


律师个人英文简历写作 篇1


Legal adviser for many years engaged in work, knowledge widely, with a solid knowledge of law, business comprehensive, practical application of strong, practical experience, have more success stories.

Career goals

Or a company seeking full-time lawyers, corporate legal counsel in order to give full play to its wealth of professional knowledge and skills.

Personal Information

Name: Linyuan Sex: Male Age: 28-year-old


Address: Zhongshan District XXXX Street XXXX ZIP XXX No.: XXXXXX

Work experience

October - now XXXX law firm


Dealing with litigation industry independent, non-litigation legal services industry, more than 20 agents from contract disputes, financial disputes and labor disputes;

Responsible for five companies working day-to-day legal affairs;

Proficient in a variety of legal instruments of writing, well-known throughout the legal process of action and have a strong competence and experience of court debate;

Solid theoretical foundation law, good negotiation skills;

Educational background

September 1993 - July 1997 Law of China Youth University for Political Sciences undergraduate

Professional expertise and skills

Bar has a certificate;

Understanding high, word knowledge, and rigorous style, cool-headed, thinking carefully, strain the capacity of flexible working;

Deep expertise, especially proficient in Civil and Commercial Law, Contract Law (Security Act), economic law, labor law, procedural law, insurance law, criminal law and other laws and regulations, principles and procedures are familiar with the mortgage;

Independent of the drafting of legal instruments;

Can skilled use of computers;

个人英文简历写作 篇2

Name: Luo XX

Sex: Female

Date of Birth :1987-01-19

Marital status: unmarried

National: Han

Height: 155cm

Residence: Sichuan Dazhou

Current: Chengdu, Sichuan

Graduate institutions: Institute of Panzhihua

Political landscape: members

Highest level of education: undergraduate

Repair by a professional: Civil Engineering (roads and bridges)

Talent type: fresh graduates

Job type: Full-time

Position: construction units relevant departments

Hope Location: undetermined

Wish to pay: Negotiable

Practice experience:

~ school year in schools for a two-week internship engineering survey.

June to July traffic in the research and design institute of Panzhihua a three-week internship - Law Project Road into Highway 4, Highway construction, such as climbing the West. Followed by measurement of master with site survey, route survey, research paper, learning to do data integration, and so on. Learned a lot of things, an increase of knowledge, improve their social and communicative competence of people.

In early March Luqiao Panzhihua companies for a three-week internship - to arrive at the construction site surveying, Actinomyces watch how staff masonry retaining wall construction, pile foundation digging, blasting, construction of the Wall and so on. Lead us to our teachers on a number of measuring knowledge.

Computers: office master office software, able to operate Auto CAD, a number of self-advertising software: photoshop, corelDRW.

Features: Writing; all kinds of ball games, good at badminton, tennis; singing; dance; the basis of a certain painting. Served as cultural members to the Cultural Department of the school had organized a number of programs and plays, many times in the department presided over the celebration of the program, singing in the military training伴舞single game, to participate in several online writing contest, in college students Winter Games badminton competition and has won numerous awards and medals, took part in Panzhihua City “Pangang Cup” fifth Games, “China Metallurgical is a long time Cup” badminton winners.

I am cheerful and lively personality generous, interested in a wide range; open-minded, steady work, the work of a bold initiative but it is not rash; concerned about the collective, a strong sense of responsibility; treat them sincerely and seriously take the initiative to work, full of professionalism; strong interpersonal skills.

In the four years of study and life, I have a very good professional knowledge, academic performance has been good, there is spare capacity in the school, I read a great deal of professional and extra-curricular books, as well as regular exercise, appeared in the College basketball team, badminton Team and has won numerous awards. September Civic has been selected as a member of the class activities of a number of organizations.

No non-school only in Canton, as a non-chi-free school, in the constant habit of learning and rigorous work, down-to-earth working style and excellent quality of unity and cooperation, so I have no doubt that their positions can be in the Shou-yeh, work, more business!

Learning good work habits so that I have been growing in a short period of time. Although still lacking in the larger context, but I know the attitude of an open mind and good team spirit so that I can improve myself as soon as possible! Hope his career through their own efforts can be developed as soon as possible rather than a waste of time every day.

英文简历个人资料写作 篇3

date of birth 出生日期

native place 籍贯

postal code 邮政编码

duel citizenship 双重国籍

marital status 婚姻状况

family status 家庭状况

married 已婚

single 未婚

divorced 离异

separated 分居

number of children 子女人数

health condition 健康状况

health 健康状况

excellent (身体)极佳


far-sighted 远视

ID card 身份证

date of availability 可到职时间

membership 会员、资格

president 会长

vice-president 副会长

director 理事

standing director 常务理事

society 学会

association 协会

secretary-general 秘书长

工商管理英文个人简历写作 篇4

Personal Profile:

Name:郝某某graduate institutions: Wuhan Zhongnan University of Economics and Law Institute

Sex: Female Profession: Business Administration

Date of birth: June 7, 1987 Post Zip Code: 460079

Mailing Address: Street, Chu-hung, Hongshan District No. 636 phone: 13437288xxx

Phone :027-87785xxx e-mail: www.yjbys.com/

Skills summary:

English level:

Able to carry out skilled listening, speaking, reading and writing. And through four national English examination. Especially good at writing and responding to business correspondence in English, proficiency in the use of network access to relevant information in English and can be translated in time.

Computer level:

NCRE 2, familiar with the Internet and e-commerce. Proficiency in office automation, proficiency in Word excel in an independent and highly efficient operation and timely completion of day-to-day office document editing.

Summary of practical experience:

July e-commerce site of a chemical engineering internship. Internship during the primary function is to 1, to assist the editor in Internet Web site of domestic and foreign chemical information. 2, to collect, collate the relevant information in both English and Chinese.

July a full-time information on traffic consulting firm responsible consultation effective, timely and accurate customer service attitude and dedicated work over the performance, has won the recognition of colleagues and supervisors.

Educational Background:

September - July in Wuhan Zhongnan University of Economics and Law Institute

September - July 2005 Jingshan County, the fifth secondary


Legal basis for auditing, statistics, accounting, management, human resources management, logistics management, corporate strategic management, corporate governance, case studies, advertising, marketing.

Professional elective courses:

Product market position of the employee performance appraisal manual and post jobs report


Three third-class school a school of individual scholarships scholarships


Character I cheerful, active thinking, easy to communicate, have good sense of team, good at getting along with colleagues. Work free from anxiety, the company consciously obey discipline, loyalty to the company.

律师硕士英文简历 篇5

No.67, Lane123 Job Road,,District, Shanghai

(+86) 138-0000-0000

Objective: Lawyer



Candidate for J.D.

May 20xx


Harvard Law and Policy Review

1L Editor

Public Interest Section Representative

Reading Group: Socrates for Lawyers



magna cum laude in Political Science

June 20xx


20xx American Political Science Association Award: Best Undergraduate Paper on the Presidency

Distinction in Major


Education and Curriculum Committee



20xx - 20xx


Fairfax, VA

Created internal auditing system for the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration to monitor its responses to inter-governmental policy recommendations.

Researched policy and performed cost-benefit analyses relating to regulation of large trucks.

Interacted frequently with clients, often without supervision, including working on-site at the Department of Transportation.


Winter 20xx

Legislative Intern

Washington, DC

Researched foreign aid budgeting and voting machine reform proposals.

Attended hearings and authored policy memos for senior staff.


Summer 20xx

Research Intern

Northfield, MN

Analyzed survey, admissions, and student assessment data.

Presented multiple policy recommendations to the Dean of the College.

Produced internal reports.


20xx - 20xx

Research Assistant

Northfield, MN

Designed research project on European Political Economy.

Researched George W. Bush’s presidency, and analyzed election media coverage.


20xx - 20xx

Student Supervisor

Northfield, MN

Trained, motivated, and monitored six-person calling shifts.

Analyzed donor statistics to evaluate solicitation techniques.

Developed new caller incentive program.


David Bard and Joe Smith, American Foreign Policy Opinion in 20xx

Journal Paper

Exploring Underlying Beliefs, 27 Am. Rev. of Politics 295 (20xx)


Volunteer as an Assistant Class Agent, raising donations for Carleton College.

Volunteered regularly at N Street Village, a DC homeless shelter, from 20xx-20xx.

英文简历律师 篇6

Ethnic: Chinese political features: members

Academic qualifications (degree): Undergraduate: Law

Contact Tel: 12345678 Mobile: 13901111234

Contact Address: XX Street, Dongcheng District, Beijing on the 10th Zip: 100007

Email Address: ** pager :66806688-1234

Educational background

Graduate institutions: the Central University for Nationalities 1992.9 - .7 of the legal profession

Through the National Bar Examination

6 through national examinations in English, I learned that reading and writing proficiency

Proficiency in the operation of computers and the Internet and the use of

Work experience

1996.9 - .9 XX large state-owned joint-stock enterprises

Law officers

Action to deal with the company day-to-day, non-litigation legal affairs and intellectual property matters / is responsible for guarding against the risk of law, together with other departments to guard against all types of risk / training staff of legal knowledge

1998.10 - XX Group since


Responsible for the operation and management of the activities of the Legal Services / drafting, reviewing contracts, company legal documents / the development of the company building the legal rules and regulations and the rule of law programs / companies involved in the handling of economic disputes and companies inside and outside the major business negotiations


With professional knowledge and experience to understand the various legal documents; familiar with the various types of documents, writing legal texts; with strong expression and communication skills; the judge has a strong analytical ability and logical; man of integrity, propriety law-abiding; loving broad, happy to work with people and good team spirit.

I character

Cheerful, modest, self-discipline, self-confidence (based on the persons circumstances)。

Another: the most important thing is the ability, I believe that your company will feel that I am a suitable candidate for this position!

Look forward to working with your interviews!


James Garner

811 Jefferson Terrace

Washington, D.C. 9

(617) 555-8190


Successfully conducted litigation in a variety of high-profile cases.

Achieved favorable resolution of complex, often difficult to win cases.

Practiced before administrative boards and arbitrators.

Attained numerous credits in all phases of civil litigation in state and federal courts.


Barnham & Haynes, Washington, D.C.

Senior Associate, January 1996 - Present

Represented a diverse group of clients in civil litigation matters.

Met with clients and developed trial strategy based on clients

needs and reccomendations. Litigated each case in full.

Consistently achieved favorable results for clients, including

two verdicts in which the settlement exceeded $2 million.

Bayne & Associates, Baltimore, MD

Associate Attorney, August 1990 - January 1996

Member of trial team that successfully defended Norton Co.

in it’s $6 million coverage litigation. Prepared and argued

motions. Defended depositions. Drafted settlement

conference brief.


Jun. 88

J.D., Yale Law School, New Haven, CT

Activities: Editor of Law Review

Coach, Yale Debate Society

Jun. 84

B.A., History & Government, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI

Honors: Summa Cum Laude

Beikney Award for most outstanding thesis in history.

National Finalst, Expemporaneous Speaking, AFA


Member of the Bar, State of Virginia, admitted 1990

Contributor, The Western Law Review

Consultant, Equity & Legal Assistance Foundation

Member, Board of Directors, YMCA’s of Greater D.C.

律师毕业中文简历写作 篇7

目前所在: 广州 年 龄: 30

户口所在: 河南 国 籍: 中国

婚姻状况: 未婚 民 族: 汉族

培训认证: 未参加 身 高: 175 cm

诚信徽章: 未申请 体 重: 65 kg

人才测评: 未测评



人才类型: 普通求职

应聘职位: 律师/法律顾问:,律师/法律顾问:

工作年限: 7 职 称: 无职称

求职类型: 兼职 可到职日期: 随时

月薪要求: 面议 希望工作地区: 广州,南海区,


广东安国律师事务所 起止年月:2007-04 ~ 至今

公司性质: 其它 所属行业:服务业

担任职位: 律师

工作描述: 主要工作有刑事辩护;法律顾问;代理合同、侵犯财产权、知识产权、物权、债权、继承法案件、劳动争议纠纷及工伤等案件的代理,代理婚前财产公证,接受离婚纠纷等案件代理、执行案件中的财产线索调查工作!


广州新邦物流服务有限公司(总部) 起止年月:2005-10 ~ -09

公司性质: 私营企业 所属行业:交通/运输/物流

担任职位: 法务专员 大客户专员

工作描述: 主要工作:负责客户售后服务,妥善处理因货物丢失、破损、延迟到达等异常情况与客户发生的争端和矛盾;跟踪处理和回访,维护与其正常合作关系,为企业保驾护航;处理公司对外运输合同事务,处理公司对外诉讼事宜.


河南省许昌市中级人民法院 起止年月:-11 ~ 2005-09

公司性质: 政府机关 所属行业:机关/事业单位/社会团体

担任职位: 书记员

工作描述: 主要工作内容:制作法院裁判文书并送传,当事人民事争议的庭前调解;开庭前审理文书档案资料的准备,核实当事人身份,宣读审判规则及听审纪律等,记录听审全过程;协助法院相关部门对当事人申请一方的调查取证进行确认等!


河南省金学苑律师事务所 起止年月:2003-12 ~ 2004-10

公司性质: 其它 所属行业:服务业

担任职位: 律师助理

工作描述: 主要是在民事领域里,接待当事人进行法律咨询,出具法律文书,如:意见书,律师函等,草拟各类民事法律文书,协助主诉律师进行庭前准备,参加出庭诉讼,协助所里律师办案,包括非诉案件处理等!




毕业院校: 郑州大学法学院

最高学历: 本科 获得学位: 学士 毕业日期: 2004-09

专 业 一: 法学 专 业 二: 法律(文秘)

起始年月 终止年月 学校(机构) 所学专业 获得证书 证书编号

-07 2002-10 物流企业 物流专业 助理物流师 -


外语: 英语 良好 粤语水平: 一般


国语水平: 优秀


律师的个人简历 篇8

姓名:XXX 性别:男 民族:汉 政治面目:党员 学历(学位):本科 专业:法律 联系电话:12345678 手机:*** 联系地址:北京市东城区XX大街10号 邮编:100007 Email Address: 12345678@sohu.com 呼机:66806688-1234 教育背景 毕业院校:中央民族大学 1992.9--1996.7 法律专业 *通过国家律师资格考试 *通过国家英语六级考试,听说读写熟练 *熟练掌握计算机和互联网的操作及使用 工作经历 *1996.9--1998.9 XX大型国有股份制企业 法务人员 处理公司日常诉讼、非诉讼法律事务及知识产权事务/负责防范法律范围内的风险,与其他部门共同协作防范各类风险/培训员工法律知识 *1998.10--至今 XX集团公司 律师 负责公司经营管理活动中的法律事务/起草、审核公司相关合同方面的法律文件/ 拟定公司法律规章制度和法制建设方案/参与处理公司内外经济纠纷和公司重大业务谈判等 个人简介

律师助理个人简历 篇9
















☆ 教育经历

1992年9月至7月于娄底就读娄底一小     199月至7月于娄底就读娄底一中     209月至7月于南京就读南京陆军指挥学院

☆ 工作实践经历






☆ 技能水平


☆ 自我评价


☆ 求职意向

律师专业个人简历表 篇10

工作年限:5职称:中级求职类型:两者均可可到职日期: 随时 月薪要求:面议希望工作地区:北京市个人工作经历:2000/4-2002/12

公司名称: 湖北南嘉律师事务所 职位:


工作地点: 湖北省咸宁市嘉鱼县

工作职责和业绩: 主要负责办理民事、行政、经济诉讼案件及其非诉讼代理。期间共办理各种案件近百起,以严谨的工作态度和丰富的专业知识,受到委托人的一致赞扬,被评为优秀法律工作者.离职/换岗原因: 2002年底因入伍离职


2公司名称: 北京卫戍区警卫一师 职位:


工作地点: 解放军总政治部(北京)

工作职责和业绩: 在部队期间曾多次受到嘉奖,并被多次评为优秀士兵。

离职/换岗原因: 2004年底因退伍离职


公司名称: 解放军艺术学院 职位:


工作地点: 北京市海淀区

工作职责和业绩: 在职期间工作兢兢业业,按照院领导的要求认真完成各项任务.为全院的教学做好各种保障工作.因此受到院领导的一致赞扬.在管理工作中能做到团结一致,严格要求,关心战士.经常交心谈心


教育背景毕业院校:武汉大学最高学历:本科毕业日期:2006年7月所学专业一:政法类所学专业二:受教育培训经历:2002/7-2006/7学历: 本科

学校名称: 武汉大学 专业: 律师



2001/7-2004/7 学历: 大专

学校名称: 中南财经政法学院 专业: 律师

