


英语初一作文范文 篇1


My name is …

I’m 13 years old.I study at Beijing No.35 Middle School.My favourite subject is… It’s …

I go to school by…every day.I like doing…

I can…

2.My friend

My best friend is …

He is…years old.He is tall and handsome.He likes helping others.He studies at…

His favourite subject is…

3.My family(介绍家人年龄,职业,爱好,喜欢的食物等等)There are three people in my family.They are…

My father is …years old.He is a …

My mother is …years old.She is a …

My father likes… He often … His favourite food is… My mother likes… She often…Her favourite food is… We often go to …together at weekends.I love my happy family.4.My school

My school is Beijing No.35 Middle School.It’s …

There are ….in our school.We often play … on the playground.We have …classes every day.Classes begin at… and school finishes at..After school, we …

The teachers are strict with us.My classmates often help me when I am in trouble.5.Favourite food

My favourite food is…It’s …

I eat it almost every day.An apple a day keeps the doctor away.It makes me strong and healthy.6.写邀请信

Dear …,Would you like to come to my birthday party?

It’s on… at…

Please come at...o’clock.7.My school day(Tony’s school day)

I get up at…

I go to school at …

Lessons star at …

We have …classes in the morning and …classes in the afternoon.I go home at…

After supper I do my homework.Tony gets up at…

He goes to school at …

Lessons star at …

He has …classes in the morning and …classes in the afternoon.He goes home at…

After supper he does his homework.8.Birthday presents

My birthday is on…

My mother often sends me …

My father usually gives me…

My uncle sometimes …

My friends never …

9.Favourite animal

My favourite animal is…

I love it because it is…

It comes from…

It lives in…


英语初一作文范文 篇2



He prides himself in the fact that he does not have to workhard to be better than others and gives up learning completely.

笔者认为, 原句中“prides himself in”的搭配用法有误。on。例如 :

1.She prided herself on her ability to speak eight languages/on knowing eight languages.她对自己会说八种语言感到得意 。

2.She had always prided herself on her appearance.她 总是对自己的外貌感到得意。

3.He prides himself on remaining calm in an emergency.他 在紧急关头十分镇静,为此感到骄傲。

当pride作名词用 时 ,可用于“take (a) pride in sth./doingsth.”的词组中 ,这时 ,介词要用in,而不用on。例如 :

1.I take(a)pride in my work.我为自己的工作感到骄傲。

2.We take great pride in offering the best service in town. 我们以能够提供全城最好的服务而自豪。

从上述实例中,我们可以看出,pride既可作动词用,又可作名词用,但是各自所用的介词是不同的。因此,原句宜改为:He prides himself on the fact that he does not have to work hard tobe better than others and gives up learning completely. 也可改为 :He takes(a)pride in the fact that he does not have to work hard tobe better than others and gives up learning completely.



I believe that the three R principles can contribute a lot toreach the eco-friendly destination.

笔者认为原句中的动词“contribute”用法有误。“contributeto”作“有助于 ,促成 ;是……的部分原因”解 ,其中的to是介词 ,后面跟sth.或doing sth.,不跟to do sth.。例如:

1.Plenty of fresh air contributes to good health. 充足的新鲜空气有益于身体健康。

2.The driver’s carelessness contributed to the accident. 司 机的粗心大意是造成这场事故的原因之一。

3.Can robots contribute to preventing environmental deterioration?机器人能有助于阻止环境的恶化吗 ?

4.As is known to us,good learning habits contribute to improving?learning efficiency. 众 所周知 , 好的学习习惯有助于提高学习效率。

从上述实例中, 我们可以看出,“contribute to”词组中的“to”是介词,不是不定式符号。因此,原句宜改为:I believe thatthe three R principles can contribute a lot to reaching the eco friendly destination. 也可改为 :I believe that the three R principles can help a lot to reach the eco -friendly destination. ( 把contribute改为help,其后可跟 (to)do sth.)



As far as I see it,the resentment towards the rich results fromthe widening gap between the rich and the poor and also the impression that“rich guys usually get their way”.

As far as I see it,there are two main advantages—environmentally-friendly and healthy.

笔者认为,以上两句中的动词“see”用法有误,“as far as Isee it”不符合英语的表达习惯。在要表达 “在我看来 ,依我看来,依我之见,就我所知”时,英语中,我们既可说“as far as Ican see”,又可说“as I see it”。前者没用it,后者不可缺少it,二者不可混用。例如:

1.That’s the problem as far as I can see. 在 我 看 来 , 那 就 是问题所在。

2.As far as I can see,at least four different weapons wereused.依我之见 ,至少使用过四种不同的武器 。

3.As I see it,there are two alternatives.We can either staywith your parents or rent a place.在 我看来 ,有两种选择 。 我们可以跟你父母住也可以租房住。

4.As I see it (=according to my view of the situation),theblame lies with the driver.依 我看 ,这责任在司机 。

从以上实例中,不难看出,英语中无“as far as I see it”的搭配用法。因此,原句宜改为:1. As far as I can see,the resentmenttowards the rich results from the widening gap between the richand the poor and also the impression that“rich guys usually gettheir way”.2. As far as I can see,there are two main advantages—environmentally-friendly and healthy.也可改为 :1. As I see it,theresentment towards the rich results from the widening gap betweenthe rich and the poor and also the impression that“rich guys usually get their way”. 2.As I see it,there are two main advantages—environmentally-friendly and healthy.



In conclusion,universities are justified to bond with enterprises and accept their financial support.

笔者认为,原句中的动词“justify”用法有误。根据英语的表达习惯,“be justified”后一般不跟“to do sth.”,而要用“in doing sth.”或“in sth.”, “be justified in doing sth./sth.”是固定 搭配用法。例如:

1.She felt fully justified in asking for a refund.她 觉得有充足的理由要求退款。

2.I think I’m completely justified in asking for her resignation.我 认为 ,我要求她辞职是完全合理的 。

3.Is he justified in his criticisms?他的批评有道理吗 ?

4.Charwell had been perfectly justified in his action. 查 威尔的行为已证明是完全正当的。

从上述实例中,我们可以看出,“be justified”后不可跟“to dosth.”。因此, 原句宜改为:In conclusion,universities are justifiedin bonding with enterprises and accepting their financial support.



In my opinion,the upsurge is resulted from two-fold factors.

笔者认为,原句中的动词“result”用法有误。根据英语的表达习惯,“result from”和“result in”都用主动式,不可用被动式。例如:

1.The damage resulted from the fire.这损失由火灾所致 。

2.His lameness resulted from an accident. 一次事故造成了他的跛足。

3.Sickness often results from eating too much.过 量进食常会导致疾病。

4.The game resulted in a win for our side.比赛结果为我方获胜。

从上述实例中,我们可以看出,动词词组“result from”不可用于被动式。因此,原句宜改为:In my opinion,the upsurge results from two-fold factors.也可改为 :In my opinion,two-fold factors result in the upsurge.



During his lifetime which symbolizes the triumph of the human spirit,Nelson Mandela was rewarded the 1993 Nobel PeacePrize.


动词“reward”作“报答;奖励”解,常用于“reward sb.for(doing)sth.”和“reward sb.with sth.”的句型中 ,前者“with”后跟的名称是具体名称,表示所奖励的物品等,后者“for”所跟的成分表示奖励的原因。有时,二者可合用,即“reward sb.with…for(doing)sth.”。例如 :

1.She started singing to the baby and was rewarded with asmile.她开始给孩子唱歌 ,孩子则报以微笑 。

2.They rewarded him (for his great help)with a gift of money.他们奖给他一笔钱(以酬谢他鼎力帮助。

3.They rewarded the boy with £5 for bringing back the lostdog.他们因男孩带回那条走失的狗奖给他5英 镑 。

动词“award”作“授予;给予”解,可用在“award sb.sth.”和“award sth.to sb.”的句型中 ,其中的名称为奖品或荣誉称号等。例如:

1.They awarded him a medal.他们授予他一枚奖章。

2.I was awarded the Nobel Prize.我获得了诺贝尔奖。

3.The prize was awarded to me for excellence in French. 我因法语成绩优异而获奖。

4.The degree of B.A.was awarded to him.他 被授予文学学士学位。

从上述实例中,我们可以看出,动词“reward”和“award”的不同用法。因此,原句宜改为:During his lifetime which symbolizes the triumph of the human spirit,Nelson Mandela was awardedthe 1993 Nobel Peace Prize.


在《新题型预测》“Should Rewards for Doing A Good Deedbe Promoted?”的作文范文里 ,有以下一句 :

However,in recent years there has aroused a heated debatedas to whether people should be rewarded for doing a good deed.

笔者认为,原句中动词“arouse”用法有误。在由“There”开头的句子中, 其后的动词不能用及物动词, 往往用不及物动词,如come,remain,lie,stand,arise及exist,等等。主语退居后面,目的是突出主语的意义分量。例如:

1.There comes a point where you give up.现在该你认输了。

2.There remains the problem of finance.财政问题仍然存在。

3.There lies a large field of rice in front of our village. 在我们的村庄前面有一大片稻田。

4.There stands a high monument in the middle of the square.广场中央矗立着一座高大的纪念碑。

5.There arises a certain insincerity in our philosophic discussions.在我们哲学的讨论里发生了一种不诚实的情况 。

6.There always exists a force of attraction between two bodies.两个物体之间永远存在着吸引力。

从上述实例中,我们可以看出,动词“arouse”是及物动词,作“激起;引起”解,不能用于“There+动词(不及物动词)+主语(名称主语 )”的句型中。

因此,原句宜改为:However,in recent years there has arisena heated debate as to whether people should be rewarded for doinga good deed.动词arise作“发生 ;产生 ;出现”解 ,是不及物动词 ,可用于上述特定句型中。

语文初一下册作文指导范文 篇3

语文初一下册作文指导作文要题材新颖 有创新 有与别人不同的地方 这样才能吸引读者或老师的兴趣作文要有正确的时间地点人物发生的事情注意题目要贴近中心为下文即将发生的事或物做下悬念,或者用一种事或物来做文章的题目写作文的时候要注意有逻辑性,不要写了上段就没有下段。我们一定要注意细节描写,因为细节描写可以让你的字数提高和让文章更有生动富有生机。写作文时要注意开头与结尾,注意要具有连贯性。从而达到首尾呼应的作用在写作文时注意用上好句与好词,可以用一个成语来比喻你写的事或者物:好句,一定要找好与你中心有关的诗句或者一些富有观赏性的句子与有趣的句子都可以,反正你要人觉得你写的作文有趣就行了写作文的格式你可以根据你写的作文的分类来构思出你写的顺序写作文要写出你所构思的人物的特点(观察人物特点,写出人物个性)要把你的人物写的更生动更切实


初一叙事作文我的未来不是梦范文 篇4












英语初一作文范文 篇5




英语初一作文范文 篇6


利用字母读音进行部分音标教学, 让学生根据字母读出音标来, 逐步接触音标, 这样不仅可以对26个字母进行巩固, 而且可以完成23个音标的教学, 这样会让学生觉得学音标不是一件难事。可以在课件上显示26个字母及对应的音标, 有熟悉的字母作参照, 学生就能很快读出。对于由两个或两个以上音素构成的字母读音, 老师可以把字母音标拆开, 认读单个的音素如:b/bi:/—/b/—/i:/—/bi:/的模式为例, 让学生根据字母读音标, 并进行音标和字母的比较, 讲清字母与音标间的区别和发音要领, 让学生先听后读, 听清发准, 反复模仿, 以此为例带领学生学习音标。

按读音对26个字母进行归类, 可以让学生找出含有相同发音的字母, 如发/ei/音的字母有a, j, h和k, 这样学生对这个元音音标/ei/就有了很深的印象, 以此类推分别找出含有/e/, /i:/, /ai/, /ju:/, /藜u/, /a:/音的所有字母, 学生在寻找和比较中了解了字母和音标的区别, 加强了对这几个音标的巩固, 让学生对含有相同发音因素的字母有更深的印象, 可以结合一些比赛和卡片游戏来提高学生的兴趣, 达到很好的教学效果, 与此同时, 可以帮助学生区分一下元音字母和元音, 帮助学生弄清哪些字母前用不定冠词“an” (A E F H I L M N O R S X) , 如, There is a“u”and an“m”in the word“umbrella”.

二、音标集中教学, 人人突破音标发音关, 树立良好自信心

在教学时, 每个音标举些含有相同发音且学生熟悉的英语单词, 要求学生在音标旁记录一个单词, 借助单词发音记住该音标如, /i:/see, /i/it, 以此借助单词发音辅助音标教学, 这样读出48个单词也就记住了48个音标。每个音标老师反复带读巩固, 学生课上一个接一个起来试读, 学生读对, 老师用OK!Good!Wonderful!交替评价给予肯定和鼓励, 满足学生的成就感。如果学生读错, 老师进行提示和纠正, 直至读准为止。课堂上, 老师读给学生听, 学生模仿发对音。课后要求学生反复练读, 巩固每天所学。帮助每个学生一一过好音标关, 树立良好信心。


兴趣往往来源于老师生动形象的教学, 信心则来自老师给予的成就感。要想提高学生学习的积极性, 使枯燥乏味的音标教学充满趣味, 游戏比赛作为一种课堂活动方式有利于提高学生的兴趣, 组织学生在活动中学习, 避免音标教学落入单纯模仿跟读、机械练习的俗套中。以下是课堂教学中常用且比较奏效的几种做法。

1. 顺口溜。

如在教音素/覸/时, 可以运用这样的顺口溜That is a black cat.It is big and fat.Don’t lash it.学生模仿老师读句子, 读正确, 读顺可以为该组加一分, 最后得分最高的组为优胜组。

2. 接龙游戏。

给出一列单词, 如, bag—glad—dad前后两个词首尾接龙, 都带有一个相同的元音, 学生可以以此为例玩接龙游戏, 巩固所学音标。

3. 抢读游戏。

可以是抢读音标, 也可以是看音标抢读单词, 把学生分成若干小组, 老师出示音标卡片, 最先举手的学生回答, 答对该组加一分, 最后得分最高的组为优胜组。

4. 摘水果游戏。

呈现一棵果树, 树上满是果子, 每个果子上有一个单词, 如pen, bed, it等, 再呈现几个篮子, 每个篮子里有一个音标, 如:/e/, /i/等。让学生把树上的果子摘下来, 将含有相同元音的单词放入同一个篮子里, 最准确、最快的组为获胜组。

5. Bingo游戏。

这是一个写音标的游戏, 发给学生每人一张纸, 画一个大大的井字, 将纸分成九份, 听写九个音标, 随便写在哪个格子里都行, 然后老师打乱顺序再念, 学生一边标号一边喊“Bingo”, 最先喊且写准确的获胜。

6. 听辨音游戏。

可以分为两类, 一类是书面练习, 如:Listen and circle, Listen and tick, Listen and number, Listen and correct等。另一类, 利用音标卡举一反三做出多种游戏, 如“听音举卡片”, “听音举音标排队”, 在九格纸板上做“听音摆卡片”等等。

7. 读音标画猴子游戏。

在这个游戏中, 老师教完要学习的音标后, 将全班分成若干组, 给一定的时间记忆所学内容或组内进行小组学习, 然后让每组学生轮流读音标, 读对一组音标, 该小组就可以在黑板上画猴子的一部分, 反之, 就擦掉猴子的一部分, 在最短时间内画出猴子的组获胜。

四、强化音标词的拼读能力, 培养学生自学能力

把音标词的拼读与汉语拼音相比较, 得出“辅音轻, 元音重, 两音相拼猛一碰”的规律技巧, 引导学生进行最简单的拼读。教读音标词时, 先易后难, 当学生掌握了一些简单音标词的拼读时, 就可以补充一些有关音节划分、开音节、闭音节、重读等相关知识。课前预习新的单词, 能提高学生的自学能力, 而且课上教新单词时, 会出现抢说现象, 从而产生一种自己会拼读英语单词的成就感, 还能掌握英语学习的主动权, 学习积极性高涨, 从而提高课堂教学效率。

五、掌握拼读音标词的基础上教发音规则, 帮助学生记忆单词

在日常教学中, 帮助学生归纳常见的发音规律, 如:5个元音字母, 组合是多且繁琐的, 帮助学生掌握常见的字母及字母组合的发音, 个别不符合常规的个别强调。根据音标也能正确写出单词, 改变了学生死记硬背单词的现象。学生不再机械地记忆, 而是根据读音规律灵活地记忆, 提高记忆的效率和准确性。在此基础上要求学生课前拼读音标词, 后听磁带校正。学生会根据读音规律记忆单词, 课上就不必再花大量的时间, 针对学生的薄弱点多花时间操练, 增加课堂容量, 提高课堂效率。

六、持之以恒, 抓运用

教完了音标及拼读方法, 并不意味完成了语音教学任务。要将语音教学贯穿于教学过程, 渗透音标知识、运用音标, 学会听音知形、见形知音的本领。音标的教学过程是个循序渐进的过程, 需要不断地重复和提醒, 更要到实践中去运用。

通过音标教学, 学生掌握发音规律和拼读规律, 使英语单词记背变得简单易行。学生学会拼读音标词, 从而摆脱依赖老师, 可以依靠工具书和参考书进行独立学习, 有利于学生今后进行课前预习, 提高学生学习英语的自主学习能力, 让学生受益终生。音标教学, 引领学生走向英语学习的成功之路。


[1]王日莉.论中学英语的音标教学[J].英话教育研霓, 2010 (30) :173.

初一英语期末考试英语作文 篇7

My name is-----. I’m a girl/boy, I’m tall, I have big eyes and long hair, I’m twelve years old. I’m a student, I’m in YuCai Middle School, I’m in Class Two, Grade One.My favorite color is red.( I like red very much, I have red jackets, red sweaters, and red shoes, My clothes are all red.) My favorite sport is basketball.( I likeplaying basketball very much, I play basketball every day.) My favorite foods are apples and ice cream. I like eating them very much..( I like apples and ice cream a lot.).

There are four people in my family. They are my father, my mother, my sister and I. My father’s name is ------. He is 40 years old, He is a teacher. Helikes playing volleyball. My mother’s name is------, She is 38 years old, She is a teachers,too. She likes watching TV. My sister’s name is----. She is nine years old, She is a student. She likes playing ping-pong very much..




Lost: My English notebook,

My name is Kelsey.

Please call me at 0634-5620536.

(Please call 0634-5620536.) Found: A backpack.

Is this your backpack?

Please call Nick.

Phone number is 0634-8859637.

(Please call Nick at 0634-8859637).


My sports collection

My name is-----, I’m 12 years old, I like sports very much, I play sports every day. I have a great sports collection. I have eight tennis rackets, nine basketballs, and seven baseballs. I have three soccer balls and five volleyballs. Do you like sports? Do you play sports every day?


My room

Have a look at my room. It’s small but nice/beautiful. There is a big bed in my room. My hat and my school bag are on the bed, My bookcase is near the bed, My books are in the bookcase. My table is in front of the bookcase. My computer is on the table. My soccer ball is on the floor, under the table.And those are my CDs, They are in my backpack..



Can you bring these things to school? I need my hat, my notebook,and my pen. My hat is on the chair, The notebook is in the drawer, and my pen is under the bed.




HuaXing Clothes Store SALE!

Come and buy your clothes at HuaXing’s great sale! Do you like sweaters? We have sweaters at a very good price----only 25 yuan! Do you need bags for bags for sports? We also have great bags for only 12 yuan! For girls, We have T-shirts in red, yellow, and white for only 18 yuan! For boys, You can buy socks for only 5 yuan each. And that’s not all!

Come and see for yourself at HuaXing Clothes Store!


初一英语作文竞赛 篇8

请以My classmate 为题,介绍你的同班同学,60词左右。



习作中有可能用到这些词语:live, subject,favorite, ….year old, tall, hair,short,build, curly, wear glasses, good-looking

可能用到这些基本句型: His/her favorite sports/subject is …….He /She is tall…..He /She has long curly blonde hair…… 佳文共赏:

My classmate

I have a classmate.His name is Zhang Feng.He is thirteen years old.He’s tall and he is of medium build.He has small eyes and short hair.He is friendly to others.So everyone likes him.He can speak English, Chinese and Korean.There are mother ,father, sister and him in his family.He likes sports and he’s good at playing basketball.He is in our school basketball team.He often talks about basketball with me.We are good friend.My classmate

浅谈初一英语教学法 篇9

一、诱发动机, 推动学习

从心理学角度来说, 动机是激励人去行动以达到一定目的的内在原因。人们的一切行动总是从一定动机出发的, 并指向一定的目的, 需要是产生动机的重要因素, 动机是在需要的基础上产生的。

明确的学习目的, 会使学生有一个良好的学习英语的动机, 成为提高学习的动力。所以在初一第一节课中, 教师就必须向学生阐明英语在当今社会中的重要性, 可以告诉学生:①英语是一门国际性语言, 世界上大部分商业信件使用英语书写, 世界上一半的电话用英语交谈, 四分之三的报纸和书刊以英文为主。也就是说国际交往用英语, 不懂外语将无法与世界交流并获取信息, 这无异于文盲。②英语是中考、高考的必考科目之一, 英语成绩的高低, 直接影响升学。


1.初一的学生稚气未脱, 对老师流利的语言非常崇拜, 会主动地模仿。一旦要求他们单独站起来发言时, 他们却又怕出错, 总是开不了口或声音很小。这时老师应耐心引导, 和颜悦色地消除学生的紧张感, 直到学生敢于发言。对于表现得好的学生要及时表扬:Good. Very good . OK. Thank You.老师的这些话, 对学生是一种极大的鼓舞, 从而他们会更加努力地学习, 久而久之, 学生会处于一种良好的学习情绪之中。

2.在语言训练中, 不要刻意强调语法和词语的正确性, 也不要一出错就马上急于纠正, 语言训练在于提高流畅程度。例如教学It’s an orange.时, 学生会说成It’s a orange.如果马上指出错误, 对于刚学者会觉得学习英语很难, 而且也会挫伤学生的积极性, 因此我们可以在语言项目说完时再指出纠正。

3.在课堂教学中, 老师有时是导演, 有时又是一个演员。不管充当什么角色, 老师在课堂中都应全情投入、表情和悦, 让学生感到老师是一位良师益友, 使学生的学习情绪稳定。

三、运用各种有效的教学方法, 提高教学质量

1.中学生模仿能力和形象思维较强, 教师可以利用电教手段, 如:录音机、投影仪等来激发学生的学习兴趣。因为录音机、投影机能有机地配合使用, 使形光、声色同时作用于学生的感观系统, 让机械、呆板、紧张的学习过程变得轻松愉快。

2.运用实物、图片进行教学, 初一词汇大部分都是日常所用所见的, 也就是说是具体的。例:pen, book, pear 等, 教师可使用实物进行教学;bus, car 等可用图片教学, 这样学生学得快, 记得牢。

3.用简笔画进行教学, 激发学生的好奇心和学习兴趣。简笔画简便、易行、效果好。少则几笔, 多则十几笔, 就能表达一个明确的概念, 且吸引学生的注意力, 使学生对所学内容留下深刻的印象, 并能牢牢掌握学习要点。实践证明, 简笔画最适合入门阶段和初学阶段的外语教学。它使初学者提高了学习兴趣, 同时还打开了一扇十分有趣的语言王国大门。

4.用肢体语言教学, 变枯燥为有趣。为使英语课上得生动活泼, 教师应采用实物与表演相结合的教学途径。例:在教现在进行时态, 我做出在黑板上写字的样子时, 问, “What I am doing? I’m writing.” 然后又做洗衣服、吃东西等样子。学生边看边学, 很快就掌握了现在进行时态的结构和用法, 而且课堂气氛很热烈。

四、开展愉快教学, 使课堂活动丰富多彩


学生可以根据课文内容扮演角色, 也可以对课文进行适当改编, 表演时语言、形态尽量逼真, 角色要投入。这种表演可以使学生情绪高涨, 且印象深刻, 知识掌握较扎实、牢固。


在课堂中适时引入这些活动, 可以提高学生的学习兴趣, 并能促进语言的流利使用和词句的理解。


初一学生争强意识强, 在比赛中他们精力集中, 精神亢奋, 这时的学习效率会事半功倍。在教26个字母时, 把全班分成4个小组, 每组的学生轮流发言, 读字母并说出该字母所含的音素是什么, 且进行归类, 并指出正误奖分或罚分, 评出胜负。其余像音标、单词、课文等教学时都可以采用。


1.利用班队课、自修课教唱英语歌曲。如节奏较简单的《OH, My Dear Mum》、《Little Gold Fish》等, 对于一些难度较高的歌可播放录音带, 通过听唱, 学生的听力和朗读英语的水平也提高了。

2.还可以利用课外时间、闲暇时间, 教学生熟悉收录机、电视机、影碟机等家用电器上的英文标记, 学会正确使用。教会学生识别Play是播放键, Stop是停止键, Volume是音量控制键, Stereo/Mono是主体音、单音选择开关, Line In为线路输入插孔等。通过接触电器来记忆英语标记, 使学生的书本知识与实践相结合, 提高学习兴趣, 认识到学英语的好处, 享受到学英语的乐趣。

初一英语作文 篇10

I what busied one day, the body that dragging exhaustion sits silently on the balcony to syare blankly, come stealthily towards evening, late wind slowly had blown, left the cool trace of filar silk.But the balcony that also cannot bake sun broil hair is very hotly is wrapped cool.Dark, bird is less and less also, the damage that a string of bird left in the sky cries.The sun that worked one day also took off coverall, it is no longer in that way dazzling.The tender broadness that the sun that changes new clothes also changes is elegant, lovely.Tell the truth the sun can be met really choose color.The clothes that you see her wear is much more beautiful, red is blaze that one the most beautiful one color in the layer.Withered and yellow is squashy orange just was picked on the tree that orange is yellow.Foil in so beautiful color the cheek that issued arch to give a piece of peaceful.She seems to be being monitored by others same, stealthily move is moving pace, appear that kind is lightsome.Knowing at this moment is who is make a practical joke, in her that is high and scatter on luxuriant clothes went up prepared Chinese ink makes her dress becomes bit more full of stains or spots, ased if to throw one Jiao in wallow.Right now she is like a girl bashful and same, blush so that resemble squashy persimmon.Perhaps she feels embarrassed to used white gauze cloak to live then half face.Passed for ages, perhaps be she feels to be done so also of no help cowardly cowardly ground comes out to appear that kind is bashful.Then she thinks 36 plan--go for the best thing to do, be smooth!Apparent its speed appears than a moment ago much faster, she is floating die of small blush Pang is in then later hilltop.The sky appears deserted.Again scan widely hopes horizon appeared again her form, hey!How be like two different people with foregoing the setting sun, move close to again look, it is the moon that Yin Guangshan shows so.Dark, appear soundless in that way all around.
