


出彩的英文自我评价 篇1

In learning, I have good grades, many times to be rewarded. In the study of professional knowledge, but also pay more attention to the combination of theory and practice. The use of spare time to learn the food industry related to other content, so that knowledge can be adapted to social development.

During the school, I have been a student cadre, a strong sense of responsibility, a strong organizational skills, leadership and good team spirit.

I have a wide range of interests, like reading, listening to music, sports, participated in various cultural and sports activities in various schools and colleges of activities to achieve good results.

出彩的英文自我评价 篇2

一、评价要适时, 激发学生的学习热情

适时评价可以激发学生的学习兴趣, 让学生在最佳的状态下投入到学习活动中来。适时评价好比一丝丝春雨, 使竹笋在雨后茁壮成长。在课堂教学时教师不要吝于表扬, 鼓励性的语言可以让学生的学习更有劲头, 也才能让学生更好地喜欢上数学。同时评价的适时让学生感受到了教师对自己的关注, 从而可以保证学生在课堂上更加集中注意力, 从而确保课堂教学的高效。

例如, 在学习七年级上册“有理数”时, 对于数的分类有的学生按照概念进行, 分为整数与分数, 也有的学生按照正负性进行分类, 这些都是预设范围内的, 教师进行了适当的评价, 表扬他们预习的到位。可是也有的同学提出了不同的看法:小数跑到哪里去了?对于提出的这个问题, 教师进行了赞赏, 表扬他提出了一个有价值的问题。因为提出问题远比掌握结论重要得多, 小学时整数、分数、小数是学习的重点, 没有小数是什么意思呢?这是学生真实的想法, 也可以看出学生的疑惑。教师指出分数与小数是可以互化的, 如0.2=等, 这时又有学生提出无限小数怎么化为分数呢?对于提出这个问题的同学教师进行了表扬, 夸奖他是发现问题的小天才, 但这个问题的探究可以放到课下, 让学生通过查阅资料等方式进行。通过教学可以看出只要给学生充分的探究时间与空间, 学生完全可以成为一个个小数学家。

适时评价可以随时激发学生的学习热情, 使整个课堂在解决问题时井然有序, 让学生随时明确自己达到的水平, 找准自己的优缺点, 有利于学生自身发展和进步。学生对自己学习的程度适时掌握, 可以有效提高学生学习的效率。

二、评价要多元, 促进学生的全面发展

在体现学生主体地位和关注教学过程时, 评价主体的多元化与评价方式的多样化使得教学过程生机盎然。这样避免了教师单一评价的局限性, 让每一个学生都能参与到评价活动中来, 从而使学生在自评、组评中更好地认识到自己的价值, 也就能够帮助学生更好地认识自我, 树立起学习的信心。学生的学习是一个动态生成的过程, 因此评价也要体现出其与时俱进的特性, 评价多元让学生的发展更全面, 也使学生的成长更迅速。

例如, 在学习八年级下册“平行四边形”时, 教师可以让学生进行自主的探究, 发现平行四边形与特殊的平行四边形之间的关系, 对于学生的发现进行评价。同时在教师评价的过程中, 让学生之间对于操作过程进行相互之间的评价, 如菱形作为特殊的四边形特殊在哪里?学生在操作中得出结论, 教师不可能在课堂上对于每一个学生的操作进行观察, 这样就可以让小组之间进行发现与比较, 让学生进行评价, 填写出评价单, 这样教师就可以全面了解学生的学习过程, 从而也就可以关注到存在问题的学生。在此过程中, 学生对于菱形的性质与判定也就实现了自然的生成, 比教师专门强调要好得多。

学生几乎都在同一个水平线, 而且同龄人对知识的理解深度比较相似, 在相互评价时更贴近学习实际。学生在互相评价时, 更能够加深对知识的探讨, 可以从别人身上看到自己的不足, 从而提高对知识的认识。高效课堂其实就是学得高效, 只有调动起学生学的情绪, 才能收获到必然的结果, 也才能使学生得到全面的发展。

三、评价要恰当, 完善学生的自我认知

恰当的评价可以帮助学生正确地认识自我, 在评价时要以鼓励性为主, 但也不能过于牵强地总是老好好, 对于学生存在的错误要及时指出, 以帮助学生分析错误的原因, 及时矫正。教学时教师可以在作业的评语、课堂的点评、课下的交流中对学生提出自己的评价, 这样学生在阅读或聆听时既能获得成功的体验, 又能发现自己的不足, 从而也就有了更明确的努力方向。

例如, 在学习九年级下册“二次函数”时, 教师可以根据学生的不同情况设定不同的目标, 进行不同的评价。如有的学生基础比较好, 则可以要求高一些, 而基础较差的学生则以掌握基本知识为主。在教学时, 对于综合性的题目, 教师进行分类要求, 不同评价。如对于三个小问题的题目, 当比较差的学生做到第二问时就可以大加赞扬, 而对于优秀的学生只有全面做好才能得到教师如此好的评价。这样也就让学生更好地完善了对知识的掌握, 也让不同的学生在教师的要求下得到了更大的提高, 让课堂上人人都能参与到学习中, 做到教学的“不离不弃”。如果对学生都是一个尺度, 像传统教学中用分数来衡量优劣, 那么一部分后进生永远不会有成功感, 在自卑情绪中无法在学习中有更大的进步。

教是为了不教, 评价是为了让学生更好地学习, 端正学生的学习态度, 让学生自主进行探究与发现才能提高课堂的高效性。所以, 教师要利用恰当的评价手段让更多的学生主动参与到学习中, 并对自身有更加客观的认识, 让每一个层次的学生都能在自己的基础上不断进步。

总之, 课堂评价是教学的重要环节, 它融入到整个教学过程中, 通过评价教师不仅了解了学生的学习过程和结果, 还能够感受到学生在学习过程中的情感、态度与价值观, 从而调整自己的教学思路与方法, 帮助学生更好地成长。课堂的高效源于教师的精心组织与师生的共同配合, 而评价正是课堂教学的催化剂, 使学生学得有动力, 教师教得有激情, 从而也就使课堂在思维碰撞中生成更多的精彩。

摘要:课堂的高效源于教师的精心组织与师生的共同配合, 而评价正是课堂教学的催化剂, 只有正确的评价, 才能使学生学得有动力, 教师教得有激情, 从而也就使课堂在思维碰撞中生成更多的精彩。



[1]徐文艳.新课程理念下初中数学教学设计的策略研究[J].中国校外教育, 2013 (S1) .

[2]林丽玲.让口头评价成为数学课堂的亮丽风景线[J].福建基础教育研究, 2011 (12) .

英文的工作自我评价 篇3

I am enthusiastic, confident, self-motivated, serious and responsible, good team spirit and good personal affinity; elegant, nice, energetic, methodical work, strong sense of responsibility; has excellent thinking, communication and ability to learn, love teamwork.

求职的英文自我评价 篇4

I am positive thinking, cheerful, rigorous style of life, strong sense of responsibility, work calm, persistent, hard-working, adaptable, with good psychological quality. I actively asked for progress, love the motherland, support the Chinese Communist Party, and actively to the partys organization to move closer to our great party of the Chinese Communist Party. I also adhere to the partys four basic principles and reform and opening up policy, concerned about the national and social affairs, has a strong patriotism. Conscientiously implement the school rigorous, truth-seeking, solidarity, into the school motto, learn from Lei Fengs spirit of helping others, and actively participate in some voluntary activities and adhere to the community to do good.

I am cheerful, treat things have a strong enthusiasm and responsibility, at work many times by the higher management recognition, of course, the most important thing is ability. Since the beginning of financial support work, during the course of several stages of systematic learning, in practice, accumulated some work experience, hope to improve their own at the same time to join your company. Sincere and sincere dedication of professionalism is my greatest strengths and wealth, and look forward to your interview!

审计的英文自我评价 篇5

2. Good character and ethics, honest and trustworthy, “Entrusted by the people, loyalty and business of the people”;

3. Strong environmental adaptability and sense of learning

4. The objective, fair and proper values, a better grasp of auditing principles and practical operational flexibility “degree”;

模具工作的英文自我评价 篇6

I can work hard, studious, have a stronger hands-on ability, adaptability, a strong team spirit ... learned a lot about the mechanical design knowledge, know some of the manufacturing process, hoping to work through strengthening and Enhance my manufacturing process knowledge structure.Hope that one day in the machinery industry to make a little contribution to the design of products in line with market requirements, hoping to start from the technicians, with an open mind to learn, and slowly accumulate experience for the future dream of the struggle. In the university three years of learning process, not only let me learn professional knowledge, more importantly, let me learn how to get along with people, how to convince people ... ... I believe your trust and my strength will bring us To the common success!

I am enthusiastic and easygoing, live wave and cheerful, with enterprising spirit and team spirit, strong adaptability and good coordination and communication skills; flexible mind, strong psychological quality, the problem can be rational analysis of new things have a strong acceptance The ability to learn and work effectively during the school, the system master the mechanical design, rolling machinery theory, metal pressure processing, plastic deformation theory and other relevant theory, skilled office operations and computer maintenance, good at CAD drawings. In order to improve themselves, to adapt to the needs of the work. So I hope to find a job with their own knowledge structure, or non-direct marketing category of work, can prove themselves, while developing their own business to create value!

I can work hard, studious, have a strong practical ability, adaptable, have a strong sense of initiative and sense of responsibility, can work under pressure, a strong team spirit ... learn a lot about machinery, mold designKnowledge, familiar with the manufacturing process, hoping to work to strengthen and improve my design ideas. Hope that one day in the design industry to make a little contribution to the design of products in line with market requirements. Humbly learning, and slowly accumulate experience for the future dream of the struggle. In the university as a learning member of the learning process, not only let me learn professional knowledge, more importantly, let me learn how to get along with people, how to convince people ... ... I believe your trust and my strength will be for us Bring common success!

简历中自我评价的英文 篇7

With team spirit and the overall concept of fairness and teamwork to carry out the premise of the interests of the work. Cheerful and cheerful, pleasant and effective in the work of communication and maintain good interpersonal relationships. Strict work carefully, good at their work in the study sum up, and constantly upgrade their business skills. Data statistical analysis ability is strong.

Strong ability to learn, strong ability to learn, intelligent thinking, active and lively and talkative, intelligent and versatile, with writing and linguistic talent, logical reasoning, speculative ability, the external information is quiteSensitive, master the intelligence fast, broad, broad knowledge, thinking with accommodation, ideas, act with flexibility in any environment to adapt to good. With patience and sense of responsibility, gentle man, integrity, dedication, good at dealing with people, with team spirit.

Strong sense of humor, open-minded and stable personality, warm and frank people, serious and responsible work, able to work hard, have a strong hands-on ability and team spirit, can quickly adapt to a variety of environments and integration of them Principles: Loss of conscience is not the thing, the principle of doing things: to the best!

100词的英文自我评价 篇8

I am loyal honest, principled, says it will do, and never shirk responsibility; self-control, do things always adhere to the beginnings and ends, never give up halfway; willing to learn, have a problem, not to escape, an open mind is willing to learn from others; confident but not conceited, not self-centered; are willing to accept the superior who commends humility, with authority; will use 100% of the enthusiasm and energy into work; approachable. Is sincere, cheerful, proactive, adaptable, studious, down to earth, there is a strong team spirit, proactive work attitude seriously.

个性简单的英文自我评价 篇9

In the high school stage of the learning process, I can seriously take every course, carefully preview, active review. Encountered problems, ask the students, to the teacher advice. I will continue to improve the learning method, adjust the learning plan, reasonable time. I regard learning as acquiring knowledge, enriching my own pleasure, and being interested in it.

I have a correct outlook on life and values. Good communication with the students, with them to establish a good relationship, make the greatest efforts to help others. In life, I can respect teachers, honor their parents. I am able to actively participate in school and social organizations, useful activities to enrich their own after-school life. I like sports, and actively participate in them, in the movement to experience happiness, harvest health.

师范专业的英文自我评价 篇10

In addition, many years of cadre experience made me a good working ability. During my four years at the university, I worked as a vice-president for one year, a two-year retired teacher, a one-year vice president of the English Teachers#39; Skills Association, a one-year student assistant class teacher and a one-year student party branch secretary. Due to outstanding work, has been rated as “outstanding student cadre” and “excellent long”.

After four years of study and practice, I believe that I can be competent English teachers this post.

行政人员的英文自我评价 篇11

I served in the xxx company for 4 years, I have always been a serious study, innovation, who served in the company for four years inside, I as the head of the network, as a service department, and boss And colleagues to maintain a close relationship, good at summing up, good communication, good work ethic and team spirit.

Through two years of administrative work, to develop a comprehensive and strong ability to work. Good character and good manners, honest and pragmatic man, a serious and responsible work, a team spirit.
