


专利翻译常见词汇列表 篇1


八卦 trigram

阴、阳 yin, yang

道 Dao(cf.logo)

江湖(世界)the jianghu World(the traits’ world)

e.g.You can’t control everything in a traits’ world.(人在江湖,身不由己)

道 Daoism(Taoism)

上火 excessive internal heat

儒学 Confucianism


世外桃源 Shangri-la or Arcadia

开放 kaifang(Chinese openness to the outside world)

大锅饭 getting an equal share regardless of the work done

伤痕文学 scar literature or the literature of the wounded

不搞一刀切 no imposing uniformity on …


to conform with the national conditions and the will of the people

乱摊派,乱收费 imposition of arbitrary quotas and service charge

铁交椅 iron(lifetime)post’s;guaranteed leading post

脱贫 to shake off poverty;anti-poverty

治则兴,乱则衰 Order leads to prosperity and chaos to decline、中华民族的喜庆节日(Chinese Festivial)

国庆节 National Day

中秋节 Mid-Autumn Day/Festival

春节 Spring Festival

元宵节 Lantern Festival

儿童节 Children’s Day

端午节 Dragon Boat Festival

妇女节 Women’s Day

泼水节 Water-Splashing Day

教师节 Teachers’ Day

五四青年节 Youth Day

3、中国独特的传统饮食(Unique Traditional Chinese Foods)

馄饨 wonton

锅贴 guotie(fried jiaozi)

花卷 steamed twisted rolls

套餐 set meal

盒饭 box lunch;Chinese take-away

米豆腐 rice tofu

魔芋豆腐 konjak tofu

米粉 rice noodles

冰糖葫芦 a stick of sugar-coated haws(or apples, etc.)

火锅 chafing dish

八宝饭 eight-treasure rice pudding

粉丝 glass noodles

豆腐脑 jellied bean curd、中国新兴事物(Newly Sprouted Things)

中国 电信 China Telecom

中国 移动 China Mobile

十五计划 the 10th Five-Year Plan

中国电脑联网 Chinanet

三峡工程 the Three Gorges Project

希望工程 Project Hope

京九铁路 Beijing CKowloon Railway

扶贫工程 Anti-Poverty Project

菜篮子工程 Vegetable Basket Project

温饱工程 Decent-Life Project

安居工程 Economy Housing Project

扫黄 Porn-Purging Campaign

西部大开发 Go-West Campaign、特有的一些汉语词汇

禅宗 Zen Buddhism

禅 dhyana;dhgaya

混沌 chaos

道 Daosim, the way and its power

四谛 Four Noble Truth

八正道 Eightfold Path

无常 anity

五行说 Theory of Five Elements

无我 anatman

坐禅 metta or transcendental meditation

空 sunyata

虚无 nothingness

双喜 double happiness(中),a doubled stroke of luck(英)

小品 witty skits

相声 cross-talk

噱头;掉包袱 gimmick, stunt

夜猫子 night people;night-owls

本命年 this animal year of sb.处世之道 philosophy of life

姻缘 yinyuan(prefixed fate of marriage)6、具有文化特色的现代表述

大陆中国 Mainland China

红宝书 little red book

红色中国 socialist China

四化 Four Modernizations

终生职业 job-for-life

铁饭碗 iron rice bowl

大锅饭 communal pot

关系户 closely-related units

外出打工人员 migrant workers

关系网 personal nets, closely-knitted guild

五讲(讲文明、讲礼貌、讲卫生、讲秩序、讲道德):the Five Merits focus on decorum, manners, hygiene, disciplines and morals

四美(心灵美、语言美、行为美、环境美): the Four Virtues are golden heart, refined language, civilized behavior, and green environment

还愿 redeem a wish(vows)、中国古代独特事物(Unique Ancient Chinese Items)

宣纸 rice paper

衙门 yamen

叩头 kowtow


牌楼 pailou;pai-loo

武术 wushu(Chinese Martial Arts)

功夫 kungfu ;kung fu

中庸 the way of medium(cf.Golden Means)

中和 harmony(zhonghe)

孝顺 to show filial obedience

孝子 dutiful son

家长 family head

三纲:君为臣纲,父为子纲,夫为妻纲 three cardinal guides: ruler guides subject, father guides son husband guides wife

五常:仁、义、理、智、信 five constant virtues: benevolence(humanity), righteousness, propriety, wisdom and fidelity

八股文 eight-legged essays

多子多福:The more sons/children, the more blessing/ great happiness

养儿防老:raising sons to support one in one’s old age


基层监督 grass-roots supervision

基础税率 base tariff level

婚介所 matrimonial agency

婚外恋 extramarital love

婚纱摄影 bride photo

黑心棉 shoddy cotton

机器阅卷 machine scoring

即开型奖券 scratch-open ticket/lottery

集中精力把经济建设搞上去 go all out for economic development

价格听证会 public price hearings

甲A球队 Division A Soccer Team

家政服务 household management service

加强舆论监督 ensure the correct orientation is maintained in public opinion

假帐 accounting fraud

叫板 challenge;pick a quarrel

矫情 use lame arguments

渐进式台独 gradual Taiwan independence

借调 temporarily transfer

专利翻译常见词汇列表 篇2


由于汉英两种语言分属不同的语系, 在语言结构、语言表达习惯、文化背景和思维方式等方面都存在很大的差异, 译者难免在汉译英的过程中出现这样或那样的错误。笔者在近年的翻译教学中发现学生在汉译英的过程中词汇翻译错误极多, 为此笔者将通过对错误实例的分析, 找出错译的原因, 进而提出相应的纠错策略。


1. 冠词。冠词为英语独有, 汉语中没有冠词, 因此学生在翻译时经常不是漏译, 就是错用。如:

(1) 他终于发现了可以藏身的洞穴。原译:Finallyhe found the cave that he could hide himself in.

译文中的“the cave”就是错用。译文表达的意思是“他终于找到了他要藏身的那个洞”。一词错译, 原意全无。正确的翻译是Finally he found a cave that he couldhide himself in.

(2) 连孩子都会做它。原译:Even child can do it.此句错译是因为名词单数在表示一类人或物时, 前要加不定冠词a.正确的译法是:Even a child can do it.

(3) 今晚你可以看到满月。原译:You may see the full moon tonight.此句错译原因是英语规定表示独一无二的事物名词前加定冠词the, 但如果这些名词前有形容词修饰时, 可加a.所以, 正确的译文是:You may see a fullmoon tonight.

2. 代词。

汉语不怕重复, 连续使用某个词语是常见的事, 而英语不喜欢重复, 如果在一句话里或相连的几句话里需要重复某个词语, 则用代词来代替, 或以其他手段来避免重复。所以汉译英时要千方百计避免重复, 多用代称。但在实际翻译过程中, 学生往往受母语的影响, 该增加代词的地方, 不见代词, 或该用代词的地方, 却用名词。如:

(1) 新疆的夏天比青岛的夏天干燥、炎热得多。原译:Xinjiang is much hotter and drier in summer than Qingdao.错在原语是在比较两个地方夏天的天气, 而不是比较两个地方。英语中可以用it指代天气, 在比较句中可用that或those替代相同的比较成分。此句可译成It is muchhotter in Xinjiang in summer than that in Qingdao.

(2) 革命是解放生产力, 改革也是解放生产力。原译:Revolution means the emancipation of the productive forces, and reform also means that.此句译得不好, 是因为语言重复, 不符合英语语言的表达习惯。其实不仅英语名词短语可以有代称, 状语、谓语乃至宾语从句, 都可以有代称。[1]因此, 此句的后半句可以译成and so does reform, 用代词so代替前面提到的the emancipation of the productive forces。

3. 介词。

据统计, 汉语中总共有30个左右的介词, 英语中有286个, 其中在一百个英语句子里几个常用的介词如at、in、on、for的重复出现率为二、三百之多。[2]英语介词不但多, 而且使用范围广, 学生掌握有困难, 使用起来往往错误百出。如:

(1) 我父亲对我说玩火危险。My father said to me thatit was dangerous to play fire.

译文中的play前少了介词with。英语play表示玩, 具体指东西时是不及物动词, 要与with连用。正确的译法是My father said to me that it was dangerous to play with fire.

(2) 他发音很差。原译:He pronounces badly.这是汉语式翻译。其实, 原句要表达的意思是“他在发音方面很差”。此句应译成He is weak in pronunciation才符合英语的表达习惯。

介词在英语中虽然是小词, 但其用法变化多端, 实难掌握。要想在翻译中准确使用介词, 须先掌握常用介词的基本用法及与动词、形容词等的固定搭配。

4. 连词。

英语重形合, 汉语重意合。所谓“形合”是指语言的词语、分句以及句子之间借助语言形式手段 (如关联词) 实现词语或句子的连接, 表达语法意义和逻辑意义。[3]一般说来, 英语句子结构紧凑严密, 汉语句子相对松散。一些汉语句子由于靠意合, 无明显的关联词语, 使译者在翻译过程中或是漏用连词, 或是误用。如:

(1) 他们就像一个机器人。压力大, 时间少, 功课多。原译:They have become nothing but a robot.They havemuch pressure, less time and more work.

“压力大, 时间少, 功课多”这三个概念并列, 就是典型的意合。如果不理清其内在关系, 就不可避免地产生上述的英硬译现象。该句的内在关系是因为“时间少”与“功课多”造成了压力增加。该句的核心是“因为时间少, 所以功课多才造成压力大”。理解了因果关系后, 再形成英语的以SV为中心的形合结构就容易多了。因而此句可译为:In short, they have become nothing but a robot.Theyare under pressure to do too much work in too little time.

(2) 前途是光明的, 道路是曲折的。原译:theprospects are bright, the road has twists and turns.

从英语形合的语言特点看, 此译文两句间没有任何连接词, 不符合英语的表达习惯, 属错句。汉语中虽无连词, 但隐含着“对比”关系。因此, 可译成The prospectsare light, while the road twists and turns.

5. 一词多义。

无论汉语和英语, 一词多义现象比比皆是。如:

(1) 我们要大力发展新党员。原译:We should devel-op new party members.

(2) 发展体育运动, 增强人民体质。原译:We shoulddevelop sports and games and strengthen people's health.

(3) 他们的关系发展得很快。原译:They developedtheir relationship very fast.

以上三个例句中的“发展”都译成了“develop”。事实上, 五句中的“发展”意思是不同的, 不能简单地译成“develop”, 而应分别对待。句子 (1) 中的“发展”实际是“吸收、吸纳”的意思, 所以正确译文是:We should recruit new party members quickly。句子 (2) 中的“发展”实际上是“大规模地弘扬、展开”之意, 所以正确的翻译是:Sports should be advocated, and people's health should be improved。句子 (3) 中的“发展”实际意思是“进行、进展”, 所以正确译文是:They became intimate friends very soon。

6. 同义词。

汉语中虽然有许多同义词, 但在实际中, 许多同义词的意义、用法、感情色彩、文体意义、搭配习惯方面, 并不尽相同。[3]例如:

(1) 幼儿园的孩子们看上去健康活泼。原译:Thechildren in the kindergartens look healthful and lovely.

(2) 学校食堂做的饭菜卫生可口, 你尽管放心地吃。原译:The food cooked by the school canteens is sanitaryand you can have it without worry.

(3) 我院积极开展各项健康向上的活动。原译:Wehave all kinds of healthy activities in our university.

尽管上述例句中的“健康活泼”、“卫生可口”、和“健康向上”都有“对身体有益”的含义, 是一组近义词, 但用法并不相同, (1) 中的“健康活泼”所描述的是“孩子们的身体状况”, (2) 中的“卫生可口”指的是“饭菜有益于健康的”, (3) 中的“健康向上”指的是“活动内容有益于心智”, 而译者未能理解其内涵, 而是按照其汉语的字面意思翻译, 当然是谬之千里了。例句 (1) 的正确译文是:The children in the kindergartens look healthy and lovely.例句 (2) 的正确译文是:The food prepared by the school canteens is wholesome and you can be assured of it.例句 (3) 的正确译文是:We advocate all kinds of healthful and up-ward activities in our school.

7. 褒贬词。

有些词虽然词义相近, 但使用者的态度不同, 感情色彩就大不相同。如:

(1) 她热衷于追赶时髦。原译:She likes to be fash-ionable.

(2) 她热衷于瑜伽。原译:She likes Yoga.

例句 (1) 中的“热衷”是贬义, 反映出说话者对“她”的不满和轻蔑, 例句 (2) 中的“热衷”表现出说话者的赞誉之情, 而原译者所选用的词均未能反映出任何感情色彩。正确的译文应该是: (1) She is running/seeking after everynew fashion. (2) She is fond of Yoga.

8. 反义词。

汉语中, 两个单音节反义词常结合在一起构成一个新的双音节词, 或表示抽象概念, 或表示无条件, 有时还保存了原来的一定意义。由于字面意义与实际意义不同, 很容易造成译者的误解。[4]如:

(1) 我左右是你的人了, 我要与你共生死。原译:I amalready your person, I must live and die with you.

(2) 过马路的时候要注意左右的车辆。You must keep watch the vehicles from both your left and right whilecrossing the street.

(3) 每当玛丽出门时, 他总是跟其左右。原译:He always followed Mary other from her left or from her rightwhen she went out.

从上面的译文可以看出, 译者没有完全领会“左右”在不同句子中的不同含义, 导致硬译、死译。例句 (1) 中的“左右”实际表示无条件“无论怎样”之意, 英语相对应的是“anyhow, anyway”;正确的译文是:Anyhow, I have married you, and I must share your joy and sorrow;例句 (1) 中的“左右”虽然是表示方位, 但在此不符合英语表达。正确的译文是:You must be ready for the traffic while crossing the street;例句 (3) 也不符合英语的表达。正确的译文是:When Mary went out, he companied her all the time。

9. 数词。

汉语成语中常含有数词, 这些成语中的数词有些可表示字面上的数量, 即实指。如“三皇五帝” (三皇指伏羲, 燧人和神农, 五帝指黄帝, 颛顼, 帝喾, 唐尧和虞舜) The three August Ones and the Five Lords-legendary rulers of remote antiquity.[5]但有些则表示不确定的数量, 即虚指。如:“九死一生” (a narrow escape) , “三灾八难” (to have one trouble after another) 。在翻译这些带有数字并虚指的成语时, 如果不能准确地理解其数字的真实含义, 往往就会错译。请看下列带有数词的句子:

(1) 为了推销产品, 商家推出五花八门的促销方式。原译:The sellers use five or eight different promotions tosell their products.

(2) 这些问题盘根错节, 三言两语说不清。原译:These problems are too complicated to be explained clearlyby two or three words.

(3) 乱七八糟。原译:mess in sevens and eights

从上面的译文中可以看出, 译者完全没有弄清那些成语中数词是实指还是虚指。事实上, 例 (1) 和例 (2) 成语中的数词皆为虚指, 不能照字面意思直译, 而应采用意译。例 (1) 可改译为The sellers sell their products by using all sorts/kinds of promotions。例 (2) 可改译为These problems are too complicated to be explained clearly by a few words。例 (3) 纯属望文生义的乱译。英语也有很多带有数词的短语, 如:in twos and threes, (三三两两地) , six of one and half a dozen of another (半斤八两) 等, 翻译时完全可以借用, 只是要注意汉语的表达习惯, 有时要对数字进行稍微的调整。例 (3) 可借用英语习语be at sixes and sevens。汉语成语中的数词意义丰富, 在翻译前, 必须准确地理解成语中数词的含义, 同时还要注意东西文化的不同及英汉两种语言结构的差异, 对成语中数词的形象和喻义进行适当的取舍, 能直译就直译, 不能直译时, 要翻译其实际意义, 不能为了保留原文形象而因词害意。

1 0. 否定词。


(1) 这两本书都不是英国出版的。原译:Both of thebooks are not published in England.

此句错译是因为在英语中, 否定词not与不定代词all, both, everyone, everything等一起使用, 通常表示部分否定, 而汉语意思是全部否定。正确的译文是:Neither ofthe books is published in England.

(2) 她并不是因为爱他才嫁给他的。原译:She mar-ried him not because she loved him.

此句错译是因为译者没有掌握英语中否定转移的用法。英语中有一个固定结构not…because…, 被否定的往往不是紧接在not之后的部分, 而是because之后的部分, 所以正确的译文是:She didn't marry him because sheloved him.

(3) 听到这个消息后, 没有一个人不感到惊奇。原译:Having heard the news, nobody did not feel surprised.

此句错译是因为汉语中常用“没有+主语+不+谓语”这一双重否定的结构, 而英语中否定形式的主语习惯上不能与否定形式的谓语连用。翻译这类句子时, (1) 可把主语和谓语都改成肯定形式; (2) 也可用另一结构的双重否定式。因此, 上面的例句可以这样译:

Having heard the news, everybody felt surprised./There was nobody who did not feel surprised./There was nobody but felt surprised.

(4) 这些规章制度多不完善!原译:How not perfectthe rules and regulations are!

此句错译是因为汉语中的感叹句可用否定式, 但在英语中的感叹句不能用否定式, 可用反义词或有否定后缀的词来表示。正确的译文是:How imperfect the rulesand regulations are!



1. 母语干扰。

所谓母语干扰, 是指学习者受母语影响而产生的错误, 他们往往把母语中的规则、结构套用到目标语上, 这就是迁移理论中的负迁移。学习者依赖已知的母语知识, 将母语内容转移到目标语中, 若导致错误时, 便形成了母语干扰。这类错误常出现在学生译文中句子结构和措词层面。

2. 目标语原因。

除了母语干扰外, 学习者也会由于对目标语的语言规则的错误理解或学习不全面而产生错误, 这类错误称之为语内错误。从上述许多汉语的错译可以看出, 原因在于译者对于目标语——英语, 各种词语基本概念不清, 其特点及用法掌握不全面。

3. 认知因素。


首先是英语基础较薄弱, 对英语的语言规则掌握不牢。另外, 由于记忆方法不当, 所学单词总记不住, 或不会运用。其次, 在翻译的过程中不求甚解, 懒于思考, 不去探究一些词和句子的深刻内涵及通篇的连贯也是出错原因所在。更甚者, 平时动笔不够, 技巧不娴熟, 翻译时边看原文边看参考译文, 不深入思考, 因此, 很难了解翻译的真谛。再次, 翻译理论知识欠缺, 在翻译的过程中往往不能理论联系实际。

4. 自卑因素。

翻译是一门很难的课程, 需要学习者有坚实的双语功底。一些学生由于汉英双语知识缺乏, 拿到翻译材料后, 总感到无从下手, 心怀畏惧, 久而久之学习动力不足, 上课消极、被动, 烦躁不安, 注意力不集中, 自卑的心理导致困难越积越多, 最终放弃翻译学习。


1. 克服心理障碍, 提高学习效率。

良好的心理状态是取得成功的保证。翻译学习者首先要保持积极的心态, 主动、认真地学习翻译知识, 上课集中精力听老师讲解有关的理论知识, 认真思考、分析归纳, 发现双语转换的规律, 课后勤于实践, 不惜笔墨, 多记忆, 多思考, 多动笔, 持之以恒, 就一定能够提高学习效率, 提高翻译水平。

2. 形成良好习惯, 巧学善用工具。

良好的学习习惯, 有利于激发学习的积极性和主动性;有利于形成学习策略, 提高学习效率;有利于培养自主学习能力;有利于培养学生的创新精神和创造能力, 使学习者终身受益。学习者首先要养成主动学习的习惯, 课前主动预习将要学习的知识;课上认真听讲, 积极思考, 主动回答问题, 勇于质疑问难;课后及时复习, 仔细归纳, 认真全面地整理笔记, 及时与他人切磋, 不耻下问。所谓巧学, 指学习者要会学习, 不要死学, 尤其是翻译学习, 对于那些翻译规则、英语词汇不能死记硬套, 要灵活运用, 具体问题具体对待, 同时, 要善于利用学习媒介, 如工具书、课外书籍、电影、电视、网上学习资料等。学习中如遇到问题, 要做到随时查阅, 及时解决, 切勿将问题堆积, 造成积重难返的局面。

3. 重视自主学习, 夯实双语基础。

大学生的自主学习能力, 不仅有利于大学生主动驾驭自己的学习活动, 而且有利于激发自己的主观能动性和创新精神。翻译学习很适合自学、自练。学习者首先要加强课外阅读, 多多阅读中英文名著, 认真体会名家文章中的遣词造句, 摘抄一些佳句进行模仿, 以丰富自己的双语知识。另外, 学习者还应多研究名家的译文。

4. 加强理论学习, 注重翻译实践。

一些翻译学习者对翻译理论的认识不足, 认为翻译理论枯燥、乏味, 学了没用, 在翻译实践中还是不会用。因此, 对翻译理论学习不感兴趣, 也不重视。还有一部分人急功近利, 希望在短期内了解一些翻译的基础理论, 掌握一些翻译技巧, 就能马上“译功倍增, 一展身手”。翻译理论无用论和翻译功利论对翻译学习者都是极其有害的, 要想学好翻译, 必须认真、系统、深入地学习翻译理论知识, 用理论指导实践。有了理论知识, 如不加以实践, 理论就变得毫无价值。因此, 翻译学习者一定要重视翻译实践, 无论学习任务多么繁重, 每天要抽出一定的时间, 练习双语的互译, 只要功夫深, 铁杵磨成针。翻译水平的提高不是一朝一夕所能成就的, 需要坚持不懈的努力, 积少成多, 集久成习。

总而言之, 翻译学习是一个艰苦而漫长的过程, 不仅要求学习者具备一定的双语基本功, 广博的知识, 更需要学习者具有虚心好学的心态、坚忍不拔的毅力和孜孜以求的精神, 多记忆、多对比、多思考、多动笔, 持之以恒。只有这样才能切实提高自己的翻译水平。


[1]Randolph Quirk.A Grammar of Contemporary English Lon-don:Langman, 1972.

[2]杨丰宁.英汉语言比较与翻译[M].天津:天津大学出版社, 2006.

[3]王治奎.大学汉英翻译教程[M].济南:山东大学出版社, 2005.

[4]张学英, 张会.汉英——英汉习语大全[M].北京:清华大学出版社, 2005.

专利翻译学习样例 篇3

<002>Fibrous membrane capable of achieving adsorption removal of heavy metal ions and photocatalysis degradation of organic contaminants and preparation method thereof


<004>The invention discloses a fibrous membrane capable of achieving adsorption removal of heavy metal ions and photocatalysis degradation of organic contaminants and a preparation method thereof, and belongs to the field of environment functional material synthesis and application.<005>本发明以用聚丙烯腈为原料,通过固相接枝聚合与胺化反应制备液态基质,而后加入纳米光催化材料,通过静电纺丝制得新型抗污染复合功能纤维膜。

<006>According to the fibrous membrane and the preparation method thereof, polyacrylonitrile is used as a raw material, a liquid matrix is prepared through solid-phase grafting polymerization and an aminating reaction, then a nano-photocatalyst material is added, and the novel antipollution composite functional fibrous membrane is prepared through electrostatic spinning.<007>该合成方法操作简单,可以节约有机溶剂与胺化试剂,所制备的抗污染复合功能纤维膜负载有纳米光催化剂,不仅可以过滤吸附去除水中多种重金属离子,且可光催化降解水中有机污染物,极大地提升了膜的抗污染性,因此具有广阔的应用前景。

<008>According to the synthesis method, operation is simple, and an organic solvent and an amination reagent can be saved.The prepared antipollution composite functional fibrous membrane is loaded with nano-photocatalyst and can achieve not only adsorption removal of various heavy metal ions in water but also photocatalysis degradation of the organic contaminants in the water, the antipollution performance of the membrane is greatly improved, and therefore the membrane has broad application prospects.<009>2016-03-04 <010>2016-03-04 2.<001>一种用于动物组织核酸提取的磁性微球

<002>Magnetic microsphere for animal tissue nucleic acid extraction


<004>The invention relates to a magnetic microsphere for animal tissue nucleic acid extraction.The magnetic microsphere is manufactured through the steps of wrapping nanoscale magnetic powder in polycarbosilane and then conducting heat treatment and magnetic separation.<005>该磁性微球粒径均一可控,比表面积大,具有超顺磁性,可快速高效分离提纯动物组织核酸,在动物疫病检测领域具有广阔的应用前景。<006>This magnetic microsphere is uniform and controllalbe in particle size and large in specific area and has superparamagnetism;animal tissue nucleic acid can be rapidly and efficiently separated and purified;themagnetic microsphere has broad application prospects in the field of animal epidemic disease detection.<007>2016-03-04 <008>2016-03-04 3.<001>一种生物质基纳米氧化镧除磷复合吸附剂及其制备方法

<002>Biomass-based nanometer lanthanum oxide dephosphorization compound adsorbent and preparation method thereof


<004>The invention discloses a biomass-based nano lanthanum oxide dephosphorization compound adsorbent and a preparation method thereof.<005>该复合吸附剂以生物质阴离子交换树脂为基体,其上负载纳米氧化镧;纳米氧化镧的负载量以镧计重量百分比为0.5~22.6%;生物质阴离子交换树脂为含有强碱季铵基团的生物质阴离子交换树脂,以N,N-二甲基甲酰胺为溶剂,环氧氯丙烷为醚化剂,三甲胺、三乙胺或尿素为氨化剂对生物质材料进行氨基化改性制得;生物质材料选自玉米秸秆、大豆秸秆、木薯秸秆、水稻秸秆、小麦秸秆、芦竹、木屑或其混合物。

<006>According to the compound adsorbent, biomass anion exchange resin serves as a matrix, nano lanthanum oxide is loaded on the biomass anion exchange resin;the weight percentage of the load capacity of the nano lanthanum oxide is 0.5-22.6% by lanthanum.;the biomass anion exchange resin is biomass anion exchange resin containing highly basic quaternary ammonium groups;N, N-dimethylformamide serves as a solvent, epoxy chloropropane serves as an etherifying agent, trimethylamine, triethylamine or urea serves as an aminating agent, biological materials are subjected to amination modification, and then the compound absorbent is obtained;the biological materials can be selected from maize straw, soybean straw, cassava straw, rice straw, wheat straw, giant reed, wood chips or a mixture of the maize straw, the soybean straw, the cassava straw, the rice straw, the wheat straw, the giant reed and the wood chips.<007>本发明复合吸附剂成本低、吸附容量高。

<008>The compound adsorbent is low in cost and high in adsorption capacity.<009>2016-03-04 <010>2016-03-04


<002>System and method for treating wastewater containing pharmaceuticals and personal care products(PPCPs)

<003>本发明公开了一种PPCPs类废水处理系统,包括:进水装置,用于将PPCPs类废水引入膜蒸馏装置;膜蒸馏装置,内设有石墨烯钨酸铋PVDF光催化膜,所述膜蒸馏装置用于,通过所述石墨烯钨酸铋PVDF光催化膜在可见光激发下产生催化反应,对废水进行降解,再通过加热使所述石墨烯钨酸铋PVDF光催化膜两侧产生蒸汽压差驱动水蒸气透过所述石墨烯钨酸铋PVDF光催化膜进入水循环装置;水循环装置,用于通过水循环将透过所述石墨烯钨酸铋PVDF光催化膜的水蒸气液化为水后带入集水装置;集水装置,用于收集经处理后的水。<004>The invention discloses a system for treating wastewater containing pharmaceuticals and personal care products(PPCPs).The system for treating the wastewater containing the PPCPs comprises a water inlet device, a membrane distillation device, a water circulatingdevice and a water collecting device, wherein the water inlet device is used for introducing the wastewater containing the PPCPs into the membrane distillation device;a graphene bismuth tungstate polyvinylidenefluoridethe(PDVF)photocatalytic membrane is arranged in the memebrane distillation device, and the membrane distillation device is used for degrading the wastewater through the catalytic reaction generated by the graphene bismuth tungstate PDVF photocatalytic membrane under the excitation of visible light, and then a vapor pressure difference is generated between the two sides of the graphene bismuth tungstate PDVF photocatalytic membrane through heating and drives water vapor to penetrate through the graphene bismuth tungstate PDVF photocatalytic membrane to enter the water circulating device;the water circulating device is used for liquifying the water vapor penetrating through the graphene bismuth tungstate PDVF photocatalytic membrane into water through water circulation and then carrying the water into the water collecting device;the water collecting device is used for collecting the treated water.<005>本发明可以对废水进行无害化处理。

<006>The system can be used for harmless treatment of the wastewater.<007>2016-03-04 <008>2016-03-04 5.<001>一种制备氧化铁红和氯化铵的方法

<002>Method for preparing iron oxide red and ammonium chloride

<003>本发明涉及一种制备氧化铁红和氯化铵的方法,属于废物资源化处理技术领域。<004>The invention relates to a method for preparing iron oxide red and ammonium chloride and belongs to the technical field of waste recycling treatment.<005>首先将废酸与废钢屑或废钢边角料混合搅拌均匀得到铁全部为Fe2+的溶液(将废酸中的Fe3+全部还原为Fe2+);将得到的溶液用氨水调节pH值,同时通入空气或氧气低温氧化;将经低温氧化后的溶液升温至70~95℃,用盐酸调节溶液的pH值,通入空气或氧气中温氧化;将悬浊液过滤得到滤饼和滤液,对滤饼进行洗涤后在温度为80~130℃条件下干燥30~180min得到颜色均匀鲜艳、纯度大于99.5wt%的氧化铁红;将得到的滤液和洗涤水进行真空蒸馏得到结晶物,将结晶物在温度为80~130℃条件下干燥30~180min得到纯度大于99.5wt%的NH4Cl。<006>The method for preparing the iron oxide red and the ammonium chloride comprises the steps that firstly, waste acid and waste steel cuttings or steel scrap are mixed and stirred evenly, so that a solution with ferrum completely being Fe2+ is obtained(by completely reducing Fe3+ in the waste acid into the Fe2+);secondly, the pH value of the obtained solution is regulated through ammonia water, and air or oxygen is introduced at the same time for low-temperature oxidation;thirdly, the temperature of the solution subjected to low-temperature oxidation is increased to 70~95 DEG C, the pH value of the solution is regulated through hydrochloric acid, and air or oxygen is introduced for medium-temperature oxidation;fourthly, suspension is filtered, so that a filter cake and filtrate are obtained, the filter cake is dried under the temperature condition of 80~130 DEG C for 30~180 min after being washed, and then the iron oxide red in a uniform and bright color and with the purity being larger than 99.5wt% is obtained;and finally, vacuum distillation is conducted on the obtained filtrate and washing water, so that a crystal substance is obtained, and the crystal substance is dried under the temperature condition of 80~130 DEG C for 30~180 min, so that NH4Cl with the purity being larger than 99.5wt% is obtained.<007>该方法生产高纯度氯化铵和高着色力的氧化铁红。
