


11上海英语中考卷 篇1






11上海英语中考卷 篇2



1. 真实的听力

2013年上海中考英语试卷听力部分难易度与前两年持平,材料选取更贴近生活,更为真实。而真实的语言背景无疑便于学生理解,减少听力之外的语义干扰。比如,听力第10题就是有关父亲节的对话信息,而考试当天恰逢父亲节,考生即使没有抓住关键词,也不影响题意理解,可从容答题。又如,第13题考查对话双方的关系,关键点是“living room”“dinner is ready”,由这两处信息可判断对话双方是家庭成员,且依据谈话内容,女士一方有较强的命令口吻,不难确定双方是母子关系。诸如此类的语言材料,由于来自考生平日可能的生活经历,无形中降低了理解难度,给予亲切熟悉之感,从真实性上保证了听力理解的有效性。

2. 清晰的词汇和语法


3. 多层次的阅读和写作





作文题是“How to Protect Myself”,形式上是命题作文,事实上较之往年,对学生思维的限制减少了,不仅较易审题,更重要的是题目仅给出了个别词组的提示,这就意味着考生更容易结合自身生活,有话可说,有事可写——近几年青少年的安全问题逐渐成为社会焦点,一系列安全防范问题暴露出青少年在自我保护方面的欠缺,因此学会如何保护自身也是青少年需掌握的基本技能。如此与切身息息相关的内容自然给予了考生充分的写作空间。





1. 重视语言的真实性操练

相信中考听力的“真实性”原则将在很长时间内得到提倡,因此,教师需重视日常生活中语言的实际运用,从而促进学生对听力的理解,即运用所获信息,根据上下文进行快速判断和猜测。教师需保证保证每周至少进行一次听力训练,培养学生捕捉细节和关键词的能力,同时帮助学生积累听力练习中的常见场景,熟悉一些场景词汇,诸如机场场景中的take off,flight number,passenger,餐厅场景中的book the seats,order the food或是图书馆场景中的borrow,lend,keep the book。此外,学生还要熟悉一些表示人物关系的常用语,诸如表示夫妻关系的darling。当然,教师也要引导学生注意不同的听力材料,所听的重点也有所不同。若听到的是一篇故事,就要听清故事的脉络;若听到的是一则新闻报道,就要听清事件的时间、地点、人物;若听到的是一番讨论意见,就要听清各方的立场观点。

2. 基础语法不可弃


3. 技巧积累两手抓

缺词填空一直是中考试卷中的较难部分,因此,在日常训练时,教师可指导学生先尝试根据上下文猜测所填单词或词组,继而与备选项进行比较,检测自己是否准确地判断出词性,是否能填写出与备选项相似甚至一致的词,以此训练自己判断词性的能力、分析句子结构和成分的能力,为正式考试打好基础。在首字母填空练习中,教师可指导学生优先考虑“名、动、形、副”等实词类单词,再考虑连词、介词等出现频率相对高的词汇。在平时,教师还应帮助学生积累一些高频词汇和固定搭配,比如pay attention to,be different from,be careful with或hardly,against等常考小词,以便缩小学生思考范围,提高答题得分率。

4. 输入与输出相匹配


5. 积累摄取为写作

11上海英语中考卷 篇3

Unit 9

1. —Do you remember____Professor Li came to our school?

—Yes, of course. He came here by air.(2007年,十堰)

A. howB. whenC. thatD. if

【答案与解析】 选A。从答语He came here by air.可知是询问方式。

2. —When____your brother____ back?

—About half an hour ago. (2007年,武汉)

A. did; comeB. had; come

C. do; comeD. have; come

【答案与解析】 选A。根据half an hour ago,句子应该用一般过去时态。

3. I am interested in animals, so I____lots of time playing with my pet dog. (2007年,厦门)

A. payB. takeC. spend

【答案与解析】 选C。pay意为“花费金钱”,take用来表示“花费时间”的句式是it takes sb. time to do sth.,只有C项与句意相符。

4. I had a bad cold. The doctor asked me____in bed. (2007年,北京)

A. staying B. to stayC. stayedD. stays

【答案与解析】选B。动词ask后接不定式作宾语补足语,即ask sb. to do sth.。

5. Wake up, Nick. Its time to, or youll be late for school. (2007年,温州)

A. get upB. get back

C. get awayD. get off

【答案与解析】 选A。只有A项与句意相符。

Unit 10

1. —I have bought a very beautiful postcard for Teachers Day.

—Really? When____you____it? (2007年,厦门)

A. do; buy B. will; buy C. did; buy

【答案与解析】 选C。根据句意动作发生在过去,应该用一般过去时态。

2. Of all the sports shoes, John bought____pair. Then he had some money for socks.(2007年,成都)

A. a cheapest

B. the most wonderful

C. the less expensive

【答案与解析】 选C。expensive意为“昂贵的,花钱多的”,是个多音节形容词,它的比较级和最高级是在其前面加上more, less和most, least。

3. —This sweater is too expensive. I cant afford it.

—How about this one? Its much.(2007年,金华)

A. cheapB. cheaper

C. cheapestD. the cheapest

【答案与解析】 选B。much修饰比较级。

4. —Wheres your mother, Helen?

—She____the flowers in the garden.(2007年,镇江)

A. watersB. watered

C. is wateringD. has watered

【答案与解析】 选C。根据对话所给情景,应用现在进行时。

5. I feel____to have a friend like him. He always helps me out when I am in trouble. (2007年,太原)

A. luckily B. happyC. sorry

【答案与解析】 选B。feel在句中作系动词,意为“感觉,觉得……”,后面常跟形容词作表语。

6. —Math is difficult for me. How I wish to improve it!

—Dont lose your confidence. I believe you will____it if you keep trying. (2007年,宜昌)

A. takeB. workC. pickD. make

【答案与解析】 选D。make it意为“办得到”。

7. The menu has so many good things! I cant decide. (2007年,邢台)

A. what to eatB. how to eat

C. where to eat

【答案与解析】 选A。根据句意应为“不能决定吃什么”。

Unit 11

1. The Olympic Rings____the five parts of the world. (2007年,潜江)

A. find outB. stand for

C. take placeD. set up

【答案与解析】 选B。stand for意为“代表”,根据句意应选B。

2. —Im not hungry but thirsty.


A. Im hungry, too.B. What about some cakes?

C. Im happy to hear that.D. How about a glass of water?

【答案与解析】 选D。How about ...?常用来提出建议、征求意见,意为“……怎么样?”,其后可以跟名词、代词、动名词等。

3. —Would you mind____my pet dog when I am out?

—Sorry, I cant. I have to study for my test this week. (2007年,重庆)

A. take care of B. taking care of

C. to take care ofD. taking care

【答案与解析】 选B。mind用作动词时,意为“注意,听从,留心,介意,在乎”,其后可以跟名词、动名词,但不能跟动词不定式。

4. —It looks like a television. Do you think so?

—Yes, I. (2007年,江西)

A. understandB. know

C. meanD. agree

【答案与解析】 选D。agree意为“同意;赞同”。

5. 1) —Tom, its cold outside.____your coat when you go out.

—OK, Mom. (2007年,安徽)

A. Take offB. Take away

C. Put awayD. Put on

2) After eight hours hard work, the firemen finally____the forest fire. (2007年,连云港)

A. put awayB. put out

C. put downD. put in

11上海英语中考卷 篇4
















春季高考英语试题上海卷 篇5

第Ⅰ卷 (共135分)



Ⅰ. Listening Comprehension

Part A Short Conversations

Directions:In Part A. you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers in your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.

1.A.dressmaker.B.A shopper.

C.A shop assistant D.A student.


C.At10:00 D.At 10:30

3.A.He doesn’t want to go.

B.He has to see the doctor.

C.He has to send Mary to hospital.

D.He has to take care of his brother.

4. A. Teacher and student.

B. Bookstore owner and customer.

C. Librarian and student.

D. Editor and reader.

5. A. To the classroom.

B. To the professor’s office.

C. To the cinema.

D. To the post office.

6. A. The man.

B. The children.

C. The woman.

D. The woman’s mother.

7. A. She is complaining he didn’t follow her advice.

B. She is complaining about the weather.

C. She is afraid he will fall ill.

D. She is telling him not to take any medicine.

8. A. Steve won a gold medal.

B. Steve didn’t win a gold medal.

C. Nobody was better than Steve.

D. Steve was ashamed of himself.

9. A. Ask for a picture.

B. Smile at the camer

11上海英语中考卷 篇6

Dear foundation organizers:

My name is Jerry Lu, a student currently studying at Shanghai XX High school.I am writing, on behalf of my classmates, to apply for the 2000 yuan worth of fund in a bid to initiate a program aimed at helping those students who are financially disadvantaged.Being raised in families that don’t have to worry about putting food on the table need not mean oblivion to our less fortunate peers.On this account, we would appreciate it if you could sponsor our poverty-relief endeavor.The following is how we would go about using the money.We would spend 1500 yuan purchasing some stationery for the needy students at our school.It is worth noting that we would inform them to pick up the school supplies themselves instead of us “doling out” the supplies so that we wouldn’t embarrass those who we want to help.The remainder of the fund would be used to invite a motivational speaker who was to talk about how to lift oneself out of poverty by making right academic and professional decisions.Modest as our efforts may sound, we believe they will warm some hearts.Much obliged if you could reply at your earliest convenience.Yours Sincerely,Jerry Lu





31卷11期疑难病案 篇7

患者,34岁,因孕31+ 6周,下腹胀痛伴呼吸困难13+小时于2015年6月13日19时急诊入院。患者平素月经规律,末次月经: 2014年11月2日。孕期未定期产前检查。无头痛、心悸、气促、皮肤瘙痒及双下肢水肿等症状。自诉平素喜食肥肉, 长期进食油腻食物,4天前受凉后有上呼吸道感染症状,表现为流涕、咽痛,无畏寒、发热、咳嗽等,自行口服药物( 具体不详) 治疗后症状缓解。1天前出现尿频、尿急、尿痛、尿不尽感, 当地医院予盐酸利托君静脉泵入抑制宫缩,地塞米松6 mg肌内注射1次促胎肺成熟治疗,并留置尿管。13+小时前无明显诱因出现下腹部规律性胀痛伴呼吸困难、端坐呼吸,无法平卧, 无发热、心悸、咳嗽、咳痰、咯血、胸痛、食欲减退等症状,无阴道流血、流液,胎动正常。入院查体: 一般情况好,血压90/60 mm Hg, 体温36. 8 ℃,脉搏130 /min,呼吸20 /min。全身表浅淋巴结无肿大,全身皮肤黏膜无黄染及出血点。结膜无苍白,巩膜无黄染,咽部一侧轻度充血。心率130 /min,律齐,各瓣膜听诊区未闻及杂音。双肺呼吸音清晰,未闻及干湿性啰音。腹部膨隆, 下腹部耻骨联合上两横指处有一长约15 cm陈旧性横形手术瘢痕,瘢痕处及子宫下段有压痛。宫底位于剑突下三指,宫体无压痛,可扪及不规律宫缩。肝脾肋下未扪及,肝区、肾区无叩痛,双下肢I度对称性水肿。入院产科情况: 宫高29 cm,腹围102 cm,胎心150 / min,先露头,胎方位枕右前( ROA ) ,宫缩15秒/2分钟。坐骨结节间径8. 0 cm。肛查先露头,浮,宫口未开,胎膜未破,胎心正常,宫缩激惹试验( CST) 阴性。入院后查血常规: 白细胞23. 94 × 109/ L、红细胞3. 18 × 1012/ L、血红蛋白110 g / L、血小板计数198 × 109/ L、淋巴细胞0. 08、中性粒细胞0. 90、C-反应蛋白19. 0 mg / L。血液炎性标志物示: 白细胞介素6 25. 29 pg / ml、降钙素原0. 4 ng / ml。尿常规: 蛋白质+ + 、酮体+ + 、潜血+ + ,镜检WBC定量30个/ μl。肌酸激酶同工酶5. 68 μg / L,超敏肌钙蛋白0. 118 μg / L,肌红蛋白正常,B型钠尿肽71 pg/ml,淀粉酶138. 3 U/L,血清脂肪酶115 U/L,血清钙1. 97 mmol/L,超敏促甲状腺素( h TSH) 7. 01 μU/ml,游离甲状腺素( FT4) 7. 36 pmol/L,游离三碘甲状腺原氨酸( FT3) 3. 03 pmol / L。肝肾功、凝血象、血糖、血型、输血前检查未见明显异常。B超检查: 双顶径8. 33 cm,股骨长5. 81 cm,B超胎儿生物物理评分( BPS) 四项5分。胎盘位于子宫后壁,下缘距宫颈内口大于7 cm,羊水指数17. 5 cm,S/D值2. 2,颈部可见“W”形压迹,环颈血流可见两周,胎儿左侧侧脑室增宽,宽约3. 0 cm。 心脏彩超提示: 左室舒张功能降低。腹部B超检查: 腹腔积液( 肝肾间隙见厚约1. 6 cm液性暗区,肝前见厚1. 3 cm液性暗区、左髂窝见厚3. 9 cm液性暗区、右髂窝见厚2. 2 cm液性暗区) ,右下腹部暂未见炎性阑尾。双肾、输尿管超声检查未明显异常。心电图检查提示: 窦性心动过速,短PR间期,非特异性T波异常。


中考英语作文辅导11:介绍网友 篇8



Sandy:生于1992年,13岁,中文名Liu Jia,XX年从美国来到中国,现为希望中学一年级学生,已交了许多中国朋友;她漂亮、健康,大眼睛,戴副眼镜,身材苗条;爱唱歌、跳舞,擅长数学、英语、游泳和自然,和同学们相处融洽,大家都喜欢她。

II. 学生习作:

III. 总评:

上海中考英语作文3 篇9

I Would Like to Be a Polite PersonI am pretty sure that I would like to be a polite person throughout my life.I am brought up in a family whose members are polite to each other.My parents share the same quality with me.I am taught never to be rude to anyone else even if he behaves badly enough.I am aware that a polite person should have an air of tolerance.My mother always says, “Ignore the ill-mannered people because they do not know what they are doing.Be polite to those who deserve your respect.” I also hold many other good manners to be a polite person,such as being friendly and helpful to others, keeping graceful postures all the time, trying to be understanding, talking in a modest way and so on.All in all, my family’s motto, never stop being polite, will stay with me forever.(146)COMPOSITION 2

I Would Like to Be a Soldier

My dream changes all the time.But the other day, I happened to hear an English song named Tell Me Why, which tells something about poor kids whose country is in war.At that moment, I made up my mind that I would like to be a soldier in the future.If I become a soldier, I can fight for people’s freedom.I can help those who suffer a lot in war, especially the innocent kids, who are supposed to sit in class studying, just like the ones living in the peaceful world.I will do whatever I can to realize my dream.(103)


I Would Like to Be a Singer

The other day, I was on my computer going on You Tube to listen to music.I happened to find out that one song had almost five hundred million views.At that moment, I decided that I would like to be a lead singer in the future.I think it would be awesome seeing tons of fans wearing a shirt with my face right in the center.How great it is to hear my song played on the radio that billions of people will listen to!What a delightful sense to have my face appear on the cover of a magazine!Then I can afford to tour the world purchasing expensive and nice clothes.Maybe I will be rich enough to buy a cruise ship.someday.(146)

All in all, being a rich and famous lead singer is my dream.I really hope it will come true


On Helping with Family Chores

上海中考英语作文预测 篇10

It was a sunnyday. We decided to have a picnicoutside the city. In the morning, we took an early bus to Nanhui.It was quite a colorful world. There were green trees, orange leaves and redpeach blossoms. At noon, we reached the picnic place. We sat by theriver bank and took out a lot of things, suchas bread, orange juice, apples, cakes, eggs and so on. All of the studentswere eating. Suddenly, it began to rain. Unluckily, there was no shelter nearby. We had to take a bus to go back home in a hurry.

What an unforgettable picnic it was!

(上海中考)初三英语作文点评 篇11



“Sow a habit, reap a destiny.” What do you think of habits? What can our habits bring us?Write a passage of at least 60 words on the topic “Habits”.优秀习作

Good habits are foundations on our way to success, while bad ones get in the way and hold us back.To begin with, good habits help us work more efficiently.If we get into the habit of tidying up our rooms, we will find it easy to obtain the things we need.Moreover, good habits leave others positive impressions.Showing our warm smiles is a habit which enables us to get along with our classmates and teachers well.On the other hand, bad habits can be destructive.Lots of people develop lung cancer just because of their habits of smoking.As you can see, habits really make a difference in our lives.作文评析


从语言驾驭能力看,本文句式丰富,语言流畅,既善于活用考纲词组如 “get into the habit of”,又有如“leave others positive impressions”等地道的表达,既有较复杂的主从复合句,又有短小有力的简单句,错落有致,一气呵成。



Your class would like to make time boxes for people in 2040.You start collecting things today and put them in the boxes.The people in 2040 will be able to compare their life with life now.You also need to write a letter to the people in 2040 introducing one thing in the box.【Oxford 9B Unit 2 Writing】


To the people of 2040,In the box you can find an energy-saving lightbulb.They all come from 2014.By holding the little bulb in your hand, you can sense its smooth, transparent glass-made shell, which is of oval shape.Inside the shell, some metal-made wires tangle with each other in a regular order.This is used to enable electricity to pass through the whole bulb to provide energy.Attach the bulb to a base and then turn on the switch, you’ll find the little bulb lighting up the dark room.Another characteristic of it is that it saves more energy than other kinds of bulbs.So this lightbulb is “green”.We hope this will give you some information about life in 2014.Yours faithfully, Angel







Write a passage of at least 60 words on the topic “The thing that made me angry”.(以“让我生气的事”为题写一篇不少于60个词的短文,标点符号不占格。)Use the following points as a guide:

 What made you angry?

 Describe the thing that made you angry in detail. How did you deal with the situation?


There are few things in life more annoying than being laughed at.When I failed to solve the question on the blackboard and just stood in front of it without saying a word, I could hear those annoying whispers.This really made a perfectionist like me get angry.But I couldn’t let the anger get me out of control.Instead, I chose to ignore those ironic words and focus on the question.In addition, I decided to work harder after school to get myself improved.Due to all the changes I made, I believe I can avoid being laughed at in the future.作文评析

全文结构清晰,层次分明,衔接流畅。本文从内容来看观点新颖、构思巧妙,以”being laughed at”被动语态的结构体现作者内心的不情愿,紧扣题目中的angry。作者侧重对于第二个问题的回答,以生动、细腻的文笔描写了站在黑板前的心理活动,让人读来有生临其境之感。而在结尾,作者不忘传播一丝正能量,驱赶了这个作文题可能带来的负面情绪。本文的内涵和语言都反映出作者的语言驾驭能力,以开头”There are few things … more … than …”来看,作者有丰富的语言积淀和极强的语言运用能力,因而全篇行文流畅,句式丰富,用词精准。本文值得初三学生学习借鉴。



Write a passage of at least 60 words on the topic “I like reading ________(detective stories, newspaper, magazines, comic strips, etc.)best.”

Use the following points as a guide:

 What do you like reading best?

 Why do you like reading them best?

 How do they influence your life?


Magazines, as one form of ways to wisdom, are my favorite.Magazines combine the advantages of all forms of books.They have the diversity of information and at the same time, hold deep thoughts.There is rarely a thing that you can’t find in magazines.Reading magazines has provided me with the opportunity to broaden my horizon, gain knowledge and meanwhile, relax.Since they are more portable than others, you can roll them up and take them with you.In brief, reading magazines has brought laughter and knowledge to my life.I like reading magazines best.作文评析

该篇文章开宗明义,点名文章意图。从内容上看,从杂志包罗万象,开拓读者视野;到杂志放松读者心情;再谈到杂志携带方便可以随时取阅等优点,清晰详实地表达出了作者的观点。文章结尾再次点题,全文简短却简练,切题又精炼。从语言而言,作者具有较强的语言功底,能够熟练运用多样的句式和词组,如meanwhile, since, in brief, provide with等,使文章更富有变化和可读性。语句之间衔接通畅,用词准确自然。词汇量丰富,如wisdom, diversity, opportunity, laughter等。如果文章能在三点优点前用明显的词汇加以区分,如first, furthermore, what’s more等,能使其更加一目了然。



Someone says, “Sow an action, reap a habit;Sow a habit, reap a destiny.” What’s your opinion on this? Please write an article of 60-80 words on the topic “Habits”.有人说:“播种行为,收获习惯;播种习惯,收获命运。”对这种说法你怎么看?请以“习惯”为题写一篇60-80字的作文,谈谈你的观点。



No one can deny that habits play an important role in our life.Everyone should have good habits and break their bad habits as well.In my opinion, habits can change your living style or standard.For instance, if you are an efficient person, you certainly won’t stay up late.This is a good habit that leads to a healthy life.Obviously, little habits undoubtedly change our life and even our destiny.作文评析





John’s friend, Dick, has mixed feelings before studying abroad.He is worried that his English is not good enough and he is too shy to talk with strangers.Also he doesn’t want to leave his friends.Write him an email in at least 60 words to give him some suggestions.优秀习作

Thank you for telling me your problem.Firstly, you should be more outgoing and confident.Learning a foreign language requires you to speak a lot to others.Since you’ll study abroad soon, it’ll be a great opportunity to improve your English.Remember not to be shy.Maybe you can watch some American TV series.That might help you know how people communicate in their daily life.Then you’ll find the confidence in communicating with strangers.Secondly, if you miss your friends here, you can call them and email them as well.The Internet makes it easy to communicate with people in different countries.Thirdly, you should try to be a brave boy.Life is always filled with ups and downs, but you should face all the obstacles bravely.No cross, no crown.I wish you no longer worry about your life there after reading my letter.作文评析

这是一篇有篇幅限制和内容要求的考试作文。它很好地做到了结构整齐,条理清晰的要求。开头直入主题。主体部分以“firstly,secondly,thirdly”这些词汇清晰地亮出三点建议,并且使前后连贯。每一点建议都因为有总起句的概括,以及进一步阐述说明的支撑,而显得层次分明,内容充实而有说服力。语言方面,行文简凝流畅,词汇恰当丰富,句型准确多变,虽然未见很多课外词汇或有难度句型,但是小作者很好地做到了活学活用,这是我们应该推崇的学习意识和习惯。从文章结尾处的句子“Life is always filled with ups and downs, but you should face all the obstacles bravely.No cross, no crown.”,可以看出小作者平时注重了阅读和积累。
