


托福独立写作三两招突破独立写作系列 篇1




Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

It is better to work for a business owned by someone else than to work for a business owned by your family.

我们以【立场:work for a business owned by someone else】为例,展示这一招“四两拨千斤”:

先讨论对方的劣势:如果work for a business owned by my family,可能会让我感到不适。

If I work for a business owned by my family, the atmosphere of the company may feel strange, making me uncomfortable. This is my case, actually. I declined the offer from my uncle’s company for the consideration that since I may be recognized as the nephew of the company’s owner, other staff may show a defensive attitude and gesture when they work with me. They may exchange ideas behind my back, and although those ideas may not be bad words about the company, they would not involve me in the discussion. Meanwhile, the office may be a stressful place, because there in their eye is a spy or a snitcher, which is me. I do not think that I could feel comfortable working in such an environment as my coworkers would behave with too much discretion in front of me.


This awkward situation would not happen to me in the case that I work at a company that is not my family’s.


托福独立写作范文 | 三两招突破独立写作系列(二)

如果手边有《新托福写作真经6》,请翻到Page 212。

●写作范文 ●




Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

Remaining happy and optimistic when you fail is more important than achieving success.

以【立场: remaining happy and optimistic when you fail is more important】为例,展示这一招:

The essence of doing anything may not be attaining the desired goal but enjoying the process.

接下来怎么办?抽象话题,没有具体的情景。于是,通过举例设置具体的fail或achieve success的情景或者经历来完成讨论。

I have personally met many failures and successes in my study. To reflect on the many past achievements and disappointments, I find that those results did not really matter. What really mattered is how I managed to achieve a goal or what mindset I adopted in the face of being unable to achieve the desired result. As long as the learning, as the process, was productive and enlightening, I did not care about the grades, and it was being able to remain happy and optimistic when I failed that made the process meaningful.



如果我们【立场:remaining happy and optimistic when you fail is more important】,轻松复制这一招:

Success creates a pleasure that is far more joyful and overwhelming than the happiness or optimism we have when we fail.

上一个演示段落里设置的具体的fail或achieve success的情景或者经历,简单调整就可以用来讨论另一个立场了,轻松、省脑。

I have personally met many failures and successes in the many examinations I have taken. To revisit the many past accomplishments and disappointments, I find that those good grades were way more enjoyable than the resilient mindset in the face of poor grades. This is best illustrated by a particular case that I failed multiple times in my attempt to pass the qualification test of being a nutritionist and eventually achieved a passing score and got the license in my third attempt. The joy was a feeling that is so strong that no optimism in any failure can create.

托福独立写作范文 | 三两招突破独立写作系列(三)


.The first reason is simple, and it is about life quality. 写段落中心句的时候,通过连词and建立的平行关系,构建两个简单的“主—系—表”句子的符合,并且前后两个句子形成信息的递进关系。

.A person who is generous in his or her expense of money may live his or her life to the fullest. 对于主语a person做定语从句的修饰,就可以把人的行为和结果放到一个复合句里说明白了。同时,这个句子还可以以另一个复合句形式呈现:If a person is generous in his or her expense of money, the person may live his or her life to the fullest. 这个句子中,把人的行文放到了条件状语从句里,构建了一个“条件—结果”复合句。

.Otherwise, life may be dull and awkward. 两个复合句之后,不要继续复合句了,此处简单句为宜。

.For example, money may be spent on purchasing goods, bringing us material comfort. 进入举例的部分,这一句,通过伴随状语来构建复合句。

.A woolen blanket, for cold temperatures, may be costly but quite cozy, or good pair of shoes may be expensive but nice to the feet. 通过连词or建立的平行关系,构建两个简单的“主—系—表”句子的符合,前后两个句子所描述的情况形成平行关系。

.In addition, money may be used to purchase services, particularly entertainment, which creates fun. 这个句子中,通过最后的非限定性定语从句构建复合句,引出“fun”这个花钱的好处。

.It is obvious that people need spiritual enjoyment in their lives. 通过形式主语It去指代后面的由that引导的名词性从句构建复合句。此处“福利“:形式主语是因为英语句子(普遍说来)的习惯是“头轻脚重”,是“头小尾大”。

.Such a style of life contrasts sharply with the plain andfrugal one. 同样地,复合句连续出现之后,需要简单句来调剂一下。

.As money is saved, the comfort or fun may be reduced. 通过as引导的状语从句构建复合句。

.In other words, a person who is stingy or conservative about spending would rather make do, with very limited material, and bear the boredom. 至此,是不是可以从前面的展示中找到这个复合句的构建复合的方式?但是,好像还有一些部分搞不清楚?没事,我们的栏目会在后面的episodes中慢慢覆盖。

.However, the awkwardness deprives the person of the many possibilities of life. 简单句。


如何练就托福综合写作高分必备技能?在综合写作中,对综合写作阅读内容的总结和阐释不能照抄阅读文章原文,因此 概括能力(summarization skills)和成为了综合写作的核心能力。那么什么是托福综合写作的概括能力呢?来看下面的实例讲解。



The online questionnaire is able to feature many online options to help a respondent complete the survey that normally he or she might not be able to receive. For example, there could be a glossary to explain an unknown word. Also, the questionnaire submission is much easier, done at the click of a button instead of wasting time and effort via mailing the forms.

这个段落的分论点是many online options(在线选项)可以帮助很多问卷调查者(respondents)更好地完成问卷。通过论据和细节的展开,我们知道这些 online options 既包括 glossary 对不熟悉的单词进行解释,又包括easy submission.


There are more online features that are helpful for questionnaire respondents, such as glossaries to explain unfamiliar words and easy submissions at the click of a button.

再如:Moreover, genetically modified trees promise to bring a number of economic benefits to those who grow them. Genetically modified trees tend to grow faster, give greater yields of food, fruit, or other products, and be hardier. This allows tree farmers to get faster and greater returns on their farming investment and save on pesticides as well.

这个段落的分论点是 genetically modified trees(转基因树木)带来许多经济利益。通过论据和细节的展开,我们知道这是因为 genetically modified trees 生长的更快、产量更大、更为耐寒;而这些特质使得树农投资回报更快、更多,并且节约了杀虫剂的开支。


Genetically modified trees bring tree farmers many economic benefits, including favorable returns on their investment and savings on pesticides.






托福独立写作的误区剖析 篇2






很多考生都非常看重文章的字数,这本无可厚非,但是展现活跃的思维和高超的写作技巧靠的不是庞大的字数,而是精确与高效的表达。如果把凑字数作为写作的第一要务,那就得不偿失了。因为言多“语”失,单纯追求写作字数不仅会导致不必要的语法、拼写和表达错误,还会使文章论证效率低下,写作内容冗余。因此,考生在考前培养准确的写作“规模感”十分必要,即考生应该对文章字数有一个整体的概念,并大致把握在这个写作框架中每一个自然段的字数区间。以托福独立写作“总—分—总”结构下的五段式为例,考生可以这样分配每段的字数:立场段30~50字;论证段一(让步段,无例子) 50~70字;论证段二(主旨段,有例子) 100~150字;论证段三(主旨段,有例子) 100~150字;总结段20~30字。



Nowadays, X is getting more and more important. Different people have different opinions toward different things. Some people may say it is good while others believe that it is wrong. So whether I agree or disagree with this depends on a case by case basis. I would like to discuss my point of view in the following paragraphs.



2托福独立写作题目中的任务设定通常是“… agree or disagree …”,其中or一词清楚地说明了考生的写作目标,即要表达明确的肯定或否定态度。


在托福独立写作中,立场是文章主旨的浓缩,明确、切题的立场是高效论证的前提。因此,考生选择的立场应该是对题目任务的直接回应:如果题目任务是agree or disagree,考生就在立场段直接表明自己同意或者不同意的倾向;如果任务是which one is better,考生就在立场段明确写出自己的选择。









在托福独立写作的总结段,有些考生习惯这样写:“In summary, the claim presented in this topic is vulnerable to question or challenge because of the reasons that I have just mentioned above.”

这样写是不可取的。首先,在整个写作框架中,总结段的作用就是总结,使文章结构完整,仅此而已。在这个阶段,一切都变得简单——只需再次表明自己的观点就可以了。字数不宜多,时间投入更不该长,尤其不应该写“because ...”作解释,因为支持和解释立场的任务应该由论证段来完成。如果在文章的末段出现because,就是在提醒考官:论证段论证不力,在总结段亡羊补牢。况且,“… because of the reasons that I have just mentioned above”这样的表达是没有实质意义的。考生不如腾出时间和空间,在文章末尾提出一条建设性意见,如:“In summary, the claim presented in this topic is vulnerable to question or challenge. Therefore, it is essential for us to …”


散文文体的特点是形散而神不散,这是境界。而托福独立写作是议论文,议论文体更注重文章结构,有些考生却写得形散神也散,这就会让阅卷考官崩溃了。对于很多考生来说,文章结构的搭建基本是随机的,想到哪儿写到哪儿。至于在考场上能想起什么那得靠“缘分”,因此考生写出神形涣散的文章也就不足为奇了。还有的考生抱怨在论证段写作时写了上句没下句,原因很简单:“缘分”可遇不可求,所以“随缘”的写作很容易陷入困境。其实要解决这些问题,考生只要遵照一条规则来写就可以了,这也是议论文写作的一个基本要素:from general to specific (从概括到具体)。每个论证段需要包含论点中心句(相对概括,置于段首)和论据支持(更加具体,紧随中心句之后)。






For one thing, …

For another, …

Another point (that is worth mentioning) is that …

Besides, …

An additional point (that should not to be overlooked) is that …



To carry the idea further, … (第一层细节)

To be exact, … (第二层细节)


托福独立写作三两招突破独立写作系列 篇3







Your friends have the opportunity to choose either one of two types of major field of study, which one would you suggest your friend to choose and why?

1) A major that would allow him to complete and get a degree faster so that your friend could start working full-time sooner


2) A major that requires many years of study but would provide him with more employment opportunities and job offers in the future.


The constant demands for more knowledge and skills bring the significance of education. Students need to be prudent while choosing a major in order to find a decent job after graduation. I will recommend to take the education program that enables students to apply a better job though costs more time to finish compared with the one with short study time but limited potential for career advancement.

Admittedly, to start working soon helps students to become financially independent or even reduce family’s economic burden. For some students, their families may have difficulties in paying the tuition fees and hence apply loans from the bank. It is meaningful for them to earn money and alleviate the financial pressure as early as possible. For instance, some people choose to take the training of computer programming which enables them to find a comparatively well-paid job in IT companies. However, there are other options to reduce economic burden, like part-time jobs and scholarship. People ought to make study or career plan with foresight.

To begin with, the long period of time invested in study enables students to grasp more knowledge and skills that are essential for them to be competitive in job market. Thanks to the fierce competition caused by population growth and education expansion, there are more candidates with excellent academic background competing in job market. Consequently, with increasing number of choices, employers gradually increase requirements in recruitment. From the perspective of students, the investment of time in academic study and self-improvement, which allow them to become candidates appreciated by potential employers, will be rewarded with a satisfied job offer. For example, students who have the perseverance to major in economics or finance which takes four years will find a job as banker or finance analyst, while those who want to begin working early and choose to study accounting for two years may just find a position as accountants. As we all know, the former job offers salaries three to five times higher than the later one does.

Secondly, it takes time for students to improve academic strength and have better understanding of their filed, which allow them to achieve long term development in career. Few people work in the same position from the very beginning to retirement, as most people expect promotion or otherwise they will be replaced by younger employees who accept lower salaries. To get promotion, one should possess stronger ability to study on their own and insight of the industry which cannot be acquired within short time. Take students majoring in marketing as an example. Not only do they need knowledge of advertising and brand building, but also they must be able to understand consumer psychology, cope with public relationship crisis, and do research on market trend. All these are necessary for them to be promoted from a common employee to manager, and even company partner. On the contrary, without years of accumulation in study, people can hardly be competent for promotion.

To sum up, a person with foresight will opt for the education program with promising career prospect and prepare for the long period of study.

托福独立写作写作思路讲解 篇4



比如:Improving school is most important factor to sucessful development of country. 看到most ,我们自然想到用他因法。



形式主语,主动,被动,动名词To do作主语,倒装句,there be,以及强调句等等。特别强调一点,为了使你文章的逻辑清晰可见,要使用逻辑连接词。


论述方法:条件(假设)法,比如:if 我按照论点那样做,就能cause siginificant effects,除了用if,还能有with, when, only through + 方式+倒装等。

托福综合写作和独立写作异同 篇5








第一、用词多样,一句很短的话。so they need a good way to have a good rest,里面就出现了2个good,这就是用词不够多样,这里如果能把第一个good改为best,这里就不会出现用词重复的问题了。

第二、用词准确, and connect with other partners,这里最后一个单词用partners固然无可厚非,但是如果用co-这个词根加上worker造出了coworker,一同工作的人,显然更为贴切。


第四、词能传神。No, you taught me to navigate people’s minds but after what happened。navigate一词用的极为到位,如果考友们自己写的话,很有可能也就用个affect或者manipulate之流的词汇,但是远不及navigate“驾驭,驾驶”来得形象。navigate更巧调出“被人操纵”之意,此词画面感极强!























托福的阅卷人不知道看过多少篇以 “with the development of society”(随着社会的发展)开头的作文,这种毫无个人创建的模板化也只能保证一个更加平庸的分数。其次玩弄大词不用小词,不区分书面语和口语,都是由于平时不阅读,不积累所造成的。


如果我们试着把一段中文翻译成英文,再把这段译文和典范的英文进行对比,就可以发现大多数人的翻译都要比典范英文长一截。这恰恰是写作刚刚入门,又无法达到精通程度的学生最容易遇到的问题。英文写作的原则应该是“less is more”,写得精炼远远好于长篇大论,如若英文写作要从中低端迈入高端,这背后需要调动介词,比如“otherwise”这种介词,80%的学生都不会用,或者害怕用;此外把从句以合成词的方式的呈现出来,用上data-driven这样的结构,此处不一一赘述。












小编比较建议大家写5段式的文章,但主体段并不是上文所说的3个理由段,而是采用2+1的模式,即两个理由段,再加一个让步段。关于理由段的写法,将在下文详细分析,在此先重点解释一下让步段到底是什么意思。“让步”字面意思是退一步,那么放到我们作文里,意思就是承认一下反方的观点。西方的文章不太喜欢作者全篇一味强调自己观点的正确性,而是需要作者能适当回应并评价一下反方的观点,这样的文章看起来会更加有说服力。当然,广大考生需要注意的是,小编这里提到的“承认反方观点”指的是“弱弱地承认”,承认过后必须再削弱回去或者说再驳斥回去,只有这样才能更强调出本文观点的准确性,否则读者看起来会有confusion, 也就是为什么一会儿支持自己的观点,一会儿又支持反方观点



托福独立写作 篇6

Admittedly, with the advent of internet and state-of-art gadgets like laptop, tablets, being able to use computers skillfully is being considered as a valuable quality. However, early exposure to computers and other kinds of technological products might bring lots of risks and problems to kids’ future development. Recently research by National Society of Psychiatrists shows that exposure to computers at an early age leads to addiction to computers when they grow older and obviously spending too much time in front of the computer can pose a threat to kids’ health, to be more specific, it leads to neck problems, nearsightedness, backache and even childhood obesity. Moreover, instead of getting addicted to playing on-line games and watching meaningless videos, kids should have spent more time focusing on their academic study, or even learning how to appreciate artwork or music. Indeed, spending more time learning art and music not only benefits the kids, but also it is conducive the community as whole.

First off, learning art and music at an early age helps to develop creativity and make the kids more imaginative. Actually, lots of scientific research in the psychological field shows that early exposure to art and music not only boosts academic achievement but also promotes creativity, self-confidence and school pride; kids who spend more time in learning art and music end up having higher analytical thinking and reasoning skills than kids who don’t.

Additionally, spending more time teaching kids music and art can can benefit the whole community. Music and art are a very important part of people’s lives. They are necessary for people to express their emotions, like happiness, sorrow, and even anger regardless of cultural background, ethnicity, age and even gentle. It is very urgent to spend more time teaching kids knowledge about art and music since they bring change, facilitate innovation and help to unite the community. They are the reminder of the past and maker of tomorrow, they also help to convey ideas and different perspectives. More importantly, art and music have great cultural significance, by learning art and music kids will have a strong sense of cultural identity and sense of belonging to community, eventually the traditional values and culture can be passed down to the younger generation.

To conclude, it is more advisable to spend more time teaching kids art and music than technology since not only can art and music benefit the individual kid but also it benefits the community as a whole.

托福独立写作真题满分范文 应该接受家人还是政府的帮助

A/D: People can solve important problems in their daily life on their own or with the help from families; The help from the government is not necessary.


题目大意: 人们可以自己或通过家人的帮助来解决生活中的重大问题,所以政府的帮助是没有必要的。波波建议此题目选择不同意,即认为政府的帮助还是很有必要的,思考分论点的方向使用拆分,对题目中的抽象名词 important problems 拆分具体化为环境问题和教育问题,然后分别展开。


Some teachers are just lecturing(speaking) on the class and students only take notes; some other teachers make their class time on discussion and projection and students sharing their ideas with their classmates. Which one do you prefer?


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People can solve important problems in daily life on their own or with the help from families, so the help from government is not necessary.



In a society that changes as amazingly as ours, the role played by government in our daily life has been brought under the spotlight of mass media. Consequently, the general public and sociologists are wondering whether people can solve important problems individually or with the governmental support. Towards such a long running tug-of-war, I am inclined to claim that the help from government is necessary in the process of resolving important problems, especially in the aspects of protecting environment and addressing the disparity of educational resources.

In the first instance, consider the environmental issues. As is common sense, the deteriorating natural environment is so severe and complicated that the solution of such a problem is far beyond the reach of any individuals or families. The serious air pollution in China is a good case in point. Despite the fact that people can take some actions such as wearing masks or taking the public transportation to relieve the haze occurring frequently in the major cities of China in some degree, the problem cannot be radically solved. To illustrate, the major cause responsible for the smoggy weather is nothing but the emission of waste gas such as dust and smog from an appalling number of heavy-pollution factories. In this case, it is the government that can get rid of the fundamental cause by shutting down these plants and enacting laws or regulations to restrict their production, which can’t be achieved by any individuals.

In the second instance, the same logic goes to the educational problems. As is known to all, many school-age children in rural and remote areas are not able to receive education in school due to the lack of educational resources. According to a survey conducted by the Education Ministry in China in , approximately 3 million kids in the Southwest of China didn’t have the chance to get educated on account of lacking in tables, textbooks and even spacious classrooms. When confronted with the issue mentioned above, what individuals or families can do is quite limited. Undoubtedly, only the government has the adequate financial resources and power to allocate educational resources to those places. For example, the government of China builds nearly 10,000 primary schools called Hope School in the distant places, which alleviates the disparity in educational resources between different regions to a large extent.

Judging from what has been discussed above, we can draw the conclusion that although the ability of individual or families is becoming stronger and greater than before, the help from government is of great necessity in the course of solving significant problems, especially those in the areas of education and environment.


Taking a panoramic picture of the entire human history, what role should government play has caused incessant debates among scholars, politicians, and even common people on the streets. Some argue that we should get rid of any form of government and spare the government red tape, thus stop bureaucrats from wasting our hard earned tax dollar, while others believe that government can maintain stability of the community, provide social welfare and prevent unlawful conducts by leveraging the judicial branch. I, personally, am in favor of the latter view, meaning that citizens do need help from the government based on the following reasons.

First off, government has the means to leverage billions of dollars and invest in infrastructures, education, and social welfare, which is beyond the power of any individuals or institutions. Think about it, the transportation that we rely on commuting from home to work, like the subway, bus, and trains need multi millions dollar to construct and maintain. The train runs through lots of states and provinces, the highway covers a large expanse encompassing different regions, and a few individuals cannot make a good decision, and it should be only possible by overall decision made by the central government. An individual or family cannot balance the interests of all the people involved. Plus, education is also another important area, in which government should play its role. Generally, the tuition of private schools are far more costly the that of the public ones, and if there are only private school, how could the kids from these underprivileged families get proper educations. So, it is obvious that we rely on government in these aspects.

Additionally, people depend on government to resist foreign invasions and provide shelter in face of catastrophic natural disasters. For example, currently, Muslim extremists organization ISIS waged a few terrorist attack in major cities around the world, which incurred numerous casualties and colossal economics loss. A few countries have decided to deploy military to fight ISIS, and such costly project cannot be made possible by just a few individual, in fact, it takes officers, intelligence personnel and staff members to work together to win the war, which cannot be gathered together without the government. The same is true for natural disasters. For example, a magnitude 8.0 earthquake hit Nepal in the first half of this years, thousands of people were left homeless since the quake destroyed basically all the housing complex and apartments. It was the government and other institutions who provide temporary camp, medication and food to these victims who were traumatized both physically and mentally. Also, these timely assistance and monetary donation would not be possible without the arrangements made by the government.

All in all, with the above careful analysis, government is indispensable for the livelihood and well-being of the people since it can provide infrastructure, education and social welfare to the people, and protect citizens when emergencies happen, like wars and natural disasters. Indeed, people do need government in lots of aspects.


How to raise students’ study efficiency puzzles both teachers and parents and whether to permit students to discuss or do projects during class remains a heated debate for many years. As for me, although some people may argue that group discussion can hardly be controlled, I still believe it is necessary for students to share their ideas with others and the following reasons and examples can support what I believe.

Firstly, involving group discussion or projection in the class can contribute to the deeper understanding of some complicated knowledge. To be more specific, students’ perspectives differ from a student to the other and the combination of different angles from students and their teacher can make those students more aware of the knowledge. Take a history class as an example. While learning the influence from dropping atomic bombs to stop The Second World War, students’ opinions will be diverse and then a group discussion is extremely necessary. The benefits of dropping the bomb could be obvious because the war that had lasted for a long time devastated the whole human beings and led to a huge economic slump. However, the behavior for dropping the mass destructive weapon is controversial because it left a great weakness for local ecosystem. As is known to all, the radiation caused by using nuclear weapons could not be erased and local species would suffer a lot. Apparently, after a heated discussion, students will understand the historic event more precisely and overall. As a result, permitting students to discuss during the class is highly advantageous.

Secondly, classes including group discussion or projection can be of more interests to intrigue students’ curiosity and enthusiasm. Specifically speaking, some subjects like Physics or Mathematics can be tedious and boring. Then, students can be easily distracted once teachers just give a long lecture and downplay the importance of involving students. Instead, by doing experiments and discussing, students will feel a part of the class and their study efficiency can experience a huge improvement. Gravitational law in the Physics that is complicated and not so attractive for most students can be better understood if teachers could permit students to observe a falling apple and measure the relation between the time of falling and distance. The process of exploring the truth and verifying those abstract theories is intriguing for most students. In this way, never will students lose their interests and concentration of the class.

To admit, group discussion or projection during class may generate some weaknesses. Students are too young to be self-controlled. Then, there might occur some irrelevant topics, like gossiping which NBA basketball player is worthier to gain the title of MVP when students are assigned to talk about the advantages of joining outdoor sports. However, the concern can be erased when teachers can give specific orders and supervise the whole process of discussion. For example, teachers can list several advantages and disadvantages of joining outdoor sports and require students to discuss the validity of them.
