Unit 1 Integrating skills(人教版高三英语上册教案教学设计)


Unit 1 Integrating skills(人教版高三英语上册教案教学设计)(共9篇)

Unit 1 Integrating skills(人教版高三英语上册教案教学设计) 篇1

1. settle an argument: put an end to an argument解决争端、纠纷

2. send in寄去(处理)

3. set down:○1 write down记下,写下 ○2放下,停车让乘客下车 联想短语:set about doing开始,着手

set out to do着手开始,出发

set off(for)动身,起程(去)

set aside留出,把…置于一旁

set up建立,树立

set back 退步,挫折,阻碍

4. keep track of: keep in touch with与…保持联系 Lose track of 失去联系

5.moustache: 上嘴唇的胡子


6. draw/reach a conclusion得出结论

7.hire: employ雇佣 fire

8.reach a lengthheightdepthwidth of


eg.○1Water was found at a depth of 30meters.

○2They dug down to a depth of 2 meters.

○3It’s about 10meters in depth.

=It’s about 10meters deep.

=It has a depth of 10meter.

9.be suitable for适合,恰当

10.set/hold/break a record

11.stand out显眼,突出,杰出


12.Impressive as the record is, it fades next…

=Though the record is impressive, it fades...


eg.Child as he is, he has to make a living by himself.=Though he is a child, he has to…

比较:As he is a child, he doesn’t have to worry about life.由于他还是个小孩子……

13.be diagnosed with被诊断为

14.in a row连续几次地

15.lead sb. to do导致、诱使某人做某事

lead to(prep.) sth/doing导致

16.in the first place:○1用于句尾,当初○2用于句首,第一,首先(in the second/third/… place)

17.apply (to sb.) for 申请,请求

18.fascinate深深吸引、迷住 fascinated(a.)入迷的,极感兴趣的

19.burst/break into 突然开始(笑、哭等)

20.concentrate on 集中精力于,聚精会神

21.center/focus on把…当中心,使成为中心

22.sth be familiar to sb.熟悉的

Sb. be familiar with sth.

23.head(v.) (for)前往,朝向

24.have sth to do with和…有关


1.take possession of:占有拥有 possess(vt.)

in possession of某人拥有……

in the possession of某物被某人拥有,占有

2.in the name of sb.=in one’s name 以…名义

3.masses of +可数/不可数名词: 大量

4.be rich in含有丰富的…,大量含有

5.dig up挖出,挖掘

6.expect to do期待;预料,预计

7.risk one’s life冒生命危险

8.be equipped with: be armed with用…装备

9.form/lay the foundation(for)(为…)奠定基础




11. before long:soon不久

long before很久以前

It was not long before+句子 :不久就…

12.It is well known that…众所周知

13.in exchange for交换

14.develop into发展成为

15.be taken prisoner被俘虏,被关起来

16.make a voyage/journey/trip

go on a voyage/journey/trip

17.be ripe for时机成熟


19.command/order sb. to do 指挥,命令

command/order that sb.(should) do

under one’s command在某人的指挥下

=under the command of sb.

20.set sail (from/for/to)起航


22.response(n.) to(prep.) 回复,回答

respond(vi.) to(prep.)

23.in return (for)作为(对…的)回报,回应

in turn 依次,轮流,逐个

24.建议:suggest doing

suggest that sb.(should) do

表明,暗示:suggest that+真实语气的从句

25.at an altitude of=at a height of在…的高度

26.apart from○1except for除了(排除在外)

○2besides, in addition to除了…还(包括在内)

27.adjust to(prep.)适应

28.be ideal/perfect for完美的,理想的

29.the first(…) to do 第一个做某事的…

30.make an attempt to do试图,尝试

in an attempt to do

31.refer to○1提到,谈及○2指的是○3查阅,参考

32.run out: be used up耗尽,用光




34.on/upon (one’s) return/arrival一回来/到达就

35.praise sb. for/as表扬

36.bring up抚养,养育;提出

bring in引进


1.make up○1组成 be made up of=consist of由…组成○2弥补○3化妆○4编造,虚构


○2人们,前不加the 单复数

○3人民,前需加the 同形

3.be harmful to(prep.)=be bad for对…有害

do harm (n.)to(prep.)

harm (vt.)sb./sth

4.as a consequence/result(of)因此,作为…的结果

5.have an influence/effect on=


6.transform…into/to :change into转换

7.A&B differ (from each other)

=A differs from B不同,相异

=A is different from B

8.break out突然爆发

9.Having been separated from other continents for millions of years, Australia …


10. lay(vt.)-laid-laid-laying 放;下蛋

lie(vi.)-lay-lain-lying 躺

lie-lied-lied-lying 说谎


12.give birth to生孩子,产仔


○1Tom is twice as old as Jerry.

○2Tom is twice older than Jerry.

○3Tom is twice the age of Jerry.

○4Tom’s age is twice that of Jerry.复数用those

14.keep out (of)不进入,留在外面,把…关外面

15.round up: gather together使聚集,聚拢


1. classify into: group分类 class等级,种类


2. be born into/to出生于

3. lead/live a cozy life过着舒适的生活

4. have an appetite for: have a strong desire for有强烈的愿望

5. appoint sb. as任命,委任

6. firstly, secondly, thirdly:同first, second, third(用于列举)第一,第二,第三

7. look/watch out (for)当心,留心寻觅

8. on a large scale大规模,大范围

9. from behind his desk幕后

10. involve卷入 be involved in有关联

11. elect sb. (as) sth选举,推举

12. a great deal of+不可数名词。大量

13. at great/vast /little/no expense花费大/小

at one’s expense:paid for by sb.由某人花钱

14. pass away/on(婉辞)去世,亡故

15. name after按…命名

16. in one’s youth在某人年少的时候

17. deserve sth值得,应得,不用进行时

deserve to do sth

18. carry out /conduct/do/ perform an experiment做实验

19. concern(v.)○1涉及○2使担忧

concerning(prep.): about关于,涉及

20. pass on○1转交,传给○2去世

21. consider (to be)+a./n.认为

consider doing考虑

24. year after year年年

Unit 1 Integrating skills(人教版高三英语上册教案教学设计) 篇2

对于初一的学生而言, 进入了学习外语的最佳时期 (12~15岁) 。其中一部分学生, 尤其是来自农村地区的学生, 刚刚接触英语;同时此时的学习者较小学阶段在智力和认知能力等方面都有了很大的提高。因此, 英语教材中适当的语用输入对于初一的学生来说尤为重要。目前的初一英语教材是人民教育出版社发行的《义务教育课程标准实验教科书英语 (新目标) 》系列教材之一。笔者将简要的从语用角度, 即合作原则、相邻对和语境三方面透析《新目标》 (学生用书七年级上册) 中的对话设计, 就其疏漏之处提出一些个人的建议和解决方法。


全书的对话设计采用任务型语言教学 (Task-based Language Learning) 模式, 融合了话题交际功能和语言结构, 形成了一套循序渐进的生活化的学习程序。全书正式共14个单元, 其中包括2个复习单元, 同时附加3个单元的预备篇。现将正式的14个单元中的对话设计的主题和句型归纳如下:

通过此表格可对全书的对话主题和主要句型结构获得总体的印象, 便于理解下文所做的分析。


浏览全书不难发现书中部分对话的设计遵循了一些语用原则, 如Unit1中的一段对话如下:A:What’s your name?B:Alan.这段对话遵循了语用中的合作原则, 采用了省略句, 符合交际习惯和学生现有的认知水平。然而, 仔细地从语用角度分析每个话题的对话编写, 发现有些设计仍然存在一些漏洞, 有待完善。

会话的合作原则 (Cooperative Principle, 简称CP) 是重要的语用原则之一, 由美国哲学家Grice提出, 指在所有的语言交际活动中为了达到特定的目标, 说话人和听话人之间存在着一种默契, 一种双方都应遵守的原则。主要体现为四条准则:数量准则、质量准则、关系准则和方式准则。教材中的对话在答语方面都采用了完全句的形式, 尽管对初学者而言, 用完整的句子回答提问有利于加强语言形式的记忆, 然而过度的使用完全句便违反了合作原则中的“量”的准则, 即不能使自己所说的话比所要求的更详尽。应答的后部分重复问句中的话语明显地属于多余的信息。在强化学生语言公式化记忆的同时, 也不可忽视对其语用能力的培养。可在每段句后附以小括号, 提供省略句, 以便教师提醒学生在日常的口语交际中省略句回答更加简洁恰当, 符合语用原则。如:Unit2 (pp7) A:Is that your pencil?B:Yes, it is.It’s my pencil. (Yes.) Unit4 (pp19) A:Where’s the backpack?B:It’s under the table. (Under the table.) Unit7 (pp41) A:How much is the blue T-shirt?B:It’s 10dollars. (10 dollars.) Unit8 (pp47) A:When is your birthday, Vera?B:My birthday i s November 11th. (November 11th.) Unit12 (pp71) A:What’s your favorite subject?B:My favorite subjectis science. (Science.)


会话是至少有两个人参加的合作性的语言交际活动, 相邻对 (adjacent pair) 是局部会话的基本单位。其指两个谈话者各说依次话所构成的对子。相邻对的第一部分和第二部分常存在固定的搭配形式, 两部分在句法形式等方面存在着一致性。在日常的交际中存在着一些规约性的较完美的搭配。然而, 同样一个第一部分具有不止一种可能的第二部分, 仍符合交际的实际情况, 构成恰当的相邻对。这反映在教材中对话设计方面, 就是编写者应提供给学生关于相邻对的多种搭配, 以避免僵化学生的思想, 不分语境的滥用。当然, 鉴于初一学生的认知水平有限, 可以将其他搭配列入对话练习, 以作补充。

如预备篇中Unit 1 Dale和Cindy见面打招呼的对话即是最常见的相邻对。Dale:Hi, Cindy!How are you?Cindy:I’m fine, thanks.How are you?Dale:I’m ok.编写者可在页末的练习中适当地增加其他的相邻对, 以避免固化学生的思维, 以供实际交际具体交际之需。增加项如下:A:Hi, how are you?B:Fine, thanks.Ok.So-so.Not bad.All right.too bad.类似的对话练习如:Unit5 (pp27) A:Well, Let’s play volleyball.B:That sounds good. (Ok.All right.Why not?Great.) , Unit6 (pp31) A:Do you like bananas?B:Yes, I do. (Yes.Sure.Certainly.Yes, I like it very much.) , Unit7 (pp43) Mary:I’ll take it.Thank you.Clerk:You’re welcome. (Not at all.That’s all right.) , Unit10 (pp59) A:I want to join the art club.B:Can youpaint?A:Yes, I can. (Sure.Certainly.)


对话的设计离不开语境 (Context) , 任何用语言进行的交际离不开一定的客观条件和背景, 语言活动总是在特定的时间、空间、特定的情景、特定的人之间进行。Lyons以知识解释语境, 他认为除语言知识以外, 构成语境的知识还包括背景知识 (常识, 特定文化的社会规范和特定文化的会话规则) 、情景知识 (交际的时间地点, 交际的主题, 交际的正式程度和交际参与者的相互关系) 以及相互关系。教材中的对话设计源于生活, 以字面语言的形式记录在一定语境下发生的交际活动。因此, 教材编写者在设计对话时应该考虑学习者现有的总体语境知识, 如背景知识中的百科全书式的知识, 即常识等。此教材中的对话编排基本上考虑了学习者的背景知识和情景知识等方面, 无论话题的设计还是句型表达、词汇的选择都十分生动、鲜活, 易于学生理解和掌握。

但也有一些疏漏之处。例如, Unit6 (pp31-36) 的话题为Food。对话中出现的食物除一些常见的水果之外, 也有一些国外的食品, 如French fries、hamburgers、broccoli等。这对于开阔学习者的眼界, 了解国外的文化具有一定的积极影响。但是, 其中的部分国外食物对于一些学生, 甚至教师, 尤其是农村地区的学生而言, 根本不存在于他们的概念, 无法理解。因此, 书中可以结合中国具体的实际情况, 在练习中适当地添加一些中国特色的食品, 如油条、饺子等, 一方面便于学生的理解, 激发其学习的兴趣, 另一方面也可以学以致用, 符合国内现有条件下学习外语的实际情况。

此外, Unit10谈论的话题为joining a club, 对于大部分中学来说, 俱乐部、协会等学生的社团组织数量较少, 在广大的农村中学更是寥寥无几, 这在学生的常识中并不是十分清楚。虽然使用俱乐部这个话题能把can (表能力) 所引导的一般疑问句的表达授予学生, 但学生在实际交际中使用what club do you want to join?这个句型的情况较少, 而且谈论各种俱乐部的话题由于偏离当前的实际情况而不能很好的调动学生学习的积极性。这一话题可以改为sports meeting, 在学习者都熟悉的语境下设计对话更利于激发其学习和运用语言的积极性。

再者, Unit1~Unit12每个话题的设计应在语境上保持前后的一定的连贯性和可推导性, 符合学生的认知推理习惯, 以提高学习效果。从前面的表格中可以看出Unit1-Unit6每个话题的前后比较连贯, 首先从刚踏入一个新环境——新教室认识新朋友开始, 到熟悉教室的环境, 随后和朋友谈谈自己的家庭, 包括亲人和自己的房间, 进而放学后和新朋友玩游戏做体育锻炼, 玩耍累了则需要补充食物。这样的设计安排前后连贯, 循序渐进, 可以促进学生更好的习得语言。但是, U nit7~Unit12各个话题的设计前后关系松散, 缺乏递进性, 有些话题与前后话题的关联程度小, 比较突兀。所以, 其次序应该调整如下:在彼此询问生日日期后 (Unit8) , 向对方介绍庆祝生日的活动安排比如去购物 (Unit7) 或去看电影 (Unit9) 或者开生日宴会邀请朋友表演 (Unit6) 在欢乐后也该谈谈学习的情况了, 如到到校的时间 (Unit11) 和最喜爱的科目 (Unit12) 。按照这样的顺序编排各个对话更符合学生的认知习惯, 利于习得。

总之, 《新目标》 (学生用书七年级上册) 与以前不同版本的教科书相比, 在对话设计方面吸纳了一些语用原则, 考虑了培养学生语用能力的问题, 然而在某些具体的细节方面仍然存在一些疏漏之处。当然, 中学教材编写是一项复杂艰巨的工程, 除了要考虑各大原则之外, 学生的认知水平也不容忽视。于是问题便随之而生:如何衡量学生现有的认知水平, 保证语用输入的“适当度”?可否设计出一套测试体系, 为今后的教材编写提供参考可鉴之用呢?另外, 教材的编写往往基于城市学生的认识情况, 农村的学生因环境所限, 理解教材较为困难。那么, 可否在教材编排上吸纳一些农村素材, 一方面利于农村学生学习之便, 同时也便于城市学生开阔视野。当然, 恰当地保持材料来源和情景设计的平衡度仍需要探索。再者, 可否考虑专为农村的学生量身定做一套英语教材, 是否可行。以上的问题仍需要从事英语教育的人士不懈地思考和努力。

摘要:英语教材是重要的语言输入媒介。就教材编写而言, 尤其是在对话设计方面应该考虑一些重要的语用原则, 以培养学生的语用能力。本文从语用角度分析初一英语入门教材《新目标》中的对话设计, 指出其疏漏之处, 并提出一些建议和解决办法。



[1]何自然.语用学概论[M].长沙:湖南教育出版社, 1988.238.

[2]束定芳, 庄智象.现代外语教学[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社, 1996.38-39.

[3]新目标 (学生用书七年级上册) [M].北京:人民教育出版社.2005.

Unit 1 Integrating skills(人教版高三英语上册教案教学设计) 篇3

In SB1(下) Unit19, we have learned some knowledge about agriculture. And we have known about one of the greatest scientists in our history-Jia Sixie.

Did you remember? How do we plant crops?

We should plant rice in a field one year and wheat in the field next year.

How do we plough?

Plough deep the first time and less deep the second time.

In this unit, we will learn about scientists who are important to the history of botany and agriculture.

This word “botany”植物学,is a word about plants. As we all know, there are many plants around us, such as wheat, corn, tomato, apple trees etc. Without these plants, we can’t live. But how much do you know about them? Who can tell us something about them.

Student A Wheat is a kind of plant that can be make into bread, some delicious cakes which can make us full.

Student B Apple trees can produce apples that can provide us vitamins which can keep our bodies fit.

Yes, these plants are very useful, but how do we plant them? Where are they from?

It is a kind of very careful work to plant the crops and trees. At first, they are wild plants.


Now let’s look at the text-The birth of a science.


Read then do exercise 1 in post-reading.

(1) Keys:1D2D3B4A5C

(2) Questions

1 How did scientists classify plants before Linnaeus?

They classified plants into herbs and trees, or according to the shape of the fruit, or whether they bad flowers or not.

2 How did Linnaeus classify plants?

He classified plants according to the arrangement of the male and female organs in the flowers.

3 What relationship between Linnaeus and Joseph Banks?

Joseph Banks is the friend of Linnaeus’s student Daniel Solander’s.

4 When did the expedition to Tahiti start?

In 1768.

5 What were the goals of James Cook’s first voyage around the world?

There are three goals. Page31, Paragraph 4.

6 Why did Joseph Banks have to supply his own money to equip part of the expedition?

Because he wanted to do some researches that the British government didn’t pay for it.

Introduce some words and phrases.

botany 植物学classify分类,归类 herb草本植物 unique独一无二的,独特的 conquer征服 privilege特权 cosy安逸的 appetite欲望,爱好 despite尽管 expedition远征,探险 expenses 经费undertake 从事enterprise事业 accumulate 积累abandon 遗弃breakthrough突破

based on 以――为依据的at first sight乍一看(之下) search for寻找 on a large scale大规模地 be involved in被牵连进去――;陷入――

Page32 Language study exercise 2

Unit 1 Integrating skills(人教版高三英语上册教案教学设计) 篇4

1.take possession of 占领,占有

in possession of 某人占有,拥有

in the possession of


2. in the name of sb/sth


3.masses of 大量的

a mass of sand/snow 一堆/团/块

4. be rich/poor in 富含/缺乏

5.do research on 进行调查

6. a state key project


7. dig up 挖掘

8. risk one’s life/health to do sth


10.be equipped with



1.sea routes 海路

2. form the foundation for mankind’s greatest endeavour 形成人们努力(探索世界)的基础

3.inspire sb to do鼓舞某人做某事

4.*the Western Ocean 西洋

5. have contacts with


6.It is well known that …众所周知

7.*the Silk Road 丝绸之路

8.in exchange for 与……交换

9.a central position 中心位置

10.a Chinese ambassador


11.*the East Roman Empire


12.develop into the world’s trading centre 发展成为世界贸易中心

13.lead to 促进,导致

14.be taken prisoner被抓

15.reach out 拓展,伸出

16.cultural relics文化遗迹

17.date from追溯到(没有被动语态)

18.a small bronze statue of a lion 一个小青铜狮雕像

19.the awareness of each other’s existence意识到彼此的存在

20.The time was ripe for a grand meeting. 正式往来的时机成熟了。

21.reach the height of power到达了繁盛时期

22.China prospered under a new dynasty. 中国的新朝代开始繁荣了。

23.treasure fleets 商船队

24.*sail westwards on voyages of exploration下西洋从事探险

25.under the command of …在……的领导之下

26.set sail (to / from / for) 起航

27.renew relations重新确立关系

28.send sb. a royal present送某人贵重礼物

29.send a message to sb. 送信

30.open embassies设立使馆

31.in return作为回报

32.a symbolic meaning 象征意义

33.The exchange for goods had a symbolic meaning far more important than the value of the goods themselves货物交流的象征意义比货物本身的价值要重要的多。

34.base A on B A以B为基础

Language Study

1. a large sum of money一大笔钱

2.*Three Gorges Dam 三峡大坝

3. bring up


4.*the most important Central Asian trade route 最重要的中亚贸易路线

5.with a population of 有。。。人口

(提问用What’s the population of….?)

Integrating skills

1.reach the North and South Poles到达南北极

2 the origins of the world’s major rivers世界上主要河流的源头

3.at such high altitudes 在如此高的海拔高度

4.be not without risk 不无风险

5.apart from除……之外

6.thin air稀薄的空气

7.cause mountain sickness引发高原反应

8.be unable to do 没有能力做某事

9.adjust to these extreme conditions适应极端的环境

10.a couple of days 几天

11.at such a great height 在这么高的地方

12act as guides充当向导

13.honesty and dedication诚实和奉献精神

14.make them ideal companions使他们成为理想的伴侣

15.rely on依靠

16.be up against面对,对抗

17.laugh at嘲笑

18.refer to sth/sb as


19.run out用尽

20.make technological advances in…作出技术的进步

21.make it做成功,达成

make it to +地点 到达某地

22.succeed in doing成功作某事

23.*in attempts to climb the mountain over different slopes尝试从不同的山坡登山

24.in one’s attempt to do 尝试做某事

25.take photos照相

26.a portrait of Chairman Mao Zedong毛主席头像

27.on one’s return返回

Unit 1 Integrating skills(人教版高三英语上册教案教学设计) 篇5

▲take possession of占领,占有/get possession of拿到,得到

The capitalist is in possession of a large fortune.那个资本家拥有大宗财产。

A large fortune is in the possession of the capitalist. 大宗财产掌握在那个资本家手中。

▲in the name of以……的名义,代表

I arrest you in the name of the law.我以法律的名义逮捕你。

The prime minister spoke in the name of the King.部长代表国王讲话。

I opened an account in the bank in your name.我以你的名义在银行开了一个账号。

He escaped under the name of Tom.他化名为Tom逃跑了


by name用(靠、按)名字,名叫;by the name of名叫……;name after以……命名

▲masses of/a mass of+countable noun(pl form)/+uncountable noun

in the mass总体上,总的说来/the mass of大多数的/mass education群众教育/a mass meeting群众会议

The young dancers worked so hard so charming in their beautiful clothes that we took masses of pictures of them.(许多)

▲be rich in/be poor in

Oranges are rich in Vitamin C含有丰富的维生素

a TV play rich in humour 富有幽默的电视剧

▲do research on a state key project就国家重点工程进行研究

▲lose the lives of many people/risk their lives


Have you got an alternative=another suggestion?你有没有其它建议?

Caught in the act,he had no alternative/choice but to confess/did nothing but confess.



This was the only available room.这是唯一可以利用的房间。

You will be informed when the book becomes available.这本书有货时就通知你。

Tickets are available at the box office.票房有票。


You’d better equip your bike with a head light.你最好在自行车装个前灯。

They have equipped the army with modern weapons. 他们已经为部队装备了现代化的武器。

The army has been equipped with modern weapons. (被动语态)

▲accurate adj.精确的,准确的,正确无误的

His information was accurate.他的信息很准确。

accurate强调“精确无误”。an accurate calculation精确的计算

correct按一定标准没有差错。a correct answer正确的答案

right很多情况下可与correct互换,但常有道德上认可的含义.the right course of action正确的行动方针

▲search for


They are searching for the robber in the village.

They are searching the village for the robber.

Cf:The policeman is searching the robber.

▲have contacts with/contact to有接触/联系

▲find one’s way

feel one’s way摸索着走/fight one’s way奋勇前进/force one’s way挤着向前走/wind one’s way曲折前进/make one’s way去……途中/lose one’s way迷路

▲in exchange for交换,互换

He gave me an apple in exchange for a cake.他给我一个苹果,换一块蛋糕。

They were given food and shelter in exchange for work.他们用劳动换取食物和栖身之处。

▲take sb prisoner逮捕/capture sb 俘获,捉拿

put sb in prison,take sb to prison,send sb to prison把……关进监狱/throw sb into prison把……投进监狱

▲wander through Arabic countries穿过许多阿拉伯国家

The children wandered around the town with nothing to do.那些孩子无所事事,在街上闲逛。

The boy wandered the neighbourhood,looking for the dog.那孩子走遍了邻里街坊,找他那条狗。

▲reach out to sp./reach sp./come to sp.arrive at(in) sp.

▲date from/back to

The castle dates back to/dates from the 14th century.这座城堡建于14世纪。


By the beginning of the 15th century the time was ripe for a grand meeting.到15世纪初大型聚会的时机成熟了。

Was the peach ripe or green?那桃子是熟的还是生的?

▲prosper under a new dynasty在新的朝代下繁荣昌盛(prosperity)

The business is prospering.生意兴隆。

He wished the young couple a life of happiness and prosperity.他祝这对新人生活幸福,万事如意。

▲renew relations with恢复同…..的关系

▲excite one’s curiosity激起……的好奇心

▲send a message to sb向……发出邀请/信息

▲response非洲统治者的反应非常慷慨The response of African rulers are very generous.

▲challenge/at home


Ming court belied that its greatest challenges and opportunities were at home.

国内外 at home and abroad

▲.various adj. 各种各样的,不同的

He analysed the various factors.他分析了各种不同因素。

Of all the various ways of cooking an egg,I like boiling best.


various,varied都可作“各种各样的”解,大部分情况下可通用,但varied可表示“正在变化之中的”,a varied life。

▲.suggest vt.

(1)提议,建议。后跟动名词、that从句(从句中谓语动词用should do,should可省略)

suggest sth.to sb.

He suggested the idea to me.他向我提出那种想法。

I suggest going there at once.我建议立刻去那里。

The teacher suggested that we do our homework now.老师建议我们现在就做作业。


His pale face suggests that he is ill.他的苍白的脸色表明他病了。

▲.accomplish vt.达到(目的),完成(任务),实现(计划)

This task is accomplished by great effort.完成这项任务花了很大力气。

He accomplished a great deal during his first year.第一年他就取得了很多成绩。

It is the workers who will accomplish this task.就是工人们将完成这项任务。

accomplish指做到底,实现一个计划,如:to accomplish a trip完成一次旅行

finish指完成日常的事,如:He finished the homework.他完成了作业。

complete指加上缺少的部分,如:to complete the sentence把句子补充完整

▲.apart from 除……外

He works until nine o’clock every evening,and that’s quite apart from the work he does over the weekend.


Apart from the salary,it’s not a bad job.除工资(偏低)外,这工作不错。

Apart from you and me,I don’t think there was anyone there under thirty.除你我之外,我认为没有人在30岁以下。

There can be no knowledge apart from practice.不可能有脱离实践的知识。

归纳拓展:apart from,in addition(to),besides ,as well(as),except for,except,but

(1)apart from这个复合介词兼有“除外”和“包括”的双重意义。


in addition(to) besides,as well (as)

(3)以下短语或单词均表示“除……之外没有……”这一“排除”意义。except for except but

▲.arise vi.出现,发生;由……引起,由……发生

A difficulty arose right here.困难就在这里。

How did the quarrel arise?这次争吵是怎么引起的?

Originally,organic compounds were thought to arise from life processes.最初有机化合物是由生命过程产生的。

rise vi.升起,上涨;raise vt.举起,提高,提升,提出;饲养(羊、鸡等),抚养(子女等),招募(军队等),募捐(钱等)。

▲.bring up教育;养育;提出;引出;呕吐;to bring up the question提出问题

She was brought up by her grandparents.她是由爷爷奶奶带大的。

He brought up all the food he had eaten.他把吃下的食物都呕吐出来了。

归纳拓展:bring in获利;赚;bring about带来,引起;bring down使……降低

The boys bring in £60 a week.这些男孩子每周赚60镑。

How much did the sideline bring the farmer family in last year?去年副业使这家农户增加了多少收入?

The Internet has brought about big changes in the way we work.因特网使我们的工作方式发生了很大变化。

We’d better wait till they bring down their prices.我们最好等他们降价。

▲.run out of 用光,用尽

We are running out of water.我们的水要用尽了。

We ran out of petrol yesterday.昨天我们用光了汽油。

比较:All our supply of food has run out.我们所有的食品供应都用光了。

We decided we had better go home,before our money ran out.我们决定最好在钱用光之前回家。

表示“用光、用尽”的还有:use up,give out

All those I had are used up.我所有的都用光了。

They have used up their money.他们用光了钱。

The fuel gave out.燃料用光了。

You can’t have a hot bath-the water will give out.你不能洗热水澡了。要没水了。

从以上例子可看出,虽然这些词组都表示“用光、用完”,但use up,run out of 为及物动词,而run out,give out为不及物动词。

归纳拓展:run into遇上,偶然遇到;陷于,碰上(困境、麻烦等)

I ran into Emma on my way home.我在回家的路上碰到了Emma。

Unit 1 Integrating skills(人教版高三英语上册教案教学设计) 篇6

1.(重庆2004)I failed in the final examination last term and only then the importance of studies.

A.I realized B.I had realized

C.had I realized D.did I realize



2.(广东2004)Helen always helps her mother even though going to school most of her day.

A.takes up B.makes up

C.saves up D.puts up

解析:take up占用(时间), make up补足, save up储存, put up建立。


3.(湖南2004)Everyone was on time for the meeting- Chris,who’s usually ten minutes late for everything.

A.but B.only

C.even D.yet



4.(湖北2004) straight on and you’ll see a church.You won’t miss it.

A.Go B.Going

C.If you go D.When going

解析:从后边的and以及 and后的句子用将来时可知本句是个祈使句。


5.(福建2004)It was with great joy he received the news that his lost daughter had been found.

A.because B.which

C.since D.that

解析:这是一个强调句型,with great joy是被强调部分。

Unit 1 Integrating skills(人教版高三英语上册教案教学设计) 篇7

Aims: 1.By the end of the class the Ss will be able to know something about travel --- the different purpose of travel; adventure travel and the safety tips on a trip.

2. Scanning to get the general information.

3. Intensive reading to get the detailed information.

Teaching methods: Individual work; pair work; group work;

Teaching Aids: a tape recorder; a computer; a projector

Teaching Procedures:

Ⅰ.Lead –in

Proverb: The world is like a book, if you stay at home instead of traveling, it means that you just stare at one page of a book.

---Saint Augustine


If you are free and have enough money, go for a pleasant trip!


Step 1: Pre-reading

1. Do you like travel? Why or why not?

2. Show Ss some pictures of unusual travel.

What can we call these kinds of travel? Adventure travel.

Step 2.While-reading.

1. Fast reading

Questions: Which of the following are mentioned in the text?

A. hiking B. boating C. rafting D. climbing

Where can we do it?

2. Repeat with the tape on.

True False

1).The usual travel is becoming more and more popular.

2).By hiking you will get close to the nature and take exercise at the same time.

3).It’s better to go hiking alone.

4).The basic equipment you need for hiking is a paddle and a small boat.

5).Whitewater rafting is more adventurous

6).You should always wear a life jacket when hiking.

Key: FTF F T F

3. Difficult points:

1). Many People travel because they want to see other countries and visit places that are famous, interesting or beautiful.

Q: What do they want to see?

What kind of countries and places do they want to see?

So what does “that” refer to?

Put the sentence into Chinese.

2).Instead of spending your vacation on a bus, in a hotel or sitting on the beach, you may want to try hiking.

Q: How do people usually spend their holidays?

How does the writer suggest you spend your holiday?

He didn’t go to the market but stayed at home.

He stayed at home instead of going to the market.

3).Watch out for dangers, such as spiders, snakes or poisonous plants.

Oh,it’s dangerous ! You must watch out for the traffic here.

look out for, take care of , be careful of

4). You should not go rafting unless you know how to swim.

If you don’t know how to swim, can you go rafting?

You should not go rafting if you don’t know how to swim.

4.Read .

the first paragraph

Why do people travel?

To see other countries

To visit famous, interesting or beautiful places

To meet new friends

To try new kinds of food

To experience life in other parts of the world

To get away from cold weather

To have unusual experience or wish to have an adventure

Read the second and third paragraphs and fill in the blanks.

hiking rafting

where In the mountains, in a forest, along a river, in a city On rivers and streams

Basic equipment Good shoes, clothes, backpack map, water, sunscreen, cell phone, hat, etc. Boat, paddle, good clothes, lifejacket

Benefits Get close to nature and take exercise Experience life

Basic tips Attentions 1.don’t hike alone

2.tell someone where you’re going

3.bring water and a good map or a compass

4.wear a hat to protect yourself from the sun

5. bring a cellphone if you have one. 1.You have to be careful not to hit rocks, trees and other dangers.

2. think about your safety and wear good clothes and life jacket.

. 3.learn the basic skills of rafting---how to handle the raft, how to paddle, how to get in and out of the raft

4.don’t raft unless you know how to swim

Step 3.Post-reading

1. Point out what’s wrong with Mary’s travel plan.

It’s summer and rains a lot. Mary is going hiking in order to get away from the hot weather and take exercise at the same time. She decides to travel in forest. She makes a list of the things that she wants to take: 1. a pair of slippers; 2.some food; 3. T-shirts and skirts; 4.Camera; 5. A CD-player; 6. a lot of money.

She thinks hiking alone will be more exciting and interesting, so she sets out without telling anyone.

2. TV programme.

Suppose you are an adventure travel fan, especially enjoys rafting. A reporter from CCTV 5 asks you to give us an introduction about rafting. Now the reporter is interviewing you

Ⅲ. Homework.

Make A project: Make up a travel programme.

1. 目的地;2.时间,日程安排(每天的活动项目);3.费用;4.食宿;

Unit 1 Integrating skills(人教版高三英语上册教案教学设计) 篇8

1.A.By the way,what time does your watch say?

B.By the way,what time is it ?

答案:by your watch

2.A.Although he had a disease of the brain which was getting worse,he decided to continue with his research.

B.Although he had a disease of the brain which was getting worse,he decided to

his research.

答案:go on with

3.A.I’ve always dreamt of coming to China,and now my dream has become a reality.

B.I’ve always dreamt of coming to China,and now my dream has .

答案:come true

4.A.I’m determined to enjoy myself as much as I can,even though I can’t see everything.

B.I’m determined to enjoy myself ,even though I can’t see everything.

答案:as much as possible

5.A.One of the towers is on the top of the hill,but the other buildings are easy to get to.

B.One of the towers is on the top of the hill,but the buildings are easy to get to.

答案:the rest of

6.A.Hopefully tomorrow will turn out to be a fine day.

B. tomorrow will turn out to be a fine day.

答案:It is hoped that

7.A.That is because this professor has a disease which prevent him from speaking.

B.That is because this professor has a disease which him speaking.


8.A.By the time he was 21 years old he had already begun to notice that it was difficult to move around.

B. 21 years old he had already begun to notice that it was difficult to move around.

答案:By the age of

9.A.Why do people come to his lectures since he is difficult to understand?

B.Why do people come to his lectures since


答案:it is difficult to understand

10.A.The truth is that everyone should help disabled people,not just the government.

B.The truth is that everyone should disabled people,not just the government.

Unit 1 Integrating skills(人教版高三英语上册教案教学设计) 篇9


settle an argument about sth解决关于……的争论/争端

start/put forward an argument for against就赞成/反对……展开辩论

argue v.

argue with sb about /over sth

Do what you are told to and don’t argue with me.

argue for/against为(支持)……辩护/反驳

argue a matter out把某事辩个水落石出

argue sb into/out of doing sth=advise sb(not)to do sth

▲conclude vt.推断(推论)出(后跟that-从句)缔结,议定;vi.come to an end结束,终止

The talks were expected to conclude on Sunday.会谈预计星期天结束。

What do you conclude from the facts?从这些事实中你得出了什么结论?

Transactions were concluded on a wide variety of light industrial goods.


conclusion n.

come to/draw/reach/arrive at a conclusion得出结论(from the facts)

jump to conclusion匆忙地/草率地下结论

bring sth to conclusion使……结束

in conclusion总之、总而言之、最后


There was a time when this song was very popular. 曾经一度时间这首歌很流行。

She is very popular with her students.

He told him to listen to young people’s music and to watch the most popular television shows

---This reference book is no more popular with the students than that one.

---You mean they are both little thought of ?

There is a new problem involved in the popularity of private cars that road conditions need to be improved.

And the growing popularity51 of shopping centres led 52 in turn to the building of bigger and better stocked stores.




hire/employ sb=take on sb.→fire/dismiss sb=give sb.the snack

hire 日常用语,指按工作量计酬来雇佣人手employ指商店或公司长期雇佣人手


He fired these four workers and he hired ten more workers,because he thinks the four workers are not fit for thei posts.

hire out a bike(to sb)租出

rent a farm/house from an owner

▲fade vt.(使)褪色,(使)凋落;vi.逐渐消失,变微弱,变暗淡

The strong sunlight had faded the curtains.强烈的阳光使窗帘变色。

All memory of his childhood faded from his mind.


fade next to逊色于

Successful as he is,he fades next to his brother.



He was diagnosed with cancer.他被诊断患了癌症。

The book diagnoses our present economic ills.这本书切中了我们现在经济的时弊。


Curiosity is part of child’s nature好奇是儿童的天性.

Part of the reason for our interest is probably the same curiosity that led Sir Hugh to

write the Guinness Book of World Records……(p.4)

a curiosity shop古玩店


I’m curious to know what she said.我非常想知道她说了什么

She’s always so curious about my work.她总爱打听我的工作。

It’s curious that he didn’t tell you.他没有告诉你实在反常。


contact sb和……联系

be in/out of contact with和……保持/失去联系

get in touch with/keep in touch with

make contact with the ship by radio用无线电与船联系

keep track of/lose track of与……保持联系/失去联系

keep track of还有:记录,掌握……的线索,了解……的动态,看清,听清等意思

He could not escape because the police kept track of him.


To a scientist,the most important thing is knowing he does not lose track of what he is


Please keep track of every cent you spend.请记录你花掉的每一份钱。

keep an eye on照看;keep faith with对……守信用;keep in mind记住,放在心上

▲account n.账户;解释,说明;vi.说明……的原因

I bought the bike on account.我赊账买了这辆自行车。

We could not go on account of the rain.因为下雨我们不能去。

On no account are visitors allowed to feed the animals.


It is a matter of great account.这是一件重要的事情。

We must take local conditions into account.我们必须把当地的条件考虑进去。

We must take account of the interests of the State.我们必须考虑到国家的利益。

No one could account for the disappearance of the money.


Smokers account for 20 percent of the whole population in the world.



attempt to do sth=make an attempt to do sth = make an attempt at doing sth =try to do sth

make an attempt on/upon试图夺取


The customs officer inspected my passport.海关官员检查了我的护照。

inspect sb/sb’s head for lice检查某人头部有无头虱

The visiting president inspected the troops.来访总统检阅了部队。

examine/investigate/look into

▲confirm vt.证实,确定;确认,批准

What you say confirms my opinion.你的话证实了我的看法。

The King confirmed me in my possession of the land.国王批准我拥有这片土地。

▲set down 放下;写下,记下;规定

Set down your heavy bags and have a rest.


The bus driver set the passengers down here.


I will set down the story as it was told to me.


The price limits were set down by the government.


set about sth/doing sth开始做/着手做;set aside拔出,把……置于一旁;

set back退步,挫折,阻碍,妨碍,使……倒退;set off出发,启程,引爆,燃放;

set out出发,,着手/开始(to do),栽(幼苗);set up建立,开办

▲stand out杰出、突出,显眼、醒目,坚持、不屈服

The road sign is easy to read because the words stand out.


The students agreed that they must stand out against the decision to cut down the trees.


stand by在场、支持,stand down退出(竞选)、(士兵)撤下岗,

stand for代表、表示、主张,stand up站起、经久、耐用

▲achieve one’s goal实现目标

I’ll try to achieve my goal of becoming a scientist.实现做科学家的目标

▲in the first place首先、原本、第一

In the first place ,you must think over this plan.首先你必须考虑这个计划。

▲in a row

Please stand in a row.请站成一排。

This is the third Sunday in a row that it’s rained.这是接连着的第三个星期天下雨了。

▲apply for

About 100 people have applied for the position.大约有100人申请了这一职务。


1.一本畅销书 答案:a best-seller 2.从那以来 答案:ever since

3.被分类 答案:be put into categories 4.面积达…… 答案:with an area of

5.导致 答案:lead to 6..创一项新纪录 答案:set a new record

▲burst vi. 爆裂,突然发作

It was so cold yesterday that my water-pipes froze and burst.


A rat burst into my room last night.昨天一只耗子窜进了我的房间。

He put too much air into the balloon and it burst.他往气球中充得气太多,结果爆了。

The funny story made the children burst their sides with laughter.


On hearing the sad news,she burst into tears.一听到那个悲惨的消息,她就大哭起来。

相关短语:burst into tears/laughter突然大哭/大笑; burst into song 突然唱起歌来;burst into angry speech大发雷霆; burst into bloom开花; burst into view/sight景象/奇观突然出现; burst into the room突然闯入房间; burst out/forth laughing/crying大笑/哭

▲head down to the park (补充)

head for=move toward:He headed straight for the bar.他径直朝酒吧走去。

head sb/sth off:get in front of sb/sth so as to turn him/it back or aside拦阻

head off a flock of sheep:prevent them from going in the wrong way拦住

▲familiar adj.熟悉的,通晓的,随便的,非正式的

French was as familiar to him as English.他通晓法语就像通晓英语一样。

I’m very familiar with your name.我很熟悉你的名字。

sth./sb.be familiar to sb.某物/某人为某人所熟悉;

sb.be familiar with sth./sb.某人熟悉某人/某物

分析课文中的句子(补充):The X Games are like Olypic Games for sports that are less familiar to us than sports like fottball and basketball.极限游戏比赛就像奥林匹克运动会上有些不如足球和篮球那样为我们所熟悉的比赛项目一样。

▲delight vt. (使)高兴,(使)欣喜;n. 快乐,高兴

The circus delighted the children.马戏团使孩子们欣喜。

I have read your letter with delight.我高兴地读了你的信。

He takes great delight in teaching his students.他以教他的学生为乐。

Your visit last week delighted us.上星期你的来访使我们很高兴。

The news delighted the whole nation.这个消息使全国一片沸腾。

I delighted to read novels.我高兴地读小说。

The old man delighted in doing little things for others.那位老人高兴为别人做些小事。

To his great delight,his novel was accepted for publication.使他高兴的是,他的小说得到了公众的认可。

delighted adj.高兴的,快乐的

相关短语:be delighted at 因……而高兴;be delighted by/with sth.(sb.)喜欢某物(人);

be delighted to do因做……而高兴; be delighted that...很高兴……

▲center on将某人(某物)当作中心或重点

concentrate on专心致志于


attend on侍候……,看护……,照料; call on访问(某人),号召(to do);

count on依靠……,期待……(sb.to do);depend on取决于……,依靠……,依……而定;

feed on 以……为食,用……喂养;fix one’s eyes on 盯住……,凝视……;

go on继续,上台演出(the stage), keep on(doing) 坚持……;

live on靠……生活,以……为食; look on看待(sb.as...),观察……,面朝……;

wait on 服侍……,招待……

The patient has three nurses attending on him.那位病人有三位护士看护他。

I tried to concentrate my attention on my chemical research.我试图专心于化学研究。
