


毕业论文结尾致谢词 篇1








毕业论文致谢结尾 篇2







毕业论文结尾致谢词 篇3


(l)This paper(article,thesis)presents(shows, expresses)...本文提出 ……

(2)This paper(article)holds(deems)...本文认为……

(3)This paper(article)discusses(studies, concerns, deals with, tells of)...本文讨论(研究)……

(4)This paper(article)introduces(reports, explains, analyses, emphasizes,summarizes)...本文介绍(报告、解释、分析、强调、总结)……

(5)This paper(article)argues(demonstrates)...本文论述(论证)……(6)This paper(article)explores(probes into)...本文探讨----

(7)This paper(article)elaborates on(expounds).,.本文详述(阐明)),.,.,(8)This paper includes(covers, touches on)...本文包括(涉及)。。。

(9)This paper aims to(aims at)…本文旨在…

(l0)This paper focuses on...本文集中研究…

(11)This paper tries(attempts)to(makes an attempt to)…本文试图…..(12)This paper makes a comparison of(makes a tentative study, makes abrief introduction to)。。本文对……作了比较(作了尝试性研究,作了简介)……

(13)This paper offers(gives)a discussion of(an overview of, an analysis of)。。本文探讨(综述、分析)…

(14)This paper develops the theory of…本文发展了…理论。

(15)This paper considers(deems)in necessary(available)to...本文认为…是必要的(有用的)。

(16)This paper is about(related to)...本文对……进行研究。

(17)This paper is a criticism of the theory of..本文对…理论提出质疑(批评)。

(18)This paper is presented as a counterargument of the paper by...本文是对….一文的质疑。(19)This paper,on the basis o{..reveals(illustrates)...本文在……基础上揭示(例证).…..(20)Based on.*.this paper first categorizes...and then tentatively sets out..本文以……为出发点,先对……进行分类,然后提出。……

(21)Centering round...this paper is intended to explore(probe into)...文围绕……试图探讨…

(22)… is(are),in this paper, referred to as...of which an analysis of … is made.本文把……看做……并对其进行…分析。

(23)…is(are)touched(studied)as well in this paper.本文还论及(研究)

(24)The purpose(objective)of this paper is to review...本文的目的是评论…(25)The author(writer)of this paper holds(considers, deems, contends)...本文作者认为…..(26)The author(writer)tries to give an accoununt of..作者试图说明……

(27)ln this paper, the author(writer)suggests(proposes)...作者在这篇文章里建议……

(28)1n this paper, we point out(emphasize, argue)...在这篇文章里,我们指出(强调)…..

(29)lt is pointed out(deemed)…文章指出(认为)……

(30)An analysis is given about…..本文集中分析…..(31)ln light of...theory, discussion is made about.....本文从……的理论出发,讨论…..Sample 1

Abstract This paper attempts to apply recent theories of systemic functional linguistics to the analysis of metaphorical use of language at the grammatical level.The paper first gives a definition of pragmatic metaphor and then examines two major kinds of pragmatic metaphors: dysphemistic metaphors and euphemistic metaphors.The former means the use of good-sounding, positive and polite language to express attitudes of disrespect towards the listener or audience in commumcation.The latter, on the contrary, refers to the use of aggressive,impolite and irregular language with good, friendly and even affectionate feelings from the speaker.2.

作结尾(Conclusion,Summary,Finally),时,作者大都喜欢使用以下短语或句型:(I)To summarize, it is...that...(2)ln summary...(3)1n sum, the results indicate that...(4)1t is proved that...(5)The conclusion is that...(6)We have argued that...(7)We can now conclude that...(8)The writer concludes that...(9)The author argues that...(I0)The writer points out that...(11)The author finds that...(12)This paper concludes that...(13)This article shows that...(14)On the basis of the above discussion, we may come to the conclusion that.,(15)On the basis of the above...we know that...(16)ln this thesis, we have explored...(17)ln this paper, we examine...(18)From the above,we can see that...(19)From the study of...our stance is made clear :...(20)From...we should say that..Sample 1

Conclusion We can now well conclude that everyday language is thoroughly suffused with metaphors and that the metaphorical use of language exists at different levels of language, lexical, grammatical and pragmatic.They are all pragmatic strategies in language communicatiorL As the scope and content of metaphors,pragmatic metaphors in particular, are ever changing, the study of metaphors always promises new horizons and fresh fields to be explored It is my sincere hope that this paper will contribute to further research on metaphors as well as to pragmatic studies of language varieties and language communication.既有论点的概括、总结,又有作者的展望和希望。


(1)1 would like to acknowledge my indebtedness to...(2)1 should like to acknowledge with deep gratitude the assistance and guidance given to me by...(3)1 gratefully acknowledge the help of。(4)1 want to acknowledge the invaluabliable help of Mr.f Mr.X, who has been myconstant consultant in my writing this essay.If there are any errors, they are not his, but all mine.(5)I would like to thank Mr.X for his suggestions on my writing the first earlier draft.(6)1 would extend my sincere thanks to my tutor...(7)1 would like to take this opportunity to thank...(8)1 especially appreciate the guidance of.,.(9)1 wish to express my special appreciation of Mr.X’s help...(l0)I am also indebted to the following for permission to reproduce copy-right material:...(11)I have a real debt of gratitude to...(12)Likewise I am grateful to...(13)Most particularly,l must thank...(14)1 am in debt to...(15)My gratitude also goes to...(16)My heartfelt thanks are also due to...(17)My work also owes much to...for his encouragement and great help.。。

毕业论文致谢词论文致谢 篇4











