


英语祝贺词 篇1

Spiritual achievement and attitude determine everything.


Time is gold, but not water.


When we meet, we know each other. My forever good friend, you must be the best. You will win the college entrance examination.


Striving for time means striving for success, and improving efficiency is to raise scores.


In order to support the college entrance examination students, I decided to take a day off tomorrow and play “Come Again” outside the examination hall.


College entrance examination is only the first stop of your success, you will pass, after hard work, the rest is to believe in yourself!


I wish all the candidates can achieve the desired results and enter their ideal university.


Why do you sleep long when you are born?


Students, work hard! We can realize our dream! College entrance examination, come on!


关于哥哥生日英语祝贺词 篇2

2. 愿你每个生日都使生命更加亮丽,祝生日无比美好、快乐!

3. Congratulations on your birthday. May the coming year be filled with happiness and success.

4. 敬贺诞辰!愿这一切充满欢乐、成功!

5. I want to be one of the first who say ”Happy birthday to you“. May everything it take to make a very happy and successful year!

6. 希望我是第一个向你道”生日快乐“的朋友,愿这一年中快乐、成功!

7. Have a great day, for today is your birthday and a wonderful event. Wish you happiness unfolding like the petal of a rose.

8. 生日之际,祝你度过妙不可言的一天,愿你的幸福如绽放的玫瑰般芬芳!

9. A little birthday wish just to let know how much I care about you.May you seek all the best that the world has to give.May you never stop learning for as long as you live.

英语祝贺信 篇3

发布时间: 2010-3-12 9:51:27来源:网络收集点击:536


Dear Ruth,I offer my warmest congratulations on your promotion to Vice President of thcompany.I know how talented you are and how hard you’ve worked to attain goal.No one could have been more deserving.How exciting it must be for yorealize your ambitions after all those years of hard working.It’s been a real encouragement to me to see your efforts rewarded.Sincere congratulations to you.Your expertise and dedication will bring out tbest of everyone on your staff.They’re learning from a real professional.I wish you still further success.Sincerely yours,Ma Lin









Congratulations, all of us feel proud of your remarkable achievements!祝贺你


I am so pleased and happy to hear that...听到……我真的非常高兴。I write to congratulate you upon...我写信来祝贺你……。

I offer you my warmest congratulations on your...对于你的……我表示热烈的贺。

We are just as proud as can be of you and send our congratulations.我们为你感由衷的自豪!祝贺你!

I wish you still further success!预祝你取得更大的成功。

We look forward to bragging about you in the years ahead.我们希望在未来的月中能骄傲地谈起你。

Please accept our most sincere congratulations and very best wishes for all thegood future in the world.谨向你表示祝贺和最良好的祝福。祝贺信范文




Mechanical Engineering Departrnent

Dalian University of Technology

Dalian 116023

Liaoning, 中国

November 28,1999

Mr.Wang Ximing

Mechanical Engineering Department

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Cambridge, Mass.02139

U.S.A.Dear Mr.Wang,Thank you for your letter of November 3,1999.I am sorry not to have written back earlier but time seems to pass so quickly.I learnt from your letter that you had received your masters degree.I would like to congratulate you on your splendid success.In this letter I am bringing you a piece of good news: your wife gave a birth of a boy last week and she is in good health now.The baby weighed eight jin at birth.Yesterday my wife and some other neighbors went to the hospital to see your wife and to congratulate her on the birth.She told them that she had been nursed with the best care since she was in hospital.Now Im taking the Visiting School Test in Beijing.If I pass the examination, Ill leave for America soon.If not, Ill wait for another chance.Ive never been to the U.S.A, and I know little about the institutions and customs there.I hope that you will write to me and tell me more about them.With best regards to you and your classmates.Yours sincerely,Zhang Jiao

Dear Mary,Since you have already decided not spend the Christmas at

home, we feel regret to not be able to wish you a happy

holiday to you personally.Therefore, by this letter we wish your whole family a peaceful

and merry Christmas and also wish you all a happy new year

英语祝贺信 篇4

Allow me to convey my congratulations on your promotion,to Minister of Trade. I am delighted that many years,service you have given to your country should have been recognized and appreciated.

We wish you success in your new post and look forward,to closer cooperation with you in the development of trade between our two countries.






Dear Mr/Ms,

Thank you for your letter conveying congratulations on my appointment.

I wish also to thank you for the assistance you have given me in my work and look forward to better cooperation in the future.




新年贺词英语 篇5

In a few hours’ time, the bell of the New Year will be ringing. We’ll say goodbye to the year of and greet the first ray of sun light from . At this occasion of bidding farewell to the old year and welcoming the new, I would like to express my best New Year wishes to Chinese people from all ethnic groups, to our compatriots from Hong Kong and Macao Special Administrative Regions, to our compatriots from Taiwan region and overseas, as well as to friends from all countries and regions around the world!

Fruitful gains come with persistent efforts. In the year of 2015, Chinese people have made great efforts in building their nation and have achieved enormously. Our economic growth remained at the forefront of the world, our reforms intensified comprehensively, the reforms on judicial system deepened, the “three stricts” and “three steadies” carried out in earnest, and the fight against corruption advanced solidly. Thanks to the great efforts of all Chinese people, the 12th 5-year plan from to 2015 successfully came to an end, which made the people in this country feel a heightened sense of gains.

In the year of 2015, we solemnly commemorated the 70th anniversary of the victory of Chinese people’s War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression and the World Anti-Fascist War, with a grand military-parade, showing the truth that justice will prevail, peace will prevail, and people will prevail. We comprehensively implemented the strategy of reforming and strengthening the army, and decided to cut military personnel by 300-thousand. The meeting between myself and Mr. Ma Ying-jeou in Singapore made the handshake between the top leaders of the mainland and Taiwan a reality after a lapse of 66 years. The handshake demonstrated that the peaceful development of cross-straits relationship is the common aspiration of the people on both sides of the Taiwan Straits.

In the year of 2015, Beijing won the bid for hosting the 24th Winter Olympic Games, Chinese currency Renminbi was approved by the IMF to be a global reserve currency in the Special Drawing Right basket, our self-developed C919 jetliner was put on production line, China’s super computer claimed top position for the 6th consecutive year, which is a world record, the satellite exploring dark matter, developed by our scientists, was launched into space successfully, Tu Youyou became our first Chinese scientist winning a Nobel Prize … All those facts have illustrated that dreams will eventually come true with determined perseverance.

In the year of 2015, we’ve not only experienced cheerful occasions but have also gone through sorrows. Many of our compatriots lost their lives in tragic incidents like the “Eastern Star” cruise ship wreck, the serious fire and blast in the port of Tianjin, and in the landslide in Shenzhen. Some of our compatriots were also brutally murdered by terrorists. Our hearts were broken by those tragedies. May the deceased rest in peace and the living remain safe and sound! There are still many difficulties and hardships in people’s daily lives. The Communist Party of China and the Chinese government will continue the efforts to ensure that the safety of people’s lives and properties are protected, and people’s rights to improved livelihood and physical health are guaranteed.

Comrades, friends, ladies and gentlemen;

2016 marks the beginning of the decisive phase in the national effort to build China into a comprehensive moderately prosperous society. The fifth plenum of the 18th Congress of the Communist Party of China has identified clearly the direction of development over the next five years. The prospects are encouraging. However, happiness will not just fall from heaven, we must empower ourselves with strong faith and confidence, continue to work hard, to seek innovative, coordinated and green development that is also open and shared by all. We will further advance structural reforms, continue the reform and opening up process, promote social fairness and justice, build a clean and healthy political environment, and lay a solid foundation for the decisive stage in building China into a moderately prosperous society.

To build China into a comprehensive moderately prosperous society, we need the effort of all the 1.3 billion people in this country. It remains a moral and emotional obligation for me to get the tens of millions of rural population out of poverty and to let them lead a decent life. Now the party and the nation have been mobilized to make concerted effort for the victory of the decisive battle over poverty. To all those still live in difficulty, we will let them know that we do care, and we will let them feel the warmth of heart, from ours to theirs.

Comrades, friends, ladies and gentlemen;

We have only one earth, this is the homeland of all peoples in the world. In the past year, Chinese leaders have participated in quite a few international conferences, and conducted numerous diplomatic activities for the well being of our common home. Our efforts to promote the “One belt, One road” initiative have achieved tangible results. We have participated in the discussion of the UN 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development, as well as a series of world affairs concerning global climate change. The world is too big, and challenges are too many, to go without the voice from China being heard, without solution ideas from China being shared, without the involvement of China being needed. To those suffering from hardships and wars, we not only express our sympathy and solidarity, but will also take duty bound actions to provide help. China will, as always, open its arms to embrace the world, and offer its helping hands to those in need. Our circle of friends will grow bigger.

I sincerely hope that the international community will make concerted effort to make peace, relate to each other in cooperation rather than confrontation; beat swords into plowshares and to build a community of common destiny of all mankind.

中秋节英语贺词 篇6

1.Without you, the moon is round though my heart is empty.2.East or west, home is best.3.The moon cake is eaten away, but the sweetness remains.4.Where we love is home, home that our feet may leave, but not our hearts.5.When we are together, even the moon in the sky will be jealousy.6.My dear, can you hear my heart beating in the soft moonlight? I miss you so.7.To have a moonlight walk with you tonight is my best dream.8.Still remember the happy time on Mid-autumn Festival when we were children? Best wishes for you!

9.Would you like to go and admire the beauty of the moon with me tonight?

10.Wish you and yours a happy holiday on this gathering day.11.May our happiness like the round and bright moon in the sky.

英语祝贺信格式 篇7








一. 祝贺信(Letter of Congratulations):


1. 必须包括对收信人的称谓。

2. 必须包括对收信人的祝贺。

3. 必须包括写信人的姓名。

4. 措词真诚、轻松愉快,切忌言过其实。


Dear Guojun,

I heard that you graduated with high honors from Southeast University last month. I

know that all your family must be very proud of you, and as your friend, I feel the


I wish you greater and more brilliant success in your studies and work in the future.

With best wishes.

Yours sincerely,

祝贺朋友初中英语作文 篇8


I have a good friend, when I was five years old, I met her, she is my neighbor, we became friends and play together all the time. Last week, my friend took part in the female basketball match, she is good at basketball, so I encouraged her to join our school team. The team played so well that they came to the final yesterday, the match was so excellent, at last, my friend’s team won the first place, I feel so happy, I plan to buy her a present and congratulate her. I feel so proud of her, she inspires me, too. We give each other encourage to move on. We will be good friends forever.


新年贺词英语班 篇9








祝贺信英语作文 篇10

More than happy/excited to hear that you…(祝贺事由)Im writingto expressmycongratulations.

It came as no surprise to me that you are the winner of… Your experience will be of great benefit to me. / What you have gone through does give me a great deal of encouragement. I wonderhow you are able to master…,socould you share…(your unique views on...)

Looking forward to your early reply. I sincerely hope you canachieve more in the future.

