


能够修饰形容词、副词的比较级和最高级的词或短语 篇1


1)经常用来修饰形容词或副词的比较级形式,以示加强语气。常见的词或短语有:much(very much,too much),even,still,far,rather,any,no,not,by far,a lot,a little,a bit,a great deal 等。

e.g.He is getting(too)much fatter these days(加强语气时,可以使用too much 或 very much。)It was cold yesterday, but it’s even colder today.There was a number of people out this afternoon, far more than last Sunday.His work is better by far than that of any other printer in the city.She was by far the better actress in the West.(by far经常置于比较级之后,若比较级加有定冠词时,常置于定冠词之前。)Tom is tall but Mary is still taller / taller still.(still可以置于比较级之前或之后。)He was too tired to walk any further.(any经常用于条件句、否定句、疑问句或具有疑问、否定语气的句子中。)It’s no faster to go there by train than by car.乘火车去那里和乘汽车去那里一样不快。

(no 修饰比较级时,对参与比较的双方同时予以否定,比较的双方“都不 „„”。)It’s not faster to go there by train than by car.乘火车去那里不及坐汽车去那里来得更快些。

(not 修饰比较级时,对参与比较的双方同时予以肯定,但强调“前者不及后者更 „„。)Are you felling a lot better today? He was a little more worried than the others.2)经常用来修饰形容词或副词的最高级,用来加强语气。常见的词或短语如:

much the „ the very „ the „by far by far the „ 等。This is much the / by far the most difficult of the five questions.(much经常置于定冠词之前。)

The last novel of his is by far the best he has written.The Pacific is the largest ocean in the world by far.(by far可以置于定冠词之前,也可以置于最高级之后。)
