


一件后悔的事英语作文 篇1

I dont know if you have it, but I do. Because of this one thing I did wrong, I have been regretting for the rest of my life.

Black and white memory with that wisp of smoke in the sky floated far away, when passing through the clouds, I came back to the autumn of that year in a trance.

In the autumn of that year, the maple fire among the mountain paths was red, just like to make this mortal world a paradise. At that time, I was very mischievous. I liked to play all kinds of pranks. I laughed happily when I watched others eat shriveled. But I didnt think that because of my prank, it caused an irreparable injury.

That day, I dug a trap in the fiery mountain path. The trap was not big. I thought that people would stumble and scare people at most after stepping in. I set the trap and hid by. I want to see who will be cheated.

After a while, the little sister of the neighbor who often plays with me came to me. Seeing her looking for me, a bad idea came out of my head. I stood up, shouted at her and waved to her. As expected, she ran to me as soon as she saw me. She ran very fast. I watched her getting closer and closer to that little trap. I didnt know why her eyebrow was beating.

She didnt know that there was a trap waiting for her in front. Although the trap was very small, because she ran very fast, when she stepped in with one foot, her body was still rushing forward, and in a moment, she screamed and carried it to the ground. Soon there was blood left on her forehead. When I saw this situation, I jumped suddenly and rushed to her. It turned out that she fell down and hit her forehead on the stone.

Because the wound was on her forehead, she went to the hospital for a few days. Although there was nothing left behind, the scar on her forehead remained forever.

Im regretting my naughtiness, but Im also regretting my deception, because its an accident outside of them, and I havent told the truth.

一件后悔的事英语作文 篇2

那是上学期的一天上午, 老师抱着一摞厚厚的卷子严肃地走进教室说:“今天考试。”我一下惊呆了, 我拿到卷子, 走马观花的看了一遍, 心想:题真简单, 对我来说简直是小菜一碟。不知不觉, 我就全写完了, 我得意洋洋的走上讲台交卷, 又一蹦一跳地回到座位上, 就在这时, 悦耳的铃声响起来。考试结束了, 同学们欢呼雀跃起来, 犹如解放了一般。

过了三天, 该发试卷了, 同学们一个接一个的上台领试卷, 考90分的同学眉开眼笑的, 考50分的同学垂头丧气的。而我的心紧张地提到了嗓子眼儿了, 突然, 念到我的名字了:“吴桂德, 69分。”听到这句话, 顿时犹如一盆冷水浇头, 全身发抖, 心里拔凉拔凉的, 后悔极了!恨不得找个地缝钻下去。

一件后悔的事 篇3








一件后悔的事英语作文 篇4

Remember before, my mother often told me: ”pay attention to eye hygiene, to protect the eyes.“.” But I took it as ear wind and said, “I see.”! I see!“ One side still goes its own way. In the summer of grade two, when I finished my homework, I watched TV or watched computers and played games until my eyes were so tired and tired that I didnt want to stop.

After a summer vacation, I found that the words on the blackboard had become blurred, and the scenery in the distance had not become very clear. The characters on the TV screen were not clear. This worried my father and mother. They took me to a special eye hospital for examination. Its so bad. Ive got 150 degrees of myopia. The doctor told me: ”myopia is so much, must wear glasses.“.” My father bought me a pair of glasses. This pair of glasses became an important part of my study. I might never be able to do without my glasses again.

一件后悔的事英语作文 篇5

It was a Sunday in March, and I went to my neighbor with my brother. Chen Yan is a brother of a good friend, his brother and brother friendship than the mountain is also deep than the sea Because of him, his brother only like to play with him and do not like to play with me, my mind has been kind of want to break their thoughts. That day we three people together to play the game, the younger brother in the run when accidentally pushed Chen Yan about, Chen Yan has fallen.

She thought his brother was intentional, said: ”You are not deliberately push me.“ Brother saw her gas fierce and said: ”is how the intentionally, not intentionally how?“ She thought brother Is to push her to say, ”I do not play with you.“ I saw with the opportunity to disperse them, so the fire to help his brother, said: ”Do not play do not play, do I fear you?“ Later We and Chen Yan cut off the relationship, she also felt that this did not mean to move away. But now I think it was so selfish and should not!

一件后悔的事作文 篇6

那是去年夏天我还在读三年级的时侯发生的。有一天早上,我吃完早餐,正准备去上学的时侯,可是天上突然出现了几朵乌云,妈妈便对我说:“伟健,带伞去 ,会下雨的,”我想了想我的书包已经很重了,如果还带伞去不压死我才怪,我对妈妈说:“妈妈迟到了,我要走了,再见,”于是我便跑了出来。


