


新目标八年级英语下册unit6重点短语句子默写和完成句子 篇1

How long have you been collecting shells? 1.用完,用尽__________

2.顺便,附带说说___________ 3.对…感兴趣__________4.奥林匹克运动会__________ 5.搜集贝壳____________

6.在滑冰马拉松比赛中_______ 7.为慈善机构筹集钱________ 8.第一个开始的___________ 9.整整5个小时_____________ 10.什么运动_______ 11.三年半____________


12.自从9点钟_____________ 13.为…感谢…____________ 14.送…给…_________

15.在我7岁的生日时_______ 16.别的任何人_____________ 17.开办一个雪球收集者俱乐部 _______________________ 18.在教室里走动____________ 19.放风筝_____________

20.最普通的爱好____________ 21.最不寻常的爱好___________ 22.组织才艺表演___________ 23.需要补习英语____________ 24.写完___________

25.一份当作家的工作_________ 26.来自__________

27….的首都/省会___________ 28.有着丰富多彩的历史的城 ______________________ 29.俄罗斯样式的___________ 30.对某人来说做某事是重要的_ 31.对某人来说做某事是聪明的_ 32.受到…的欢迎____________ 33.开始做…__________ 34.越多越好___________

35.额外的英语课____________ 36.开始做某事____________ 37.超过,多于____________


1.How long have you been skating? 你滑冰有多长时间了?2.I’ve been skating since nine o’clock/since I was four years old.我从九点一直滑到现在/我从四岁一直滑到现在。

3.I’ve been skating for five hours.我一直滑了五小时。4.The more I learn about Chinese history, the more I enjoy living in China.我对中国的历史了解得越多,我就越喜欢住在中国。5.Was this your first skating marathon?6.When did you get your first pair of skates?

7.Alison was the first one to start and has been skating for the whole five hours.是第一个开始并且已经滑了整整5个小时。8.I’m talking to you from the Hilltop School Skating Marathon.9.For every hour they skate, each student raises ten yuan for

charity.每滑一个小时,每位学生可为慈善事业筹集10元钱。10.Thanks for sending me the snow globe of the monster.In fact I

think it’s probably my favorite.谢谢你送我的怪物雪球仪。事实上,我想它可能是我的最爱。11.My mom says I have to stop, because we’ve run out of room to

store them.妈妈说我必须停止了,因为我们已经没有地方来存放他们了。12.The first one I ever got was a birthday cake snow globe on my

twelfth birthday.我得到的第一个雪球仪是我十二岁生日得到的生日蛋糕雪球。

13.I particularly love globes with animals.If you know anyone else

who collects them, please tell me.我特别喜欢动物雪球仪。如果你知道其他人收集他们的话,请告诉我们。14.By the way, what’s your hobby? 15.I’m interested in the job as a writer.16.The school newspaper needs a writer.We will give you

different topics to choose from.To get the job, please answer these four questions.校报需要一个撰稿人。我们会给你一些不同的话题来选择。要得到这份工作,请回答这样四个问题。17.How many Chinese dynasties can you think of? 你能想起多少


18.Can you think of famous characters from the history of other

countries? Make a list.从其他国家历史中,你能记起一些著名


19.In fact, the first Jews probably came to Kaifeng more than a

thousand years ago and were welcomed by the Song Emperor.事实上,第一批犹太人可能在一千多年前就来到开封而且受到宋朝皇帝的欢迎。

20.There is some European influence in the city, and some of the

old buildings in Harbin are in Russian style.这个城市有欧洲文化的影响,而且哈尔滨的一些老建筑还是俄罗斯风格的。21.For a foreigner like me, the more I learn about Chinese culture, the more I enjoy living in China.对于一个像我一样的外国人来说,我对中国文化了解越多,我就越喜欢住在中国。22.And although I live quite far from Beijing, I’m certain I will be

here for the Olympic Games in 2008.完成句子

1.She______________________ since she was ten years old.(她自从十岁起就在收集风筝了)

2.I _______________________ since I graduated from college.(自从大学毕业,我就一直在当老师)3.She has been learning English songs ________________________.(从她六岁起)

4.She _________________________ music at the age of four.(对音乐感兴趣)

5.Alison was___________________skating.(第一个开始滑冰的)

6.We________________ to store snow globes.(已经用完了空间)

7.Our class is organizing a talent show to _______________________.(为慈善事业筹款)

8.This is an interesting city_______________________.(有着多彩历史的有趣城市)

9.Some of the old buildings in Harbin are ____________________.(具有俄罗斯风格)

10.The more I ____________ Chinese history, the more I _____________in China.(我对中国历史了解越多,我越喜欢住在中国)

11.______________ you are, _______________ you will make.(你越细心,你犯的错越少)12.More and more foreigners enjoy

新目标八年级英语下册unit6重点短语句子默写和完成句子 篇2

一、Useful phrases(有用短语 收拾干净 tidy up 占用 take up 一点 a bit 一套„„的收藏品 collection of 拉小提琴 play the violin 一直 all the time 对„„感兴趣 be interested in 在„„末尾 at the end of 接受采访 give an interview 例如,比如 such as 照顾 look after 发展兴趣 develop interests 和„„一样 as well as 出版,开(花)come out 花费(金钱、时间)spend … on sth.花费(金钱、时间)spend …(in doing 结果 as a result 将来 in the future 一生中 in one‟s life 省钱,存钱 save money

二、Key structures(关键句型

1.是什么让你对音乐感兴趣?What made you so interested in music? 2.我经常听他拉小提琴。I often listen to him play the violin.3.在2000年的夏天,他在夏令营呆啦四个星期。

During the summer holiday of 2000, he spent four weeks on a summer camp.3.我利用一些空闲时间在校队打排球。

I spent some of my free time(in playing volleyball for my school team.Module Two

一、Useful phrases(有用短语 稍等 Hold the line 事实上 in fact

两个,数个 a couple of 觉得 feel like 和„„不同 be different from 和„„交朋友 make friends with 顺便说说 by the way 遥远(be)far away 结果 as a result 害怕 be afraid of sth.担心 worry about 如常 as usual 在那时 at that moment 一天天 day by day 对„„微笑 smile at 开始 at first 不再 not … any more 保持现状 stay the same

二、Key structures(关键句型

1.我问你的秘书她会不会来。I asked your secretary whether she could come or not.2.我能问一下你是否想念英国或你的亲戚吗? Can I ask if /whether you miss the UK,or your relations? 3.感觉如何?What does it feel like? 4.你觉得怎样?How do you like it?=What do you think of it? Module Three

一、Useful phrases(有用词语

1、小心 look out for

2、„„的分数 the score of

3、愿意做某事 would like to do

4、感谢你做某事 thank you for doing

5、喜欢做某事 like doing sth.6、带某人参观 take/show sb around

7、停止做某事 stop doing sth

8、最新消息 the latest news

9、需要做某事 need to do sth

10、继续做某事 keep doing sth

11、以„开始 begin with

12、讨厌做某事 hate doing/to do

13、开始做某事 begin doing/to do

14、同意某人意见 agree with sb

15、通过收音机 on the radio

16、在电台 at the radio

17、在„„附近be close to

18、记得做过某事 remember doing

19、亲自 in person 20、看起来似乎„ It seems(that

21、在„岁时 at age of

二、Key Structures(关键句型


We ‟d like to thank you for taking us around Radio Beijing.2、不可气,我喜欢带来访者到处参观。Don ‟t mention it.I enjioy showing visitors around.3、我想回答你的问题,不过记得要记住那盏红灯。

I want to answer your quesrions,but remember to look out for the red light.4、我记得当我四到五岁的时候,我坐在客厅的收音机旁„„

When I was about four or five years old,I remember sitting close to the radio in the living room…

Module Four

一、Useful phrases(有用的短语

1、拍录像 take vedios

2、回放 play back

3、打开 turn on

4、赶快 come on

5、借给某人某物 lend sth to sb

6、等待 wait for

7、把„连接到„ connect to

8、拉小提琴 play the violin

9、找出 find out

10、救某人的命 save one‟s life

11、捡起 pick up

12、拍照 take a photo of

13、咬某人的手 bite sb on the hand

二、Key Structures(关键句型


If you want to turn on the recorder, press the blue button.2、如果有蛇咬你,用你的手机拍张照片。这可能救你的命。

If a snake bites you,take a photo with your mobile phone!It may save your life.Module 5

一、Useful phrases(有用短语

1、能,会 be able to

2、一起 all together

3、在„结束时 at the end of

4、拿走,起飞 take off

5、至少 at least

6、犯错 make a mistake

7、毕竟 after all

8、零用钱 pocket money

9、赶快 hurry up

10、宁可,较喜欢 rather …than

11、提醒做某事 warn sb to do sth

12、有机会 have a chance

13、以„为自豪 be proud of

14、要求 ask for

15、出错 go wrong

16、送走 send away

17、用„做某事 use sth for doing sth

二、Key structures(关键句型

1、假如我演奏得好,我就会在“明星大搜索”的演奏会上独奏。If I play well,‟ll play the solo during the Starsearch concert.2、如果她去了别的学校,我就不能见到我最好的朋友了。If she goes to a diffent school, I won‟t see my best friend.Module 6

一、Useful phases(有用短语

1、发生 take place

2、醒来 be awake

3、谈论 talk about

4、想念某人 miss sb

5、交朋友 make friends

6、拉小提琴 play the violin

7、担心 be worried about

8、照顾 look after

9、面对面的 face to face

10、以某人的观点 in one‟s opinion

11、除„之外 except for

12、出版 comr out

13、反映真实生活的 be true to life

14、扮演某人 play sb

15、建议某人做某事 advise sb to do sth

16、加入 jion sb

二、Key structures(关键句型


She said that she was with some classmates from London.2.她解释说她的访问时为了交朋友。

She explained that her visit was about making friends.3.所以她知道他有很多朋友。So she knows that she is among the friends.Module 7

一、Useful phrases(有用短语

1、休假,放假 time off

2、照顾 look after

3、全中国 all over China

4、绕„„而走 walk around

5、过桥 cross the bridge

6、爬上 climb up

7、其余的„„ the rest of

8、说出真相 tell the truth

9、叫某人(别)做某事 ask sb.(not to do sth.10、听见某人在做某事 hear sb.doing sth

11、因„„出名 be famous for 12.看起来像 look like

13、知道,了解 know about

14、在夜间 during the night

15、仿佛,好像 as if

16、叫醒 wake up

17、发现,查明 find out

18、指向 point out

19、希望,期待 hope for sth.20、单独留下某人 leave sb.alone

二、Key structures(关键句型

1、她问我是否练习太多了。She asked if I was practising too much.2、她问我发生什么事。She asked me what was the matter.3、我告诉她不要担心。I told her not to worry.4、他还说摘叶子还是不对的。He also said that it was wrong to pull leaves.Module 8

一、Useful phrases(有用短语

1.劳动节 Labour Day 2.去度假 take a vacation 3.在…方面花费… spend … on/ doing sth.4.一„„就„„ as soon as 5.„„的开端 at the start of/ beginning of 6.变凉 get cooler 7.在不同日期 on a different date

8、结束 be over

9、休息一天 have one day off

10、制定计划 make a plan

11、以相同的方式 in the same way

12、依赖 depend on

13、玩得开心 have fun

14、倒数 count down

15、聚会 get together

16、出去走走 go out for a walk

17、下决心 make resolutions

18、„„的清单 a list of

19、帮助„„克服困难 help out 20、保证做 promise to do

二、Key structures(关键句型


While we‟re staying with them, we‟re going to spend a few days in Qingdao.2、让我们玩得开心,知道回到学校。Let ‟s enjoy ourselves until we go back to school.3、今天是新学年开始前的最后一天。

And it‟s the last day before the new school year begins.4、当九月到来,天气开始转凉。When September comes, it starts to get cooler.5、一到十二点,所有人都大声喊叫。

As soon as it‟s 12 o‟clock, everyone shouts very loudly.一、Useful phrases(有用短语

1.目的是 so that 2.擅长 be good at 3.独自 on one‟s own

4.期待 look forward to 5.出现,发生 come up 6.献身于 give one‟s life to 7.继续做某事 continue doing sth 8.尽管 in spite of 8.9.„„和„„都 both … and… 10.最后 in the end 11.就某人的命 save one‟s life 12.为了 in order to 13.照顾 take care of 14.成千上万的 thousands of

二、Key structures(关键句型

1.她错过了最后的排练,所以Kylie 可以演奏。She missed the final practice so that Kylie could play.2.她们站起来因为她们俩都将要演奏。

They „re standing up because they‟re both going to play.3.说她的手疼所以Kylie 可以独奏。

Sally said her hand hurt so Kylie could play on her own.一、Key phrases(有用的短语

1.如此„„以致于„„ so … that… 2.上大学 go to college 3.一点也不 not … at all 4.送别 see off 5.出错 go wrong 6.保持联络 stay/keep in touch 7.给某人穿衣服 dress oneself/sb.8.依赖,依靠 depend on 9.去度假 go on holiday 10.受„„欢迎 be popular with 11.用„„填满„„ fill … with … 12.和„„一样 as … as 13.照顾 look after 14.一„„就„„ as soon as

15.知道„„才„„ not … until 16.依某人看in one‟s opinion 17.譬如 such as 18.坐火车 take a train 19.一路顺风 have a safe trip 20.别傻了!Don ‟t be silly!

二、Key structures(关键句型

1.如果我有时间就会去看你。I would visit you if I have time.2.他如此努力工作以致于忘记吃午饭。He worked so hard that he forgot to have lunch.3.虽然他想去伦敦,但是他不想坐飞机。

新目标八年级英语下册unit6重点短语句子默写和完成句子 篇3






















































