Unit 8 Where is John like?(新目标版七年级英语上册教案教学设计)


Unit 8 Where is John like?(新目标版七年级英语上册教案教学设计)(通用7篇)

Unit 8 Where is John like?(新目标版七年级英语上册教案教学设计) 篇1

Go for it! 是以任务型语言教学为基础的英语教材,它体现“以学生为中心”和“以人为本”的教学思想,融话题、交际功能和语言结构于一体。本书每个单元都列出明确的语言目标、主要的功能项目和语法结构、需要掌握的基本词汇,并分为Section A和Section B两部分。Section A为目标句型提供分步事例和指导性练习;Section B使学生能够对已经学过的目标句型运用自如。每个单元还附有Self Check部分,此部分是让学生用来测试自己现阶段的英语水平,即对本单元的语言目标的掌握程度有较为明确的认识。

Starter Unit 1是Go for it! 预备篇三个单元中的第一单元。预备篇是为了使没有英语学习基础的学生更好地使用本套教材而编写的。它的主要内容为26个字母和最基本的英语日常用语。

本单元的教学内容为:学习Aa---Hh 8个字母。




在Go for it! 的教材上,每个单元只有一个总体的教学内容安排,既没有具体的课时数安排,也没有分课时的教学内容安排。所以,对教师来说,这是一个灵活运用教材的机会,任何教学内容的调整和取舍,都是合理的。但这也是挑战,教师必须从所教学生的实际水平和语言能力出发,合理安排本单元的课时数,设计好每课时的教学内容。


Starter Unit 1的教学重点:Aa----Hh的字母教学

相互问候:Good morning/afternoon/evening, Alice!

Hello, Frank!

Hi, Cindy! How are you?

I’m fine/OK, thanks.

教学难点:a) 不同时间的不同问候;

b) 人名的读法和人物与名字的配对(8个)。


第一课时:完成Section A----1a,1b。

课时目标:a) 学习见面时的相互问候。

b) 认识1a中的8个人物,能正确读出他们的名字。

第二课时:完成Section A----2a,2b,2c,2d,3,4a,4b,4c。

课时目标:a) 学习字母Aa----Hh。

b) 了解一些英语缩略词的意思。

c) 巩固上一课时中所学的人名及不同时间的问候。

第三课时:完成Section B 1, 2a, 2b, 3a, 3b, 4, 5;

Self Check 1, 2, 3, 4。

课时目标:a) 学习将相同元音音素的字母和单词归类(A/ei/, //, E/i:/, /e/)。

b) 巩固本单元的字母、单词和句型。

c) 培养自我检测能力以及名字卡片的建立。



1、 词汇:Letters Aa---Hh


2、句型: Good morning/afternoon/evening, Alice!

Hello, Frank!

Hi, Cindy! How are you?

I’m fine/OK, thanks.


本单元要求学生掌握英文字母Aa-Hh,能认读其印刷体和手写体字母的大小写等四种形式;能看, 听,说本单元所列的日常交际用语,重点学会打招呼,并做到语音语调正确。

C、 情感目标



1、 以任务型教学作为课堂教学理念、利用整体语言教学法、情景教学法、交际教学法等。

2、 在教学中创设切实可行的任务型教学活动、突出交际性。

3、 教师为主导、学生为主体、任务为基础,注重实用性。

4、 引趣激趣策略,创设情景调节气氛,引发激发学生兴趣。




The first period

Step 1:A song

Listen to a “Good morning!” song. Then Ss learn to sing this song.(利用JEFC教材中的Good morning!歌曲导入新课.)

Step 2:Introduction

Come into the classroom and greet the class with a smile and say Good morning!

Now, introduce the words “teacher” and “class” by using gestures. Repeat this several times and have the class repeat after you. Students can answer as a whole group, as rows and as individuals. Repeat “I am your teacher and you are the class” several times.

You may want to leave the class again to introduce the usual Good morning routine. Say Good morning,class. Help students respond with Good morning. Point to yourself and say I’m Miss/Mr. … Have them repeat. Explain the terms Miss and Mr. in Chinese.

Repeat this a few times with rows and individuals.

Miss, Mr. … (Ss repeat)

Morning, Miss/Mr. … (Ss repeat)

Good morning, Miss, Mr. … (Ss repeat)

Step 3:Practice

Say Stand up, please! with gestures. (Ss stand up)

Leave the classroom, return and say Good morning, class! Help the students respond with Good morning, Miss/Mr. … Say Sit down, please. Now let’s start the lesson.

Step 4:Listen and repeat

Say Open your books, turn to page 1. There are 8 students in the picture.(按图片上的人物数)One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. Their names are: Grace, Bob, Dale, Helen, Eric, Frank, Cindy and Alice.(可以通过大屏幕展示第一页上的彩图,然后再展示单张图片,并分别与名字相对应。)Ss repeat after the teacher one by one until they know everyone in the picture.

Play the tape, Ss listen and repeat.(利用时间与图表来补充:Good afternoon! Good evening! 解释运用这两个问候语时的情景。)

Step 5:Pair work

Get the Ss practice the conversation in the picture.(Between boys and girls or deskmates. Every student can choose one of the names in the picture.).

---Good morning, Helen! --- Good morning, Bob!

---Good afternoon, Eric! ---Good afternoon, Grace!

---Good evening, Helen! ---Good evening, Dale!

---Hi, Alice! ---Hi, Cindy!

---Hello, Frank! ---Hello, Dale! etc.

Ask the students to tell the class their English names. If any of them have no English names, please choose one after class. Then practice the conversation again with their own English names.


Practice greeting people.

Practice reading the names of the students on Page 1.

Choose an English name for yourself.


The second period

Step 1: Warming up


通过大屏幕上所出现的时间和人名(时间可以通过数字、钟表或图片来展示,图片可以利用Section A---4b和Just for fun中的),让学生区分Good morning! Good afternoon! 和Good evening! 的运用(闪现时间逐渐加快,可以用组与组之间比赛的方法,按得分的多少来决定胜负)。

Do Section A--- 4b (Listen again. Then number the pictures[1-3].)

Step2: Listen

Do Section A--- 4a. Ss open their books. Listen to the conversations. Then circle the names they hear.


Step 3: Pair work

Let students work in pairs to practice the dialogues. Get them to act it out in front of the class after practicing.(可以重新展示Step 1中的课件,让学生根据画面选择要表演的对话。)

Step 5: Listen, repeat and write

Get the students to listen to the tape 2a. Then repeat after the tape one by one. Pay attention to the pronunciation of the letters Cc, Hh and Ff.

Have the students watch the teacher writing the letters on the blackboard, then ask them to follow the teacher and write down these letters on their exercise-books. Let the students know the differences between the big letters and the small letters.

Then Section A-2b, 2c, 2d.

Step 6: Look and learn

a. Section A---3

b. Teacher shows more special letters.

c. Ss try to think of other special letters.

(补充生活中常见的缩略词,如:VCD、DVD、 NBA等,引起学生的兴趣和注意,激发他们去观察生活,使知识的学习为生活服务。)


Copy the letters and the conversation.

Find more special letters like NBA and their meanings.

The third period

Step 1: Warming up

a. Greetings.

b. Letters line up

Section B---3a, 3b

c. Get the Ss to call out the letters.(可以利用JEFC--- Colour page字母页里挑出所学过字母进行操练。)

d. Self Check---1

Step 2: Listen and repeat

Section B---4

List out the letter A/ei/, // on the blackboard and encourage the students to say out what other words a1so make the same pronunciation. Give them some tips. Present the other letters the same as the 1etter A. Then E/i:/, /e/.

Self Check---4

Step 3: Listen

Section B---1. Practice the dialogue: ----How are you? ---I’m fine/OK, thanks.

Ss work in pairs.

Step 4:Group work

Do Section B---2b.

Step 5: Fun

Section B---5.


Learn the letters, words and Greetings in this unit by heart.

Self Check---2.

(说明:对于Self Check---2,今后我都打算这样处理:在本单元的生词表中找出五个自己最不熟悉的单词记下,如果没有不熟悉的,就留意老师每次上课时所补充的。)


一、 写出下列字母的左邻右舍。

1. _____B______ 2. ______c______ 3. _____f______ 4. ____E_____ 5. _____g_____


1. BEE ________ 2. BAG _______ 3. BED _______ 4. HB _______ 5. CD _______

6. ABC ________ 7. AD _______ 8. CAAC _______ 9. BEC _______ 10. FACE _______


1. b, a ( ) 2. c, e ( ) 3. a, e ( ) 4. b, d ( ) 5. a, c ( ) 6. Dale, Alice ( )

7. Frank, thanks ( ) 8. evening, Helen ( ) 9. A, H ( ) 10. E, F ( )


( )1. 一Good evening, Eric. 一_________, Cindy.

A. Good morning B. Good afternoon C. Good evening

( )2. 一Good morning! 一_________

A. Thank you. B. Good morning! C. Hello!

( )3. 一Hello! 一_________

A. Hello! B. Thank you. C. I’m fine.

( )4. 一How are you? 一_________.

A. I’m fine, thanks B. My name is Li Lei C. Thank you

( )5. 早上老师进教室时,同学们应对老师说:“_________ ”

A. Hello! B. How are you?

C. Good morning,Mr/Miss…! D. Good afternoon

( )6. 当人家问你 “How are you?” 时,你应该说: “_________”

A. My name is Lin Lin. B. Yes, I am.

C. I am not. D. I’m fine, thank you.


1. good, you, to, morning

2. you, hi, how, Grace, are

3. fine, you, thank, I’m

4. OK, I, thanks, am

Unit 8 Where is John like?(新目标版七年级英语上册教案教学设计) 篇2


★一般过去时表示过去某个时间或某一段时间内发生的动作或存在的状态,常和表示过去的时间状语连用,如yesterday, last week, in 2008, two years ago等 .


1. 包含be动词过去式的句式

(1)陈述句句式:主语 +was或were+ 其他成分 . 如:

They were at home last Sunday. 上周日他们在家里。

(2)否定句句式:主语 +wasn’t/weren’t+ 其他成分,如:

I wasn’t on the Internet when my father came into the room. 当我父亲进入房间时,我没在上网。

(3)一般疑问句句式:Was/Were+ 主语 + 其他成分?

(4)特殊疑问句句式: 疑问词 +was/were+ 主语 + 其他成分?如:Where were you last Sunday? 上周日你在哪儿?

2. 包含实义动词过去式的句式

(1)肯定句句式:主语 + 动词的过去式 + 其他成分,如:He stayed at home last night. 他昨晚待在家里了。

(2)否定句句式:主语 +did not(didn’t)+ 动词原形 + 其他成分 . 如:They didn’t go shopping last week. 上周他们没有去购物。

(3)一般疑问句句式:Did+ 主语 + 动词原形 + 其他成分?肯定回答:Yes, 主语 +did, 否定回答:No, 主语 +didn’t. 如:

—Did he go to Guangzhou yesterday? 昨天他去广州了吗?

—Yes, he did./No, he didn’t. 是的,他去了。/ 不,他没去。

(4)特殊疑问句句式:特殊疑问词 +did+ 主语 + 动词原形 + 其他成分?如:

What time did he get to school this morning? 今天上午他是什么时间到达学校的?


( ) 1.——what did you do yesterday evening,Gina?

——I ____Titanic in the City Cinema.

A. watch B.watched C. am watching D.will watch

( ) 2.——You look very nice in your new dress today.

____ Oh,really?I ____it when it when it was on sale.

A. buy B.bought C. have bought D.will buy


频率副词表示动作发生的频率,常见的频度副词有always, usually,often, sometimes, hardly, never等。但是程度上有所不同,频率由高到低,如下所示:


★always频率最高,表示动作重复、状态继续,意为“一直、总是”,其反义词为never. always与not连用时,表示部分否定。



★sometimes“有时”, 表示动作偶尔发生,间断时间较长。其位置比较灵活,放在句首、句中、句末都可。



2. 对上述频率副词提问时,常用how often。

I often play basketball. → How often do you play basketball?

3. 常见的表示频率的短语还有:every day/ week/month/year, once/twice a day/week/month/year, five times a week/month等。

【注:三次或三次以上一般用“基数词 +times”来表示】。


1. 形容词的原级即形容词原形形式,常用于very, so, quite, too之后。还用于句型as…as(和……一样……),以及not as/so…as(不如……)中。例如:

The coat is too expensive.

The boy isn’t as/so old as the girl.

2. 形容词的比较级常用于两者之间进行比较,后用连词than连接另一个所比较的人或物。在上下文明确的情况下,形容词比较级也可单独使用。例如:

I’m more outgoing than my sister.

This book is old. Can you give me a newer one.

3. 形容词比较级形式的构成:


比较级,有变化,一般词尾加er;词尾不发音e简单化,之后另把 -r加。

辅音字母 +y型,改y为i,加er; 一辅重读闭音节,词尾字母应双写后再加er。


“坏 / 病”(bad/ill) 是worse;“老 / 远”(old/far)变化有两个。


例如:We can’t go any farther steps.

Let’s have a further study.



My elder brother is two years older than I.

4. 形容词比较级的用法:


( ) 1. The boy is ____than the girl.

A. older 2 years B.2 years older

C. 2 years elder D. elder 2 years

( ) 2. You can get____ more water if you go there.

A. much B. many C. little D. few

( ) 3. This book is_____ .

A. more interesting and more interesting

B. much interesting and much interesting

C. more and more interesting

D. much and much interesting

( ) 4. Shanghai is bigger than___ city in Australia.

A. any B. any other C. other D. another



1. 最高级的句型

(1)A+be+the+ 形容词最高级 + 表示范围的介词词组

Dream Clothes is the worst store in town.(in后接表示地点或范围的名词)梦想服装店是镇上最差的。

(2)A+ 动词 +(the)+ 副词最高级(+ 表示范围的介词词组)He does his work(the)most carefully of the three.(of后接表示比较对象的复数名词或数词)这三个人当中他工作最认真。


(1)“one of+the+ 形容词最高级 + 名词复数”表示“最……之一”。

One of the most popular teachers is Mr Green. 格林先生是最受欢迎的老师之一。

Shanghai is one of the largest cities in the world. 上海是世界上最大的城市之一。


Mike is the third strongest boy in his class. 迈克是他班里第三强壮的男孩。

Taiwan Island is the first largest island in China. 台湾岛是中国的第一大岛。

(3)Which/Who+is+the+ 形容词最 高级,A,B or C? 或Which/Who+ 动词 +(the)+ 副词最高级,A,B or C? 如:

—Which is the smallest,the sun,the moon or the earth?

—Of course the moon is.

“哪个最小,太阳,月亮还是地球 ?”




Tom is the tallest in his class.汤姆是他班上最高的。


Tom is taller than any other student in his class.=Tom is taller than the other students in his class.=Tom is taller than anybody else in his class.=Nobody else is taller than Tom in his class.


He is my best friend. 他是我最好的朋友。

This is Zhang Yimou’s latest movie. 这是张艺谋最新的电影。



1. Of all the subjects.English is ____for me.

A.interesting B.more interesting

C.the most interesting D.much more interesting

2. Tony is only shorter than Jim.He is ____in his class.

A.two tallest B.the two tallest

C.the second tallest D.second tallest

3.Nanjing isn’t so large ___Shanghai,however,it’s the second ___city in East china.

A.1ike;largest B.as;largest

C.1ike;large D.as;large


1. 动词不定式做宾语的形式有两种,带to的动词不定式和不带to的动词不定式,其否定形式为直接在不定式符号to之前直接加not。以write为例,动词不定式的肯定形式为to write,否定形式为not towrite。

2. 动词不定式的语法功能



I hope to see you tomorrow. 我希望明天见到你。

I don’t know what to do next. 我不知道下一步做什么。

He doesn’t know how to do it. 他不知道怎样做这件事情。


We are talking about what to do next. 我们正在讨论下一步干什么。


I found it easy to make a model ship.



1. Tina decided _____(work)in Shanghai.

2. We planned _____(make)a school radio program.

3. Does Mary agree _____(visit)the new museum with you this weekend?

4. Remember_____ (take)your bag.

5. He wants____ (go)to study in Beijing University.

【6】(1-5单元 ) 知识点能力提升

( ) 1. This English newspaper is very easy for the students becausethere are ____new words in it.

A. littleB. a littleC. fewD. a few

( ) 2. My host family tried to cook ____for me when I studied inNew Zealand.

A. different somethingB. different anything

C. something different D. anything different

( ) 3. Last Sunday we didn’t go out____ the rain.

A. because of B. because

C. on front of D. before

( ) 4.—It snowed heavily last night.Is everyone in our class here today?

— Yes, and____ of us was late for school this morning.

A. none B. neither C. all D. either

( ) 5. — Many boy students think math is___ English.

— I agree. I’m weak in English.

A. much difficult thanB. so difficult as

C. less difficult thanD. more difficult than

( ) 6. The volunteer spoke as ____as she could to make the visitorsunderstand her.

A. clearlyB. more clearly

C. most clearlyD. the most clearly

( ) 7. Li Tao, my best friend, is ___more outgoing than any otherstudent in his class.

A. very B. a little C. too D. quite

( ) 8. I had no money and I couldn’t buy___ for my parents.

A. nothing B. anyone C. anything D. something

( ) 9. He asked us___ in the river. It’s too dangerous is serious.

A. to swim B. not to swim C. to not swim D. don’t to swim

( ) 10. ____it was raining, we went there.

A. But B. Though C. Because D. So

( )11. Our life is getting ______now.

A. good and good B. better and better

C. well and well D. more and more

( ) 12. —What happened ____you yesterday?

—I happened ____meet my old friend, Lucy.

A.to, to B. with, to C. to, with D. with, with

( ) 13. Mickey Mouse was the first cartoon_____ sound and music.

A.and B. with C. in D. of

( ) 14. We should eat many fruits ___apples and oranges.

A.for example B. such as C. so as D. such like

( ) 15. —I think Boonie Bears ( 熊出没 )isn’t as ____as Pleasant Goat( 喜羊羊 ).

—I agree with you. Boonie Bears is ____than Pleasant Goat.

A. famous, more famous B. famous, less famous

C. more famous, less famous D. less famous, more famous








【实战演练】答案:1.B 2.A 3.C 4.B


答案:1.C 2.C 3.B


答案:1.to work 2.to make 3.to visit 4.to take 5.to go

【6】(1-5单元 ) 知识点能力提升解析及答案

1.C解析:本题考查a little表示有点,little几乎没有。修饰不可数名词 ;a few表示一些,few表示几乎没有。修饰可数名词。


3.A解析;because of后接短语,名词及名词词组。Because后接句子。




7.B解析:修饰比较级的词,a little /much /far/even/still等。


9.B解析:本题考查固定搭配ask ab to do sth和不定式的否定即在to前加not。


11.B解析:比较级 +and+ 比较级,表示“越来越”。

12.A解析:sth. happen to sb, 表示“某人发生某事”,sb happen to do sth, 表示“某人碰巧做某事”。


14.B解析:for example与所接成分常用逗号隔开,而such as则不用。另外,for example用来举例说明某一论点或情况时,一般只举同类人或物中的一个为例;such as用来列举事物时,一般列举同类人或物中的几个为例。

Unit 8 Where is John like?(新目标版七年级英语上册教案教学设计) 篇3



《新目标英语》八年级上册第六单元section A的主要学习内容有以下3点:

1词汇:tall, thin, short, heavy, calm, wild, long hair,short hair, outgoing, quiet, funny, serious, smart, athletic,ect.


Pedro is funnier than Paul.Tina is taller than Tara.Tom is more athletic than Sam.









Taskl: Guessing games

Show some riddles such as the following to the stu-dents to guess.

T:I have a friend. She is a girl with long hair in our class. She has a round face. She has two big eyes and a small mouth. She often wears a pair of glasses. She is thin. She is taller than any other girl. She is the mast hard-working in our class. Who is she?

T:Let's look at some photos of my family. (Show them on the screen.) Please describe them.

S:She is shorter than you. /She has shorter hair than you. /She is thinner than you. /'--(Students get informa-tion from the photos.)

T:I'm more outgoing than my sister. ( Lead in the class subject.)


Task2:Revise the adjectives to describe people's ap-pearance and personalities

1.Divide the class into four groups and have a com-petition to see which group can get as much as possible.Students can write their descriptions on a piece of paper before class. (Students must collect them before class.)

2.Show some photos of famous persons and describe them, using description words, such as short hair/long hair, curly hair/straight hair, tall/short,...etc, on the screen.


Task3 : Presentution

1.Learn some new words about personal traits:calm/wild,athletic/weak,using the pictures of 3 pairs of twins in Section A.

T: Who is eaimer, Tom or Sam?

S: Torn is calmer than Sam. Sam is wilder than Tam.Tom is more athletic than Sam. Sam is weaker than Tom.

2.DoSectionA-la.Matcheachwordwith the opposite. Check the answers.

3.Get students to introduce the rules of the compara-tive and superlative degrees of adjectives. (Show them on

the screen.)


Task4: Listening

1.Listen to the tape and number the pictures in 1b.

2.Listen to the tape and complete the chat in 2a.Listen again and fill in chat in 2b.

3.Check the answers.



1.Imagine your partner is a famous person, interview him/her.(Show an example on the screen.)

2.Divide the class into 4 groups and then work in groups.

3.Suppose you are a super star in the future, design your future.


Task6: Reading and writing

1.Teach "look the same", "look different", " be as good as","be not as good as","a little",using some pic-tures and comparing some students in class.

2.Students read the article and the statements (1-5)about the article. Write "T","F" or "DK".

3.Check the answers. (Ask students to give reasons.)

4.Ask students to write another letter.

T: You are Isabel now. Write a letter to reply Liu Li. Talk about the same and different between you and one of your friends.

5.Choose two or three to share the replies with the whole class.


Task7: Consolidation and sum-up

1.Give studentsa chanceto sum up what have learned in this class. (Students can talk about it freely.)Then teacher makes a brief sum-up.

2.Get the students to do some consolidation exercises.Teacher goes around and gives some help to students.



Unit 8 Where is John like?(新目标版七年级英语上册教案教学设计) 篇4






目标语言 学习策略与思维技巧 重点词汇

Where are the rock CDs?

Go upstairs and take a left…

They’re behind the jazz CDs.

They’re next to the heavy metal CDs.

What’s your favorite kind of music?

My favorite kind of music is… 分类表述

听取特定信息 pop, classical, jazz, country, dance

amazing, terrible, awful, not bad, cool, fantastic, OK

upstairs, straight

语言结构 语言功能 多元智能

Where, What问句

祈使句:take a left, go upstairs, turn right

表示方位的介词: next to, between, behind 询问方位

表述方位 方位识别与表述




Where’s the classical music?

Go upstairs and turn right. It’s next to the dance music.

What’s your favorite kind of music?

My favorite kind of music is pop music.

Who’s his favorite group?

It’s Green Express. They are fantastic.




Steps Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity Preparation

Revision Play several music clips Listen and guess what kind of music they are. CAI / CDs

Check the answers with Ss Get familiar with the words OHP / CDs

Task 1 Draw Maps

Aim Draw simple maps of inner buildings by listening to others’ description.

1 Read a music store directions twice as an example. Listen, draw and label a map of the music store. Handout

2 Show a student’s map Check the answer

3 Show the map on the screen Check the answer PowerPoint

4 Show the script on the screen as an example. Take out their homework. (A music store map they drew) PowerPoint

5 Ask Ss to introduce their maps to others and draw. Draw maps and check. A4 paper

Task 2 My Favorite CDs

Aim Get to know others’ favorite music, and find out our favorite music type.

1 Ask Ss to guess the 4 persons favorite music / singer. Predict and discuss P34 2a

2 Show the four names of the singers on the screen Get familiar with the names PowerPoint

3 Play the recorder for the first time. Listen and finish 2a Tape recorder

4 Check the answers Pair work. Discuss

5 Play the recorder again Listen and finish 2a

6 Play the tape the 3rd time Listen and finish 2b. Check. PowerPoint

7 Ask Ss to introduce their favorite music to each other. Take out their favorite CDs and present it to their partner. CDs

8 Move around the give some support. Pair work Handout

9 Ask Ss to change partners. Pair work. Change partners

10 Ask some groups to give reports. Ss give reports

11 Ask 12 group leaders to tell the class their favorite music. Do a survey. Find out what is their favorite kind of music. OHP

Task 3 Buy CDs

Aim Real-life based task. Ss go to the CD store and buy their favorite CDs.

1 Arrange a real CD store by using a S’s map in Task 1. A group of Ss (4) buy CDs by following the map. A map

2 Ask Ss to listen & take notes Others listen and take notes.

3 Ask Ss to ask and answer question about the real task. Pair work.

4 Ask several pairs of Ss to check their listening. Check the answer.

End Play their favorite kind of music. CD


Task One: Draw maps.



Where’s the pop music section?

Pop music fans, follow these directions please.

Go straight. Turn left at the classical music. Then go upstairs.

Pop music is between jazz CDs and dance CDs.

You can find classical music right behind the country music section.

Step 1: 学生拿出教师分发的音像店平面图,仔细观察后,听教师描述路线两遍后,将路线图画好。(Tape scripts): Go straight. Turn left at the classical music. Go upstairs. Go straight, and turn right at the jazz music. Pop music is between jazz and dance. The dance CDs are behind the country music section.

Step 2: 学生分别展示自己的路线图,检查是否与教师提供的答案相符。

Step 3: 学生两人一组将前一天完成的作业:一份自己绘制的音像店路线图拿出,并拿出一张白纸。相互将自己绘制的路线图读给同桌听(不许将图给同学看),让对方将图画出。完成后对比。

Step 4: 请几组同学上台做示范。

Task Two: My Favorite CDs.


出现的句型:What’s your favorite kind of music?

My favorite kind of music is pop music.

Who’s his favorite group?

It’s Green Express. They are fantastic.

Step 1: 听力训练前,预测一下34页2a听力训练中四个人所喜欢的音乐类型分别是什么。然后做Section B 2a, 2b的听力练习,进行语言输入。听三遍检查。

Step 2: 让学生拿出从家中带来的自己最喜欢的CD或录音带。学生两人一组,调查对方最喜欢的音乐类型及其原因,并在所发的表格中做记录。

Step 3: 在四人小组中找寻新的同伴,调查对方的情况;并调查对方方才小组成员的情况并做记录。

Step 4: 总结四人小组的情况,向全班汇报调查结果,找出全班最喜欢的音乐类型。

Task Three: Buy CDs.



Where’s the pop music section?

It’s between the country CDs and dance CDs.

What’s your favorite kind of music?

It’s classical music. I like Mozart best.

Who’s your favorite group?

Oh, I love “West life”!

How much are there CDs?

They are 30 yuan.

Step 1: 陈述任务情景:你家附近新开了一家音像店,一天你和你的好友一起去逛这家音像店,由于是第一次来购物,不熟悉店里的布局,在导购员的帮助下,你们找到了想要买的CD。相互讨论后各自买到了称心如意的CD。

Step 2: 将全班分成若干个四人小组。分别扮演导购员、你、朋友和收银员。分小组上台进行角色扮演。

Step 3: 其他在台下的同学仔细倾听台上同学所选购的商品种类、价格、数量以及他们分别喜欢什么类型的音乐。并将听到的这些信息一一记录在表格中。

Step 4: 小组角色扮演完成后,请台下的同学验证记录的结果。

Students’ Handout

Task 1 Draw maps.

Second Floor

Task 2 My Favorite CDs

You Partner 1 Partner 2 Partner 3


Favorite kind

of music

Favorite group

or singer



Our favorite

kind of music

Task 3 Buy CDs

Student A Student B

Favorite kind of music

Favorite group / singer

The CDs they buy

Money they spend ¥ ¥













Unit 8 Where is John like?(新目标版七年级英语上册教案教学设计) 篇5

Introduce themselves, greet people, ask for and give telephone.


Use Hello, Hi. Introduce themselves. The number0-9.


Present tense to be. What question. Possessive adjectives my, your, his, her.


Personal names, numbers 0-9. phone number, first name, last name, Hi, Hello

Target language:

What’s your name? My name is… I’m Gina. Nice to meet you. What’s your phone number? It’s…

Learning strategies:

Practicing. Listening for specific information.

Four periods

Period 1

Step 1 Revision

Revise the words and the sentences: What’s this in English?”

Do P1-1a

Teach new words and then let them read.

Step 2 Pairwork

Greet people and introduce yourself

Step 3. Presentation

1. Look at the picture P1-1a, listen to the conversations.

2. Do P1-1b.

3. Listen and repeat the conversations.

4. Pairwork. Do P1-1c.

Practise the conversations.

Report: self-introduction

Use: My name is…

I am…

I want to be your good friend

Step 4 Listening

1. Look at the picture p2-2a. listen to the conversations.

2. Do p2-2a

3. Teach the class to read the names.

4. Do p2-2b.

Step 5 Presentation

1. Using gestures and models, help the class to understand the sentences:

My name is…= I am

Her name is…

His name is…

2. Pairwork Do p2-2c

3. Groupwork. Do p3-4

Step 6 Grammar focus

1.Let the students read and ask any questions.

2. Teach them how to write the sentences.


Do p2-2c

Period 2

Step 1. Revision

1.Revise the words p1-p2.

2.Groupwork: Play the name game,p3-4

3.teach the new words p3, p5

step 2. Presentation

I. show a photo of Cheng long.

T: Who is this? S: It’s Chenglong

What’s his name? His name is chenglong.

What’s his English name? His English name is Jacky Cheng.

2. Name First name(Given name) Last name (Family name)

Cheng long Long Cheng

Jacky Cheng Jacky Cheng

4. Cheng long. His first name is Long. His last name is Cheng.

Jacky Cheng. His first name is Jacky. His last name is Cheng.

II. Show a photo of mine.

Who is this? My first name is… My last name is…

III. Groupwork

What’s your/his/her name?

What’s your/his/her first/last name?

Iv. Report: Self-introduction

My name is… My first name is…and my last name is…

I want to be your good friend.

Step3. book

1. Do p3-3a, 3b

2. Give yourself and English name the report

My English name is… My first name is…and my last name is…

3. Do p5-3a

Step 4 Homework

Make a ID card.

Period 3

Step 1. Revision

1. Pairwork

what’s your first/last name?

2. Report

Tell us your personal information

Step 2 words

Do p4-1a

Groupwork: Read the numbers.

Say your favourvite number.

Step 3 Presentation

1. This is my mobile phone. My telephone number is…This is Miss Zhang. Her telephone number is… What’s her telephone number? It’s…

What’s your telephone number?



What’s your telephone number?


3. Groupwork

What’s your/his/her telephone number?


Do p4-2c p5-4

Step 4 book

1. Listening Do P4-1b, 2a, 2b

2. show their ID cards

3. Do P5-3b, 3c

4. Check their ID cards.

Step 5 Homework

Make a school ID card

Period 4

Step 1 Revision

Revise the words and the sentences that they learned in this unit.

Revise the numbers

Step 2 Exercises

1. Do 1. Ask them to check all the words they know. Find out the meanings of any words they don’t know.

2.Write five new words in their Vocab-builder on p108.Share their lists with other students.

3 Complete the questions and answers individually for the other three situations.

4 Read just for fun. Discuss where the humor comes from. Invite pairs of students to present this dialogue to the rest of the class.

Step 3. Game

1. Play the name game. P3-4

2. Find the owner. P5-4

Step4 Homework

Unit 8 Where is John like?(新目标版七年级英语上册教案教学设计) 篇6







目标语言 语言结构 语言功能

How is the weather?

It’s raining/windy/ cloudy/sunny/ snowing/ cold/hot. 现在进行时

What are you doing? I’m watching TV.

What is he/she doing?

He/She is playing basketball.

What are they doing?

They’re studying. 谈论天气

重点词汇 学习策略与技巧 跨学科知识

Windy cloudy rain snow sunny cold cool warm humid winter weather Pair work

Group work 其他国家、城市名称



Steps Teacher’s activity Students’ activity Preparation

Brainstorm Show some pictures and guess the places Look at the pictures and give the answers Pictures or ppt.

Task I pair work: talk about the places and the weather

Aim Familiar with the new words

1 Look at the pictures and know the name of the places Read Ppt.

2 Read the new words in 1a and explain the meaning Read and remember

3 Use the sentence ‘how is the weather in Beijing?’ Answer the questions and learn

4 Make a sample: question and answer; let Ss do it Prepare their conversations

5 Move around the room and give support as needed Talk to each other

6 Ask some pairs to show their conversations Give their works or more expressions More sentence structures

Task II: listening comprehensions: what are they doing?

Aim Familiar with the new structure

1 Look at the pictures in 2a and know their activities Look

2 Listen to the tape for two times and fill in the blanks Listen and give the answers Tape

3 Move around the room and give some support Write the answers

4 Check the answer and point out the focus Check

5 Pair works to practice: what’s he doing? And answer it Make the pair work

Task III: group work:Is he playing soccer?

Aim Familiar with the sentences

1 Guess: what is he doing?

Is he …..?

How’s the weather? Listen to the rules of this game

2 Give some time and let them prepare to act Talk about how to act

3 Move around the room and give support Talk in groups

4 Ask one to act, other group guess, the winner group gets 1 point; Act and guess

5 Evaluate the best group in the class Choose the best group and the best actor

Homework Call your friend and ask him/her what his family members are doing, write a diary.










目标语言 语言结构 语言功能

What are you doing?

I am playing basketball. 现在进行时一般疑问句

Are you watching TV?

Yes, I am. No, I am not.

Is she playing computer games?

Yes, she/he is. No, she/he isn’t. 谈论人的动作


重点词汇 学习策略与技巧 跨学科知识

Hot, cool, humid, cold, warm;

Riding, walking, taking; Playing basketball, Eating/ drinking, Visiting my grandmother, Watching TV, Playing the guitar 小组活动

调查图表 互相交流不同国家的文化


Steps Teacher’s activity Students’ activity Preparation

Brainstorm Ask students to describe photos of them Describe the photos, use ‘my father is watching TV.’ Photos

Task I: pair work: what is he doing?

Aim Familiar with the new words; review the sentences

1 Look at the words and the pictures and match them P601a Finish the work

2 Check the answers Check

3 Make conversations with the pictures: what and how Use: The weather is… he is reading;

4 Move around the room and give the suggestions Talk about the conversations

5 Ask some pairs and point out the mistakes Show their works

Task II: reading comprehension

1 Say something about the background knowledge of Egypt and then look at the picture Give their information of Egypt Ppt.

2 Ask students to explain the report for the class Act as a reporter.

3 Choose the words of weather and the activities Give the answer

4 Check the answer and point out the focus Finish the work

5 Look at the pictures and describe Paris Read and fill in the blank

6 Check the answer and point our the verb phrases Check the answer

Task III: group work: your ideal place

Aim Use different sentences

1 Each group choose one place to describe and what you are doing in it Choose one place, and describe what they are doing

2 Move around the room and give suggestions Talk about it and write it down

3 Ask one to show their works and act it Choose one of each group to make a report

4 Evaluate the best group and the best reporter Choose the best one

Homework Ask your friends their ideal place and write about it

教学反思:新课程标准中强调学生在课堂中的主体地位,在综合课中他们的主体地位就更加突出。在各个活动中给不同程度的学生不同层次的任务,让各层面的学生都有表现发挥的机会,从而产生对英语的兴趣。使用照片图片多媒体来辅助教学,效果更好。同时让了解其他国家风景,风俗的同学介绍ideal place,增加学生的背景知知识,实现跨学科交流的目的。


Unit 8 Where is John like?(新目标版七年级英语上册教案教学设计) 篇7

—My names Jenny. 我叫詹尼。

点拨:询问某人的名字时,可用句型“Whats ones name?”,回答时,可用“Ones name is. ...”或... “is/am”...。例如:

—Whats his name? 他叫什么名字?

—His name is Tony. 他的名字叫托尼。

2. Nice to meet you. 见到你很高兴。

点拨:当两人初次见面时,一般要说“Nice to meet you.”,对方回答时用“Nice to meet you, too.”。例如:

—Nice to meet you. 见到你很高兴。

—Nice to meet you, too. 见到你,我也很高兴。

3. —Whats this in English? 这个用英语怎么说?

点拨:英语中表示“用某种语言”时,要用介词in。例如:She can sing this song in English. 她能用英语唱这首歌。

4. And is he your brother? 他是你弟弟吗?


5. Please take these things to your brother. 请把这些东西拿给你弟弟。

点拨: Can you bring some things to school? 你能把一些东西带到学校吗?


6. Does he have a ping-pong ball? 他有一个乒乓球吗?


7. Lets play soccer. 咱们踢足球吧。

点拨:当表示“让某人做某事”时,要用“Let +人 + 动词原形”结构。例如:Let me help you.让我帮你吧。动词play后面接表示球类的名词时,名词前不用冠词。

点拨:8. That sounds good. 那听起来很好。


9. But he doesnt play sport. 但是他不进行运动。

点拨:but是并列连词,意思是“但是”,用来表示转折。例如:I like history, but I dont like math. 我喜欢历史,但我不喜欢数学。

10. She doesnt like ice cream. 她不喜欢冰淇淋。


点拨:11. For breakfast, she likes eggs, bananas and apples. 早饭她喜欢吃鸡蛋、香蕉和苹果。

表示“某顿饭吃什么”时,要在“某顿饭”前面用介词for。例如:What did you have for lunch? 你午饭吃的是什么?


Ⅰ. 根据句意选择填空。

()1. —Hello! ___________?

—My names Alice. (2008浙江湖州)

A. How do you do B. How are you

C. Whats your nameD. How old are you

()2. 当外国友人对你说:“Nice to meet you.”,你应回答:“_________.” (2008福建泉州)

A. Nice to meet you, too

B. Thank you C. OK

()3. —Whats this _________ English?

—Its an English-Chinese dictionary.(2006广西南宁)

A. at B. inC. on D. of

()4. —Who is the boy over there?

—_________ is my brother. (2007北京课标卷)

A. He B. His C. HimD. Himself

()5. Why do Chinese people like red? Because they think it can ________ them good luck.(2007浙江金华)

A. carry B. bring C. makeD. take

()6. Linda, please _______ these flowers_______ the classroom. (2006湖南益阳)

A. bring; inB. take; in C. take; to

7. My brother has lunch at school every day.


_______ your brother _______ lunch at school every day? (2007新疆乌兰察布)

()8. —Mum! The boxs too heavy.

—Dont worry. Let me _______ it for you.(2007浙江台州)

A. carry B.carries C. carryingD. to carry

()9. ________ football in Peters room tells us that he likes playing ________ football.(2008广西北海)

A. The; theB. A; aC. The; /D. An; the

()10. —Do you like the English song Big Big World?

—Yes. It _______ very beautiful. (2008江苏宿迁)

A. feelsB. hearsC. listensD. sounds

()11. Tony likes listening to music, _______ he hates practicing the violin. (2008辽宁大连)

A. but B. so C. andD. or

12. The twin needs some bananas. (改为否定句)

The twin _______ need _______ bananas.(2007甘肃兰州)

()13. —What do you usually have _______ lunch?

—Rice, beef and vegetables. (2007四川广元)

A. toB. for C. on

Ⅱ. 翻译填空。

1. 早饭你想吃什么,鸡蛋、面包还是面条?

What would you like to have ________ ________,eggs, bread or noodles? (2008年山东烟台)

2. 那只丢失的手表是新的。

That ________ ________ is new.

3. 她的叔叔是她妈妈的弟弟。

Her ________ is her ________ ________.

4. 看!我的录像带在地板上椅子底下。

Look! My ________ ________ is ________ the floor ________ the chair.

5. 你喜欢体育吗?欢迎加入我们学校体育中心。

________ you like ________? ________ to _______our ________ ________ ________.

6. 这场足球比赛真的很无聊。

The ________ game is _______ _______ ________.

7. 我阿姨喜欢吃沙拉但不喜欢吃花椰菜。

My aunt ________ ________ but she ________ _______ ________.

8. 跑步明星Tony午餐常吃牛奶和汉堡。

________ ________, Tony, often ________ milk and________ ________ lunch.

9. 你这条绿色的新短裤多少钱?

How ________ ________ your new green ________?

What ________ the ________ of your new green________?

10. 我们商店出售各种颜色的毛衣。

The _________ in all ________ are ________ ________ in our store.
