


高二心理健康课教学计划 篇1

永德二中 景璟








第一单元 美术与眼睛(6课时)

(第 1、2周)第1课、什么是美术作品

(第 3、4 周)第2课、图像与眼睛

(第 5、6 周)第3课、我们怎样运用自己的眼睛(第 7 周)放假

第二单元 辉煌的美术历程


(第 8 周)原始人的创造

(第 9、10 周)礼仪与教化

(第 11周)心灵的慰籍(第12、13周)人间生活


(第16、17周)从传统到现代(第 18 周)新的实验

(第 19 周)期末考核












高二心理健康课教学计划 篇2


这一堂高二公开课的教学内容为《普通高中课程标准实验教科书———英语(人教版)》必修五Unit 2 The United Kingdom,Period 5。经过对单词和短语的复习,完成课文的缩写填空,回顾课文中出现的重点词的拓展和重点句子的结构,最后完成一篇由重点词和重点句子结构组成的短文。这节课体现了上课老师———来自钦州市第一中学高二英语组的廖娟老师,深厚的教学功底和教学经验。对于学生基本学情的把握得当,有效地掌控了教学程序,教学活动设计难度适中、形式多样,符合学生的认知规律。这堂课的任务型教学设计不仅把握了考点,给学生指明了自学方向,也给了听课老师们一些关于复习课的反思和启迪。







授课教师安排的第一个活动为语境活用,即用convenience convenient进行一个简单的语法填空。通过这个活动,明确名词和形容词转换的方式。

第二个活动是用make up和be made up of改写句子。用这个练习来复习主动和被动,加深理解。












心理健康课教学方法浅议 篇3








高二心理健康课教学计划 篇4

1. If you wanted to do research or start a hi-tech company, what king of support and environment would you need?

2. Why are scientific achievements important? Look at the list of achievements in the Warming up. How do they improve our daily life? How do they improve society?

3. Why do scientists spend so much time trying to achieve something?

Whatever great achievements the future may have in store for China, it is likely that many of them will be born in northwestern Beijing. Zhongguancun, in Beijing’s Haidian District, is the new center for Chinese science and technology. It is home to the Chinese Academy of Sciences and more than ten famous universities, including Peking University and Tsinghua University.

Zhongguancun was set up as a special economic zone in the late 1990s and quickly became the leader of China’s hi-tech industry. The science center got started in the early 1980s, when Chen Chunxian, a researcher at the Chinese Academuy of Sciences opened a private research and development institute. Within the nest ten years, more than a hundred scientific and hi-tech companies moved into the area and new hi-tech centers developed around the original Zhongguancun area. They all have their own characteristics, but they all share the spirit of creativity and scientific skill that have made Zhongguancun a success.

The science park is also home to a growing numver of overseas Chinese who have grasped the opportunity to develop their ideas at home. Xiang Yufang is one of those who have returned to China after studying and working abroad. Zhongguancun made it possible for him to follow his dreams and help the country he loves.

“ I studied abroad because I wanted to see more of the world and work with some of the top scientists in my field. I never felt really comfortable abroad, and I missed everything about China. When I got my master’s degree, I wanted to return home but couldn’t find a company where I could use what I had learnt. I worked abroad for a few years and then I heard about Zhongguancun. I knew it was perfect for me.”

Yufang talked to some friends from his university in Beijing and they helped arrange for his return. He left his job in the foreign company and came back to Beijing.

“ I was so happy. It was wonderful, like a dream come true. I could do the work I wanted to do and do something good for my country at the same time. I will never forget how happy I was when I set foot in China again and was back with my friends and family.”

Yufang has been in China for three years now and is doing well. He lives in Beijing and runs a small company based in Zhongguancun together with two friends.

Zhongguancun has had a positive effect on business as well as science. Today, there are more than 8,000 hi-tech companies. The park is home to Chinese computer giants Lenovo and Founder and more than twenty famous international companies. One of the mottos for the park --- “Relying on science, technology and knowledge to increase economic power”--- makes it clear that science and business and must work together to build the future. Another motto helps explain the success of the park: “ Encouraging pioneering work and accepting failure.” Great scientific achievements are the results of years of failure, years of trying to create something that has never existed before.

The researchers and scientists in Zhongguancun know that they can only reach the top if they are ready to deal with and learn from failure. Not all the new companies can succeed, but the spirit and creativity they represent are more important than money. As Yufang puts it: “We are not making that much money yet, but we are excited about all the new technology and great ideas that are coming to life in Zhongguancun.”

I Choose the correct answers. There may be more than one correct answer.

1. According to the author, Zhongguancun is home to ______.

A. some famous research institutes and universities

B. many IT companies

C. more and more returned overseas Chinese

D. a number of science parks

2. What is NOT true about Zhongguancun?

A. It is located in Haidian Distric, in northwestern Beijing.

B. It was set up as a special economic zone in the 1990s.

C. Most of its companies are doing IT business.

D. It is not a good place for new companies.

3. According to the reading, Xiang Yufang returned to China and opened a company in Zhongguancun because ______.

A. he wanted to see more of the world.

B. he enjoyed working with the best scientists in his field.

C. he could enjoy his work and contribute to his country at the same time.

D. he missed his friends and family.

4. According to the graph in the passage, how many of the people who work in Zhongguancun have a master’s degree or above?

A. 25,000 B. 30,000 C. 35,000 D. 180,000

5. How is “failure” understood in Zhongguancun?

A. There are fewer failure in Zhongguancun.

B. Many of its researchers and scientists will try hard not to fail.

C. Failure is a necessary part of being successful.

D. The best thing about failure is that you learn every time you fail.

II Work in pairs or groups. Zhongguancun is sometimes called “China’s Silicon Valley”. Use a library or the Internet to find out more about Silicon Valley in the US and then compare the two areas. In which ways are they similar or different?

Word study

Choose the answer that is closest in meaning to the underlined part of each sentence.

1. The big cellphone company has achieved its goal of setting up ten production bases in China.

A. succeeded B. failed C. missed

2. The development of nuclear weapons is a big threat to mankind.

A. women B. kind men C. human beings

3. It is likely they will win the game.

A. impossible B. possible C. difficult

4. scientists often have to rely on government support in order to do research.

A. depend on B. hold on C. keep on

5. shenzhen, which is one of the earliest special economic zones in China, has become a modern city.

A. cities B. counties C. areas

6. The opening of Chen Chunxian’s private research and development institute in the early 1980s marked the start of Zhongguancun as a hi-tech center.

A. company B. research center C. park

7. Successful people learn to grasp the opportunities that come along.

A. miss B. catch C. win

8. If you want to work in a big city and live by the seaside, Qingdao is the perfect place for you.

A. easiest B. true C. best


Word formation ( I )

International = inter- + national telephone = tele- + phone

Mankind = man + kind broadband = broad + band

Extremely = extreme + -ly manned = man + -ed

Hi-tech = high + technology e-mail = electronic mail

IT = information technology CSA = Chinese Space Agency

1 Study the ways of forming words and explain their differences.

2 Change the following verbs into nouns by adding –ion or –ation.






direct express





impress celebrate





contribute combine






3 A word can be made up of a prefix, a base word and a suffix. Underline the prefix and suffix in each word.


disagreement dishonesty impossibility non-conductor international


replacement disappearance misunderstanding enlargement reconsideration interaction

unexpected unforgettable unsuccessful

4 Read the news article. How are the words in bold formed?

EXAMPLE : hi-tech = high + technology

Beijing : A national hi-tech exhibition is being held from February 26 to March 6. It showcases China’s hi-tech successes achieved under the 863 Programme. The programme was started in March 1986 and has led to several breakthroughs in science and technology.

At the exhibition, visitors can learn more about important achievements in fields such as biology, bioengineering and medicine, communication and computer engineering.Many of the most outstanding new breakthroughs have come in the field of genetics.One of the stars at the exhibition is a small mouse with a human ear grown on its back.This technology may enable doctors to restore human organs in the near future.

The 863 programme and the new technologies have directly and indirectly helped China’s economic construction and strengthened its social development.



Chinese history is filled with great achievements in science and technology. Since the early 1990s, China has been enjoying a boom in scientific and technological development put forward a plan for “rejuvenating the notion by relying on science and education” and it has helped Chinese scientists make many breakthroughs. The results are impressive.


CSA, the Chinese Space Agency, has developed the highly successful Long March rocket series. The rockets are safe and have been used to send used to send satellites into space and to prepare for the nation’s first manned space flight.


China has long been a leader in the field of genetic research aimed at improving agriculture. One of the most important achievements is a new kind of rice which allows farmers to increase production. Over the past twenty years, China also became part of an international research programme which examined the human body. In 2000, Chinese scientists announced that they had completed their part of the international human genome project, proving that Chinese scientists are among the world’s best.


It seems to be love at first byte for China and computers. The Internet is becoming increasingly popular and a new high-speed broadband network was recently started. Chinese computer engineers have also developed the supercomputer shenwei, one of the world’s fastest computers, and built the nation’s first humanoid robot.


For the first time ever, scientists have been able to create a chemical element that can fight cancer cells. The breakthrough, made by scientists in Shanghai, gives hope to cancer patients all over the world and makes China one of the world leaders in the battle against the deadly disease.

Work in groups. Use what you have learnt from the text to complete the chart below.

Field Achievements Importance

Exploring space

Genetic research

Computer engineering

Medical science


The magazine Modern Science has asked you to help them choose the greatest scientific achievements ever. Write a short essay and tell them which achievement you have chosen. Give at least two reasons for your choice and explain why you think that it is the most important. You can choose one of the achievements from this unit or use other sources.


When you are writing to persuade the reader, state your opinion

clearly and support it with strong arguments. Make a list of

arguments and choose the best ones --- two or three are usually

enough. Explain why you believe your opinion is correct and use

facts or examples to help the reader understand your arguments.

Checkpoint 11

Grammar Word Formation ( 1 )

International = inter- + national telephone = tele- + phone

Mankind = man + kind broadband = broad + band

Extremely = extreme + -ly manned = man + -ed

Hi-tech = high + technology e-mail = electronic mail

IT = information technology CSA Chinese Space Agency

Which words and expressions from this unit can you use to describe scientific

高二心理健康课教学计划 篇5

1.Talk about water and the ocean.

2.Practise communicative skills.

3.Review Modal Verbs.

4.Write an explanation paragraph.

The First Period Warming up& Listening & Speaking

Teaching Aims:

1.Learn and master the new words and the useful expressions of this part.

Words: cube, sailor, disadvantages, entertainment

Phrases: come up with, happen to

Useful expressions: The water is being used to/for…

We should/could…

If we…we can…

It would be better…

2.Learn something about water by doing experiment.

3.Do some listening.

4.Improve the students’ speaking ability by talking.

Teaching Important Points:

1.Make the students be free to talk about water.

2.Improve the students’ listening ability by listening.

Teaching Difficult Points:

1.How to finish the task of speaking.

2.How to improve the students’ listening ability.

Teaching Methods:

1.Listening-and-answering activity to help the students go through with the listening material.

2.Individual, pair or group work to make every student work in class.

Teaching Aids:

1.the multimedia

2.the blackboard

3.an empty glass, a bottle of water and a bottle of vegetable oil

Teaching Procedures:

Step Ⅰ Greetings and Lead-in

T: Hello, everyone.

Ss :Hello, teacher.

T: Attention, please. As we all know, every year during the Spring Festival and Lantern Festival in our country, people like to see the lion dance and guess the riddles. Do you like to guess the riddle?

Ss: Yes.

T: OK. Now I have a riddle. Please guess it.

(Teacher uses the multimedia to show the riddle on the screen.)

It’s very important to all the animals and plants.

It’s also important to human beings.

It’s liquid at room temperature.

Every day you keep in touch with it.

You can’t live without it. (a thing)

T: What’s it?

Ss: It’s very easy. It’s water.

T: Yeah, today we will talk about water. Now please tell me what you know about water.

S1: Water is used to drink.

S2: Water can be used to water the flowers.

S3:I think water can be used to make electricity.

Step Ⅱ Warming up

T: Thank you for your ideas. Next we will look some interesting experiments. Maybe you can learn more about water from the following experiments.( experiments shown on the screen)

T: Pour some water and some vegetable oil into the empty glass. What will happen? Try to describe it in detail.

S: The part above is vegetable oil and the part below is water.

T: Good. Do you know why?

S: I think water is heavier than oil, so vegetable oil is on the top of the water.

T: Who has different ideas?

S:I think we should say that the density of water is higher than the density of vegetable oil, so the result formed.

T: Do you agree with the reason for it?

Ss: Yes. We agree with the idea.

T: As we know, if we pour milk and water into one glass, we can’t tell where water is and where milk is. But just now we poured oil and water into one glass. It is so different. Do you know why?

Ss :Because oil can’t dissolve in water, but milk can.

T: Very good. Would you like to watch another experiment?

Ss: I’d love to.

T: OK. Cover a glass of water with a piece of thick paper. Put one hand on the paper and turn the glass upside down. Slowly take your hand away from the paper. What happens? Why?

Ss: The piece of paper doesn’t fall and the water in the glass doesn’t flow.

T: Yes. You are right. Now you are given a few minutes to have a discussion about the reason for it.

T: Who can tell us the reason why the piece of paper doesn’t fall and the water doesn’t flow?

S: When the glass of water covered with a piece of paper is turned upside down, the pressure from air to the piece of paper is bigger than the pressure from the water in the glass to the piece of paper. So the paper won’t fall and the water won’t flow.

T: Excellent! Thank you for your explanation. I am very glad to see that you are all interested in making experiments. After class, you can carry out another two experiments on Page 17.When you perform them, try to describe what happens and why. OK?

Ss: OK.

T: Now, let’s look at a picture.

(Teacher shows a picture on the screen.)

T: What can you see?

Ss: There is a river in the picture, but it’s very dirty.

T: Anything else?

S: There are some plastic bags and empty tins on the surface of the river.

T: Yes. We all know water is important to human beings and all the animals and plants. Unfortunately water is being polluted now. What do you think we can do to protect the water on our planet?

(Teacher gives students enough time to prepare. When they prepare, teacher goes among the students to help them to express their ideas correctly.)

Sample answer:

To protect the water on our planet, I think we should save every drop of water and stop throwing rubbish into water. Besides, we should try our best to help the people around us realize the importance of using and protecting our water.

Step Ⅲ Listening

T: Next, let’s do some listening. Turn to Page 18 and look at the Listening part. You can listen to the famous poems about life on the ocean. Listen carefully and write down some key words when you listen. Before you listen, let’s learn two phrases first. Look at the blackboard.

1.happen to

e.g. What happened to you last week?

If anything happens to the machine, please tell me.

2.come up with

e.g. I hope you can come up with a better plan than this.

(Teacher writes them on the blackboard and begins to explain them.)

T: Now listen, please.

(Teacher plays the tape for the first time. Then play it for the second time. During this time, teacher may pause for students to write down the information. Play some parts of the tape one more time if necessary. Finally teacher checks the answers with the whole class.)

Step Ⅳ Speaking

T: In our daily life, water can be used in different ways. Now we’ll talk about the ways in which water can be used. Look at the pictures on Page 18.The six pictures mean six different ways to use water. You can choose one of the pictures to discuss the importance of using and protecting our water, and then try to use some sentences to describe the picture you choose. If you like, you can make a dialogue with your partner about the picture. When you discuss, you may use the questions on the screen to help you.

1.How is the water being used?

2.Is this a good way to use water?

3.Why do we use water in this way?

4.Who benefits from using water in this way?

5.What are some disadvantages of using water in this way?

(Teacher shows the questions on the screen by multimedia and gives students enough time to discuss and prepare.)

Suggested answers:

(Picture 1)We can use water to make electricity, which can give us light and make us feel warm .I think it is a good way to use water.

(Picture 3) Water has a lot of usages and home use is the commonest one. Every day we must drink enough water. In addition, we need a lot of water, just for cooking and keeping clean. Water can help us to keep healthy. But if the waste water from home use is poured into river and soil, it will be harmful for some animals and plants. So we must pay more attention to it.

(Picture 4) In Picture 4,water is being used in industry. Water is very important to industry. It can be used to make paper, cool machine and so on. But the disadvantage is that a lot of water mixed with some poisonous things being poured into the river and the sea. It is dangerous for the living things in the water.

(Picture 6)

A: Do you know how the water is being used in Picture 6?

B: Water is being used for entertainment.

A: Is it a good way to use water?

B: Yes, because it can help people keep fit and enjoy nature. But if people throw rubbish into the water, it will be bad for us.

A: Yes. It is the disadvantage of using water in this way. We must be careful.

Step Ⅴ Summary and Homework

T: Today, we’re mainly learned something about water by doing experiments, speaking and listening. Besides, we’ve learnt some new words and phrases, such as: happen to, come up with, density,…

After class, try to remember them and preview the next part-Reading part. That’s all for today. Goodbye, everyone.

Ss: Goodbye, teacher!

The Second Period Reading

The Properties of Water

Teaching Aims:

1.Learn and master the following words and phrases:

cube,property,range,medium,relatively,dissolve,pure,relationship,mass,float,absorb,bottom,all the way, that is, add…to, mix with, take advantage of, manage to do

2.Improve the students’ reading ability.

3.Enable the students to realize that it is important to protect the water on our planet.

Teaching Important Points:

1.Improve the students’ reading ability.

2.Master the following phrases:

all the way, that is, mix with, take advantage of, manage to do

Teaching Difficult Points:

How to make the students understand the reading passage better.

Teaching Methods:

1.Discussion before reading to make the students interested in what they will learn.

2.Fast reading to get a general idea of the text.

3.Discussion after reading to make students understand what they’ve learned better.

4.Careful reading to get the detailed information in the text.

Teaching Aids:

1.the multimedia

2.the blackboard

Teaching Procedures:

Step Ⅰ Greetings and Revision

T: Yesterday we learnt something about water. Now who can tell me what you learned yesterday?

S1:I learned that water is very important to all the living things on the earth.

T: OK, can you give me the reason why it is important?

S2:Water can be used to wash clothing, to made electricity, to water the farm and so on. Of course, every day we must drink enough water. So water is very important.

T: Anything else?

S3:I know something about water. For example, from the experiments we made yesterday, I know vegetable oil can’t be dissolved by water.

Step Ⅱ Pre-reading and Reading

T: OK. Thank you for your answers to my questions. As we all know, we can’t live without water. But do you know what makes water so important to all the living things?

Ss: No, we don’t know.

T: Maybe we can get the answer to the question after reading the article for today. Before you read, first let’s learn the new words and phrases in the passage.

(Teacher deals with the new words with the whole class.)

T: Now please read the passage quickly to get the general idea and try to use the following structures to make six questions.

(Teacher uses multimedia to show the structures on the screen.)

1.What is/are ______?

2.What does ______ look like?

3.What are different parts of ______?

4.What can ______ be compared to?

5.How does ______ work?

6.What are some examples of ______?

(Teacher gives students five minutes to finish the fast reading and making questions. Five minutes later, teacher asks some students to write their questions on the blackboard.)

1.What are the properties of water?

2.What does the earth look like?

3.What are different parts of the ocean?

4.What can the ocean be compared to?

5.How does the special air-conditioner-the ocean work?

6.What are some examples of species in the ocean?

T: Well done. Who can tell me the general idea of the text?

S4:The passage mainly tells us it is water that makes the ocean so important to all the living things in the world.

T: Good work. Next, let’s read the passage carefully to get more information about water. While you are reading, try to finish the chart in Post-reading on Page 21 and find out the answers to the questions on the blackboard.

(Teacher gives students enough time to read the text and collects their information for the chart.)

Suggested answers:

Property What is it? What is it good for?

Chemical structure Every water molecule is made up of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. It is good for the living things in the ocean to absorb the nutrients easily.

Density The density of pure water is 1 000 kg/m3,meaning that one cubic metre of water weighs one thousand kilogram. It is good for marine organisms to take advantage of the density of water.

Heat capacity Heat capacity is the amount of energy it takes to raise the temperature of a substance one degree centigrade. It is good for the earth to keep the temperature steady.

T: Very good. What about the questions on the blackboard?

S5:I think I can answer the first one. The answer is that the properties of water are chemical structure, salinity density, heat capacity and ocean motion.

S6:In my opinion, the answer to the fourth question is that the ocean can be compared to a great place to live in.

T: Do you agree with them?

Ss: Yes.

T: What about other questions?

S7:I think plankton, sharks and whales are examples of species in the ocean.

S8:The answer to the second one is that the earth looks like an ocean planet.

T: You are quite right. Any volunteers?

S9:Dear teacher. Can you tell us the meaning of the special air-conditioner-the ocean?

T: Maybe it means that there are some similarities between air-conditioner and the ocean.

S9:Thank you. I got it.

T: Then, who can answer the question?

S10:Because the ocean can keep the temperature of the earth steady, some students compare the ocean to a special air-conditioning. I think the ocean keeps the temperature of the earth steady by absorbing and releasing heat.

T: Well done. There is only one question left. Who wants to try?(Nobody answers the question.)

T: Do you think it is a question that the text can’t answer?

Ss: Yeah. We think so.

T: OK. Maybe you are right. But I want to know the reason why you think the passage can’t answer the third question.

Ss: Because there is not any information about the different parts of the ocean.

T: Then, are there any questions you would need to add to “cover” all the information in the text?

S11:I have a question. Why is the water in the ocean always moving?

S12:Since changes in salinity and temperature affect water’s density, the water in the ocean is always moving.

Step Ⅲ Further Understanding and Language Study

T: Well done. I think you are very familiar with the passage. In the passage there are some words and expressions we should master. Now let’s look at the screen. I will give you some explanations about the words and expressions.

1.incredibly adv. (extremely or unusually)

e.g. The water is incredibly hot.

2.available adj.(that can be used or obtained)

e.g. Tickets are available at the box office.

The book is available to all the students.

3.range vi.

range from A to B

e.g. Their ages range from 25 to 50.

His interests ranged from chess to canoeing.

4.But the way the water molecule…

e.g. I don’t like the way (in which/that) he looks at me.

They admired the way (in which/that) she dealt with the crisis.

5.that is (to say) (which means)

e.g. A week later, that is, May 1 is her birthday.

He is a local government administrator, that is, he is a Civil Servant.

6.take advantage of (make use of something well/make use of somebody unfairly)

e.g. They took full advantage of the hotel’s facilities.

She took advantage of my generosity.

7.be sensitive to something (affected easily by something)

e.g. She is very sensitive to other’s words.

(Teacher writes the words, phrases and sentences on the blackboard.)

Step Ⅳ Listening and Reading Aloud

T: Let’s listen to the tape. When I play it for the first time, just listen to it. When I play it for the second time, please listen and repeat. Then read the text aloud. Are you clear about that?

Ss: Yes.

(Te teacher plays the tape for the students to listen. After listening, the teacher goes among the students and corrects any mistake the students make in pronunciation, stress and intonation.)

Step Ⅴ Summary and Homework

T: Today, we have read a passage about water. As we know, it is very important to all the living things. So we should do all we can to protect water from being polluted. In addition, try your best to retell the passage in your own words. Is that clear?

Ss: Yes.

T: See you tomorrow!

Ss: See you tomorrow!

The Third Period Grammar

Teaching Aims:

1.Review Modal Verbs.

2.Do some exercises to review some important words learnt in the last period.

Teaching Important Point:

Review Modal Verbs.

Teaching Difficult Point:

How to help the students correctly use the Modal Verbs.

Teaching Methods:

1.Review method to help the students remember all the Modal Verbs they have learnt before and use them correctly.

2.Individual work or group work to make every student work in class.

Teaching Aids:

1.the multimedia

2.the blackboard

Teaching Procedures:

Step Ⅰ Greetings and Revision

Step Ⅱ Word Study

T: Now please turn to Page 21.Look at the first part of Word Study. There are some words learnt in the last period, but the letters of these words are in the wrong order. Now I will give you a few minutes to put the letters in the correct order.

(A few minutes later, teacher may ask some students to spell their answers and give the Chinese meaning of each word to all the students. Finally teacher writes the correct words on the blackboard.

T: Good work. Next look at the screen and try to complete the following sentences by filling in the blanks with the proper words. The first letter has been given and some words can be used more than once. If you need, you can have a discussion with your partner.

(Teacher uses the multimedia to show the following sentences on the screen.)

1.The water molecule is made up of two h_____ atoms and one o_____.

2.Water is a l_____ at room temperature, but it turns into a s_____ when the temperature drops below 0℃ and into a g_____ when heated above 100℃.

3.An a_____ is the smallest part of any living or nonliving thing.

4.Places by the sea often have a s_____ climate that is never too hot or too cold, because water can a_____ and release a lot of heat.

5.Soil can a______ water, so it helps keep water from flowing away.

6.Marine scientists study the r_____ between living creatures and their habitat in the ocean.

7.Salt water has a lower f______ point and is heavier than fresh water.

8. Oil has a density lower than 1000 kg/m3,so it will f______ on water.

(Teacher gives students enough time to prepare and then check their answers.)

Suggested answers: 1.hydrogen,oxygen 2.liquid,solid,gas 3.atom 4.steady,absorb

5.absorb 6.relationship 7.freezing 8.float

Step Ⅲ Grammar

T: Up to now we have learnt many modal verbs. Who can tell me what they are?

Ss: can/could, may/might, will/would, be able to, must, should, have to, need, shall, ought to, had better…

T: Very good. Then do you know how to use them?

S2:I know “should” can be used to give others some advice.

S3:I know when I want to borrow a book from my friend, I can use “may”.

T: Your answers are very good. There is a conclusion about modal verbs on the screen. Let’s look at it.

(Teacher uses the multimedia to show the conclusion on the screen.)

Modal Verbs:

Possibility: can/could, may/might

Ability: can/could, be able to

Requests: can/could, will/would, would like

Necessity: must, have to, have got to, need

Certainty: must, will, should

Permission: can/could, may/might

Suggestions: could may/might, shall

Advice: should, ought to, had better

T: From the chart we can see modal verbs can be classified into eight groups by their usages. Are you clear about the classification?

Ss: Yes.

T: OK. Now look at the first part in Grammar. Finish the exercises according to the class function of modal verbs. If you need, you can discuss with your partner. In addition you’d better make it clear why you choose A、B、C、or D. Are you clear about the requirements?

Ss: Yes.

(Teacher gives students enough time to finish the exercises. Then deals with them with the whole class.)

T: Are you ready?

Ss: Yes.

T: OK. Who’d like to tell me the answer to the first one?

S4:I think “A” is right.

T: Can you tell us the reason why you choose “A”?

S4:Because the speaker wants to express his/her request. Among A、B、C and D, only A can be used to express request.

T: Very good. What about the second one?

S5:“May” is right, I think, because the sentence is used to ask for permission.

T: Congratulations! Who can answer the third one?

S6:The phrase “wants to” express a state of being necessity. So I think “C” is right.

T: Well done. It’s turn to do the fourth one. Who can try?

S7:I’m not sure, but I want to have a try. Is “C” right?

T: Why did you choose “C”?

S8:I think the first sentence expresses some necessity and the second one expresses guess.

S9:I don’t think so. Because “must” can’t be used in negative sentences to express guess.

S8:Oh,I’m sorry. I forgot it. I see, the correct answer is “D”.

T: Excellent!

(Teacher encourages students to show their opinions about each one, and then teacher gives the correct answers and some necessary explanations.)

Suggested answers:

1.A 2.A 3.C 4.D 5.A 6.A 7.A 8.B 9.A

T: You have finished the first part successfully. Now let’s go on with the second part. Do you have confidence to finish it?

Ss: Yes. Of course we have.

T: OK. This is a letter from Mary to John.Maybe John met some problems, so Mary wants to write a letter to help him .But Mary doesn’t know how to use the modal verbs correctly. She wants you to help her finish the letter. Before you finish the letter, read it to get the general idea of it first and then answer the questions on the screen.

(Teacher uses multimedia to show the questions on the screen.)

1.Can you tell from the letter what John’s problem is?

2.Do you agree on the advice that Mary gives to him? Why? What would be your advice?

(Teacher gives students a few minutes to read the letter, and then checks their answers to the questions.)

T: Who’d like to answer the first question?

S10:I want to have a try. In my opinion, John’s problem is that his manager suspected him of stealing something at the meat factory.

T: Well done. Do you agree with him?

Ss: Yes.

T: What about the second one?

S11:I’d like to answer the question. I don’t agree to the advice that Mary gives to him. Because if he finds another job, maybe it means that he really stole something at the meat factory. I think he should tell the manager that he didn’t do it and advise the manager to call in the police to make it clear.

S12:In my opinion, he’d better try to find out who is the real thief to prove that he didn’t do anything wrong.

T:I think your suggestions are all very helpful to John and I hope he can find a good way to deal with the problem. Now you are clear about John’s problem. It’s your turn to help Mary finish the letter. Maybe there are more than one answer for some blanks. If you have some difficulties, you can discuss with your partner. Five minutes later, I will check your answers.

Suggested answers:

can/ will/ should, may not/ might not, must, could/ should, might/ would, will, might/ may/ could/ would, might, would/ could/ might, should, will

Step Ⅳ Summary and Homework

T: Today, we’ve reviewed some new words learnt in this unit. In particular, we have reviewed the usages of modal verbs. After class, do more exercises to master them better. Time is up. That’s all for today. See you tomorrow.

Ss: See you tomorrow.

The Fourth Period Integrating skills

Teaching Aims:

1.Review the useful expressions learnt in this unit by practising.

2.Improve the students’ reading ability by reading the material.

3.Improve the students’ writing ability.

4.Enable the students to realize that it is important to protect the estuary.

Teaching Important Points:

1.Improve the students’ reading ability by reading the material.

2.Improve the students’ writing ability.

Teaching Difficult Point:

How to improve the students’ integrating skills-reading and writing.

Teaching Methods:

1.Fast reading to go through the reading material.

2.Inductive method to help students write a paragraph successfully.

Teaching Aids:

1.the multimedia

2.the blackboard

Teaching Procedures:

Step Ⅰ Greetings

Greet the whole class as usual.

Step Ⅱ Revision

T: Yesterday we did some practice about modal verbs. Now let’s do some more exercises to see if you have mastered them. Please look at the screen.

(Teacher uses multimedia to show the exercises on the screen.)

Fill in the blanks using must/might/may/can/could and their negative forms.

1.-I saw Mary in the street yesterday.

-You ______ have seen her. She is still in Australia.

2.-Could I use your bike? -Yes, of course you ______.

3.The ground is wet. It ______ have rained last night.

4.A machine ______ think for itself. It ______ be told what to do.

5.Tom,don’t play with the valuable bottle. You ______ break it.

Suggested answers:

1.can’t 2.can 3.must 4.can’t,must 5.may/might

Step Ⅲ Fast Reading

T: Good work. But if we want to use the modal verbs correctly, we must practise them as often as possible. Today we will read another passage. The ocean is very important to all the living things, which is known to us, and I think we have also known about the reason why the ocean becomes so important-because of the properties of water, the ocean is very important. The passage we will read is also about water. It deals with “the body of water”.Are you interested in the topic?

S1:Yes.But what is the meaning of “the body of water”?I think water has no body.

T: Good question. I think you can get the answer to the question by yourself. Now let’s read the passage. While you are reading, try to make clear what is the main idea of each paragraph. Besides, try fast reading, it is helpful to improve your reading ability.

(Teacher gives students a few minutes to read the passage.)

T: Have you finished your reading?

Ss: Yes.

T: Wang Lin, are you clear about “the body of water”?

S2:Yes.I think “the body of water” means the main part of water.

T: You are great! Now who’d like to tell me the main idea of the first paragraph?

S3:An estuary is the body of water where a river meets the ocean.

T: Right, thank you for your answer. What about the second one?

S4:Let me try. The general idea is that estuaries are great places for nature’s young.

T: Wang Ping, tell me the main idea of the third paragraph, please!

S5:I’m not sure. I think the third paragraph tells us estuaries are important to animals and plants, so we should try our best to protect them from environmental pollution. Am I right?

T: Yes. Congratulations! There is only the last paragraph left. Who can try?

S6:I think the main idea of the last paragraph is that estuaries are also important to human beings because they not only provide recreation and education for us but also contribute to the economy.

Step Ⅳ Discussion and Explanation

T: The general idea of the passage is very clear to us now. Now let’s re-read the passage carefully. While you are reading, try to find out the answers to the questions on Page 23.If you need, you can have a discussion about them. Then I’ll check your answers.

(Teacher gives students enough time to read the passage. At the same time, teacher goes among them and helps them express their own opinions in English correctly.)

Suggested answers:

1.Tides provide energy for the ecosystem, and estuaries are protected from waves and storms by islands. In addition nutrients arrive in estuaries from both the land and the ocean. So estuaries are great places for nature’s young ones.

2.Density means the quality of being dense. In other words, there are more living creatures than any other habitat on earth.

3.Estuaries can make our water clean by absorbing nutrients and pollutants from water coming from inland sources.

4.The function that estuaries can absorb pollutants and nutrients makes estuaries very sensitive to environmental pollution.

5.Estuaries can provide recreation and education for human beings. Besides estuaries also contribute to the economy. So they are very important to human beings.

T: Well done. Now you are very familiar with the passage.

To understand the passage better, I will explain some important phrases. Please, look at the blackboard.

(Teacher writes the following phrases on the blackboard.)


e.g. The company will provide food and drink for them.

2.have an opportunity to do something

e.g. I had no opportunity to discuss the problem with her yesterday.

3.a variety of

e.g. He left for a variety of reasons.

There are a variety of patterns for you to choose from.

4.contribute to

e.g. His work has contributed to our understanding of this difficult subject.

Step Ⅴ Writing

T: Up to now, we have learnt a lot about water and known the properties of water and importance of estuaries. Now you are given an opportunity to check if you know a lot about water. Look at the questions on the screen.

(Teacher uses multimedia to show the questions on the screen.)

1.Why does an ice cube float?

2.What will happen to a piece of metal if you put it in water?

3.Why do so many species live in estuaries?

4.Why have so many cities been built by estuaries?

T: Now imagine that your science teacher asks you to choose one of the questions and write a paragraph to explain it. Use what you learn from this unit and what you know about nature and science to write the paragraph. You must be careful to explain it to make your explanations easy to understand. You’d better look at the tips on Page 24 before you write. It’s of great help to your writing.

Possible samples:

(Question 3)

Salt water from the ocean and fresh water from the river mix together in an estuary. The mixing of fresh and salt water creates a unique environment filled with life of all kinds. Here, animals can enjoy all the benefits of the oceans without having to face many of its dangers and nutrients arrive in estuaries from both the land and the ocean. So there are so many species living in estuaries.

(Question 4)

Estuaries are great places for nature’s young. If many cities are built by estuaries, we can enjoy fishing, swimming and having fun on the beach and scientists and students have endless opportunities to study a variety of life in the habitat. What’s more, estuaries also contribute to the economy through tourism and fishing. So many cities have been built by estuaries.

Step Ⅵ Test

T: In this unit, we’ve learnt some important phrases. Now I’ll give you a test to check whether you’ve mastered them or not. Look at the screen, please.

(Teacher uses multimedia to show the test on the screen and gives students a few minutes to finish them. Then checks their answers.)

1.The children’s age ______(在5岁至15岁之间).

2.______(她处理这个问题的方法) is very good.

3.A week later,______(也就是),Oct 1 is National Day.

4.He ______(充分利用了) multimedia in the class.

5.The little girl ______(对温度很敏感).

6.His actions ______(使他受到尊敬).

7.He ______(设法完成了工作) with very little help.

Suggested answers:

1.range from 5 to 15 2.The way she deals with the problem

3.that is 4.took advantage of

5.is very sensitive to temperature 6.made him respected

7.managed to get the work done

Step Ⅶ Summary and Homework

T: Today, we’ve done some reading and writing. We’ve also reviewed some useful expressions in this unit. After class, go over all the important points we have learnt in this unit. That’s all for today. Class is over.

The Fifth Period Modal Verbs

Teaching Aims:

1.Review the important usages of modal verbs.

2.Sum up the different situations of modal verbs.

Teaching Important Point:

How to use modal verbs correctly.

Teaching Difficult Point:

How to choose modal verbs correctly.

Teaching Methods:

1.Review method to master the important usages of modal verbs.

2.Inductive method and comparative method to master the important and difficult points.

Teaching Aids:

1.the multimedia

2.the blackboard

Teaching Procedures:

Step Ⅰ Greetings

Greet the whole class as usual.

Step Ⅱ Revision

T: In this unit, we have done some practice about modal verbs. As we know, modal verbs have several points in common which make them quite different from other verbs. Now, please discuss the points in common among modal verbs in groups of four. After a while I will check your answers. (Teacher gives students enough time to discuss, and then collects their answers and sums them up.) Modal Verbs:

1.Modal verbs are used when we say that we expect things to happen or that things are possible, or necessary, or impossible, or improbable, or when we describe things that didn’t happen, or that we are not sure whether they happened.

2.Modal verbs have no -s on the third person singular. Questions and negatives are made without “do”.

3.Modal verbs have no infinitives.

4.Modal verbs have no past forms. “Could” and “would” are used with past meanings in some cases.

5.Modal verbs can be used with perfect infinitive to talk about things which didn’t happen, or which we’re not sure about.

Step Ⅲ Revision of the Important Usages of Modal Verbs

T: Good work. As we all know, modal verbs can be classified into eight groups according to their usages. Today we will review some important usages of modal verbs. Firstly, let’s review the modal verbs that can be used to express “possibility”.Please tell me which modal verbs can be used to express “possibility”.

Ss: Can/could/may/might all express “possibility”.

T: When they express “possibility”,they are not quite the same.“Can” is used to talk about theoretical possibility. If we want to talk about the actual chances of something happening, or being true, we use “could/may/might”.Besides,“can” is sometimes used to talk about present “possibility”,but only in questions and negative sentences. Is that clear?

Ss: Yes.

T: Now, let’s do some exercises to master them better. Look at the screen and try to finish the sentences as soon as possible.

(Teacher uses multimedia to show the sentences on the screen.)

Fill in the blanks using can/could/may/might.

1.Would you like to answer the phone? It ______ be your sister.

2.The part of the country ______ be very warm in September.

3.______ it be Lily?

4.It ______(not) be true.

5.You ______ be right.

Suggested answers:

1.could/may/might 2.can 3.Can 4.can’t 5.may/might/could

T: Besides “possibility”,can/could/may/might are also used to express “permission”.Yes?

Ss: Yes. But we are not sure about how to use them.

T: It doesn’t matter. I will give you some explanation.“Can” is the commonest one of the four, and “could” is rather more hesitant than “can”.“May” and “might” are used in a more formal style. They often suggest respect. “Might” is more hesitant and is not very common. Besides, when we give permission, we usually use “can” and “may”,but not “could” and “might”.When we report permission,“may” is not usually used. Are you clear about it?

Ss: Yes.

T: Then try to finish the following exercises, please.

(Teacher shows the exercises on the screen.)

1.-______I use your phone?

-Yes, of course. You ______.

2.______ you come into the meeting room without showing a passport?

3.Mary said that I ______ borrow her car.

Suggested answers:



3.might/could(“Might” and “could” can be used after a past verb.)

T: Next, which modal verbs do you think are necessary to review?

Ss: The modal verbs expressing “necessity”.They are very important.

T: Yes, I agree with you. We can use “must/have to/have got to/need” to express “necessity”.But about how to use them, I want you to review them by understanding the following sentences by yourselves. Look at the sentences on the screen.

(Teacher shows the sentences on the screen, and then asks some questions.)

1.I really must study hard.

2.You must be here by 3 o’clock.

3.You have (got) to go and see the manager.

4.You needn’t work on Sundays.

T: From the sentences, who can tell me the difference between “must” and “have to”?

S1:I want to have a try. When “must” is used, the necessity comes from the speaker. If the necessity comes from “outside”,“have (got) to” is more common.

T: Congratulations! Do you know how to use “need”?

S2:I think in negative sentences,“don’t need to”,“needn’t” or “don’t have to” is used to say that there is “no necessity”.

T: Please give me an example. OK?

S2:I know the reason why you were late. You needn’t try to explain.

T: Thank you. In addition, I want to tell you “have got to” is used instead of “have to” in informal English. Is that clear?

Ss: Yeah.

T: Now look at the blackboard.(Write the following on the blackboard.)

1.It must have rained last night, for the ground is wet.

2.You can’t have seen him yesterday, for he is still in Australia.

3.You could have told me he was coming.

4.She is very late. She may have missed the bus.

T: These sentences have something in common. Who can tell me what it is?

Ss: The modal verbs in these sentences are used together with perfect infinitives.

T: Very good. Then let’s review the modal verbs used together with perfect infinitives.

S3:When should we use modal verbs together with perfect infinitives?

T: When we talk about the past, we can use the structure, but it has a special meaning. It is used for speculating(thinking about what possibly happened) or guessing (thinking about how things could have been different).Have you got it?

Ss: Yes. Thank you.

T: Now let’s do some exercises to consolidate the usage of the structure.

1.I told Sally how to get there, but perhaps I ______for her.

A. had to write it out

B. must be have written it out

C. should have written it out

D. ought to write it out

2.You didn’t let me drive. If we ______ in turn, you ______ so tired.

A. drove; didn’t get

B. drove; wouldn’t get

C. were driving; wouldn’t get

D. had driven; wouldn’t have got

3.-I want to know why she is late.

-She ______ the early bus.

A. could miss

B. can have missed

C. may have missed

D. might miss

4.-I stayed at a hotel in New York.

-Oh, did you? You ______ with Barbara.

A. could have stayed

B. could stay

C. would stay

D. must have stayed

5.The light is still on. He ______ to turn it off when he ______ the room.

A. may forget; leave

B. must have forgotten; left

C. may forget; have left

D. could have forget; left

(Teacher shows the exercises on the screen and gives students enough time to finish them,and then checks their answers and gives them some necessary explanation.)

Suggested answers:

1.C 2.D 3.C 4.A 5.B

T: Now, it’s turn to review modal verbs expressing “advice”.Who’d like to tell me which modal verbs we can use to express “advice”?

S4:I think we usually use “should/ought to/had better” to give “advice”.

T: Yes. In most cases, both “should” and “ought to” can be used with more or less the same meaning. However, there is a very slight difference. When we use “should”,we give our own subjective opinion.“Ought to” had a rather more objective force, and is used when we are talking about laws, duties and regulations. Are you clear about that?

Ss: Yes.

T: Who wants to give us an example using “should” and “ought to” expressing “advice”?

S5:People ought to vote even though they don’t agree with any of the candidates.

T: Well done. What about “should”?

S6:Let me try. You should see “Hero”-it’s a great film.

T: Thank you for your good performance. Do you know how to use “had better”?

Ss: Yes. When we use “had better”,we don’t usually mean that the action recommended would be better than another one. We simply mean that he/she ought to do it.

T: Please make up a sentence using “had better”.

S7:You’d better hurry up, if you want to get to the factory on time.

T: Good example!

Step Ⅳ Summary and Homework

T: Up to now, we have reviewed modal verbs which express possibility, necessity, permission, advice and modal verbs used together with perfect infinitives. They are all very important. After class, try to do more exercises to master them better. That’s all for today. See you tomorrow.

高二心理健康课教学计划 篇6

1.Learn and master the following words and expressions:

every now and then, phenomenon,Brazil, downtown, commercial, get tired of, avenue, altitude,breath-taking,downhill,inexpensive,feast,dip,gym,shore

2.Train the students’ reading ability.

3.Get the students to learn about some big cities in the world.

Teaching Important Points:

1.Learn to use the following useful phrases:

every now and then,get tired of,cool off,itch for,take a dip,work out

2.Train the students’ reading ability.

Teaching Difficult Points:

How to help the students understand the text exactly,especially the following sentences:

1.A walk through downtown is a history lesson.

2.Kitzbuhel is a paradise for skiers.

3.a feast for the eyes.

4.…Should you have enough money left after a day…,you can…

Teaching Methods:

1.Fast reading to get a general idea of the text.

2.Careful reading to get the detailed information.

3.Asking-and-answering to help the students understand the text exactly.

4.Pair or group work to make every student work in class.

Teaching Aids:

1.the multimedia

2.the blackboard

Teaching Procedures:

Step Ⅰ Greetings

Greet the whole class as usual.

Step Ⅱ Revision and Pre-reading

T:Yesterday,we talked much about travel and cities.We know there are many big cities worth visiting in the world.Can you tell me what a tourist needs to know about the chosen destination before going there?

Ss:Climate,food,transportation,attractions and so on.

T:Quite right.All of them are very important for a tourist to travel happily.Now,imagine that a person from another country is going to visit your town for the first time.He or she has asked you to tell him or her about the important things a tourist needs to know.Can you follow me?


(Teacher shows a chart on the screen.)

Area Very Important Important Not so important




T:Well,here’s a chart on the screen.First,use it to make an outline of what you would tell him or her.Then show your outline to your partner and explain what you have chosen and why.Is everything clear?


T:OK.Begin your work.

(Teacher goes among the students to see how they are going on with the work.A few minutes later,teacher asks some students to talk about their outline.)

Step Ⅲ Presentation for Reading

T:Today we’re going to read a passage “Destinations”.It will lead us to two world-famous resorts-Rio de Janeiro and Kitzbuhel.First I’ll show you a travel programme about Rio de Janeiro and Kitzbuhel.Watch it and listen to the explanations carefully.

(Teacher plays the teaching CD for the students.After that,teacher says the following.)

T:How do you like Rio de Janeiro?

Ss:It’s amazing/attractive/wonderful/beautiful/exciting…

T:I agree with you.Well,now let’s learn some new words.Look at the screen.

(Teacher shows the words on the screen and deals with them with brief explanations.Then ask them to read for a while.)

every now and then不时地

△itch/it/ n.&vi. 渴望;痒

phenomenon/f′nominn/ n.现象;奇迹

△Rio de Janeiro/′riudd′niru/ n.里约热内卢(巴西港市)

Brazil /br′zil/ n.巴西

△stretch/stret/ vt.&vi. 展开;伸展;延伸

△Cariocas/kri′uks/ n.里约热内卢人

downtown/daun′taun/ n.&adj. 城市商业区(的)

△historical/ht′starikl/ adj.具有历史意义的

commercial/k′ml/ adj.商业性的;商务的;商业的

△Copacabana/kup′kbn/ n.科帕卡巴纳(巴西著名海滩)


△hundredth/′hndrd/ n.&adj. 第一百(个);第一百的

get tired of对……感到厌倦;对……失去兴趣

avenue/′vnju/ n.(城市中的)大街;通道;(通往乡间的)小路

disappointed/,dis′pintid/ adj. 失望的;沮丧的


△Kitzbuhel/kitsbjul/ n.基茨比厄(奥地利城市)

△paradise/,齪rdaiz/ n.乐园;天堂

△skier/ski:/ n.滑雪者

altitude/′ltitju:d/ n.纬度

surrounding/′s′raundi/ adj.&n.周围(的);环绕(的);环境;周围的情况

guarantee/,grn′ti/ vt.保证……免受损失或伤害;确保

breath-taking/′breteiki/ adj.壮观的;激动人心的;惊险的

△resort/ri′zt/ n.胜地;常去之地

downhill/,daun′hil/ adj. 快速下降滑雪的;下坡的;倾斜的

inexpensive/,inik′spensiv/ adj.廉价的;便宜的

feast/′fist/ n.(感官、精神等的)享受;盛宴

dip/dip/ n.(在江河湖海中)洗澡;游泳;蘸湿

gym/dim/ n.体育馆

shore/ (r)/ n.滨;岸

Step Ⅳ Reading

T:OK.Now please read the text quickly and find the answers to the questions on the screen.

(Teacher shows the questions on the screen,and the students begin to read the text.)

1.What is Rio de Janeiro famous for?

2.What does the word“Cariocas”mean?

3:Why do people visit Kitzbuhel?

(A few minutes later,teacher checks the answers.)

T:OK,everyone.Have you found the answers?


T:Who’d like to answer the first question?Any volunteer?

S1:Rio de Janeiro is famous for its modern malls,theme parks and beautiful beaches.

T:Right.Sit down,please.The second one.

S2:“Cariocas”means the people of Rio de Janeiro.

T:Good.Sit down,please.The last one.

S3:People visit Kitzbuhel because it is a world-class ski resort,a paradise for skiers.

T:Well done.Now,please re-read the text carefully and further understand it.Pay special attention to the phrases or sentences on the screen.(Show the following on the screen.)

1.Kitzbuhel is a paradise for skiers.

2.A walk through downtown is a history lesson.

3.…a feast for the eyes.

4.Should you have enough energy left,…

After reading,work in pairs and try to explain what the phrases or sentences mean.If you have any difficulty in explaining them,please ask me.You can begin now.

(A few minutes later,teacher begins to check the answers.)

T:OK,everyone.Are you ready now?


T:Li Dong,can you explain the first sentence?

S4:Yes.It means that Kitzbuhel is a wonderful place for people who ski.



Suggested answers:

2.Walking through downtown can help to learn about the history of Rio from what you see.

3.A lively mix of old village culture and excitement of an international tourist area.

4.If you should have enough energy left,…

Step Ⅴ Language Study

T:Well,you’ve been familiar with the passage.Let’s learn some useful phrases.Please look at the screen and do the exercise.

(Show the following on the screen.)

Fill in the blanks using the right phrases in the text.

1.She______cooking for her family.

2.She can’t resist her______travelling.

3.______she went upstairs to see if he was still asleep.

4.Let the hot pie______before serving.

5.I______regularly to keep fit.

6.In summer,it is fun to______in a pool.

(Teacher allows the students enough time to prepare first.Then check the answers with the whole class and write the phrases on the blackboard.)

Suggested answers:

1.got tired of 2.itch for 3.Every now and then 4.cool off 5.work out 6.take a dip

Step Ⅵ Listening and Reading Aloud

T:Now,I’ll play the tape for you.First,listen and repeat,paying attention to the pronunciation and the intonation.Then read it aloud for a while.

Step Ⅶ Consolidation

T:OK,everyone.Stop reading.Look at the third exercise in Post-reading.Use the cards to decide where you would like to go according to the information from the text.Rio de Janeiro or Kitzbuhel?Make your decision and explain to your partner why you have chosen this destination.Is everything clear?


(A few minutes later,teacher asks some students to talk about their decisions.)

T:Attention,please.Are you ready now?


T:Who’d like to be the first to talk about your decision?Any volunteer?

S5:I’d like to go to Rio de Janeiro for a travel.First,I’m interested in the foreign countries’ history and culture.Downtown Rio is the city’s cultural and historical heart.Second,it’s convenient to enjoy the sand and sun on Copacabana,which is not far from downtown.Third,one of the world’s festivals-Carnival is also attractive.

T:Wonderful.Who’d like to talk about Kitzbuhel?

S6:I’d prefer to go to Kitzbuhel.First,I like adventure.Second,I’m interested in skiing.Third,it has different scenery from what other places have.I think it is not only a paradise for skiers,but also for young people.

T:Well done.Thank you.

Step Ⅷ Summary and Homework

T:Well,let’s come back from Rio de Janeiro or Kitzbuhel to see what we’ve learnt in this class.First,we’ve learnt about some foreign countries’ culture and history by reading the text.Second,we’ve learnt some useful expressions.After class,please read the text again and use the chart from the Pre-reading to analyse the text about Rio de Janeiro.Compare your choices and the choices made by the writer of the text.What are some similarities and differences?What might be some reasons for the similarities and differences?Are you clear about that?


T:That’s all for today.See you next day.

Ss:See you next day.

Step Ⅸ The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard

Unit 15 Destinations

The Second Period

every now and then itch for

get tired ofcool off

take a dipwork out

高二心理健康课教学计划 篇7


良好的心理素质是人的全面发展的重要前提。应试教育的巨大压力使学生在学业上高度紧张与繁重, 加之家庭教育的偏差, 以致在物质生活日益丰富的今天, 学生的精神世界却有走向另一面的迹象。调查资料显示, 有20%左右的学生存在程度不同、类型各异的心理障碍, 近年来中学生因心理障碍不惜伤害自己和他人的案例时有发生并有上升趋势, 中学生的心理健康状况令人担忧。针对新形势下青少年成长的特点, 加强学生的心理健康教育刻不容缓。思想政治课的教学过程, 就其本质而言, 正是学生在老师的指导下形成和发展健康的心理品质的过程。所以, 思想品德课堂中渗透心理健康教育是十分必要的。


1.在课程目标方面, 思品课更加重视对学生健康心理的培养。《全日制义务教育思想品德课程标准》明确指出, 思品课的总目标之一是“帮助学生形成健康的心理品质”, 在分类目标中进一步明确要使学生“热爱生命, 自尊自信, 乐观向上, 意志坚强”、“初步培养交往与沟通的能力”、“增强自我调适、自我控制的能力, 学会理智地调控自己的情绪”以及“了解青少年的身心发展特征和促进身心健康发展的途径, 认识个体发展与社会环境的关系”。

2.初中思品教材内容广泛, 其中蕴含着相当丰富的心理健康教育资源。如做一个自尊的人、做情绪的主人、扬起自信的风帆、做意志坚强的人等, 这是任何其他学科都无法相比的, 这为心理健康教育的渗透创造了得天独厚的优势条件。所以我们可以充分发掘教材中的心理教育因素, 营造有利于学生心理健康成长的氛围, 从不同方面来帮助学生培养良好的心理品质。

3.思品课多元化评价方式更易于心理健康教育的开展。思想品德课较其他学科更注重情感、态度、价值观的培养, 在评价方式上更重注学习过程评价, 由考试科目变为考查科目客观上减轻了应试压力, 从而使老师敢于在教学过程中更注重学生的情感体验而非知识的生成与落实, 学生也更乐于参与丰富多彩的教学活动, 这样能最大限度的提高心理健康教育的效果。


1.突出情感目标, 体现心理健康教育的功能。心理健康教育注重学生心理素质的培养和人格的全面发展。这就要求教师在思品课的教育目标设定中将情感、态度、价值观目标置于更加突出的位置, 改变以往主要着眼于“要知道”的知识模式, 强调学生多主动观察、多感受体验、多参与活动, 在亲身体验中、在讨论对话中、在独立思考和理解认同中, 从而达到学生“想知道”“要知道”“知道怎么做”的教育效果。

2.以良好课堂心理环境为基, 营造和谐的课堂氛围。俗话说:“亲其师信其道”。教师要创设民主平等的课堂氛围, 不以权威者、监督者的形象出现在学生面前, 做到允许学生来动摇自己的“权威”。通过自己的言语、动作、表情传递给学生亲切、信任的情感信息, 使学生感到教师可亲可爱, 并营造一种充满真情与关爱的氛围, 让学生受到情的感染、爱的激励, 得到美的享受, 在兴奋中发扬成绩, 在微笑中认识不足。

3.充分利用心理教育资源, 达到心理教育效果。《思想品德》教学中处处渗透心理健康教育, 只要对思品新课程内容加以梳理, 即能挖掘出教材中蕴含的心理健康教育的内容。例如:八年级思想品德中的亲子关系、同学友情、师生结伴同行、诚信等;九年级教材中的正确对待学习压力、我的责任等其中也不乏正确看待自己、锻炼心理品质、善于调节情绪、磨砺坚强意志等与中学生心理紧密相关的内容。

4.改变教学模式, 增强学生自觉性。要想在思品教学中渗透心理健康教育, 就必须改变原有的教育教学方式, 采用合作、讨论、探究、交流的新型教学模式, 使整个教学过程在培养学生良好的个性心理方面起到积极的作用。我们要充分利用教材特定内容创设问题情境, 激发学生好奇心, 提高学习积极性。

总之, 中学生心理健康教育是十分重要的。但心理健康教育专业师资的缺乏, 也是不得不面对的现实。因此, 中学思想品德教学中渗透心理健康教育, 是学校进行心理健康教育的重要途径。

摘要:随着新教学改革的深入, 在学科教学中渗透心理健康教育是开展学生心理健康教育的一条重要途径, 思想品德课教学中渗透心理健康教育也是一种必然的选择。它要求每一位教师结合教学实际塑造学生的健康人格, 培养学生良好的心理品质。文章从实践出发, 探讨思品课教学中渗透心理健康教育的必要性、有利因素和主要途径。

高二心理健康课教学计划 篇8



1. 专题要适合学生之需。七年级学生刚入初中,对于新环境、新人群存在诸多不适应,加之学习科目增多、学习压力加大,学生极易在这个过渡期分化,严重的会产生环境不适应症,形成厌学思想和行为。为了缓解这种不适应,我们开设“认识新校园,结交新伙伴”的心理体验课。





2. 专题要解学生之惑。青春期困扰着孩子们,在成人意识渐浓的时段里,他们莫名的苦闷、彷徨甚至还有忧伤。他们不再和家长无话不说,而是在自己的心里安放了一把小锁,在自我的世界里、在同伴的世界里、在书的世界审视和憧憬自己。他们不知道这是怎么了,这是为什么?所以思品课有责任也有能力去为学生的成长护航,为他们的发展排忧解难。于是,我们设计了“悦纳自己,走进青春期”系列教学活动。





1. 学军让学生意志更坚。新生入校的第一课是学军,我们有固定的学军基地。在战士们训练的地方,感受挥汗如雨;在战士们休息的地方,体验军人作息;在战士们就餐的地方,体味部队的菜香……

2. 学农让学生懂得感恩、学会珍惜。我们每年有三天时间深入农村学农,学生要走进农田扒苞米、住农村学生宿舍、吃农村学校大食堂、走访农户、参观农企……学生在简陋的教室里,在尘土飞扬的操场,在室外冷风吹袭的厕所……这种与平时天壤之别的经历让他们在瞬间就懂得了珍惜,学会了换位思考,理解了父母之不易及为人子女的责任。

3. 赴上海社会实践让学生学习自立、自强。十二天的上海之行,学生独自离家。在群体活动中,他们要学会整理自己的行李;生病时,他们要学会自己照顾自己;在与同学同住的日子,他们要学会与别人如何相处;他们还要学会叠好被子、打扫房间、独立地完成每一个活动任务,在参与与体验中他们学会了自立自强,自信也由此而生。



1. 学生自编剧本,揣摩角色心理变化。教师可以将学生划分成若干小组,安排1~3名同学担当主编,结合青春期常出现的心理问题如男女生情感问题、青春期逆反心理等写成初稿,然后安排演员实际演练,通过他们的心理感受对剧本进行修改并表演给同学们看。

2. 讨论研究,明确解决之道。这些心理剧贴近学生生活实际,极易引起孩子们的共鸣。演出后由每组的组长组织讨论,将最佳解决方案提出来,形成学生共识。

3. 记下疑问,请教专家。在心理剧反映的问题中,有些可能是学生经过讨论也很难解决的。教师鼓励学生将这些问题记下来,上网查阅资料或请专家帮助解决。

4. 组织心理剧汇演。学生在完成以上步骤之后,最后再修改剧本完善剧本。学期末组织心理剧汇演,学生将在欣赏和表演之中,进一步提高心理素质和处理问题的能力。
