Unit 4 教学设计


Unit 4 教学设计(精选10篇)

Unit 4 教学设计 篇1

教学反思:这节课的主要任务是学生熟练掌握cows,hens,sheep horses四个单词,能运用所学的句型进行语言表达。整节课的教学设计可分为三个部分。第一部分为复习旧知,巩固旧知中的难点these 和those的区分。第二部分是单词的呈现和练习。四年级的学生还处于爱动,爱唱的阶段。所以我设计了多种形式的练习,让学生在玩中掌握单词。观察力也是学习的重要能力之一,因此,使学生通过观察来认知sheep与其它复数形式的不同。第三部分为语言表达能力的训练。在单词熟知的基础上,根据所学的句型锻炼学生的语言表达能力。最后以熟悉的旋律创作歌曲,巩固所学内容。整节课以层层递进的方式呈现。学生不仅能在轻松愉快的氛围中完成学习的任务,而且激发学生学习英语的热情。



Unit 4 教学设计 篇2

知识目标: (1) 复习本单元的主要句型; (2) 学生能读懂“Read and write”的阅读任务, 并完成写作任务。


情感目标:培养学生热爱生活, 乐于助人的情感。


学生能读懂“Read and write”的阅读任务并完成写作任务, 复习本单元的主要句型。






Step 1:Warm up

(1) Greetings.

(2) Review the personality adjectives.

T:What’s your English teacher /friend like?

【设计意图】通过对话有效地复习了描述人性格特征的词汇, 为之后的写作进行铺垫。

(3) T:Today we’re going to learn Unit 4 “What can you do?”B Read and write. I’d like to divide you into two groups. Red group and Blue group.Let’s have a competition. Ready? Come on.

【设计意图】通过分组竞赛调动学生的学习积极性, 激发学生的学习兴趣。

Step 2:Presentation

1.TV show

T:Next we’ll have a TV show.

(1) PPT 1。T:What can he do?S1:He can sing English songs.

(2) PPT 2。T:What can he do?S2:He can dance.

(3) PPT 3。 T:This is kung fu Panda.He’s so cool. What can he do?S3:He can do kung fu.

【设计意图】PPT通过情境和直观图片、声音等复习本单元的重点句型和词汇, 增加了趣味性, 达到学中乐、乐中学的教学目的。

2.Guessing game: What can I do?

PPT shows my picture.

T:This is me.What can I do? Can you guess? I’ll show you some pictures.You can say: You can.../You can’t...

【设计意图】通过让学生猜测我会做什么, 唤起学生的求知欲, 发散学生的思维。

3. Group work

(1) T:I can do many things. What can you do? PPT shows some abilities.

(2) T guides Ss to do group work.

【设计意图】通过创设情境, 让学生在小组中描述自己会做的事, 并加上动作进行表演, 身临其境地运用句型。

4.Read and write

(1) PPT shows Robin.

T:Do you know him? What can Robin do? What can’t Robin do? Please guess.

【设计意图】阅读前让学生发挥想象, 猜测Robin会做什么, 不会做什么, 激发学生的好奇心, 为引入阅读文本起到穿针引线的作用。

(2) Read and circle读一读, 圈一圈。

T:Rodin write an e-mail to us. Do you know e-mail? T:Robin is sad.Why?What does Robin want? Listen and answer.

(3) Skim and circle快速浏览, 圈关键。

T:What is Robin like?Ss:He’s...

(4) Read, underline and answer细读, 寻答案。

What can Robin do? What can’t Robin do? Then check the answer and write it on the board:Robin can ... Robin can’t ...

(5) Tick or cross. T reads the sentence.Ss finish them and say out true or false quickly.

(6) Ss listen, point and imitate.Then read them in their group. At last, T asks a student to wear the headwear of Robin and retell the e-mail.

【设计意图】通过挖掘文本, 让学生思考Robin为什么不开心。并提供一些阅读策略, 循序渐进, 指导学生自主寻找答案。

5.Let’s write

T:Robin can do so many things.What can you do? Do you want to be a friend of Robin? Maybe you want, maybe you don’t want. You can write to him.Introduce the form of e-mail.

【设计意图】让学生自主选择是否愿意成为Robin的朋友, 并给Robin回一封电子邮件, 创设真实的情境, 让学生通过老师的讲解, 能学以致用。

Step 3:Extension

Task:To be a volunteer, write a email to Lisa.

(1) PPT shows the picture of Ss and says that they can clean the room for the old people. They are very helpful.

(2) PPT shows the people who need help. T:they need our help.

(3) Affect education.

【设计意图】通过展示孩子们在敬老院参加活动, 帮助老人的图片, 呼吁孩子们根据自己的能力, 自我推荐给敬老院负责人Lisa发邮件, 加入志愿者队伍, 培养孩子们乐于助人的精神。

Step 4:Sum up

T:Today we have learnt ...

S:How to talk about our abilities and how to write an e-mail.

【设计意图】总结本课学习的内容, 使学生产生成就感。

Step 5:Homework

Make a survey about your friends’abilities.

Unit 4 教学设计 篇3

【教学理念】本专题中所学内容更具生活化,教学中以生为本,重视生活情境的营造,通过生活事物和图片展示,可以让学生准备自己或是家人、家庭过去的照片;让学生生出参与热情和课堂表达交流渴望。激发学生主体性预习和自读课文,学会用then and now对事物归类;在合作交流中掌握单词、句型,提高本专题学习的效果。


1.掌握和运用四会单词,感受动词过去式用法,能用…years ago,…could/ could not…Now,…等造句;


3.感受Then and now对比,认识科技和经济发展于个人的成长和社会的进步的作用。





【教学内容】Story time


1.能听说读写e-book, newspaper, radio, , anywhere, could等单词,学会初步运用;

2.掌握动词过去式的发音及用法,理解感受…years ago,…could/ could not…Now,…句式;




一、Free talk激趣导入,进行Story time学习。

师:Look at me , say something about your English teather!


Look and answer:Look at this photo.Who is this girl? Guess!

Yes, its me! I was a primary school student then. Now Im a teacher at a primary school.

(多媒体出示自己以前的照片,让学生“See some pictures and say something about me .”利用照片刺激学生的感官,让学生感受“过去和现在”,学习重点单词couldnt。)


Do you know them? Who is he/ she? (Mike, Mr Brown, Mrs Brown, Mikes grandpa)

Then, how about this boy? Yes, this is Mike six years/ Mr Brown twenty years ago/ Mrs Brown twenty years ago/ Mikes grandpa thirty years ago.


T: can you say sth. about Mikes family?

(出示Mikes family的图片,结合教材内容,引导学生对比运用is/are, was/were进行表达,)

T: This boy, he is Mike. Now, he is a young boy. what can he do now?

T: Could Mike do all these things six years ago? What could he do? What couldnt he do?


T:So, six years ago, Mike could read….. but he …

(听U4 Story time录音,试读课文相关内容,圈出动词过去式,尝试写出动词原形,提高倾听能力,感受时态的变化。)


T: Now lets listen to the tape, and try to catch: what they did then and what they do now. And remember to tick them quickly. After learning lets check.

(让学生自主学习Mikes family其他成员的Then and now,自问自探,提升对一般过去式句式的认识和理解,老师通过带着学生读与思,获得自主学习能力的提升。这里,要多给学生展示和表达的时间和空间。和学生一些识记和拼读 telephone、mobile phone、newspaper, radio等单词;让学生尽量开展一些复述活动。)

T: Lets try to fill in the table , OK? 根据表格说一遍。

(总结:It tells us the way to ______ and the way to _______. And the ways are changing now.)

T: This time, lets work in 4. Each one chooses a part to read. Then use the phrases on the blackboard to make a report about your part.




1.Listen and read Story time.

2.Retell Story time on P38

Unit 4 教学设计 篇4

Period 1 Reading---A Night The Earth Didn’t Sleep 上课教师:董亚玲


1.教学目标: a.Enable the students to find the main idea and the details of the reading materials by reading.b.Teach the students how to read an article.c.Let the students know what a correct attitude towards an earthquake is and what we should do in an earthquake for ourselves and for other people.2.教学重点: a.Teach the students how to read an article b.Let the students know what a correct attitude towards an earthquake is and what we should do in an earthquake for ourselves and for other people.3.教学难点

Teach the students how to enjoy an article.4.教学方法: a.Discussing b.Fast reading, careful reading c.Reading and practicing 5.教学过程:


1.重点词汇 – Try to remember these words and know the meanings of these words.earthquake, quake, well(n.), million , event , pipe, burst, nation , canal, steam, dirt, ruin, suffering, extreme, injure, destroy, brick, dam, track, useless, steel, shock, rescue, trap, electricity, disaster, bury, mine, miner, shelter, title, reporter, dragonfly 2. 重点短语—Translation(1).立刻,马上_______________(2).仿佛,好像 _______________(3).结束,终结 ________________(4).严重受损,破败不堪_______________(5).dig out ______________(6).a(great)number of ______________(7).run out of _______________(8).think little of __________________


(1).___________________________ the world was at end.仿佛到了世界末日。

(2).Everywhere they looked nearly everything was destroyed.人们无论朝哪里看,那里的一切都几乎被毁了。(3).__________ hope was _______ lost.不是所有的希望都破灭了。


4、课文导读(1).The background of Tangshan earthquake.At 3:42 a.m.on July 28, 1976, a magnitude 7.8 earthquake hit the sleeping city of Tangshan, in northeastern China.The very large earthquake, striking an area where it was totally unexpected, wiped out the city of Tangshan and killed over 240,000 people-making it the deadliest earthquake of the twentieth century.1976年前的7月28日,凌晨3时42分53.8秒,唐山市(东经118.0度,北纬39.4度)爆发7.8级强地震。



(2).Please read the first paragraph and list the signs before Tangshan Earthquake.___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________(这一部分内容既是对第一课时的Pre-reading 部分的复习巩固,又是为课文阅读的热身。帮助学生了解地震前的征兆,鼓励学生预习第一段内容。

这一部分的内容在课上学生看完电影后,回答屏幕上关于“What are the signs before the earthquake?之后”复习Pre--reading,也可以检查学生对课文第一段的预习情况。帮助学生认识到这个道理:如果我们能够了解并认识地震前的预兆,就能提前做好准备,让更多的人获得求生的机会,减少或避免不必要的损失。)

二、重难探究 Step1 Lead—in Watch the film named After Shock and answer the following question.Question: What are the signs before the earthquake?(这一部分内容既是对第一课时的Pre-reading 部分的复习巩固,又是为课文阅读的热身。帮助学生了解地震前的征兆,鼓励学生预习第一段内容。

这一部分的内容在课上学生看完电影后,回答屏幕上关于“What are the signs before the earthquake?的问题之后”复习Pre--reading,也可以检查学生对课文第一段的预习情况。帮助学生认识到这个道理:如果我们能够了解并认识地震前的预兆,就能提前做好准备,让更多的人获得求生的机会,减少或避免不必要的损失。)Step 2 Skimming and Scanning Read the passage quickly to get the general idea of the passage.When you are reading, you should pay attention to the first and second sentence of each paragraph.Then complete the exercises on the screen.(1)Get the main idea of the text.The passage mainly talks about a/an _____________ that happened in ____________ in __________.(2)The topic sentence of each paragraph.Para.1 __________________________________________________________ Para.2 ___________________________________________________________ Para.3 ____________________________________________________________ Para.4 _____________________________________________________________(Then read the topic sentences together.)(通过学生独立阅读课文,了解文章大意,进一步学习使用跳读的阅读方法。仔细理解每段课文第一、二句的意思。帮助学生首先掌握段落大意。并学会寻找文章的中心句,让学生学会忽略不懂得生词,但是要求分辨出各个段落的大意。)Step 3 Careful Reading Listen to the tape and read the text.After that, complete the exercises.(1).Complete the exercise 1 in Comprehending on page 27.One minute later, check the answers.(2)Choose the best answers.1.What does “them” in the sentence “No wind, however, could blow them away.”(in Paragraph 3)refer to? A.Red autumn leavesB.Bricks on the ground C.Bodies of dead animalsD.Sand in the wells 2.The title “A night the earth didn’t sleep” means __.A.the earth was awake all night long B.people on the earth couldn’t fall asleep that night C.the earth shook like crazy that night D.animals on the earth would not sleep that night(学生听录音欣赏全文,体会文章里表达贴切,内涵丰富的词句。引导学生再读课文,加深他们对文章中的整体脉络与重要细节的把握,以达到全面深刻领会文章的目的。通过听课文录音,帮助学生建立音,形,意方面的联系。)Step 4 Quiz Retell the text by filling the following blanks.Strange things appeared before Tangshan earthquake happened.The well walls had deep ______.A smelly gas came out of them.The water pipes cracked and ______.At 3:42 on the morning of July 28, 1976, everything began to ______.It seemed as if the world came to an end.____ burst from holes in the ground.Hard hills of rock became rivers of ____.Soon the whole city lay in ____.Many people died or were ____.Everything in the city was _____.People were ______ at this and wondered how long the disaster would last.The army organized teams to dig out those who were trapped and to ____ the Dead.Fresh water was taken to the city.Thanks to the army, the city began to breathe again.(这一部分的设计目的是为了让学生进一步加深对文章脉络的理解,捕捉具体信息细节,引导学生进一步领会全文。)Step 5 Discussion 1.Can we stop earthquakes? If we can’t, what should we do? 2.What can we do after earthquakes?(这一部分的讨论设计目的是有关学生的德育部分,教育学生要做好防震准备,还要做好防震宣传。并且在地震后我们应该怎么做。)Step 6 Homework

1.Read the text and complete the exercise 2 in Comprehending 2.Finish the Exercise 1—4 in Learning about language.(这些联系和作业都和文章的理解以及文章的词汇,短语,句型有关,帮助学生掌握本课的词语,表达方式等等)

Unit 4 教学设计 篇5


Song time, Letter time, Checkout time 教学目标

1.Knowledge aim 知识目标

(1)学生能听懂、读准字母Ll, Mm, Nn,并能掌握它们比划、笔顺进行正确的书写。(2)学生在语境中学习、理解歌曲。

2.Ability aim 能力目标

(1)会唱歌曲 Family song


(3)能在老师的指导下对自己本单元的学习情况进行客观的评价。3.Emotional aim 情感目标



Step1 Warm up 1.Greeting T: Glass begins.Good morning, boys and girls.Look, you can call me Miss Hu.This is my English name.Can you read it? 带读Candy一遍 2.Sing a song Let’s sing a song.Shake your hands.第二遍改歌词Candy 3.Free talk

T: You sing the song very well.I’m happy to be your English teacher today.I want to know something about you.May I know your name? Hi, xxx.Step2 Presentation and practice Checkout time——Mike’s family 1.Review the words of family

T: I know some of you now.Do you know this boy? Who’s he? a)出示Mike一家的人物图片

逐个出示迈克的家庭成员T引导学生说This is Mike’s …并将人物图片贴在黑板上 b)出示单词卡片father, mother, brother, sister, grandpa, grandma 请学生认读并将卡片随意贴在黑板上

c)Ask three Ss come to the blackboard and put them in orders d)教师快速指单词学生读

e)扮演Mike介绍家人 This is my … 2.Listen and number

(1)Show the pictures of Checkout time.Ss try to say with the teacher together.T: They are Mike’s family.This is Mike’s …

(2)Listen and number T: Let’s listen and number.From 1-6.Open your books turn to Page29 and pick out the pencils.(3)Check the answers Acting time T: You did a good job.You know Mike’s family very well.Look at this family.This is Bobby’s family.He is introducing his family.Let’s act Bobby.Try to introduce his family.1.Bobby’s family(1)Ss act Bobby by themselves(2)The techer act Bobby, choose three Ss act the family members 出示情景:It’s 9:00 in the morning.We meet Bobby in the park.So let’s say: 引导全班说Good morning.(3)再请一组表演,教师指导

2.Sam’s family出示情景:It’s 3:00 in the afternoon.We meet Sam in the supermarket.(1)Sam是如何介绍他的家人的?

四人小组一起演一演吧!Hello, I’m Sam.This is my…(2)Try to act 3.Coco’s family 同上 出示情景:It’s 7:00 in the evenng.We meet Coco by the lake.Song time 1.New words(1)课件出示三个家庭

T: They are Bobby’s family, Sam’s family and Coco’s family.They all live togther.出现房子。教学带读live together并释义


i-i-live to-ge-ther live together 开火车读,个别读(2)课件出示爱心

T: They all live together.So they all love one another.教学带读love one another并释义


o-o-love one a-no-ther love one another 个别读(3)出示两个完整句子并带读

They all live together.带读,男女生读,齐读 They all love one another.带读,分大组读,齐读 2.Watch the song 3.Answer the question What do you hear in the song? 你在歌曲里听到了什么? 4.Try to follow 难句子请个别人唱,小组唱,男女生唱,跟光盘逐句唱,自己唱,小组唱 5.Sing together

T: Let’s sing to all the teachers.Let’s sing beautifully.Letter time—— Letter family T: We all love our family.Look, there is a sheep.This is the sheep’s family.1.Find and read: Sheep’s family 出示书上字母图片

T: Can you find some letters in the picture?(1)Ss read(2)Read after the teacher(3)Read one by one

(4)Play a game: 心有灵犀

(5)字母Ll, Mm, Nn卡片认读,排序 2.Let’s write T: Now you can read the letters well.Can you write them? Let’s have a try.a.Watch the letters carefully and discuss in pairs how to write b.Write after the teacher 老师写一个学生跟着同时书空,学生在书上写一个 c.后背写字母 T-S1示范

Work in pairs 3.Review the letters T: Now we can read and write letter Li, Mm, Nn.What letters have we learnt?

出示字母卡Gg Jj


出示字母卡Ll Ii


Say the letters from A to Nn Ticking time

T: You learn the letters very well.Today we have learnt the new lettters Ll, Mm, Nn.Can you say and write them very well? If you learn it very well you can tick three stars.1.Self-estimate

三年级下册Unit4教学反思 篇6

本节课所教是三年级下册Unit 4 D u lie Pears? Part B let’s sa 的内容。重点是 Rr 、Ss 、Tt 的认读以及在单词中的发音;教学难点是巩固字母和单词的一些活动的设计和操练方法。在教学中采用一下教学方法:

在step 1 环节中设计了 free tal , English sng 与学生简单的交流后,把学生带入英语的学习氛围,接着进行了A B C sng的活动,学生投入的唱 跳,给下面的字母教学做好了铺垫。这一环节给学生创造了浓厚的兴趣和往下探究的欲望。在字母的学习中,利用形象直观的.动画把学生带入动画的境界,结合老师的引导,学生以积极的心态迎合教师的问与答中,师生互动,生生互动,小组、男生、女生等多种方式的练读完成了字母及单词的教与学,这一环节进行的轻松加愉快,从学生的笑脸和踊跃的回答中看出对新内容的接受程度。对于学生最乐于的活动我设计了看口型猜单词,以竞猜的方式进行,学生是卯足了劲看、猜,活动进行的有效;接着是利用了学生喜欢的托马斯让小火车一节节的顺利前行,进行了补充单词的活动。对于拓展环节的设计与操练的过程比较的满意,也达到了我预设的效果,对于五组字母的排列,设计了孩子们喜欢的卡通形式的头饰,先读在排队最后的动作都有序的进行;之后的let’s d 的听与做中由于没有分节做,学生没能积极的做出相应的动作来。但是我感觉let’s d的引导还是有层次性的。巩固提高中尝试着让学生小结,读出单词和字母,效果挺好,对于帮助字母宝宝排队是对字母巩固的有效呼应,也是难点,学生能积极的思考给出正确的答案,也是学生喜欢做的,也体现出对所学内容的升华。

我认为本节课最好的设计是利用了R、S 、T 的卡通头饰给学生分成三组,利用其板书为各组评价给出的相应小写字母,学习新知的同时加以激励性的运用。歌曲贯穿了开始和结束,体现了小学英语中的在乐中学,排队游戏体现了在玩中学的宗旨。

Unit 4 教学设计 篇7

本节课共分为四大板块,Lead-in, Further Reading ,Language Points和Extensive writing通过让学生完成4个任务来完成整节课的学习。这是任务型语言教学的要求。新课程标准所倡导的任务型教学模式即学生在教师的指导下,以具体的任务为学习动力或动机,通过感知、体验、实践、参与和合作等方式,实现任务目标,感受成功。任务型语言教学把人们在社会生活中所做的事情细分为若干个非常具体的“任务”,并把培养学生具备完成这些任务的能力作为教学目标。

Lead-in这一环节的目的旨在激起学生学习本节课的兴趣和热情。因为兴趣是学习的动力,设计活泼、生动、有效的课堂教学,使学生在轻松愉悦的学习氛围中习得知识。我通过让学生展示自己做的DIY作品 (what did you make?),来引出本节课(yesterday we learned an Article about Andrew,what’s he crazy about? )。这样就有了很自然的过渡。

Further Reading这一板块是在Reading1的基础上再次复习学生对文章的理解,本节课的重点是Andrew的DIYjobs和mistakes所以通过图形的形式来复习4件DIY jobs分别是什么,并引出Andrew在完成这些DIY之后造成什么问题。学生通过这些questions对文章有了更深的印象。基于此,让学生对DIY jobs和mistakes进行复述,为了降低难度,每组选择一个进行retell。这不仅可以让学生顺利完成复述,提高学习的积极性,而且可以让学生获得成就感。

Language Points这是本节课的重中之重。零碎的知识点曾让我无从下手,可在慢慢的备课过程中,慢慢的将所有的知识点很自然的用一根线:Jerry is crazy about DIY.———Jerryis crazy about cooking. He is also crazy about repairing things.(导出be crazy about)———Jerry is crazy about not only cookingbut also repairing things (引出not only…but also)———Jerryis crazy about cooking ,to cook soup, he filled the bowl withwater. He has a new pillow. I asked him to fill the pillow withcotton. ( 引出fill…with)———can he fill the pillow with cottonby himself? Instead ,he made the cotton in a mess. This sentence can be changed into“He made the house in a mess instead of filling the pillow with cotton.”(导出instead和insteadof).———jerry always make the house in a mess, do you thinkhe should give up DIY? 让学生通过讨论给出建议 (advise sb.(not) to do)。本课中的重要知识点就以一根线的形式出现,使本节课自然过渡,流畅。宋朝理学家朱熹说:“知之愈明,则行之愈笃;行之愈笃,则知之益明。”教师在创设情境时,需要有一个清晰的线索,各种情境围绕线索步步展开,连贯有序。语境的流畅性能让学生更易理解内容和掌握句型和单词用法。通过创设情境,使学生对词汇或句型有了初步的认识和感受。人的认识过程是从感知认识到理性认识的过程,体现在知识点教授中,就是从具体语言实践中的感受,总结语言规律。


Extensive writing这一环节主要的任务是语言输出。按照学生学习规律,在学生吸收相当数量的语言材料并经过一定量的语言实践才能获得掌握语言并与用语言的能力。学生在学了本节课的重要知识点后,让它们自己做DIY(以组的形式选择做a fruit salad或sandwiches),这一活动是学生在课前通过合作一起完成的。在此基础上4人合作写出一篇介绍(包括使用材料和制作过程)。在让学生写作之前,我先呈现一篇我的DIY段落(通过用正确的词填空一方面来巩固学生在Language Points中学得的句型,另一方面让学生了解如何写介绍)。写作通常被认为是最没趣的一项活动。很多情况下,学生被要求写他们并不愿意写的东西,写作就显得很被动也很无趣。由于写作时需要长期训练的,所以保持学生高昂的写作热情是关键。在写这篇介绍之前,通过学生做DIY激发他们的学习热情。再加上4人一组,以小组合作的形式完成写作。这样学生获得充分的实践机会,在语言的海洋中体验语言的意义,感知语言的形式。



七年级(上)Unit4同步检测 篇8


1. W____ are my pen and pencil case?

2. We n____ ten desks and chairs.

3. “Where are my backpack?” “I don’t k____.”

4. There is an ____(闹钟) on my desk.

5. Where’s my ____(数学) book?


bring, take, what’s, where’s, in the drawer, your, under

6. Please ____ my notebook to school, Mum. I need it.

7. Alice, ____ the keys to your mother, please.

8. Your baseball is on the floor ____ the chair.

9. “Where’re your keys?” “They’re ____.”

10. “____ that on the sofa?” “It’s a watch.”

Ⅱ. 单项填空。(共15小题,每小题1分,共15分)

1. “Where are her ____?” “____ are on the table.”

A. CD; ItB. CDs; TheyC. CDs; ItD. CD; They

2. “Where is my football?” “It’s ____ the table ____ the floor.”

A. on, underB. under, onC. under, underD. to, on

3. “Is the backpack on the bed?” “____.”

A. No, it isB. Yes, it isn’tC. Yes, it isD. No, it’s no

4. “Your dresser is nice.” “____.”

A. OK B. Yes, it isC. Thank youD. No, it isn’t

5. The TV is on the ____.

A. penB. tableC. clockD. soccer ball

6. There are some books ____ the sofa.

A. inB. atC. onD. between

7. Where’s the alarm clock? Is ____ on the table?

A. thatB. thisC. theyD. it

8. “____ can you see in the room?” “A ball.”

A. WhatB. WhoC. HowD. Where

9. “____ is my school bag?” “On the chair.”

A. What B. WhoC. WhereD. How

10. “Where’s my eraser?” “I ____ know.”

A. am notB. not C. aren’tD. don’t

11. “____?” “They’re on the desk.”

A. Where’s my bookB. Where are my book

C. Where’s my booksD. Where are my books

12. “Where’s the ruler?” “____.”

A. Yes, it isB. No, it isn’tC. It’s in the floorD. It’s on the floor

13. Can you ____ my watch to school? I need it.

A. takeB. bringC. knowD. need

14. Your father wants(想要) his mobile phone(手机). Please ____ it to him.

A. takeB. bringC. callD. need

15. There is a cat ____.

A. in bedB. in the bedC. on bedD. on the bed

Ⅲ. 完形填空。(共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)

Sally Brown is my friend. Her __1__ name is Brown. This is a photo __2__ her room. __3__ pen is on the desk. __4__ alarm clock is on the dresser. The computer game __5__ under the bed.

We can see __6__ pictures on the wall. Look! __7__ are these? __8__ are CDs. They are __9__ the drawer. The backpack is __10__ the floor.

1. A. first B. last C. full D. given

2. A. of B. forC. toD. in

3. A. Her B. She C. He D. His

4. A. AB. An C. SomeD. /

5. A. are B. amC. is D. be

6. A. one B. /C. aD. some

7. A. What B. WhereC. WhoD. Which

8. A. TheseB. Those C. ItD. They

9. A. in B. on C. behind D. under

10. A. underB. onC. toD. in

Ⅳ. 阅读理解。(共20小题,每小题2分,共40分)


I’m Jane. This is my room. The TV and video tapes are on the table. Where’s my backpack? It isn’t on the table. Oh! It’s on the bed. My pencils aren’t on the table. They’re in my pencil case and it’s in my backpack. My alarm clock, my ID card, and my keys are on the dresser.


1. This is Jane’s room.

2. Jane’s video tapes are on the TV.

3. Jane’s backpack isn’t on the bed.

4. Jane’s pencils are in the pencil case.

5. Jane’s alarm o’clock is in the drawer.


This is a room. I can see a desk in the room. A chair is behind the desk. What’s on the desk? I can see a box and two books. What’s in the box? Sorry, I don’t know. I think it is a pen or a pencil. What’s that under the chair? It’s a ball.

1. “Where’s the chair?” “____.”

A. On the deskB. Behind the deskC. In the deskD. Under the desk

2. “What’s on the desk?” “____.”

A. One boxB. Two booksC. A pen D. A and B

3. “Is there a pen in the box?” “____.”

A. Sorry, I don’t knowB. Yes, there is

C. No, it is in the deskD. No, it isn’t

4. The ball is ____.

A. on the chairB. behind the chairC. under the chairD. on the desk

5. “What can you see in the room?” “____.”

A. A deskB. Two books

C. A chair, a ball and a boxD. A, B and C


This is a picture. It’s a classroom. It is a big room. In the picture, you can see a table, five desks and six chairs. You can see a girl and two boys, too.

Three books are on the table. A pencil-box is on a desk. Two pens and two rulers are in the pencil-box. A school bag is behind the chair.

The girl is Lucy. She is 11. One boy is Mike. He is 12. The other(另一个) boy is Jim. He is 10. They are in Class 2, Grade Seven. They’re good friends. Their teacher is Mr. Green. He is not here.

1. “What picture is it?” “It’s a picture of ____.”

A. a boy and a girlB. desks and chairs

C. pen and pencilsD. a classroom

2. “Where are the two rulers?” “They are ____.”

A. in the pencil-boxB. on the table

C. behind the chairD. on the floor

3. “Who is eleven?” “____.”

A. MikeB. JimC. LucyD. Lily

4. “How many people are there in the picture?” “____.”

A. TwoB. ThreeC. Four D. Five

5. “Are they good friends?” “____.”

A. They areB. Yes, they’re C. They’re D. Yes, they are


It’s Monday morning. Ben’s mother is making cakes. It’s time to go to school. But Ben can’t find his football socks. He has a P.E. class this morning.

Ben:Mom, where are my football socks? I can’t find them. I’m late.

Mom:Don’t worry, my baby. Are they under the bed?

Ben:No, they aren’t.

Mom:Are they in the drawer?

Ben:Oh, yes, Mom, I get them.

Mom:You must look after your things.

Ben:OK, Mom. What’s for breakfast? I’d like something to eat.

Mon:Come here, my dear son. Look at these nice cakes.

Ben:That’s nice. Let me have one. Oh, my god. It’s 7:30. Bye, Mom!

Ben runs out of the house with a piece of cake and his backpack.


1. Where’re Ben’s football socks?


2. Who is making cakes?


3. Is it time to go to school for Ben?


4. What’s “a P.E. class” in Chinese?


5. Is Ben a student?


Ⅴ. 按要求改写下列句子,每空一词。(共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)

1. The CDs are on the desk. (改为一般疑问句)

____ ____ ____ on the desk?

2. Are they your books? (作否定回答)

____, ____ aren’t.

3. Where are the soccer balls? (完成答句)

Sorry, I ____ ____.

4. I can see some keys on the dresser. (对划线部分提问)

____ can you ____ on the dresser?

5. Linda’s video tape is in the drawer. (对划线部分提问)

____ ____ Linda’s video tape?

6. This is a picture of my family. (对划线部分提问)


7. Is that your bike? (改为复数句)


8. I need an English book. (改为否定句)

I ____ ____ an English book.

9. Take photos in the museum(博物馆). (改为否定句)

____ ____ photos in the museum.

10. I can play computer games at school. (改为一般疑问句)

____ ____ play computer games at school?

Ⅵ. 根据汉语意思,完成英语句子,每空一词。(共5小题,每小题2分,共10分)

1. 她的书包在背上。

Her ____ is ____ her back.

2. “钥匙在桌子上吗?” “没有。”

“Are the keys on the desk?” “No, ____ ____.”

3. 我需要一套桌椅。

I ____ a ____ and a ____.

4. 请把这本笔记本带给你哥哥。

Please ____ the notebook ____ your brother.

5. 那些东西在哪里?

____ ____ ____ ____?

Ⅶ. 从方框中选择合适的句子补全对话。(共5空,每空2分,共10分)

A. Yes?

B. They are on the table.

C. No, they aren’t.

D. How about my books?

E. It’s under the sofa.

Tommy: Hey. Sally.

Sally: __1__

Tommy: Is my computer game on the table?

Sally: No, it isn’t. It’s on the bookcase.

Tommy: Oh, OK. __2__ Are they on the bookcase, too?

Sally: __3__ They’re on the chair.

Tommy: Oh. So, where is my pencil case?

Sally: __4__

Tommy: And where’s my backpack?

Sally: It’s under the table. And your baseball is under the chair.

Tommy: Oh, OK. And where are Mom’s keys?

Sally: __5__

Ⅷ. 书面表达。(15分)

以“My Living Room (我的居室)”为题写一篇短文。





Unit 4 教学设计 篇9

上周四上午,我上了一堂英语公开课,课题是Book 6 unit 4 B Let’s learn ,主要教学listening to music,washing clothes,cleaning the room , writing a letter,writing an e-mail五个词组的听说读写,以及相关句型What is he/she/ your father doing? He’s/she’s writing an e-mail /…. 的简单运用。我采用故事串联的方法,这样就把课堂的主要内容串联起来。在教学单词拼读的过程中,我通过直拼的方法手让学生了解其中的规律,这样的拼读显得更有趣味性,更便于记忆。


一、氛围。上课的时候纪律很好,好得过分安静。在这样的`教学氛围中,学生的情绪都不够舒缓,在课前的Warm-up 中学 生表演Let’s chant多次,学生才稍微放松,整堂课都在这样的氛围中度过,达不到快乐学习英语的要求。在愉悦的氛围中学习,学生能学到的东西更多。





Unit 4 教学设计 篇10




2、在新授单词和句型时,与学生的对话太生硬,完全是本课内容,应该尽可能的融合些已学过的知识,如T: What’s this in English? S: It’s a … 可以再加点It’s nice. How lovely!等等。这样不会让人感觉为了教书而对话,应该让学生有一种上课是与老师、同学在交流的感觉。


