


模块1活动4:模块小结及反思 篇1




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1-4模块总结与反馈 篇2









模块1活动4:模块小结及反思 篇3

1. 仅次于second only to 2. 迷人的自然风光 fantastic natural scenery

3. 喜欢be fond of 4. 绝大多数the vast majority of

5. 对…感到兴奋的be thrilled by 7. 除了…in addition to

8. 是…的家园be home to 9. 由…组成consist of

10. 寻求财富seek their fortunes 11. 少数人a handful of people

12. 与…是绝配go perfectly with 13. 迎合各种需要 cater to every need

14. 由于大量移民due to the large amount of immigration

15. 由于自然环境owing to the natural environment

16. 除了登山apart from mountain climbing

17. 危及安全compromise safety 18. 对…有偏好have a preference for

19. 对…毫无疑问have no reservations about doing sth. 20. 对…尊重show respect for

II 根据中文将句子补充完整

1. 海洋和河流里有大量的鱼类。

Fish are abundant in the seas and rivers.

2. 加拿大国家电视塔坐落于多伦多市中心,通常简称为CN塔。

Located in the heart of Toronto is the Canadian National Tower, which is often called the CN Tower for short.

3. 蒙特利尔是世界上第二大法语城市,巴黎是第一大法语城市。

Montreal is the second largest French-speaking city in the world, Paris being the largest.

4. 蒙特利尔夜生活丰富多彩,有许多饭店和俱乐部,还有文化性的和街头性的节庆活动,绝对不会让任何游客感到厌倦。

Montreal has colorful nightlife, with many restaurants and clubs, as well as cultural and street festivals to ensure that no visitor is ever bored.


Smaller in size, but equally famous, is the city of Vancouver.

6. 有许多博物馆展示那时的生活情况。

There are many museums showing what life was like back then.

7. 国旗上有一片枫叶作标志。

A maple leaf is featured on the Canadian flag.


If you expect different countries to have the same customs and food as what you are accustomed to, then you are bound to be disappointed.

8. 你需要将旧思想和偏见放一边,在期望方面灵活一点,因为发现不寻常和意料之外才是旅游的回报。

You need to put aside your old ideas and prejudices and learn to be more flexible in your expectations because finding the unusual and unexpected is the reward of travel.

M9 U1 (Task- Project)

I 根据中文写短语

1. 填写文字材料fill out paperwork 2. 将…与…相联系associate… with..

3. 现场看比赛 watch sports live 4. 转向运动 turn to sport

5. 优缺点 strengths and weaknesses 6. 对运动的奉献one’s devotion to sport

7. 满足于…be content to do sth / with sth 8. 最棒的是best of all

9. 装备有照明设施be equipped with lighting facilities 10. 玩到深夜 play late into the night

11. 参加participate in 12. 是…的缩写形式be short for

13. 区别A和B distinguish A from B / between A and B

14. 导致严重的伤害lead to serious injuries 15. 起源于be originally from

16. 尤其in particular 17. 值得表扬be worthy of praise

18. 总共in total 19.很高比例 a great percentage of

II 根据中文将句子补充完整

1. 占据纽约市中心,这儿的人行道充满生机,灯光闪烁。

Occupying the heart of New York City, the sidewalks here are full of life and bright lights.

2. 由于911以后的安全考虑,游客不再被允许攀爬。

Due to security concerns after 9/11, visitors are no longer permitted to climb them.

3. 这条两旁都是剧院的街道是戏剧和音乐剧成为举世闻名的地方。

The theatre-lined street is where plays and musicals become international hits.

4. 一手拿饮料,一手捧快餐,坐在电视机前看体育赛事,这在澳大利亚非常普遍。

Sitting in front of the television watching a sporting event, with a drink in one hand and some fast food in the other, is very common in Australia.

5. 许多人对体育运动的热爱归功于适合体育运动的完美的气候条件。

Many people owe their love of sport to the perfect weather conditions for it.

6. 耐心是欣赏这项运动的准则。

Patience is the critrioen to enjoy the game.

7. 考虑到相对较小的人口数,它在奥运会上的出色表现真正令人惊讶。

Considering, its relatively small population, its outstanding, performance in the Olympic Games was really amazing .

8. 虽然很大一部分澳大利亚人观看体育比赛,而不直接参与,但大多数人是关注体育的,因此它的确是个体育大国。

While a high percentage of Australians may be people who watch sports rather than do them, as far as most of its population is concerned, it is indeed a great sporting nation!

M9 U2 (Reading - Grammar)

I 根据中文写短语

1.对有重大影响 have a great impact on …

2.在不同的领域取得进展 make advances in various fields

3.被转移到… be transferred to

4.被晒黑 get sunburnt

5.为…..做准备 in preparation for…

6.为保存历史 in a gesture to help preserve history

7.进行重要的教育工作 undertake important educational work

8.被认为是一个独立的国家 be recognized as an independent country

9.需要密切注意 require urgent attention

10.导致对…..破坏 result in damage to …

11.夺取对……控制 seize control of …

12.任命一个特别委员会 appoint a special committee

13.在某人的议事日程上be high on one’s agenda

14.基于这共识 be based on the consensus

II 根据中文将句子补充完整

1. 它被建在那儿便于所有人去参观。

It was built there so that it was convenient for everyone to get to.

2. 它部分受损于自然威力(如地震),部分受损于人为因素,然而所有破坏中最大的是由后者造成的。

It has been damaged partly by natural forces like earthquakes and partly by man, although the greatest destruction of all has been caused by the latter.


In fact , the restoration was so bad that it made some of the buildings less secure than they had been before .


The Greek government established a committee in 1975 to undertake the complete , professional restoration of the Acropolis.


After that, much progress was made in reconstructing the monument, particularly with the large amount of work in preparation for the Athens Olympic Games.


The committee is continuing its work in a very organized way and hopes to bring the Acropolis back to its former glory.


They believe that the prevention of damage from ignorance and from people not caring about protecting the monument is very important.

8.我非常幸运能呆在那儿两个星期。I was fortunate enough to stay there for a fortnight.

M9 U2 (Task- Project)

I 根据中文写短语

1.因某事谴责某人 accuse sb. of doing sth. 2.对某人不忠 be unfaithful to

3.因叛国罪被起诉 be charged with the crime of betraying one’s country

4.宣判某人死刑 sentence sb. to death 5.允许某人做某事 give sb. permission to do sth.

6.按时完成meet the deadline 7.在最近几十年里 in recent decades

8.向……启航 set sail to 9.去某处旅行 make a trip to

10.取消死刑cancel death sentence 11. 处在……保护下 under the protection of …

12.对……开放be open to 13.状况良好(be )in good condition

14.就……方面 in terms of 15.在……方面投资钱 invest money in…

16.主要部分,必要部分 part and parcel 17.上溯至…… date (back ) from

18.与……相等be equal to 19. 以保障死后生活as insurance for the afterlife

II 根据中文将句子补充完整

1. 在最后一刻他的死刑被驳回。

His death sentence was withdrawn at the last minute.

2. 与中国其他皇陵一样,长陵是仿照宫殿建造的,是由院落组成的建筑群。

It was built , like other Chinese imperial tombs, to resemble a palace, containing a complex of buildings and courtyard.


Xiling sits about 100 kilometres to the west of Beijing in Yixian.


The deadlines for completing restoration of some other tombs have already been met.


It is now our responsibility to treasure and protect these monuments of the Chinese people.

6. 葬在那里的是五位皇帝,其嫔妃及其他皇室成员。

Buried there are the remains of five emperors, their wives and other royal family members.

7. 陵恩殿位于长陵的第二进院落内,为长陵更添宏伟与壮丽。

Adding to the impressiveness and beauty of Changling is the Ling’en Palace, which is located in the second courtyard.

高三英语复习M9 U3 (Reading - Grammar)

I 根据中文写短语

1. 饿死die of starvation 2. 使某人摆脱某物 rid sb of sth.

3. 决定做某事 elect to do sth. 4. 用A代替B substitute B with A

5. 对…不满意be unhappy with 6. 对…直言不讳 be outspoken about

7. 容忍没有发言权tolerate not having a say 8. 与…分离. split from

9. 提醒某人某事 remind sb of sth. 10. 与…有联系 have a link with / relate to

11. 纯洁的象征 a symbol of purity 12. 相似和不同the similarities and differences

13. 没得到回报get nothing in return 14. 屈从于这种地位resign oneself to this status

15. 在与…分离以后after separation from 16. 追溯到 date back to / date from

II 根据中文将句子补充完整

1. 这些旗帜不仅仅是缝在一起的彩色的布和线。

These flags are more than just colorful pieces of cloth and thread sewn together.

2. 法国大革命的结束给整个法国带来了根本性的变化。

The conclusion of the French Revolution led to fundamental changes throughout the country.

3. 红色、白色和蓝色是大革命座右铭的形象提示。

The colors red, white and blue are a visual reminder of the motto of the French Revolution.

4. 蓝色代表自由,而白色代表和平和诚实。

Blue stands for liberty, while white represents peace and honesty.

5. 法国大革命成功消除了社会不平等,这对许多其他国家影响甚巨,尤其是欧洲国家。

The French Revolution was successful in ridding society of inequality, which had a great effect on many other countries, particularly those in Europe.

6. (美国)国旗上有50颗星,每颗星代表一个州。

There are fifty stars on the flag, one for each state. (独立主格结构)

7. 这面国旗简单之极,以13世纪的国旗为基础。

The flag, which couldn’t be further simplified, is based on a national flag dating back to the 13th century.

8. 同样的颜色在不同的文化可能对应不同的含义。

The same color can correspond to different meanings in different cultures.

高三英语复习M9 U13 (Grammar - Project)

I 根据中文写短语

1. 开始时at the beginning 2. 对…忠诚 be loyal to

3. 将某人处死 put sb to death 4. 与…结合 in combination with

5. 与…相联系be associated with 6. 由于这个原因 for this reason

7. 而且,此外 in addition 8. 几十年前 decades ago

9. 作为…的标志 as a sign of 10. 从负面意义上看 on a negative side

11. 在一些情况下 in some cases 12. 做某事不合适 It’s inappropriate to do sth. 13. 对…武断 be arbitrary about

14. 作一个关于…的声明 make a statement about

II 根据中文将句子补充完整

1. 这是一个丰富的盛事,一个已经成为庆祝国王或王后生日的风俗的盛事。

It is a very colorful event, one that has become an institution for celebrating the King or Queen’s birthday since 1805.

2. 京剧的角色要求表演者绘脸谱来帮助展示人物性格的广度和深度。

Beijing opera roles require performers to paint their faces to help display the dimensions and depth of the character’s personality.

3. 白色强调人性中恶的一面。

White highlights all that is bad in human nature.

4. 虽然通常来说人类喜欢色彩,但我们对色彩的选择却未必随意。

While it is generally true to say that humans like color, out choices are not necessarily random.

5. 同样的颜色可能在一中文化中是褒义,而在另一种文化中是贬义。

The same color can have a positive meaning in one culture, while in another, a negative meaning.

6. 因此下次你选择衣服时,可不能随便乱选。

Therefore, the next time you choose an outfit, you should not be arbitrary about what you pick.

7. 否则,你可能会无意中表达了你不想表达的意思。

Otherwise, you might make an unconscious statement about yourself that you do not want to make.

高三英语复习M9 U4 (Reading - Grammar)

I 根据中文写短语

1. 有不同的信仰和宗教 have different beliefs and religions

2. 换句话说 in other words 3. 除了其它事情 among other things

4. 被翻译成 be translated into 5. 一下子 in one swift move

6. 与…有模糊或松散的联系 have a vague or loose connection to sth

7. 过奢侈的生活lead a life of luxury 8. 改过自新mend one’s ways

9. 为了纪念他的归来in honor of his return 10. 例如for instance

11.与食物有关的东西 things related to food 12. 被当作…be referred to as

13. 在英语口语和书面语中in oral and written English

14. 提高你的理解力improve your comprehension 15. 不久by and by

16. 提高和增强你的语言技巧polish up and sharpen your language skills

17. 随着时间而改变change over time 18. 向某人咨询…consult sb about sth

19. 承担苦难和负担bear great suffering and burdens


1. 设宴款待 kill the fatted calf = have a large celebration

2. 致命的缺陷feet of clay = hidden weaknesses in great figures

3. 小鸟说a little bird told me = not knowing who gave the information

4. 掌上明珠the apple of one’s parents’ eyes = loved by their parents

5. 诚实而优秀的普通人the salt of the earth = a good and honest person

III 根据中文将句子补充完整

1. 除非你意识到习语的使用,否则你很容易误解所读到的或听到的内容。

Unless you recognize when an idiom is being used, you can easily misunderstand what you read or hear spoken.

2. 那些为人敬重的人物也有着不为人所知的弱点。

There is a hidden weakness in somebody whom we admire or respect.

3. 通过学习足够数量的习语,你可以培养高水平的交际技巧。

By learning enough important idioms, you can develop a high level of competence in your communication skills.

4. 当你透彻了解英语习语及其起源,你可以更好地理解和欣赏英语国家的历史和文化。

When you have a thorough understanding of English idioms and their origins, you can better understand and appreciate the history and cultures of English-speaking countries.

高三英语复习M9 U4 (Grammar - Project)

I 根据中文写短语

1. 使…成为… make …into… 2. 以某人来命名 name sb/sth after sb

3. 基于…之上 be based on 4. 无意中听到某人说 overhear sb saying sth

5. 在漆黑的夜晚 in the darkness of night 6. 帮助他人 give aid to others

7. 被画有be pictured with 8. 直到今天 to this day

9. 梦到某人做某事dream of sb doing sth 10. 释梦 interpret one’s dream

11. 吩咐某人做某事 instruct sb to do sth 12. 代表他 on his behalf

13. 带着他们为数不多的物品 carry their few possessions

14. 在他们抵达时 at the time of their arrival 15. 在改名时in renaming the temple

16. 建筑形式多样 be varied in its architecture

17. 以…为中心或主题; centre (sth) on/upon/round sb/sth

18. 作为佛教圣地 as a holy Buddhist site 19. 经历许多变化be through many changes

20. 正因如此as such 21. 获得国家级保护receive state protection

22. 旅游胜地Tourist attractions / sightseeing destination 23. 决不under/in no circumstances

II 根据中文将句子补充完整

1. 很多的故事都是关于Nicholas拯救小孩于危险之中的。

Many of these stories involve saving children from great danger.

2. 迄今为止,白马寺仍然是全中国最重要的寺庙之一。

To this day, the white horse temple remains one of the most important temples in all of China.

2. 东汉明帝梦见一个金人飞行于宫殿之上。

The Emperor Mingdi of the Eastern Han Dynasty dreamt of a golden man flying over the palace.

4. 皇帝指示一群大臣作为使节,代表他去印度了解更多关于佛的情况。

The emperor instructed a group of officials to go on his behalf as agents to India to find more information about Buddha.

5. 如果你击掌,你能听到屋顶传来放大的声声回荡。

If you clap your hands, you will hear the sounds repeated and multiplied form the roof.

6. 过去,这些修复与扩建通常是在战争和毁坏之后,但近期的修复则并非这种恶劣情况的结果。

模块1活动4:模块小结及反思 篇4








模块1活动4:模块小结及反思 篇5








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模块1活动4:模块小结及反思 篇6

Unit Three


1. talented adj. 有才能的,有才华的

2. architecture n. 建筑;建筑学

3. photographer n. 摄影师,摄影家

4. geometric adj. 几何的,几何学的

5. masterpiece n. 杰作

6. calculate vt.&vi. 计算

7. astronomy n. 天文学

8. range vi.(在一定范围幅度内)变动

9. float vi.&vt. (使)漂浮

10. disgusting adj. 令人厌恶的

11. stick vt. 粘住,粘贴

12. weep vi. 哭泣,流泪

13. height n. 高处,高地;高度;身高

14. experiment vi. 实验,试验

15. scholarship n. 奖学金

16. abstract adj. 抽象的

17. artwork n. 艺术作品,美术作品

18. rainbow n. 彩虹

19. starry adj. 布满星星的

20. studio n. 画室;录音棚;

21. distribute vt. 传播,散布,发行

22. fee n. 费,费用,酬金

23. negotiate vi. 谈判,洽谈,协商

vt. 通过谈判达成(或解决),谈成

24. adore vt. 喜爱;崇拜;爱慕

25. subjective adj. 主观的

26. apptite n. 爱好,欲望;食欲,胃口

27. fisherman n. 渔民,渔夫

28. artistic adj. 艺术的

29. assistance n. 协助,援助

30. framework n. 框架,构架,结构

31. abandon vt. 放弃,丢弃;遗弃

32. scratch n., vt.&vi. 抓,挠,刮,擦

33. ankle n. 踝;踝关节

34. watercolor n. 水彩画

35. reservation n. 预定,预约;保留

36. dormitory n. 宿舍

37. canal n. 沟渠;运河

38. bargain n. 便宜货;划算的买卖

vi. 讨价还价,讲价;讲条件,谈判

39. gallery n. 美术馆,画廊

40. slice n. 薄片,切片

41. chef n. 厨师

42. cube n. 小方块;立方体


1. be amazed at sth. 对……感到惊讶

be amazed to do sth. 惊讶地做某事

be amazed that-clause 惊讶地……

2. more than 不仅仅是;非常

3. calculate the cost of 计算……的费用

4. share sth. with / between / among


share one’s opinion


5. range from …to…从……到……

range between…from…


range over 超过

out of range 超出……的范围

6. weep about 为……而哭泣

weep over / for 因……而哭

weep for 哭着想要……

weep oneself to sleep哭着哭着睡着了

7. on the / one’s way to (doing) sth. 在去


8. distribute sth. to / among 把某物分发


9. negotiate with sb. about sth. 和某人就


the negotiating table 谈判桌

10. have an appetite for 喜爱,渴望

lose appetite for 失去……的兴趣 /爱好

11. with the assistance of 在……的帮助

12. abandon sth. 放弃某物

an abandoned baby一个被遗弃的婴儿

abandon oneself to sth. 听任 (感情泛



不得已而放弃, 舍弃……(给某人)

13. start from scratch


14. be mixed with 用……混合

15. the secret to sth. 某物的秘诀

16. in addition 另外,加之

17. make a reservation 预定,预约

18. be admitted to 获准进入……,


19. folk customs 民间风俗

20. after graduation 在毕业之后

graduate from… 从……毕业

21. be made out of 由……制成,


22. serve as 担任 (某职),

起……的作用, 权当

23. cut up 切割开来,切碎

24. stick a stamp on the envelope 把一枚


stick to 坚持

25. dip into 把……伸进;浏览, 翻阅

26. cut out 裁剪了;切掉

27. have a go (at) 试一试做某事


1. I was amazed to learn that Picasso produced more than 20,000 pieces of art and that he wasn’t just a painter.

2. This painting is so valuable that it is difficult to calaulate what its price would be if the museum wanted to sell it.

3. Besides the works of da Vinci, the Louvre Museum has more than 6,000 other European paintings, ranging from the 13th to the 19th century.

4. Hardly had we left the dormitory the next morning when we realized we forgot our map in the room.

5. It was while at the New York School of Art that he exprimented with different materials such as cloth and plastic in his paintings.

6. There are many other things that you can use to make unusual pictures, so why not have a go at some of the ideas above and then try out some ideas of your own?





1) 在here, there引导的句子中,谓语是be, exist等表示状态的不及物动词。

2) 在语气词here, there开头的句子里,谓语动词是come, go等。如果主语是人称代词,则不用倒装。

3)副词now, then, thus引导的句子里,谓语是come, follow, begin, end, be等

4)在in, out, down, up, over, away, off, back等表示方向的副词做状语置于句首,谓语动词是come, go, rush, run等不及物动词的句子里。如果主语是人称代词,则不用倒装。

5)在地点状语提前,谓语是be, stand, sit, lie等动词的句子里。

6)在分词 / 形容词 + be + 主语……的句子里。



部分倒装是指将谓语的一部分如助动词或情态倒装至主语之前。如果句中的谓语没有助动词或情态动词,则需添加助动词do, does或did,并将其置于主语之前。

1)so / neither / nor防于句首,表示前面所说的肯定 / 否定的一种情况也适合另外一个人或物,其结构是:so / neither / nor + be(助动词或情态动词)+ 主语。

注意:如果前面所提及到的两种或两种以上情况也适合于另外一个人或物,则要用句型It is the same with…或So it is with…。

2)当not, never, hardly, scarcely, little, seldom, in no time, not only…but also…, not …until…, hardly…when…, no sooner…than…, in no way等具有否定意义或半否定的副词或短语放在句首时,主句要用部分倒装。



4)在so / such…that…结构中,或so / such与所修饰的词一起位于句首加强语气时,用部分倒装

5)在以often, always, once, many a time, now and then, every other day, 以及then等做状语的词位于句首时,也要用部分倒装。

6)在虚拟语气条件句中,从句谓语动词有were, had, should等词,可将if 省略,把 were, had, should 移到主语之前,采取部分倒装。

7)当as / though引导让步状语从句时,可以把从句中的表语、状语甚至动词原形提到as / though之前进行倒装。



Poor as he was, he was honest.


Child as he is, he knows a lot.

Oldest as he is, he doesn’t do well in studies.

3)将这一类的倒装句改成陈述句,不能用as引导,而只能用though / although引导。


模块1活动4:模块小结及反思 篇7





模块1活动4:模块小结及反思 篇8

1.Joining us in the studio are----。倒装句


Nearby was the house in which they had lived for more than 20 years.


On the stage are the girls competing in the beauty contest.


Gone are the days when people waited in a queue to make a long-distance call.



We view the holiday as a time for recreation,but she has a different idea.


3. finance Vt 给―――提供资助,负担―――的经费

n. 财政,金融

financial adj. 财政的,金融的

Our filrm`s finances are not sound. 我们公司的财政状况不是很好。

It`s necessary for the government to finance the students who have no

money to go to school.政府有必要向没钱上学的学生提供资助

1) To our surprise the Minister of _________ is not an expert in _______.

A.Finance;financial B.finance;finance

C.Finance;finance D.Financier;finance

2) I have some _______ troubles.

A.financial B.finance C.financed D.financing

4.amateur adj. 业余的,非职业的

n. 业余从事者,爱好者

be an amateur of是―――的爱好者

an amateur astronomer 业余天文学家

1).Generally speaking,both amateur actors and actress are amateur _____ film.

A.of B.at C.in D.for

5.defence n. 保卫,辩护,防卫

in defence of sb==in sb`s defence为―――辩护,保卫

I must say in her defense that she works very hard.


1).He wrote a letter to the manager _____ her.

A.in defence for B.for the defence of

C.in defence of D.as a defence for

6.distinguish Vt/Vi 区别,区分,使与众不同



1).You should be able to distinguish between right and wrong.




7.boycott Vt抵制,排斥 n.联合抵制,联合拒绝购买

They launched a boycott on imports.他们发起了联合抵制进口货的行动。

1).It`s impossible for the students in our school to boycott class.




8.hatch Vt 策划,筹划。孵,孵出

How many chickens have hatched out?

They have hatched a plan to celebrate their mother`s 70th birthday.


1).Don`t count your chickens before they are hatched.




9.resemble Vt 相似,类似。常接介词in表示在某方面相似


n. resemblance 相似

The plant resembles grass in appearance。这种植物的外形像草

So many hotels resemble each other.


2).you have a strong resemblance ____ your father,but you resemble

your mother neither ____ character nor ____ appearance.

A.to in in B.in to to C.in in in D.between in in

10.favour Vt 偏爱,偏袒 n. 恩惠,好意,帮助

Adj. favourable 赞成的

n. favourite

A mother mustn`t favour one of her children more than the others.


In favour of 支持,赞成

Do sb a favour==do a favour for sb帮助某人

Be in favour with sb 得到―――厚爱

Lose favour with sb 失宠于某人

11. in the minority 占少数 In the majority占多数

1).While the army takes both men and women,women are in the minority.


12.a spokesman for--- ―――的发言人

13. reward Vt/n 奖,奖励,回报,报酬

reward sb with sth for sth

in reward for 作为―――的报酬

He was rewarded with a prize for his excellent work.


1).His labours were rewarded ____ good fruit.

A.for B.by C.with D.to

2).He gave me a medal ___ for my service.

A.in reward B.to reward C.on reward D.with reward

14.restriction n. 限制,约束 restrict V

restriction on――― restrict to doing sth

1). He restricts himself _____ 2 cigars a day.

A.to smoke B.smoke C.to smoking D.smoking

2). There`s no restriction _____ foreign films in America.

A.on B.against C.of D.Both A and B

15.rarely adv.很少,罕见地

rare adj 稀有的,罕见的,稀疏的 (否定词)

1).Rarely ____ I dream these days.

A.do B./ C.did D.does

2).She rarely stays up late,______?

16.admission n. 准许进入,准许加入,承认

admit admitting admitted

承认,供认 admit doing/ sb to do



1).Admission is limited to the invited guests.






1. 增加单词来强调


I have never seen such a lazy person in my whole life.(这么)

So angry was he that he couldn’t speak.

Fortunately,he was just in time for the first train in the morning.(刚好)

It’s unbelievable that the woman herself could lift so heavy a box.(自己一个人)

This is the very English dictionary that I have been looking for.(就是,正是)

The manager was right in the office when I arrived at the company by metro (地铁)。(正好)

2. 增加短语来强调

常用的短语有:on earth,in the world,by no means(位于句首需用倒装),not…at all等。如:

“What on earth are you doing now?” asked the policeman.(究竟,到底)

Though we are good friends,I don’t agree with you at all this time.(根本不)

I have to point out that this job can by no means be accomplished overnight.(决不)

3. 用助动词do,does,did来强调


Do come early tomorrow morning,or you will be fined.(务必,一定)

The new exchange student does hope to go to the evening party with us.(确实)

My mother did sing well in the past because she used to be a teacher.(的确,确实)

4. 将“地点”提前加以强调

On the table were some flowers. 桌上摆了一些花。


强调句的基本结构是It + be +被强调部分+that (who/whom)+原句剩余部分。被强调部分可以是简单句中除谓语以外的其它成分,也可以是主从复合句中的从句。如:

It was our we that/who saved my little younger sister.(强调主语)

It was him that/whom they saw stealing yesterday in the supermarket.(强调宾语)

It is by sending e-mail that they keep in touch with each other.(强调状语)

It was only when I reread this poem recently that I began to appreciate its beauty.(强调从句)


(1) 强调句形中的it没有实际意义,由于it处在主语位置,即使被强调的主语是复数,动词只用单数。强调主语时用主格。如:

It was Tom and Mike that /who helped us out.

It is we who/that have passed the driving test.

(2) 强调句的一般疑问句就是直接把动词置于句首;特殊疑问句就是把被强调的特殊疑问词置于句首。如:

Is it next week that we will hold another football match ?

Who was it that taught you English ten years ago ?

How was it that you managed to deal with such difficult problems ?

(3) 强调not …until…结构时,not要放在until之前。即:It is/was not until…that….如:It was not until all fish died that people realized how serious pollution was.

It was not until midnight that they came back.


Not until all fish died did people realize how serious pollution was.

Not until midnight did they come back.

(4) 在强调时间、地点、原因或方式状语时,一律用that,而不用when,where,why或how等;特别要注意不能同定语从句等相混淆。如:

Was it during World War II that he lost his devoted son. ?

It was for this reason that the naughty boy got severely punished.


It was on October 5, that the new city was founded.(强调句)


It was October 5,1999 when their first son was born.(定语从句)


(5) 强调句与其它的交融使用

It was the village where I was brought up that I visited yesterday.


I can’t remember how many years ago it was that I entered the factory.


When I asked him when it was that he took my dictionary,he made no answer.




1.It was only when I recovered from being ill _____I began to realize how important health is to a person.

A.until B.that C.then D.so

2.It was ____ 1920 _____regular radio broadcast began.

A.until;that B.not until;when C.until;when D.not until;that

3.Was _____that I saw at the concert last night ?

A.it you B.not you C.you D.yourself

4.It was evening ____ we reached the little town of Winchester.

A.that B.until C.since D.before

5.It was with great joy _____ he received the news _____his lost daughter had been found.

A.because;that B.that ;why C.which;which D.that;that

6.My teacher asked me _____ Daniel got injured in the leg.

A.how was it that B.how it was that

C.how it was which D.how was it which

7.It was not until she had arrived home _____ her appointment with the doctor.

A.did she remember B.that she remembered

C.when she remembered D.had she remembered

8.It was on the farm _____ my father used to work _____ I was born.

A.that;that B.where;where C.where;that D.that;where

9._____ that she was still weak in English ?

A.Why it was B.Why was it C.It was why D.Was it why

10._____ that electricity plays such an important part in our daily life?

A.What is it B.What does it C.Why does it D.Why is it

11._____she is not so healthy _____she used to be ?

A.Why it is that;as C.Is it why that;that

C.Why is it that;as D.Why is it that;that

12.---Mary !______and visit us some day.

--All right .

A.Do come B.Do comes C.Does come D.Did come

13.It was _____computer games that the boy took a lot of time that he ought to have spent on his lessons.

A.to have played B.playing C.played D.having played

14.---Is it my age _______the boss minds.

--I’m afraid not.He will consider _____necessary to have an experienced assistant.

A.which;it B.that;it C.which;that D.that;that

15.Such a naughty boy _____ that nobody likes him.

A.he is B.he was C.is he D.was he


1. It was in this small village where she was born.

2. It were Madame Curie and her husband who discovered radium.

3. It was September 9,1990 that the little girl was born.

4. It was for this reason why Edward quitted his job in the famous company.

5. He do work very tired after finishing the complex task by himself.

6. By no means I will give up learning English.

7. You did helped me in time of difficulty.

8. Do more careful next time if you want to get a better mark in the exam.

9. It is Mr Green who often help others when they are in trouble.

10. It is him that is to blame for the mistake.


1. It is _________________(很有趣的一部电影)that I want to see it again.

2. It ____________________(直到他告诉我)that I knew the truth.

3. He________________(确实出席) the meeting the day before yesterday.

4. __________________(到底多少次)that you go to see your parents every month?

5. __________________(是在二战期间)that he died.

6. It was ___________________(就是昨晚九点)he went to the park.

7. It was twelve o’clock at midnight _____________________________(他们到达


8. It was ___________________(他最好的衣服)that John wore to the dance last night.

9. He _____________________(真的很喜欢)the new bicycle his father gave him

as a present.

10. _________________________________________(正是从20世纪90年代初)scientists started to develop new techniques to increase agriculture production

without harming the environment.


1. Bill made a kite at school yesterday.


2. He did’t go to work because his mother was ill.


3. Did the Second World War break out in 1939 ?


4. I painted the door white.


5. I didn’t recognize she was a famous film star until she took off her dark glasses.


6. I remembered your birthday yesterday,though I wasn’t able to buy a present for you.


7. Mr Wang likes reading newspapers while having breakfast.


8. How did the accident happen ?


9. What do you want me to say ?


10. Where did he buy that bike ?


11. In the Bronze Age people could make tools of copper and bronze.


12. Thousands of people were killed in an earthquake in this city.


13. we didn’t finish the homework until evening came near.


14. Mr Tang teaches us maths very well.


15. A boy lay on the ground,looking at the stars in the sky.(提至句首)



1. have an appointment to do sth.有做……的约定

I have an appointment to see the doctor.

have/make an appointment with sb.与某人有约

by appointment依约,经预先约定的

appoint vt.决定;任命

appoint sb.to do sth.指定某人做某事

appoint sb. (to be/as)任命某人为……

appointed adj. 指定的


①The teacher me to call the police.

A. appointed B.approach C.appreciated D.approved

②We appointed him .

A. as chairman B.to be chairman C.chairman D.all the above

③the doctor sees patients only .

A. on appointment B.by appointment C.in appointment

D.at appointment

2.in time 及时,终有一天,迟早

I wish you would come in time.

on time 准时

The train arrived on time.


If you work hard and are brave enough to face challenges,you will succeed .

A. on time B.in time C.at the same time D.at one time

3.make an agreement达成共识,签订协议

We have made an agreement on fishery with America.

We made an agreement to help the poor.

under the/an agreement 根据协议

break an agreement 打破协议

reach/come to/arrive at an agreement 达成协议

be in agreement with 同意某人所说的

be in agreement on/upon/about sth.对某事意见一致


At last we an agreement we should start at once.

A. made,that B.come to,that C reach,which D.arrived at,on which

4.satisfaction [u.] 满意,满足,(愿望、需求等)实现

[c.] 令人满意的事

She got great satisfaction from helping people.

What we should do is to meet the satisfaction of public demand.

It is a great satisfaction to know she is well again.

satisfy vt.令人满意

satisfied adj.满意的

satisfying adj. 令人满意的

satisfactory adj.令人满意的

to one’s satisfaction=to the satisfaction of sb.使某人满意的是……

be satisfied with …对……满意

be satisfied of… 确信……


①I’m not with your work.You must improve it.

A. satisfactory B.satisfying C.satisfied D.a satisfaction

② Your success gave me .

A.a great satisfaction B.satisfy C.satisfactory D.great satisfaction

5.sensitive 敏感的

The eyes are sensitive to light.

be sensitive to 对…敏感




① vt.猜疑,怀疑|s`spekt|

I suspect that he gave us the false information.

suspect sb. of (doing) sth.怀疑某人做过某事

suspect sb. to be…怀疑某人是……

suspect that…怀疑/猜……

②n.嫌疑犯 |`sΛspekt|

Two suspects were arrested today in connection with the roberry.

③adj.可疑的 |`sΛspekt|

His statements are suspect.




7.contrary to prep.和……相反

He is very nice,contrary to what people say about him.

on the contrary 正相反


-I am sure you like your new job.

- ,it’s dull.

A.On the contrary B.Sure C.Indeed D.Sorry

8.possess vt.拥有,持有

He possesses three cars.

possessor n.所有人

possession n.拥有

be in possession of…(某人)拥有……

be in the possession of… (某物)为(某人)所有


The books are in my possession.This sentence has the same meaning as .

A.I am in possession of the books.

B.I am in the possession of the books.

C.The books are in the possession of me.

D.Both A and C.

9.tendency n.倾向,趋向

a tendency to alcoholism 酗酒的倾向

tendency to 趋向……

tendency to do sth.做……的趋向

tend vi倾向于

tend to do sth.倾向于做某事


The sort of music he listens to ,but tends pop music.

A. vary,to B.varies,to C.various,toward D.various,to

10.give thought to 考虑,思考

I have given enough thought to the matter.

be lost in thought 陷入沉思

without thought 不假思索

have thought of…有……的打算

thought for…对……的体谅/关怀

thoughtful adj.细心的,体贴的

①I’ll give to your suggestion that we a party in honor of the experienced professor.

A. much thought,hold B.many thoughts,should hold

C.much thought,will hold D.some thought,can

② in thought,he didn’t notice the teacher come in,standing by him.

A. Losing B.Lose C.Loses D.Lost

③I have no thought annoying you.

A. for B.on C.of D.in

11.boredom n.厌倦,乏味,无聊

They yawned with boredom during the long speech.

bore vt.使……厌烦

bored adj.厌烦的

boring adj.令人厌烦的

be bored with…对……厌烦

bore sb.with sth./by doing sth.以……令人厌烦


①He always bores her the same story.

A. with B.by telling C.at D.both A and B

②We are with the film.

A. bored,bored B.boring,boring C.bored,boring D.boring,bored


1. Some people still believe in _________ (魔法).

2. He is a ________ (代表) of a country.

3. What is your v___________ on school punishment.

4. People who work in banks know about _________ (金融).

5. Traffic in the city was ________ (阻断) by a snowstorm.

6. It is the p_________ of the government to improve education.

7. Can you ________ ( 区分) the different musical instruments playing now?

8. They are _________ (联合抵制) the shop.

9. Those who can ________ (预见) difficulties on their way to success may keep calm when they really appear.

10. When will the eggs h______ ?

11. There must be _______ (公平的) play whatever the competition is .

12. Your actions _________ (同…矛盾)your principles.

13. He looked ________ (向后) to see who was following him.

14. The workers got a Christmas ________ (额外津贴).

15. The music film is Mrs Wilson’s _______ (作品) in the competition..

16. He _________ (很少)comes here anymore.

17. Why did you leave these ________ (衣服) on the floor.

18. The earth’s _________ (影子)sometimes falls on the moon.

19. ___________准许进入) by ticket only.

20. How can I _________ (报答) your kindness.

21. I like Shakespeare’s _____________ (喜剧)

22. I find all the c________ in his new play very real.

23. We go for a walks in the fields o_______.

24. The old man told of an e________ story.

25. We’ve got three cats --------two f_______ and a male.

26. Stop living in a f________ world

27. He’s very s______ about his weight

28. C______ to popular belief,many cats dislike milk.

29. A police car polluted up a_____ us.

30. Your name had been d_____ from this list.


1. 看待… 16. 达成共识

2. 业余导演 17. 考虑,思考

3. 为…辩护 18. 正相反

4. 不管,不顾 19. 怀疑某人做…

5. 区分…和… 20. 担任,管理

6. 只要,如果 21. 使某人满意的是

7. 达到我们的标准 22. 弘扬高质量的电影

8. 接管 23. 与其说…倒不如说

9. 幻想,梦想 24. 国际电影节

10. 对…敏感 25. 每周一次的节目

11. 和…相反 26. 参加做…事情

12. 让你觉得眩晕 27. 听说,听到

13. 获胜 28. 退步

14. 占少数 29. 享有好的声誉

15. 入场券 30. …的亮点


1. 别人反对他的意见时,他很容易生气。

He ___ ___ get angry easily when people ___ his ideas.


I had never ___ ____ ____ such a large house when I was a child.


I will ___ my book ___ you ___ ___ ____ you promise to take good care of it.


They ____ _____ ____ that no one should tell the secret to others.


The twin brothers look so similar that I really can’t ____ ____ them.

6. 我们学校的学生罢课是不可能。

It is ____ for the students in our school ___ ____.


The idea for our film festival was ___ ____ in 1978.


He _____ _____ to the club.


She went out ____ ___ her _____.


My demand is ____ _____ that of the other members.



3. CA 4.A 5C 6.你应该会区分好坏

People who are color-blind often can`t distinguish red from green.


We shouldn`t boycott such a meeting.


The idea for our film festival was hatched back in 1978.

9.He strongly resembles his father. A


13,C A 14.C D !5.C does she


He gained admission to the club.



1-----5BDADD 6-----10BBCBD 11----15CABBC


1.where---that 2.were---was 3.that---when /was后加on 4。why---that

5. do---did 6.I will----will I 7.helped---help 8.Do后加be

9. help---helps 10.him---he


1.such an interestingfilm 2.was not until he told me

3.did attend 4.How many times is it

5.Was it during the Second World War 6.at nine o’clock yesterday that

7.when they arrived at a small village 8.his best suit

9.does like

10. It was from the early 1990s that


1.It was Bill who/that made a kite at school yesterday.

2.It was because his mother was ill that he didn’t go to work.

3.Was it in 1939 that the Second World War broke out ?

4.It was white that I painted the door.

5.It was not until she took off her dark glasses that I recognized she was a famous film star.

6.I did remember your birthday yesterday,though I wasn’t able to buy a present for you.

7.Mr Wang does like reading newspapers while having breakfast.

8.How was it that the accident happened ?

9.What is it that you want me to say ?

10.Where was it that he bought that bike ?

11.It was in the Bronze Age that people could make tools of copper and bronze.

12.It was in the city that thousands of people were killed in an earthquake.

13.It was not until the evening came near that we finished the housework.

Not until the evening came near did we finished the homework.

14.Mr Tang does teach us maths very well.

15.On the ground lay a boy,looking at the stars in the sky .

1. Grammar--- project A,D,B 2.B 3.A 4.C,D 5.He is very sensitive to the cold.

6.①Tom suspected Mary of taking his money./Tom suspected that Mary had taken his money. ②I suspect that he is a thief./I suspect him to be a thief. 7.A 8.D 9.B 10.A,D,C 11.D,C


1. magic 2. representative 3. view 4.finance 5.interrupted 6. policy 7.distinguish

8. boycotting 9. foresee 10. hatch 11.fair 12.contradict 13. backwards 14. bonus

15.entry 16. rarely 17. garments 18. shadow 19. Admission 20. reward 21.comedy

22. characters 23.occasionally 24.entertaining 25. females26. fantasy 27.sensitive 28.Contrary

29.alongside 30.deleted


1.View as 2.amateur director 3.in defence of 4. regardless of

5.distinguish between… and… 6.as long as 7.meet our standards

8.take over 9.dream of 10.be sensitive to 11. contrary to

12. make you feel dizzy 13.win a victory 14.in the minority

15.admission ticket 16.make an agreement 17. give though to

18.on the contrary 19.suspect sb. of sth.

20.in charge of 21.to one’s satisfaction 22.salute the high-quality films

23.more…than… 24.international film events 25.weekly programme

26.join…in doing 27.hear about 28.take a step backwards

29.have a good reputation 30.the highlight of


1.tends,to, oppose 2.dreamt of possessing 3.lend,to,as,long,as

4.made,an,agreement 5.distinguish,between 6.impossible,boycott class

7.hatched,back 8.gained admission 9.regardless,of,objection
