


签证移民常用英语词汇 篇1

business visa 商务签证

apply for deferment 申请延期 arrival visa落地签 tourist visa旅游签family status 家庭地位,家属身份

family ties 家庭关系

federal a.联邦的

federal government 联邦政府

fee n.费用

fiancé(e)n.未婚夫(妻)file n.文件,档案;案卷;卷宗1.归档;2.提出(申请等),提起(诉讼)

file a petition 呈交诉状;提出请愿

file an action 起诉

file one’s tax return 报送纳税申请表

filing n.存档;文件(整理)汇集

finger prints 指印

form n.表格


grant n.同意,准许,许可


household n.家庭,家庭组合 I

illegal a.非法

illegal alien 非法移民

illegitimate a.不合法的illegitimate children 非婚生子女

immediate a.直接的;即刻的

immediate relatives近亲属

immigrant n.移民,侨民

immigrant a.移民的,侨民的

immigrant visa 移民签证

immigration n.移民;移居;移居入境

immigration law 移民法

immigration and

Naturalization Service 移民局(全称)

immigration Office 移民局 immigration Procedure 入境手续

indicate v.指示,指令

indict v.控告,指控

indictment n.控告(书),告发,检控

information n.通知;报告;资料;消息;信息;知识;情报

inspection n.检查;监察;视察

border inspection 入境检查

intent n.意图,目的,计划

interview n.会见,接见

intercompany n.公司内部 intercompany transferees 公司内部调整人员

in transit alien 过境外国人 itinerary n.旅程安排,旅程计划


job n.工作

jurisdiction n.司法权,管辖区


labor n.劳工,劳动,工作

labor certificate 劳工认可书

department of Labor(the)劳工部


marriage n.婚姻,结婚;婚姻生活,结合

sham marriage 假婚

marriage after divorce 再婚

marriage ceremony 结婚仪式

marriage certificate 结婚证书

marriage ties 结婚关系

married a.结了婚的,有配偶的,夫妇的

marital a.婚姻的

marital status 婚姻状况


naturalization n.入籍,规化 nonimmigrant n.非移民;a.非移民的

nonimmigrant worker n.非移民工人,非移民劳工

notice n.通知,声明,布告,告示

notify v.1.宣布,宣告;2.通知 nurse n.护士


oath n.誓言,誓约;宣誓

organization n.体制,编制;组织,团体,机构;设立,设置

origin n.缘由,起因,起源,血统出身

original n.原物,原文,来源,起因 a.最初的,最早的,原始的,独创的

original certificate 原始证书,原始凭证

original document 原本,原始文件

original domicile 本籍地,原籍,原住所

original nationality 原有国籍

original text原本;正本

orphan n.孤儿

orphan asylum孤儿院


parole n.假释,有条件的释放

passport n.护照;通告证

penalty n.惩罚,处罚,刑罚

permanent a.永久的,长期的

permanent resident 永久居民

petition n.1.请愿,请求,申请放2.诉状,上诉状,申请书 petition for Appeal 上诉状,起诉书

petition for Naturalization 入籍申请

petitioner n.诉愿人;上诉人;请诉人

position n.职位,工作

previous a.以前的,前述的,上面提及的

prior a.在先的,在前的,优先的,更重要的

priority n.优先顺序;优先,优先权

priority date 优先日

priority worker 优先劳工

prospective a.未来的,预期的,预料中的

public charge 受政府救济者


qualification n.资格,资历,合格


recent a.近来的,最近的rejection n.拒绝,抵制;驳回,否决

relation n.关系

relation by blood 血亲(关系)

relation by marriage 姻亲(关系)

relationship n.亲属关系

relationship by affinity 姻亲关系

relationship by

consanguinity 血亲关系

relative n.亲属,亲戚

request n.要求;请求;请求书 v.请求得到;要求

request for permission 请求批准

requirement n.1.需要,要求;2.命令,规定

requirement of law 法律的规定

register v.登记,注册,挂号

registered a.已注册的;已登记的;挂号的reside v.居住

residence n.1.住宅,居所;2.居住,居留;居住期

residence certificate 居留证件

residence permit 居住证,居留证

residence n.住处

resident n.居民,居住者

resident alien 外籍居民,外侨


signature n.签字,签名

social a.社会的,有关社会的

social security 社会保障

social security number 社会保障号码

spouse n.配偶

sponsor n.1.发起人;资助人;2.保证人,负责人

statement n.1.陈述,声明;2.供述

stepchildren n.继子女

street n.街道,马路

street name(/number)街道名称(/门牌号码)

status n.1.地位,身份;2.状况,情形;法律地位

successful a.成功的,有成就的 T

trader n.贸易者

trainee n.受培训者


undocumented a.没有记录的

undocumented alien 非法入境移民


visa n.签证

visitor n.访问者,旅游者

voluntary a.自愿的,自动的

voluntary departure 自动离境


wage n.工资,薪金;价

minimum wage(法定)最低工资

签证移民常用英语词汇 篇2

Account considered to be an offset to another account.Generally established to reduce the other account to amounts that can be realized or collected.


contra broker对销经纪

The broker on the buy side of a sell order or on the sellside of a buy order.


contract n.合约, 合同

A legally binding agreement (oral or written) between two or more persons regarding an exchange of some sort.Alegally binding contract must include consideration passing between the parties, an intention on the part of all parties to be bound to the contract, a meeting of the minds of the parties as to the contents of the contract, and an element of clarity such that the terms of the contract may be interpreted, understood and enforced by a court.

两人以上的人之间, 就某种交换建立的一个有法律约束力的协议 (口头形式或书面形式) 。一个有法律约束力的合同必须包括各方之间交换的报酬、各方都有意愿受合同的约束、各方对合同内容意见一致, 而且表达清晰, 因此合同的条款可以由法院解释、了解和强制执行。描述未来的一项金融或商品交易的术语。也指交易买卖双方实际的合议。

contract broker合约经纪

A stock exchange member who executes transactions for other exchange members.


contract grades契约品级

The standard grades of commodities or instruments as determined by the government and/or the exchange that must be met when delivering income against futures contracts.

当依据期货合同收支收益时, 商品或支付工具必须满足的等级标准, 此标准由政府和/或交易所确定。是指由商品交易所统一规定的期货合同中的商品质量等级, 如果级别高, 则溢价销售, 反之, 则折价销售。

contract market契约市场

A market in which futures are traded.

期货交易的市场。是指商品交易的期货市场, 也就是买方和卖方买卖期货合同的场所。

contract month合约到期月份

The month during which a futures contract expires, and during which delivery may take place according to the terms of the contract.Also called contract month or delivery month.

期货合同到期的月份, 也是根据合约条款进行交割的月份。也叫交割月份。

contract sale合同销售

A contract in which a property title is transferred onlyafter the buyer makes a certain number of monthly payments.Also called contract sale or contract for deed.

在此合同下, 买方只有交付了一定数额的月度付款后, 财产的所有权才会被转移。也叫契约销售。

contract size协议量

The quantity of the underlying security that the holderof an option possesses the right to buy or sell.

拥有买卖期权的持有人所持有的标的证券的数量。contraction n.经济萎缩

A period of general economic decline.Contractions are often part of a business cycle, coming after an expansionary phase and before a recession.

经济总体下滑的阶段。经济萎缩中商业循环的一部分, 在经济膨胀之后而在衰退之前。

contractual plan契约计划

A plan in which fixed dollar amounts of mutual fundshares are purchased through periodic investments, usually featuring some sort of additional incentive for the fixed period payments.

按照一般性惯例, 指所有规定缴款期和按月或按季的常规投资准备的积累计划。

contrarian n.反向操作者

An investor who behaves in opposition to the prevailingwisdom.

移民、出国留学申请常用法律英语 篇3


最牛英语口语培训模式:躺在家里练口语,全程外教一对一,三个月畅谈无阻!太平洋英语,免费体验全部外教一对一课程:http:// 法律英语翻译

M marriage n.婚姻,结婚;婚姻生活,结合 sham marriage 假婚

marriage after divorce 再婚 marriage ceremony 结婚仪式 marriage certificate 结婚证书 marriage ties 结婚关系


married a.结了婚的,有配偶的,夫妇的 marital a.婚姻的

marital status 婚姻状况

N naturalization n.入籍,规化

nonimmigrant n.非移民;a.非移民的

nonimmigrant worker n.非移民工人,非移民劳工 notice n.通知,声明,布告,告示 notiy v.1.宣布,宣告;2.通知 nurse n.护士

O oath n.誓言,誓约;宣誓

organization n.体制,编制;组织,团体,机构;设立,设置 origin n.缘由,起因,起源,血统出身

original n.原物,原文,来源,起因 a.最初的,最早的,原始的,独创的 original certificate 原始证书,原始凭证 original document 原本,原始文件

original domicile 本籍地,原籍,原住所 original nationality 原有国籍 original text原本;正本 orphan n.孤儿

orphan asylum孤儿院

P parole n.假释,有条件的释放 passport n.护照;通告证 penalty n.惩罚,处罚,刑罚 permanent a.永久的,长期的 permanent resident 永久居民

petition n.1.请愿,请求,申请放2.诉状,上诉状,申请书 petition for Appeal 上诉状,起诉书 petition for Naturalization 入籍申请 petitioner n.诉愿人;上诉人;请诉人 position n.职位,工作

previous a.以前的,前述的,上面提及的 prior a.在先的,在前的,优先的,更重要的 priority n.优先顺序;优先,优先权 priority date 优先日 priority worker 优先劳工

prospective a.未来的,预期的,预料中的 public charge 受政府救济者


Q qualification n.资格,资历,合格

R recent a.近来的,最近的

rejection n.拒绝,抵制;驳回,否决 relation n.关系

relation by blood 血亲(关系)relation by marriage 姻亲(关系)relationship n.亲属关系

relationship by affinity 姻亲关系

relationship by consanguinity 血亲关系 relative n.亲属,亲戚

request n.要求;请求;请求书 v.请求得到;要求 request for permission 请求批准

requirement n.1.需要,要求;2.命令,规定 requirement of law 法律的规定 register v.登记,注册,挂号

registered a.已注册的;已登记的;挂号的 reside v.居住

residence n.1.住宅,居所;2.居住,居留;居住期 residence certificate 居留证件 residence permit 居住证,居留证 residence n.住处

resident n.居民,居住者

resident alien 外籍居民,外侨

S signature n.签字,签名

social a.社会的,有关社会的 social security 社会保障

social security number 社会保障号码 spouse n.配偶

sponsor n.1.发起人;资助人;2.保证人,负责人 statement n.1.陈述,声明;2.供述 stepchildren n.继子女 street n.街道,马路

street name(/number)街道名称(/门牌号码)status n.1.地位,身份;2.状况,情形;法律地位 successful a.成功的,有成就的 T trader n.贸易者 trainee n.受培训者


U undocumented a.没有记录的

undocumented alien 非法入境移民 V visa n.签证

visitor n.访问者,旅游者 voluntary a.自愿的,自动的 voluntary departure 自动离境 W wage n.工资,薪金;价

常用英语词汇 篇4

clockwise 顺时针balsamic香醋 drizzle细雨 hyperactive活跃的 fidgety烦躁 sweat汗水 homicide 杀人 heritage遗产 ballistic弹道导弹 porn色情 sherlock 福尔摩斯sore 疮 subtle 微妙的indeed 确实punchline 点睛之笔ridicule嘲笑 wack 调侃peachy桃色 diverse各种 obligation义务 benign良性 resist抵御 insist坚持 persist坚持, crawls,爬

quitter懒人 armpit腋窝diaper尿布respiration呼吸cellular 蜂窝sponger寄生虫sponge海绵 numb麻木puke呕吐circumstance情况,环境;情势prsto瞬间语法标注解释 curiosity好奇心nipple奶嘴乳头chump木头片,木瓜呆瓜trash垃圾decompose腐烂skeleton骷髅clue线索clueless无知的horn角 触须,paw爪子mascot吉祥物rhyme [ra?m]n.1.韵,韵脚,押韵crowd人群 拥挤hindsight事后诸葛亮 elbow手肘snout鼻孔prank开玩笑,恶作剧,戏谑

clown小丑buck美元 combination结合联盟 对号密码密码锁mink貂皮shoplifter偷窃商店货物的扒手perpendicular垂直的,成直角的, yell 叫嚷fraternize亲近



negotiator 磋商者;交涉者 2.出售者;交易者;转让者stink发臭


feud [fjud]n.1.(部落或家属间的)世仇 2.(个人或团体间的)仇恨;长期不和;争吵

clench捏紧loophole漏洞barfbag呕吐袋子tentacle 触须触手dabble嬉水,涉足浅尝,quail鹌鹑hilarious可笑的anchor主播burp打嗝[corruption 贪污pollute污染



1.脆的,易碎的;娇贵的Take care with these delicate flowers.当心这些娇嫩的鲜花。

2.纤弱的,娇弱的She is in delicate health.她身体虚弱。

3.精美的,雅致的4.需要小心处理的;微妙的;棘手的In such a delicate situation I have to weigh my words.在这样微妙的情形下,我必须权衡一下我的话。

dummy 假人 木偶ventriloquistic腹语术eliminate淘汰

sneaky狡猾鬼祟 volcano 火山 floss牙线,线thread线cobweb蜘蛛网concede承认,认输

buffet自助 打人detour绕路

get even报复flirt调情lice虱子frame陷害

ticklish 痒痒

英语常用基础词汇 篇5

一、星期(weekday / weekend)

1.周一 Monday

2.周二 Tuesday 3.周三 Wednesday 4.周四 Thursday 5.周五 Friday 6.周六 Saturday 7.周日 Sunday 搭配:on weekdayson Mondayon Monday morningat/ on the weekendin / during a week


1.一月 JanuaryJan

2.二月 FebruaryFeb 3.三月 MarchMar 4.四月 April

Apr 5.五月 MayMay 6.六月 June

June 7.七月 JulyJuly 8.八月 AugustAug 9.九月 September


10.十月 OctoberOct 11.十一月 NovemberNov 12.十二月 DecemberDec 搭配:in January;in a month on January the first / Jan 1st



2.夏天(in)summer 3.秋天(in)autumn 4.冬天(in)winter

搭配:在早春 in early spring 四、一天(a day)的时段

1.黎明 dawn;sunrise(at)2.早上 morning(in the ~)

3.中午 noon(at)

4.下午 afternoon(in the ~)5.黄昏 dusk, sunset(at)6.晚上 evening;night(in the evening, at night)7.午夜 midnight(at)搭配:

at dawn/ noon/ night/ midnight at sunrise/ at sunset

in the morning/ afternoon/ evening on Friday evening in the/ a day

last night/ tomorrow morning /yesterday evening / next week

this afternoon/ weekend,that day today/ tonight


1.元旦节(on)New Year’s Day

2.情人节(on)Valentine’s Day 3.妇女节(on)Women’s Day 4.植树节(on)Arbor Day 5.复活节(at)Easter 6.愚人节(on)Fool’s Day 7.劳动节(on)Labor Day

8.五四青年节(on)Youth Day 9.母亲节(on)Mother’s Day 10.儿童节(on)Children’s Day

11.仲夏节(at)Mid-summer Festival

12.父亲节(on)Father’s Day 13.建党节(on)Party’s Birthday 14.建军节(on)China’s Army Day 15.泼水节(at)Water Festival 16.教师节(on)Teachers’ Day 17.国庆节(on)National Day 18.感恩节(on)Thanksgiving Day 19.圣诞节(on)Christmas Day 20.圣诞(at)Christmas21.春节(at)Spring Festival 22.元宵节(at)Lantern Festival 23.清明节(at)Qing Ming 24.端午节/龙舟节(at)Dragon Boat Festival 25.中秋节

(at)Mid-autumn Festival 26.重阳节(at)Double Ninth Festival


1. 东 east西 west 2. 南 south北 north 3. 向东 eastward(s)4. 向西 westward(s)5. 向南 southward(s)6. 向北 northward(s)7. 向前 forward(s)10.向后 backward(s)11.朝向 toward(s)12.东边/部的 eastern 13.西边/部的 western 14.南边/部的 southern 15.北边/部的 northern 搭配:

1.在…的东部 in the east of

2.在…的东边(搭界处)on the east of

3.在…的东面 to the east of


1.在…旁边 beside / next to 2.在…附近near/ about 3.在…周围 around 4.在…那边 beyond 5.在…里面 in / inside 6.到…里面into 7.在…外面 out of/ outside 8.在…和…的中间

between A and B

9.在…的中间 in the middle of 10.在…的左边 on the left of 11.从左边起第一个 the first on the left 12.从左边起第二/三…个 the second/ third…from the left 13.在…(三个或以上)当中 among

14.在…上面on / upon 15.在…上空/越过 over 16.在…上方above 17.到…上面onto 18.在…下面 under/ below 19.在…下方 beneath

20.在…前面before/ in front of 21.在…前部in the front of 22.在…后面 behind

23.在…后部 at the back of24.在前排 in the front row 25.在后排 in the back row 26.在…顶部 at the top of 27.在…底部 at the bottom of 28.在…脚下 at the foot of 29.在…末尾尽头 at the end of 30.遍及,到处 all over/ throughout

31.在河/窗边by the river/ window

32.在操场on/ in the playground 33.经过past 34.横过across 35.穿过,通过through 36.沿着along 37.沿着,沿…而下 down 38.来自from

金融英语——常用词汇(九十一) 篇6

The process of evaluating an applicant's loan request or a corporation's debt issue in order to determine the likelihood that the borrower will live up to his/her obligations.


credit analyst信用分析师

One who performs credit analysis.


credit balance信用余额, 贷方余额

The amount remaining in a cash account or margin account after all securities have been paid for.Balance remaining after one of a series of bookkeeping entries.This amount represents a liability or income to the entity. (See Balance.)


credit bureau信用调查机构

An agency which collects and sells information about the creditworthiness of individuals.Clearinghouse of consumer credit information used by businesses to determine the creditworthiness of borrowers.


credit card信用卡

Any card that may be used repeatedly to borrow money or buy products and services on credit.

可凭之多次借款和赊销产品和服务的卡片。是指持卡人向特约商店进行消费购买行为时, 仅凭签账, 无需当时立即付账的一种银行卡。

credit check信用调查

The process of evaluating an applicant's loan request or a corporation's debt issue in order to determine the likelihood that the borrower will live up to his/her obligations.Also called credit analysis.


credit cliff信用悬崖

A slang term meaning that credit deterioration could be compounded by provisions such as rating triggers or financia covenants.These can put pressure on the company's liquidity or its business to a material extent.

行业俚语, 指评级触发事件或财务契约等条款可能加剧公司信用恶化的情况, 这可能对公司的流动现金或业务造成重大压力。

credit crunch紧缩信贷

An economic condition whereby investment capital is difficult to obtain.Banks and investors become weary of lending funds to corporations thereby driving up the price of debt products for borrowers.

难以取得投资资金的经济环境。银行及投资者对向企业借贷有所顾虑, 因而推高债务产品的价格。

credit default swap信用违约转换

A specific kind of counterparty agreement which allows the transfer of third party credit risk from one party to the other.

是一种特定的对手协议, 允许将第三方风险由一方转给另一方。

credit derivative信贷衍生工具

A contract between two parties that allows for the use of a derivative instrument to transfer credit risk from one party to another.


credit derivatives信用衍生品

A contract that enables a user, such as a bank, to better manage its credit risk.A way of transferring credit risk to another party.

是指运用财务工程技术, 将信用风险由原来的借贷双方或交易双方中分离出来, 然后将此风险经由衍生性商品市场, 移转给愿意承担此风险的第三者。

credit enhancement信用增级

The process of reducing credit risk by requiring collateral, insurance, or other agreements to provide the lender with reassurance that it will be compensated if the borrower defaulted.A technique to lower the interest payments on a bond by raising the issue's credit rating, often through insurance in the form of a financial guarantee or with standby letters of credit issued by a bank.

国贸单证常用英语词汇 篇7


Vocabulary and Phrase of Foreign Trade Documentary







Sales Contract /Sales Confirmation

Purchase Contract



Contract no.Clause 条款

The undersigned sellers and buyers have agreed to close the following transaction according to the terms and conditions stipulated below.买卖双方同意按照如下所列条款达成交易.Inspection 检验条款

Force majeure 不可抗力条款

Claim 索赔条款

Arbitration 仲裁条款


Description of goods 品名

Description of merchandise 品名


Unite price

Amount /Total Value总值

In duplicate

In triplicate

In quadruplicate 一式四份

Signed commercial invoice

Manually signed / hand signed 手签

Performa invoice 形式发票

Customs invoice 海关发票

Consular invoice 领事发票

Manufacture invoice 工厂发票


Commission 佣金

Discount 折扣

Deduct /less 减去,扣除


Packing list

Weight list/ note /memo 重量单

Measurement list 尺码单

Packing declaration 包装声明

Specification list

Assortment list 花色搭配单

Neutral packing list 中性包装单

Gross weight / G.W.Net weight / N.W.Measurement / MEAS.体积

Cubic meter / CBM立方米

More or less clause溢短装条款

Nude cargo裸装货

Cargo in bulk / Bulk cargo 散装货

Packed cargo包装货




Sight drafts 即期汇票

Time drafts 远期汇票

Available by drafts at sight

Drafts to be drawn at 30 days sight开立30天的远期汇票

Documentary drafts 跟单汇票

Issue 出票

Presentation 提示

Acceptance 承兑

Payment 付款

Endorsement 背书


CCPIT(China Council for the Promotion of International Trade)


Chamber of Commerce 商会

Means of transport and route

Declaration by exporter 出口商声明


GSP FORM A(Generalized system of preference certificate of origin A)

FORMA 表格(普惠制原产地证书)

Origin criterion 原产地标准


AQSIQ(Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People’s Republic of China)国家质检总局

Commodity inspection 商品检验

Certificate of quality

Certificate of quantity

Phytosanitary certificate 植物检疫证明书

Sanitary certificate 卫生证书

Health certificate 健康证书

Inspection certificate检验证书

Analysis certificate 分析证书

Fumigation certificate 熏蒸证书

Customs Declaration 报关

Customs declaration form 报关单

Export customs declaration form 出口报关单

Import customs declaration form 进口报关单

Customs formalities报关手续

Duty 关税


Insurance company

Application for insurance投保单

Insurance policy

Insurance certificate

CIC(China Insurance Clause)中国保险条款

FPA(free from particular average)

WPA(with particular average)

All risks

War risks

Strike risks

Additional risks 附加险

General additional risks 一般附加险

Special additional risks 特殊附加险

Risk of clashing & breakage碰损破碎险

Risk of leakage 渗漏险

Risk of Odor 串味险

Risk of Rust 锈蚀险

Shortage Risk 短缺险

T.P.N.D.(Theft, Pilferage & Non-delivery)偷窃提货不着险

ICC(Institute Cargo Clause)伦敦保险协会保险条款




Amount insured 保险金额

Premium 保险费

Premium rate 保险费率

Warehouse to warehouse clause(W/W clause)仓至仓条款

Surveying agent 保险勘察代理人



Chartering, space booking 租船订舱

Ocean transport

Railway transport

Air transport

Shipping by chartering 租船运输

Voyage charter定程租船

Time charter定期租船

Charter party 租船合同

Liner/regular shipping liner 班轮运输

Time of shipment /delivery

Port of loading

Port of discharge

Partial shipment allowed / prohibited


mate’s receipt 大副收据(缩写: M/R)

Marine Bill of lading(B/L)

Master bill of lading(MB/L)船东提单

On board B/L/Shipped B/L 已装船提单

Clean B/L

Foul B/L 不清洁提单

Order B/L 指示提单

Blank /open/ bearer B/L 空白提单

Straight B/L 记名提单

Non-negotiable copy bills of lading 不可转让的提单

Booking note(B/N)托运单

carrier 承运人

Shipper/ consigner 发货人

Consignee 收货人

Notify party 通知人

Ocean vessel 船名


Gross weight

Measurement 体积

Place and date of issue

No.of original B/L


blank endorsed 空白背书

Container no.集装箱号

Seal no.铅封号

Shipping mark

Freight prepaid

Freight to collect

CY(container yard)集装箱堆场

CFS(container freight station)集装箱货运站

FCL(full container load)整箱货

LCL(less than container load)拼箱货

Other Documents

Import Licence进口许可证

Export Licence 出口许可证

Shipping advice

Beneficiary’s certificate受益人证明

Shipping company’s certificate 船公司证明


T/T in advance

D/P at sight

L/C at sight

Opening/ issuing / establishing bank 开证行

Advising / notify bank 通知行

Negotiation /negotiating bank 议付行

Paying bank 付款行

Reimbursing bank偿付行

The confirming bank 保兑行



Documents required 所需单据

职场英语工作常用词汇 篇8

mailshot n. 邮购

maintain v. 维持,保持

maintenance n. 维持,坚持

major adj. 重大的,主要的,较大的

majority shareholding 绝对控股

make n. 产品的牌子或型号

make-to-order adj. 根据订货而生产的产品

make-to-stock adj. 指那些在未收到订货时就已生产了的产品

management n. 管理,管理部门

middle management n. 中层管理人员

senior management n. 高层管理人员

managerial adj. 管理人员的,管理方面的

manager n. 经理

plant manager n. 工厂负责人

line manager n. 基层负责人

staff manager n. 部门经理助理

management accounts n. 管理帐目

matrix management n. 矩阵管理

*management information system(MIS) n. 管理信息系统

manning n. 人员配备

manpower n. 劳动力

manpower resources n. 劳动力资源

manual adj. 体力的,人工的,蓝领的

manufacture v. (用机器)制造

manufacturer n. 制造者(厂、商、公司)

manufacturing adj. 制造的

manufacturing industry 制造业

margin n. 利润

gross margin n. 毛利率

net margin n. 净利润

mark-up v. 标高售价,加价

market n. 市场;产品可能的销量

down market adv./adj. 低档商品/地的

up market adj./adv. 高档商品的/地

marketing mix n. 综合营销策略,指定价、促销、产品等策略的配合来

market leader n. 市场上的主导公司

*market niche n. 小摊位,专业市场的一个小部分

market penetration n. 市场渗入

market segmentation 市场划分

market share n. 市场占有率,市场份额

*mass-marketing n. 大众营销术

*master production schedule n. 主要生产计划

*material requirements planning(MRP) n. 计算生产中所需材料的方法

*materials handling n. 材料管理,材料控制

maximise v. 使增至最大限度、最大化

measure n. 措施,步骤

media n. 新闻工具,传媒

mass media 大众传媒(如电视、广播、报纸等)

merchandising n. (在商店中)通过对商品的摆放与促销进行经营

merge v. 联合,合并

merger n. (公司,企业等的)合并

merit n. 优点,值得,应受

method study n. 方法研究

middleman n. 中间人,经纪人

minimize v. 使减至最小限度,最小化

*mission n. 公司的长期目标和原则

mobility n. 流动性,可移性

moderately adv. 中等地,适度地

monopoly n. 垄断,独占

mortgage n./v. 抵押

motivate v. 激励,激发......的积极性

motivated adj. 有积极性的

motivation n. 提供动机,积极性,动力
