


公文写作改错练习 篇1



此致 敬礼!

























⑤语气不当“盼......” ⑥“一九九八......”表达错误




关于转发总行《储蓄工作座谈会纪要》的通知 ×银发[2002]×号

其四,同意你镇组团参加在上海举办的服装节和在服装节上进行引资促销活动。××市人民政府 2001年×月×日





××字(2002)××号 签发人:张平






关于申请拨给灾区贷款专项指标的报告 省行:










1、根据公文标题的写作要求,该公文标题存在的主要问题是()。A缺少介词 B缺少事由 C事由不明 D文种不当



6、按照完整式标题要求,该文稿标题结构的不规范之处是()。A缺少文种 B缺少事由 C缺少发文机关 D缺少介词


A顺序颠倒 B发文字号缺项 C发文字号多项 D缺少发文顺序号


A附件不全 B语言不贴切 C没有明确命名的企业 D行文关系不明确

9、对照正文内容,文稿标题中事由部分存在的问题是()。A缺少主题 B事由不准确 C不是动宾结构 D用词不当


A成文时间没有删除 B成文时间缺项 C成文时间混乱 D写法不规范 答案







3一九九八年五月三十日 公文改错题






关于推荐陈雨等九位同志参加××考察活动的请示报告 ×财发[2002]07号 省外办:

根据你办《关于组织××省第九届对外交流考察活动的通知》精神,经我局研究决定,同意推荐陈雨等9位同志参加××考察活动,名单附后: ××行

李 强

高级会计师 ××所

陈 雨

所长 

┇ 报告当否,请批示。












6、公文改错题(共10分)请将下面错误的地方改正过来。(每小题1分)××市人民政府文件 ×府发[2004]第11号





主题词:关于表彰通报 ××市政府(印章)二○○四年元月 公文改错题




8、公文改错题(共10分)请将下面错误的地方改正过来。建设部、国家文物局请示 国务院、国务院办公厅:


不过除已批准的国家历史文化名城外,还有一些城市古迹十分丰富,……按照国发(2002)106号文关于审定国家历史文化名城的原则,进行反复酝酿,提出37个城市,建议作为第二批历史文化名城(名单附后)…… ……

请即批转各地区、各部门研究执行。附件:第二批国家历史文化名城名单 第二批国家历史文化名城简介

另,建设部和国家文物局拟成立“保护历史文化名城联署办事小组”,如无不妥,请批准。建设部、国家文物局 二〇〇四年七月一日 ①标题错误; ②多头主送错误;

公文写作改错练习 篇2


应用文写作是秘书专业一门实践性、操作性很强的专业基础课和能力课, 但由于其本身具有强烈体式规范性、鲜明的工具性、明显的法规性及学生自身的认识水平和社会阅历的缺乏, 课堂教学效果一直不甚理想, 要改变这种现状, 教师的作用尤为重要。教师必须加强课堂教学改革, 教学方法的改革尤为关键。笔者从事应用文写作教学多年, 从自身的教学实践中总结出以下的教学方法, 在应用文写作教学中颇具成效。

一、范例学习法———精选范文, 借鉴模仿

范例学习法就是教师在学习中让学生通过“特殊”的范文来掌握“一般”文章的写作规律, 并且借助这种“一般”知识独立进行学习的一种方法。应用文写作教学离不开范文, 范文是应用文写作教学的有机组成部分, 更是学生学习应用文写作的范本, 因此加强对范文的学习、借鉴及模仿是学习应用文写作的重要方法之一。

范例学习法要求所选的范例必须是精心选择的内容, 而且是具有典型性和代表性的例文, 必须是从学生的基本经验出发选择的例文, 必须在学生以后的学习中起到“举一反三”中的“一”的作用, 使学生能从“特殊”中获得“一般”的例文。


在选用教材范文时尤其要注意范文是否规范, 教材中每种文书往往都有一两篇范文, 甚至多篇范文供学生参考, 且阅读方便, 是课堂教学最直接的教学材料。但是笔者在多年的教学中发现有的教学所使用的范文很不规范或基本规范, 有的范文甚至有格式和内容都不规范的现象, 遇到这种情况, 教师一定要指出错误并进行纠正, 否则只能误导学生。

例如在讲解“通知”这个文种所包含的种类时, 我们学校所使用的写作教材的范文恰好将每种类型的通知都举了一篇比较好的例文, 这时老师就充分利用教材便于阅读的优势, 结合每篇例文讲解不同类型的通知的特点, 写作方法等, 学生能够直观感受地学习了通知这个文种。

但有时教材上某些文书所选用的范文不是很典型, 我直接选用来源于学生身边的例子。例如我在讲解公文“函”这个文书时, 由于学生对这个文书不是很了解, 我从“函”的来历讲起, 从学校就地取材列举范文, 尤其是在讲解去函和复函的时候, 我选用了我们学校门口公交站牌更名的例子。我们学校门口的公交站牌原先叫“外贸学院”站, 鉴于站名与学院名称不符, 给前来学院办事的人员特别是学院新生和家长造成误导和麻烦。我院向公交公司提出将“外贸学院”站更名为“广州科贸学院”站, 对此学生特别感兴趣。我以我们学院写给公交公司的去函和公交公司写给我校的复函为例, 给大家宣读了两篇范文, 顺利地完成去函和复函讲解, 学生印象深刻, 教学效果显著。

范例学习法也是在我们应用文写作课程中用的最多的教学方法之一, 此方法提高了学生的学习效率, 并可以有效解决知识的量的膨胀与人有限的学习时间和学习能力之间的矛盾。此方法教师在教学过程中注意到学生的认识水平, 举一反三, 触类旁通, 实现学思的迁移与知识的实际运用, 深受学生的欢迎。

二、病文改错法———前车之覆, 后车之鉴

范例学习法是我们学习应用文写作的最为常用和有效的好方法, 但是如果只是一味地使用这一方法, 既不全面, 也显得乏味。因此, 在我们的教学中, 又引用了另一种常用和有效的学习方法———病文改错法, 在教学中设计、安排有错误的例文, 让学生讨论、改正, 这样既可以调动学生的思维, 活跃课堂, 也让学生从错误中认识到不该怎样写, 再次加深了对知识的把握。

如在学习了“请示”的范文、写作方法及要求后, 我从参考书上出了这样一篇病文让学生讨论和改正:



我校今年由于住校生急剧增加, 已有学生宿舍已无法容纳, 现在住宿生基本上是一铺二人住宿, 严重影响学生的身心健康。为解决这一困难, 我校需再建一栋学生宿舍。另外, 我校图书馆也尚未达省“两基”标准, 望上级部门给予适当支持。

特此请示, 请回复。



由于刚刚讲过了知识点, 学生很快就找到了以下错误。

1.文章没有遵守请示应当“一文一事”的要求。从标题和正文内容可以看到, 此文请示两件事, 即要求解决学生宿舍拥挤和图书馆尚未达“两基”标准问题。既然, 一篇请示只能写一件事项, 标题中的“等”字就要删掉。

2.标题中“事由”表达不清楚。“解决学生宿舍拥挤”问题, 可以有多种途径和方法。如借房、租房、减少招生数、建新宿舍等。另外, “要求”的意思和“请示”的意思有所重复, 删去“要求”。

3.主送机关写了两个也不恰当, 只能写一个。从机关的隶属关系的情况看, “××市第二中学”的直接领导机关是“市教育局”, 因此, 此文的主送机关写“市教育局”就可以了。

4. 理由根据只写“住校生急剧增加”、“宿舍已无法容纳”, 过于笼统, 应该写出具体实在的事实, 写出相应的数字, 才有说服力。

5.请求事项“望……领导给予适当支持”, 既不明确也不实在。“支持”什么?是钱还是物?“适当”是多少?上级机关都不容易确定的, 当然也就不容易批复。

6. 结束语“……请回复”, 应明确地说“请批准”。

7. 成文日期, 应写阿拉伯数字, 不应写汉字。

学生在找到这些错误后, 我让学生试着写修改后的文章。等学生写得差不多时, 我又举了发文机关重新写过的文章, 让大家赏析。

鲁迅先生在《不应该那么写》一文中说:学习者一方面, 是必须知道了“不应该那么写”, 这会才明白原来‘应该这么写’的。这里道出了学习应用文写作的一条十分有效的途径, 即病文改错法。

不论如何, 方法是死的, 教学是活的, 教师只有根据实际情况灵活运用各种方法, 才能切实提高应用写作的课堂教学效果。


[1]孙德林.从范文入手促进文秘写作教学改革[J].辽宁高职学报, 2004, (10) .

[2]王敏杰.谈优化秘书写作教学过程的方法[J].秘书之友, 2008, (4) .

[3]梁永飞.高职文秘写作实践教学项目设计思路探析[J].桂林师范高等专科学校学报, 2012, (4) .

[4]段曹钢.项目驱动教学法在高职应用写作教学中的运用[J].秘书, 2010, (3) .

[5]胡亚学.基于岗位的高职秘书写作课程改革与实践[J].黄冈职业技术学院学报, 2010, (12) .

[6]李鸣镝.浅谈秘书写作课程的教学改革[J].教育与职业, 2008, (5) .

[7]张超.小议项目教学法在文秘写作教学中的应用[J].产业与科技论坛, 2012, (11) .

[8]李君.高职应用文写作教学方法初探[J].新课程研究 (中旬刊) , 2011, (3) .

[9]顾兴义彭康.新编应用写作教程[M].北京理工大学出版社, 2009.

短文改错专项练习 篇3

Every year these man came to our Children’s Home. 1.____

All the boys or girls would get two dollars each. 2.____

They would take us in groups of five to do some 3.____

Christmas shopping. I remember going with the one 4.____

gentleman three years ago. He took me shopping. 5.____

Then he told us if we wanted to go to the movies. 6.____

I remember watching him close when we got to the 7.____

theater. I watched him as he paid our tickets. 8.____

I thought how wonderful it is for someone to 9.____

spend his own money in helping children as us.10.____


I was sound asleep and deeply dreaming then, 1.____

but a dream suddenly ended and I was woken by 2.____

the noises. Soon I realized that it was a earthquake. 3.____

I found myself shake up and down and back and 4.____

the forth. Everything in my room began to fall 5.____

down. I quick ran to the washing-room and 6.____

wait for the earthquake to stop. After the quake, 7.____

I searched the door in the dark and opened 8.____

it. I wanted to check if or not my parents 9.____

were safe. Fortunately, all of them were safe.10.____


Dear friends,

Sorry to tell you that tomorrow’s basketball match 1.____

between your university team and the Cambridge University 2.____

Team has to be put off because the bad weather. The 3.____

Cambridge University Team was going to arrive here at the 4.____

afternoon. However, as a thick fog is covered much 5.____

of the UK, many of the airport have been closed, 6.____

meaning their team was prevented from coming to our 7.____

university. When discussing it with them, we have 8.____

decided that a match will be put off until the same date 9.____

at the same place next month. Hopeful the weather10.____

will be better then.

Yours, Li Ming


After shopping for several weeks, I final found the car 1.____

of my dreams. It was only two years old and looked 2.____

very beautiful. The salesman asked that I would like 3.____

to take it for a test drive. We had travel no more than 4.____

two miles when the car broke up. The salesman then 5.____

called for a tow truck(拖车). After it arrived at, we 6.____

climbed into the front seat. When the driver starting 7.____

hanging the car to the truck, the salesman turned me 8.____

with the smile, and said, “Well, now, it takes us so 9.____

much to test the beautiful car of my dreams.”10.____


My mother took me to school on the first day. We 1.____

saw many parents with their children in the front 2.____

of the teaching building. Soon a teacher came and led them 3.____

to some classrooms. Then some children begin 4.____

to cry as the parents were not allowed the classrooms. 5.____

I did not cry because I had to go to kindergarten 6.____

ago. It was an enjoyable time for me as I got to know 7.____

some friends, so some children continued to cry. 8.____

Soon most children were laughed and playing 9.____

together. Finally the bell rang for us to go to home.10.____

改错题练习 篇4

informations in the reading even if they do not discuss it in63 ______ class or give an examination.The ideal student is

considered to be one who motivated to learn for the sake of64______ learning, not the one who is interested only in getting high grades.Grade-conscious students may be frustrated with teachers who do not believe it is necessary to grade every assignment.Sometimes homework is returned with brief

writing comments but without a grade.When research is 65______

assigned, the professor expects the student to make the66______ initiative and complete the minimal

guidance.Professors do not have time to explain how the

library works;they expect students, particular graduate67_____ students, to be able to use the reference sources in the library.In the United States, professors have other duties

except teaching.Often they either have administrative work68______ to do or may be obliged to publish articles and books.But 69______ the time that a professor can spend with a student outside of class is very limited.Educational practices such as student

participation indicates a respect for individual responsibility70_____ and independence.The manner which education is71_____

provided in any country reflects basic cultural and social beliefs of that country.62.with→for 63.informations→information 64.who∧→is 65.writing→written 66.make→take 67.particular→particularly 68.except→besides 69.But→thus/therefore/hence/so 70.indicates→indicate 71.which→/或者∧which→in

Part ⅣError Correction(15 minutes)“ Home, sweet home” is a phrase that express an

essential attitude in the United States.Whether the reality of life in the family house is sweet or no sweet.The---S1---cherished ideal of home has great importance for many people.This ideal is a vital part of the American dream.This dream, dramatized in the history of nineteenth-century European settlers of the American west, was to find a piece of place, build a house for one’s family, and---S2---2 started a farm.These small households were portraits of---S3---independence : the entire family—mother, father, and children.Even grandparents—live in a small house and working---S4---together to support each other.Anyone understood the life---S5---and death importance of family work.Although most people in the United states no longer live on farms, but the ideal of home ownership is just as---S6---strong in the twentieth century, as it was in the nineteenth.When U.S.soldiers came home before World War II for---S7---example, they dreamed of buying houses and starting

families.But there was a tremendous boom in the home---S8---building.The new house, typically in the suburbs,were often small and more or less identical, but it satisfied---S9---a deep need.Many regarded the single-family house the basis of their way of life.---S10---答案:

S1.no→not S2.place→land

S3.started→start S4.working→work S5.Anyone→Everyone S6.but→.S7.before→after S8.But→And S9.it→they S10.house∧→as Part Ⅳ Error Correction(15 minutes)

Every artist knows in his heart that he is saying something to the public.Not only he want to say it well, but he wants it--S1--to be something that has not said before.He hopes the public will--S2--listen and understand—he wants to teach them, and he wants them to learn from him.What visual artists like painters want to teach are quite easy to make--S3--out and difficult to explain, because painters experiences--S4--into shapes and colors, not words.They seem to feel that a certain selection of shapes and colors, out of the countless millions impossible, are exceptionally interesting for them and worth showing to us.--S5--With their work we should never have noticed these particular shapes--S6--and colors, or have felt the delight which it brought to the artist.--S7--If one painter chooses to paint a deformed(畸形的)leg and a lake in

高一英语单句改错专项练习 篇5

(一)1.Germany is an European country.2.It is so beautiful place that you must visit it.3.What a terrible weather we have been having!4.Suddenly I caught a sight of my English teacher in the crowd.5.What good time we had last night!6.We shall spend three-day holiday together.7.Sometimes I go to school by a taxi.8.I didn’t go to the bed until midnight last night.9.He is the captain of the team.10.There is a car waiting in the front of the classroom.11.After a hour or so we began to feel frightened.12.Some people read the books or watch television while others have sports.13.Why are you at home in such a fine weather? 14.He was elected a monitor of our class.15.I am afraid to make a speech in the front of my classmates.16.Man cannot live without the air.17.Being able to afford a drink would be comfort in those tough times.18.He was so angry that he struck his son in face.19.—How about the Christmas evening party?

—I should say it was success.20.Wherever he goes, he makes it a rule to have a walk before the breakfast.(二)

1.Now people get a lot of informations from TV.2.They didn’t want me to do any work at family.3.Boys and girls, don’t lose hearts.Do better next time.4.They are of different size.5.She said that she and my schoolmate all wished me success.6.After class we become stranger at once.7.They want me to devote all my time to my studies so that I’ll get marks in all my subject.8.On the way up I was busy taking picture since the scenery was so beautiful.9.There are advantage for students to work while studying at school.10.I looked at his other hands.(三)

1.Yesterday I met an old friend of me.2.I came to understand that was not easy to earn money.3.Some parents think useless for girls to go to school.4.He bought a chocolate cake and put them in a secret place.5.One day I wrote a little story and showed to my teacher.6.It’s important that we should think over before doing anything.7.The truck was moving so fast that the driver couldn’t control.8.I apologized and controlled me at my best till the dinner started.9.We must take part in social practice to prepare us well for our future.10.The teacher did not punish for cheating but instead gave me a second chance.11.People can hardly do some fishing there.12.People in the US drink more coffee than people in any country.13.The book is well worth reading it.14.This book is cheap enough for him to buy it.15.They found the letter hard to understand it.16.This book is too hard for me to read it.17.Nobody except you and she saw the prisoner run away.18.I like a house with a beautiful garden in front, but I don’t have enough money to buy it.19.I tried two different methods, yet either of them seemed to work very well.20.I want some coffee, but there is nothing in the pot.(四)

1.The development will bring us much more hopes and chances.2.The Olympics are held each four years.3.I hope you think about my request as soon as possibly.4.I know you are particular interested in Human Rights.5.As there is no air or water, there can be no life, too.6.There were too many nice things that I didn’t know what to choose.7.He decides to travel a lot and visit such many new places as possible.8.I couldn’t see as clear as before.9.The water in the river is so dirty that it smells terribly.10.You always gave me specially attention and inspired me.11.People both at home and abroad have been great helped by the new computer.12.He has to work if he wants to live comfortable.13.She is a brave and honesty girl.14.It is much easy to make plans than to carry them out.15.It is convenient for me to prepare for the exam than before.16.The food smells deliciously.17.The tree was put into a Christmas stand that holds the tree up straightly.18.Is teaching kids English as interested as you expected in college? 19.We are all very much active and the activities are enjoyable.20.We must return back to school this afternoon 21.She said her husband had given in smoking.22.He said he would join us on the discussion.23.I had to return the book back to the library in time.24.My favorite pastime is listening to music, especial classical music.25.How did you get on well with your study at school?

(五)1.In Friday afternoon, some students took part in a speech activity.2.In a few weeks the story was returned to her.3.It was very fine when I got up early on last Sunday morning.4.I rushed out the house as quickly as I could.5.I had difficulty in grammar after I entered into the school.6.He was punished because what he had done.7.I am writing to thank you with your kind help.8.She married to a man she didn’t love at all.9.He makes a living for teaching.10.It’s kind for you to come to see us.11.The class is made up from 8 groups.12.The letters PRC stand with the People’s Republic of China.13.Hangzhou is famous as its beautiful scenery.14.They said they’d be in holiday in the countryside.15.Why did you get up so early in this morning? 16.He said that the victory(胜利)should belong with us.17.He had known Joan for two years before he married with her.18.I don’t know when he will come back to home.19.People thought of that he was dead.20.You will have to pay me for $ 10 a week for your meals.21.Our time should be made good use to study.22.He preferred staying at home to be going with us to HongKong.23.I used to go to the cinema in once a week.24.I have been waiting you for a long time.25.My little brother is quite proud for his painting.(六)

1.Our city is a modern city.It set up in the early 1980s.2.Bad habits not come suddenly.3.I rush over without delay, jumped into the water and swam towards him.4.When a rabbit see something dangerous, it runs away.5.It is I who is your true friend.6.Three-fifths of his pay were spent on food and clothing.7.Not I but he have been invited.8.The nice car was belonged to the young lady.9.The number of people who has watched the game was not more than a hundred.10.His whole school education was added up to no more than one year.11.The teacher with many students have gone to the exhibition.12.My parents have promised to come to see me before I will leave for Africa.13.My parents lived in Hong Kong.They were born there and have never lived anywhere else.14.Is either you or Li Lei going to be sent there? 15.Not only the students but also their teacher are enjoying the film.16.When the police arrived, the thieves have run away.17.His family is waiting for him.18.Ever since graduating from college, I dreamed of taking a great bike trip.19.The water was felt cool when I joined into the pool for morning exercise.20.In the last few years, China made great achievements in environmental protection.(七)

1.Why not to go and ask for his advice? 2.Not known her address, I can’t write to her.3.His young patient was soon able to get up and ran about again.4.It was kind of them to meet me at the station and drove me to their home.5.Please excuse us for not able to say goodbye to you.6.Having been ill for a long time, so she fell behind her classmates.7.Look around when crossed the street.8.He preferred to stay at home than to go out with you.9.Today was my first time visit to an American family.10.You need not to go with me unless you are free now.11.They sat in the room with the curtains was drawn.12.The bird being caught yesterday is a robin.13.You’d better to hurry up if you want to get home before dark.14.I was going to have my watch mend.15.French is difficult learn.16.Given more attention, and the trees could have grown better.17.Cleaning women in big cities usually get paying by the hour.18.If accepting for the job, you’ll be informed soon.19.Anyone, once being tested positive for H7N9 flu virus, will receive free medical treatment from our government.20.Let those in need to understand that we will go all out to help them.(八)

1.Oliver Twist, the hero of the story, he was an orphan.2.The good news we were looking forward to arriving in the end.3.Following the road and you will find the store.4.Its tail, which is white, moving up and down as it runs.5.Although he was sick, but he refused to go to the hospital.6.Unless you help us, or we won’t be able to succeed.7.Because he was careless, so he failed.8.As soon as they reached the bank and they saw a girl struggling in the water.9.The more he expects, and the less he gains.10.If you study hard, and you will pass the exam.(九)

1.Henry did not like his car, that often broke down.2.I was impressed by the way which she did it.3.Those that want to see the film sign up here.4.I am sure you will find one you like it.5.He had lost his glasses without them he couldn’t see.6.I don’t know the man lives next door.7.This is the house where we visited last time.8.You must do everything which you can help them.(两处错误)9.He is not such a man who would leave his work half done.10.My hobbies are reading books and travelling, in which I find very interesting.11.Which is known to us all, all that glitters is not gold.12.His glasses, without them he could hardly see anything, were broken.13.I will never forget the days when I spent on the farm.14.He is one of the students who has passed the exam.15.This is the reason why he explained.(十)

1.In 1492, Columbus reached that is now called America.2.It didn’t matter that I would win or not.3.The reason why he didn’t come is because he never got the notice.4.Whoever told you that he was lying.5.Everything depends on if we have enough money.6.The problem is we don’t have enough money.7.Whoever break the law must be punished.8.That you are doing is very difficult.9.I have no idea what she is doing something.10.We think possible that the local government will be able to solve the housing problem.(十一)

1.I leave until the rain stops.2.He worked in Shanghai since he graduated from college.3.He is happy, because he is poor.4.No matter whatever happens, we will never lose hope.5.Whether the weather is good nor bad, they will set off as planned.6.They will go tomorrow if it rains.7.In case of I forget, please remind me of my promise.8.He made so rapid progress that the teacher praised him.9.He won’t come unless being invited.10.He couldn’t have seen me, though I was not there.(十二)

1.It was yesterday when he broke the window.2.It was until midnight that it stopped raining.3.When being asked why I was late, I didn’t say anything.4.It is such an interesting book that we all like very much.5.Be careful and you’ll fall into the river.6.Since that I am the only child in my family, I am quite independent.7.I was too tired not to walk any farther.8.He is very old, and he still works very hard.高一英语单句改错分类练习参考答案


1.an-a 2.place前加a 3.去掉a 4.去掉a 5.good前加a 6.three前加a 7.去掉a 8.去掉the 9.去掉第一个the 10.去掉第一个the 11.a-an 12.去掉the 13.去掉a 14.去掉a 15.去掉the 16.去掉the 17.comfort前加a 18.face前加the 19.success前加a 20.去掉the


1.informations-information 2.family-home 3.hearts-heart 4.size-sizes 5.schoolmate-schoolmates 6.stranger-strangers 7.subject-subjects 8.picture-pictures 9.advantage-advantages 10.hands-hand

三、代词:命题特点:1.人称代词的偷换错误;2.人称代词数的一致问题;3.单数指代复数;3.代词词性误用;4.缺少人称代词;5.人称代词格的一致问题 6.it 改正方法:联系上下文的逻辑关系。

1.me-mine 2.that-it或that后加it 3.useless前加it 4.them-it 5.to前加it 6.over前加it 7.control后加it 8.me-myself 9.us-ourselves 10.for前加me 11.some-any 12.any后加other 13.去掉it 14.去掉it 15.去掉it 16.去掉it 17.she-her 18.it-one 19.either-neither 20.nothing-none


1.much-many 2.each-every 3.possibly-possible 4.particular-particularly 5.too-either 6.too-so 7.such-as 8.clear-clearly 9.terribly-terrible 10.specially-special 11.great-greatly 12.comfortable-comfortably 13.honesty-honest 14.easy-easier 15.is后加more 16.deliciously-delicious 17.straightly-straight 18.interested-interesting 19.去掉much 20.去掉back 21.in-up 22.on-in 23.去掉back 24.especial-especially 25.去掉well

五、介词:命题特点及改正方法:介词涉及搭配错误,因此可从以下方面确定错误:介词的基本用法;习惯搭配;动词词类确定错误。介词短语常常考,固定搭配要记牢。介词后边跟宾语,结合语境细推敲。1.In-On 2.In-After 3.去掉on 4.out后加of 5.去掉into 6.because后加of 7.with-for 8.去掉to 9.for-by 10.for-of 11.from-of 12.with-for 13.as-for 14.第一个in-on 15.去掉in 16.with-to 17.去掉with 18.去掉to 19.去掉of 20.去掉第一个for 21.use后加of 22.去掉be 23.去掉in 24.wait后加for 25.for-of


1, It后加was 2.habits后加do 3.rush-rushed 4.see-sees 5.is-am 6.were-was 7.have-has 8.去掉was 9.was-were 10.去掉was 11.have-has 12.去掉will 13.lived-live 14.Is-Are 15.are-is 16.have-had 17.are-is 18.dreamed前加a 19.去掉was 20.made前加has


1.去掉to 2.known-knowing 3.ran-run 4.drove-drive 5.not后加being 6.去掉so 7.crossed-crossing 8.去掉第二个to 9.time前加to 10.去掉to 11.去掉was 12.去掉being 13.去掉to 14.mend-mended 15.learn前加to 16.去掉and 17.paying-paid 18.accepting-accepted 19.去掉being 20.去掉to

八、句子结构:命题特点改正方法:成分多余;简单句、并列句与复合句混淆;固定句式。分析句子结构。1.去掉he 2.arriving-arrived 3.Following-Follow 4.moving-moves 5.去掉but 6.去掉or 7.去掉so 8.去掉and 9.去掉and 10.去掉and


1.that-which 2.去掉which或which-that或which前加in 3.that-who 4.去掉it 4.them-which 5.them-which 6.man后加who 7.where-that/which或去掉where 8.which-that或去掉which, can后加to 9.who-as 10.去掉in 11.Which-As 12.them-which 13.when-that或去掉when 14.has-have 15.why-that/which或去掉why


1.that-what 2.that-whether 3.because-that 4.去掉he 5.if-whether 6.we前加that 7.break-breaks 8.That-What 9.去掉something 10.possible前加it

十一、状语从句:命题特点改正方法:连接词误用;状语从句的省略。分析从句性质和从句所缺成分。1.leave前加won’t 2.worked前加has 3.because-though 4.whatever-what 5.nor-or 6.if-unless或will后加not 7.去掉of 8.so-such 9.去掉being 10.though-because


公文写作与改错技巧 篇6





3.有的批转性公文不是法规条文仍用《》 4.公文种类共用,如“请示报告” 5.紧急的在标题中要体现出来


1.序号不能有虚位,即数字前不得有0,不得有“第”字样 2.年号份号颠倒







3.有的是直接送单位而不送人(除非是领导个人交办事项),但请示不可以直接给领导 4.有的主送机关未写全,特别是简要写法要写全,省市不分等,以及什么省,什么市。

5.主送机关名称,即抬头要顶格写 6.必须要有的缺了收文机关 7.党政不分,党对政府部门下命令



2.有的正文引用发文不规范,如批复等,引用要先文件名,后文号; 3.有的正文数字该用阿拉伯数字,却用汉字;

4.有的是用词不当。“反映”成了“流言”,“发布”成了“散布” 5.标点符号。特别是序列,标准是


6.量词。要有法定计量单位,如寸不适用 7.用英文无翻译 8.表彰性通报无名单 9.请示报告送下级

10.平行文,上行文不礼貌,要用“贵局”,不能用“你局” 11.错别字

12.用语或叙事违反公文要则如简练明确等要素 13.一些公文要有联系人,电话等


1.有的结尾不合作者本意 2.有的是不合公文格式要求 3.有的是表现在上行文语气不尊。特别是上行文结尾催办,请即批复等 六、一些人称的用法

1.推荐名单表上要先写人名,再写单位,职称等 2.主文中提到了某某人等,随附名单要先列出某某人





2.标明附件要在印章前(尚未找到明确根据)3.附件的顺序和名称 4.附件名称后不用标点



4)乱加字,如 年 月 日“发” 5)发文机关日期上下颠倒 6)印章没有盖或盖错地方或盖反 7)没有发文日期。

8)发文机关(印章)与发文日期位置左错 9)发文时间不能超过发文机关

十、主题词 1)没有主题词








此致 敬礼!







1.多用标点。标题中除书名号外一般不用标点,如:“关于印发《华东师范大学公章管理办法》的通知”。上文题目中的顿号、引号都是多余的,应该去掉。(新东方刘源注解:《国家行政机关公文处理办法》规定“标题中除法规、规章名称加书名号外,一般不用 标点符号。”)






















高中英语的日常写作练习 篇7

高中英语写作练习不必等到每次综合题训练时再去操作, 也没有必要刻意每次定一个主题, 跟着教学进度, 写作练习材料随处可取。

如, 我刚带学生学过北师大版教材模块3第8单元, 其中就安排了5次写作。讲到Lesson 1 Adventure in the Himalayas时, 我和学生一起设置写作任务, 形式为一封书信, 很符合近几年高考的写作考试形式。内容为Tom计划寒假参加Adventure 2000组织的喜马拉雅山探险活动, 想邀请自己的好朋友李华一起参加, 因此给李华写信介绍活动安排。同学们经过探讨在写作结构上基本取得一致;第一段写写信目的;第二段介绍Adventure 2000活动安排;第三段提出希望。为了把第二段写得精练到位, 学生要反复阅读, 提取和重组信息。

学完Lesson 2 Extreme Sports时, 学生又根据要求上网查资料, 了解一项自己最喜欢或最想做的极限运动, 写一篇英语短文, 介绍这项极限运动的内容特征、注意事项及参与感受等。

学完Lesson 3 Marco Polo时, 同学们可以自由选择, 以第一或第三人称介绍Marco Polo, 第一段介绍Marco Polo的早期生活;第二段是他在中国的所见所闻;第三段写他的贡献及作者的评价。这又是一项有利于学生阅读能力提高, 提取组织信息能力加强的训练。

学完Lesson 4 Journey to the Antarctic时, 我又和学生们一起通过写作练习去总结和感悟这场比赛的悲情, 赞扬斯科特上校一组人的勇气。文章分为两段:第一段介绍比赛始末, 第二段评价斯科特上校一组人此行的贡献与价值。这一写作大家很认真地提取了关键词和短语, 运用能力再次得到训练提高。

另外, 还有Communication Workshop部分旅游手册的写作训练。其实只要用心有意, 写作材料随处可编可取, 也可以随时练习。


英语写作练习材料问题解决后, 练习形式也是必须重视的一个问题, 可以灵活多变。

从新课改理念的生本位角度而言, 可以让学生单独写, 可以两个人一起写, 还能以小组为单位写, 各有各的好处。笔者很喜欢两个人一起写的模式。常常是写作材料定下来后, 学生会有5~10分钟讨论时间, 探讨布局、信息提取、短语句型运用等, 讨论好后一人陈述, 另一人执笔。写完后, 陈述人再加以修改, 最后落上两个人的名字上交。老师在改作文时一定要将写得好的地方用曲线标出来, 写下表扬或鼓励性的评语, 挑选优秀作文张贴于班里展示栏, 甚至可适当给予奖励, 学生会很开心, 大大提高其参与热情。

写作练习也可以放到课下, 以作业的形式留给学生, 只不过因为高中各科作业多, 课上写作效果会远远好于课下。


高中英语写作练习的另一个关键环节是检查落实。学生写好作文后, 要先互改。一般而言, 要帮助学生养成自己发现问题, 解决问题的习惯。为此, 让学生有自己的作文互改搭档, 一般是程度比自己稍好一些的同学。互改后再交给老师, 老师在改作文时要注意用红笔多标好词好句, 多给鼓励性的评语。旁边还要放一个固定的本子, 记录以下内容:

1. 收集易错词

改学生作文时, 老师要将学生文章里出错频率高的词汇和短语记录下来, 评讲作文时听写, 几次下来后会发现易错词往往很集中, 如government、environment, 学生常把字母n丢掉;believe丢掉中间字母e;immediately易丢掉e, 因为易受去e加ly的影响;knowledge易丢掉字母d;come true里的true写成ture, 等等。

随着收集和听写错词的增多, 学生作文里的错词会越来越少, 老师也总结了写作易错词的第一手资料。

2. 收集好句型

每次改作文时, 老师要在旁边的本子里抄写学生写得好的句型, 句型后面写上学生姓名, 讲评作文时先让该生读此句, 再说用了什么句型, 一定要记得表扬, 学生因为受到表扬会更加有意识地去使用好的句型, 老师每次将收集到的好句型与学生分享, 学生又将其抄到作文收集本上, 久而久之, 学生手里便有了一定量的写作模句, 我们称之为万能句型。

3. 收集错误离谱的句子

除了好句子外, 老师也要将学生作文里错误离谱的句子收集下来, 讲评时要把机会留给学生, 先让学生分析错在哪里?怎样纠正?然后老师辅助大家一起确定正确的句子表达。如: (1) My partner Liuwei, monitor of our class, who is interested in reading very much.这句话的表达与近几年高考英语书面表达第一句很接近, 学生的错误在于在没有主句的前提下随意使用从句。这类错误是中等水平以下学生常犯的错误, 很有必要分析纠正。 (2) He likes reading books was written by Luxun.这句话可以从定语从句或非谓语角度指导学生纠错, 同时强化英语写作中非谓语的常见性与实用性, 指导学生如何正确将非谓语运用于写作中。 (3) The most important thing is to protect environment to make laws.这句话很显然是逻辑出现了问题, 保护环境和制定法律的关系没有理清, 这类错误并不少见, 易闹笑话, 要提醒学生注意。

本子上还要记下每次作文写得很好的同学的名字和写得不理想的同学的名字, 好的讲评时表扬, 不好的课下交流或者当时就面改作文, 指出问题所在, 提出改进措施, 要规范写作。

另外, 讲评时, 为了加大学生的参与度, 最好安排小组活动, 大家把各自的作文拿出来, 一起研究, 看谁的哪个地方老师标了是好词好句, 哪些是错词或问题句子?大家一起分析怎样去改。这样老师评讲时学生就会将讨论的材料帮老师做补充, 学生参与度提高了, 课堂活跃了, 教学效率也提高了。
