


高一英语下册语法教案 篇1



D.until 2.The teacher spoke loudly _______ the students could hear him clearly.A.so as


C.so that

D.in order to 3.You can have the magazine _______ I finish reading it.A.in the moment

B.the moment

C.the moment as

D.in the moment when 4._______ leaves the room last ought to turn off the lights.A.The person



D.Whoever 5.The reason ______ he was late for school was _______ he had to send his mother to a hospital.A.that;why



D.that;because 6.Father made a promise _______ I passed the examination he would buy me a bicycle.A.that



D.that if 7._______ you don’t like him is none of my business.A.What



D.Whether 8._______ the old man’s sons wanted to know was ______ the gold had been hidden.A, That;what



D.What;if 9.It is said ______ ______ was all ______ he said.A.that;that;that

B.what;what;what C.that;which;what

D.that;that;which 10.He told us ______ he had done.Which of the following is WRONG? A.what

B.all that


D.all what 11.He always thinks of _______ he can do more for the people.A.what



D.whatever 12.The monitor suggested that we ______ for a picnic on Sunday.A.went

B.must go

C.could go

D.go 13.______ Wang Feng looked after the old woman a whole year moved us all.A.That



D.Why 14.______ gets homes first is to cook the supper.A.Who


C.Those who

D.Whoever 15.It depends on _______ he has enough money.A.if


C.if or not

D.whether 16.Our hometown is quite different from ______before.A.that it was

B.what it was

C.which it was

D.when it was 17.They want to make it clear to the public ______ they do an important job.A.when



D.which 18.The fact ______ he didn’t see Lao Li yesterday is true.A.which



D.what 19.It is pretty well understood ______ controls the flow of carbon dioxide in and out the atmosphere today.A.that



D.how 20._______ made the school proud was _______ more than 90% of the students had been admitted to key universities.A.What;because



D.That;because 21.---Are you still thinking about yesterday’s game?---Oh, that’s _________.A.what makes me feel excited

B.whatever I feel excited about C.how I feel about it

D.when I feel excited

22._______ David says sounds right to Helen.That’s why she has made up her mind to leave with him _______ happens.A.Whatever;whatever

B.No matter what;whatever C.No matter what;no matter what

D.Whatever;however 23.Some of the scientists held the point ______ ______ the book said was right.A.what;what



D.that;what 24.There is little doubt _______ her advice is of greater value to us.A.that



D.if 25.The fact came up _______ specific speech sounds are recognized by babies as young as 6 months old.A.what



D.whose 26.I agreed to accept _______ they thought was the best tourist guide.A.whatever



D.whoever 27.Sometimes we are asked ______ we think the likely result of an action will be.A.that



D.whether 28._______ the flight to New York will be delayed is ______ I’m especially worried about.A.If;what



D.Whether;what 29.Actually, girls can be ______ they want to be just like boys, whether it is a pilot, a nurse, or a general manager.A.who



D.no matter what 30.You should complete in time ______ the teacher has told you to.A.that



D.after 31.Every one could see ______ was happening and ______ George was already ready.A.what;/



D.that;/ 32.That warmhearted woman often helps ______ is in trouble.A.who



D.whomever 33.______ surprised me most was ______ he was too late for the important meeting, for he was chairman of it.A.What;why



D.That;why 34.A man’s worth lies not so much in _____ he has as in ______ he is.A.that;what



D.what;that 35.The difficulty we now meet with is ______ we can persuade him to tell the truth.A.why



D.how 36.You have been walking a long way, so _____ is a good rest.A.that you really need

B.that you are really needed

C.what you really need

D.that you are really needing

37.The reason why he didn’t pass the final examination is ______ he wasn’t interested in study.A.that



D.which 38.I’ve come to find someone, but I’m not sure ______ is the one I want to find.A.whom



D.whomever 39.I remember _______ this used to be a quiet village.A.when



D.what 40.After months of voyage, Columbus arrived in ____ later proved a new continent.A.where



D.that 41.You are saying that everyone should be equal, and this is ____ I disagree.A.why



D.how 42.A story goes ____ George W.Bush likes nothing more than starting wars against poor countries.A.when



D.that 43.---Look at what you are doing!

---Ah, I wonder _____ this boot won’t fit me.I’ve been trying to put it on the wrong foot.A.how



D.that 44.All finished, we sat down to enjoy____ we thought the most delicious dinner.A.that



D.it 45.______ is often the case, we have worked out the production plan.A.Which



D.As 46.I think Father would like to know _______ I’ve been up so far, so I decided to send him a quick note.A.which



D.how 47.What surprised me was not what he said but _______ he said it.A.the way

B.in the way that

C.in the way

D.the way which 48.After Yang Liwei succeeded in circling the earth, ______ our astronauts desire to do is walk in space.A.where



D.how 49.I have always been honest and straightforward, and it doesn’t matter ______ that I’m talking to.A.who is it

B.who it is

C.it is who

D.it is whom 50.The time is not far away _______ modern communications will become widespread in China’s vast countryside.A.as



D.before 51._______ you decided to take up, you should try to make it a success.A.If only



D.Whatever 52.The news that we are going outing _______ a rush of excitement.A.set out

B.set off

C.set about

D.set down 53.In _______, the northerners are keen on dumplings while the southerners are fond of rice.A.common



D.particular 54.Our plan certainly _________;it was a great idea.A.paid off

B.paid back

C.carried out

D.paid for


高一英语下册语法教案 篇2


一、teaching content:

topic:Unit3 Our animal friends

grammar:using“have”/“has”to talk about“拥有”

二、teaching aims:

1.can talk about“have”.

2.can talk about“has”.

三、teaching key and difficult points:

how to use“have”and“has”correctly.

四、teaching methods:

task-based language teaching method

五、teaching procedures:


(1)T:What animal friends do we have?

Yes,We have...You have...They have...She has...He has...I has...


(2)Look and discuss with your partner:


2.Task2:Let’s fish

(1)he,they,my friends,Liu Tao,my mother,she,I,it,Bobby,the dog,I,we,you






3.Task3:Let’s practise


Nancy____two big eyes;They___no legs or arms;My cats___long tails;

His cousin___some toy cars;Liu Tao a nd Mike___two animal friends;It__four legs and a short tail.


4.Task4:Let’s share

(1)First share some animal pictures


...have/has an animal friend.

It is...It has...It can...What is it?

初中英语教学语法教案研究 篇3

关键词:初中英语 语法 教案

中图分类号:G420 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1673-9795(2012)11(c)-0046-01


1 初中英语牛津版教材语法教学研究

1.1 教材分布及语法项目分析


1.2 语法内容与实践教学方式分析


2 初中英语教学语法教案实践策略

2.1 初中英语语法教案应科学呈现实践反思


2.2 明确针对性,优化教案设计


2.3 深入设计,体现创新性


3 结语




高一英语第四单元语法课教案 篇4

T: Look at the PPT, and make a sentence according to these two sentences.(1)a.One million people of the city were asleep as usual that night.b.One million people thought little of these events.Can you do it all by yourself? If you have any difficulties, please open your text

book and turn to Page 26.Maybe you can find the answer in our text.Now, who can tell me the answer?

Ss: One million people of the city, who thought little of these events, were asleep as usual that night.T: Yes, well done.You are so clever.And let’s do another example.(2)a.It was felt in Beijing.b.Beijing is more than two hundred kilometers away.c.It was felt in Beijing, which is more than two hundred kilometers away.(3)a.A huge crack cut across houses, roads and canals.b.A huge crack was eight kilometers long and thirty kilometers wide.c.A huge crack that was eight kilometers long and thirty kilometers wide cut across houses, roads and canals.(4)a.Another big quake shook Tangshan.b.Another big quake was almost as strong as the first one.c.Another big quake which was almost as strong as the first one shook Tangshan.(5)a.The army organized teams to dig out those people.b.Those people were trapped.c.The army organized teams to dig out those who were trapped.(6)a.Workers built shelters for survivors.b.The survivors’ homes had been destroyed.c.Workers built shelters for survivors whose homes had been destroyed.T: The sentences we have made just now all can be called attributive clauses.They all use one sentence to describe another one.T: OK.Now, let’s enjoy a series of pictures.Do you know the men who were moving stone in the picture? Ss: They are soldiers.T: Yes, they’re soldiers.And the whole sentence is “The men who/ that were moving stone are soldiers.” And also we can say “The men we just saw in the picture are soldiers.”

T: relative pronoun Antecedent modify

高一英语下册语法教案 篇5

Type of lesson: Warming up & listening

Teaching aims: 1.Talk about cultural relics, their importance and ways to protect them.

2.To improve the ability of listening.

Teaching aids:Tape recorder, paper sheet, projector

Teaching procedures:

Step I. Warming up.

Task 1:Team work on the topic “cultural relics”.

Q1:What does the topic mean? Have you got any ideas of cultural relics?

Q2:Are there any cultural relics in Beijing? Name some.

Task 2:Talk about the given cultural relics.

Q1:What are they? Where are they?

Q2:Which one would you like to visit? Why?

I would like to visit _________ because ____________.

I think it’s famous for __________________________.

Q3:What do you think of the cultural relics ? What can we do to protect them? Let’s listen to a passage and see what are mentioned in it.

Step II. Listening.

1. Ask the students to read the chart on P43 before listening and find out what they are asked to fill in the chart.

2. Listen to the passage for the first time and then ask the Ss to tell the names of the sites orally.

3. Listen to the passage for two or three times and try to say something about the importance of each place.(Check in pairs and then in class)

1) _______,there is a statue of a horse._______, there is a large stone elephant.The main building is _______.This site is important because it tells us about what kind of buildings people had in the past.

A. On the left B .in the centre C. On the right

2) This beautiful temple stands between a lake and a mountain. The temple is an important part of our history; many important things happened here, and many poems have been written about the temple.

3) People come to Mt. Lu Shan to look at the beautiful mountains and waterfalls .Over there, between Red Sun Mountain and the lake is the Blue Waterfall ,one of the biggest in the area. Between the lake and the village is the Moon Tower. The mountain is an important part of China’s history and important people have been here.

4. Listen to the passage for another two times and try to find out the measures people take to protect the places.

(Do the matching exercise)

Protect the palace build a museum

walk around the house

Protect the temple limit the number of cars

build a wall

Protect the mountain move some to the museum

try to use buses

5. Ask the Ss to read the pictures on P44 and the instructions, too. And then listen to the passage again to complete the exercise.

6. Discuss the answers in pairs and then check them in class.

Step III. Ask the Ss to do talking exercise on P121 in a group of five. And two or three groups will present their decision in the next class. The other groups have to write down their decision.

( 教师应给每组评分。小组之间互评,每组每个人有口语成绩的一并积累。)


Type of lesson: Speaking

Teaching aims:1.To learn how to ask for and make suggestions.

2.To help the Ss make dialogues in proper situations.

3. To encourage the Ss to discuss in groups and develop their imagination and creativity.

Key point: To help them use the functional sentences correctly in proper situations.

Teaching aids: Tape recorder, pictures and some real objects.

Teaching procedures:

Step I. Ask the Ss to read the instructions.

Step II. Help the Ss understand the instructions.

. 1.Q1:What kind of box is the culture capsure? (about 2*2 metres / an imaginary large box)

Q2:Shall I put in a cat?(No, you can’t put any living things in the capsure.)

(No, the object you’ve chosen should represent Chinese culture.)

Q3:Shall I put a bowl?(Yes, but it should have some cultural value, For example,it was made in Qing Dynasty.)

2.Ss discuss in groups and fill in the form.

What do you want to put in? Why?

3..Ask the Ss to make up their own dialogue by using the functional sentences.

Step III. Ask the Ss to sum up some useful expressions.

Asking for suggestions:

1)What shall I do …?

2)Can’t we do …?

3)Should we do …?

Making suggestions:

1)What/How about…?

2)Why not…?

3)Why don’t you…?

4)I think you’d better do… .

5)I suggest you (should) do … .

6)Let’s do … .

7)I’d like to do… .

8)Maybe we could do … .

Step IV. Ask the Ss to present pairwork on the culture capsure.(Act out their dialogues).

Step V. Ask the Ss to make up a new dialogue with the useful expressions above in a group of four.


You are going to hold an evening party. You haven’t decided the place, the time and the guests you’re going to invited. Now, you are talking about the party with your family.

Step VI. Ss present their decision.

Step VII. Homework .

Write down the dialogues they have made up.


Type of lesson: Reading

Teaching aims:1.To help the students to have a good understanding of the text

2.To train the students’ reading ability

3.To solve their difficulties by reading, discussing and doing exercises

Teaching procedures:

Step I. Lead in.

1. Ask the Ss to say something about the standard of Great cities.

T: There are many great cities in the world. In your opinion, what makes a city great? Let’s take Beijing as an example.(见课件)

1) a long history

2) the capital of the country

3) a large population

4) Something important once took place there.

5) many places of interests

6) …….

2. Show the pictures of famous rivers in the world and introduce St.Petersburg.

T: Water is important for human beings ,here is a proverb saying,” Where there is a river, there is a city.” Maybe it’s not always true. But it’s true that many of the world’s greatest cities have been built on the banks of a river.

Now,I want to show some pictures of famous rivers in the world. And all of them flow through famous cities in the world.

1) The Yangzi River ------Nanjing

2) The Thames River ----- London

3) The Newa River----- St.Petersburg

1) The Yangzi River

2)The Thames River

3) The Newa River

T : Do you know the city of St.Petersburg? It’s the second largest city in Russia. And it’s 300 anniversaries of this city this year. The same as Beijing, St.Petersburg experiences many famous events in history. Until now St. Petersburg , as one of the oldest and the most well-known cities in the world, still keep making legends .So today let’s learn about this city,” A City of Heroes”, St. Petersburg.

Step II. Help the Ss to understand the passage.

1. Ask the Ss to read the title and find out what the passage is about.

The text must be about a city which has many heroes.

2. Do fast reading to find out the answers to the following three questions.

Q1:Which city will the text talk about?

Q2:Who are heroes?

Q3:Who is the man on the bronze horse?

3. Ask the Ss to read the text aloud with the tape, and then finish True or False Statements. (WB P68)

4.Help the Ss to deal with the difficult points.

1) Match the words on the left with their meaning on the right.

cave make something as good as it was before

project to build again; construct anew

ruin artist; person who paints pictures

ancient very old; from a long time ago

.portrait break or harm something

damage a picture that you take with a camera

rebuild a painting or picture of a person

restore a big plan to do something

painter a building that has been deadly damaged

photograph a large hole in the side of a mountain or under the ground

2) Help the Ss to understand the following sentences.

a. Pieces of the palaces that had been hidden before the Germans came could be used to rebuild the city and its culture.

b. With the help of old paintings and photographs, the people of St.Petersburg were able to bring back the beauty of their culture and history.

c. The palaces are large and beautiful, and they often look like something out of a fairy tale.

4. Ask the Ss to summarize each paragragh with one or two words.


Para 1: the building of the city

Para 2: the decline of the city

Para 3: the rebuilding of the city

Para 4: the present situation of the city

5. Ask the Ss to have a discussion on the chart in a group of four, and then ask some of them to fill in the chart.

Work sheet:

the building of the city



personality of Peter the Great

the decline of the city (important historical events)


how long


the results of the Nazis’failure

the rebuilding of the city



the result of hard work

the present situation of the city

the modern heroes of Russia

the character of people of St.Petersburg

Step III. Ask the Ss to do post-reading exercises.

1.Discuss the questions in pairs.

Q1: Why are the people of St. Petersburg heroes?

Q2: Why do people think St. Petersburg is a great city?

2.Ss present their opinions in class and then the teacher makes a summary.

T: From the text we just learned, we can see that St. Petersburg, this great city, has a lot of history. In the past, Peter the Great was the hero of St. Petersburg. Now the people of St. Petersburg are keeping on making legend of St. Petersburg, even the legend of whole Russia. As a result, strong, proud and united, the people of St. Petersburg are the real modern heroes of Russia.

Step IV. Communication exercise.

Task: Talk about the celebrations of the city held in the city this July.

Step V. Homework.

1. Find out more information of the city on the Internet. Report it to the class in the written form.

2. Finish Ex.2 on Students’ Book P46.

Answer sheet:

the building of the city

position on the banks of the Newa River

creator the Russion Czar Peter the Great

personality of Peter the Great strong and proud

the decline of the city (important historical events)

time 1941

how long 900 days

intruder Germans (Nazis)

the results of the Nazis’failure 1.fires burned everywhere

2.buildings destroyed

3.paintings and stutues lay in pieces on the ground

the rebuilding of the city

materials 1.pieces of palaces that had hidden before the Nazis came

2.the old paintings and photograghs

difficulties save the buildings and palaces without destroying their old beauty

the result of hard work 1.Parts of statues have been put back together.

2.Missing pieces have been replaced.

3.Old paintings and the old palaces have been made as wonderful as in the past.

the present situation of the city

the modern heroes of Russia the people of St. Petersburg

the character of people of St.Petersburg strong, proud and united

Word Study

Type of lesson: Word study

Teaching aims:1. Help the Ss use some key words and expressions in this unit.

2.Help the Ss to know how to build a word with “re”.

Key point: Master how to use the key words and expressions in different situations.

Teaching procedures:

Sept I. Ask the Ss to find out the sentences with the words and expressions in the text and read them out.

Step II. Ask the Ss to read more examples and sum up the usage.

Step III . Ss do the exercises.

Step IV. Check the answers .

Step V. Homework.

1)Ask the Ss to make up a short passage with the words and expressions learnt in this unit.

2)Review the whole unit.

I.Word formation “re- “

1.Find out the words with “re-“ in the text and understand the meaning.

A prefix is a syllable that is added to the beginning of base word to change its meaning. In the text, prefix “re” means again .

2.Do Ex.1 on P46.

II. Word study.

1. use 的用法 (vt. & n.)

1) Are you using this knife or can I borrow it?

2) This glass has been used. Please fetch me a clean one.

3) Bamboo can be used to build houses.

4) These lights are used for illuminating the playing area.(赛场)

5) This grammar book can be used as a textbook..

6) A food processor has a variety of uses in the kitchen. (n.)

7) Don’t throw that cloth away. You’ll find a use for it one day.(n.)

8) It’s no use arguing with him any more. He won’t listen to you.(no use doing sth.)

9) If you don’t have enough money, You are able to buy a used car instead of a new one.

( A past participle can be used as an adjective.)


1. The old hospital _____________.( 已经不再使用了)

2. Computers should be designed for the people who _______________.(使用它们 )

3. It’s no use _________________( 帮助他学英语).He doesn’t want to learn it well at all.

4. She hurt her arm in the fall and _____________( 失去作用) of her fingers.

2. It is true that many of the world’s greatest cities have built on the banks of a river. (It + be + adj./n./p.p. +to do/ that ….)

It was difficult to save the palaces and buildings without changing their old beauty.

1)Is it true that the scientist will give us a lecture next week?

2)It is said that at least ten buildings will be built soon in our city.

3)It is easy to recite the text.

4)It’s a rule in our school to do a good cleaning on Friday.

Complete sentences.

1)据报道,一些外宾明天要到我校参观.( reported )

____ _____ _____ many foreign guests will visit our school.

2)行这次会议,意义重大。( important; of great importance)

a. To hold the conference is ____ ____ ____.

b.___ ____ ____ to hold the conference.

3.give up /give in

1)She gave up her job to look after her sick mother.

2)He has to give up playing football because of his broken left leg. .

3)You can’t win the game ,so you may as well give in.


1) The doctor told him to _________ smoking because he had coughed for a long time.

2) The enemy is surrounded ,and will soon ____________.

3) He has to _______ drinking whisky because he suffers from heart attack.


look out, look after, look at, look up, look for

1) If you have new words, you should ________ the words in your dictionary.

2) Peter _______ his pen , but he didn’t find it.

3) _________, a car may hit you!

4) A good doctor should _________his patients very carefully.

5) Mary _______ the blackboard , but she could see nothing .

5. try to do/ have to do/ be able to do

1)We ______ remember the useful words and expressions in this unit in five minutes, but we failed..

2)She wasn’t ____________ go to the games because she hurt her right knee a week ago.

3)The workers ___________ stay up all night in order to finish the work on time.

6.seem 的用法见教参P145

1) It seems that it’s more difficult for women to get to the top of a company.

2) It seems that he is lying.

3) I seem to have seen her before.

4) It seems that he is angry. =He seems to be angry.

5) It seems as if/though he were in a dream.

6) It seems (as if) there will be an election soon.

Rewrite the following sentences.

1) It seems that he is an expert. He seems _____________________.

2) He seems to know everything. It seems _____________________.

III. Complete the passage with the suitable phrases.

try to, be able to, use, it +be+ important, have to

Karl Marx was born in Germany and his mother tongue was German . When he was still a young man he _had to leave his mother land. In 1849,he started working hard to learn his English because it was widely used all around the world. He made such rapid progress that before long he was able to write articles in English for an American newspaper. When he was in his fifties, he found that it was important to study the situation in Russia. So he began to learn Russian. Half a year later, he could read articles and reports in Russian. “ When people use the language, they should try to forget all about their own.” Such was Marx’s suggestion on how to learn a foreign language.


Type of lesson: Grammar

Teaching aim: Ss will be able to understand the meaning of the Present Perfect Passive Voice and its functions.

Teaching focus: Ss can use the voice in a proper situation.

Teaching aid: Paper sheet, pictures or projector

Teaching procures:

Step I. Lead in.

Show some pictures to help the Ss to understand the meaning of the voice.

1)The window has been broken .

2)A new school building has been built for a month.

3) Look, the dirty table has been cleared.

Step II. Ask the Ss to find out the sentences with the Present Perfect Passive Voice in the text and tell why the passive voice is used.

Explain these sentences are used :

1) When the doer is unknown (Sentence 1)

2) When the doer is not important (Sentence 2)

3) When we want to highlight the object of the active sentence(Sentence 3)

Step III. Observe the functions of the voice.

Ask the Ss to read more examples and sum up the structures.

1)All the tickets for the International Music Festival have been sold out.

2)Whose homework hasn’t been handed in?

3)Has the building been completed?

肯定式Have/has been done

否定式Have/has not been done

疑问式Have/has…been done

Step IV. Practise using the voice.

1) Do exercise on P49 (checkpoint) and then do Ex.1 on P47.

2) Do Ex.2 on P123.

3) Do Ex.2 on P47.

Step IV. Practise the voice.

1) I see a lot of trees on the street .The trees _____ _____ planted for years.

2) Anybody who cuts down young trees _____ ______ punished.

3) I can’t enter the building because it ______ _____ locked on Sunday morning.

4) A museum ____ ____ built for cultural relics in the village.

5) Many measures _____ _____ taken to protect cultural relics in China ,so we are able to see many places with their original (最初的) looks.

Step VI. Homework.

1. Finish Ex.2 on P63 in the workbook.

2. Do Ex.3 on P123.Observe the examples first and then do the exercise.

Integrating skills

Type of lesson: Reading and writing

Teaching aim: Enable the Ss to improve the ability of reading and writing

Teaching aid: projector, paper sheet, tape recorder

Teaching procedures:

Step I. Ask the Ss to fill in the form after reading the text.

1. Do it individually.

2. Discuss in pairs.

Location feelings problems suggestions

Step II. Ask the Ss to learn to write a letter to an editor.

1. Find out what they want to write about individually.

2.Write it by themselves.

3.Exchange their letters.

4.Present their letters in class.

Step III. A writing task.

The Yellow Mountain is a place of interests, a great many travelers visit it every day. You traveled there on National Day and had a pleasant time. However, you were not satisfied with some behaviors(行为). Now, you are writing to the management office (管理处) according to the given information in the chart.

Problems Suggestions

throw about the rubbish take away

kill wild animals, catch birds stop hunting

pick flowers protect plants

do the cooking in the wood take meals, forest fire

Possible version:

Dear Editor,

I’m a visitor from Beijing. I traveled to the Yellow Mountain on National day and had a pleasant time there. However, I found some problems during my journey. Some tourists threw about waste paper, plastic bags and tins. Some killed wild animals, caught birds and picked up flowers. Some even did the cooking in the wood.

As we know, the Yellow Mountain is a place of interests. A great many travelers visit it every day. In my opinion, the travelers should take away rubbish with them when they leave. They should stop hunting and plants should be protected .What’s more, all the tourists should take their meals in order not to cause forest fire.

Yours sincerely,

高一英语下册语法教案 篇6

a. Achieve language skills and related knowledge about the topic of sports and the Olympics;

b. Learn to express likes and interests and hobbies:

c. Vocabulary in this unit:

the words and expressions listed on the teacher’s book

d. Grammar:

the passive voice

Period 1

Main points


stand for; well-known; host; shooting; interest; test; examine✓ match; sport; congratulation; fill in; information; while; beat&win

2.Sentence patterns

would rather…

be worth…


3.Functional item

talk about interests&hobbies

Difficult points

would rather…


Teaching procedures

Step 1 lead-in

Ss : talk about sports

T : Do you like sports?What sports do you know?

How much do you know about the Olympic Games?

Many of you are sports fans.And we all know China will host the Olympics in .Next I will give you a quiz to see which of you knows most about the Olympics.

Step 2 Warming up

1.Ss finish the multiple choices in given time.

2.Check the answers

Step 3 Listening

T : Most sports fans like to listen to sports news.How about you?Next you’ll listen to three sports reports.

1.Go through each task and understand what to do.

2.Play the tape two or three times as necessary.Pause at important points and give the students help as necessary.

3.Let the Ss discuss in pairs and then check the answers.

Steps 4 Speaking

1.Go over the useful expressions listed.T asks and Ss answers.

2.Ss practice asking and answering in pairs.

3.Set an example of an interview.

4.Ss practice in groups of 4.Using the expressions.

Step 5 Language points

1.would rather

(1)+do (d’rather do)

EP:He said he would rather play football.

I’d rather stay here with you.

(2)+not do sth

EP:He would rather not listen to jazz.

2.Prefer to do rather than do

EP:I prefer to write to her rather than telephone her.

I prefer to stay at home rather than go out.

Homework :Review useful expressions and practice.

Period 2

Main points


take part in; competitor; rank; prtpare; every 4 years; in modern times; further&farther; event; history-making; make change; whole&all; honour.

2.Sentence patterns

…the same as…


Difficult points

…the same as…

every 4 years

Teaching procedures

Step 1 Recision

Ask students to talk about interests and hobbies.

Step 2 Pre-reading

1.T:Which sport event do you like to watch most?Why?

2.T:Are the Olympic Games important to our society?Why or why not?

Possible answer:Yes,they are important.It is an opportunity to show how strong you country is and how much the people in your coutry love sports.

Step 3 Reading

Today we are going to learn more about the Olympic.Ask students to read quickly in silence and find the answer to the following question.

Q :Which would be another title for the text?

A .The Summer Olympic Games

B .The Winter Olympic Games

C. The World’s Greatest Sports Games

D. A Great Victory for China (c)

Step 4 Post-reading

Ask students to read the text again and answer the following questions.

1.How have the Olympic Games changed since the old Olympic Games were held in ancient Greece?

A :The Olympics have changed in many ways.Many sports are the same,but new sports have been added.Women are now allowed to take part in the Games.In ,over 10,000 athletes form 227 countries participated in the Olympics.

2. What will be done in preparation for the 2008 Olympics in Beijing?

A :New buildings and sports venues will be built,more trees will be planted and new roads will be built.

Step 5 Language points

1.take part in; join in; attend

(1) John takes part in many school activities. He takes an active part in politics.

(2) Join in sth./join sb in sth.

All the family join me in wishing you a happy future.

(3) attend a meeting;

attend the concert ;

attend a class

2 .in modern times time pl.

Times have changed,and we shouldn’t fall behind them.It is the fastest computer of modern times.

3. the same as…

The jacket is the same as mine.

She goes to the same university as her father did.

Step 6 Listening to the tape

Homework:Review words and language points in the text.

Period 3


Ask several students to say something about what he will do for the 2008 Olympics.

Grammar : The Future Passive Voice

1. Structure:will+be+v.-ed

2. Model-making

T:The classroom is very dirty.I will clean it.So it will be cleaned.

3. Drill&practice

Do exercise on P54-55 in book.Grammar Ex 1.

Homework :Ex 2 on P55.

Period 4

Main points


height; point; skill; facial; live; live his dream; speed

2.Sentence patterns

more than

Difficult points

more than

Theaching procedures

Step 1 Recision

Review the structure of the future passive voice.

Step 2 Lead-in

Ss talk about their favorite sports stars.

You have your favorite sports stars.Would you like to know something about Yao Ming.

In this period,we’ll read the profile of Yao Ming.

Step 3 Ask students to read the profile and make a summary.

Step 4 Teach students how to read and write a profile.

Step 5 Language points

1. height n.

What is its height?(What height is it?)

It has a height of 5cm,a length of 10cm and a width of 4cm.

2. more than

We were more than happy to hear of your success.

He is more than our teacher.He is also our best friend.

Step 6 Listening
