


初一英语下册单元测试 篇1


1.下列运算正确的是 ( )

A. B.

C. D.

2.如图,与1是内错角的是 ( )

A.3 B.2 C.4 D.5

3. 下列方程是二元一次方程的是 ( )

A. 2x + y = 3z B. 2x =2 C. 2xy3y = 0 D. 3x5y=2

4. 下列分解因式正确的是 ( )

A.-a+a3=-a(1-a2) B.2 a-4b+2=2(a-2b)

C.a 2-4=(a-2)2 D. a2-2a+1=(a-1)2

5. 用科学记数方法表示 ,得 ( )

A. B. C. D.

6. 用一根绳子环绕一棵大树,若环绕大树3周绳子还多4米,若环绕4周又少了3米,则环绕大树一周需要绳子长 ( )

A.5米 B.6米 C.7米 D.8米

7. 如图,将边长为5个单位的等边△ABC沿边BC向右平移4个单位得到

△ABC,则四边形AACB的周长为 ( )

A.22cm B.23cm C.24cm D.25cm

8. 若关于x的方程 无解,则m的值( )

A. B.-1 C. 或-1 D. 无法确定

9. 如图,将正方形ABCD的一角折叠,折痕为AE,BAD比BAE大48.设BAE和BAD的度数分别为x,y,那么x,y所适合的一个方程组是

A.x-y=48y+x=90 B。x-y=48y+2x=90

C.x-y=48y=2x D。y-x=48y+2x=90

10.若 =1,则t可以取的值有 ( )

A.1个 B.2个 C.3个 D.4个


11. 如图,直线 , , 为垂足.如果 ,那么 的度数是 度.

12. 已知 ,用含 的代数式表示 ,得 =______________.

13.若 , ,则 .

14.当x=2时,多项式 x3+bx-3的值为15,那么当x=-2时,

它的值为 .

15. 如果x+4y-3=0,那么2x

16.若关于 的二元一次方程组 的解都为正整数,

则整数 ________________

三.解答题(共8小题,共52分. 其中第23、24题每小题8分,其余每小题6分)

17. 计算: (本题6分)

(1) (2)

18. 因式分解:(本题6分)

(1) (2)

19. 解方程(组):(本题6分)

(1) (2)



21. (本题6分) 已知 ,求 的`值。

22. (本题6分)乘法公式的探究及应用:

(1)如图1所示,可以求出阴影部分的面积是 (写成两数平方差的形式).

(2)若将图1中的阴影部分裁剪下来,重新拼成一个如图2的矩形,此矩形的面积是 (写成多项式乘法的形式).

(3)比较两图的阴影部分面积,可以得到乘法公式: .



(1)如图a,若AB∥CD,点P在AB、CD外部,则有BOD,又因BOD是△POD的外角,故BOD=BPD +D,得BPD=D.将点P移到AB、CD内部,如图b,以上结论是否成立?若成立,说明理由;若不成立,则BPD、B、D之间有何数量关系?请证明你的结论;



24 、(本题8分)杨老师为学校购买运动会的奖品后,回学校向总务处童老师交账说:我买了两种书,共105本,单价分别为8元和12元,买书前我领了1200元,现在还余118元. 童老师算了一下,说:你肯定搞错了.

⑴ 童老师为什么说他搞错了?试用方程的知识给予解释;

初一英语下册单元测试 篇2


(一) 测试题型模式化

大部分的单元测试卷都是依据传统的英语测试题型设计, 客观题居多。其评分信度高, 操作方便, 但形式单一, 答案固定, 并不能真实全面地反映学生实际水平, 试题的层次性也难以体现。并且试题针对性不强, 使得教师难以了解学生单元知识学习的掌握情况。学生则为了分数竭力使自己的学习行为贴近测试模式, 只注重提高应试技巧, 却忽略了磨练全方位的语言技能。

(二) 测试内容低效化

内容效度是用来检测考试内容是否反映考试目的, 是否能够达到预期考查效果 (武尊民2003) 。有的单元测试之所以效度低, 是因为没有反映出试题在多大程度上检测了所要测量的教学目标, 也没有考查出学生对所学内容的掌握程度。比如:不能准确把握课标, 仍将语法作为考查重点;偏题、难题多, 缺乏真实语境;设题时仿照中考的题型结构, 难度偏高, 综合运用要求较高;随意拼凑成卷、题目超纲或者与单元知识不一致;没有校对, 出现拼写错误现象;将搜集到的试题进行小幅度改编, 没有真正做到内容效度的准确把握。如上所罗列出的试卷, 无法对学生单元学习情况做出准确诊断, 从而难以对阶段教学做出正确评价, 因此在一定程度上造成了学生英语学习成绩两极分化和部分学生学习兴趣下降的现象。

(三) 测试评价单一化

受中高考“一考定终生”的影响, 传统观念是无论大小考试都将测试成绩当作最终评价的依据, 忽略了学习的一般规律, 即学习过程本身是一个动态的、不断变化的过程 (方向军2006) 。许多教师采用常规参照方式来评价学生的学习情况, 导致为考而教、不考不教、以考代教的现象普遍存在。过分关注学生的分数, 会使评价的导向和监督功能无法正常发挥, 挫伤部分学生积极性的同时也误导了学生英语学习的目标, 使学生在评价中的主体地位难以体现。


根据教学实际, 笔者提出以下几点对策, 与各位同仁探讨。

(一) 合理设计单元测试题型

1. 灵活性

单元测试不同于期末测试, 可以设置与其不同的题目和题型, 并科学地加强主观题在其中的“份额”, 以全面考查学生的听、说、读、写能力, 尤其要根据年级的不同和学生英语水平的参差不齐适当变换题型。例如, 在初一学段可设置改错、完成表格、看图填词等题型适当降低测试难度, 同时增加抄写题, 检测学生的书写情况, 以培养学生良好的书写习惯;在初二学段设置回答问题、短文填空等, 进一步考察学生的语言运用能力;在初三学段设置情景写句、段落编写等与中考较为相近的题型, 以帮助学生适应中考模式。此外, 针对学生的个性差异以及在听、说、读、写方面的表现不同, 可适当增加口语测试的比例, 创造环境, 鼓励学生多进行口语交际的练习。

2. 分层性

单元测试卷可以根据学生的学习差异分成基础卷 (分值60%~ 70%) 和提高卷 (分值30%~40%) 。基础卷, 设置日常英语教学中的常见题型, 如单词拼写、句型过关、默写等, 让基础较差的学生能在反复练习中夯实基础知识, 学有所获, 提高学习信心, 为英语运用做好准备。提高卷可以设置短文填空、看图写句等, 让基础较好的学生学有所用, 在挑战中激发他们的学习热情。此外, 针对本区初中英语测试的难点———短文写作, 对此应考虑生源实际, 进行题型的微调。比如, 根据学习阶段和学生的能力层次设置“改写句子”“用所给词造句”“短文写作”等题型, 分为必做题和选做加分题, 让学生从词块到句群再到段落, 循序渐进地培养写作能力, 以增强不同层面学生的写作积极性。

(二) 科学提高测试内容效度

1. 真实性

测试内容与目标语言使用的相关性体现了测试的真实性 (武尊民2003) 。单元测试中创设的语境应能反映学生真实语言使用的情况。因此选材要尽量贴近学生实际生活, 同时注意选取近年的热点时事, 以此激发学生的学习兴趣, 提高参与度。

以新版七年级下册Unit 8 Is there a post office near here? 单元测试卷为例, 书面表达部分可以设计如下:We will have a school trip to Susong Park on weekends. Draw a picture about how to get there.And write at least 5 sentences to describe the distance. 这样既考查了学生对本单元功能句型的掌握, 也真实地体现了学生能否根据生活实际运用所学知识表达路线。

2. 关联性

教师所选材料应当具有内容关联性, 尽可能使用与教学内容同步的素材, 让学生在单元学习的基础上对话题内容进一步拓展了解。

例一:新版八年级上册unit 4 的话题是rules, 在单元测试卷中设置了一篇有关日本学生学校生活的阅读, 让学生了解不同国家学生的学习生活和制度。Students in Japan go to school just like you do.Japanese students and their teachers are in school for240 days a year... 完形则选择了怎样和父母愉快相处的文章, 与该单元Section B 2B阅读相呼应。Who is the most important person in your life? Yeah, your mom and dad. They give you love and everything in life...

例二:新版八年级下册Unit 9 的话题是旅游, 在单元测试卷的书面表达部分, 设计让学生结合即将到来的五一假期写宣传厦门旅游的小广告。

Write a tour ad about Amoy to Family Weekly, using the target language (about 80 words)

The target language:

① ...is a wonderful place to ... ② Have you ever tried (food) ...③ Have you ever been to...


Food— delicious Language—Minnan dialect (方言)

Scenery (风景) —beautiful, fantastic People—friendly Weather—warm

3. 全面性

单元测试范围的重点在于该单元所学的内容, 但不代表测试的所有内容仅限于此, 如果选题范围过小, 考试时学生不需要仔细看题并加以思考就可以得到答案, 这样的考试效度则很低。此外, 学生容易只关注本单元学习内容, 不能自觉地做好英语知识的联系与积累, 不利于综合语言运用能力的培养和提高。

以unit 2~3 单元综合测试卷为例, 话题均为学校生活, 因此在书面表达部分将两个单元的重点句型整合作为检测内容, 设计如下:

假设你是Rick, 根据以下内容完成表格 (见表1) , 并描述你日常的一天。

我通常早上6:30 起床, 7:00 走路去学校需要20 分钟, 8:00 开始上课。4:30 放学后有时会和朋友们一起去图书馆看书 (先乘10 分钟的公交车后步行5 分钟到达) 。6:00 和父母一起吃晚饭。18:45 做作业, 21:00 准时睡觉。

(三) 有效建立评价多样化

单元测试的目的是检测学生某一阶段以来的英语学习情况, 应和大型考试的评价方式区分开来, 体现阶段的过程性特点。正如义务教育英语课程标准所倡导“日常教学中以形成性评价为主, 关注学生在学习过程中的表现和进步”的新评价理念 (教育部2011) , 教师应充分利用学生的英语学习档案袋形成性评价表, 在单元测试中增加平时学习情况的赋分比例 (以30%左右为宜) 。例如:将学生课堂的听课表现、发言频率、课后的背诵过关、小测情况、作业完成等, 通过小组量化表以自评加组评的方式综合得分, 让学生在自评中学会发现、反思, 更加明确自己在学习中的主体地位。在组评中学会小组探究、合作学习, 提高其学习主动性。此外, 考虑到家长传统观念是以考试评价学生学习水平, 还可以将家长对学生学习情况的反馈与评价作为加分项目, 以提高家长对学生英语学习过程的参与度, 避免“不考不管, 为考而管”的现象。

(四) 加强教师理论指导和研究实践

教师受传统教育限制, 单元测试的理论知识比较匮乏, 研究的底子也较为薄弱。因此, 应该把测试的科学性和实效性纳入教师专业发展内容。可以通过专家讲座、教研培训、课题研究、校际交流、网络研讨等方式加强对英语测试相关理论的研究。一线的英语教师, 如果能够了解、掌握基本的英语测试理论和技能, 并在教学实践中积极运用, 就能使单元测试的功能进一步发挥, 促进学生学业质量提升, 同时提高教师专业知识水平和教学技能。

日常教学中运用单元测试的目的是检查教学过程中学生基础知识的掌握情况和基本技能的形成情况 (朱志英2007) , 所以应根据学习阶段和内容的不同, 合理设计题型, 认真把关内容效度, 科学命制试题, 实现评价多样化, 充分发挥英语测试的各项功能。只有当单元测试对教学产生积极正面的回拨效应, 促进教师对教学的检测跟踪, 加强理论, 推动实践, 才能更好地监督课程目标的完成情况, 最终实现英语教学的实效性。

摘要:初中英语测试中, 测试题型固化, 单一低效的测试在一定程度上阻碍了英语教学进程, 降低了学生兴趣, 出现严重的两极分化现象。通过研究改革和完善初中英语单元测试的环节和过程, 促进其科学性, 注重其实效性, 并在教学实践中探索能更好地帮助学生成长和教师专业发展的新思路。



方向军.2006.对初中英语测试与评价的反思[J].山东师范大学外国语学院学报 (基础英语教育) , (5) :88.



初一英语下册单元测试 篇3

1. I hope you________here sometime next month.

A. to come B. came C. coming D. will come

2. —Would you like a cup of tea?


A. I think so. B. That’s all right.

C. Yes, OK. D. No, thanks.

3. I think you can________my surprise when they told me the news.

A. believe B. support C. imagine D. think

4. —Fred, could you help me________these books to the students?

—My pleasure.

A. hand out B. hand up

C. hand in D. hand down

5. Not only Mr and Mrs Read but also their son________abroad twice.

A. have gone B. has been

C. have been D. has gone

6. Where to go for the holidays________yet.

A. are not decided B. have not been decided

C. is not being decided D. has not been decided

7. He is________to walk that far in such weather.

A. good enough B. enough good

C. well enough D. enough well

8. I prefer________rather than sit somewhere doing nothing.

A. work B. to work C. working D. worked

9. —________ boys will come to swim. Do you know________of them?

—Maybe it’s about sixty.

A. A number of; a number B. The number of; a number.

C. The number, numbers of D. A number of, the number

10. Kites________messages in the war in the past.

A. are used for sending B. were used to sending

C. are used to send D. were used to send

Ⅱ. 完形填空(10分)

I can’t remember when I started collecting litter. But it was when I got tired of seeing litter nearby and realized that__1__was going to pick it up.

I live near a forest. I can walk there in three__2! I__3__go there to play with my dog. But one day there was so much litter there that I became very unhappy. I decided I had to clean up the forest. I wanted to__4__happy going there again.

I made my first trip to clean the forest that afternoon. I took a big black rubbish bag with me. I started to pick up litter and ten minutes__5, my bag was full! There were cans, bottles, broken glass and newspapers in the bag. From then on, I went to the forest four times a year to pick up the litter. I often__6__there for three hours. It makes me feel great to do something for the environment.

After each trip, I__7__all the litter that I’ve collected. If any of it is recyclable(可回收的), I keep it. I can’t__8__why people drop litter. But I will keep picking it__9__they stop dropping it. I know I am only doing a small bit to help__10__but I still think it is important.

1. A. no one else B. I C. everyone D. anyone

2. A. months B. hours C. days D. minutes

3. A. would B. doC. am used to D. used to

4. A. look B. feel C. make D. see

5. A. after B. later C. before D. of

6. A. playB. go C. work D. sit

7. A. buryB. burn C. sell D. look at

8. A. wonder B. ask C. hope D. understand

9. A. untilB. as C. after D. when

10. A. myselfB. the earth C. other D. the litter

Ⅲ. 閱读理解(20分)


初一英语下册单元测试 篇4

1.我们能准确了解没有文字的远古时代,主要依据的是 ( )

A.史书 B.文物 C.口头传说 D.图片、音像

2.下列生活场景,不可能在北京人中出现的是 ( )

A.用火烧烤事物 B.使用打制石器 C.过群居生活 D.过定居生活

3.关于陶器与瓷器的说法,错误的是 ( )





4.被称为华夏族的人文初祖,并与湖北省著名风景区神农架得名相关的是 ( )

A.黄帝 B.炎帝 C.禹 D.有巢氏

5.属于古代尼罗河流域人民创造的文明成果是 ( )

①世界上最早的太阳历 ②修建金字塔 ③建造空中花园 ④营建了乌尔城

A.①② B.②③ C.②④ D.①④

6.古代四大文明古国均为得天独厚的大河文明国家,它们的共同点有 ( )

①地处大河流域 ②以农业经济为主 ③地处亚非洲 ④诞生了世界性的宗教

A.①②③ B.①②④ C.①③④ D.②③④

7.在古代西亚,最有可能看到的是 ( )


C.象征王权的司母戊鼎 D.刻在石柱上的汉谟拉比法典

8.下列说法错误的是 ( )





9.“北京人”主要食物获得方式是 ( )

A、采摘或挖掘植物的果实、块根 B、猎取动物

C、以上二者都是 D.用火烧死野兽

10. 属于新石器时代的人类发明的生产与生活工具有 ( )


A.①②③ B.②③④ C.①③④ D.①②③④

11.被考古界誉为“四千年前地球文明最精致之制作”的是 ( )

A.人面鱼纹彩陶盆 B.阿尔塔米拉洞穴岩画

C.司母戊大方鼎 D.蛋壳黑陶杯

12.发明“人面鱼纹彩陶器”的遗址是在 ( )

A、河姆渡村人 B、北京人 C、山顶洞人 D、半坡村人

13.反映的是神农氏的事,具体是指 ( )

①发明耒耜,教人农耕; ②尝遍百草,发明医药; ③发明养蚕抽丝技术。

A、①②③ B、②③ C、①③ D、①②

14.下列史实与大禹无关的是 ( )

A.三过家门而不入 B.采用疏导的方法治理洪水C.教人打井 D.传位于儿子

15.史前时代是指 ( )

A.有文字记载以前的人类历史 B.没有文字记载的人历史

C.有文字记载以后的人类历史 D.原始社会的人类历史

16. 最早以年号纪年的中国皇帝是: ( )

A.汉武帝 B.汉文帝 C.汉光武帝 D.唐太宗

17.1730~1739年称为: ( )

A.17世纪30年代 B.17世纪40年代 C.18世纪30年代 D.18世纪40年代

18.已知世界上最早的农业村落出现在 ( )

A.黄河流域 B.西亚地区 C.印度 D.古希腊

19.古代中国部落首领由禅让制变为世袭制的人是 ( )

A.尧 B.舜 C.黄帝 D.启

20.新石器时代取代旧石器时代相比最明显的特征是 ( )

A.已经学会人工取火 B.已能捕鱼为食

C.使用了磨制石器 D.有了古老的村落

21.下列说法:①口述资料除了传说外,还有口述历史;②过去的人们遗留下来的实物,称为文物;③实物、照片、历史著作都属于第一手资料;④历史资料有文字资料、实物资料、口述资料。正确的是: ( )

A、①②③ B、①②④ C、②③④ D、①②③④

22.下列属于第二手资料的是: ( )

A、档案 B、日记 C、照片 D、《汉书》

23.下面哪个是民间故事 ( )

A 、《红楼梦》 B 、《水浒传》 C 、《白蛇传》 D 、《孙子兵法》

24.小胡同学假期和同学一起去北京旅游。他们参观了故宫博物院,看到了许多明清时的物品和照片,还通过导游的讲解,了解了很多关于故宫的故事。小胡还买了一本介绍故宫趣闻逸事的书。关于小胡同学此次参观中接触到的资料,下列说法不正确的是 ( )

A、照片属于文献资料 B、物品属于文物

C、介绍趣闻逸事的书不可信 D、导游的讲解是原始资料

25. 公元前1894年是在: ( )

A、公元前18世纪后期 B、公元前19世纪后期

C、公元前18世纪前期 D、公元前19世纪前期



文明古国 所 处 流 域 文明遗存最早可追溯距今














据说,在浙江瑞安市仙降镇仙篁竹村一座重约4吨左右的木结构古戏台,被百多壮汉成功搬离原址。这座古戏台距今已有300多年历史,高约7米,长、宽均为8米左右。戏台的细部装饰极其讲究,精雕细刻,而且彩饰鲜艳,显得华丽精美。因原址将建新村活动中心,该村为保护古戏台原貌,决定将古戏台整体搬迁到距离原址200多米外的一处新址“安家”。 昨天搬迁之前,村民先把古戏台屋顶的瓦片拆了下来,并对戏台木柱进行了加固。因戏台柱子下有固定在地里的鼓形石础等,待挖出这些“石鼓”并安装在新址后,村民将再把这座古戏台搬到新址“安家”,并加以修缮保护,供后人参观欣赏。


初一英语单元测试题答案 篇5

一、1~ 5 DBCCA 6~ 10 ADCDB 11~ 15 DDABC

16---20 BCBBC 21---25 CBABC

二、1.looks after 2.Why not 3.speak to 4.in English 5.small feet

三、A.1.are 2.thank 3.too 4.have 5.do

B.1~ 5 CDAEB


五、1.are 2.do 3.interesting 4.don|t like 5.swimming 6.watching

7.gets 8.are playing 9.friendly 10.doesnt 11.study 12.good

13.tell 14.I 15.woman


七、1~ 5 CBABB 6~ 10 CABAB

八、(A)1~ 5 F T T F F


(C)1~ 5 BABDD


初一下册英语第5单元课件 篇6

The First Period

Step 1. Greeting

1. Greet the Ss ,using the following :

---Happy New Year!

---The same to you.

---Nice to see you!

--Nice to see you ,too.

2. Talk about new wishes for the new year ,using the topic” The early bird catches the worm.”

Good morning, everyone! A new term is coming. Last term, we made great progress in English and our school life. After a long winter holiday, I think most of us may become lazy. That’s too bad.

As we know , the early bird catches the worm. Let’s get up early and come to school on time. Listen to our teacher carefully and do our homework carefully. Do sports and keep healthy. Let’s help each other and learn from each other, OK?

Thank you for listening!

Step 2 Presentation

1. Teach the advs about frequency by talking the T’s daily activities by presenting the following on the Bb.

I’m always busy.

I usually get up at 6:30 in the morning.

I often have milk and bread for breakfast.

I sometimes come to school by bus. Sometimes I come by car.

I seldom go home by taxi.

I never go home by train or by plane.

2. Get the Ss to explain the meanings of the advs and then complete the chart in 1b, Section B.

3. Remind the Ss the positions of the advs in the sentences , pay more attention to “ sometimes.”.

4. Get the Ss to find out the words about means of transportation .Then ask them to say more and write them down . Then finish 2a. Section . Present the following on the Bb.

by bike / motorbike/bus /car/taxi/train/subway(underground)/plane(air)/ship(sea)/ boat (water)/on foot

Step 3 Practice

1. The T talks about how she comes to school .

My home is far from our school. So I sometimes come to school by bus. Sometimes I come by car because I can’t ride a bike or drive a car. Ask some Ss some questions. Then get the Ss to practice the following in a chain drill.

----How do you usually come to school?

----I usually come to school on foot/ by car---.What about you?

--- I usually come to school by bus---

2. Practice the following in pairs while the other Ss are talking about how they come to school .

---How does A usually come / go to school?

---He / She usually comes / goes to school ---

3. Look at pictures in 1b. Talk about how the kids come / go to school by asking and answering questions.

4. Choose the right sentence for each picture.

Step 4 Make a survey

Use the from in Part 3 and hand out the form to the leader of each group and get them to make a survey .Then give a report to the class.

Step 5 Listening

1. Listen to 2b. Match the means of transportation with the right people. Ask the Ss to write down the sentences is there is time.

Mr. Zhang often goes to Shanghai by plane.---

2. Listen to 1a. Answer the questions :

(1) Does Kk have a new bike?

(2) How does Kk usually come to school?

(3) How does Helen usually come to school? How about Jane?

3. Retell the dialog using the following passage:

It’s a new term . Kk meets Helen and Jane at the school gate. Kk has a new bike. It looks very nice. He often comes to school by bike. Helen usually comes to school by subway. Jane always comes to school by bus.

4. Get the Ss to practice similar conversations in groups in the next period.

Step 6 Homework

1. Copy and recite 1a.

2. Make 6 sentences with the advs of frequency.

3. Write a passage ,using the information in 2 b.

4. Preview 1a and 2a in Section B.

The Second Period

Step 1 Revision

1.Duty report The Early Bird Catches the Worm

2,Review the advs of frequency by going through the dialog in 1a .After listening and reading, circle the advs.Explain the difficult points if necessary.

3.Act out the similar dialog in 1a , Section A in groups.

Step 2 Practice

Get the Ss to practice the advs by making sentences. Try to use the advs as many as possible.

eg. I usually come to school by bike. Sometimes I come to school by bus. I never come to school by car.

Step 3. Presentation

1. Talk about the pictures in 2a ,using:

---How does Maria sometimes go home?

---She sometimes goes home by subway.

Practice the rest pictures in the same way.

2..Read the sentences in 2a. Then complete the sentences. Get them to pay attention to the similar sentences.

(1) Maria sometimes goes home _______ __________.

→Maria sometimes ________ ________ _________home.

(2) Li Xiang often comes to school ______ _____.

→Li Xiang often goes to school ______ _____ _______.

→Li Xiang often _______ __________ _______ to school.

(3) We usually go to the park _________ _________.

→We usually __________ __________the park.

(4)They always go to the zoo _______ ________.

→They always _______ _______ ______to the zoo.

3.Present more sentences like the above.

(5)They often go to Beijing by plane.

They often _____ ______Beijing.

(6)My father goes to Guangdong by car.

My father __________ ______ ___________to Guangdong.

Step 4 Consolidation

Show a form on the Bb to let the Ss learn them by heart.

Step 5 Presentation

1.The T talks about her weekends, using the phrases in Part 2 and Part 3 in Section.C. While listening, ask the Ss to find out and underline the phrases they hear.

I ‘m always happy at weekends. I usually meet my friends and go shopping with them. Sometimes I watch TV or listen to music at home. I like to cook for my family , too. It’s fun. I can cook nice food. I seldom go to the park or the zoo. I never go fishing or go swimming.

2. Get the Ss to ask and answer like the following:

---What do you usually do after school?

---I usually meet my friends. (play soccer/ play basketball/go swimming / go fishing /

go shopping/ go to the zoo / go to the park/ watch TV / see a movie /listen to music

/ play computer games---)

Step 6 Practice

1.Practice the short dialog in Part 2. in pairs.

---What does Hai Qing usually do after school?

--He usually plays soccer, but he doesn’t play basketball.

2.Teach “How often do you---?” by asking and answering questions like the following:

----Do you often meet your friends?

---Yes, I do. / No , I don’t.

----How often do you meet your friends?

----Very often. / Every day./ Seldom / Never.

Once a week. / Twice a week. /Three times a week.

3. Make sentences ,using the phrases of frequency.

Step 7 Consolidation

1. Listen to Part 3 in Section B. Then check the answers.

2.Try to retell the passage. Then ask the Ss to write down the passage after class.

Step 8 Homework Write a passage ,using the information in Part 3.Section B.

The Third Period

Step 1. Revision

1. Duty report. Get the Ss to talk about their daily activities. Try their best to use the advs of frequency.

2. Revise the similar sentences taught in 2a, Section B by translating sentences in different ways.

Step 2 Practice

1. Listen to Part 3, Section D. Then check out the answers.

2. Ask questions about the sentences.

eg. (1)How does Miss Yang always go to Wuhan?

(2)How often does Mr. Rui go to Nanjing by train?

(3)How does Mr. He sometimes go to his office?

(4)How does Ms.Wang often go to the Great Wall?

(5) How often does Tom go to Xi’an by bus?

Step 3. Practice

Ask and answer questions about the Ss daily life.

(1) ---What time do you usually get up ---

----I usually get up at ---

have breakfast go to school have lunch play soccer go home / get home do one’s homework go to bed

(3) What time do classes begin in the morning? (2) How many classes do you have in the morning and in the afternoon?

(4) What do you often do after school?

(5) How often do you play soccer?

(6) What do you often do after dinner?

Step 4 Presentation

1. Lead to the passage in Part 2, Section D. Get a student or two to change the subject “Jane “into “I “ and read the passage. While he/ she is reading, the others complete the table as quickly as possible.

2. Check out the answers by answering the questions.

What time does Jane ---?

What does she do at ----/ after---?

3. Read through the whole passage and find out the difficult points. Explain them if necessary.

(1) Classes begin at eight.

(2)She takes the subway home.

(3) She gets home at five thirty.

(4) She often does her homework and then watches TV for a little while/ for a short time

Step 5. Consolidation

Guide the Ss to talk about their daily activities . If there is time,get one or two Ss to talk about it in class.

Step 6. Homework

Write a passage with the topic “ My Day.”

The Fourth Period

Step 1.Revision

1. Duty report. Get some Ss to talk about “My Day.”

2. Say something about “Jane’s Day” by using the key words on the card.

Step 2. Practice

1. Get a student to act as Michael and introduce his school life ,The passage may come from 1a. Section C.

Hello! I ‘m Michael. I come from the U.S.A. Now I ‘d like to talk about the school life of the American Ss. They usually take a school bus or walk to school. Very few Ss ride bikes to school. They often have lunch at school. They seldom eat out on weekdays. They don’t have a short rest after lunch. Classes begin at 1:30 in the afternoon. School is over at 3 :00. In their free time, they often play basketball or soccer, go swimming and so on, They have ball games four times a year.

2, Answer the questions in 1B after listening.

3. Get another Ss to act as a Chinese Ss and talk about the school life of the Chinese Ss.

Hello! My name is --- I ‘m from China. I think our school life is different from that of the American Ss. We usually come to school by car or by bike. We usually have lunch at home or at school. We can have a short rest after lunch. Classes begin at 2 o’clock in the afternoon. School is over at 4:45. We can’t do many things after school because we are busy, We have to do much homework.

Step 3 Consolidation’

Show a form to compare the differences about the school life between the American Ss and the Chinese Ss.

Step 4. Presentation4. Talk about the differences according to the form

1. Present the interview in 1a . The T acts as the interviewer and one Ss acts as Michael. Act out the dialog before the class.

2. Get the Ss to listen to the dialog and underline the difficult points. Explain them if necessary.

Step5.Pair work

Practice the dialog in pairs. Act out the dialog if there is time.

Step 6 Homework

初一英语下册单元测试 篇7

教材地位与分析,我今天说课的内容是:八年级下Unit 4 Why don’t you talk to your parents? Section B(1a-1e)部分,人民教育出版社,2013年10月第一版,2013年第一次印刷。是新目标的新版。 本单元教材以“谈论问题及给出建议”为中心话题,围绕着“为什么不……”进行。学习和运用几个常见的句型:why don't you talk to your parents? my parents don't allow me to hang out with my friends, I can't get on with my friends等 。本节课 SectionB 部分进一步拓宽了本单元的话题内容,主要是探讨如何通过各种活动来减轻压力,如何面对压力,通过听、说、读、写训练,要求学生学会描述困难,表达建议。


1.语言知识目标 (1) 指导学生掌握和熟练运用重点词、短语,play sports/hang out with friends spend time alone /give sb a lot of pressure/ have enough free time have a fight with sb/compete with sb (2) why don't you… ?句型的熟练掌握运用 。

2. 语言技能目标 (1)学生能根据实际情境需要真正开口讲英语。 (2)通过听、说、读、写训练,能够谈论问题并给出相应建议。

3.情感目标 (1) 培养学生要爱学英语、爱说英语、想说英语,对英语学习产生兴趣和热情。(2)通过本课的学习,培养学生善于表达自己的问题,并能积极主动地找到解决的办法。




2.重点解释,个别操练。在每一堂教学中,学生总会遇到一些难以理解的词、句型、短语、句子或某一语法现象。如本课出现的why don't /not you …? 句型的用法等都需要个别解释甚至创设语言情境进行操练和举例,以扫除自由交际过程中的障碍,为语言的进一步学习奠定基础。


4.学生分组合作。首先要求学生根据师生示范独立对话,随后叫几组分别站起来表演。 5.设计填空和单项选择,以检查学生对本课单词,短语,句型的掌握情况。







1.出示教学目标。让学生明确今天这节课所要学习的内容,做到胸有成竹,心中有数。 2.warming up.激活学生原有的语言知识,为将要学习的新语言打基础。What’s wrong with the girl? She’s too stressed out. What should she do? Can you give her some advice?

3.Discussion What did you do after school? Do you have stress in your life? How do you relax yourself?

4.口语训练 What problems do you have? 让学生分别说出自己生活中或在学校和家里的烦恼,训练学生的口语交际能力。

5.情景交際操练。面对生活和学习中如此大的压力,我们应该怎么办?畅所欲言,大胆说英语。 How to lower your stress? (give your advice.)

6.重点句型积累。 Why not/don’t you do …? Will you please…? Would you please/like to do…? How/What about doing…? Could you please…? You should/could do…?


8.Group work(小组活动) 通过实际交际活动问题,能够提出合理的建议。

9.当堂检验 及时检查学生的学习效果,查缺补漏,趁热打铁。

10.布置作业 (1)口头作业:记今天学过的新词,短语及句型;预习明天的新课。 (2)书面作业:《学练优》同步训练—page24(1,2)


Unit 4 Why don’t you talk to your parents?

Section B(1a-1e)

hang out with sb. my parents give me lots of pressure.

spend time alone. why don't/not do…?

give sb lots of pressure You should/could do…?
