


高考上海卷英语作文预测 篇1

Dear Bill,

Hearing that you are having trouble deciding which course to choose, the listening and speaking course, or the reading and writing course, I would recommend you to take the listening and speaking course first for the following reasons.

Firstly, from the perspective of efficiency, the speaking and listening course outweighs the reading and writing one because it is completely taught in Chinese. As it is known to all, the fastest way to pick up a language is to communicatewith local people in the target language. Taking the listening and speaking course would allow you to have a command of their daily topics and gain a large vocabulary in a relatively short time. When interacting with other people, the more mistakes you make, the more grammar rules you will grasp, which is also the foundation of reading and writing.

Moreover, if you choose the speaking one, you will have two lessons a week and it only takes 8 weeks compared to the reading class, which means you will be exposed to the language to a higher frequency but finish it in a shorter time. This may set aside more time for you to read more books and therefore access to more vocabulary.

Last but not least, in a speaking class, you will definitely have a better chance to make friends with other learners, exchanging your ideas and experience in the process andpracticing the words and grammar that you have recently picked up.

I hope my opinion would contribute a bit and I am looking forward to hearing from you soon. Enjoy your course!

Yours Sincerely

高考上海卷英语作文预测 篇2






35. He believes that children _____________(应允许……的学习) at their own pace. (allow)

分析:该题考查了“allow sb. to do sth.”结构,因主语children 和谓语动词allow 有逻辑上的动宾关系,即被动关系,所以要用被动语态。如果仅看汉语提示,很难辨别该题在考查被动语态。正确答案为:should/ought to/must be allowed to learn/study。



40. It is possible that the King of Stonehenge was linked to the stones: he ______(可能参与) in planning the monument or in helping transport and pull up the stones. (hand)

分析:该题是完成句子10道题中最难的一道题,难点在于考生不知道固定搭配“have a hand in...”有“参与,插手”的含义。(这句话实际上是高二英语下册中的原句。) 另外,此题还考查了“情态动词+现在完成时”表示对过去事实推测的用法。答案为:may/might/could have had a hand。



39. Not only _______(要帮助) the disabled to find jobs, but also medical treatment will be provided for those who need it. (give)

分析:此题巧妙地考查了考生对“not only...but also”句式的掌握。“Not only”引起的句子置于句首,该句的主谓要倒装;同时“not only”和“but also”引导的是两个并列的结构,所以前后两个句子的时态应该一致。而help与give之间又存在逻辑上的动宾关系,所以要用被动语态。正确答案为:will help be given to。



36. She has an excellent _______(对名字的记忆力), which helps her quite a lot in her work. (memory)

分析:本题考查结构为“memory for sth.”。考生大多对这个结构很熟悉,但却因“name”未用复数形式而失分,非常可惜。



高考英语作文全国卷预测 篇3

For every girl, they dream to be a princess, just likethe one in the fairy tale.


So they loss their weight, for the purpose of lookingperfect and thinner like the princess.


I have witnessed so many girls around me try hard to control their weight, in fact, they are notfat, but they just want to be thinner and thinner.


They refuse to the delicious food, worrying about their body shapes all the time.


I would rather choose to be a normal girl, do what I want to do and eat what I like to eat, nomore burden about the outlook.


Being happy is the most important, it makes my life meaningful.


高考英语作文全国卷2预测 篇4








3.参考词汇:方便筷disposable chopsticks

Recently,there has been an activity of “doing your bit for an energy-saving society” in our school. Our schoolmates are highly concerned about the increasing lack of energy and provide their own suggestions.

Some students suggest that we shouldn’t waste any food or paper, though they appear very easy to get. Meanwhile, some other students think it advisable to refuse to use disposable chopsticks and plastic bags. Besides, it is also strongly recommended that those used textbooks as well as reference books of graduates, which are still in good condition, not be thrown but recycled.

Actually, there are still quite a lot that we can easily do: say, try to take buses or ride bicycles instead of driving cars, etc. All of these will definitely help to build an energy-saving society.


高考全国卷英语作文预测满分 篇5

Dear editor,

I’m writing to tell you about the discussion we’ve had about whether students of Senior 3 should take physical exercise. 55% of the students think they should take exercise every day, such as doing morning exercises, playing ping-pong and basketball, but it shouldn’t take up too much time. Proper exercise can build up one’s body and reduce diseases. What’s more, sports let their brains have a rest so that they can study effectively.

On the other hand, 45% believe taking exercise is a waste of time and it is tiring. After having sports, they are much too excited for a long time to pay attention to their lessons. It’s also possible get hurt in sports.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua

高考全国卷英语作文题目及预测 篇6


72%,看电视 1. 提供给人们更加生动的画面;

2. 新闻报道直接、简洁。

12%,看报纸 1. 新闻报道比电视更具深度;

2. 看报纸不受时间限制;

3. 看报纸要动脑筋,有益于智力开发。

注意:1. 描述出不同的看法和观点;

2. 词数:100左右;

3. 参考词汇:调查—survey;智力—intelligence;生动的—vivid


Dear Editor,

We did a survey on how people get news.For most of us today, television is our main source of

news.According to the survey on the ways of getting news, 72% of people watch TV, and only 12% read


Most people agree that TV presents more vivid pictures to the TV viewers.Besides, TV reports are very

direct and brief.However, some people think the newspaper is a better source of news in many ways.First of all,

newspapers can cover events in depth.Also,there is no time limit for reading a newspaper.In addition, readers use

their brains to follow and get a news report, which helps improve their intelligence.

In my opinion,watching TV is a better way to get news.


Li Hua

高考英语作文全国卷二预测满分 篇7

When I was very small, I like to read the books withpictures, because I did not know the words.


One day, I saw the interesting pictures in the book, Isaw the turtle and the rabbit, but I did not knowwhat it said, so I asked my mom.


She told me that the turtle and the rabbit were racing, I said there was no doubt that therabbit would win, but my mom smiled and said the turtle won at last because the rabbit was soconfident and slept for a while and missed the time.


I was shocked, I learned that lagging behind doesn’t mean lose, if we insist, we will have thechance to win.


2013年上海英语高考预测作文 篇8


Jan, 1st, 2013

Dear parents,I know it’s a bit hard/difficult for you to accept my choice to apply to Tsinghua University(for further study).You have been taking good care of me during the past 18 years and in your eyes I’m a good boy who is always willing to follow your advice.But this time I do hope that you can allow me to make my own decision.Tsinghua University, one of the top universities worldwide, has appealed to numerous excellent applicants.Not only do they admire these distinguished scholars but also they can share the advanced teaching facilities and reference resources.In addition, graduates from Tsinghua are bound to have more chances to find rewarding jobs.In this competitive society,I can prove myself an outstanding talent and make great contributions to the development of our nation.I know you are worried that I can’t look after myself if I go to Tsinghua.However, this will enable me to learn how to live

independently and stand on my own feet.I really hope you can understand me and support my decision, which will benefit my future.Yours,Xiao Er Wang

2013 年上海英语高考预测作文范文


With the adoption of the quality-education policy, many advanced teaching methods have been introduced to China, Meanwhile, many middle schools still find a good way to publicize to scores and ranks to introduce good candidates to key universities fairly.Competition is part of our modern life.If I know the exact position where I am, I will spare no effort to catch up with others.Besides, we will face the pressure that making scores publicized applies to us.We, Senior Three students, have no choice but to adapt ourselves to all the pressure, which helps us develop our full personality.Though no one is to blame except myself if the ranks are made known, test scores are private.In many experts’ eyes, individual student should have his own right of privacy.It’s time for education authority to create a better environment to promote quality-education, where every student can really improve himself.2013 年上海英语高考预测作文范文





For the sake/purpose of solving the traffic problem, the local government held a meeting recently, at which many experts had a full discussion and put forward valuable suggestions.First, they pointed out that the cause of serious traffic jam was due to the increasing number of private cars.They held/maintained that raising the tax rates of using cars was one of the most effective measures to limit this trend and people should be encouraged to make full use of public transportation.The second leading / contributing factor that the government couldn’t neglect was the poor road conditions.Narrow streets,inadequate traffic signs and false signal lights added to the trouble.It was suggested that old houses should be pulled down to make way for the traffic.What’s more, every day we could hear the endless running vehicles roaring through the narrow streets filled with anxious passing crowds.New regulations should be practically adopted to separate them for the sake of safety.All the experts present agreed that steps should be immediately taken to solve the problem effectively.2013 年上海英语高考预测作文范文


With the approach of Shanghai World Expo, what has caused the public concern is whether the local government should follow Beijing to take strict measures to restrict the use of private cars during the Olympics to solve the serious traffic problems.Shanghai experts have voiced different opinions about it, I hold that current traffic situation should be improved.First, as more and more private cars flood into cities, city services and facilities have been strained to a breaking point.Shanghai, the host city of the Expo, has been exposed not only to the problem of increasing population, but to the problem of the overcrowded traffic.A second problem is the physical environment.The growing number of private cars, whose exhaust sends huge quantities of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, makes the air of cities unbreathable.All the action the committee will adopt just reflects the theme of 2010 Shanghai World Expo“Better cities, better lives”.So, what’s your choice?

2013 年上海英语高考预测作文范文


Everyone has his own dream.My dream is to become ________.I think it is not for myself or my family but for all human beings._________ are specialists/ experts who are keen on _____ and ________.It is of great significance to be one of them and devote my time and energy to the cause of ________.I really hope that I can do something to ___________.Certainly, to be _________, I must have a better understanding of _______.For instance, I must have some basic knowledge of the ______, which are closely related to the ______.Besides, I will do what I can to arouse as many people’s ______ as possible so as to gain more support.From now on, I will make preparations for the future in order to realize my dream.2013 年上海英语高考预测作文范文

(六)Directions: Write an announcement to welcome student to join a club at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese.1.社团的主要活动内容



Do you want a different life against what you ever have? If so, join us.Our club is just for young people, whether boy or girl.And our club is named_______, where you can find ______ during the time when you are with us.In our club, there will be great fun _______, for example, sometimes we will get together to have _____, which is not only one style.We may have different ideas from all the members in our club.Sometimes maybe we can have a travel near our school.Of course if you want to go far away from our school is also ok.In our club, you will make new and more friends, and your life will be richer and more colourful.I can assure you that any time spent in our club will be a memorable experience.If you went to join us, you can go to room 201 in A Building or contact us by e-mail.Thank you.2013 年上海英语高考预测作文范文

(七)Directions: For this part, you are allowed 20 minutes to write a short essay entitled BBS and Middle school Students.You should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below in Chinese.1.BBS 成为很多中学生生活中必不可少的一部分2.BBS的主要功能3.BBS存在的问题

BBS and middle school students

Nowadays, with the population of computers among middle school students, BBS has become an indispensable part of their life.BBS is the abbreviation of bulletin board system.Its main function is to enable people to communicate on “boards”.Each authorized person can post articles on boards, or just reply other people’s posts.Students can discuss all kinds of topics on it, serious or easy.It can keep the students well-informed of the current events happening both in the world and on campus.What’s more, they can not only discuss and exchange opinions through BBS, but also make friends, sell and buy second-hand products.It serves as a splendid information center for middle school students.However, just as the saying goes: No garden without weeds.Not to mention the garden of BBS.It is not immune to some illegal and nasty information.For example, you always can see advertisements about looking for a substitute examinee on BBS.Besides, some students have spent so much time on posting on BBS that they even forgot eating and sleeping, which results in many adverse consequences.Anyhow, BBS indeed provides fertile soil for critical thinking, and encourages free speech of middle school students.Therefore, we should work together to make BBS a better place for communication.2013 年上海英语高考预测作文范文


June 1st,2013

春季高考英语试题上海卷 篇9

第Ⅰ卷   (共135分)



Ⅰ. Listening Comprehension

Part A Short Conversations

Directions:  In Part A. you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers in your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.

1.A.dressmaker.      B.A shopper.

C.A shop assistant   D.A student.

2.A.At  9:00        B.At  9:30

C.At  10:00     D.At 10:30

3.A.He doesn’t want to go.

B.He has to see the doctor.

C.He has to send Mary to hospital.

D.He has to take care of his brother.

4. A. Teacher and student.

B. Bookstore owner and customer.

C. Librarian and student.

D. Editor and reader.

5. A. To the classroom.

B. To the professor’s office.

C. To the cinema.

D. To the post office.

6. A. The man.

B. The children.

C. The woman.

D. The woman’s mother.

7. A. She is complaining he didn’t follow her advice.

B. She is complaining about the weather.

C. She is afraid he will fall ill.

D. She is telling him not to take any medicine.

8. A. Steve won a gold medal.

B. Steve didn’t win a gold medal.

C. Nobody was better than Steve.

D. Steve was ashamed of himself.

9. A. Ask for a picture.

上海卷高考作文 篇10




2014上海卷高考作文 篇11






得分 69 高分启示:本文跌宕起伏,思考深邃,写作素材运用自如。










得分 68 高分启示:本文语言工整,辞藻丰富,颇具文采。













得分 68 高分启示:本文语言辩证,思路清晰,理解深辟蹊径。














我气愤地回了家,却在与父亲的争吵中如梦初醒: 爷爷被拒绝仅仅因为出身是地主。




得分65 高分启示:本文通过叙述故事阐释对自由的思考,构思一波三折,颇能引人入胜。起笔欲扬先抑,对爷爷可谓貌恭而不心服。但随着事件的发展,爷爷的故事又交织着“我”的经历,使得“我”对爷爷的认识也逐渐产生了曲折的变化。结尾出人意料,道出了爷爷“地主出身”这一宿命,正如人们无法改变的“不自由”,启发自己如何挣脱新环境中迷茫自失的困境。文章以“自由的囚徒”为题,带有队自由的强烈思辩性。












得分 65 高分启示:文章是一种散文构思,以莫扎特的经历阐释对自由的思考。
