


初一上学期英语 篇1


()1.This is _________ alarm clock.A.a



D./()2.We don’t like________ A.broccoli

B.broccolis C.a broccoli

D.broccolies()3.____.Is this your pen A.Sorry


C.Excuse me

D.Hi()4.Do you have two ________?

A.tennis racket B.tennis rackets C.tennis’ racket

D.tennis’ rackets

()5.He _________ his homework at school.A.doesn’t do

B.don’t does

C.isn’t do

D.does not

()6.________this your guitar?A.Am



D.Do()7.Let’s _________ now.A.go to home

B.to go home

C.go home

D.to go to

()8.How much are these shoes? ___ twenty dollars.A.Are B.There C.They’re


()9.My father usually________ a shower _________the morning.A.take;in




()10.________you play the violin? A.Are


C.Is D.When

()11---This is my sister Ann.---Is _____ a student? A.she




()12.I ________ two baseballs and my friend ________five baseballs.A.have;have




()13.---Is that your book?---Yes, ________.A.it is

B.it isn’t


D.this is

()14.Miss Wei often helps us ____ our English.A.at

B.in C.of

D with()15.He wears blue shorts _____ Monday morning.A.in B.at C.on()16.I ______ a red apple and Lisa ______ a yellow pear.A.have, has B.has, have C.have, have

()17 It’s time for lunch.We can also say it this way: ______.A.It’s time for eat lunch.B.It’s time to have lunch.C.It’s to lunch time.()18.A girl ________ Emma comes to see me this morning.A.name B.is C.named()19.-How’s the weather, Mother? -It’s ___.Take an umbrella when you go out.A.windy B.foggy C.rainy()20.-______, where’s the teacher?

-_______, I don’t know.A.Sorry, Excuse me B.Hello, Sure C.Excuse me, Sorry()21 The Spring Festival usually comes in _______.A.October or November B.December and January C.January or February()22 My grandfather has a lot of ________ on his farm.A.sheep B.duck C.chicken

()23.Mary is in _______ red dress and her hair _____ brown.A./;is



()24.I don’t have __________ apple juice, but I have _________ orange juice.A.any;some


C.some;any()25.---Do Lucy and Lily __________ bikes?

---Yes.Lucy __________ a new bike, but Lily __________ an old one.A.has;has;have



()26.What is “VIP” in Chinese?



C.重要人物()27.Susan can speak Japanese, __________ she doesn’t like it at all.A.but B.so


()28.---Sorry, I have no time to help you with your homework.I have to look after my sister.---____________________

A.You’re welcome.B.Thank you.C.Thank you all the same.()29.---I don’t like this green coat.---__________ the red one? A.What about

B.Would like

C.Why not

()30.Is this a photo __________ your family? A.in B.with

C.of()31.—__________ jacket is this?—I think it’s Kangkang’s.A.Whose



()32._______ often helps _________ with ________ English.A.His;her;hers B.She;him;his

C.She;him;her()33.---_________ do you like Sichuan food?---Very much.A.What



()34.---How many __________ do you want?---Two, please.A.glasses of milk

B.glass of milks

C.glass of milk()35 I want __________ the music club.A.join

B.to join


D.be join()36 That coat is nice and I’ll __________ it.A.try B.take

C.want 二 完型填空

I have two friends.46

are Jenny and Danny.They

in Canada.They tell me a lot 48 the country.People there

English and French.The capital.50 of Canada is Ottawa.In the south of Canada is

51.The national flag of Canada is red and white.It has a

in it.Niagara Falls is a

waterfall in the world.The great 54 are in Canada, 55 They are beautiful.I like Canada!()46.A.He B.She C.They()47.A.live B.lives C.living()48.A.on B.in

C.about()49.A.say B.speak C.talk()50.A.city B.place C.country()51.A.Australia B.the U.K.C.the U.S.()52.A.leaf B.star C.stripes and stars()53.A.tall B.good C.famous()54.A.Huangshan Mountains B.Rocky Mountains C.Fuji(富士)Mountains()55.A.too B.but C.also 三.阅读理解

Mr.and Mrs.White go shopping by car.They stop their car near a shop.They buy many things in the shop and want to go back.They come out of the shop and go to their car.But Mr.White can’t open the door of the car.“Let’s ask a policeman for help.”says Mrs.White.A policeman comes up to help them.Then a man comes up and shouts(大声叫喊)to them,“What are you doing with my car? ”Mr.and Mrs.White look at the car again.Oh, they are at a wrong(错的)car!()56.Mr.and Mrs.White go shopping ____A.by bike B.by bus C.by car()57.They come to _________ to put things in it.A.a wrong car B.their car C.a policeman’s car

()58.Mr.White can’t open the door of the car because _______.A.he can’t find his key

B.it is not their car C.their key is lost()59.The owner of the car is _______ to see them at his car.A.happy B.angry(生气的)

C.sorry()60.What do you think Mr.and Mrs.White say to the owner of the car?

A.“We are sorry.”

B.“Nice to see you here.”

C.“Thanks for your help.” Dear Mr.Wang,Someone comes to the office to see you in the morning, but you and your wife are out.He comes here at 10am.Because he is very busy, he goes away half an hour later.He tells me that he is your classmate at college(大学).Now he teaches Chinese in a high school(高中)in this city and he lives near the No.6 Middle School.He is a very tall man with short hair.He wears a pair of glasses.He tells me his telephone number is 33426685.He is often at home at 7:00 pm.So you can call him in the evening.()26.The author(作者)writes this note(便条)to ______.A.Mr.Wang

B.Mr.Wang’s wife

C.Mr.Wang’s classmate D.me()27.Mr.Wang’s classmate is __________.A.a teacher

B.a worker

C.a farmer

D.an actor()28.When is Mr.Wang’s classmate often at home?

A.In the morning

B.In the afternoon.C.At 7:00pm.D.We don’t know.()29.How long does Mr.Wang’s classmate stay in the office?

A.Ten hours.B.An hour.C.Two hours.D.Half an hour.()30.Which of the following is TRUE?

A.Mr.Wang and his wife are classmates.B.Mr.Wang’s classmate is short.C.Mr.Wang goes out with Mrs.Wang in the morning.D.Mr.Wang’s classmate meets Mr.Wang in the morning.四 书面表达。


The girl likes apples and bananas.7

【试题答案】 听力材料: I.1.I’m thirteen years old.2.Danny is talking on the phone.3.She is looking for a new dress for her mother.4.English is my favourite subject.5.the US is south of Canada.II.6.How is your mother?

7.What’s this in English?

8.Do you like French fries?

9.How much is this T-shirt?

10.What’s Tom doing now? III.11.A: What’s a sunny day!

Let’s go out for a walk.B: Good idea.Q: What’s the weather like today?

12.A: Do you walk to school, Jenny?

B: No, I ride my bicycle.Q: How does Jenny go to school?

13.A: Where are you going, Bob?

B: I’m going to the grocery store.I want to buy some ice-cream.Q: What does Bob want to buy?

14.A: May I help you?

B: I want to buy a pencil, please.Q: Where are they talking?

15.A: Today is December 22nd Tomorrow is my birthday.B: Oh, Happy birthday!

Q: When is the girl’s birthday? IV.My son is nine years old now.He likes watching TV very much.I’m always worrying

about him.Why? First, there are a lot of bad programmes on TV.He may do as what he sees on TV.Second, sitting in front of TV set all day is bad for his eyes.Many students wear glasses because they watch TV too long.I think it is very good for students to read some books.Don’t you think so? 一.词汇(25分,每小题1分)

1-5 present(2)elephant(3)Australia(4)waterfall(5)race


16-20 businessman, clerk, hotel, supermarket, park

21-25 classroom, snake, twelve, milk, April 二.单项选择(10分,每小题1分)

26-35 CABCA CCCAA 三.语言文化(15分)

36-40 BCADG 41-45 BAABC 四.完型填空(10分,每小题1分)

46-55 CACBA CACBA 五.阅读理解(25分)

56-60 CABBA

61-70 October, sunny, birthday, cake, table, purple, dolls, sing, close, happy

71-75 restaurant, family, Children’s Day, tiger, easy and fun 六.书面表达(15分)


1-5 BACAB 6-10 AACBB

初一英语上学期知识点 篇2

What + a/an + 形容词 + 名词 +(主+谓)! How + 形容词+(主+谓)! 例如:What a beautiful girl she is!

= How beautiful the girl is!

2、learn:学习的过程 study:学习的结果

3、play in the snow:打雪仗

4、make a snowman:堆雪人

5、tell sb about sth:告诉某人关于...

6、pick up:捡起 拿起 7、at Christmas:在圣诞节

8、— Merry Christmas!— The same to you!

9、It one’s turn to do sth: 该轮到某人做某事了

10、on Spring Festival:在春节

11、on rainy days:在雨天



初一上学期英语同步练习题 篇3

( )1.Please_______ Mary.Herphonenumberis7782079.

A.tell B.say C.talk D.call

( )2.—Isthisyourgoldring?

— _____ .pleasecallJohn.

A.Yes,itis B.No,itisn’t C.Yes,itisn’t D.No,itis

( )3.Is__________ yourbagoverthere?

A.this B.it C.that D.these

( )4.Yourbackpackisinthe________ case.

A.lostandfound B.foundandlost C.loseandfound D.findandlose

( )5.—Isthatyourwatch?

— ------ .It’shiswatch.

A.Yes,itis B.No,itisn’t C.Yes,itisn’t D.No,itis

( )6.Isthisyourbook?_____ .

A.It’sabook. B.No,itis. C.Yes,Itis. D.No,itisn’tyourbook.

( )7.What’sthisinEnglish?Itis_____ .

A.P-E-N B.herpen C.hispen D.apen

( )8.Is________ herpeninthecase?

A.that B.his C.what D.it’s

( )9.Thisis________ Englishteacher,Tom.

A.you B.my C.me D.it

( )10.She’sagirl. ______ nameisJoy.

初一上学期英语期中测试卷及答案 篇4


( )1. A. Uu B. Qq C. Ww D. Vv

( )2. A. cap B. eraser C. Dale D. name

( )3. A. evening B. Ben C. desk D. Peter

( )4. A. book B. Dale C. good D. Ben

( )5. A. desk B. map C. pencil D. case


( )6. A. Good morning, Ben B. Good afternoon, Alice

C. Good evening, Dale D. Good night, Gina.

( )7. A. Hello B. Nice to meet you

C. Good morning D. Who are you?

( )8. A. I am James B. That’s a ball C. It’s an egg. D. This is an egg.

( )9. A. It’s my father B. It’s a bike C. It’s John. D. It’s his bike.

( )10. A. It’s black B. It’s a black

C. They are black

D. They are black chairs.


( )11. A. 5123456 B. 5553456 C. 5523456 D. 5223456

( )12. A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isn’t. C. It’s a notebook D. It’s my notebook.

( )13. A. Yes, he does B. No, he doesn’t. C. He doesn’t like basketball

D. He likes basketball.

( )14. A. She has 13 volleyballs

B. She has 12 basketballs.

C. She has 25 balls

D. She has 14 basketballs.

( )15. A. $4 B. $5 C. $10 D. $9


1. Good morning, Miss Wang! Good morning. Nice to 16 you.

2. UVWXYZ, happy, happy we shall be when we 17 our ABC.

3. Kangkang is from 18 .

4. Please give this 19 to Maria in Class 2, Grade 1. I’m sorry. I don’t know her. What does she look 20 ?



( )21. Nice to meet you.

A. see B. be C. do D. have

( )22. What about your mouth?

A. And B. How C. What’s D. How about

( )23. Please look at this photo.

A. picture B. blouse C. hair D. jacket

( )24. Li Ming is from China.

A. come B. comes from C. Chinese D. comes

( )25. -Thank you.

-That’s OK.

A. Thanks B. No, thank you C. All right. D. You’re welcome.


( )26. My name ________ Wei Hua.

A. am B. is C. are D. a

( )27. -How do you do? -________.

A. I’m fine B. Fine, thank you C. How do you do? D. See you later.

( )28. -Are you Jack? -Yes, _______.

A. your are B. he is C. I am D. I’m

( )29. My friend _________ black hair.

A. have B. has C. is D. are

( )30. -Who’s this man in the picture?


A. He is forty B. He has a long nose.

C. He is from Japan. D. He is my teacher.

( )31. Look _______ the picture. My cap is blue.

A. at B. in C. on D. with

( )32. -______?

-They are flowers.

A. What’s this?

B. What’s that?

C. What are these?

D. Are they flowers?

( )33. What’s that? _______ a box.

A. That is B. it C. It’s D. That

( )34. Can you spell _________ name?

A. your B. you C. it D. me

( )35. That’s ______ bedroom.

A. Lily and Lucy B. Lily’s and Lucy’s

C. Lily and Lucy’s D. Lily’s and Lucy

( )36. Is your bike new _______ old?

A. in B. are C. and D. or

( )37. Is that ________ pear? No, it’s _________ orange.

A. an,a B. a,an C. a,a D. an,an

( )38. I’m in _______.

A. Class 4, Grade 1 B. class 4, grade 1

C. Grade 1, Class 4 D. grade 1, class 4

( )39. _______ are in Grade One.

A. I and Wei Fang B. Wei Fang, I and Li Lei

C. Wei Fang and I D. Li Lei and me.

( )40. Please _______ these books _________ your sister.

A. to, is B. give, to C. look, at D. do, with


A)完形填空 通读下列短文,掌握其大意,然后在各题所给四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。

There is (有) 41 nice girl in our class. She 42 in Row 5 (在5排). She is thirteen 43 . 44 is not tall and she is not short. She is a little fat (有点胖). She has a round 45 an apple. She 46 two big black eyes and a small nose. Her mouth is big, 47 her ears are small. Her hair is short 48 black. She likes red. She is often 49 red clothes. She likes little animals. She has a little black dog in 50 home.

( )41. A. an B. the C. a D. /

( )42. A. is B. are C. do D. does

( )43. A. year old B. years old

C. old D. years

( )44. A. He B. She C. he D. she

( )45. A. at B. of C. like D. on

( )46. A. have B. is C. has D. are

( )47. A. and B. so C. but D. or

( )48. A. and B. with C. but D. no

( )49. A. in B. at C. with D. on

( )50. A. she’s B. his C. her D. hers

B)阅读理解 阅读下面的短文,做每篇后面的题目,从四个选项中选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。


I have a good friend. His name is Sam. He is an English boy. He is twelve. He is in my school, too. I’m in Class 1. But Sam in in Class 2. Mr Wang is my Chinese teacher. Mr Mao is Sam’s Chinese teacher. They are good teachers.

51. ______ is my good friend.

A. Mike B. Jim C. Tom D. Sam

52. -Is Sam an English boy?


A. Yes, he is B. No, he isn’t. C. Sam is an English boy.

D. Sam isn’t a Chinese boy.

53. -What class is Sam in? He is in _______.

A. Class One B. Class Two C. Class Three D. Class Four

54. Who is Sam’s Chinese teacher? -________.

A. Mr Wang B. I C. Mr Mao D. They

55. Mr Wang and Mr Mao are good _______.

A. boys B. girls C. men D. teachers


The man has a tall and big nose and big eyes. He is short and thin with yellow hair. He is wearing a blue coat, black trousers and red shoes. The police can not catch him. Please help them to find him.

56. The man’s nose is ________.

A. tall B. big C. small D. tall and big

57. -What color is the man’s hair?


A. Red B. Yellow C. Gray D. Black

58. -Are his trousers blue? -______.

A. Yes they are B. No, they aren’t C. I don’t know. D. No, it’s gray.

59. -Is the man good or bad?


A. Yes, he is B. No, he isn’t C. He’s good D. He’s bad.

60. Who wants to catch the man? -_______.

A. The police B. We C. He D. They



61. _____62. _____63. _____64. _____65. _____


66. Tom is ________(11岁)

67. I have three ______(小刀)

68. My ______(父母)are all teachers.

69. What’s the _______(男孩的)name?

70. He’s wearing a _______(双)of shoes.

C)句子翻译 根据所给汉语完成英语句子,每空一词。

71. 你怎么拼它?______ ______ you spell it?

72. 明天见。______ you ________.

73. 人人叫我迈克。________ calls _______ Mike.

74. 这件衣服看起来很好,但不适合我。

This coat __________ very nice, but it doesn’t _______ me.

75. 这是什么?是苹果。What’s this? ________ _______ apple.


76. Who’s this? This’s Li Ying. ________

77. She’s Japan. ________

78. She’s doctor.

79. She have a sister. ________
