


unit2新标准 篇1

Unit 2. Sam had lots ofchocolatebiscuits.







1.  热身:

2.  让同学们用上次准备好的动词过去式卡片叙述小故事。

3.  课文导入:

a.  在黑板上贴四幅图画aming吃了两个西瓜,Sam吃了很多巧克力饼干,Amy打喷嚏,Lingling头疼并在这些图片上方写出 yesterday . 让学生描述图片 , 提示词 ate . ( had )

b.  在图片下方写出 today , 猜测 Daming , Sam ,Lingling , Amy 昨天的行为或状况会引发今天的什么后果,用英语再次描述时,尽可能用 so 和 and 来连接。如果学生能说出这些带有过去式的句子,要及时表扬学生。

3. 课文教学。



c.请学生找出课文中的生词“stomachache, cold, headache, fever”等,使用单词卡片或是通过模仿动作向学生进行讲解。教师有必要向学生讲解课文中“so”和“and”的使用情况:前两句话中使用“so”是因为句子前后有着清晰的因果关系;而后两句话中使用“and”是为了把句子前后相关的部分连接起来。




1.  学习活动4课文。

a.教师请学生看课文第二单元活动4韵诗的插图,然后提问,例如:“What’swrongwithlittleTommy? What’swrong withlittleLingling?What’swrongwithlittleBen?”将问题写在黑板上,请学生仔细阅读问题,然后教师放录音,请学生合上书,认真听。



c.再放录音请学生看书跟读。提醒学生注意观察韵诗诗句,特别是每行的最后一个单词。感受一下发音。coldred/d/,hotwet /t/


c.  请学生分组练习,并在练习中模仿相应的动作,例如:littleTommy感冒打喷嚏的样子,littleLingling发高烧脸红红的样子,littleBen捂着脑袋很难受的样子。请做得好的小组上台表演,进行奖励。

unit2新标准 篇2

(一) 教学内容

本课为一节听读课, 教学内容为Go for it! (八年级下) Unit2 What should I do?Section B 2a, 2b, 3a, 其内容是围绕朋友这个话题展开的, 要求学生通过听力和阅读了解别人在生活中关于朋友的困惑。听力中所呈现的是Erin想通过新颖的穿着体现自己独特的个性, 但是他的朋友总是效仿自己的穿着, 令他感到非常困惑, 因此, 他拨打了“Teen Talk”, a radio advice program, 希望可以得到一些可取的建议。Reading部分则是署名为Lonely Kid写给报纸建议栏目的一封信, 在信中, 他说明了自己受到朋友的孤立却不知道原因, 倍感困惑, 希望可以得到帮助。这些教学内容与学生的生活息息相关, 倍受他们的关注。

(二) 学情分析

本课的授课对象是山东省淄博市桓台县实验学校八年级的五、六两个班级的学生 (各有50个学生) 。他们思维活跃, 善于回答问题, 积极参与课堂教学, 上课坐姿端正, 均有记笔记的学习习惯, 渴望得到教师的赞扬和鼓励, 希望得到其他同学的肯定。笔者根据学生的这些特点, 设计了一系列让学生亲自实践、探索的活动, 并通过这些活动提高他们的听读能力和真实运用语言的能力, 让他们了解在朋友交往中应善于交流沟通。

(三) 教学方式

1. 本课教学主要采用任务型教学方式;以旧带新, 建立联系, 及时设置巩固反馈环节;读写联动句型结构、功能和话题紧密结合。

2. 通过听和读文章, 引导学生了解如何面对朋友问题上的困惑以及提建议解决问题的句型, 促使他们通过交流、合作、探究、感知和体验等方式运用目标语言。

(四) 教学资源

自制PPT课件;电视, 学案。

(五) 教学目标

1. 知识目标:

1) 掌握original, the same as, in style, nicer, haircut, inexpensive, comfortable, except, upset, find out, do wrong, what to do, lonely, argue的含义及用法。

2) 正确理解听读内容, 学会提建议。

3) 学会用书信的形式为别人提建议。

4) 掌握情态动词should, could, may的用法。

2. 能力目标

1) 提高学生在听、读中快速捕捉重要信息的能力;培养学生良好的听读习惯。

2) 培养学生真实地运用语言的表达能力和创新能力。

3) 培养学生不断反思的习惯和归纳、总结的能力。

3. 情感目标

1) 让学生学会正视生活中的烦恼, 并用交流沟通等手段解决。

2) 激发学生关心他人、热心帮助他人的意志、品质。

(六) 教学重点、难点

1. 教学重点

1) 词汇用法:should, could, may

2) 学会运用所学目标语言, 谈论生活中的烦恼并可以提出解决的办法 (Showing problems and giving advice) 。

2. 教学难点

用所学目标语言, 针对生活实际, 以口语和书面表达的形式为他人解决生活中的烦恼。



unit2新标准 篇3


1. I think everyone has two ____(foot).

2. The old man has a serious ____(ill).

3. Mr Chen is often ____(stress) out.

4. It’s easy to stay ____(health).

5. My brother’s ____(speak) Chinese is very good.


1. There is ____ knocking at the door. Go and see who it is.

A. nobodyB. somebodyC. anybodyD. everybody

2. Anna eats ____ food, so she is ____ fat.

A. much too; too muchB. much too; too many

C. too much; much tooD. too much; too many

3. Will you help me ____ the boy out of the water?

A. pullB. pushC. pickD. put

4. Granny often asks Emma ____ early in the morning.

A. get upB. to get upC. getting upD. got up

5. Katherine loves the garden in spring because the flowers smell

so ____.

A. wellB. niceC. wonderfullyD. nicely

6. Harry Porter ____ carefully but ____ nothing outside.

A. listened; heardB. listened; listened

C. heard; heardD. heard; listened

7. Boys and girls really need a balance of ____ in food.

A. yin and yangB. work and life

C. eat and drinkD. out and in

8. Would you like to ____ the house ____ the furniture?

A. fill; ofB. full; withC. full; ofD. fill; with

9. I’ll go boating ____ it rains hard.

A. soB. evenC. even ifD. until

10. We will stay at home if it ____ tomorrow.

A. rainB. rainsC. is rainD. isn’t rain

11. In India, eating ____ the left hand is rude. Your left hand ____.

A. use; stay stillB. with; stay still

C. use; stays stillD. with; stays still

12. Cheese is much too ____ because there’s too much ____ in it.

A. fatten; fatB. fattening; fat

C. fattening; fattenD. fat; fatten

13. Eat a balanced diet ____ healthy.

A. to keepsB. to stayC. to giveD. keeping

14. ——I’m stressed out.

——You should ____.

A. talk to everyoneB. listen to music

C. go to have dinnerD. drink some water

15. Elizabeth likes Chinese food, ____, noodles.

A. exampleB. such asC. for exampleD. as


1. To eat a balanced diet is very important.

____ very important ____ eat a balanced diet.

2. They are watching TV at home now.

They are watching TV at home ____ ____ ____.

3. What’s wrong with your sister?

What’s ____ ____ with your sister?

4. She has a sore throat.

There is something ____ ____ her throat.

5. There is a lot of milk in the bottle.

There is ____ ____ milk in the bottle.


1. Listen!The girl ____(sing) in the room.

2. What time ____ your mother ____(go) to work every day?

3. May I ____ (borrow) your eraser?

4. Mrs Black ____(not work) in the factory.

5. Tom usually ____(come) to school at seven in the morning.

6. Jack ____(swim) in the river now.

7. ____(be) there any milk in the cup?

8. The students ____(have) an English class yesterday.

9. ——What are you doing?

——I ____(mend) the bike.

10. Sue ____(clean) the windows every day.


A: Good afternoon, Mrs Brown!What can I do __1__ you?

B: Good afternoon, Doctor. I’m not __2__ well.

A: What’s the __3__ with you?

B: My head hurts.

A: Do you have a __4__?

B: No. My temperature seems to be __5__ __6__.

A: Open your __7__ and say “Ah”.

B: Ah!

A: You’d better stay in __8__ for a day __9__ two. And take this

medicine twice a day.

B: __10__.


What should we do to keep healthy? One important rule is to exercise __1__. The Fang family try to exercise every day. Mr Fang __2__ exercise in the morning because he must get to work at exactly seven o’clock. But he runs every evening. He walks a lot, __3__. He walks to school every day, and after school he __4__ different sports with his friends. Mr Fang goes to a yoga (瑜伽) class __5__.

But it wasn’t __6__ this way. Last year Mr and Mrs Fang used to(过去常常) __7__ everywhere in their car, even to the drugstore(药店) two blocks(街区) away. They thought they had to use the car all the time. They wouldn’t walk.

The Fangs all __8__ better now. They believe they shouldn’t be lazy. We __9__ exercise every day, but we should try our __10__ to exercise as often as possible.

1. A. oftenB. sometimesC. lateD. later

2. A. may notB. can notC. would notD. should not

3. A. eitherB. alsoC. tooD. again

4. A. watchesB. playsC. lovesD. likes

5. A. in two weeksB. for two weeks

C. after two weeksD. twice a week

6. A. alwaysB. evenC. sometimesD. no

7. A. ridingB. driveC. flyD. walk

8. A. hadB. makeC. feelD. feel like

9. A. needn’tB. don’tC. won’t haveD. mustn’t

10. A. bestB. goodC. wellD. better



Mike is a factory worker. He is often very tired after a day’s work. His wife, Jenny, has no job, so she stays at home to cook the meals. Every day he can have his dinner when he gets home from his factory.

One day, Mike came home very late because he was very busy in the factory. He was very hungry when he got home.

He was not happy when he found his dinner was not ready. He was very angry with his wife. He shouted at her, “I’m going out to eat in a restaurant.”“Wait for five minutes,” said his wife. “Why? Do you think that dinner will be ready in five minutes?” asked Mike.

“Of course not,” she answered. “But I can be ready to go with you in five minutes.”


1. Mike works in ____.

A. a factoryB. an office C. a schoolD. a hospital

2. Jenny stays at home because ____.

A. she likes cooking

B. she loves her husband very much

C. she doesn’t have a job

D. she doesn’t want to work

3. One day, Mike came home very late because ____.

A. he wanted to have dinner in a restaurant

B. he had a lot of work to do

C. he was angry with his wife

D. his wife didn’t cook dinner

4. Mike was ____ when he found his dinner was not ready.

A. happyB. gladC. hungryD. not happy

5. Which sentence is correct? ____.

A. Jenny could have dinner ready in five minutes

B. Jenny wanted to go to the restaurant with her husband

C. Jenny didn’t like the dinner at home

D. Jenny didn’t love her husband


Happiness is for everyone; you don’t need to care about those people who have beautiful houses with large gardens and swimming pools or those who have nice cars and a lot of money and so on. Why? Because those who have big houses may often feel lonely and those who have cars may want to walk on the country roads at their free time.

In fact, happiness is always around you if you put your heart into it. When you are in trouble at school, your friends will help you; when you study hard at your lessons, your parents are always taking good care of your life and your health; when you get success, your friends will say congratulations to you; when you do something wrong, people around you will help you to correct it. And when you do something good to others, you will feel happy, too. All these are your happiness. If you notice a bit of them, you can see that happiness is always around you.

Happiness is not the same as money; it is a feeling of your heart. When you are poor, you can also say you are very happy, because you have something else that can’t be bought with money. When you meet with difficulties, you can say loudly you are very happy, because you have more chances to challenge yourself. So you cannot always say you are poor and you have bad luck. As the saying goes, “Life is like a revolvingdoor. When it closes, it also opens.” If you take every chance you get, you can be a happy and lucky person.


1. Those who have big houses may often feel ____.

A. happyB. lonelyC. freeD. excited

2. When you fall down in a P.E. class, both your teacher and your

classmates will ____.

A. laugh at youB. play jokes on you

C. quarrel with youD. help you up

3. What will your friends say to you when you make great progress?


A. Oh, so do IB. Congratulations

C. Good luckD. It’s just so-so

4. Which idea is not right according to the passage? ____.

A. People who have cars would never like to walk in the open air

B. You can get help from others when you make mistakes

C. You can still be a happy person even if you have little money

D. Happiness is always around you though difficulties come towards


5. Which of the following is this passage about? ____.

A. Bad luckB. Good luckC. HappinessD. Life



unit2新标准 篇4

八年级英语新目标下unit2 教案

A TEACHING PLAN FOR--- “Maybe you should learn to relax!” Teaching Key Points and Difficulties 1. Help the students understand the passage well. 2.Improve the students’ reading ability. 3..some useful phrases and words: not…until, as…as possible, compare…with/to…, find+it+adj+(for sb) +to do sth. see sb doing/do sth Teaching Procedures  Step 1 Warming up.  Ask the students the following questions:   Do you have too much homework to do?  What homework do you have to do ?Yes, English homework, math homework, Chinese homework, history homework, and so on. Maybe you often feel tired, and you are under too much pressure. On the other hand , you have to study for tests, for your future. To make your parents happy, you have to study harder and get higher grades. So you are under too much pressure. You need to find some ways to relax. When you are tired, when you are under too much pressure, what do you often do to relax ? Do you often do after---school activities? What after---school activities do you often do?  Do you want to know the students’ lives in other countries? Now, let’s read the passage and find what the students’ lives in other countries and what the children need.. Please open your books to Page16. Step 2 Skim reading.  1. Have the students read through the passage and try to find the answer to the following questions: What do the children need? 2.Encourage some students to tell the class the answers to the questions and the others correct the mistakes if any. Answers :  On the one hand, children need organized activities. On the other hand, they also need time and freedom to relax, and they need time to do things by themselves. (Children need time to plan things for themselves) Step 3 Intensive reading Get the students to read the passage once more with the following statements in mind, then do TRUE or FALSE! 1)Cathy Taylor’s three children are very free, and they often get home early. 2)The Taylors never take their children to after---school activities or try to fit as much as possible into their kids’ lives. 3)Parents see other children taking part in after---school clubs, but they think their own children should relax. 4) Parents never compare their own kids with other children. 5)Linda Miller thinks that the pushy parents’ action is right. 6 )Dr Alice Green thinks that the parents shouldn’t plan their kids’ lives for them. Answers: 1) F Cathy Taylor’s three tired children are very busy and they do not get home until 7 pm.(not …until..) 2) F The Taylors take their kids from activity to activity and try to fit as much as possible into their kids’ lives.  (as…as possible..) 3)F Parents see other children taking part in after―school clubs, and they feel their own children should do the same.  ( see sb doing  sth) 4)F Parents are always comparing their kids with other children. (compare…with /to….) 5) F Linda Miller thinks that the pushy parents’ action is crazy, and people should not push their kids so hard. 6)T Because if parents plan their kids’ lives for them , their kids might find it difficult to plan things for themselves when they are adults. ( find+it+adj+(for sb) +to do sth. ) (Explain the key points and structures) Step 4.Read new words  First, the students to read the new words and expressions by themselves ;Then the teacher correct mistakes if any. Step 5.Read the passage Ask the students to read the passage after the tape by themselves .(Teacher doesn’t use the pause key) Step 6 Retell Give several minutes to the students and encourage them to retell the passage with their own words. Step 7 Discuss Read these statements. Is the situation the same in China?  Discuss with your partner. ___ American and British children do many after--school activities. ____Many children are under pressure. ____Parents these days push their children much harder than before. ___Competition between families starts at a young age . ___ Children should have free time  to  relax. Homework: 1. Encourage each student to write a letter to Cathy Taylor.  2.Read aloud the passage in Section 2  (Blackboard Design:) 1. busy  ,  not …until 2. from activity to activity, try to fit as much as possible into…lives. 3. see other children taking part in…activities, do the same 4.compare…with… 5.crazy. Parents shouldn’t push their children so hard. 6.The children might find it difficult to plan things for themselves. Question’s answer:  organized activities, time and freedom, time to do things by themselves Sentences: 1. She was ill, so she didn’t get up until 9 am. 2.To catch up with the other runners, he ran as fast as possible. 3.She saw some people swimming in the river when she was in the boat, 4.Parents often compare their kids with other children.  People often compare the children to beautiful flowers. 6.Do you find it difficult to talk with your parents? 更多精彩;英语教师网  英语教师网论坛


unit2新标准 篇5

Identify ownership


Talk about the things.


Demonstratives this, that. What questions. Yes/No questions and short answers


The letters, pencil, pen, book, eraser, ruler, pencil case, backpack. ID card, baseball, watch, key, computer game, notebook, ring, dictionary.

Target language:

Is this your pencil? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t. What’s this in English? It’s a pencil. How do you spell pencil?

Learning strategies:

Use context, guessing.

Four periods

Period 1

Step1 Revision

Revise introduce themselves. My name is… My phone number is…

Step 2 Presentation

1. Locate actual items in the classroom. Hold up each one and say its name. Ask them to repeat. Include: pencil, pen, book. Eraser, ruler, pencil case, backpack, pencil sharpener, dictionary.

2. Match the words and the objects. Do 1a

3. Listen. Do 1b.

Step 3 Pairwork

1. Say the sample conversations. Have them repeat.

2. Ask them to practice the conversations in pairs.

Step 3 Task

Gather some things on the desk and invite students to take turns coming to the front and find the owners? Let’s see who can find all the owners first and write the owners’ names in the chart? Ask Is this your…?

Period 2

Step 1. Revision

Revise is this your …? Is that your…?

Step2. Listening

1. Point to the objects in the illustration and ask students to name each one.

2. Play the recording. Do 2a

3. Do 2b. point to the words in the box and ask them to read them aloud. Listen. Write one of the words form the box on each blank line. Check their answers.

Step 3 Pairwork

Practice the conversation in the picture with a student.

Practice the conversation in the picture with a partner.

Step 4 Grammar focus

1. Ask students to say the questions and answers

2. Point out that the word that shows ownership comes before the item we are talking about.

Step 5 Listen

1. Do 3a.

2. Do 3b. Ask pairs of them to practice the example conversation. Ask them to say the name of each picture.

3. Ask them to work in pairs again. Have them practice the conversation again, substituting the words shown in the pictures.

Step 6 Task

Put some things in a paper bag- your pen, pencil or some thing else. Another student will take sth out of the bag. He or she will ask questions to find out who it belongs to.

Do 4a.4b. Point to the conversation in the picture, ask them to repeat.

Period 3.

Step 1 Revision

Revise is this your…?

Ask students to repeat the words: baseball, watch. Computer game, ID card, key, notebook, ring and pen. Match the words and objects in the picture. Do 1a

Step 2 Practice

1. 1b. Say the conversation with a student. Ask pairs of students to say the example conversation. Ask some to perform one of their conversations for the class.

2. They draw a picture of one of the objects in the picture and write out the conversation they had about that object.

Step 3 Listening

1. Read the words in 1a

2. Listen. Do 2a.

3. Listen. Do 2b.

Step 4. Task

1. Student A will look at p94. Student B will look at P98. Each student has only part of the information needed to complete the activity.

2.Give an example of the first question and answer.

3. A: is this her key?

B. No, it’s his key.

4. Divide the class into pairs.

5. Do 2c. check their answers.

Step 5. Practice

1. Look back at p10. Have them read the list of words.

2. Read the notices and circle the words that were used in 1a.Do 3a

3. Check the answers.

4. Do 3b.

Step 6 Task

Tell them that they will each write a message like one of these. Do a sample in together in class.

Ask them to write their bulletin board messages and write their messages on the board.

Step 7 Task

Most of people have pecked up others’ things. Do you know how to give it back it back to the owners? Do you know how to write Lost & Found?

Period 4

Step 1 Revision

Revise what they learned in this unit

Step 1 Self check

1. Do 1. Ask them to check all the words they know. Find out the meanings of any words they don’t know.

2.Write five new words in their Vocab-builder on p108. share their lists with other students.

3 Complete the questions and answers individually for the other three situations.

4 Read just for fun. Discuss where the humor comes from. Invite pairs of students to present this dialogue to the rest of the class.

Step 3 play the game

Ask them to write their first name, last names and telephone numbers in random order on the board. Next have some other students draw on the board pictures of things they own among the names and numbers. Ask students to use only things whose names they have studied in class. Then ask them to take turns pointing to an item on the board and asking questions such as: Is this your last name?… The student then calls on another student to answer the question with Yes or No.

Step 4 Task

Have you ever lost anything? How could you find it? Do you know how to write Lost & Found?

My English is …

My name is…

unit2新标准 篇6


时间:2014.8.21 上午


地点 双辽五中


学科: 英语

课题: unit 2 Is this your pencil ? 课型:新课 评课时间:2014.8.21






由我执教的人教七年级上册(Unit 2 Is this your pencil? Period 2),整堂课以任务型教学方式展开,不断创设情景,在师生互动,生生互动中从课堂预设到动态形成.一环扣一环,学生活动高潮迭起,教师引导巧而得法,是一节看实平淡无奇,实则蕴含浓缩精华,朴素实在的一节日常实用的课, 但是反思整个教学过程,活动的形是否式略显单一,活动是否不够深入, 知识是否延深到课外.就从以下几点来谈谈对这一节的认识: 一, 课堂教学设计理念新,思路清,程序合理.以学生的发展为根本,运用任务型教学方式引导学生积极参与教学活动,在整个过程中实现师生,生生互动,活动内容丰富多彩,接近学生生活,在互动,交流,合作,探究中实施教学.整个过程中教师的角色起了深刻的变化,真正成了组织者,参与者,引导者,帮助者,关注学生学习策略,学习方法,学习态度,成为名副其实的“以学为本”的教学设计,以课题为背景,任务型教学Learning by doing 的理念和思路清晣。








本课中,在操练完句型Is this your pencil? 之后,王老师让学生对此语境进行猜想,提问,对话和表演。教学情境熟悉、真实,学生乐于表演,气氛和悦。在教学中起了激趣的作用。在知识学习中,为了避免教师一人谈的局面,教师三次创设了问题语境,让学生参与交流,师生共同熟悉课本,不断的运用本单元的单词、句型进行操练,表达,以达到让学生运用新知识描述生活,训练学生听、说能力的目的。







unit2新标准 篇7


2. put on


3. folk adj.


4. steal v.

(stole, stolen ) 偷;窃取

5. lay v.

(laid /leid/, laid) 放置;安放;产(卵);下(蛋)

6. lay out


7. admire v.


8. trick n.


9. treat

n. 款待;招待 v. 招待;请(客)

10. fool

n. 蠢人;傻瓜 v. 愚弄 adj. 愚蠢的

11. lie v.

(lay/ lei/, lain/ lein) 平躺;处于

12. dead adj.


13. punish v.


14. warn v.


15. present

n. 现在;礼物adj. 现在的

16. warmth n.


17. spread

v. 传播;展开 n. 蔓延;传播

18. the Water Festival 泼水节 19. the Dragon Boat Festival 端午节 20. the Chinese Spring Festival 中国春节 21. the Lantern Festival 元宵节 22. the Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节

1. be crowded with 挤满了…… 2. put on five pounds 胖了五英磅 3. be similar to 和……相似 4. in the shape of ……的形状 5. plan to do 计划、打算做某事 6. refuse to do sth. 拒绝做某事 7. lay her favorite fruits and desserts 摆出她


8. admire the moon 赏月 9. as a result 结果
