浙江大学远程教育第二学期英语作业Unit 3 主观题


浙江大学远程教育第二学期英语作业Unit 3 主观题(通用8篇)

浙江大学远程教育第二学期英语作业Unit 3 主观题 篇1

(二)·第二次平时作业客观题 1.― Excuse me, but can you tell me the way to the airport?

― _______

A)Don’t ask that.B)Go straight down this street.Turn left at the first traffic lights.You can’t miss it.C)No, I can’t say that.D)No, you’re driving too fast.参考答案:B 2.―_______

― Just over there at the second corner.A)Hello, sir.Tell me where the station is.B)Excuse me, could you tell me where the station is, please?

C)Good afternoon, sir.The station , please.D)Pardon, sir.Can I get to the station, please?


something in what he suggested.参考答案:D

14.Choose the best answer for each of the following sentences.Can you find out _______her pen?

A)where Alice had put B)where had Alice put

C)where Alice has put D)where has Alice put


15.You can’t imagine _______when they received these gifts.A)how they were excited B)how excited they were

C)how excited they have D)they were how excited


16.I will give this book to _______wants to have it.A)whomever B)whoever C)whatever D)wherever

参考答案:B 3.Prices of daily goods _____online can be lower than store prices.A)are bought B)bought C)been bought D)buying

参考答案:B 4.Mr.Smith, _______ of the _______ speech, started to read a novel.A)tired;boring B)tiring;bored C)tired;bored D)tire;boring

参考答案:A 5.The net bar, _______last year, is very popular among the students in this school.A)open B)opening C)having opened D)opened

参考答案:D 6.I’m going to have my car _______this afternoon.A)to be fixed B)to fix C)fixed D)fixing

参考答案:C 7.The girl _______under that tree is my sister.A)is sitting B)sits C)sat D)sitting

参考答案:D 8.Let’s make it round 8 o’clock._______

A)You’re all right.B)Yes, I can.C)Please don’t.D)Would some time later be convenient?

参考答案:D 9.Choose the best answer for each of the following sentences.Jane said, “Are you tired?” = Jane asked me _______.A)if I was tired B)if was I tired C)if I am tired D)if am I tired

参考答案:A 10.John said, “May I go with you?” = John asked me _______.A)if I might go with you B)if he might go with you

C)if he might go with me D)if he might go with John

参考答案:C 11.The teacher said, “What are you thinking about?” = The teacher asked me _______thinking about.A)what were you B)what you were C)what I was D)what was I

参考答案:C 12.When asked whether he had seen Jim, Tom answered, “_______”

A)Yes, I have.B)Nor have I.C)Certainly, he had seen him.D)Of course, I will.参考答案:A 13.What do you think of his suggestion? _______

A)It’s not the case.B)I don’t think so.C)I believe so.D)There’s

17._______you don’t like him is none of my business.A)What B)Who C)That D)Whether


18.We must do well _______the boss assigns us to do.A)that B)whatever C)whichever D)those

参考答案:B 19.I have not found my book yet.In fact, I’m not sure _______I could

have done with it.A)if B)whether C)how D)what


20._______is a fact that English is accepted as an international language.A)What B)This C)That D)It


21.Choose the best answer for each of the following sentences.I shall never forget those days _______I lived in the country with the

farmers.A)that B)when C)which D)what


22.Can you tell me the name of the city _______you visited last summer?

A)what B)where C)/ D)it


23.Is this the restaurant _______?

A)which you work B)in which you work C)for which you work D)

where you work in


24.That tree, _______branches are almost bare, is a very old one.A)whose B)which C)that D)it


25.This is one of the books that _______worth reading.A)is B)are C)has D)have

浙江大学远程教育第二学期英语作业Unit 3 主观题 篇2


v.tolerateadj.tolerantBe tolerant of /towards

e.g.Her mistakes made her very tolerant of/towards others

tolerate v.自我约束,对抵触或可憎事物不表反对和异议。

e.g.I can tolerate jazz, thoughI don’t like it.Compare: bear 对不愉快的或有伤害的事物、局面加以容忍,忍受; endure面对一系列考验时所表现出的毅力与耐心; stand与tolerate和bear同义,非正式用词; suffer vi.遭受、忍受困难或不幸等。


fail to see or notice due to haste or carelessness


He overlooked a spelling mistake on the first page.Compare: ignore, neglect, omit

ignore: take no notice of deliberately 有意忽视,不理睬

neglect: give not enough care or attention to 行为上的疏忽,大意,语气较强;omit: leave sth out省略,略去


1)vt.advise, give advice and support to

e.g.学校向学生提供咨询服务。The school is now providing a service to counsel students.counsel sb.to do 对于重大事情,在仔细斟酌之后提出忠告。

他劝他们放弃这个计划。He counseled them to give up the plan.2)n.advice;ideas


I should have listened to my father’s wise counsel, and saved some money instead of spending it all.1…we had experienced the usual ups and downs of a couple learning to know, understand, and respect each other.(L1-2)

Like any other couples who were learning to know, understand and respect each other, we had had both happy and unhappy periods.Ups and downs: a mix of good experiences and bad experiences.e.g.Life is full of ups and downs.人生充满了欢乐和痛苦.2.Our racial and cultural differences enhanced our relationship and taught us a great deal about tolerance, compromise, and being open with each other.(L5)我们之间的种族及文化差异不但增强了我们的关系,还教会了我们彼此间要宽容,谅解和开诚布公.being open with each other:

willing to talk to each other honestly and frankly

3.Gail and I had no illusions about what the future held for us as a married, mixed couple in America.(L9)

Gail and I were not idealistic about what the future would offer us in America as a married couple, one being black and the other being white.4....they overlooked serious personality conflicts in the expectation that marriage was an automatic way to make everything work out right.(L.14)

They ignored serious personality conflicts.They hoped that everything worked go right automatically when they lived their married life.EXPECTATION is often used in some set phrases:

contrary to / against all expectations 与预期相反

beyond expectations 出乎预料

in expectation of / in the expectation that 料想到/希望…

come up to / live up to one’s expectations 达到期望

5.Instead of congratulations upon hearing our news, Deborah counseled Gail to be really true she was doing the right thing.(L.24)

When Deborah heard our plans, she didn’t express her congratulations but advised Gail to be really sure that that was the marriage she did want.Congratulations on your marriage!

upon : the same as on.It means immediately after…

e.g.Upon(On)hearing the news, she burst into tears.一听到这个消息,她就放声大哭.6.I harbored reservations about a mixed marriage, prejudices you might even call them.(L28)

I had doubts whether a marriage between a white and a black would work out well, which you might even call prejudices.In this sentence, the author used an appositional structure.So we can change it into:

I harbored my reservations about a mixed marriage.You might even call my reservations prejudices.7.Gail’s father, David, whom I had not yet met personally, approached our decision with a father-knows-best attitude.(L.43)

I had not yet met Gail’s father, David, face to face.He dealt with our decision in a way that seemed he was the most experienced in finding out the truth.8.Why the haste?(L.45)Then why the rush?(L49)

Why do you want to get married in such a hurry?

This is an elliptical question.In WHY-Q we often have ellipsis.9.Buy time, buy time…(L.49)

Delay your decision about marriage that seems too soon.10.…it’s never too late to change your mind.(L.65)

浙江大学远程教育第二学期英语作业Unit 3 主观题 篇3






8.题1-14图示电路中,已知 求I3、I4、I5和I。《电路分析AI》第2次作业




4.求题2-5图示电路的等效电阻 Rab。



























开路电压 uoc = uab = 3×3+2-2=9V 等效电阻 Ro= 1+3 =4Ω 戴维南等效电路如图





图(b)可以等效为图(f)求开路电压时 I = 0,所以电路又可等效为图(g)uoc = 2×2.4=4.8V Ro=2.4Ω



短路电流 isc =2A 等效电阻 Ro=2.4Ω 诺顿等效电路如图


(1)求戴维南等效电路 求开路电压uoc: uoc = uab

显然 Ia+2 Ia=3A 即 Ia=1A

则 uab=2×4 Ia-2=6V

uoc =6V



Ia=-Ia 即 Ia=0A

所以 Ro=4Ω





(1)求戴维南等效电路: 求开路电压Uoc:


(2)求诺顿等效电路 求短路电流isc:





U1=-6V 由KVL定理

uoc=-2U1 所以 uoc =12V



-2 U1=0 即 U1 =0 而由KVL定理


所以 isc =2A 故


求最大功率:当R=6Ω 时可获最大功率,则











6.题6-11图示电路,电流源 作用于无源网络N,测得端口


7.求题6-13图(a)电流表 的读数、图(b)电压表V的读数。

8.9.用三表法测实际线圈的参数 的值。已知电压表的读数为100V,电流表为2A,瓦特表为120W,电源频率。






(2)Z取何值可获最大功率?最大功率是多少? 解:(1)LC发生并联谐振

四年级上学期英语第二单元检测题 篇4



















































































浙江大学远程教育第二学期英语作业Unit 3 主观题 篇5








四、一位厨师用西红柿,青椒,土豆,芸豆,茄子中的任意两种 蔬菜炒一盘菜,而且搭配不同,算一算,他最多能炒几盘菜?











浙江大学远程教育第二学期英语作业Unit 3 主观题 篇6



()1.Mr.Li is one of _______ best engineers in this factory.A.the


C.a()2.—_______ does Mary surf the Internet?

— Every day.A.How long

B.How many

C.How often()3.Tom ran _______ Sam.They are both winners.A.as quickly as

B.as quick as

C.so quickly as()4.There will be less_______ and the environment will be better.A.trees


C.factories()5.Tony is really funny, he often makes me _______.A.laugh


C.laughed()6.Peel three bananas then __________.A.cut them off

B.cut them down

C.cut them up()7.They plan to have a party _______ Saturday afternoon.A.on


C.at()8.Every year, _______ people come to visit our school.A.hundreds

B.hundreds of

C.hundred()9.Bob didn’t go to bed _______ he finished doing his homework.A.because


C.however()10.If you study hard, you _______ good grades.()11.He’s a basketball fan and he wants to see Yao Ming _______ one day.A.himself



D.he()12____of the students in the class would like to go to school by bike in such terrible weather.A.All B.Both C.Neither D.None()13 —Do you still have a headache, Bill?

—No, it’s_____.I’m all right now, mum.A.gone B.run C.left D.dropped()14.—Bob, would you like to come to our dinner party?

____________.A.Yes, I would B.Yes, I’d love to C.No, I wouldn’t D.No, I don’t go

()15.You ________ be late for class.You must get to school on time.A.must B.can C.can’t D.may


Do you know Tu Youyou? She is a famous Chinese 1.She shared the 2015 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine(诺贝尔生理学或医学奖)with two other foreign scientists.She is the first Chinese woman to 2 the prize.She found artemisinin(青蒿素)with her 3.She first tried the medicine on herself, 4 she wanted to make sure that it was safe(安全).“As the head of the group, I had the responsibility(责任).” The 85-year-old scientist spoke to CCTV 5 her work.Artemisinin is a 6 for the world people from the traditional Chinese medicine.It has 7 many lives.Tu Youyou expects Chinese medicine to 8

more people all over the world.We can learn a lot from Tu Youyou.We should do 39 useful for people.If we want to be successful, we should keep on working hard with our group and 40 give up.()1.A.dentist























A Dear Sonia,I am having a party for my 13th birthday.Can you come to my birthday party? It will be a wonderful party.My parents will help me organize it.You can listen to some pop music and you can see a big birthday cake.I think it’s much bigger than my mum made for me before.It is as big as a desk.Did you see such a big cake? It will be a special party, too.It’s also a ball.You can dance to the nice music.But you have to take a partner(伙伴).The party begins at 7:00 pm this Friday.Welcome to my house.If you come to my party, you will have a great time!Don’t forget to take a partner!

Lily()1.This is an invitation___________.A.to Sonia

B.from Sonia

C.to Lily()2.There will be a very___________ at the party.A.big desk

B.big cake

C.small cake()3.The underlined word “ball” means ___________.A.basketball


C.dancing party()4.They will have the party ___________.A.next Friday

B.on weekends

C.in the evening()5.If Bob goes to the party, he may take a ___________ with him.A.ball


C.birthday cake

B 阅读下面图表,完成6-8 题。

Programs Bob Bob’s father Bob’s mother sports shows loves loves can’t stand talent shows loves likes loves soap operas doesn’t like can’t stand loves action movies likes doesn’t mind doesn’t like()6.Who loves sports shows?

A.Bob’s father.B.Bob.C.Both Bob and his father.()7.What can’t Bob’s father stand?

A.Sports shows.B.Action movies.C.Soap operas.()8.Which program can Bob and his parents watch happily together?

A.Action movies

B.Talent shows.C.Soap operas.C(5小题,计10分)阅读短文,然后在下面的表格中完成内容摘要,每空不超过3个单词。

Reading plays an important role in our life.There are some public libraries in Xiangtan city.Xiangtan City Library is the best library and it’s also the largest one.There are thousands of books for people of all ages.People can borrow books for free if they have a library card.Xiang tan Children’s Library is the most popular on weekends and holidays.Many parents take their children there because there are many hand-painted books for children.Children are interested in them.Book Bar is another kind of public library in parks.The Book Bar in Huxiang Park is the most comfortable and beautiful.You can read books and have a rest after exercising in the park.But there are fewer books.Come and enjoy reading in the public libraries in your free time!11.___________________ in Xiangtan city Names Comments(评价)Xiangtan City Library It is the best and 12.___________________ one.It has thousands of books.People can borrow books for free if they have a library card.Xiangtan Children’s Library It is the most popular on weekends and holidays.There are many 13.for children.14.___________________

It is the most comfortable and beautiful.There are 15._______________ books.You can enjoy reading after exercising in the park.D 阅读回答问题(共5个小题,计10分)阅读下面的材料,然后根据材料内容回答问题。

Do you like rice cooked with eggs? Can you make it? Let me tell you how to make it.Before cooking, you have to prepare the ingredients: a bowl of rice, two teaspoons of vegetable oil, a spoon of salt and three eggs.First, clean the pot.When the pot is hot, pour two spoons of oil into the pot.After the oil is hot, break three eggs in it and put a bowl of rice in the pot.Next mix them up and cook for a few minutes.Then add a spoon of salt.Rice cooked with eggs is OK.Finally put it on a plate.You can eat it.It is really delicious.Do you want to have a try? Cooking is not only for mums.Enjoy cooking, enjoy life.16.What can you learn to cook from this article?

17.How much vegetable oil do you need?

18.When should you pour the oil into the pot?

m 19.How long should you cook it?

m 20.Do you want to have a try? Why or why not?





Problems and worries are normal in life.Students these days often have lots of worries.They have problems with their schoolwork or friends.What can they do about this? 1.Talking to someone helps a lot.Laura once lost her wallet, and worried for days.She was afraid to tell her parents about it.In the end, 2.她和她的父母交谈了。To her surprise, they were really understanding and bought her a new one.3.他们要她更小心点。She says she will always share her problems with her parents in the future.Robert Hunt advises students about common problems.4.It is best not to run away from their problems.They should always try to solve the problems.The first step is to find someone they trust to talk to, such as their parents.5.They have more experience and are always there to help them.In English, sharing a problem is like cutting it in half.So you’re halfway to solving a problem just by talking to someone about it.(二)、完成对话(5小题,计10分)

根据上下文及右框的选项,将下面的对话补充完整。A: Hi, Mike.How was your vacation?

B: 6.().I had a great time.A: Where did you go? B: 7.().I visited Beijing University.A: Who did you go with? B: 8.()

.A: Nobody? I saw many beautiful photos in your QQ zone.9.()


B: I took most of the photos by myself.A:10.()

? B: By using a selfie stick(自拍杆).A: That sounds interesting.B: That is.If we try something new, life will be more fun.四、英文作文(10分)

浙江大学远程教育第二学期英语作业Unit 3 主观题 篇7

陈蓉 本单元教学内容和教学目标:


1、词汇:a policeman, a policewoman, a waiter, a waitress, a driver, a worker, a farmer, a cook.2、句子:A.What’s your /his/her job?

I’m /He’s/She’s a/an---

B.What are their jobs?


C.How old are you/ is he/ she?

I’m /He’s/ She’s---

D.What do you want to be?

I want to be—

E.It’s cold today, isn’t it?



4、歌曲:They sing happily.(会唱,基本了解歌词大意)





What’s your/his/her job?

I’m/ He’s/She’s---/

What are their jobs?




It’s cold today, isn’t it?


五、教学过程设计: The First Period


1、词汇:a policeman, a policewoman, a waiter, a waitress, a driver, a worker, a farmer, a cook.2、学会询问单数人称的职业:

What’s your/his/her job?

I’m/ He’s/She’s---/

I’m /He’s/She’s a/an---





Follow the teacher: I am running/jogging/rowing/swimming/jumping---Running fast/slowly---

2、师表扬:All of you are good at Sports.I think every one can be an athlete 课件出示:福娃欢欢。T:Oh, who is she? Ss: She is Huanhuan.Huanhuan: Welcome to Beijing.Welcome to 2008 Olympic Games.(课件出示)


T: What’s your job? 生一一操练,齐读。音量达到一定分贝,课件出示声音: I’m a driver.操练单词:driver(with action)

发音标准,动作到位的同学奖励小奖品:福娃 欢欢。


Bright day, sunny day.We are happy today.Let’s go and play.Near the Great Great Wall.课件出示:Huanhuan is missing.T and Ss:Where is she?

Huanhuan: I’m here.(身着警察的服饰)引导学生提问:What’s your job? 课件出示: I’m a policewoman.This my friend Jingjing.Ss: What’s your job? 课件出示:I’m a policeman.操练这一组单词policeman policewoman(with action)。表扬奖品:小福娃。

5、Play a game with the three new words.小组抢答,做动作说单词:

T: What’s your job?(with action)

Ss:I’m a---T:There is also a competition here: a running race.课件出示京京和欢欢赛跑的两组画面背面,引导学生问他们的职业: S: What’s your job? Huanhuan: I’m a farmer.Jingjing: I’m a cook..操练这一组单词 farmer cook(with action)。表扬奖品:小福娃。

6、T: After the competition.I think you are a little hungry now.Let’s go to the KFC,ok?.在KFC里再次遇见京京和欢欢,引导学生提问: S: What’s your job? Huanhuan: I’m a waitress Jingjing: I’m a waiter.操练这一组单词waiter waitress(with action)。表扬奖品:小福娃。

T: I’m a worker.Work for your---操练单词:worker

7、句型操练Play a game.齐说:What’s your job(with action)?

I’m a----(抢答)8人一组。回头检查,看学生记忆的怎么样。

T:What’s his/her job?

Ss: He’s/ She’s a---.第二轮让学生一起说句型。

S1:What’s his/her job?

S2: He’s/ She’s a---.The Second Period



How old are you/ is he/ she?

I’m /He’s/ She’s---学会询问复数人称的职业:

What are your /their jobs?

Are they---s?

Yes, they are.No, they aren’t.二、教学用具:





学生随便提问,当问及:What’s your name?时 大门敞开,课件出示:I’m Beibei.贴图What’s your name?操练此句型。


引导学生提问 How old are you? 但当要问起两个句型时大门敞开。What’s your name? I’m Jingjing.How old are you? I’m three.3、来到第三关门口,大门紧闭。

学生会先提问:What’s your name? I’m Huanhuan.How old are you? I’m three.表扬学生,送他们首歌《They sing happily》

引导学生提问:What’s your job?

课件答:I’m a waiter.奖励学生,学唱歌曲《They sing happily》

1)Just listen.2)Sing after the tape.3)Sing it together.第三关歌曲唱完后,老师引导学生:我们只剩下一关了

Huanhuan is so kindly.Maybe she can help us.Let me have a try.T: Are they waiters.too?

课件出示:Huanhuan:No, they aren’t.引导学生提问:What are their jobs?



学生进行提问:A:What’s your name?


I’m Yingying.I’m Nini.B:How old are you?

We are three.引导学生猜:Are you---s?

当出现学生问waiters 时打开城门,并回答。

Yes, we are.闯关成功,圣火点燃。和同学们一起欢唱歌曲《They sing happily》

The Third Period 教学内容和目标:


It’s cold today, isn’t it?



What do you want to be ?

I want to be a/an---



教学用具: 录音机,磁带,音标卡片,教学挂图。教学过程:

(一)、学习E部分:Read and act.1、It’s cold today, isn’t it?

以从相互问好开始,进而谈论到天气,教师可以通过自己的肢体语言让学生了解这句句子的意义。然后让学生尝试相互练习,也可以尝试补充一些其他的反意,例如:She is a good student, isn’t she ?

You like English, don’t you? 说给学生听,让学生对这种类型的句子有一个初步的印象。听录音,整体呈现对话内容。(将挂图挂在黑板上,听2-3遍)回答问题:(1)Who are they?(2)Is it cold today?(3)Who’s the woman in the red sweater?(4)How old is she? Is she sixty?(在回答问题的过程中,学会使用)在老师的指导下进行各种形式的朗读对话练习。学生相互见结对子操练,并尝试表演对话。

(二)学习F部分:Listen and repeat.用卡片的形式出示一些单词,让学生注意其中红色部分的发音,注意体会。

出示音标:/tr/ 和 /dr/,朗读。指导学生朗读部分的句子。

(三)学习G/2 部分:Do a survey.学习句子:What do you want to be ?

I want to be a/an---组织学生调查本小组同学的未来理想,完成书上的表格。组织学生汇报自己的调查结果。



The Fourth Period


全面复习本单元内容 完成听写练习完成练习册




(1)How old are you? I’m---

(2)How old is he/she? He/She’s---

(3)What’s your/her/his job? I’m /She’s /He’s---

(4)What are their jobs? They’re---

(5)Are they---? Yes, they are.(No, ther aren’t)

(6)What do you want to be? I want to be a/an---完成听写练习

(1)Phrases: a waiter, a waitress, a driver, a worker, a farmer, a cook, a policeman, a policewoman.(2)Sentences: What’s your job? I’m a waiter.How old are you? I’m one.What are their jobs? They’re drivers.完成练习册

大学英语第二学期期末作文 篇8


Some people think that the urgent task is to develop economy on a large scale.First, they hold that many people, especially in rural areas, are living in poverty.As a result, many children drop out of school(辍学)and can’t afford even the compulsory education.Second, they believe only by further balancing and developing our economy can we get rid of poverty and gain the overall prosperity.On the other hand, many people insist that environmental protection should be a top priority.First, they claim that we have only one mother earth.If our ecological environment is heavily polluted or ruined, we could not even survive on this planet.Second, they believe, it’s the rapid and advanced development of economy that leads to the present situation that most parts of the world are polluted.If the problem left unsolved, one day we may have nothing to drink, let alone develop our economy.In my opinion, both economy and environmental protection are our urgent tasks now.Without economic development, we would remain backward.Moreover, we might be conquered or bullied(欺侮、威吓)by other powerful countries.And without environmental protection, we would lose our home.Therefore, the best solution is to develop environmental-protection-oriented industries and agriculture so as to kill two birds with one stone.2、Advantages and Disadvantages of the Cell Phone


Nowadays, with the rapid development of IT(Information Technology: 信息技术)and information industry, cell phones play a dominant role in townspeople’s life.But, like everything else, they have both favorable and unfavorable aspects.First, it’s useful.As a wireless mobile telephone, it’s easy and handy to carry it wherever one goes and call the callee however far away he is.Therefore, it greatly facilitates people’s life.Second, it’s convenient.whenever one meets trouble or something urgent, one can make a call immediately.Most important of all, it’s a very helpful companion.With a multifunction cell phone in hand, one can easily get on the Net(上网), browsing the useful information, conducting e-commerce(电子商务)and doing whatever one can do via Internet.However, just as everything has two sides, the cell phone also has many disadvantages.To begin with, it’s expensive to buy and costly to pay the bills, esp.that of global service.To make matters worse, it’s also easy to lose and costly to get it repaired.Worst of all, it’s not as clear as a family telephone and sometimes the number dialed is often not available.Last but not least, it’s alleged the micro-waves in it might do harm to people’s health.In my opinion, with its expenses greatly reduced after China’s entry into the WTO, it will face an ever brighter future in its development.Someday most of them will be developed into new Internet-enabled mobile phones, which will be as useful as pocket computers.And I believe its advantages will not only offset(抵销、弥补)its disadvantages, but also far outweigh them.Useful expressions: wireless mobile telephone: 无绳移动电话 cellular phone users: 手机用户 multifunction: 多功能

1 around the global service: 全球通讯服务 pocket computer: 袖珍电脑、Positive and Negative Aspects of Internet


With the development of computers, Internet has widely entered our daily life.It’s a fantastic information expressway(信息高速公路)that connects every corner of the world.However, like everything else, it has both positive and negative aspects.On one hand, Internet has many favorable aspects.To begin with, it provides tremendous most updated and useful information and greatly enriches our knowledge.Besides, it brings much convenience to us and greatly facilitates our daily life.To illustrate, we can almost do everything online by just staying at home.We can not only get all kinds of useful information or the educational programs from the long-distance educational system(远程教育系统), but also shop on the website, order books, reserve hotel rooms.And we can even buy and sell stocks on the Net and do E-business and send E-mails.What’s more, it can help our country keep up with others in the outside world.But on the other hand, Internet also has many unfavorable aspects.First, computer viruses bring us many troubles.Besides, useless information and games are sent to us unavoidably which take us much time and waste us much money.Worst of all, there’s always unavoidable pornography(色情内容)and obscenity(淫秽)on the Net, which will do much harm esp.to the youngsters.To sum up, in my opinion, Internet is like a double-edged sword.We should make the best use of one edge and try not be hurt by the other.5、A Teacher-centered Class or a Student-centered Class?


Today in China there exist side by side two different teaching patterns: a teacher-centered class and a student-oriented class.Yet the differences between them are enormous.A teacher-centered class is a typical traditional passive class.No doubt it is a natural product of the deep-rooted examination-oriented education(应试教育).And there are several characteristics in this kind of class.To begin with, a teacher is the only actor on the stage and all the students are passive audience.Besides, he imparts(传授、给予)knowledge to his students in the same way he pours water into a container, never bothering to ignite the sparks or enthusiasm in students.Therefore, the class is often like a pond of dead water.In contrast, a student-centered class is a kind of new active class, resulting from the quality-oriented education system(素质教育).Naturally, it’s a newcomer of the educational reform.The first characteristic of this kind of class is that the teacher and students are all actors and all the students are actively involved in the classroom activities.The second is that the teacher always tries to instill(慢慢灌输)a love of learning in students and stimulate their interest.As a result, students, always find it a pleasure to learn in class, by asking

2 questions, discussing or even arguing with the teacher.Therefore, this kind of class is often like a boiling sea.However, I prefer an active student-oriented class not simply because it’s fun, but because it can make knowledge permanent.Besides, it can develop my creative mind and my leaning ability.6、Computers in China


With the development of science and technology, computers are getting very popular in modern cities.As a result, computers have been found a wide application not only in offices, but also in many families.Moreover, they have entered thousands and thousands of banks, schools, companies and families.And they are now making their way(一路前进、向前)for the country.Why are computers so popular? The answer is that the powerful machines have many uses.To illustrate, first, as the most powerful brain in the universe, computers can do computation(计算)very quickly and accurately.Besides, they can gather and store information for later use.Finally, if joining Internet, they can exchange E-mails and chat with people throughout every corner of the world.In a word, these wonderful machines can create almost all the wonders of the world now.With so many advantages and uses, computers will be even more popular in the coming century.On the one hand, more and more people will buy computers and get on the information expressway.On the other hand, computers will continue to perform wonders.Doctors may use them in a long-distance medical treatment(远程诊治);teachers may start a long-distance educational program;business people may all conduct E-business and most customers may shop on the Net.Eventually, I firmly believe computers will revolutionize(彻底改变)our life in every aspect in the near future.7、Education: Examination-oriented or Quality-oriented


From primary school to college, students, teachers, parents---all are struggling for high scores.This is because the current education system is not aimed at students’ quality, but at developing their ability to perform well on the test.As a result, many students, even those with high scores, often do poorly when it comes to the practical application of the knowledge(当涉及到理论知识的应用时)they have learned.Therefore, China is challenging examination-oriented education by advocating quality-oriented education(提倡素质教育).The alternative will focus on the students’ ability and quality as a whole.And the exam results will no longer play a key role in evaluating the academic achievements(评估学业成绩)that a student gains in school.My comment is that we should quicken the transition from exam-oriented to quality-oriented education.Personally, I firmly believe in the magic force of the new education policy, and eagerly look forward to enjoying the great benefits the program will bring about.It seems that I have seen in my mind’s eye a more colorful life, the looser environment, yet the more creative minds of the future students.Our education, so to speak, will not be making a “robot” or a “computer” out of the students, but bringing up a new generation that are masters of the robot and the computer themselves.8、Develop Our Creative Mind


Most Chinese students are accustomed to teacher-centered passive education(被动教育).From primary school, to college, bound to the teacher-centered, exam-oriented education, they are always encouraged to obey teachers’ instructions, but discouraged to argue with teachers about what is being taught, let alone(不管)to form their own original ideas.However, this passive educational pattern(被动教学模式)has caused many problems and produced a lot of side effects(副作用), First, as students tend to follow the beaten track(走老路、按照惯例行事)and dare not challenge what is conventional, they gradually form the passive way of thinking.To make things worse, as they are so dependent on others, most of them lack the ability to solve practical problems.Worst of all, this puts out any sparks of inspiration(灵感)in their mind and render them to have no creativity at all.Admittedly, it will do great harm in their future.But now, with the arrival of the globalization of economy(随着全球经济一体化的到来), it’s advocated that we should develop students’ creative mind and cultivate their innovative learning habits.I believe, only those with break-new-ground spirit, creative mind and proper skills will succeed in competing in the global job markets.9.My View on a Part-time Job


Nowadays more and more college students are crazy about conducting business(做生意)or doing part-time jobs.It’s estimated that no less than 20 percent students are busy themselves with part-time jobs.What’s more, the tendency still seems to be on the rise.However, people have different opinions about it.Some people think of it positively.They believe doing a part-time job can earn them pocket money(零用钱)and release the financial burden(经济负担)on their parents.Besides, it’s necessary for them to take some real-life courses and learn more about the society so as to keep up with the outside world.Others have a very different opinion and they think of it negatively.They hold doing a part-time job does more harm than good.In fact, they are actually selling themselves out as cheap unskilled labor and wasting their precious time in college.Besides, it will influence their study and lead them fail to live up to(辜负)the expectations of the country and of their parents.In my opinion, as a college student, our priority is to study.Halfhearted(半心半意的)efforts can’t make us more competitive in the future job markets.Therefore, we should make full use of every minute in college or at least keep a good balance between study and part-time jobs and give more weight to our studies.10、Blood Donation Without Repayment


Today blood donation without repayment is widely advocated.In fact every year, millions of people gather together in different areas to donate their blood.Their voluntary donation is esteemed(尊重)by other people who will follow their example and do the same later.Blood donation without repayment is a noble action.It’s of some importance.First, it’s necessary for National Defence and the development of modern medicine.With adequate store in blood bank(血库)we can save lives of wounded soldiers during a war and those of the dying and seriously ill in everyday life.Second, it can cultivate one’s unselfishness and love for the mankind.4
