


仁爱八年级上unit4知识点总结 篇1

1.share…with 与……共享 2.play with 玩弄,玩耍 3.in danger 在危险之中 4.feed on 以……为食 5.think about 考虑,思考 6.enjoy nature 享受自然 7.at night 晚上 8.in the daytime 白天 9.summer vacation 暑假 10.thousands of 成千上万 11.in fact 事实上 12.find out 查明,发现 13.in nature 在自然界 二.重点句型

1.Plants are more beautiful than animals.植物比动物更漂亮。2.The plants stay green longer there.那儿的植物能更长时间保持绿色。3.The rainforests are very important to us.(热带)雨林对我们很重要。4.Water is necessary for all plants.It is the most important thing to all living things,we must save every drop of water.水对所有植物是必需的。它对所有生物都重要,我们必须节约每一滴水。

5.Isn’t it interesting? 是不是很有趣呀?

6.It is one of the most dangerous fish in the world.它是世界上最危险的鱼之一。7.It is so strange!太奇怪了!三.语法学习

(一.)形容词的比较级和最高级的构成 1.规则变化:

(1.)一般在词尾加—er或—est.如:fresh—fresher—freshest.(2.)以字母e结尾的形容词,加r或st,如:late—later—latest.(3.)以重读闭音节结尾的词,词尾只有一个辅音字母时,应双写这一辅音字母,再加er或est.如:big—bigger—biggest.(4.)以辅音字母+y结尾的双音节词,先改y为i,再加er 或est.如:happy—happier—happiest.(5.)部分双音节词和多音节词前面加more或most构成比较级或最高级。如:careful—more careful—most careful,beautiful—more beautiful—most beautiful.2.不规则变化:


1.比较级A<B或A>B,经常与than搭配,或给出比较的二个内容。可用much和a little修饰.

2.三者或三者以上比较用最高级,一般给出比较范围.如:of(in)+…。(1)例句:①I’m happier than you.我比你更快乐。

②Plants are much more beautiful than animals.植物比动物漂亮的多。

(2)例句:①The boy is the tallest in my class.这个男孩是我们班最高的。

②Lesson Two is the most important of all.第二课是所有中最重要的。

四.交际用语:学习如何用英语描述和谈论我们生存的自然环境 Do you like plants or animals? What are you thinking about? Why do you think so? What kind of wild animal is the most dangerous,the tiger,the snake or the bear? Why must we save every drop of water?

Topic 2 一.重点词语

1.take the place of 代替,取代 2.instead of 代替,而不是…… 3.mistake…for…把……错当 4.seem to do 好象,似乎 5.call for 要求

6.wake sb.up 将某人叫醒

7.see sb.doing sth.看见某人正在做某事 8.use sth.for sth./doing sth.利用某物做某事 9.spend…on… 在……上花费时间或金钱 10.be sure of 确信 11.these days 现在,目前

12.in alphabetical order 按字母表顺序排列 13.look up 查阅

14.pay attention to 注意,专心 15.begin with 以……开始 16.and son on 等等

17.switch on 开(电灯,机器等)18.ask(sb.)for sth.向……要…… 二.重点句型

1.I’m sure robots can do some work better than humans.我确信机器人比人能更好地做某些工作。

2.I saw a UFO while I was walking down the street yesterday.昨天我沿着街道走时,看见了一个不明飞行物。

3.It looked like a plate.它看上去像一个盘子。

4.Until now,even the scientists are not sure whether there are UFO.直到现在,甚至科学家也不确信是否有不明飞行物。

5.We can shop without going out of our houses.我们不出家门就能购物。6.We can use the Internet for finding a job.我们可以用网络来找工作。7.We shouldn’t spend too much time on it.但是我们不应该在因特网上面花费太多的时间。

8.When you look up a word in the dictionary,pay attention to the first letter of the word.当你在字典里查一个单词的时候,注意这个单词的第一个字母。三.语法学习



肯定句:The robots are making a car now.这些机器人正在生产小汽车。否定句:We are not studying on the Internet.我们没有在互联网上学习。疑问句:Is the teacher looking up the word in the dictionary?这个老师正在词典中查这个词吗?

特殊疑问句:Who am I talking to?我在和谁谈话?


肯定句:When he came in,I was writing a letter.当他进来时,我在写一封信。否定句:They weren’t watching TV while she was reading.她读书时,他们没在看电视。

疑问句:Was the UFO flying to us at 8 last night ?昨晚8点UFO向我们飞来了吗? 特殊疑问句:What were you drinking while we were sleeping?我们睡觉时,你们在喝什么?


(二.)be sure结构表示肯定和不肯定。be sure一般用来表示肯定,be not sure(whether/if)表示不肯定。

be sure后面可以跟不定式和宾语从句。跟不定式一般译为“一定……”,跟宾语从句,译为“确信……”。


We are sure to repair the TV well.我们一定修好这台电视机。I’m sure you can finish your work.我确信你能完成你的工作。

Are you sure whether(if)he switched the computer on? 你确信他打开还是没有 3 打开电脑?

四.交际用语:学习用英语谈论现代科技。Could you tell me something about robots? Can robots take the place of humans? Are you sure there are UFOs? Yes,I’m sure.No,I’m sure whether/if there are UFOs.What do you often do on the Internet?

Topic 3 重点词语

1.more than 超过 2.pull down 推倒,拆毁 3.heavy traffic 交通繁忙 4.wear out 磨损,用坏

5.used to do sth.过去常常做某事 6.do one’s best 尽(某人)最大努力 7.live models 真人模型 8.the ancient world 古代 9.be made up of 由……组成 10.join…together 把……连在一起 11.regard…as… 把……看作 12.be worn out 被损坏 一.重点句型

1.Lots of them were pulled down in the 1960s.他们当中许多在二十世纪六十年代被拆毁。

2.People thought them useless.人们认为它们没有用。3.It’s really too bad.这太遗憾了。

4.We are doing our best to protect and rebuild the old city walls.我们正在尽全力保护并重建老城墙。

5.It is one of the“seven wonders”of the ancient world still standing.它是现存的古代“七大奇迹”之一。

6.It took 100,000 people over 20 years to build it.修建它花了10万人二十多年的时间。

7.Since then,people regarded the Great Wall as a symbol of the Chinese nation.从那以后,人们就把长城看作是中华民族的象征。

8.Every year many people find great pleasure visiting the wall.每年有许多人参观长城,从中得到极大乐趣。


反意疑问句:由陈述句(或祈使句、感叹句)加一个简短问句构成的疑问句叫反意疑问 句。实质是前面陈述句的反问句。


There are many pyramids in Egypt,aren’t there?在埃及有许多金字塔,不是吗?

Sally visited the Great Wall last month,didn’t she?萨莉上个月参观了长城,不是吗?

He doesn’t realize the importance of saving water,does he?他没有意识到节约用水的重要性,是吗?

特例点拨:①I’m your good friend,aren’t I?我是你的好朋友,不是吗?I don’t think you can rebuild the house,can you?我认为你不能重修这座房子,是吗?(I don’t think…主要在说think后的内容,故按从句变化)。

②陈述部分有nobody,nothing,never,no,few(没几个),little(几乎没有),hardly(几乎不)等否定或半否定词时,仍视为否定句。根据反意疑问句对应规律,疑问部分用肯定形式。如:There is nothing in the room,is there?屋子里什么也没有,是吗? Maria never surports me,does she? 玛丽亚从未支持过我,是吗? He had few apples,did he? 他几乎没有苹果,是吗?

③祈使句的反意疑问句:无论肯定或否定,通常在祈使句后加上will you?如: Please close the door,will you?请关门好吗?

Don’t tear down the old walls,will you?不要拆毁古墙,好吗?

但以Let’s开头的祈使句用shall we?如:

let’s make a survey,shall we?我们做个调查,好吗? 三.交际用语:学习用英语描述和谈论中外名胜古迹。

仁爱八年级上unit4知识点总结 篇2

1. 熟练掌握课本上的概念、定理、性质、判定、推论等,在开始做题前,做到对课本上知识心中有数.

2. 认真读题,审题,弄清题目给出的已知条件和问题;

3. 把题目涉及到的性质、判定,已知的直接条件,隐含条件,全部标注在图上,可以选择不同颜色线或符号来标注;

4. 逆向推理出题目结论需要些什么样的条件,一环扣一环的打开题目的面纱,最后直指已知条件.

三角形的角( 多边形的角)

1. 知识点



3多边形( n边) 的内角和为( n - 2) 180°.

4多边形( n边) 的外角和为360°.





2. 例题讲解与方法归纳

例1如图. 已知∠BDC = 142°,∠B =34°,∠C = 28°,求∠A的度数.

分析: 要求∠A的度数,我们可以利用四边形的内角和为360°来进行求解,已知∠B、∠C与∠BDC,但是要弄清楚∠BDC不是四边形ABCD的内角,它是一个凹四边形,我们首先得找到四个内角,如图分别是∠A、∠B、∠C与∠1

解: ∵∠BDC = 142°∠B = 34°∠C = 28°

又∵∠1 + ∠BDC = 360°

∴∠1 = 360° - ∠BDC = 360° - 142° = 218°

在四边ABCD中有∠A + ∠B + ∠C + ∠1 = 360°

∴∠A = 360° - ∠B - ∠C - ∠1 = 360° - 34° - 28° - 218° = 80°

方法归纳: 充分利用多边形的内角和定理( n - 2) 180°,多边形的任一个内角与它相邻的外角互补.


( 1) 如右图,∠1,∠2,∠3,∠4是五边形ABCDE的四个外角,若∠A = 120°,则∠1 + ∠2 +∠3 + ∠4 =____.

( 2) 如右图,一个直角三角形纸片,剪去直角后,得到一个四边形,则∠1 + ∠2 =_______.

( 3) 三角形的三个内角之比为1∶3∶5,那么这个三角形的最大内角为_______.

( 4) 在△ABC中,∠C = 60°,∠A - ∠B = 20°,则∠B =____ .

例2如图,求∠A + ∠B + ∠C + ∠D + ∠E的度数 .

分析: 初看此图,很多同学要把它想成一个多边形,然后就想用多边形内角和来求解,这样本题就走了歪路. 此题刚开始接触时,对我们大多数同学来说是陌生的,而我们要把陌生的问题转化成熟悉的问题来解决,把这个五角星的五个角转化到一个三角形中,利用三角形性质求解:

解: 如图在以B为顶点的三角形中标出∠1与∠2,可知∠1是以C、E为顶点的三角形的一个外角,∠2是以A、D为顶点的三角形的一个外角,根据三角形一外角等于以它不相邻的两个内角之和,有:

∠1 = ∠C + ∠E ∠2 = ∠A + ∠D

∴∠A + ∠B + ∠C + ∠D + ∠E = ∠B + ∠1 + ∠2 = 180°

方法归纳: 把陌生的问题转化成熟悉的问题来解决,把这个五角星的五个角转化到一个三角形中,利用三角形性质求解.


( 1) 如图,求∠A + ∠B + ∠C + ∠D + ∠E的度数.

( 2) 如图求∠A + ∠B + ∠C + ∠D + ∠E + ∠F的度数.

例3若一个正多边形的内角和与一个外角的和为1300°,则这个多边形的边数是多少? 这个外角的度数是多少?

分析: 内角和不知,外角不知,有两个未知数,只有一个等量关系,显然要直接求出来,有难度.

思路: 这个外角有一个取值范围,大于0°,小于180°,可以此作为突破口.

解: 设此多边形为n边形,设角度数为X°

则有0° < X° < 180°

∴ ( n - 2) 180° + X = 1300°

即( n - 2) 180° = 1300° - X

而1300÷180° = 7……40°

∴ n - 2 = 7 X = 40°

∴ n = 9 X = 40°

方法归纳: 多边形( n边) 的内角和为( n - 2) 180°. 多边形( n边) 的外角和为360°.



( 1) 一个九边形所有内角的度数都相等,则每个内角的度数是_____.

( 2) 一个多边形的内角和与外角和之比为9∶2,求此多边形的边数.

例4AF,AD分别是△ABC的高和角平分线,且∠C > ∠B,求∠DAF与∠C、∠B的关系?

证明∵∠CAB = 1800 - ∠B - ∠ACB


∴∠CAD =1/2∠CAB = 900 -1/2∠B -1/2∠C


∠CAF = 900 - ∠C

方法归纳: AF,AD分别是△ABC的高和角平分线,△ABC同一边上的高和角平分线的夹角∠DAF =1/2( ∠C - ∠B) ,( ∠C > ∠B) .


如图,AF,AD分别是△ABC的高和角平分线,且∠B = 44°,∠ACB = 68°,求∠DAF的度数.

例5如图,已知AB∥CD,∠C = 125°,∠A = 45°,那么∠E的大小为____.

解: 如图∵AB∥CD,∠C = 125°,∠A = 45°

∴∠1 = ∠C = 125°

∠1 = ∠A + ∠E

∴∠E = 125° - 45° = 80°

方法归纳: 三角形的一个外角等于与它不相邻的两个内角之和. 三角形的一个外角大于任何一个与它不相邻的内角.


( 1) 如图,在△ABC中,∠A = 80°,点D是BC延长线上一点,∠ACD = 150°,则∠B =_______.

( 2) 如图,用“> ”连接∠1,∠2,∠3,∠4为______.

( 3) 如图7,D,E分别在BC,AC上,AD,BE交于F,试说明:

∠AFB = ∠CAD + ∠C + ∠EBC




2三角形三条高交于一点( 这一点可在内部、外面、顶点上) ;




例1如图AD是△ABC中线,AB = 4,AC = 6.


分析: 已知AB = 4,AC = 6,求AD,三边不在同一个三角形中,无法应用两边之和大于第三边性质.

思路: 把三边归到一个三角形中.

解: 如图延长AD到E,使DA = DE

又∵AD是中线,∴BD = CD


∴ AB = EC

在△ACE中,AC = 6,AE = 2AD,EC = AB = 4

6 - 4 < AE < 6 + 4

AD =1/2AE

∴ 1 < AD < 5

例2若△ABC的三边长分别为a,b,c,则| a - b - c | - | b + a - c |=____ .

分析: 要化简这个式子,就要打开绝对值,而打开绝对值,就要知道绝对值里面的式子是正还是负,然后,打开、合并就行了.


∴ a - b - c < 0 b + a - c > 0

∴ | a - b - c | - | b + a - c | = - ( a - b - c) - ( b + a - c)= - a + b + c - b - a + c= 2c - 2a


分析: 两边分别为5和10,因为是等腰,第三边可能是5. 也可能是10.

解: 1当5为腰时,底为10,三边分别为5、5、10

5 + 5 = 10,不满足两边之和大于第三边,因此这种情况构不成三角形,不成立.


∴周长为10 + 10 + 5 = 25.

方法归纳: 三角形两边之和大于第三边,两边之差小于第三边;


1. 下列长度的各级线段中,能组成三角形的是( )

A. 1,2,4 B. 4,5,6

C. 6,2,3 D. 6,8,15

2. 最大角小于90°的三角形是____三角形.

3. 若等腰三角形的两边长分别为2,4则它的周长为 ____.

4. 若一个三角形的两边长分别是2和5,第三边长X为奇数,则X的值为_____ .

5. 一个等腰三角形的周长是36cm,

( 1) 已知腰长是底边长的2倍,求各边长.

( 2) 已知其中一边长为8cm,求其他两边长.

6. 已知a、b、c为三角形三边,化简

| a + b - c | - | a - b + c | - | b - a - c |

7. △ABC为一等腰三角形,D是AC中点,BD把△ABC的周长分12和15两部分,求三角形各边长.

数学八年级( 上) ( 人教版) 练习题参考答案( 一)

一、三角形的角( 多边形的角)

例 1 ( 1) 300° ( 2) 270° ( 3) 100° ( 4) 70°

例2 ( 1) 解: 如图连接AC

∠1 = ∠D + ∠E = ∠2 + ∠3

∠2 + ∠A + ∠B + ∠3 + ∠C = 1800

∴∠A + ∠B + ∠C + ∠D + ∠E = 1800

( 2) 解如图∠1 = ∠A + ∠B

∠2 = ∠C + ∠D

∠3 = ∠E + ∠F

∴∠A + ∠B + ∠C + ∠D + ∠E + ∠F = ∠1 + ∠2 + ∠3 = 3600

例3 ( 1) 解: 设这个内角为X,则有

( 2) 解: 设此多边形边数为n,则有

( n - 2) ·180°∶ 360° = 9∶ 2

( n - 2) ∶ 2 = 9∶ 2

∴ n - 2 = 9 n = 11

例 4 ∠DAF =1/2( ∠C - ∠B) = 12°


1、B; 2、锐角三角形; 3、10; 4、5; 5、( 1) 7. 2 ( 2 ) 8 14 14; 6、- a + 3b- 3c



设 AD = X,则 AB = 2X

则有3X = 12,X = 4

BC + CD = 15 BC + X = 15 BC = 11



设 AD = X,CD = X,AB = 2X

则有3X = 15,X = 5

BC + CD = 12,BC + 5 = 12 BC = 7


( 二)



1. 知识点

1“边边边”“SSS”; 2“边角边”“SAS”;

3“角边角”“ASA”; 4“角角边”“AAS”;



( 2) 已知一边一角

例1如图,点E,F在AC上,AB∥CD,AB = CD,AE = CF,

求证: △ABF≌△CDE.

证明分析: 直接条件AB = CD

间接条件AE = CF,可得AE + EF = CF + EF

即 AF = CE

AB∥CD可得∠A = ∠C


AB = CD,∠A = ∠C,AF = CE,


例2如图,为修公路,需测量出被大石头阻挡的∠A的大小,为此,小张师傅在直线AC上取点D,使CD = AC,在BC的延长线上取点E,使CE = BC,连接DE,则只要测出∠D的度数,就知∠A的度数,请说明理由.


证明: 由题意知AD,BE交于点C,所以

∠ACB = ∠DCE( 对顶角相等)

∴△ABC≌DEC( SAS) ∴∠A = ∠D


例3已知: 如图,AB = AE,∠1 = ∠2,∠B = ∠E,求证: BC = ED.

证明分析,要证BC = ED


直接条件有AB = AE,∠B = ∠E

间接条件∠1 = ∠2,可得∠1 + ∠BAD = ∠2 + ∠BAD

∴∠EAD = ∠BAC




例4如图,在△ABC中,∠C = 900,点D是AB边上的一点,DM⊥AB且DM =AC,过点M作ME∥BC可得∠B = ∠MED


∠MDE = ∠ACB,∠B = ∠MED

DM = AC,∴∠ABC = ∠MED( AAS)


1、如图,AB = AE,∠ABC = ∠AED,BC = ED,点F是CD的中点. 求证: AF⊥CD.

2、如图,点B,C,D,F在同一条直线上,已知AB = EC,AD = EF,BC = DF,探索AB与EC的位置关系,并说明理由.

3、如图,点E,F在BC上,AE⊥BC,DF⊥BC,AC = DB,BE = CF,求证: AC∥DB.

4、如图,在△ABC中,AB = CB,∠ABC = 900,F为AB延长线上一点,点E在BC上,AE = CF.

( 1) 求证: Rt△ABE≌Rt△CBF;

( 2) 若∠CAE = 300,求∠ACF的度数.

5、如图,AB = AC,∠BAD = ∠CAE,AD = AE,求证: △ABE≌△ACD

6、如图,已知AB = AD,BC = DC,求证: OB = OD


1. 知识点




4等腰三角形性质: 等边对等角,底边上三线合一

5直角三角形性质: 30 度角所对直角边等于斜边一半,斜边上的中线等于斜边的一半.

2. 例题讲解与方法疏理




例1如图四边形ABCD中,已知BD平分∠ABC,∠A + ∠C = 180°求证:AD = CD

分析: 要证AD = CD,通常是利用三角形全等或者角平分线性质,垂直平分线的性质来完成,显然; 图中两个现成的三角形不全等,而已知条件告诉我们BD平分∠ABC,那么我们就可以充分利用角平分线性质,先作出角平分线到角两边的垂线,过D点作BA、BC垂线分别定于E. F两点.

证明: 如图过D作BA、BC垂线定于E、F两点


∴ DE = DF ∠DEA = ∠DFC = 90°

又∵∠A + ∠C = 180°即∠BAD + ∠C = 180°

又∵∠BAD + ∠DAE = 180°

∴∠C = ∠DAE


∴ AD = CD

例2如图在△ABC中,∠ABC的平分线与∠BAC的补角的平分线交于点D,求证: CD平分∠CAN

分析: 已知条件BD平分∠ABC,就充分与利用角平分线的性质,过D作BM、BD垂线,证全等而题目求证CD平分∠CAN,就要利用角平分线的判定,也需要过D点作CA与CN的垂线才能利用判定.



∴ DE = DF


∴ DG = DE = DF



例3已知,如图: 四边形ABCD,BE平分∠ABC,CE平分∠BCD,点E在AD上

求证: BC = AB + CD

分析: 要求证: BC = AB + CD,简单的证明三角形全等无法达到题目的要求,而应用角平分线的性质也不能解决问题,因为这类题型对于大多数同学来说,就比较复杂了,要求比较高,多数人找不到从何“下手”,因为现有的认知,不能满足问题的需要,问题比较陌生; 这就需要我们把问题进行转化,把它化成我们熟悉的已知的类型,可以作以下转化:

1、把BC边截短,在BC上找一点G使BE = BA那么问题就能化成只需要证明GC = CD,问题就解决了.

证明: 方法一: 如图,在BC上取一点F,使BF = BA,连接EF.


∴∠1 = ∠2∠3 = ∠4


∴∠A = ∠5,∵AB∥CD,∴∠A + ∠D = 180°

而∠5 + ∠6 = 180°,∠6 = ∠D


∴ FC = CD,∴ BC = BF + CF = AB + CD

2、把短边AB或CD补长,如图延长BA到F,使AF = CD问题就转化成求证: BC = BF.

方法二: 如图,延长BA、CE交于点F


∴∠1 = ∠2∠3 = ∠4

∠2 = 1 /2∠ABC,∠3 = 1 /2∠BCD

又∵AB∥CD,∴∠ABC + ∠BCD = 1800

∴∠2 + ∠3 = 1 /2( ∠ABC + ∠BCD) = 900∠BEC = 900


∠BEC = ∠BEF = 90°

∴△BEC≌△BEF( ASA) ,

∴ BC = BF,EC = EF

∵AB∥CD,∴∠EAF = ∠D,∠F = ∠4


∴ CD = AF,∴ BC = BF = BA + AF = AB + CD.


1、如图,在△ABC中,BD = DC,ED⊥DF,求证: BE + CF > EF

2、如图,在△ABC中,D是BC边的中点,DE⊥BC交∠BAC的平分线于点E,EF⊥AB于点F,EG⊥AC的延长线于G,则BF = CG,为什么?

3、如图,在△ABC中,∠B = 90°,AD为∠BAC的平分线,DF⊥AC于点F,DE = DC,那么BE与CF相等吗? 请说明理由:

4、. 如图,已知AB = AC,BD = DC,DE⊥AB且交AB的延长线于点E,DF⊥AC且交AC的延长线于点F,求证: DE = DF

数学八年级( 上) ( 人教版) 巩固练习参考答案( 二)


1、证明: 如图,连接 AC,AD


∴△ACF≌△ADF( SSS) ,∴∠AFD = ∠AFC

又∵∠AFD + ∠AFC = 1800,∴∠AFD = ∠AFC = 900,∠AF⊥CD,

2、解: AB与EC的位置是AB∥EC

理由如下: ∵BC = DF,∴BD = CF

∴△ABD≌△ECF( SSS) ,∴∠B = ∠ECF,,∴AB∥EC

3、∵ BE = CF,∴ BE + EF = CF + EF,即 BF = CE

∵AE⊥BC,DF⊥BC,∴∠AEC = ∠DFB = 900

在 Rt△AEC 和 Rt△DFB 中


4、( 1) 证明: ∠ABC = 900,∴∠CBF = ∠ABE = 900,

在 Rt△ABE 和 Rt△CBF 中,∵ AF = CF,AB = BC,

∴ Rt△ABE≌Rt△CBF( HL) .

( 2) 解: ∵AB = BC,∠ABC = 900,∴∠CAB = ∠ACB = 450

∴∠BAE = ∠CAB - ∠CAE = 450 - 300 = 150,

由( 1) 知Rt△ABE≌Rt△CBF,∴∠BCF = ∠BAE = 150

∴∠ACF = ∠BCF + ∠ACB = 150 + 450 = 600

5、证明: ∵∠BAD = ∠CAE,∴∠BAD + ∠DAE = ∠CAE + ∠DAE

∴∠BAE = ∠CAD,在△ABE和△ACD中,



∴△ABC≌△ADC( SSS) ,∴∠BCO = ∠DCO

∴△BCO≌△DCO( SAS) ,∴OB = OD

1证明: 延长FD到C,使DG = DF,连接BC,EG


∴ BG = CF

∵ ED⊥DF,

∴∠EDG = ∠EDF = 90°

∴△EDG≌∠EDF( SAS) ,∴EG = EF

在△EBG中,BE + BG > EG,∴BE + CF > EF

2、解: 连接BE和CE


∴∠BFE = ∠G = 90°

∴△BED≌△CED( SAS) ,∴BE = CE


∴ Rt△EBF≌Rt△ECG( HL) ,∴ BF = CG,

3、解: BE = CF,理由:


∵DF⊥AC,∴∠AFD = ∠B = 90°.

∴ BD = DF,

∴ Rt△EBD≌Rt△CFD( HL) ,∴ BE = CF

∴△ACD≌△ABD ( SSS )

∴∠CAD = ∠BAD


仁爱八年级上unit4知识点总结 篇3

1. I’d like to take the s____ to school.

2. Would you like to travel by bus or by t____?

3. Mike rides his bike to the bus s____.

4. It takes me about 25 m____ to go to school by bus every day.

5. ——What time is it? ——It’s h____ past six.

Ⅱ.单项填空 (每小题1分,共15分)

1. Does Taylor go to school ____?

A. on bikeB. by a bikeC. by bikeD. with a bike

2. ——____ do you play computer games on weekdays, Jacob?


A. How oftenB. How longC. How farD. How soon

3. Alexis ____ at six in the morning.

A. gets toB. gets upC. gets intoD. get down

4. What do you ____ the transportation in London?

A. thinks ofB. thinks aboutC. think ofD. think over

5. I like ____ English in the morning.

A. readingB. to readC. readsD. read

6. How about ____ football with us.

A. to playB. playingC. playD. played

7. In Beijing, it depends ____ where you are.

A. inB. onC. atD. with

8. Premier Wen will ____ Lhasa in the afternoon.

A. arriveB. arrive inC. arrive atD. arrive on

9. Vladimir Putin got to The Shaolin Temple at around ten o’clock.


A. aboutB. pastC. orD. by

10. Brian went to visit China Three Gorges Dam(三峡大坝) on ____ ship.

A. aB. anC. theD./

11. She wants to know ____.

A. where do you liveB. where you live

C. how do you come to schoolD. how does he go home

12. ——Are you a professional football player?

——No, I just play it for ____.

A. wishB. funC. funnyD. funnier

13. ____ do you ____ the transportation in this city?

A. How; think ofB. What; think

C. What; think ofD. When; think

14. What’s the most popular ____ of transportation?

A. waysB. meansC. methodD. road

15. Other parts of the world are different ____ the United States.

A. toB. withC. fromD. in

Ⅲ . 用方框中所给词的适当形式填空,每个词只能用一次 (每小题1分,共10分)

swim, much, have to, ride, they, farm, many, part, take, make

1. There are ____ classes in our school than in theirs.

2. When it rains we help some ____ to pick beans.

3. She doesn’t need ____ the bike to school.

4. Flying kites is much easier than ____.

5. Not all of ____take the ship.

6. Michael ____ run as his coach asks him to.

7. Things are different in other ____ of the world.

8. Look!Jason ____ the subway.

9. The football team ____ a trip to England next month.

10. Tears are the ____ useful weapon.

Ⅳ.用方框中所给副词词组填空 (每小题1分,共5分)

how far, how long, how much, how many, how often

1. ____ birds are there in the tree?

2. ____ are the potatoes?

3. ____ is it from here to Mexico?

4. ____ do you go there?

5. ——____ does it take you to come to Nanjing?

——Seven hours.

Ⅴ.句型转换 (每小题1分,共5分)

1. David usually takes the subway to school in London.


____ David usually ____ the subway to school in London?

2. “Where do you live?” I wonder. (改为复合句)

I wonder ____ ____ ____.

3. Matthew usually walks to school. (改写句子,句意不变)

Matthew usually goes to school ____ ____.

4. Ryan goes to the supermarket by bus.(用by bike改为选择疑问句)

Does Ryan go to the supermarket ____ or ____?

5. That must be a lot more fun than taking a bus!(完成反意疑问句)That must be a lot more fun than taking a bus, ____?



A. Do you like it?

B. How do you get to school?

C. How do you like English?

D. How long are you learning English?

E. What time do you leave the house?

F. Do you often speak English after class?

G. Try to speak it as often as possible.

S: May I ask you some questions, Miss Gao?

M: Sure.

S: __1__

M: Very much. That’s why I teach English. __2__

S: No, I don’t. I find it very hard.

M: __3__

S: About one year.

M: __4__

S: No, I only speak in class.

M: You must like speaking English. __5__

S: I will, Miss Gao. Thank you.

Ⅶ.根据汉语意思完成英语句子 (每小题2分,共10分)

1. 你认为《无极》这部电影怎么样?

____ do you ____ ____ the film The Promise?

2. 乘坐地铁一定更好玩!

That ____ ____ a lot more fun than taking subway!

3. 乘飞机到香港要多久?

____ ____ does it take to fly to Hong Kong?

4. 在世界上其他地方,情况是不相同的。

In ____ ____ of the world, things are different.

5. 别担心,我们会帮你的。

____ ____. We’ll help you.

Ⅷ.完形填空 (每小题1分,共10分)

When the Americans were getting ready to send their __1__ men to the moon, an old Irishman(爱尔兰人) was __2__ them on TV in the bar(酒吧) of a hotel.

There was an Englishman in the bar, too, and he said to the Irishman, “The Americans are very __3__, aren’t they? They are going to send some men to the moon. It’s a very __4__ way from our world.”

“Oh, that’s __5__,” the Irishman answered quickly. “The Irish are going to send some men to the sun in a few months’ time. That’s much farther away than the __6__, you know.”

The Englishman was very surprised when he heard this. “Oh, yes, it is,” he said. “But the sun’s too __7__ for people to go to.”

The Irishman __8__ and answered. “Well, the Irish aren’t stupid(笨),you know. We won’t go to the sun during the __9__, of course. We’ll go there during the __10__.”

1. A. firstB. goodC. cleverD. strong

2. A. looking for B. hearingC. watchingD. talking with

3. A. strongB. kindC. hard-workingD. clever

4. A. farB. longC. narrowD. strange

5. A. everythingB. somebodyC. nobodyD. nothing

6. A. moonB. earthC. starD. world

7. A. farB. bigC. roundD. hot

8. A. felt sorryB. criedC. got angryD. laughed

9. A. summerB. dayC. nightD. holiday

10. A. weekendB. dayC. nightD. traveling

Ⅸ.阅读理解 (每小题2分,共20分)


John lived in a big city with his wife and his two children.

One Saturday afternoon, John took his yellow motorbike out of the room and was washing it when one of his friends came by. The friend stopped and looked at it for a minute. Then John turned his face back and saw him.

The friend said to John, “That’s a nice motorbike. Is it yours?”

“Sometimes,” John answered.

The friend was surprised. “Sometimes,” he said. “What do you mean?” John told his friend slowly, “When there is a party in the city, my daughter, Rose uses it. When there’s a basketball game, it comes to my son, Mike. When I wash it, and it looks really nice and clean, my wife uses it and goes shopping. When it needs gas, it is mine.”


1. John lived in a ____.

A. schoolB. villageC. big townD. big city

2. John’s motorbike was ____.

A. yellowB. whiteC. blueD. black

3. One Saturday afternoon, John was ____.

A. watching TVB. washing his motorbike

C. riding his motorbikeD. having a rest

4. When there was a party in the city, ____ used the motorbike.

A. TomB. MikeC. RoseD. John’s wife

5. There were ____people in John’s family.

A. threeB. fourC. fiveD. six


The following are four kinds of medicine at home. We should know how to use them. Never make any mistakes.

(1)Take the medicine with water. One pill every eight hours. For further nighttime and every morning, take two pills at bed time. Don’t take more than six pills in 24 hours: For children six or twelve years old, give half the adult dosage(剂量). For children under six years old, go to ask your doctor. Take less dosage if restlessness of sleeplessness happens.

(2)Each pill of the medicine is taken three times each day for persons more than 14 years old. As usual, a pill 6:00 a.m. before breakfast, one before 11:00 and one before sleep. Not for children under six years old and old persons with heart trouble.

(3)The medicine is for a person with a cough. Once two pills a day before sleep for adults. Not take the medicine without a cough. Half for children under 12 years old. Children with a bad cough, go to see a doctor.

(4)The medicine is taken three times a day. Once five pills for an adult with a cold. Half the pills for children under 10 years old. Take the medicine before three meals or before sleep.

6. If a person can’t rest or sleep very well after taking the first kind ofmedicine, he should ____.

A. take less dosageB. take more dosage

C. take two pills at bed timeD. take it again without water

7. If a middle-aged person with a cough wants to be well at home, he’d better ____.

A. take three pills before sleep

B. stop to take some more pills

C. go to see the doctor

D. take two pills of the third kind of medicine before sleep

8. ____ can’t take the second kind of medicine.

A. Children over 12 years old

B. Some adults 18 years old

C. Some old persons with heart trouble

D. Child over 7 years old

9. When an adult has a cold, he had better ____.

A. have about over 14 pills of the fourth kind of medicine a day

B. have six pills of the fourth kind of medicine twice a day

C. have five pills of the fourth kind of medicine four times a day

D. have nine pills a day

10. If a child under 10 years old needs to take the fourth kind of

medicine, he has ____.

A. a coldB. a cough C. a serious illness D. sleeplessness

Ⅹ.书面表达 (10分)


提示: 起床非常晚,饭后帮妈妈做家务,洗器皿,拖地板, 12点吃午饭,下午骑车去动物园,五点钟回家,晚饭后做作业,然后看电视,九点半睡觉。


八年级下册仁爱版英语知识点总结 篇4

1.a seven-day holiday三天的假期

2.go on a visit to sp.去某地参观

3.decide (not) to do sth. 决定(不)做某事

decide on sth.决定某事

make a decision 做一个决定

4.the best way to do sth.做某事最好的方式

5.over the phone 通过电话

6.book the train tickets预订火车票

7.the hard/soft sleeper 硬/软卧

8.raise money 筹集钱

9.borrow(借入) sth. from sb.从某人那借某物

lend(借出) sth. to sb.=lend sb. sth.把某物借给某人

10.look forward to doing sth.期望做某事

11.hear from sb.

=get a letter from sb

=receive a letter from sb.收到某人的来信

12.on the first day of在……第一天

13.on the top of 在……顶部

14.total cost 总花费


①Sb. spend some time/money (in) doing sth./ on sth.

②Sb. pay some money for sth.

③It takes sb. some time/money to do sth.

④Sth. cost sb. some money

16.interesting places= places of interest


17.set/start out/off 出发

18.be in trouble 有麻烦,处于困境


1.comfort v.安慰,抚慰


comfortable adj.舒服的,安逸的

2.Canada n.加拿大

Canadian adj.加拿大的,加拿大人的


3.proper adj.正确的,恰当的

properly adv.适当地。正确地

4.difficult adj.困难的

difficulty n.[U]困难



1.I have some exciting news to tell you.


2.It will take us a few days to get there by bike.


3.I’ d like to book some tickets to Mount Tai.


4.Why don’t we put on a show to raise money .


5.We’re going on a three-day visit to Mount Tai.


6.How much does a standard room cost?


7.When are you going to start out?


8.How long does it take to take a train to Mount Tai?


9.When do you want them?


10.I’m looking forward to hearing from you.


11.May I have your name and telephone number, please?

仁爱八年级上unit4知识点总结 篇5

I. 重点词组

1.early/earlier this morning 今天早些/更早些时候 2.fall down 倒塌,落下 3.be missing 失踪

4.I’m sorry/happy to hear that.听到那个消息我感到很难过/开心。be +adj.+ to do sth.做sth…….复习:(1)be sorry to do sth.(2)be sorry that 从句

(3)be sorry for+(doing)sth./从句

eg.I’m sorry for what I said.5.sb.+ know +(that)宾语从句

6.another two terrible earthquakes = two more terrible earthquakes

另外两起可怕的地震 补充:another + 数词= 数词+more 7.lose one’s life/lives 死亡,丧命

8.protect sb.from(doing)sth.保护sb.免于遭受……的伤害 9.ask …for…寻求

10.ways to protect us from earthquakes 保护我们免于遭受地震伤害的方式/法 11.the number of buildings falling down 房屋倒塌的数量 12.the missing people in the earthquake 在地震中失踪的人员 13.mobile phone 移动电话

14.take care of each other 互相照顾 15.wait for 等待

16.prepare sth.for sb.为sb.准备sth.17.stay for about eight hours 等待大约八小时

18.hear about= hear of 听说


hear from 收到……的来信 19.a level 7.1 earthquake 7.1级地震 20.lose one’s home(s)失去某人的家园

21.run out of…跑出

be out…(从……里)出来;没有,缺少

22.how to protect yourselves from the earthquake 如何保护你们自己免于遭受地震的伤害 疑问词+不定式(to do)可以在句中作主语、宾语和表语 23.forget/remember to do sth.忘记/记得去做sth.forget/remember doing sth.忘记/记得做过sth.24.stay/keep calm 保持冷静

calm down 冷静下来 25.be to do sth.①表义务、应该,接近于should, must等。②表计划、安排,相当于be going to do 26.break one’s right arm 伤到某人的右臂 break——broke 27.do anything else 做其他任何事情

else adj.其他的,别的(常用在不定代词和疑问词之后)

28.What’s the matter with sb.? = What’s wrong/the trouble with sb.? sb.怎么啦? 29.take a lift to go downstairs 乘电梯下楼

30.stand in the middle of a room 站在房子的中间

31.protect your head with your arms 用双臂保护你的头部 32.sth.happened/happens to sb.sb.发生了sth.What happened/happens to sb.?


33.be hurt/injured 受伤

34.be indoors/outdoors 在室内/室外 35.the safest place 最安全的地方

36.sit on the floor in a doorway 坐在出入口的地板上 37.close to 靠近,临近

38.stay/get/keep away… 远离……

39.anything that may fall on you 任何可能砸中你的东西

40.try to do sth.试着去做sth.try not to do sth.试着不去做sth.41.be out of doors 在户外

42.move to clear areas 转移到空旷地区 43.be careful of sth.注意sth.44.fallen power lines 掉落的电线 45.be over 结束

46.There is/are going to be…=There will be…=There’ll be…将有…… 47.It is/was safe for sb.to do sth.对sb.来说做sth.是安全的 48.move around 走动 49.feel afraid 感到害怕 50.in a fire 在火灾中

51.turn off the gas and lights 关掉煤气和灯

turn on 打开 52.jump off=jump out of 跳出

53.the whole nation= all the nation 全国

54.with sb.’s help…= with the help of sb….在sb.的帮助之下 55.rebuild one’s home(s)重建某人的家园 56.return to normal life 返回到正常生活 57.be able to do sth.能够做sth.58.over again 再次,重新 59.present situation 现状

60.a piece of news 一则消息/新闻

61.send the army to help 派遣军队去支援 62.in disaster areas 在灾区 II.重点句型

仁爱八年级上unit4知识点总结 篇6

Topic 1 We’re preparing for a food.一.重点句型。Section A

1.Do you know about Craig Kielburger? 你知道克雷格齐尔们?

know about意为“了解”,而know 是”知道,认识”之意,二者意思不同。e.g.I know her.我认识她。

I want to know more about my teacher.我想更多地了解我的老师。

2.He is from Canada and he started Free the Children.他创办了“解放儿童”这个组织。start 有多层含义,此处意为“(使)出现,创办,开办”。

e.g.My uncle starts a shoe factory in his hometown.我的叔叔在他的家乡创办了一家鞋厂。start to do sth.开始做某事; e.g.It started to rain.下起雨来了。

3.He was only twelve years old when he started to help poor children.当他开始帮组贫困孩子时,他年仅12岁。twelve years old 十二岁;数字+year(s)+old 意为“„„岁”,在句子中只能做表语;

twelve-year-old 十二岁的;数字-year(s)-old 意为“„„岁的”,是一个复合形容词,作定语; She is two years old.= She is two-year old.她两岁。

4.Then shall we have a food festival and raise money to give to Free the Children?那么我们举办一次美食节活动来为“解放儿童”筹款好吗? have 是“举办, 举行”之意,相当于hold。e.g.have a sports meeting = hold a sports meeting举行运动会;

We will have a art festival next week.= We will hold a art festival next week.have a food festival 举行美食街;raise money 筹款; 5.I will turn to our teachers.我去向老师求助。

turn to(sb.)= ask(sb.)for help 转向(某人);求助于,求教于;

e.g.Jane is going to turn to her sister.= Jane is going to ask her sister for help.简打算向她的姐姐求助。6.My task is to make a poster.我的任务是制作一张海报。

此句是不定式to make a poster作表语,说明主语的内容。e.g.My job is to look after the baby.make a poster制作一张海报;e.g.Mr.Zhang made a poster for this basketball game.7.I’ll get in touch with Craig Kielburger on the Internet to get more information about him.我将在网上和克雷格齐尔伯取得联系来获得更多关于他的信息。1)get in touch with和„„取得联系;

e.g.I often get in touch with my parents on weekends.我常常在周末和我父母联系。

to get more information about him 意为“为了得到关于他的更多信息”,to 在这里作目的状语。get information about sb.获得关于某人的信息;

8.I will think about how to hold the food festival.我将会认真考虑怎样举办这次美食节。1)think about(认真)考虑;

e.g.—Dad, will you buy me a new bike?—I don’t know.I’ll have to think about it.—爸爸,你能给我买辆新自行车吗?—很难说,我得好好考虑考虑。与think相关的短语还有:think over;think of。

A.think over 仔细考虑, 慎重思考;e.g.I would like more time to think things over.B.think of 考虑到,这时可与think about互换。e.g.Don’t think of/about me any more.不要再考虑我。特殊疑问词how+不定式作动词短语作think about的宾语;

e.g.I often think about how to improve my spoken English.我经常想如何提高我的英语口语。9.Let’s try our best to make it success.让我们尽最大的努力使它成功。try one’s best to do sth.= do one’s best to do sth.尽某人最大努力; e.g.We must try/do our best to study.我们必须尽最大努力学习。10.Free the Children plans to build a school in Kenya.“解放儿童”组织计划在肯尼亚建一所学校。plan to do sth.计划做某事;e.g.I plan to go to America next month.我计划下个月去美国。11.What will the food festival be like?美食节会是什么样子? 12.The children in hospital.生病住院的儿童。

in hospital在那家医院(特指),对方应该知道说话人指的是哪一家 e.g.I work in the hospital.我在医院工作。Section B

1.I have a sweet tooth, and I think a lot of students will buy western food, such as American chocolate cookies and Greek cheese pies.我喜欢甜食,我认为很多学生会买西方食物,比如美国巧克力派和希腊奶酪派。

1)have a sweet tooth 喜欢吃甜食;

e.g.He has a sweet tooth, and now all his teeth are bad.他喜欢吃甜食,现在他的牙齿都坏掉了。western food 西方食物;

2.I think a lot of students will buy western food 是含有宾语从句的复合句,引导词that已省略。such as 例如;

3.That’s good enough.那太好了。

A.enough 作副词时,修饰形容词或副词,表示“足够地,十分地”,作形容词时,修饰不定代词。在这两种情况下,它只可放在形容词,副词和不定代词之后。

e.g.This book is easy enough for you to understand.这本书你很容易就可以看懂。B.enough 修饰名词时,可以置于名词前或名词后。

e.g.I have enough money to buy the book.我有足够的钱买这本书。

C.enough 还可用作代词,表示“够,足够,充足”。既可代替可数名词,也可代替不可数名词,e.g.We’ve nearly run out of paper.Do you think there’s enough for today?


4.So my friends and I decided to help you raise some money.所以我和我朋友决定帮助你筹一些钱。decide to do sth.决定做某事;e.g.She decided to learn English well.她决定学好英语。5.May I invite you to our food festival? 我可以邀请你来参加我们的美食节吗?

invite sb to do sth 邀请某人做某事;e.g.I invited my best friends to see a movie yesterday.6.I’d love to , but I’m sorry I can’t, because I have no time these days.A.be sorry相当于be afraid,从句I can’t是省略句,该句完整形式是I’m sorry I can’t go to your food festival.也可说成I’m afraid I can’t go to your food festival.B.be sorry和be afraid后还可接不定式to do, 构成be sorry/ afraid to do sth.形式。e.g.I’m sorry/afraid to do that.我很抱歉/不敢那样做。

类似的用法还有:be pleased to do sth.= be glad to do sth.高兴做某事;

be surprised to do sth.惊奇做某事;

7.Will you please tell me something about yourself and Free the Children?你能告诉我一些关于你个人和“解放儿童”的情况吗?

该句型Will you please...?意为“请你做„„好吗?”,表示客气的请求,后接动词原形。e.g.Will you please go fishing with me?你能和我一起去钓鱼吗? Will you please...?与Would you like...?的区别:

will you please后接动词原形,而would you like后接不定式to do, 且意为“你愿意„„吗?” e.g.Would you like to go fishing with me? 你愿意和我一起去钓鱼吗? 8.I’ll send you an email later on, OK? 等下我给你发电子邮件,好吗? 后面常常带两个宾语,即send+间宾(人)+直宾(物),我们称它为“双宾结构”。这类词还有: give, pass, lend, write, show等。

send sb.sth.可改为send sth.to sb.原句可改为:I’ll send an e-mail to you.但make/buy/draw/sing/get等动词后跟双宾语时,则改为make/ buy/draw/sing/get sth.for sb.e.g.Mother draws a picture for him.妈妈给他画了一幅画。Section C 1.I regret that I can not come.很遗憾我不能去。

regret 意为“感到遗憾、惋惜、懊悔”,后接名词、代词、动名词、不定式或从句。A.regret+从句;e.g.I deeply regret what I said.我非常后悔说了那些话。B.regret to do sth.对要做的事遗憾(未做);

e.g.I regret to say that you have failed your exam.我很遗憾地告诉你,你考试不及格。C.regret doing sth.对做过的事遗憾、后悔(已做); e.g.I regret telling him the truth.我后悔告诉了他真相。

2.He knew children should go to school instead of working in factories all day.他知道儿童应该上课,而不是整日在工厂干活。

instead of sb./(doing)sth.代替,作为„„的替换;e.g.We can go there by bike instead of walking.3.He decided to fight against the bosses.他决定与老板作斗争。fight against sb./sth.与某人/某事做斗争,反对某人/某事;

e.g.The farmers are fighting against the drought.农民们正在抗旱。

4.As a result, a bad man killed him.结果,一个坏人杀害了他。as a result 结果;

e.g.He studied very hard, as a result, he get high scores in all the subjects.他很努力学习,他

5.Soon many children joined us and the group became Free the Children.很快,许多儿童加入了我们并成立了“解放儿童”基金会。

join 加入(人群,组织);join in 参加(活动,比赛);

e.g.There are any amount of clubs you could join.有无数个俱乐部你可以加入。

注意:(1)join可与in连用,后接活动,即 take part in=join in = be in后都接活动。

e.g.He joined in the game.他参加了这场比赛。

(2)join sb.in doing sth.表加入某人的活动。e.g.Will you join us in playing basketball ? 6.I believe one person can make a change.我相信一个人能够作出改变。make a change 做一个改变; change 这边作可数名词,意为“改变”; change 还可做动词,意为“改变”;e.g.Can you change your hair color? 你可以改下你头发的颜色吗? Section D 1.He works for the rights of children.他为(争取)儿童的权利而工作。

1)work for 意为“争取,力争,努力取得”;e.g.Let’s work for our freedom.让我们为自由而战吧。

work for 还有“从事„„的工作”之意;e.g.His father works for a hospital.A.right 此处“权利”之意;e.g.I have the right to say no.我有权利说不。B.right adj.正确的;e.g.You are right.你是对的。

C.right n.右边;e.g.The bookstore is on the right side.书店在右边。2.Let’s make Craig’s dream come true.让我们帮克雷格梦想成真!come true 意为“(希望,愿望)实现,成为现实”。

e.g.His dream came true in the end.= He made his dream come true in the end.他最终实现了自己梦想。二.重点词组。

1.know about

了解; 2.start to do sth.开始做某事; 3.have a food festival

举行美食街; 4.raise money


5.turn to(sb.)= ask(sb.)for help 转向(某人);求助于,求教于;

6.make a poster

制作一张海报; 7.get in touch with


8.get information about sb.获得关于某人的信息; 9.think about 10.think over 力;

12.plan to do sth.计划做某事; 13.make tea

14.cook soup




仔细考虑, 慎重思考;

33.Italian pizza

意大利披萨; 南美洲牛肉; 俄罗斯黑面包 谈论; 炒米粉; 决定做某事;

34.South African beef curry 35.Russian black bread 36.tall about 37.fried rice

38.decide to do sth.很遗憾/不敢做某事;

39.be sorry/ afraid to do sth.40.send sth to sb.= send sb.sth.送某物给某人;

pass sb.sth.= pass sth.to sb.传给某人某物;

kick sb.sth.=kick sth.to sb.踢给某人某物;

throw sb.sth.= throw sth.to sb.扔某物给某人;

bring sb.sth.= bring sth.to sb.给某人带某物;

teach sb.sth.= teach sth to sb.教某人某物;

give sb.sth.= give sth.to sb.给某人某物;

buy sb.sth.= buy sth.for sb.给某人买某物; make sb.sth.= make sth.for sb.为某人做某物; 41.email address 43.make a change


42.invite sb to do sth

邀请某人做某事; 改变; 11.try one’s best = do one’s best 尽某人最大努15.make cheese pies

做奶酪派; 16.make chocolate cookies

做巧克力饼干; 17.make biscuits 19.set the table


摆放桌子; 制作果汁; 制作海报; 在贫困区; 盲童; 老人; 住院; 打扫房子; 使某人振作; 喜欢吃甜食; 西方食物; 例如; 印度咖喱; 而且; 18.make strawberry pancakes 做草莓馅饼; 20.make fruit juice 21.make a poster 22.in poor areas 24.the old people 25.in hospital 27.cheer sb.up 26.clean the houses

44.regret to do sth.对要做的事遗憾(未做); regret doing sth.对做过的事遗憾、后悔(已做); regret+从句



45.fried chicken

46.instead of sb./(doing)sth.代替,作为……的替换; 47.fight against sb./sth.与某人/某事做斗争,反对某人/某事; 48.as a result

结果; ……岁; 出生于……;

49.at the age of

50.be born in…

51.work for

23.the blind children

28.have a sweet tooth 29.western food

30.such as

31.Indian curries 32.What’s more
