考生很难在原文中直接找到答案,往往需要进一步挖掘文章内容,甚至要联系上下文相关段落才可能作答。所以,如果碰到此类型题,考生一时做不出来,可以暂时把题目放一放,先做后面的题,待熟悉了更多文章内容之后再回头做,往往会有“柳暗花明又一村”的感觉。如果为了一道题花费过多时间,影响了之后的答题,往往会得不偿失。




简答题主要考查考生的阅读基本功,所以并没有太多的答题技巧。需提醒考生注意的是,解答这类题时,答案中不能有严重的语法错误,同时要尽量使用短语回答,避免使用句子,因为写的内容越多,出错的概率也就越大。比如,本次简答题的第1题:“What are suggested as renewable and less—polluting energy alternatives?”根据题干中的关键词“less—polluting energy alternatives”,可以迅速将答案信息定位至第一段末尾:“But while much of the research and innovation has concentrated on finding less—polluting energy alternatives, it may be decades before clean technologies like wind and solar meet a significant portion of our energy needs.”所以该题答案显然是“clean technologies like wind and solar”。此处只需要写出核心短语即可,不需要将其写成:“The suggested alternatives are clean technologies like wind and solar.”


本次六级传统阅读的第一篇文章选自美国宾夕法尼亚大学官方网站的一篇学术性文章,原文标题是“The Dark Side of Setting Goals”,主要论述了设定目标的一些负面影响:在正常情况下,设定目标会让人有奋斗的动力,但有时目标也会使人作出非理性的行为。

传统阅读的第二篇文章选自The Daily Beast网站,原文标题是“Asian Wisdom”,内容主要探讨的是亚洲兴旺繁荣背后的原因,呼吁西方国家转变姿态,向亚洲一些国家学习和借鉴经验。



从出题的角度看,围绕这篇文章出的五道题目都属于传统题型,以考查细节为主。不过,第1题值得考生注意。该题题干问:“What message does the author try to convey about goal—setting?”这道题表面看问的是作者的观点,其实是一道隐含的主旨题。由于这道题涉及文章的主旨,所以正确解答这道题非常关键。如果这道题没有答对,答其他题目时也可能会出错。作者在文章第一段提出人们都知道设定目标会带来积极影响,而在第二段却笔锋一转:“What’s far less understood by scientists, however, are the potentially harmful effects of goal—setting.”在接下来的段落中,作者开始举例论证这个观点。由此考生可知,这道题的答案信息出现在第二段。该段中转折词“however”后的“potentially harmful effects of goal—setting”便是答案所在。所以,该题答案如下:“Its negative effects have long been neglected.”


6月六级英语考试模拟试题 篇9

Most people entering historical archaeology during this period came out of university anthropology departments where they had studied prehistoric cultures.

They were, by training, social scientists, not historians, and their work tended to reflect this bias.

The questions they framed and the techniques they used were designed to help them understand, as scientists, how people behaved.

But because they were treading on historical ground for which there was often extensive written documentation and because their own knowledge of these periods was usually limited, their contributions to American history remained circumscribed.

Their reports, highly technical and sometimes poorly written, went unread.

More recently, professional archaeologists have taken over.

These researchers have sought to demonstrate that their work can be a valuable tool not only of science but also of history, providing fresh insights into the daily lives of ordinary people whose existences might not otherwise be so well documented.

This newer emphasis on archaeology as social history has shown great promise, and indeed work done in this area has led to a reinterpretation of the United States past.

In Kingston, New York, for example, evidence has been uncovered that indicates that English goods were being smuggled into that city at a time when the Dutch supposedly controlled trading in the area.

And in Sacramento an excavation at the site of a fashionable nineteenth-century hotel revealed that garbage had been stashed in the building's basement despite sanitation laws to the contrary.


What is the main topic of the passage?A.

How the purpose and the methods of historical archaeology have changed.


How archaeology has been applied to studies of prehistoric cultures.


The attitude of professional archaeologists hold toward historical archaeology.


The contributions make to historical archaeology.


According to the passage, what is a relatively new focus in archaeology?A.

Studying prehistoric cultures.


Investigating ancient sites in what is now the United States.


Comparing the culture of North America to that of Europe.


Studying the recent past.


According to the passage, when had historical archaeologists been trained as anthropologists?A.

Before the 1930sB.

During the 1930s and 1940sC.

During the 1950s and 1960sD.

After the 1960s


In the third paragraph, the author implies the questions and techniques of history and those of social science are .


of equal value in studying prehistoric cultures B.

quite different from each otherC.

all aiming to understand people's behaviorD.

all highly technical and poorly written


The equivalent of the“supposedly“ in the last paragraph is .






Passage 3

Many of the most damaging and life-threatening types of weather——torrential rains, severe thunderstorm, and tornadoes——begin quickly, strike suddenly, and dissipate rapidly, devastating small regions while leaving neighboring areas untouched.

One such event, a tornado, struck the northeastern section of Edmonton, Alberta, in July 1987.

Total damages from the tornado exceeded $ 250 million, the highest ever for any Canadian storm.

Conventional computer models of the atmosphere have limited value in predicting short-lived local storms like the Edmonton tornado, because the available weather data are generally not detailed enough to allow computers to discern the subtle atmospheric changes that precede these storms.

In most nations, for example, weather-balloon observations are taken just once every twelve hours at locations typically separated by hundreds of miles.

With such limited data, conventional forecasting models do a much better job predicting general weather conditions over large regions than they do forecasting specific local events.

Until recently, the observation——intensive approach needed for accurate, very short-range forecasts, or“Nowcast”, was not feasible.

The cost of equipping and operating many thousands of conventional weather stations was prohibitively high, and the difficulties involved in rapidly collecting and processing the raw weather data from such a network were insurmountable.

Fortunately, scientific and technological advances have overcome most of these problems.

Radar systems, automated weather instruments, and satellites are all capable of making detailed, nearly continuous observations over large regions at a relatively low cost.

Communications satellites can transmit data around the world cheaply and instantaneously, and modern computers can quickly compile and analyze this large volume of weather information.

Meteorologists and computer scientists now work together to design computer programs and video equipment capable

of transforming raw weather data into words, symbols,

and vivid graphic displays that forecasters can interpret easily and quickly.

As meteorologists have begun using these new technologies in weather forecasting offices, Nowcasting is becoming a reality.


The author mentions the tornado in Edmonton, Canada, in order to .


indicate that tornadoes are common in the summerB.

give an example of a damaging stormC.

explain different types of weatherD.

show that tornadoes occur frequently in Canada


All the following are mentioned as an advance in short-range weather forecasting EXCEPT .


weather balloonsB.

radar systemsC.

automated instrumentsD.



With Nowcasting, it first became possible to provide information about .


short-lived local stormsB.

radar networksC.

long-range weather forecastsD.

general weather conditions


With which of the following statements is the author most likely to agree?A.

Communications satellites can predict severe weather.


Meteorologists should standardize computer programs.


The observation-intensive approach is no longer useful.


Weather predictions are becoming more accurate.


Nowcasting would be best illustrated by .


a five-day forecastB.

a warning about a severe thunder-storm on the radioC.

the average rainfall for each monthD.

a list of temperatures in major cities

Passage 4

The relationship between the home and market economies has gone through two distinct stages.

Early industrialization began the process of transferring some production processes (e.


clothmaking, sewing and canning foods) from the home to the marketplace.

Although the home economy could still produce these goods, the processes were laborious and the market economy was usually more efficient.

Soon, the more important second stage was evident——the marketplace began producing goods and services that had never been produced by the home economy, and the home economy was unable to produce them (eg.

electricity and electrical appliances, the automobile, advanced education, sophisticated medical care).

In the second stage, the question of whether the home economy was less efficient in producing these new goods and services was irrelevant; if the family were to enjoy these fruits of industrialization, they would have to be obtained in the marketplace.

The traditional ways of taking care of these needs in the home, such as in nursing the sick, became socially unacceptable (and, in most serious cases, probably less successful).

Just as the appearance of the automobile made the use of the horse-drawn carriage illegal and then impractical, and the appearance of television changed the radio from a source of entertainment to a source of background music, so most of the fruits of economic growth did not increase the options available to the home economy to either produce the goods or services or purchase them in the market.

Growth brought with it increased variety in consumer goods, but not increased flexibility for the home economy in obtaining these goods and services.

Instead, economic growth brought with it increased consumer reliance on the marketplace.

In order to consume these new goods and services, the family had to enter the marketplace as wage earners and consumers.

The neoclassical model that views the family as deciding whether to produce goods and services directly or to purchase them in the marketplace is basically a model of the first stage.

It cannot accurately be applied to the second (and current) stage.


The reason why many production processes were taken over by the marketplace was that .


it was a necessary step in the process of industrializationB.

they depended on electricity available only to the market economyC.

it was troublesome to produce such goods in the homeD.

the marketplace was more efficient with respect to these processes


It can be seen from the passage that in the second stage .


some traditional goods and services were not successful when provided by the home economyB.

the market economy provided new goods and services never produced by the home economyC.

producing traditional goods at home became socially unacceptableD.

whether new goods and services were produced by the home economy became irrelevant


During the second stage, if the family wanted to consume new goods and services, they had to enter the marketplace .


as wage earnersB.

both as manufacturers and consumersC.

both as workers and purchasersD.

as customers


Economic growth did not make it more flexible for the home economy to obtain the new goods and service because .


the family was not efficient in productionB.

it was illegal for the home economy to produce themC.

it could not supply them by itselfD.

the market for these goods and services was limited


The neoclassical model is basically a model of the first stage, because at this stage .


the family could rely either on the home economy or on the marketplace for the needed goods and


many production processes were being transferred to the marketplaceC.

consumers relied more and more on the market economyD.

the family could decide how to transfer production processes to the marketplace

Part III Vocabulary (20 minutes)

Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part.

For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C)and D).

Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence.

Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.


The town in the valley is by a high mountain.


confronted B.

distributed C.




If you lie once, people will think of you as a liar and interpret your remarks .


certainly B.

accordingly C.

approximately D.



You have to follow the set out in the book very closely.

If you miss out any of the stages, you will be in danger.


relationship B.


procedure D.



The authorities that the income from exports will rise this year because both exports and prices have increased.


confirm B.

expect C.

prove D.



The manager of the firm said a few words about Jack, whose was clear only to the people who are present.


implication B.

illustration C.

instruction D.



For many people, overeating and overspending are as to Christmas as candles and holly.


integral B.

suitable C.

inevitable D.



The lightning flashed and thunder .


bumped B.

struck C.

collided D.



After so many weeks without rain, the ground quickly the little rain that fell last night.


drained B.

digested C.

absorbed D.



Many hunting and gathering people of the late 10th century have recently adopted some form of organized agriculture to their wild food resources.


compliment B.

implement C.

supply D.



The lawyer pointed out that it would be a mistake to apply this law to situations which are outside its .


field B.

range C.

limit D.



The most important factor in determining how well you perform in the CET-4 is the of your own minds.


sense B.

comprehension C.

state D.



As children grow and mature, sex differences become with regard to size and strength, aptitude and motivation.


pronounced B.

denounced C.

mysterious D.



Some countries love to their own ideas on others.


impose B.

force C.

put D.



Gone is the idea of statement and answer, the symmetrical design that is so in the music of previous centuries.


prevalent B.

extravagant C.

zealous D.



In recent years, psychologists have carried out some interesting experiments.


literally B.

instantly C.

exceedingly D.



She was a great help to her family when her father suffered a mental and had to be hospitalized.


destruction B.

disaster C.

damage D.



A generation ago, even a millionaire couldn't buy the kinds of medicines commonly available to the person of average today.


measure B.

means C.

medium D.



An unemployed security guard into a fast-food restaurant in California and opened fire upon the people eating there.


stuffed B.

split C.

stewed D.



A great ostrich egg was hung from the center of the room ,and a corner cupboard, left open, displayed immense treasures of old silver.


aimlessly B.

absurdly C.

knowingly D.



After John and Bill arrived at the top of the hill, they stopped there to admire the .


vision B.

sight C.

view D.



To make matters worse, by the time the travelers were crossing the channel the sea was very .


rough B.

violent C.

tough D.



I wouldn't to interfere.

Instead, I let my students make their own decision.


resume B.

presume C.

assume D.



At the meeting they the secret that they had kept over thirty years.


exposed B.

emerged C.

revealed D.



The anthropologists did it in order to information from the time before human walked in an erect position.


monitor B.

assemble C.

summarize D.



In algebra, the sign“X”an unknown quantity.


suggests B.

donates C.

denotes D.



My younger brother has a whole of homework waiting to be done.


stock B.

sequence C.

stack D.



Millions of American children live in a complex and highly society.


drifting B.

mobile C.

shifting D.



The teenager lost control over his car, drove over the sidewalk, and into the people walking there.


collided B.

crashed C.

stroke D.



The result is a population in this country of 150 million.


shrinking B.


weakening D.



With the music starting, the dancer began to .


remove B.

circle C.

spin D.




B 2.

A 3.

C 4.

C 5.

A 6.



D 8.

C 9.

B 10.

C 11.

B 12.

A 13.

A 14.

D 15.

B 16.

D 17.

B 18.

C 19.

C 20.

A 21.

D 22.

B 23.

C 24.

B 25.

A 26.

A 27.

D 28.

C 29.

D 30.

B 31.

C 32.

A 33.

A 34.

B 35.

C 36.

D 37.

B 38.

D 39.

C 40.

C 41.

A 42.

B 43.

C 44.

D 45.

C 46.

C 47.

B 48.

B 49.
