


with和of的用法区别 篇1

Mary married a man with a lot of money .


I often dream of a big house with a nice garden .


Take the umbrella with you in case it rains .


he big ship is sailing with the wind .

with和of的用法区别 篇2

“决不”和“绝不”都是副词, 都表示否定。“决不”偏重于主观的否定态度, 表示“坚决不”的意思, 具有强烈的主观感情色彩。“绝不”偏重于对客观事物否定的程度, 表示完全否定。换言之, 就是“任何情况下都不”, “一丝一毫也不”。下面举例说明。

(1) 决不退缩。 (表示主观态度。)

(2) 绝不相同。 (表示对客观事物否定的程度, 完全不相同, 没有丝毫共同之处。)


(1) 我决不去。 (“我”坚决不去, 强调态度坚定。)

(2) 我绝不去。 (“我”绝对不去, 表示任何情况下都不会去。)

再看这个设问句:网络教育是否可能完全取代传统的学校 (课堂) 教育呢?决不可能!最多只能够部分取代。

with和of的用法区别 篇3


1、It seems /appears(to sb.)+ that-clause

It seems /appears to me that they are right.我觉得他们似乎是正确的。

It seemed /appeared that he enjoyed the food very much.看来他好像很喜欢吃这种食品。

2、Sb./Sth.seems /appears +to do

He seems /appears to be a musician.他似乎是一个音乐家。

She seemed /appeared to have caught a cold.她好像感冒了。


He seems /appears to have known about the secret.(=It seems /appears that he has known about the secret.)他似乎已知道这个秘密。

There seems to be no difficulties to be discussed.看来没有什么难题要讨论。

There appears to have been a mistake.好像有错误。


1、 It looks /seems as if…表示“看起来…;似乎…”。使用该句型应注意:若从句表示的是很可能实现的事情,从句谓语用陈述语气;若从句表示的是与事实相反的、假设或实现的可能性很小的事情时,则从句谓语要用虚拟语气。

It seems as if he has been at the scene of the crime.似乎他好像在犯罪现场。

When a pencil is partly in a glass of water,it looks as if it were broken.如果把铅笔的一部分放入水杯中,它看上去似乎是断了。

2、 Sth.looks /seems like…

The building looks like a school.这建筑物看起来像所学校。

It seems like years since I last saw you.自从我上次见到你好像有几年了。


三个的的用法和区别 篇4



asas和soas的区别和用法 篇5


She had put her hair up so as to look older.


Services must be structured so as to avoid pitfalls.


The mother moved around softly so as not to disturb the sleeping child.


I live here alone so as not to be disturbed by others.

with和of的用法区别 篇6

1 资料与方法


回顾性分析2013年11月~2014年8月广州医科大学附属第四医院56例经病理证实的宫颈癌患者的DWI及动态增强扫描结果,年龄27~72岁,平均(46.7±5.4)岁 ,主要表现为同房后阴道流血 ,下腹胀痛等临床症状。 病理诊断鳞癌50例,腺癌5例,腺鳞癌1例。采用宫颈癌国际妇产科联盟(FIGO)2009分期,其中手术组32例,术后病理分期Ⅰb期17例,Ⅱa期15例;放化疗组共24例,临床分期Ⅱb期10例,Ⅲa期8例,Ⅲb期6例。

1.2 MRI 检查

MRI扫描采用PHILIPS Achieva 1.5T磁共振成像系统,腹部(16通道Sense-XL-Torso)相控阵表面线圈,仰卧位,头先进,扫描范围由耻骨联合下缘至髂前上棘。 所有患者在治疗前进行扫描,扫描序列包括T1WI、T2WI、T2WI-SPAIR、DWI及动态脂肪抑制eTHRIVE增强扫描序列 。 具体参数如下 : 1矢状面T2WI: 重复时间 (TR)1250 ms, 回波时间 (TE)70 ms,层厚4 mm,层间距1 mm,矩阵284×225,视野FOV360×240 mm,采集1次 ,并行SPAIR脂肪抑制序列 ;2冠状面T2WI:TR 1250 ms,TE 80 ms,层厚4 mm,层间距1.2 mm, 矩阵284×225,FOV 360×150 mm,采集数1次;3轴位T2WI:TR 1250 ms,TE 80 ms,层厚5 mm,层间距1 mm,矩阵284×225,FOV 300×300 mm,采集1次;4轴位T1WI:TR 550 ms,TE 8 ms,层厚5 mm,层间距1 mm,矩阵284×225,FOV 300×300 mm,采集1次;5轴位DWI:TR 2396 ms,TE 55 ms,层厚5 mm,层间距1 mm,矩阵124×104,FOV 300×300 mm,采集3次,弥散方向1,敏感梯度b=800 s/mm;6动态脂肪抑制增强扫描:用高压注射器经肘静脉团注钆喷替酸甲胺(Gd-DTPA)0.1 mmol/kg,注射流率约3 m L/s,采用e-THRIVE动态序列连续扫描,每个动态扫描时间为16 s,80层,共扫10个动态。

1.3 图像分析及相关标准

宫颈癌侵犯的MRI判断标准[3,4]如下:1病灶是否局限于宫颈的标准为宫颈基质低信号环是否 完整。 2若宫颈边缘不规则,宫旁组织内出现条索状高信号则提示出现宫旁浸润。 3若肿瘤组织与盆壁脂肪间隙消失, 且盆壁肌肉边缘毛糙或肌肉内出现肿瘤信号,则提示宫颈癌侵犯盆壁。 4若肿块突入阴道内见肿瘤信号,则提示宫颈癌侵犯阴道。 5若肿块与直肠、膀胱间隙分界不清,或器官内出现肿瘤信号,则考虑为临近器官浸润。 2名具有多年妇产科影像诊断经验的放射科医师,其中1名对常规MRI图像进行双盲阅片, 另1名医师结合常规MRI及DWI、动态增强扫描图形进行双盲阅片, 综合肿瘤大小及侵犯情况, 依据国内外宫颈癌的分期均依据国际妇产科联盟(FIGO)的分期标准,做出患者宫颈癌MRI分期。

2 结果

2.1 宫颈癌的 MRI 表现

56例宫颈癌患者中表现为类圆形(42例)或者不规则形状(14例)肿块,在常规T1WI上51例表现为等信号,5例表现为混杂信号,在常规T2WI及T2WISPAIR上均表现为不均匀高信号 ,边界清晰17例,边界模糊模糊39例。56例患者病灶在DWI图像上均表现为高信号,表观扩散系数(apparent diffusion cofficient,ADC)值减低,本组ADC值(0.63~1.28)×10-3mm2/s,平均为(0.92±0.16)×10-3mm2/s。 动态增强扫描(图1)见肿块早期均强化明显,子宫肌层、内膜与肌层结合带及宫颈基质层强化均比较晚,呈现不同程度及不同类型强化,其中高于正常子宫者5例,低于正常子宫者11例,与正常子宫相同者40例。 其中,常规MRI检查结果示:15例宫颈基质环完整,15例肿瘤超出宫颈,但未达盆壁或未达阴道下1/3,10例宫旁浸润,16例盆壁浸润。 结合DWI及动态增强扫描诊断:15例宫颈基质环完整,17例肿瘤超出宫颈,但未达盆壁或未达阴道下1/3,10例宫旁浸润,14例盆壁浸润。

2.2 宫颈癌临床分期、病理手术分期及 MRI 分期情况比较

2.2.1宫颈癌手术组影像学 、临床 、病理分期比较手术组临床分期与病理分期对照, 总准确率为81.25%(26/32)。术前常规MRI分期总准确率为87.50%(28/32),常规MRI结合DWI及动态增强扫描的总准确率为93.75%(30/32),高于常规MRI分期[81.25%(26/32)]。常规MRI分期不符合4例, 其中2例与常规MRI结合DWI及动态增强扫描分期相同, 均为将局限于宫颈的肿块高估为肿瘤超出宫颈,另外2例为局限于宫颈的病例高估为宫旁侵犯(表1)。 如图2所示,术前常规MRI分期、临床分期均为Ⅱb期,DWI结合动态增强扫描与术后病理分期均为Ⅱa。

患者女,54 岁,宫颈癌Ⅰb 期;A:矢状位 T2WI,见肿块呈椭圆形,局,未侵犯宫体部及阴道,信号稍高;B:轴位 T1WI,肿块呈等;C:轴位 T2WI,肿块表现为稍高信号,宫颈低信号基质环完整(箭);D:DWI 图像 b=800 s/mm2,肿 ;E~I:均 增强图像,依次为动脉早期、动脉晚期、静脉早期、静脉晚期及延迟期, 其中 E:动脉早期病灶强化稍明显;F~H:病灶中央未见明显强化;I:延,与正常宫颈组织可区分


放化疗组常规MRI分期与临床分期对比,总准确率为83.3%(20/24),不符合4例,其中3例无盆壁浸润者高估为具有盆壁浸润,如图3所示,临床分期及DWI结合动态增强扫描为Ⅲa期,常规MRI诊断为Ⅲb期宫颈癌;1例将只有盆壁浸润者判断为侵及直肠黏膜。 常规MRI结合DWI及动态增强扫描与临床分期相比较,总准确率为100%(24/24)。

患者女,48 岁,宫颈癌Ⅱa 期;A:矢状位 T2WI-SPAIR 见宫颈明显增,肿块(实线箭头)呈长条形,累及宫颈前后壁,信号稍高,宫腔内见,与阴道分界清晰;B、C:轴位 T2WI-SPAIR 及 T2WI,宫颈低信号,宫颈左侧见少许条索状异常信号(虚线箭头),提示可能;D:DWI 图像 b=800 s/mm2,肿 ,宫颈周;E~G:均为动态增强图像,依次为动脉早期、动脉、静脉早期,其中 E:动脉早期病灶强化稍明显;F、I:病灶明显强,但与临近正常宫颈组织分界欠清晰;H、I:延迟期矢状位及冠状位,病灶中央强化不明显,与正常宫颈组织可区分

3 讨论

3.1 宫颈癌的分期

宫颈癌是我国最常见的妇科肿瘤, 近50年来发病有年轻化趋势, 本组研究中,56例患者平均年龄(46.7±5.4)岁,最年轻者27岁。 宫颈癌的临床分期因其简单、费用低及无危险而被大多数医院广泛应用[2]。而确定宫颈癌治疗方案的最重要因素是准确的临床分期。 国内外学者研究证实[5,6],随着临床分期级别的上升, 临床分期与手术-病理分期符合率呈下降趋势,特别是对Ⅱa,Ⅱb期分期准确性欠佳,宫旁浸润是判断术前分期的难点之一。 妇科盆腔检查是临床分期绝对的金标准,但带有一定的主观性,临床上宫颈癌浸润与炎症常同时存在, 盆腔检查时组织增厚常误认为是癌浸润,故常常对宫旁浸润过高估计,比手术分期更为晚期。 在本组手术组病例中,4例临床分期与手术分期不相符的患者, 均为过高的估计分期。 所以当临床分期对判断宫旁浸润有疑问时,可借助MRI等影像学检查进行综合评估, 提高术前分期准确性[6]。

患者女,65 岁,宫颈癌Ⅲb 期患者;A:T2WI 矢状位,宫颈处见巨大肿(白色箭头),向下侵犯阴道下 1/3 段,信号稍高;B、C:轴位 T2WI 及 T2WI-SPAIR,见 ,周围见条索状异常信号 ,与右后(黑色箭头),提示可能侵犯盆壁;D:DWI 图像 b=800 s/mm2, 肿 ( 白色箭头 ) 呈明显高信号 , 肿块与盆腔分界清晰 ; E~H: 动 , 依次为动脉早期 、 动脉晚期 、 静脉早期 、 静脉晚,见肿块(白色箭头)早期明显不均匀强化,I:动态曲线,可见肿块早;J~L:分别为轴位、矢状位及冠状位延迟扫描图像,见肿块 (白色箭头 )与盆壁分界清晰 ,故诊断为Ⅲa 期

3.2 MRI 在宫颈癌诊断及分期的价值

由于MRI具有无辐射、多方位、软组织对比度强, 在宫颈癌诊断及分期方面明显优于超声及CT检查。 矢状位T2WI在显示子宫内膜、宫颈基质、宫颈肌层、判断肿瘤是否侵犯子宫体部及阴道以及观察宫颈癌浸润深度、膀胱、直肠是否受侵犯中十分重要,特别是平行于子宫矢状位的扫描,明显优于其他体位。 轴位T2加权像及抑制序列对判断宫颈浸润深度、 宫旁侵犯及淋巴结转移等具有重要价值,同时可以观察及排除双侧附件病变。 冠状位可观察肿瘤与盆隔、盆壁的关系。 但常规T2WI及压脂序列对宫旁浸润常过高评估,分析原因主要是难以同周围炎症组织区分, 肿瘤范围难以准确估计,故而分期较高。

3.3 DWI 及动态增强扫描对宫颈癌分期的价值

DWI的物理基础是扩散, 在DWI中特指水分子在介质中不断的随机改变运动方向和位置的现象,其最大的优势是基于分子扩散运动提供组织对比度。DWI中不同方向的分子扩散运动的速度和范围可用ADC来描述, 故ADC值可定量比较正常及病理组织变化过程。 近年来,随磁共振快速成像技术的不断发展,平面回波成像(echo-planar imaging,EPI)序列与扩散敏感梯度融合后,既增加了序列对水分子布朗运动的敏感性, 同时减少了图像的磁化伪影及成像时间,较容易获得高质量DWI图像[7],使DWI技术用于盆腹腔疾病的诊断成为可能。

宫颈癌及癌浸润部位因细胞密度较高、细胞外间隙减小、组织间压力升高及细胞结构改变等导致水分子扩张受限,在DWI图像上表现为高信号,ADC值减低,可与肿瘤组织周围的水肿、炎症等区分出来。 本组研究中,宫颈癌平均ADC值为(0.92±0.16)×10-3mm2/s,与文献报道的恶性肿瘤ADC值减低一致[8]。 当宫颈癌肿瘤较大时,周围易出现水肿及炎症,常规T2WI不易区分其与肿瘤的边界, 容易过高估计肿瘤分期。DWI因其特殊成像原理 ,背景抑制较好 ,肿瘤组织与周围水肿、炎症信号不同,可提高宫颈癌术前分期的准确性。

宫颈癌由于其不同的病理组织学分型及不同的分化程度及不同的细胞类型,MR增强扫描后肿瘤的强化方式不一致, 本组病例中高于正常子宫者5例,低于正常子宫者11例,与正常子宫相同者40例,考虑原因可能是肿瘤大小及肿瘤内部微循环模式相关[9],强化明显的部分可能是富含成簇的肿瘤细胞,强化较弱的部分可能是由分解的肿瘤细胞形成的纤维组织[10]。 故当肿瘤较大,其内出现坏死组织时,强化程度稍弱。 本组研究中动态增强扫描的图像发现宫颈癌组织在动态早期强化明显,与宫颈基质、子宫肌层,阴道及周围组织有明显差别, 与既往国内学者研究相一致[11,12,13],考虑原因主要是宫颈癌主要是由动脉供血 ,故动态增强早期强化明显,根据此特点,可区分肿瘤与周围组织的差异, 从而判断肿瘤的大小及侵犯程度,提高宫颈癌术前分期的准确性。


摘要:目的 探讨磁共振弥散加权成像(DWI)结合动态增强扫描在子宫颈癌分期中的诊断价值。方法 回顾性分析2013年11月2014年8月广州医科大学附属第四医院56例经病理证实的宫颈癌患者的DWI及动态增强扫描结果,测量病灶表观扩散系数(ADC)值判断浸润范围,并与手术病理结果进行比较。结果 宫颈癌在DWI图像上表现为高信号,ADC值降低,平均ADC值为(0.92±0.16)×10-3mm2/s。动态增强扫描早期病灶明显快速强化,延迟期病灶中心呈低信号,病灶边缘呈稍高信号,与邻近正常宫颈组织信号明显不同,形成对比。DWI结合动态增强扫描对宫颈癌FIGO分期(2009)总准确性为93.75%,高于常规MRI分期总准确性(81.25%),对宫旁浸润评估的准确性为100.00%。结论 DWI结合动态增强扫描磁共振检查能提高宫颈癌侵犯程度评价的准确性,对宫颈癌的诊断、临床分期及制订正确的治疗方案具有重要意义。

with和of的用法区别 篇7




(1) an interesting story 有趣的故事

an interested look 一副感兴趣的样子

(2) a charming girl 迷人的女孩

a charmed girl 着了魔法的女孩

(3) a terrifying novel 令人恐怖的小说

a terrified girl 感到惊恐的女孩

除此外,其他以-ful,-ous, -some, able,ible 结尾的形容词也有主动与被动之分。

其中,以able,ible 结尾的带有被动意义的形容词,通常可以转化为被动形态,如:

visible=that can be seen

acceptable=that can be accepted

unacceptable=that cannot be accepted

preferable=that is to be preferred

do和is的区别和用法 篇8


is是连系动词,在语法功能上和连词相当,起着联系前后单词的作用,比如他18岁he+is+18她很漂亮she is beautiful。is通常跟在主语后,is后面跟名词性成分或者形容词或者动词ing(表示现在进行)does不一样,does是do的第三人称变体,do是实义动词,在语法中作为谓语动词存在,表示做了某事,does后面跟名词(宾语)或者可以用副词修饰!比如他打扫卫生he does some cleaning,他做的很好he does well综上所述,does和is在语法功能和意思上都不同。

with和of的用法区别 篇9

Barcelona is the base of biggest Spanish manufacture, port industry, financial service and traditional handicraft industry. The restoration of its old areas experienced three stages: the first one was in the early 1980s, and it was focused on the restore of the "located" city public zones and buildings; the second one was after the success in Olympic application, and it took the opportunity of hosting 1992 Olympic Games to do the city plan and construction, which made the city being proud at the world map; the third one was after 1992 Olympic Games, and the new round of city restoration motivated by "world cultural forum" added the city wings to fly. The service industry covers over 62% of GDP after its transition. Although manufacture still holds 36.7%, it is mainly headquarter economy of spread of techniques and research results and products sell and service and workers in direct manufacturing is less than 5.2% of the total employee.

Old city’s restoration based on the protection of historical relics

Barcelona has a construction history of over 2,000 years and became the most important business city along the Mediterranean coast. In its developing course, it has formulated unique multi-culture by long-term influence from ancient Greek, ancient Rome and Arab. The culture here is fully expressed in the appearance and many historical relics of the city. In order to protect the famous city of history and culture, Barcelona government took many effective measures.

For ways of protections, Barcelona has three steps for protecting old city like other European countries: first one is to strictly keep the historical sites, which means to permanently reserve important historical buildings in a completed, precise and unchanged way; second one is to adequately add or rebuild historical sites, which means to basically keep the original block patterns and constructions, but do some change inside. The outlook of building should maintain the original style rigorously; the third one is to mainly rebuild, which means to keep the old pattern and distinctive buildings and blocks. It suits large scale historical sites of non-key-protection and with fewer buildings or damaged badly.


Legally, Barcelona specially issues the List of Historical Constructions Protection that made detailed protection clauses for several hundred of historical constructions there. It plays an important role in comprehensively protect historical style and feature of the city.

For policy implementation, Barcelona government strictly handles affairs according to law and regulation. All those ancient building with historical values should be untouched and only those under conditions can have protective preservation. Buildings and private assets in protection areas should do restoration according to regulations and shouldn't be overturned and rebuild, and public assets should do restoration on the base of government orders.

City construction motivated by Olympic investment

When succeeded in Olympic application in 1986, considering from the overall, long-term and effective development of the city, Barcelona government made practical investment plan according to the city features. It put the focus of Olympic investment on speeding up the remold of the city and construction of infrastructures, and made Olympic Games the incentive of realizing city long span and supernormal development, improving city functions and rising city international popularity. The statistics said that, the investment on sports infrastructures, training and other equipment was just 9.1% of the total one and others were used in city and industrial rebuild. The practice showed that this investment pattern promoted city functions, boosted industrial transform and upgrade and laid solid foundation for city development. Stadium construction shouldn't just service for Olympic alone. It put forward a principle that: it would never invest alone just for 15 days games. It renovated 10 stadiums and only built 15 new ones and many of them were temporary.

In order to meet the demand of accommodation by tourists during Olympic Games, the city rented 14 cruise ships and it also saved money. The stadium construction fully considered citizens requests after games that they can be used flexibly and effectively. Especially for private investment, government had no strict "threshold" restrictions, just as long as you had investment willingness. Private investments mainly concentrated on profitable facilities of apartment, hotel, business center and toll road. It was because of the integration of public and private sectors and government and market investment, the post-use of stadiums that bothered many Olympic hosting cities was solved effectively.


Put people in the first place in construction and restoration of city infrastructures

For city construction and restoration, Barcelona considered public facilities first. The public place should open more space for people to walk and more space for green areas, transportation facilities and other public facilities. It changed the old slaughter house into park, old quarry into swimming pool and park and the old disorder parking lot into walkway. The square of Barcelona is of cement ground that cannot plant tree there. So they built some statues and made it a place for assembly. For roads, it changed some old ones into the new three-dimension pattern of one-way motor-streets at both sides and walkway and amusement place at the middle part. Depressed road was added to reduce noise and management was strengthened to decrease busy intersections. The design broke the routine, enlarged road functions, improved city transportation, added walking and leisure space and showed humanistic care. Statistics showed that, Barcelona spent 36.2 billion peseta on building 5 kilometer sand beach, restoring ports, building two ring roads and two tunnels, restoring airport and city drainage system and building network of water, electricity, gas and phone service.

Environmental construction pays attention to city innovation

As a relatively developed area, Barcelona always did a good job in environmental protection. Before 1992 Olympic Games, it made related action plan which includes sub-plans of 13 aspects and there were three aspects considering environmental protection which were city landscape protection, traffic dispersion and city health. For city health, it mainly strengthened the management of main streets that the streets kept clean with dustbins everywhere and some were separate collection. It can be learned from the city's experience in city innovation. Barcelona built an imaginary network of 150 public spaces connected with each other, which were deployed by using interval spaces of buildings and roads, like small city center garden and plaza with fountain and statues. All these small areas and scenes created a place for people to breathe freely by reducing the construction density of the city.

Phil Tesla Rosa Pique, Director of Spanish Tourism Bureau said, the 1992 Barcelona Olympic Games not only changed the city structure and made it one of the most attractive seashore tourism city in Europe that holding an outstanding position in European tourist map, but also made Spain the second largest tourist foreign exchange earning country just next to America.

英语用法和英语语法的区别是 篇10



语法有不同流派,它会随着语言的演化而不停地发生变化。举个例子,在我们所学习的“正规语法”中,He is taller than I am是正确的语法表达;可是在日常生活中,He is taller than me更为常用。

再如,当表达对别人的感谢时,传统的表达是Thank you very much;而在 informal English里,Many thanks for...也是没有错误的。

但是,我们往往忽视了像Many thanks for...这种在语法书中不会被提及、在日常生活中却经常被运用的英语用法。

with和of的用法区别 篇11

although的语气较重,引导的句子常指事实; though引导的句子可表示假设。


although只用作连词; 而though除用作连词外,还可用作副词。另外,though可用作并列连词,也可用作从属连词;而although只能用作从属连词。

with和of的用法区别 篇12

Qin keeps a firm literature quality that is standing in the brief and real life of Chinese children and creating the humane care of children''s literature. She seriously defends and cares for the two value elements, "Children" and "Literature". She has a very comprehensive observation and deep reflection to the development of local children''s literature. With her consistent effort, she hopes to make some achievements in the healthily and orderly development of the original creation.

This new piece of fantasy work represents the author’s valuable exploration. From the quiet and powerful, beautiful and sophisticated text, we can see that the author’s mentality of creation is very calm and that her literary ideas and thoughts based on life have been built for some time. What is particularly deep is: the author has a sharp perspicacity on the current children living situation and the underlying problems, has a positive guidance on the development of a robust willpower and a healthy soul of Chinese juvenile, and has a wise criticism of the living crux of contemporary people who focus only on appearance. On that basis, she redefined the word “daily life” classically and poetically, trying to make some value inspiration to contemporary Chinese people’s spiritual realities. In fact, the starting and ending meaning of any writing of children’s literature are by no means limited to the field of "children" because children are always social and in the chain of human history and culture. Therefore, the connotation that opened and illuminated by children’s literature will definitely extend to the level of hominology and anthropology. Seeing from this dimension, the literary depth of Qin Wenjun is very significant.

Contemporary children live in a society that is rapidly going towards modern civilization. The better their material living conditions are, the more liberal their parents treat and educate them. In this sense, the environment for children’s individual development has been greatly improved. They are just like the protagonists "Prince", a literary figure into which the author condenses from the phenomena of life. His life content and value status typically represents the state of this generation of children. There are thousands of such "noble princes" in our society. These children unprecedentedly have “havens of love” that their parents create for them. These children are rapidly growing and they will soon become the main force of our society and undertake the mission of the era. However, do we seriously think about, among the material and spiritual elements that push these children’s physical and mental development, what they most critically lack of? How do we educators impose "symptomatic" corrective and intensive care?

with和of的用法区别 篇13

A. forgot B. left C. missed D. lost

2. —Sorry, Mr. Green. I _____ my English book at home.

—That’s OK, but don’t forget next time. (淄博市中考英语)

A. forgot B. forget C. left D. kept



1. forget通常不能与表示地点的副词或短语连用。如:

Oh, I’ve forgotten my wallet. 噢,我忘记带钱包了。

Don’t forget the cases. 别忘了带箱子。

Oh, I’ve forgotten my key. 噢,我忘记带我的钥匙了。

Don’t forget the tickets and an unbrella. 别忘了带戏票和雨伞。

2. leave 在表示“遗忘”时,则通常要与表示地点的状语连用。如:

Oh, I’ve left my wallet at home. 噢,我的钱包放在家里忘记带了。

“I’ve left my watch upstairs.” “I’ll go and get it for you.” “我把表忘在楼上了。”“我去给你拿。”

She left the bag on the bus but it may not be there any longer. 她把包忘在了公共汽车上,可是现在也许不在那儿了。

Those who leave parcels on the train cannot expect to get them back. 把东西遗忘在火车上的人,别期望能找回失物。


with和of的用法区别 篇14

Comparing A Dream of Red Mansions with Qiong Yao’s novels, the best result is that someone should be angry at the sight of this title and then my mission could not be wasted. I hope I can make them more indignant, so I would announce seriously that A Dream of Red Mansions is wiser and wittier than Qiong Yao’s novels and quite clever in some place. The most distance is language. The plain language in A Dream of Red Mansions is very mature, even exceeding that of the Golden Lotus, Heroic Youth and so on. Although a bit less than The Scholars, it could be second to the one only. And as for abundant details, let alone Qiong Yao’s novels, there are very few books could compete in China. The co-called “abundant details” is quite exclusive rather than Jia Baoyu’s cookbook, Qin Keqing’s decorates, etc. In A Dream of Red Mansions we could see the tone of all kinds of people which suits the status of everyone, and these are all depend on the details in talking. That's the diligence of Cao Xueqin. Everyone lives with details, however, when writing, most people would forget it while picking up the pen. But excellent authors are able to let things resurrect in their minds. They watch their memories as if they enjoyed the shows on display. Consequently, details appear in front of them and what they would do is just select based to their interests. Proper languages and well-arranged details are two essential characters; without these, books merely create a sensation.


These few sentences look very much like ‘literature criticism”, so I am poisoned much serious than I’d expected. I have ready to risk everything when I set down the title because no matter how careful I am, I would make mistake on “anachronism” when comparing A Dream of Red Mansions and Qiong Yao’s novels. It’s certain to make mistake, so what I could do is trying not to make ridiculous mistake, only reasonable mistake. For example, if I say “the idea of plural marriage supported by Cao Xueqin is old-fashioned than Qiong Yao”, this is really silly. I, thus, merely mention something less associates with age.

I read one book of Cao Xueqin’s novel and three or four of Qiong Yao’s. I find poems in both writers’ books. When comparing in their contemporary standard, the level is almost. Qiong Yao could be much modest, and she wouldn't let her protagonists poetize all the time while wits and beauties in A Dream of Red Mansions form a team to poetize as soon as they move into Grand View Garden. This defect is changed until Gao E took over the book. in early time it’s very common that people in the narration create many articles,then when the style matures, unless the necessity of the plot (such as letters) or probably the writers are proud of their own talent and couldn’t suffer to bear, so they convey their thoughts into the created people to publish their style of writing. In my favorable novel Pride and Prejudice, the letter comes from Elizabeth’s uncle is really natural. But the letter Eli sends the Darcy is a little bit suspicious. Austin is an extraordinary humorous person among female authors but if she is careless of her writing,the risk is high when other people with less sense of honor write for people in novel. There is a kind of writer who creates some poems when they are free and then they write a novel in order to distribute these poems to wits and beauties. Cao Xueqin isn’t this sort of author but still have some habit.

I have known that some people confess their novels not good enough but haven’t seen a person who does not admit his good poem. Let’s read the poems in A Dream of Red Mansions, they are all tedious and have no good taste. The poems Cao Xueqin writes for Lin Daiyu may be do her best. The one Lin Daiyu and Xue Baochai poetize for chrysanthemum” is just the forum level (if Wu Li saw this, he may smile). If we say it is merely an exercise by teens then we misunderstand Cao Xueqin again. As for Cao, she has made every effort to give wits talent. I dare to say so because we have noticed that Cao Xueqin has little sense of humor. In A Dream of Red Mansions, it is acceptable to describe cry, however, once refers to laugh, it is a little ridiculous, and the famous Granny Liu visits Grand View Garden is indeed a childish writing. The long ones in A Dream of Red Mansions, such as lotus women grieve must be the carefully constructed of Cao’s pride style of writing. He gets the help of Lin Daiyu, flatters a bit. But Article is really difficult to compliment. If he continued to Lin Daiyu’s death, no one knows how many tedious poems would Baoyu create and the readers would suffer many times. When thinking about this, I find it not necessarily regrettable for readers that he was not able to finish A Dream of Red Mansions.


It’s funny that most people admire “ideological content” of A Dream of Red Mansions. It is the readers own ability if they could see kinds of ideas. For example, there is no relationship between Wan Yangming’s study to bamboo and the real bamboo. Cao Xueqin would publish his notion as long as he caught the chance in the book. People who know some history would understand but just some platitudes of an old scholar and that’s nothing special. Cao’s two notions, one is everything changes the other is “women is made by water”, which are pet phrase for literal people to sneer. But, he is greater than Qiong Yao because he could say these vividly. Qiong Yao’s idea is Average level of literary society in Hong Kong and I am willing to perceive that Cao Xueqin is wiser than her on this.

A Dream of Red Mansions is thicker than Qiong Yao’s novel which could also be another kind of wisdom. It is said that sculptors in Suzhou carve A Dream of Red Mansions on jade which could only be seen by microscope, however, Qiong Yao’s every book, if carved in largest size, could be equal. Despite this, we notice that most Qiong Yao’s novels are all two hundred to three hundred pages. Being thick could be wise, and because one of the merits of A Dream of Red Mansions is unhurried which rescues it. If Cao Xueqin is hurried to clarify his two opinions or stuff his poems out and then move off quickly, A Dream of Red Mansions may not good as Qiong Yao’s novels.

Strangely, why could this book which is full of mumbles and basic daily activities wide-spread China for nearly 250 years? I think this question is almost the same to why Qiong Yao’s novels are so popular. According to Cao Xueqin’s interests, if he lived today, he must write novels like Qiong Yao, but would be more popular for his talent is much higher than Qiong Yao. The Lin Daiyu in car would be loved by high schools students and there must be his version in television station and on one would bother Qiong Yao anymore. In past, literate people in China show little interests in narrative prose compared their other aspects. So A Dream of Red Mansions wouldn't reach the status as it is today and there couldn't be “studies of A Dream of Red Mansions”.

At last we talk about “studies of A Dream of Red Mansions”. I once spread disrespect to “studies of A Dream of Red Mansions”. And it is wrong at the thought now. Because literature is similar to others, which is like games in our own territory but couldn’t bear other to interfere. Once a colleague of mine argued with others seriously for whether Cao is born in Liaoyang or Fengrun. I often laugh at him for their ignorance .But now; I realize that I am impolite to him, because he is older than me. In a word, I will retake my irreverent attitudes for “studies of A Dream of Red Mansions”. Hereafter, I'd rather cry instead of laughing when I hear arguments about that A Dream of Red Mansions contains all the life philosophy and Qin Keqing didn't die.
