


英文求职信的相关内容 篇1







英文求职信的相关内容 篇2


其宗旨是让招聘单位了解求职者的多方面能力, 包括学历、经历、专长等,以此获得面试机会,找到理想的工作。一封言简意赅、表述达意准确、礼貌客气、语气自信、文字简短的求职信,体现求职者的良好文化素养、较强的沟通能力、清晰的逻辑思维能力。一封写得好的求职信可以吸引招聘方的眼球在众多求职者中脱颖而出,获得宝贵的面试,敲开成功就职的大门。因此英语求职信的写作非常重要。


2.1被 动语态多

英语求职信体现了求职者积极乐观的心态, 展现了独特的个性和人格魅力,表明了诚心诚意的态度,体现出了极强的主动性。主动语态阐明了谁做了什么,如何做的,使得篇章活泼生动,富有活力并具主动性。被动语态只对存在的状态进行描述,呆板并缺乏动作,语气上比较弱。在求职信的写作中,主动语态使用较多。

I have worked in various positions.



I am enclosing the completed job applications,my resume,copies of my diplomas.



Presently I am working for the family restaurant as an assistant manager and I believe that I could be a best candidate for filling the restaurant manager position.




3.1书 写特点



Help to manage the scheduling,training,hiring,evaluating,and mentoring.



If you have any questions,please don’t hesitate to call meThank you for considering my application.



I believe that myandwill be benefi-cial for your organization.



With a BS degree inManagement and as seniorMBA,I have a full understanding of a business’s needs.



英语求职信是一种正式的书面文体, 客观真实地阐述自己的能力和工作经历,正式词用得比较多。正式词的运用不仅显示出求职人的文化素养,同时体现了庄重肃穆的文体特点。此外,也可洞察到求职人严肃认真的态度。如:

Help to execute budgetary responsibilities including targetwork -hours,forcasts,labor forcasting,cost control,profit and lossaccountability,just in-time purchasing and inventories.



I have worked in the company for mnay years.


动词可以独立作谓语, 求职人具体做过的事情需要用动词来表述。动词的使用使得事物的表达具有一定的力度,生动具体,逐项事宜生龙活现,打动招聘方,扫清求职的障碍,取得面试的成功。如:

I will set up a meeting and decide the date.


在英语求职信的写作中,“please”一词表示谦虚礼貌之意,求职人良好地表达自己求职的愿望,感情情真意切,语气谦虚有礼,不卑不亢,招聘方深受感动,面试达成,在写作中“please”运用较多。如 :

Please contact me at any time for arranging the interview.




I am working for the family restaurant as an assistant manageand I believe that I could be a best candidate for filling therestaurant manager position.


平行结构具有句意对称、结构紧凑、逻辑清晰、意义明显的特点。求职信多方位、多角度阐述求职者的优势,达到成功“销售”自己、成功面试的目的。 如 :

I learned that the position of a publicity manager is availableand I believe that my interest match with your requirements.



Please accept this as my formal application letter.I have attached my resume for your consideration.

3.3.4 条件句


If you desire to meet up with me to talk about my skill in doing this job,please contact me via my email.



Please contact me for the possibility of interview as per youconvenience.

3.3.6 主动语态


I have strong skills in leading production managers to get thejob accomplished.如 :


3.4.1 “this” 指示词


解的关键。如:I learned from your ads that your company is currently looking for a manager.Please accept this as my formal application letter.

3.4.2 连接词

在英语求职信里,连接词的运用使得语篇布局合理,逻辑清晰,上下语篇内容更为统一和衔接。通过连接词,求职人把自身的意愿和目的表述得非常清晰,对于求职成功起到重要的作用。如:As my resume showed,I have more than five years experience in a positions.If you desire to meet up with me to talkabout my skills,I will set up a meeting to do it.

3.4.3 重复

在英语求职信的写作中,某个单词反复重复多次,连贯语篇,求职语言明晰流畅,中心内容清楚,加深印象,丰富语篇内容,突出主题,使得整个语篇更和谐和紧密。如:With this letter,I wish to apply for the post of human resources.I am grateful toyou for considering me eligible for the post.


英文求职信中的情态研究 篇3

【关键词】英文求职信 情态表达 情态量值 情态助动词




不同的学者给予了情态不同的定义,但最为人们所普遍认可的则是Halliday所给的定义。Halliday(1994)认为,情态体现是介于否定和肯定两极之间的意义领域,体现了意义表达中的归一度。在情态的类型上,Thompson (1996)将情态分为情态及意态。情态涉及“信息”的“频率”和“概率”,意态涉及“物品或服务”的“义务”和“意愿”。在情态的表达方式上,在系统功能语言学中Halliday等人认为情态意义包括三个方面:情态助动词、情态附加语和情态隐喻。关于语篇情态表达的分析也就是对语篇中情态助动词、情态附加语和情态隐喻这三类表达的分析。情态意义的体现是由情态的取向来决定的,在情态系统中,情态表达的值有低、中、高三种量值,情态助动词,情态附加语和情态隐喻都有值的划分。



1.情态助动词。通过整理和分析,在情态助动词使用方面,在信件中使用较多的是will,would,can,may,should和could这六个助动词,占助动词总数的95%以上。其中使用频率最高的为will,共出现64次,可表将来,也可以表示个人意愿。如:My qualifications will meet your requirements for this position with your company;另一个出现频率很高的助动词为would,共出现了52次,如:I wouldenjoy discussing my experience and qualifications in a personal interview,此句中would十分委婉并且礼貌的表达了求职者的意愿倾向。Can是在求职信中出现频率第三高的助动词,共计30次,可表示能力和允许。如:I am open to relocating anywhere,in the United States or internationally,and can begin full-time employment with one month’s notice,此句中can 表达了求职者能够开始全职工作的时间。May,should和could 这三个助动词在信件中出现并不多,分别为12次,9次和7次。从情态助动词的值来看,低值情态动词,may,can,could,might 共计51次;中值情态动词will,would,shall,should共计128次,而高值情态动词must和can’t只出现了两次。可看出求职信中、低值的情态动词占绝大多数。

2.情态附加语。情态附加语也是情态表达的一种重要形式,包括语气附加成分和评论附加成分,可表达情态当中的频率,概率,义务,意愿等。求职信中出现次数最多的是表达恳求的评论附加成分,表达程度和频率的语气附加成分。主要出现的附加语有please,always,no,quite,fully,fairly,greatly,surely等等。其中出现次数最多的是please,共计 21次,其次是always共出现了7次。如:This educational background and my experience certainly equip me to be an excellent teacher中的certainly强烈地表达了求职者对职位的自信;又如:Would you please consider my request for a personal interview to discuss further about my qualifications?中的please表达了求职者期望得到面试机会的诚恳。从情态附加语的值来看,高值情态的附加语共计34个,中值的出现23个,而低值的只有7个。可看出中、高值的情态附加语占大多数。

3.情态隐喻。除了助动词和附加语,情态还可以通过一些小句,短语和名词来实现,这就是情态隐喻。比如“I think it is going to rain.”就是一个隐喻,因为它是“it’s probably going to rain.”的变体,还有“I believe”,“it is obvious that”,“it is foolish to deny that”等等,都属于情态隐喻(Halliday,2000)。通过对求职信的分析,发现这些情态隐喻在求职信中的使用频率也很高,以小句形式出现的有51个,如:I believe that,I hope that 等;以短语形式出现的有54个,如:look forward to,be glad to,be willing to 等;以名词形式出现的有14个,如:interest,desire等。其中出现次数最多的是look forward to,共计18次,如:I look forward to hearing from you表达求职者对收到回信的期待;其次是I believe that,共计16次,如:I believe that my background qualifications and work experience are very compatible with the requirements of this position you listed in your advertisement表达求职者对自身能力的信心;I hope/wish that 出现11次,如:I hope thatwe will have the opportunity to discuss my experience and qualifications further during a personal meeting表达对同用人单位之间的进一步交流的期待。从情态隐喻的量值来看,高值表达有18个,中值表达有71个,低值表达有30个。其中中、低值的情态隐喻占绝大多数。





[1]Halliday,M.A.K.An Introduction to Functional Grammar[M].London:Edward Arnold,2000.

[2]Thompson,G.Introducing Functional Grammar[M].Beijing:Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press,1996.




[6]Alan Bond.英文商务信函模板通[M].北京:机械工业出版社,2010.




简洁的英文求职信 篇4



Dear Sir, I wish to apply for a position with your company as a regional sales manager.Iam twenty-nine years old and at present employed by the Xishan Company,where I have been working as an assistant manager for the past four years.Before that, Ihad spent three years as a sales agent in the Taiji Company.My oniy reason for leaving my present position is to better myself as I feel I have potential(潜力)for greater things.I wish to serve in a large company like yours so that I can learn new things and give full play to my talent.I can give you references from both of the firms mentioned above as to my character and ability.Enclosed please find my resume.I would appreciate your considering my application.I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.Sincerely yours,Mr,right.

标准的英文求职信 篇5


Dear Sir,In reference to your advertisement in the Jobspower.com for a outdoor director, I believe that I have the qualifications to fit your position.I hold a degree in physical Education from ABC University.Along with my physical education courses, I also selected many coursed in psychology and child management.During the summers, I worked as a volunteer playground director in Outdoor Campsite at Sai Kung.In the summer of 1998, I was an assistant in charge of organized sports for youngersters in Northen New Territories.The year after that, I was placed in charge of a large summer program for under privileged children in Hong Kong.My supervisor during this time was Mr.William Jones, the Director of Northern Affairs.He has consented to act as a reference for me.My additional experience includes working as a leader in 13th Scout Troop for the years of 1994 to the present time.In this position I am responsible for the programs in all the scout troop, including all organized recreation, sports and scout skills.If you feel that I am suited for the job that you have in mind, please inform me of the time convenient for an interview.I hope to hear from you in the near future.Sincerely yours


厨师的英文求职信 篇6

In regard to the open cook position you have posted on Monster, I am very interested in the opportunity。 Perhaps after reading this letter and enclosed resume, you will agree we have a mutually beneficial reason to meet。 My credentials include:

-12+ years of cooking experience in a hotel setting。

-A track record of increasing clientele by preparing top-quality meals and maintaining high standards of excellence。

-Respected leadership skills with experience training and motivating kitchen staff to work together as a team。

-Expertise in menu planning and food/supplies ordering。

-An uncompromising emphasis on quality, sanitation, waste reduction and cost savings。

ABC Hotel’s mission and commitment to serving customers and the community is one that I share wholeheartedly。 As a cook for Action Resort, I maintained an excellent performance record and earned a reputation for dedication, teamwork and a roll-up-your-sleeves work ethic。

The cook position sounds like an outstanding opportunity, and I would welcome the chance for an interview to discuss your needs and outline my strengths in person。

You may reach me at xxxx-xxx-xxxx。 Thank you for your time and consideration of my resume, and I look forward to speaking with you。

Sincerely yours.



正确的英文求职信 篇7

Write a cover letter must adhere to the principle of seeking truth from facts, with the achievements and facts instead of gaudy modifier, introduce yourself properly. To highlight the key, in view of a certain unit of a certain position and to apply for a job, the effect will be better. Text to smooth, writing it neatly, the application letter is unit of choose and employ persons to applicants an informal assessment, unit of choose and employ persons can through the letters to understand the language of the job seekers rhetoric and written expression ability, can say the application letter is unit of choose and employ persons to applicant get first impression vouchers.

The application letter correct writing the first part of the you want to apply for the position and how you found out about this job recruitment information. The second part shows you how to meet the needs of the company, state the personal skills and personality traits. The third part shows that you want to quickly get echo, and indicate the best way to contact you. The fourth part thanks to each other read and consider your application. Each sealing cover letter should be according to suitable for employers and elaborate design, so that you understand the needs of the company. A cover letter should also include your achievements and solve the problem of the case, these examples and you are applying for a job related types.

A cover letter should be sent to a position of a particular person, use high-grade paper writing, and proof read carefully and avoid typing or grammar mistakes, copy files from the deposit.

英文系学生英文求职信 篇8


Dear Sir/Madam: Thank you very much for skimming my letter in your busy time. And I am very appreciate than your esteemed company would give me an opportunity. ? First please allow me to introduce myself. My English name is Cathy. I am the graduate student in Foreign College of Jingsu University of Science and Technology. I learn that your company is recruiting now. I am confident that four years of university study and the social practice can help me to apply for the position in your company. ? I have had a solid theoretical foundation because of the four years of English learning.

The annual internship experience make me from theory to practice, although I have no formal work experience. However I am sure that I have a certain degree of understanding of the foreign trade posts and the translation work. And I believe that I have a strong learning ability, and Ican completely adapt to the new work in a short time. ? Self-confidence and perseverance is my principle,and calm and optimism is the attitude of my way. I have the confidence and hope to get the opportunity to work in your company. Attach a brief resume. Thank you again for your concern for me. Look foraward to your reply. Sincerely, ?

标准的英文求职信写作 篇9

Dear Sir,In reference to your advertisement in the Jobspower.com for a outdoor director, I believe that I have the qualifications to fit your position.I hold a degree in physical Education from ABC University.Along with my physical educ

Dear Sir,In reference to your advertisement in the Jobspower.com for a outdoor director, I believe that I have the qualifications to fit your position.I hold a degree in physical Education from ABC University.Along with my physical education courses, I also selected many coursed in psychology and child management.During the summers, I worked as a volunteer playground director in Outdoor Campsite at Sai Kung.In the summer of 1998, I was an assistant in charge of organized sports for youngersters in Northen New Territories.The year after that, I was placed in charge of a large summer program for under privileged children in Hong Kong.My supervisor during this time was Mr.William Jones, the Director of Northern Affairs.He has consented to act as a reference for me.My additional experience includes working as a leader in 13th Scout Troop for the years of 1994 to the present time.In this position I am responsible for the programs in all the scout troop, including all organized recreation, sports and scout skills.If you feel that I am suited for the job that you have in mind, please inform me of the time convenient for an interview.I hope to hear from you in the near future.Sincerely yours

医院护士的英文求职信 篇10

I am a 04 session of Hubei Medical College senior students, immediately facing the graduate work is about to embark on, which will have a bearing on my future, so I did a careful selection, your hospital has always been my first employment goals, so I decided to submit this自荐信and sincere leadership, as the hospital to express their determination!Thank you to continue to read my自荐信!

As before admitted to the universities to determine their own goals in life to be a----白衣天使, so do so as soon as I started to learn medical knowledge, the four-year period in school, I not only completed the outstanding achievements the University of courses, but also other medical knowledge often Expo, including nursing, pathology, or microbiology, bacteriology, surgery....in a series of professional medical knowledge, in order to enrich themselves to faster access to social role, I also participated in a school organized by type of organization has served as Chairman of the student experience as I set foot on these jobs provided an important experience, I believe I can unite colleague, and leadership, the patient...live in harmony!

Because I am a fresh graduate, I am well aware that their knowledge remains in the realm of theory, which is why I am even more urgent need for your hospital can give me the opportunity to practice, I have to play their professional for patients The most serious medical services, for your contribution to the development of the hospital my light and heat!

硕士学生的英文求职信 篇11

你正在浏览的求 职 信是硕士学生的英文求职信模板

Dear Sir or Madam,Your recruiting advertisement for Overseas trainee on is of great interests to me.With a sound educational background – two master degrees awarded by University of Wollongong Australia and one bachelor degree awarded by Nanchang Institute of Aeronautical Technology, China-and a keen desire to be a part of a professional firm, I am submitting my resume and wish to apply for the position referred above.In addition to my academic excellence, my various aptitudes displayed in extra curriculum activities combined with fluent English ability as well as proficient IT skills prepare me a qualified candidate.I hold the belief that I will make positive contribution to your company.Thank you for your time and consideration and I am looking forward to becoming an integral member of your motivated team and would appreciate your evaluation by granting me an interview.With enthusiastically personal regards.Sincerely yours,Li Fang

公司助理的英文求职信 篇12


Dear Mr.Wen,
