unit19 Modern agriculture 教案(新课标版高一英语教案教学设计)


unit19 Modern agriculture 教案(新课标版高一英语教案教学设计)(精选4篇)

unit19 Modern agriculture 教案(新课标版高一英语教案教学设计) 篇1


e.g The film had quite an effect on her.

Our arguments had no effect on them.

Did the medicine have any effect on you?

(2)派生词: effective 形容词“_________________”.effective measures/speech 有效的措施/令人印象深刻的演讲



The change in climate may__________________.


We ________________________by the news of her death.



我上个星期天看了那部电影.I saw the film________________.



December is __________________of the year.

(2)last v. 意思是“_______________”.


We have enough food____________________.


The meeting ____________________a week.



3.be used for doing

(1)动词词组,“被用来干……”,可用 “_________________”来替代.


这把小刀是切面包用的 The knife ________________________________.

可改写成: He _________________________________.

be used to doing“习惯于……”used可视为一个形容词,to在这里是介词.后面可直接加名词.be动词也可用get替代,get指“动作,变化”.

他已经习惯了中国饮食.He has got ___________Chinese meal.

4.bring in


We have brought in many foreign words.

This will bring them in several thousand yuan.

(2) bring about“_______________”相当于 cause.


Gambling has__________________ his ruin.

bring down“打倒,降低”

使政府倒台 bring _________________down

降价 ________________the prices

bring up“哺养,养育”

我是由叔叔养大的.I _____________________by my uncle.

5. It is on this arable land that the farmers produce food for the whole population of China.


It’s surprising that Mary won the first prize.


6.To make as much use of the and as possible,two or more crops all planted each year where possible.

(1)make use of“______________”,use 前可以加一些_____词,


You must ____________________any opportunities you have.


_____________________every chance to speak English.

(2)as much as possible ,as early/soon as possible,意思为“尽可能早”,“尽可能快”.


You are to get up________________________________ tomorrow’s first train.

7.Future agriculture should depend on high technology as well as traditional methods.

(1)depend on 文中译为“___________”,也可译为“____________”.


____________________good food,exercise and__________.


He ___________his pen for______________.


You _____________________his coming.

她是一个可以信赖的人.She’s a woman who_____________________.

8.Using the latest technologies,Chinese scientists grow vegetables in greenhouses.


(1)using the latest technologies,-ing 分词在句子中作_____________.


In Arab countries,you eat ,____________________________________.


Can you communicate with others , ____________________

(2)grow 作及物动词为“________”,作不及物动词为“__________”.


What _________________in your garden?

庄稼长势良好The crops________________________.



grow连系动词,意思 “___________” +形容词或名词作表语.


The smoke ____________________.

9.The temperature is controlled with computers,or kept the same,no matter how the weather is outside.

(2)no matter how 引导让步状语从句,可用 “_____________”替代,意为“__________”.


You won’t move that stone, ______________________you are.


He will never succeed ____________________

[辨析] no matter how/however


He leaves his bedroom window open,however/no matter how cold it is.

no matter who ,whoever 意思是“____________________”.

no matter what =_________



___________________________should be punished.


You can ________________________________-you need.

能用 no matter who/what 来替代?.

10.But if you go against nature and do things at the wrong time of year,you will have to do more work and the results will not be so good.

(1)go against “______________________”.


Don’t ___________your father.

It goes_________________.


go against 的反义词:go with“与……协调”,.


The colour _________________his coat.

11.What do you think...?



What __________________________these changes?


______________do you think the changes in eating habits ______________agriculture or nature?


When do you think________________?


Who do you think_________________ the money?


What ___________think________ the ________important thing in your job?


unit19 Modern agriculture 教案(新课标版高一英语教案教学设计) 篇2


I. Topics

Unit 1:

Friends and friendship; interpersonal relationships.

Unit 2:

English language and its development; different kinds of English

Unit 3:

Traveling; describing a journey

Unit 4:

Basic knowledge of earthquakes; how to protect oneself and help the others in disasters

Unit 5:

The qualities of a great person;

The lives of some great people.

II. Words and expressions

Unit 1:

add point upset ignore calm concern loose cheat reason list share feeling Netherlands German series outdoors crazy purpose nature dare thunder entirely power according trust indoors suffer teenager advice questionnaire quiz situation editor communicate habit

add up calm down have got to be concerned about walk the dog go through hide away set down a series of on purpose in order to face to face according to get along with fall in love join in

Unit 2:

include, role, international, native, elevator, flat, apartment, rubber, petrol, gad, modern, however, culture, actually, present(adj.), rule(v.), vocabulary, usage, government, rapidly, candy, lorry, command, polite, request, boss, standard, Midwestern, southern, eastern, southeastern, northwestern, Spanish, recognize, accent, lightning, direction, ma’ma, block

play a role in, because of, come up, such as, give a command, play a part

Unit 3:

journal, fare, transport, finally, cycle, persuade, insist, proper, properly, determine, rapid, valley, waterfall, plain, attitude, shorts, camp, record, afterthought, topic, familiar, brave

change one’s mind, give in

Unit 4:

shake, well (n.), rise, smelly, pond, pipe, burst, canal, steam, dirt, ruin, injure, destroy, brick, dam, useless, steel, shock, quake, rescue, electricity, disaster, army, organize, bury, coal, shelter, fresh, percent, speech, judge, honour, prepare;

right away, (be) at an end, dig out, bring in, a (great )number of

Unit 5:

hero quality willing active republic principle fight peaceful prison prisoner period law advise continue fee gold youth league stage vote position accept violence equal blanket degree guard educated terror fear cruelty reward right(n.) criminal leader president sentence(v.) sincerely

lose heart in trouble worry about out of work Youth League as a matter of fact blow up put… in prison come to power set up be sentenced to

III. Functional items

Unit 1:

Agreement and disagreement

I agree. I don’t agree.

I think so. I don’t think so.

Exactly. I’ m afraid not.

Unit 2:

1. Language difficulties in communication


I beg your pardon? I don’t understand.

Could you say that again, please?

Sorry, I can’t follow you.

Could you repeat that, please?

Can you speak more slowly, please?

Unit 3:

Good wishes:

Have a good day/time!

Have a good journey/trip!

Good luck!

Enjoy yourself!

Best wishes to you.

Happy New Year!

Merry Christmas!

Happy birthday!

Thank you.

You, too.

The same to you.

Means of transportation:

walking, cycling, horse riding, taking buses/trains/boats/planes

Unit 4:

Talking about past experiences:

I will never forget the day when the earthquake took place. The time was 5:15 in the afternoon and I was driving along the road.

Unit 5:

A. Giving opinions:

Why do you think so?

What do you think of …?

What’s your opinion?

I agree/ don’t agree.

I think/don’t think….

I prefer….

In my opinion….

I’m afraid…

B. Making comments:

Good idea!

That’s an excellent idea.

IV. Structures

Unit 1:

Direct speech and indirect speech


“I don’t want to set down a series of facts in a diary,” said Anne.

-- Anne said that she didn’t want to set down a series of facts in a diary.


“ When did you go to bed last night?” Father said to Anne.

-- Father asked Anne when she went to bed the night before.

Unit 2:

Imperative sentences and its indirect speech

Open the door.

Please open the door.

Would you please open the door?

He told me to open the door.

Unit 3:


Where are you going on holiday?

I am going to Hawaii on holiday.

When are we coming back?

Unit 4:

The attributive clause (I)

由that, which, who, whose引导的定语从句

The number of people who were killed or injured reached more than 400,000.

It was heard in Beijing which is one hundred kilometers away.

Workers built shelters for survivors whose homes had been destroyed.

Unit 5:

The attributive clause (II)

由where, when, why, 介词+ which, 介词+ when 引导的定语从句。

The school where I studied only two years was three kilometers away.

This was a time when you had got to have a passbook to live in Johannesburg.

The reason why I got a job was because of my hard work.

…we were put in a position in which we had either to accept we were less important, or fight the Government.

unit19 Modern agriculture 教案(新课标版高一英语教案教学设计) 篇3

1. base

(1)n. [C]基础;底座;基地;根据地

In 1849, he went to England and made London the base for his revolutionary work.


(2)vt. 基于;把……建立在……上;以……为基础;根据

The story is based on a true story.

base one’s opinion(up)on the facts把自己的观点建立在真实的基础上

There’s a house the base of the mountain.

A. in B. over C. at D. by

2. however



However did you make such a mistake? 你怎么竟会犯这样的错误?

(2)(作连接性副词)不管……如何;多么……(可修饰形容词、副词,后须紧跟形容词或副词,句子应该半倒装=no matter how)

However hard he tried, he couldn’t remember the text.



① The Einsteins, however, couldn’t pay for the education that young Albert needed.


② I’d like to go with you, however, my hands are full.


2)conj. 怎么样……都行(引起状语从句)

He can go however he likes. 他爱怎么去就怎么去好了。



① I like the film but I have no time to see it. 我喜欢这部影片,但是没有时间去看。

② I’d like to go, but I’m too busy. 我想去,但太忙。

③ Excuse me, but can you tell me how to get to the station?



① She worked hard. However, she wasn’t successful.


② He was mistaken, however. 然而他弄错了。

③ There is, however, another side to this problem.


④ It’s raining hard. However, I decide to go out.


[例1] , Mother will wait for him to have dinner together.

A. However late is he B. However he is late

C. However is he late D. However late he is

[例2] However hard you , you will never succeed in pleasing her.

A. should try B. will try C. would try D. try

3. so that

so that既可引导目的状语从句,也可以引导结果状语从句。如:

(1)They stopped at Hangzhou so that they might visit the West Lake.


(2)She had a raincoat, so that she was not wet.


so that用来引导目的状语从句,从句中一般应该用may, can, will这类情态动词;当它们用来引导结果状语从句时,从句中有无情态动词,应根据情况而定:用陈述语气表示“实际结果”,一般不用情态动词;若表示“可能的结果”,要用may;若表示“不可避免的结果”,则用must。如:

(1)You are careless in your studies so that you may fail.


(2)You are very careless in your studies so that you must fail.


[例1] As a teacher, I don’t think children can be given homework to do.

A. so little; so much B. such little; so much

C. such little; such much D. so little; such much

[例2] I hurried I wouldn’t be late for class.

A. since B. so that C. as if D. unless

[例3] She spoke soft voice that we could hardly hear her.

A. such a B. in such C. in so D. in such a

4. in order to以便,为了

(1)He sat in front in order to look at the blackboard clearly.


(2)We started early in order to arrive before afternoon.


in order that / so that“以便”后跟从句;in order to与so as to在意思上是一样的,但so as to一般不放在句首。

(1)We must get up early in order that / so that we can have enough time to have breakfast.


(2)In order to arrive there in time, he started at 6 o’clock in the morning.


(3)I got up early in the morning in order not to / so as not to miss the first bus.


[例1] He got up early he could get there on time.

A. in order to B. in order that

C. so as to D. that

[例2] He started early catch the morning train.

A. in order to B. in order that

C. son as D. so that

5. measure

(1)n. 量度;尺寸

A meter is a measure of length. 公尺是长度的计量单位。


What measures are you going to take? 他们打算采取什么措施?

(3)vt. / vi. 测量;量

Please measure the baby. 请给小孩量一下身高。

to one’s measure 按照某人的尺寸

6. even if的用法

even if=even though即使;尽管。引导让步状语从句。如:

(1)They’ll stand by you even if you don’t succeed. 即使你不成功他们也会支持你。

(2)I am going to expose him, even if he is a friend of mine.


7. taste



Taste the fish and tell me whether you like it or not. 尝尝这鱼,告诉我你是否喜欢。


This kind of food tastes good. 这种食物尝起来味道不错。


① I’ve got a cold and so I have no taste. 我伤风了,尝不出味道。

② She has a taste for foreign travel. 她有到国外旅行的爱好。

③ Modern art is not to everyone’s taste. 现代艺术不见得合所有人的口味。


sound听起来 look看起来 smell闻起来 feel摸起来

① The music sounds wonderful. 这音乐听起来美极了。

② The meat smells bad. 这肉变味了。

③ He looks quite strong. 他看起来很强壮。

④ The cloth feels soft. 这布料摸起来很柔软。


The music is sounded wonderful.

The music sounds wonderful.

[例1] Popular music is liked by many people, but it is not to everyone’s .

A. manners B. share C. smell D. taste

[例2] Apples, oranges and pears are famous, but which do you think tasts ?

A. most B. first C. best D. nicer

8. practise

vt. / vi. 实践,练习


① You should practise your spoken English. 你应该练习英语口语。

② They practise singing a new song. 他们正练习唱新歌。


The team is practising for the match on Sunday. 这个队正在为星期天的比赛训练。


You need more practice before you can play basketball for our team.





① You won’t become a good singer if you don’t practise. 如果你不练习的话,你不会成为一名好歌手。

② You must practise this movement more. 你们必须多练习这个动作。

③ He practises speaking English every morning. 每天早上他练习讲英语。

We have worked out the plan and now we must put it into .

A. fact B. reality C. practice D. deed

9. mix

(1)vt. / vi. 混和;搅和

The oxygen we breathe in mixes with our blood and gives us life. 我们吸入的氧气和我们的血液相结合,给我们以生命。

(2)mixture n.混和物

Air is a mixture of gases. 空气是多种气体的混和物。

mix up拌和;搅匀;混淆

You should mixed up flour and water. 你们应当把面粉和水搅匀。

You can’t mix oil water.

A. with B. and C. of D. A and B

10. deal with和do with

(1)deal with“对付……”,“处理……”其中deal为不及物动词

(2)do with“对付……”,“处理……”do是及物动词


What will you do with the mater?

How shall we deal with the problem?

此外:deal with还可以作“论述”,“与……打交道”之意。

① His lecture at the conference will deal with first aid.


② We have dealt with that company for 10 years. 我们同那家公司打了10年的交道。

11. likely和possible


likely的逻辑主语可以是sb.也可以是sth.;possible的逻辑主语不可以是sb.,即不能用sb. is possible to do sth. 结构。如:

① I’m likely to be very busy tomorrow. 明天我可能很忙。

② He is likely to come(or: It is likely that he will come.)他或许会来。

③ Do you think it’s likely to rain? 你认为可能下雨吗?

④ It is possible that he will come soon. 他大概会来的。

It’s nearly ten o’clock and father walk in at any moment.

A. is possible to B. is maybe to

C. is likely to D. is able to

12. make+复合宾语

(1)make + 宾语+不带to的不定式。这一结构表示的意思是“使某人做某事”。如:

① Taking some medicine made me feel much better.


② In the old society, the landlord made the farmers work day and night.



① I was made to feel much better by taking some medicine.

② The boy was made to stand under a tree.

③ In the old society, the farmers were made to work day and night.


① The speaker raised his voice in order to make himself heard.


② We should not make our plan known to everybody.


③ She didn’t know French at all, so she couldn’t make herself understood.



① The interesting story made him very happy. 这个有趣的故事使他很高兴。

② They have made the house clean and tidy. 他们把房子收拾得干净而整洁。

③ The smoke made the room dirty. 烟将房子弄脏了。

13. in future与in the future

in future“今后”,是from now on的意思。

in the future“将来”,与将来时态连用。试比较:

① Be more careful in future. 今后要多加小心。

② She will become an able scientist after her graduation in the future.


14. happen vi.

eg .

(1)Whatever happens , we must keep clam .

(2)He happened to be out then .

(3)It happened that I had no money with me .

△ happen to sb. happen to do sth.

△ 判断正误:

The accident was happened last night .

The accident happened last night .

辨析:happen,take place,occur


(2)take place指事先布置或策划好而后发生,没有“偶然”的意味,有时还有“举行”的意思。

eg .

Write about the changes which have taken place in China .


eg .

(1)Many happy events occured during their visit to their birthplace .

(2)The accident happened yesterday .

(3)It occured to me that I had forgot to bring money .

15. hurt

(1)She hurt my feelings .

(2)I hurt my back when I fell .



① He badly hurt .( ) He was badly hurt .( )

(3)He fell and hurt his arm . 他摔一跤,摔坏了胳膊。

(4)He was injured in a fire .

(5)The bullet wounded him in the leg .


① His internal organs were injured / hurt .


② I saw a hurt man . I saw an injure man .


③ My left foot hurts .


④ What he said injured me deeply .

(5)hurt的名词是hurt,injure的名词是injury , wound的名词是wound。

16. a bit


① My legs still hurt a bit .

② Jane thought she would lose weight by eating a bit less .

③ We like this model of TV , but its size is a bit too large for us .


④ There is no sugar in the box , but you may find a bit in the bag .

a bit of:

⑤ This is a bit of good advice .

⑥ She is not a bit tired though she works all day long in the office .

17. advise

(1)He advise an early start .

(2)The doctor advised me to take more exercise .

(3)I advise waiting till proper time .

(4)Will you advise me which one to buy ?

(5)I advise that he go at once .

(6)I will do as you advise .

△ advise sb.(not)to do sth. advise sb. against doing sth. advise sb. on sth.




18. diet

(1)Proper diet and exercise are both important for health .

△ ① be on a diet

② I mustn’t have Chocolate . I’m on a diet .



eg .

① We must have food to eat and clothes to wear .

② Proper diet and exercise are both important to health .

19. main


Can you follow the main points of his speech ?


The new house is not yet connected to the mains .

20. help


① Thank you for your help .

② The girl is now quite a help to her mother .


① He often helps me .

② Help yourself to some fish .

③ The medicine helps a lot .

△ help out help sb. with sth. help yourself to … can’t help doing …

can’t help but do … with one’s help …

辨析:help sb.(to)do sth. 和help(to)do sth.

(1)help sb.(to)do sth. 帮助某人做某事


① He often helps me carry boxes .

② He helps my little son to learn English .

(2)help(to)do sth.


unit19 Modern agriculture 教案(新课标版高一英语教案教学设计) 篇4

Unit 13 Reading (2); Post-reading

二、 Teaching Goals

1. Improve the students’ reading ability by catching detailed information.

2. Enable the students to understand the best way to make sure that we will feel and look fine is to develop healthy eating habits by learning the reading text.

三、 Teaching Important Points:

1. Master the new words, phrases and useful expressions in the text.

Keep up with, too much, make a choice; be harmful to; lose weight; be prepared for

2. Train the students’ reading ability to develop healthy eating habits.

四、 Teaching Difficult Points

1. How to train the students’ reading ability.

2. How to make the students understand the reading material better and answer some questions on the passage.

五、 Teaching Methods:

Explanation and inductive methods to make the students master the new words.

六、 Teaching Aids

1. A projector

2. The blackboard

七、 Teaching procedures

Step 1 Greetings

T: Good morning! My boys and girls!

T: Sit down, please!

Step2 Reading

T: We’ve got a general idea about the reading. But I think the passage is very difficult.

T: Ok. Let’s read the passage carefully together.

1unit13.3. (2)

T: We listen to the tape paragraph by paragraph, and then explain the paragraph.

T: Listen to Para 1. and try to answer the questions.

(1)Para 1

1) Listen

T: It’s easier to choose what to eat in the past.

True or False? (T)

T: Why?

Ss: In the past, people didn’t have so many kinds of food to choose. People even can’t get enough food to eat. / Now, people take more care about their figures.

2) Explaining

Our eating habits have changed, as has our way of life.

T: What does the underlined part mean? = and our way of has changed too.

T: As has our way of life 是倒装结构

as + 助动词/ be + 主语 也一样

e.g. She’s unusually tall, as are her parents 她特别高, 她的父母也都那么高.

He’s a doctor, as was his wife before she had children.

3) Understand

T: What does the word “ fuel” mean?

Ss: original meaning:燃料

T: e.g. The machine needs fuels to go on work.

T: But you should pay attention to the word in the text. Here it means 营养物质

T: Listen to Paras. 2 and 3

(2)Paras. 2 and 3

T: Fill in the table.

Nutrients functions where can we get it?

Protein good for our muscles fish, meat and beans

Calcium for our bones and teeth eggs milk and other dairy products

Carbohydrate the main fuel for our body rice, bread, noodles

Fibre help keep our body function well


vitamins help our body fight disease vegetables, fruit, fish, milk

1unit13.3. (3)


T: Why do some people become vegetarians?

T: What does the word “ green” mean? Does it mean the color of green?

Ss: Green: environment protecting

T: Green food is very popular nowadays. Can you find any other words with the same meaning as green food?

T: e.g. environmentally friendly food / eco-food

T: Can you find an example about green food in this paragraph?

Ss: Organic vegetables

(3)Paras 4 and 5

T: Listen to paras 4 and 5

T: You can find the word “diet” several times in para 4.

T: What’s the different meaning of them? Look at the blackboard.

A balanced diet 均衡的饮食

Crash diet 速成食疗

Diet food 减肥食品

Unhealthy diet 不健康的饮食

T: In order to keep fit, what shall we do and eat?

1) Buy good food and keep a balanced diet.

2) Eat healthy food in the right amount.

3) Eat less fat and sugar and exercise more.

Step3 Post-Reading

T: How have our eating habits changed? Why?

T: Discuss question 4 in pairs.

T: Retell the text according to some topic sentences.

Step4 Summary and homework

T: today we’ve learned the passage. The passage may be very difficult to you. After class, you’d better review the reading including some words and phrases.

1. Retell the text, try to get a summary of this text

2. Review words we have learnt in this unit

3. Preview grammar of this unit

4. Do the exercises the word study on page 5

1unit13.3. (4)



as + 助动词/ be + 主语 也一样

e.g. She’s unusually tall, as are her parents


Nutrients functions where can we get it?

Protein good for our muscles fish, meat and beans

Calcium for our bones and teeth eggs milk and other dairy products

Carbohydrate the main fuel for our body rice, bread, noodles

Fibre help keep our body function well


vitamins help our body fight disease vegetables, fruit, fish, milk


A balanced diet 均衡的饮食

Crash diet 速成食疗

Diet food 减肥食品

Unhealthy diet 不健康的饮食
