


狮子王英文影评及翻译 篇1

The Lion King is a glorious animation that praises justice and love, criticism of the evil and conspiracy.Simba as a leading role in the film who is nature naughty.He experienced a lot of things in his life later.When he is a little lion, his uncle cheat him.Simba uncle hate and envy simba for Simba will be the king not him of the kingdom.Samba is forced to leave the kingdom shich named pride land for he considered him caused his father died.But his uncle is who caused his father(Mufasa)died.Simba leave the kingdom and meet his friend in his life.They are Timon and Pumbaa.They told Simba to live in relaxed way.All need they to do are eat enough food and have fun in other time.It’s unnecessary to think responsibility.In that way samba live a relaxed life until Simba meet his friend Nala and know the condition of the kingdom.Nala and Simba are friends since they are both a little lion.Simba refused to return the kingdom at first, but his father give him a direction that to return.Simba return the kingdom and find his uncle scar and fight against scar.Finally , Simba and Nalaget married and simba became the king of the pride land.The whole film according to the clue of the experience of little lion(Simba)and become a lion king.The beginning of film is the little lion Simba birth and become a prince.Mufasa is Simba’s father and scar’s brother.Mufasa is a good king character that he can rule a country well and know his brother Scar’s ambition.Mufasa after he dead provide a direction for Simba.Simba with the help of friends and his relative beat against the greed king scar and become a lion king.

狮子王英文影评及翻译 篇2

Euphemism is a common and long-standing linguistic and cultural phenomenon in both West and East.Using euphemism is universally accepted.Such topics as death, disease, sex, excretion and the others are taboos in most of cultures.They are usually called“cosmetic words”or“decorated words”.This is true both in English and Chinese.It is small wonder that there are lots of same or similar euphemistic expressions in the two languages.It is safe to say similarities are the“lion’s share”, while differences take a relative small portion.However, it is the differences that cause most inadequacies.Therefore, the following discussion will mainly focus on differences.

The similarity can be categorized into following examples:

(1) …have…a care…that no birds build, chatter, or do their business or sing there (“scared Decrtal or Hue and Cry for the Apprehension of Martin Mar-Priest, 1645”) (qtd.in刘纯豹, 2001:238)

墙上怎么有个窟窿呀!天, 谁那么缺德?让人怎么“办公”呀 (小说月报, 1993年第一期)

(2) …man go to his long home, and the mourners go about the street (Bible, Ecclesiastes, 12:5)

要不是薛二哥拦挡了一下, 那个女孩也早就回老家啦 (姚雪萦, 2000:129)

The euphemistic meanings in the two pairs of sentences above are quite similar.In example (1) “do their business”and“办公”are euphemistic meaning for“excretion”and similarly, in example (2) “go to long home”and“回老家”are euphemistic meaning for“death”.When translating euphemisms with the same or similar equivalences into the target language, literal method should be the first choice.As a result, “do their business”can be rendered into“办公”and“go to his long home”can be rendered into“回老家”in Chinese.

The above contrastive study of similarities simply touches upon a minor part of the euphemistic use in these two language, the following paragraphs will be committed to study major differences.

2 Differences

Due to various languages, nations, cultural backgrounds, customs, etc., considerable dissimilarities exist in the euphemisms people use, it is often seen that when people from one culture are talking about something euphemistically, people from another culture cannot catch it at all, even though they know every word of it.The same words or expressions may not mean the same thing to people of different cultures.Because of cultural differences, a serious question may cause amusement or laughter, a harmless statement may ever cause displeasure or anger and jokes of a foreign speaker may be responded with a blank face and stony silence.Therefore, some knowledge of euphemisms in another language or culture might be helpful in awkward situations.The paper will discuss differences from typical aspects such as“religion”, “old age”, “poverty and wealthy”, “marriage and pregnancy”, “humble professions and unemployment”, and some special euphemisms in English and Chinese will be explored as follows:

2.1 Religion

The unification of belief in Christianity shapes the Western civilization in every way;certainly, it exerts great influence on the generation of English euphemism.Though some Chinese euphemisms are also originated by religious aspect, there is no denying that the influences of religion on Chinese euphemism is definitely not as huge as that in English euphemisms.In many Western countries, Christianity is the rich source and fertile soil of English euphemism.Unlike polytheism, Christianity aims at providing a unified ideological framework for the interpretation of the world.The unification of belief shapes the Western civilization in every way.Certainly, it exerts a great influence on the generation of euphemism.Because of the awe to the supernatural, names of the God and Devil have to be avoided.Since Christianity has an overwhelming influence on the English language, a great amount of euphemisms are more or less related to the religion.In the English culture, there is such a command from God in the Ten Commandments in the Bible that, “thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain;for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain” (King James, 1991:7) .As Neaman points out, “Gods, whether benign or malevolent, were treated with respect amounting to terror.Since names of gods were considered identical with them, to speak a name was to evoke the divinity whose power then had to be confronted” (1990:1) .For this reason, to avoid directly mentioning the name of God, people invent various devices to create euphemism related to it.There exist large numbers of euphemisms about“God”in English, such as“Gosh”, “Gad”, “Golly”, “the Creator”, “the Supreme Being”, “Holy One”, “the Almighty”, “the Eternal”, “the King of kings”, “the Savior”, “the Lord of lords”, “the Light of the World”.Besides, the Bible contains a large number of euphemistic expressions in terms of“death”.And there are abundant English euphemisms about“death”, too, which come from the Bible, the folklores and literary quotations related to Christianity, such as:“to return to dust/earth”, “to pay the debt of nature”, “be called to God/to answer the final summons”, “hand in their accounts/be sent to their account”, “the Last Judgment”, “pay Charon”, “cross the river Styx”, “pay Saint Peter a visit”, “go to the Heaven/paradise”, “be asleep in the Arms of God/in Jesus/to lie in Abraham’s bosom”, “be at peace”, “go to his final reward”, “leave this world for the next one”, “to yield up the ghost”, “to launch into eternity”, “one’s life inscribed in the Book of Life”.

Euphemisms with Christianity background are far more than“God”and“death”.Other examples such as“to irritate somebody”, which means“to get sb’s goat”, comes from the Bible;“virus words”, meaning“serpent’s tongue”, can be traced back to the story of Adam and Eve;“toilet”is also relevant to religious activities:“to worship at the altar”, “to find a haven of refuge”, “to go to Egypt”and“to go into retreat”.

These euphemistic expressions with a strong Christian color have been accepted by the English people completely and have become the Common core of their language.It is natural that the unification of a region, that is Christianity, can finally lead to the popularity of religious euphemism in the Western world.

Throughout Chinese history, there has never been a religion that had a dominant impact on Chinese culture;therefore, the role that religion has played on Chinese language, especially, euphemism, is relatively insignificant.China is a multi-deity-worship country.Taoism, Buddhism and Islamism coexist in China.These religions have some Chinese euphemisms for“death”as well, though each religion has its own explanation for death.For example:“老祖宗看看, 谁不是你老人家的儿女?难道将来只有宝兄弟顶你老人家上五台山不成?哪些东西只留给他” (曹雪芹, 1983:78) (look!Aren’t all of us your children?Is Baoyu the only one who will carry you as an immortal on his head to Mount Wutai that you keep everything for him?) here, “上五台山” (go to Mount Wutai) and such examples as“灭度”, “涅槃”, “圆寂” (of monks or nuns passing away) , “归寂” (return to original purity) , and“登莲花台” (to step on a Buddha’s seat in the form of a lotus flower) are all typical examples of Chinese euphemisms with Buddhist association.And“仙游, 仙逝” (take flight to the land of the immortal) , “骑鹤, 驾鹤” (ride away on the crane to Elysium) , “锐化, 锐委” (“death”is like a cicada to be shelled) all originate from Taoism.It is self-evident that the sources of the euphemisms for“death”in Chinese are multiple, greatly due to the pluralism of Chinese religions.

However, in some ways, Chinese euphemisms really originate from feudal hierarchy or feudal class system.The strict hierarchy of the society is like a pyramid:on top of it sits the emperor, the head of the feudal lords;the officials are in the middle;and the people have the least rights and freedom.Chinese feudal society is characterized by its patriarchal clan system too.The elder people, especially the elderly males in the family have absolute authority over family.In a feudal society, emperors were regard as the almighty sovereign saints, whose power was bestowed by the Emperors or Heaven.For this reason, common people were forbidden to mention the characters of their names to pronounce the sound, which finally led to the appearance of two kinds of naming taboo:state and family euphemism.“文帝” (wendi) , an emperor of the Han Dynasty, was named“恒” (heng) , in order to avoid using or calling this sound, “恒山” (Heng Mountain) was renamed as“常山” (Chang Mountain) .In Tang Dynasty, in order to avoid the name of the emperor“李世民” (Li Shimin) , people used“代”to refer to“世”, and“人”to refer to“民”, even the immortal Bodhisattva“观世音” (guanshiyin) was abbreviated as“观音” (guanyin) .

What’s more, the disparity is better demonstrated when to express the death of people from various social classes.The Chinese euphemisms go as follows:“天子死曰崩, 诸侯死曰薨, 大夫曰卒, 士曰不禄, 庶人曰死。”when speakers want to express condolence, words such as“逝世”, “长眠”which literally mean“passing away”are mostly used;however, if the speaker tends to treat the death with contempt, he may resort such words as“翘辫子”, “蹬腿”, “撒手”or“咽气”.The fine choice of words to describe death reflects speakers respect and sympathy, and the latter expressions cause a sense of disrespect and scorn.Because of rigid feudal hierarchy in ancient China, all people should behave according to their own rank or class.

On top of social class, Confucianism also contributes to the development of Chinese euphemisms.Dating back to Spring and Autumn Period of China, Confucius had claimed“非礼勿言”meaning people shall not speak impolitely.People refer to themselves with humble words like“卑职”, “小人”, “鄙人”, “不才”or“在下”to show modesty while calling others“贵人”or“大人”to show respect.Similarly, ancient male Chinese tended to address their own wives and sons as“贱内”, “犬子”respectively.But the addressing of other families would be much more polite, such as“令尊” (your honorable father) , “令堂” (your honorable mother) , “令妻” (your honorable wife) , “令媛” (your honorable daughter) , and“令郎” (your honorable son) .However, one could by no ways call or mention his parents’or ancestors’names directly in China, which contrasts greatly with the West for they often call their parents’names directly.

Nevertheless, such kind of euphemism with an obvious class color in English is seldom seen.There are few examples to explain since people have firm faith in Christianity in the west.For instance, “Your Majesty”, “Sir”, “Your Excellency”are used to address the opposing party and“Your Humble Servant”is employed to refer to oneself.They believe all men are created equal.Just like an old European motto in the Middle Age, “Popes, Kings, beggars, and thieves alike must die”.So it can be concluded that feudal hierarchy or feudal class system finally leads to the generation and growth of ancient Chinese euphemism.

To sum up, the influence that the doctrine of Christianity has exerted on the Western morality and value judgment is profound and long.Many scholars share the opinion that the Western civilization, as well as their languages including euphemism, is shaped largely by the unified religion, that is, Christianity.Therefore, religious euphemisms are widely accepted and used in daily life.Unlike the monotheism of Christianity in the West, China is polytheistic in religion.There exists no unified religion in China.The joint impact of Buddhism, Taoism and Islamism on euphemism is diversified.Thus, religious influence on Chinese euphemisms is not obvious.Chinese euphemisms are far less in religious hue than English euphemisms.

2.2 Old age

On most occasions, “Old”and“老”have very distinct connotations in English and Chinese cultures.In the West, the family system is contrastively loose;most of young people are accustomed to leaving their parents and living separately when they grow up.Parents live by themselves or move into retirement communities or nursing homes when they are old.In English-speaking countries, “being old”is something that people definitely hate, not only does it mean they are not young any more, but it means they are heading away from the mainstream and becoming a burden to the society.That’s why the term“old”is tabooed in the West, and nobody is willing to talk about his age.Westerners refuse to be considered old---a synonym for“useless”.There are abundant English euphemisms about“old”, to name some of which are“mature people”, “the long-lived”, “retired people”, “advance in age”, “pensioner”, “senior citizen”, “seasoned citizen”, “golden ager”, or“prime-timer”, etc.It is no wonder that some people would joke that there are no“old people”in the West.

However, the situation is different in China.Respecting the old and cherishing the young is a traditional virtue.Chinese have a traditional value of“raising children to provide against old age”and“family union”.In Chinese tradition, old age is a symbol of wisdom and experience;and old people are usually highly respected.The younger are obedient to their elder, both within the family and in day-to-day interaction in school, social life and work.For this reason, by referring to Dictionary of Euphemisms in Chinese, there are only less than 30 euphemistic expressions for“old age”.Most of them are ancient words and cannot be found in use in modern Chinese.For instance, “薄暮”, “凋年”, “年皓”, “华首”, “秋芳”, “素秋”and“桑榆之景”.In contrast, by using surname plus“老”, such as郭老, 沈老, the speaker can show his respect.There are also a lot of expressions about the positive aspect of being old, most of which do not have special associations with old age but show the speaker’s reverence:“老师” (teacher) , “老寿星” (long-lived person) , “老师傅 (veteran) ”, “老板” (boss) , “老大” (the head) , “老当益壮” (more energetic with age) , “老马识途” (an old horse knows the way;the experienced knows the ropes) .

Age is a public topic in China.When people are getting together, inquiring about age shows their concern and intimacy towards each other.They even compare among themselves who is older and who is the oldest.However, in some English-speaking countries, age is sensitive and being old is negative.They never ask for others’age and hate to be described as“old”.An American woman in her fifties may feel embarrassed and unhappy when she is called“Granny”, but a Chinese woman would accept that title gladly.That’s because Chinese people have long considered age and seniority as respectful;they think what time has brought them are wisdom and experience but not turning them to be useless and a burden.As a result, euphemistic expressions in English are demanded to make the old sound bearable.

2.3 Euphemism for other topics

2.3.1 The poor and rich

In the Western society, treasure is something that one should be very proud of.Men can be measure by money—“American dream”reveals that money is life, money is success, and money is everything.On the contrary, “being poor”is a misfortune, a failure and a disagreeable thing.In the West, poverty is a shame and should be disguised.

On the contrary, Chinese culture makes people believe in collectivism and not put material abundance and money into such a high position in their values.Impoverishment is not closely guarded as a secret as that in the West.In China, no sensitive people would like to talk about their wealth.However, in China, people do not avoid talking about the word“poverty”, so there are few euphemisms for it.Euphemisms about poverty and wealth clearly speak by themselves that people of different backgrounds may have opposing attitudes towards the same thing.

3 Basic Strategies of Euphemism Translation

The above chapters have discussed the similarities and differences between Eglish and Chinese euphemism and typical problems in translating English and Chinese euphemism.This chapter will present and illustrate main principles guiding the translation of euphemism, based on Yan Fu’s“trinity Principle of Translation”Nida’s“Functional Equivalent Principle”, Gersham’s“Law of Language”and“Law of Succession”.The main guiding principles are made up of:Preservation of euphemistic meaning;selectivity of being euphemistic;application of existing euphemisms;equivalence in varieties of the same euphemistic idea and substitution of the old euphemisms by new ones.

3.1 Preservation of euphemistic meaning

Yan fu proposed the influential“trinity principle of translation”—faithfulness, expressiveness and gracefulness.Though constantly challenged at present, it was once widely accepted as the essential criteria used to discuss translation and established the foundation for Chinese scholar’s investigation into the criteria of English-Chinese translation.The principles can be applied to euphemism translation too.According to the first rule“faithfulness”, the translator should retain the euphemistic sense of flavor during translating.The role that a translator plays is not only a mirror—put what one reads in the SL literally into the TL, but is to display the hidden original meaning of euphemism which may be full of cultural and ethnic charm of the SL.What are reflected in euphemism is deeply rooted in culture and history.Faithful translation provides the language learners with an opportunity to enjoy the implied attraction.

3.2 Selectivity of being euphemistic

Due to different cultural backgrounds, customs, habits, life patterns between two languages, some exceptions should be made to retain euphemistic meaning in translation.For example, a taboo topic in one language may not be so offensive in the other, so there is no need for the other language to keep the euphemistic expression.

3.3 Adoption of existing euphemisms

On top of the principles“preservation of euphemistic meaning”and“selectivity of being euphemistic”, “adoptation of existing euphemisms”is another important principle in euphemisms translation.It can be taken into consideration from two aspects, one is the adoption of existing euphemisms in E-C translation;the other is the adoption of existing euphemisms in C-E translation.

3.4 Maintaining equivalence in euphemism translation

Referring to“equivalence”, one should mention Nida’s“functional equivalent principle”inevitably.According to Nida, before a translator sets out to do his translation, he has to assess or at leas has a rough idea of educational background, class, age, etc.of the would-be readers.That is to say, when translating euphemism many factors concerning the reader should be taken into consideration:“when/where/how is the euphemism used”, and“who is the user of the euphemism?”To put it more concrete, the register, and content of the topic should be specified:such as age, gender, socia position, educational backgrould, career, habit, time and location and even the emotion of the speaker or writer.More investigation should be done if it is a conversation or a piece of writing, concerning the topic, hero, time, palce, plot, etc.

3.5 Substitute the old euphemisms by new ones

As one part of language, euphemism is one of the most active and dynamic elements.Like fashion, euphemisms are incessantly ebbing and flowing with fresh euphemisms everyday.People should follow the trend or mode of language, just as what they do in fashion.Just as the principles of the Gresham’s Law and Law of Succession, with the appearance of new euphemisms, some old euphemisms might be substituted by the new ones.In short, language is not immutable or invariable.This is the same case with both English and Chinese euphemism.Some euphemisms have been in common use for a long time while others come and go to meet differen needs in different periods of time.

4 Conclusion

Language is a constantly evolving semiotic system with language variation as the prerequisite of language changes.As a kind of language variation, euphemism can be found in all human societies embedded in social values and cultures.English and Chinese euphemisms manifest different social-cultural backgrounds of the East and the West.They also reflect their different cultural connotations.Many scholars and linguists in history have made grea achievements in euphemism study.Due to the unavoidable fact tha there are various differences in cultural values, the translation of euphemism is a“hard nut to crack”.The strategies mentioned above are some tentative suggestions;there is no dominant rule to adhere to.The critical point is that translators should grasp the core value of a target culture and ensure that the reproduction of euphemism takes its original taste.As Nida said, “for truly successfully translating, biculturalism is even more important than bilingualism”, ye“it takes a lifetime to understand and become an integral part of a culture” (Nida, 1993:110) .


[1]Neaman J S, Silver C G.“Kind Words”, A Thesaurus of Euphe misms[M].New York:Facts on File.Inc, 1990

[2]Nida, Eugen A.Language, Culture and Translating[M].Shanghai:Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 1993.

[3]Nide, Eugene A.Language and Culture—Context in Translating[M].Shanghai:Shanghai language Education Press, 2001

[4]曹雪芹.红楼梦[M].北京:人民文学出版社, 1983.

[5]邓炎昌, 刘润清.语言与文化——英汉语言文化对比[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社, 1989.

商务英文合同的句式特点及翻译 篇3

[关键词] 合同法律文件复杂句翻译







If a Party breaches any of the representations or warranties given by it in Articles 18.1 or repeated in 18.2, then in addition to any other remedies available to the other party under this contract or underApplicableLaws,itshallindemnifyandkeep indemnified the other Party and the company against any losses,damages,costs,expenses,liabilities and claims that such Party or the Company may suffer as a result of such breach.




1)If a Party breaches …in Articles 18.1 or repeated in 18. 2

2)then in addition to …Applicable laws

3)it shall indemnify and …costs,expenses,liabilities and claims

4)that such Party or …as a result of suchbreach.


1.句的主干結构是主语(It)+(情态动词+动词原形)(shall indemnify and keep indemnified…against)+宾语(the other Party and the Company)。

2.“if”引导的是条件从句,条件句的宾语部分跟随后置定语(given by it in Articles 18. 1 or repeated in 18. 2)。

3.“in addition to”引导的是增补成分,其核心词remedies也跟了后置定语(available to the otherPartyunderthiscontract orunderApplicablelaws)。


5.固定结构“indemnify sb. Against …”使某人不受……





In the event that the Company's operations are reduced substantially from the scale of operation originally anticipated by the parties,or the Company experience substantial and continuing losses resulting in negative retained earnings not anticipated by the Parties in the agreed Business Plan, or in any other circumstance permitted under Applicable Laws or agreed by the Parties,the Parties may agree to reduce the registered capital of the Company on a pro rata basis.


(2)逆序法。所谓逆序法就是逆着原文的顺序翻译。在商务合同中,有些英语长句的表达次序与汉语习惯不同,甚至语序完全相反。因此,根据汉语的习惯,译者必须从原文句子的后面译起。 由于译文句子的前后与原文句子的前后相比,有倒置现象,因此,逆序法又称为“倒置法”。


The Seller shall not be responsible for the delay of shipment or non-delivery of the goods due toForceMajeure,whichmightoccurduringtheprocess of manufacturing or in the course of loading or transit。

这里原文的行文方式是把信息的重心放在句首,先表明卖方的免责事项(The Seller shall not be responsible for the delay of shipment or non-delivery of the goods),接着再规定由于什么原因引起的不能交货或延迟交货才会免责( due to Force Majeure)。而对不可抗力又做了限定(which might occurduringtheprocessofmanufacturingorinthecourse of loading or transit)。而按照汉民族的思维习惯往往是先谈原因再讲结论。因此翻译时译者应采用逆序的方法将原文表示免责条件的“duetoForceMajeure,whichmight…ofloadingortransit” 移到句首。再者, 英语中的非限制性定语从句(即本句中的which might occur... of loading or transit)翻译成中文时要么仍翻译成定语放在所修饰的词之前,要么处理为别的成分。根据以上分析,原文可翻译为:凡在制造或装船运输过程中,因不可抗力致使卖方不能或推迟交货时,卖方不负责任。



EitherPartymayterminate thecontract incase of failure on the part of the other Party to fulfill or perform any of its obligations hereunder and in the event that such failure remains unremediedsixty (60) days after the service of a written noticeas described in Article X below by the non-defaulting Party to the other Party specifying the failure in question andrequiring it to be remedied.

原文是商務合同中有关期限和终止的条款,按照先讲结论,即合同任一方具有的权利(Either Party may terminate the contract)然后再列举实施此权利的条件(in case of failure ... and in the eventthat ...)的顺序行文,而汉民族的行文习惯往往是先条件后结论,所以译文在整体上应采用逆序法。但,即:违约行为60天内未改正,60天是从无责任方书面通知送达之日算起,书面通知中无责任方已指出对方违约行为并要求其改正等等。如不对内容进行分解,则可能导致句义混乱。因此,翻译此句时应采用拆译法,以期将原文意思表述清楚。参考译文:如果一方未完成或未履行其在本合同项下的任何义务,而且未按照下述第X条规定在另一方向其送达书面通知,指出其违约行为并要求其予以改正后六十(60)天内,其仍未子以改正,另一方则可以终止本合同。






英文信用证的语言特点及翻译 篇4


1.信用证中词汇的特点。①专业术语的使用。信用证中使用的专业术语具有国际通用性, 不带任何感情色彩, 文体特色鲜明。其为表述清楚出口流程和各个环节与此相关的各类单据, 信用证使用大量的专业术语。例如:信用证中表示单据的词汇COMMERCIAL INVOICE (商业发票) , BILLS OF LADING (海运提单) , C E R T I F I C A T E O F ORIGIN (原产地证书) , PACKING LIST (装箱单) , INSURANCE POLICY (保险单) 等等。又比如用于表示信用证双方当事人的APPLICANT (申请人, 进口商) , B ENEFICIARY (受益人, 出口商) 。再例如于表示贸易术语C F R (C o s t a n d Freight) 成本加运费, CIF (Cost, Insur ance and Freight) 成本加保险费、运费, CIP (Carriage and Insurance Paid To) 运费、保险费付至, FOB (Free on Board) 离岸价, 装运港船上交货等。

②旧体词的运用。一般来说, 旧体词不常出现在口语或书面表达中, 但却因其的使用能使文句结构严谨, 句子简练、规范, 使其在信用证及合同中大量出现, 运用充分体现了信用证庄重的文体风格。常使用的古体词多为一些复合副词。即在here/where/t here三个词后面分别加上after/at/with/upon/by/from/in/to/under/for, 如hereby (借此) , herein (在其中) , herew ith (同此) , therefore (缘由) 等。


The Credit, therefore, should clearly indicate whether it is revocable or irrevocable.

因此, 信用证应该明确注明是可撤销的或不可撤销的。③缩略词的使用。英语缩略词是指在音节和字母上被省略或简化的词汇。使用缩略词在引文信用证中是常见的现象。缩略词正好满足了人们需要通过经济、高效的方式交换信息和交流思想的目的。缩略词使用率高, 已经被人们广泛接受。例如:L/C (letter of credit) 信用证, D/A (Documents against Acceptance) 承兑交单, D/P (Documents against Payment) 付款交单, L/G (Letter of Guarantee) 保证书等。

2.信用证中句法的特点。①省略结构的使用。在信用证中, 句子的助动词或系动词常被省略, 构成省略结构, 使中心词得以突出。省略结构在信用证中被广泛使用, 因此掌握其翻译技巧尤为重要。

例如:One copy of invoice, certificate of original and bills of lading to be delivered by courier service within6 days.

译文:一份发票的复印件, 原产地证和海运提单须在6天之内由快递送到。该例中缺少了助动词或系动词, 而在翻译时要将其翻译出来, 从而对整句进行严谨的翻译。

被动句的使用。在信用证中, 被动句的使用频率很高。被动句不需要主语, 因而能使要描述的事实得到突出。且被动句更加客观, 能体现语言的得体性。

Shipment must be effected not later Than Jun 15, 2014.

②装运不得迟于2014年6月15日。由上可知翻译信用证的被动句时, 应充分考虑到汉语的语言特色, 无须逐字逐句将被动意义译出, 而是直接使用主动句式。将语意表达清楚。

③分词的使用。现在分词和过去分词或其短语在信用证中使用较多, 其在信用证英语中的主要功能是做定语和状语, 或表时间、原因、伴随。

例句:Full set of clean on board marine bill of lading, made out to the order of……

全套清洁已装船海运提单, 做成“凭……指示”。

3.信用证中篇章结构特点。以中长具出现。在信用证中, 可以说解读长句是一大难点。信用证具有法律文体的文体特征, 鉴于法律文体的特性和其特有的文体特征, 长句的出现频率远远高于其他文学作品。信用证属于格式语言, 其长句的解读对解读整个信用证具有极大的作用。

We hereby agree with the drawers, endorsers and bona-fide holders of drafts drawn under and in compliance with the terms of this credit that such drafts shall be duly honored on due presentation and delivery of documents as herein specified.

凡根据本信用证并按其所列条款而开具的汇票向我行提示并交出本证所规定的单据者, 我行同意对其出票人、背书人及善意持有人履行付款义务。

由该例可知, 翻译信用证的长句时, 译者需要仔细分析其句式结构, 分清句子主谓及层次关系, 才能进行翻译。文章的高度格式化, 规范化。信用证英语是高度的格式化和规范化的, 其用词规范庄重, 格式完整。比如格式化的句式往往缺少一定的成分, 但独立成句, 这样的句式在信用证的限定条款中经常出现:Date of issue050118. (省去系动词is) ;Partial shipments allowed. (被动语态省去助动词) 。


1.拥有一定语言基础, 把握语境, 树立行文整体意识。文章都是由词语、句子、语段组织构建而成的, 一定要有扎实的语言基础和专业知识, 以避免信用证翻译成为脱离翻译基本规律、规范的空中楼阁。同时, 还应转化思维模式, 融入翻译实体的语境, 翻译时需从信用证文本的特点着手, 根据语境和国际贸易惯例确定语义, 对原文的意义、意向精确把握, 并且将其忠实地、准确地传达给读者。

2.把握关键词语的意义。在信用证中, 很多关键词语直接决定了句子的真正意思, 如果对这些关键词的翻译不当, 则会造成意思的误解。

如cover这个词经常在信用证中出现, 根据英汉词典解释, cover的通常意思是“覆盖”, 在金融英语中多表示“附在……的信中”, 但在信用证和其他商务语境中, 其意思却大不相同。

如:Insurance is to be covered by applicant.保险由开证申请人承保。

Insurance covered by buyer under cover note:02408保险由卖方承保, 预保单号码为0 2 4 0 8 (cover为“暂保单/保险证明”之义)


3.了解国际贸易的基本流程, 正确解读专业术语。信用证支付是经常使用的国际结算方式, 具有很强的专业性, 对其中的专业术语进行解读和翻译时必须按照行业惯例, 使用贸易实务中的惯用名称, 否则会出现专业含义的缺失, 引起不必要的误读。如:

At the request of the Issuing Bank, we (Advising Bank) have been requested to add our confirmation to this credit原译文:应发布行的请求, 我们 (建议行) 被要求对这张信用证加以保兑。

该译文的明显错误在于根据issue和advise的惯用意思进行了翻译, 而没有考虑行业内普遍接受的表述, 势必造成读者的困惑。在信用证结算的几个环节中, 各种银行的专业表示应为“开证行” (issuing bank) , “通知行” (advising bank) 、“议付行” (negotiating bank) 。所以, 要翻译好信用证必须要了解国际贸易的基本流程, 正确解读专业术语。

中英文文学及文化的比较与翻译 篇5

【关键词】中英文文学 文化 比较 翻译












1.深刻领会作者思想意图。无论是中国文学还是英文文学,都是作者创作实践的结果,作者的创作意图决定了作品的思想主旨,其创作意图也会在作品中有所体现。文学作品的逻辑性,作者创作意图的指向性,要求译者在文学作品翻译中要深入了解作者的创作意图,全面把握作品的整体思路、中心思想,在翻译中做到译文原意与译意的贴切、统一。此外,根据中英文化差异,笔者还在采用归化法、简译、增译法等对文章进行适当删减或添加,力求在保证文化通顺、完整的基础上,使作品内容看起来更加连贯。如在翻译英国浪漫主义诗人雪莱的《Ode to the West Wind》时,我们可根据诗人的情感,将诗歌的标题译做“东风颂”,目的是将内容与情感融合到一起,增强译文的思想性、准确性。


2.参考作品的文化背景。语言和文学作品都会依托一定的文化背景而存在,在中英文文学作品翻译中,我们也常常会发现,语言与文化、文化与社会的关系极其密切,文化常会受特定社会背景的影响和制约。这就要求译者在文学作品翻译中,要深入了解文学作品的创作背景、社会文化背景,熟悉译语国家的文化传统、风土人情等,将译文内容与文化背景有机结合起来,认真思考和权衡原文和译文各要素,选择合适的词汇、文字来表达作者的意图,使译文在向目的语读者传递消息的同时又带有原作的特点,以实现跨文化交流的目的。如在《社会与孤独》中有这样一句话:It's wise for man in every instance of his labour, to hitch his wagon to a star, and see his chores done by the gods themselves.艾默生这句话的原意是“只要借助星星的力量,任何事都能办到”。在翻译时,我们可以根据上下文需要将之译为“只要借助自然的力量”或“只要胸怀大志”就可无坚不摧、战无不胜。




[1]熊志霞.中英文学作品及其文化的比较与翻译[J].校园英语, 2015,20:229-230.

[2]胡细辉.中英文学交流中的文化问题探讨[J].名作欣赏,2012, 06:151-152.

