


英文常用句子 篇1

1. It’s up to you.(由你决定。)

2. I envy you.(我羡慕你。)

3. How can I get in touch with you?(我怎么和你联系?)

4. Where can I wash my hands?(请问洗手间在哪里?)

5. What’s the weather like today?(今天天气如何?)

6. Where are you headed?(你要到哪里去?)

7. I wasn’t born yesterday.(我又不是三岁小孩。)

8. What do you do for relaxation?(你做什么消遣?)

9. It’s a small world.(世界真小!)

10. It’s my treat this time.(这次我请客!)

11. The sooner the better.(越快越好。)

12. When is the most convenient time for you?(你什么时间方便)

13. Take your time.(慢慢来/别着急。)

14. I’m mad about Bruce Lee.(我迷死李小龙了。)

I’m crazy about rock music.(我对摇滚乐很着迷。)

15. How do I address you?(我怎么称呼你?)

16. What was your name again?(请再说一次名字好吗?)

17. Would you care for a cup of coffee?(要杯咖啡吗?)

18. She turns me off.(她使我厌烦。)

19. So far so good.(目前为止,一切都好。)

20. It drives[逼迫;迫使] me crazy.(它把握逼疯了。)

21. She never showed up[出席;露面].(她一直没有出现。)

22. That’s not like him.(那不象是他的风格。)

23. I couldn’t get through.(电话打不通。)

24. I got sick and tired of hotels.(我讨厌旅馆。)

25. Be my guest.(请便、别客气)

26. Can you keep an eye on my bag?(帮我看一下包好吗?)

27. Let’s keep in touch.(让我们保持联系。)

28. Let’s call it a day[决定或同意暂时或永久停止(进行某事)].29. I couldn’t help[避免;阻止] it.(我没办法。)

30. Something’s come up[发生/出现].(有点事/出事了)

31. Let’s get to the point[要点/核心问题].(让我们来谈要点。)

32. Keep that in mind.(记住那件事。)

33. That was a close call.(太危险了/千钧一发)

34. I’ll be looking forward to it.(我将期待这一天。)

35. Chances are slim.(机会很小。)

36. Far from it.(一点也不。)

37. I’m behind in my work.(我工作进度落后了。)

38. It’s a pain in the neck[麻烦的事(人)].(那真是件麻烦事)

39. We’re in the same boat.(我们处境相同。)

40. My mouth is watering.(我在流口水了。)

41. What do you recommend?(你推荐什么?)

42. I ache all over.(我浑身酸痛。)

43. I have a runny nose.(我流鼻涕。)

44. It’s out of the question.(这是不可能的。)

45. Do you have any openings?(你们有空缺吗?)

46. It doesn’t make any difference.(没什么差别/无所谓。)

47. I’m fed up with him.(我受够他了。)

48. You can count on[指望;依赖] us.(你可以信赖我们。)

英文常用句子 篇2


短信文化是一种大众文化, 也是一种信息文化。在信息交流的表象之下, 短信具有娱乐功能、情感功能、互动功能和教育功能, 因此短信的语言也就具有了符合这些功能的个性化、多元化和鲜明的时代特征。而丰富的修辞手法的运用, 使短信文化中不乏形象生动、文采飞扬的精辞妙语。


1. 运用排比和对偶达求简洁的形式美

辞格的形式美是指辞格的语言形式所体现的美的概括, 英汉修辞中的排比和对比 (汉语也称对偶) 就是遵循语言形式美的体现。迁移到短信中去, 排比的运用可以把一连串有关的词、词组或句子排列成整齐的形式, 倾泻出来, 气势畅达, 可以强烈地感染对方, 使短信内容和语势增强, 读来诙谐生动。

中文短信1:今年新年不送礼, 发条短信祝福你, 健康快乐长伴你, 幸福美满粘着你, 还有我要告诉你, 财神爷已盯上你。

英文短信1:If you want to cry, I will be your shoulder.If you wa nt a hug, I will b e your p illow.If you ne e d to b e ha p p y, I will b e your s mile.If you ne e d mone y, wa it for your s a la ry.

对比是比较思维在辞格中的体现。短信编写者通过将两种不同事物或者同一事物的两个方面放在一起相互比较, 使短信读起来朗朗上口且幽默好记。

中文短信2:流来幸福流去愁, 流去苦难不回头。有情有义能长久, 无情无义水中流。大海无水变沙滩, 人无朋友变孤单。

英文短信2:I’m a killer, I kill people for money, but you are my frie nd I kill you for fre e.

2. 运用拟声、比喻、仿拟、双关及设彀等寻求新奇

英汉拟声辞格就是利用自然语言的语音系统, 去反映和描述客观世界的各种自然声音, 以达到生动逼真的艺术效果。

中文短信3:您好!这里是163点歌台, 您的朋友为你点播一首动力火车的《当》, 祝您万事如意!收听方法:请将铁盆扣在头上, 用铁棍用力敲击!

英文短信3:Can u pronounce good English?Read along:

woof, roof, loof, s hoof, woof, loof, p oof, woof, woof, hoof, loof, roof, s hoof, Te s t re s ults:U r a g ood d og.Now s top b a rking.

第一则短信利用了铁棍敲击铁盆的声音“当”和歌曲《当》的重合, 取得幽默的效果。第二则使让短信接收者模拟狗的发音“woof, roof, loof”来作弄接收者。

比喻是直接或间接地打比方, 变抽象为具体, 化深奥为浅显, 使陌生成熟悉, 以取得形象生动的艺术效果。

中文短信4:宝贝你真美, 好像韭菜浇了水;宝贝你真酷, 好像椰风挡不住。

英文短信4:Promise me we are true friends, I am lamp you a re lig ht, I a m Coke you a re Sp rite.I a m Ta rza n you a re monke y. (向我许诺我们是好朋友, 我是台灯你就是灯光, 我是可乐你就是雪碧, 我是猩猩你就是猴子。)

双关是有意利用语音和语义的条件, 使词语或句子具有双重含义, 从而取得幽默和讽刺的艺术效果。

中文短信5:《暗思竹》暗思竹, 暗思透非竹。末温花, 枝绘池。暗在竹眷株, 好池诱澜座。暗思竹, 暗思竹, 暗思透非竹!恭喜你学会山东话!

这则短信表面语义写的是竹子, 深层语义却写猪。作者通过谐音方式将其要表达的“俺是猪”悄悄地隐藏在《暗思竹》中, 构成谐音双关, 接受者一开始不明其意, 等明白后已经掉进了作者的陷阱。

英文短信5:A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T V WX Y Z, op z!I mis s“U”.

这则短信中, 我漏掉了“U”, 或者说“我想你!”“U”“u”音同“you” (你) 在此构成语音双关, miss可以看成“漏掉”, 也可看成“错过”, 构成语义双关。

仿拟就是模仿已有的词、句形式或各种格调, 临时新创一个语言片段或一种说法的修辞手法。

中文短信6:想念你的笑, 想念你的钞票, 想念你的银行账号和黑色钱包。 (仿拟《味道》歌词)

英文短信6:You can fool all of the people all of the time if the a d ve rtis ing is rig ht a nd the b ud g e t is b ig e noug h. (如果你的广告对路预算合理, 你可以永远糊弄任何人。) 这则短信是仿拟名句:You can fool one person at one time but you can’t fool all ofthe p e op le a ll of the time.

设彀, 是说话时, 把其中关键性的部分暂时保留, 有意地使信息接收产生错误或误会, 然后才把“谜底”托出。

中文短信7:早晨我吃不下饭, 因为我想你, 中午我吃不下饭, 因为我更加想你, 晚上我吃不下饭, 因为我疯狂地想你, 夜里我睡不着, 因为……我饿!

英文短信7:Every morning I pray 2 God that everybody s hould g e t a frie nd like u, Why s hould I b e the only one to s uffe r…? (每天早晨, 我都对着上帝祈祷, 每个人都应该得到像你那样的朋友, 但为什么就仅仅是我这么——倒霉?)

3. 中英文短信中辞格使用的异同

在大量收集和阅读中英文短信的基础上, 笔者分别以100条娱乐性的中英文短信做载体, 对其中辞格使用的异同进行了分析。这些短信都是取自点击率较高的权威中英文网站。我们可以粗略地看出, 中文短信比英文短信更趋向在一条短信中使用多种辞格, 比如文中例2就使用了比喻、排比、夸张、尾韵四种辞格。就辞格的选择而言, 为了追求形式美和新奇感, 排比、设彀、拟声等辞格在中英文短信的使用频率相当, 而比喻和仿拟在中文短信的使用频率明显高于英文短信。


英汉对比研究应该分为三个层次, 一是语言表层结构, 二是语言表达方法, 三是语言哲学, 表达法表现一个民族认知世界的方法和规则, 要考究这种语言的表达法是怎样形成的, 就要寻求其心理、文化和哲学上的依据。辞格和文化之间存在着互动关系, 辞格的运用也体现出一个民族的语言心理。

1. 修辞顺序体现出的线性和螺旋性

从修辞顺序上而言, 英语话语修辞结构呈线性, 即话语是先陈述中心意思, 然后按直线展开, 这样段落中的意思是以有秩序的顺序很清晰地互相联系, 给人一种动态感。而汉语话语修辞结构呈螺旋型, 即以反复而发展的螺旋型的形式对一种意思加以展开。同样是使用双关, 英语短信中的双关重文字游戏, 表达含蓄委婉, 它属幽默辞格, 十分强调“幽默性”;而中文短信中 (如例5) 的双关则强调使语句具有“双重含义”“言在此而意在彼”, 它更注意的是话语语义的两可性和主现意图表达的隐蔽性。

2. 修辞方式体现出的理性和悟性

就修辞方式而言, 英语修辞重形合、重静态、重物称、重重复等, 而汉语修辞重意合、重动态、重人称、重主动、重简单等。就短信而言, 同样是用排比, 英文短信中的代词就有不可缺性, 而中文短信中 (如例2) 的主语代词就常常可以省略。修辞格就是认知方式, 中文短信中的仿拟辞格的大量使用也是符合中国人强调类推意合的思维特点。

3. 修辞目的体现出的开放和内敛

发短信常用的英文缩写 篇3


OIC - Oh I see

BFN - Bye for now

LOL - Laughing out loud

ASAP - As soon as possible

BTW - By the way...

JK - Just kidding

TTYL - Talk to you later

缩写时也可去掉不必要的部分同时保持意思明确。元音常被去除,但仍能辨别出单词一般发音。数字8有时代表eight的音,因此later 变成了l8r。数字4也常用于替代for ,就像2取代to。看这些SMS的缩写:

Plz - Please

Thx - Thanks

Cya - See you

L8r - Later

K - OK

U - You

R - Are

B4 - Before

2morro - Tomorrow

英文自我介绍常用句子 篇4


2.Bright,aggressive applicants.


3.Mature,self-motivated and strong interpersonal skills.


4.Highly-motivated and reliable person.


5.Strong determination to succeed.


6.Willing to learn and progress.

英文写作常用句子总结范文 篇5

1)Many nations have been faced with the problem of...2)Recently the problem has been brought into focus.3)Recently the phenomenon has become a heated topic.4)Recently the issue has aroused great concern among...5)Nowadays there is a growing concern over...6)Never in our history has the idea that...been so popular.7)Faced with..., quite a few people argue that...8)According to a recent survey,...9)With the rapid development of...,...注:用于句首提出论题或现象的句型

①Recently , …has become the focus of the society.②…has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life.③Nowadays there is a growing concern for …

④Nowadays it is common to hear /see …

⑤…has become a common occurrence in our daily life.⑥Nowadays more and more people are beginning to be aware of the seriousness of …

⑦It is only during the last /past few years that man has become generally aware that …

⑧There is an old / popular saying / proverb which says / goes …

⑨In recent years, there is a general tendency …

⑩Nowadays … has become a problem we have to face.2.证明

1)No one can deny the fact that...2)The idea is hardly supported by facts.3)Unfortunately, none of the available data shows...4)Recent studies indicate that...5)There is sufficient evidence to show that...6)According to statistics proved by..., it can be seen that...3.举例

1)A good case in point is...2)As an illustration, we may take...3)Such examples might be given easily.4)...is often cited as an example.4.表示原因

1)There are three reasons for this.2)The reasons for this are as follows.3)The reason for this is obvious.4)The reason for this is not far to seek.5)The reason for this is that...6)We have good reason to believe that...例如: There are three reasons for the changes that have taken place in our life.Firstly,people’s living standard has been greatly improved.Secondly,most people are well paid,and they can afford what they need or like.Last but not least,more and more people prefer to enjoy modern life.注:如考生写第一个句子没有把握,可将其改写成两个句子。如:Great changes have taken place in our life.There are three reasons for this.这样写可以避免套用中的表达失误。

4-1.基本原因---分析某事物时, 用此句型说明其基本的或者多方面的原因.[1].Why...? For one thing… For another...[2].The answer to this problem involves many factors.For one thing...For another...Still another...[3].A number of factors, both physical and psychological affect..../both individual and social contribute to....4-2 另一原因--------> 在分析了基本原因之后, 再补充一个次要的或者更重要时用!

[1].Another important factor is....[2]....is also responsible for the change/problem.[3].Certainly, the...is not the sole reason for...另附 :

1.)A number of factors are accountable for this situation.A number of factors might contribute to(lead to)(account for)the phenomenon(problem).2.).The answer to this problem involves many factors.3.).The phenomenon mainly stems from the fact that...4.).The factors that contribute to this situation include...5.).The change in...largely results from the fact that...6.).We may blame..., but the real causes are...7).Part of the explanations for it is that...One of the most common factors(causes)is that...Another contributing factor(cause)is...Perhaps the primary factor is that…

But the fundamental cause is that...5.后果---------分析某事物可能造成的后果或者带来的影响.1).It will produce a profound/far-reaching effect/impact on....2).It involves some serious consequence for...3)It may give rise to a host of problems.4).The immediate result it produces is...5).It will exercise a profound influence upon...6).Its consequence can be so great that...6.表示好处

1.)It has the following advantages.2.)It does us a lot of good.3.)It benefits us quite a lot.4.)It is beneficial to us.5.)It is of great benefit to us.例如: Books are like friends.They can help us know the world better,and they can open our minds and widen our horizons.Therefore,reading extensively is of great benefit to us.7.表示坏处

1.)It has more disadvantages than advantages.2.)It does us much harm.3.)It is harmful to us.例如: However,everything divides into two.Television can also be harmful to us.It can do harm to our health and make us lazy if we spend too much time watching television.8.表示重要、必要、困难、方便、可能

1.)It is important(necessary,difficult,convenient,possible)for sb.to do sth.2.)We think it necessary to do sth.3.)It plays an important role in our life.例如: Computers are now being used everywhere,whether in the government,in schools or in business.Soon,computers will be found in every home,too.We have good reason to say that computers are playing an increasingly important role in our life and we have stepped into the Computer Age.9.表示措施

1.)We should take some effective measures.2.)We should try our best to overcome(conquer)the difficulties.3.)We should do our utmost in doing sth.4.)We should solve the problems that we are confronted(faced)with.例如: The housing problem that we are confronted with is becoming more and more serious.Therefore,we must take some effective measures to solve it.10.表示变化

1.)Some changes have taken place in the past five years.2.)A great change will certainly be produced in the world’s communications.3.)The computer has brought about many changes in education.例如: Some changes have taken place in people’s diet in the past five years.The major reasons for these changes are not far to seek.Nowadays,more and more people are switching from grain to meat for protein,and from fruit and vegetable to milk for vitamins.11.表示事实、现状

1.)We cannot ignore the fact that...2.)No one can deny the fact that...3.)There is no denying the fact that...4.)This is a phenomenon that many people are interested in.5.)However,that’s not the case.例如: We cannot ignore the fact that industrialization brings with it the problems of pollution.To solve these problems,we can start by educating the public about the hazards of pollution.The government on its part should also design stricter laws to promote a cleaner environment.12.表示比较对照

1.)Compared with A,B...2.)I prefer to read rather than watch TV.3.)There is a striking contrast between them.例如: Compared with cars,bicycles have several advantages besides being affordable.Firstly,they do not consume natural resources of petroleum.Secondly,they do not cause the pollution problem.Last but not least,they contribute to people’s health by giving them due physical exercise.12-1.两者比较---> 比较两事物, 要说出其一超过另一个, 或肯定一事物的优点, 也肯定其缺点的时候用!

[1].The advantages gained from A are much greater than the advantages we gain from B.[2].Indeed, A carries much weight when compared with B.[3].There is no doubt that it has its negative effects as well as positive effects.12-2.两者相同/相似------> 比较两事物共同都有或者共同都没有的特点时用!

[1].A and B have several thing in common.They are similar in that...[2].A bears some striking resemblance(s)to B.另附 :

1.).The advantages far outweigh the disadvantages.2.).The advantages of A are much greater than those of B.3.).A may be preferable to B, but A suffers from the disadvantages that...4.).It is reasonable to maintain that...but it would be foolish to claim that...5.).For all the disadvantages, it has its compensating advantages.6.).Like anything else, it has its faults.7.).A and B has several points in common.8.).A bears some resemblances to B.9.).However, the same is not applicable to B.10.).A and B differ in several ways.11.).Evidently, it has both negative and positive effects.12.).People used to think...but things are different now.13.).The same is true of B.14.).Wondering as A is, it has its drawbacks.15.).It is true that A..., but the chief faults(obvious defects)are...13.表示数量

1.)It has increased(decreased)from...to...2.)The population in this city has now increased(decreased)to 800,000.3.)The output of July in this factory increased by 15% compared with that of January.例如: With the improvement of the living standard,the proportion of people’s income spent on food has decreased while that spent on education has increased.再如: From the graph listed above,itcan be seen that student use of computers has increased from an average of less than two hours per week in 1990 to 20 hours in 2000.注:“From the graph listed above,it can be seen that”见句式12。


1)It is true that..., but one vital point is being left out.2)There is a grain of truth in these statements, but they ignore a more important fact.3)Some people say...but it does not hold water.4)Many of us have been under the illusion that...5)A close examination would reveal how ridiculous the statement is.6)It makes no sense to argue for...7)Too much stress placed on...may lead to...8)Such a statement mainly rests on the assumption that...9)Contrary to what is widely accepted, I maintain that...10)People have(take,adopt,assume)different attitudes towards sth.11)People have different opinions on this problem.12)People take different views of(on)the question.13)Some people believe that...Others argue that...例如: People have different attitudes towards failure.Some believe that failure leads to success.Every failure they experience translates into a greater chance of success at their renewed endeavor.However,others are easily discouraged by failures and put themselves into the category of losers.再如: Do“lucky numbers really bring good luck?Different people have different views on it.注:一个段落有时很适宜以问句开始,考生应掌握这一写作方法。


①My own experience tells me that …

②In my opinion , we should attack more importance to …

③As for my own idea about … I believe …

④As far as I am concerned , I plan to …

⑤Personally , I prefer …

⑥In my view , both sides are partly right in that …⑦But for me , I would rather …

⑧My own point of view is that …

⑨In conclusion , I support the statement that …

⑩As regards me , I tend to choose …


①Some people like / prefer …, while others are / feel inclined to …

②There are different opinions among people as to … Some believe … whole hold …

③Some people claim that … is superior to … Others , however , disagree with it.④Some people believe … Others maintain … Still others claim …

⑤Some people suggest … Others , however , hold the opposite opinion.⑥On the one hand , people tend to … On the other hand , they feel …

⑦Some people argue that … Others , in contrast , believe that …

⑧Although more and more people come to believe … there are still others who insist that …⑨On the contrary , there are people in favor of …

⑩There are some people who hold different opinions about …


1.)It’s well known to us that...2.)As is known to us,...3.)This is a topic that is being widely talked about.4.)From the graph(table,chart)listed above,it can be seen that...5.)As a proverb says,“Where there is a will,there is a way.

例如: As is well known to us,it is important for the students to know the world outside campus.The reason for this is obvious.Nowadays,the society is changing and developing rapidly,and the campus is no longer an“ivory tower.As college students,we must get in touch with the world outside the campus.Only in this way can we adapt ourselves to the society quickly after we graduate.再如: Does it pay to be honest?This is a topic that is being widely talked about and different people have different opinions on it.16.用于描写漫画、图表的常用句型

①As the graph depicts , …

②From the cartoon /picture , we can see that …

③According to the statistics shown in the first /second graph , ④The table shows / indicates / reveals that …

⑤It can be seen /concluded from the picture / table / figures that …


①Thank you for your letter of …

②It is a pleasure for me invite you on behalf of … to accept …

③Thanks so much for your letter , which arrived …

④I am writing to you with reference to …

⑤I am writing to you in connection with …

⑥I would be grateful if you could / would …

⑦I would like to know some information on …

⑧It will be appreciated if you can / could …

⑨I would also like to know if you can / could …

⑩I look forward to hearing from you.18.用于结尾的常用句型

①From what has been discussed / mentioned above , we may conclude that …

②Therefore , it is not difficult to draw / come to the conclusion that …

③It is high time that something was done about …

④From all the reasons / consideration above , it is evident / clear / obvious that …

⑤Taking into account all these factors , we may reach the conclusion that …

⑥Given the reasons / consideration I have just outlined / discussed / presented , I strongly recommend that …

⑦It is clear , therefore , that …

⑧All in all ,what really matters is , in fact , to …

⑨It is essential that effective measure be taken to …

⑩From what has been discussed above , we may reasonably arrive at the conclusion that …⑾ In conclusion ,the most important is …

⑿ On the whole , it is high time that every one …⒀ As a result , we should take some effective steps to …⒁ Judging by the figures / statistics , it is not difficult to see that …⒂ Only in this way / in so doing , can be really …

英文常用句子 篇6

【关键词】英文媒体 ;政治常用语;翻译策略







为提升读者的阅读观感,官方话语往往需要避讳一些啰唆冗长的词句,恰当地使用成语则能有效避免这些情况的发生。成语形式要求格式工整、意义凝练、短小精悍却又内涵丰富,如 “反腐倡廉”“和谐共赢”等,这么一来,原本复杂的表达用几个字便可以清楚概括。




政治常用语中,起到比喻作用的词语也很常见,这些词语内涵丰富,生动、形象地传达了官方的本意,比如,“保护伞”“豆腐渣工程” 等。值得一提的是,这些用来比喻的词语中也不乏许多与时俱进的新术语,如“美丽中国”“照镜子、正衣冠、洗洗澡、治治病”“老虎、苍蝇一起打”等。




《中国日报》在翻译过程中,对这一点的把控就非常到位。例如,在2013年3月19日这一期的《China Daily》,译文为“We need to gain initiative and advantages to win the future and attain the goal of completing the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects by 2020”.其中,“全面建成小康社会(complete the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects )”和“全面建设小康社会(To build a moderately prosperous society in all respects)”虽然只有一字之差,但含义有很大差异,故翻译时用“complete”这个词来表示“建成”。


政治常用语主要是反映我国的立场和发展状况,敏感性较高,其在翻译的时候不但要行文严谨、忠实原文,而且要站在我国的主权和立场上,力求完整、准确地传递我国政府的主张和态度。例如,2013年12月8日这一期的《China Daily》,译文“Chinese dream will benefit the world with experiences for other regions and countries to follow and help establish win-win relationships among world players”.早期,关于“中国梦”的译法徘徊于Chinese Dream和China Dream之间,但是有学者指出China Dream可能会产生歧义,被当作外国人在中国发展、发财的“梦”,这和习总书记提出“中国梦”的初衷相悖。由此也可见,翻译政治常用语要从其政治意义上进行认真分析,如“钓鱼岛”应翻译成“Diaoyu Islands”,而不能翻译成“Senkaka Islands”。


《中国日报》的阅读人群不仅包括国内英语爱好者,也涵盖那些关注中国发展的外国读者、海外同胞等,所以在翻译时尤其需要注意,翻译后的文本要符合其目的语——英语的用语习惯,同时必须考虑译文呈现出来的英语是否纯正地道,确保不出现中式英语等类似错误。例如, 2012年8月9日的《China Daily》中,“Avoid self-inflicted setbacks and grows in confidence amid bias”. 其中,“不折腾”译为“avoid self-inflicted setbacks”,官方最初是将其音译为“bu zheteng”,这让很多国外读者不知所云。之后相继出现了“no trouble-making ”“don’t flip-flop”等翻译。尽管目前译者采用归化的翻译法翻译成的“bu zheteng”已被官方接受,但外国媒体更倾向于接受“avoid self-inflicted setbacks”这一译文,译法比较地道,让读者一目了然。





为更好适应时代发展,政治新词汇也是不断增加。中国英文媒体在翻译一些新术语和新词汇的时候,能直译尽量直译,以保持原词的风格,例如,“Working for a beautiful China(China Daily 2013-02-28)”,其中“美丽中国”这一词可以直译为“beautiful China”。再如,为进一步贴近读者生活,中国英文媒体在翻译的时候,对一些偏口语化的政治常用语也可采取直译方法,比如,“习大大”被译为“Xi Dada / Uncle Xi”;“你懂的”被译为“you know what I mean”。比喻形式的政治常用语也很常见,在翻译的时候如果采取意译则显得啰唆和冗长,直译反而能体出这些词汇背后的中国特色。比如,在翻译“批评要有辣味,让干部红红脸,出出汗”的时候,《中国日报》翻译为“The work of criticism and self-criticism should be intensified,just like adding a bit of chili pepper to make every Party official blush and sweat a little”.(China Daily 2014-15-11)。其中“红红脸,出出汗”,直译为“blush and sweat a little”。

数字缩略词作为政治常用语中出现频率比较高的一类,中国英文媒体在翻译时通常采取直译的方法,例如,“The CPC leadership issued an eight-point guideline in December 2012”.(China Daily 2014-02-10)其中“中央八项规定”被译为“eight-point guideline”,既生动直观,又不失其政治词汇短小精悍的语言色彩。


为了让国际社会各大媒体和海内外读者更了解我国政治常用语的内涵,中国英文媒体对于那些很难通过直译准确传递含义的词句,必要时在直译后面也可略加解释,例如,“The ruling CPC has vowed to crack down on both high-ranking “tigers” and low-ranking “flies” -- junior and high-ranking officials who take bribes, steal assets and illicitly enrich themselves and their families”.(China Daily 2013-12-27)其中,“老虎、苍蝇一起打”,直译为“crack down both flies and tigers”,后面附解释,以补充说明该短语的含义。


在官方话语中,意译也是政治常用语翻译的策略之一。当英语词汇中很难找到既达意又传神的词汇时,中国英文媒体在理解原词含义的基础上进行意译就显得格外重要。比如,It is great to see the world refusing to become a scapegoat for the mistakes of the US. (China Daily 2010-11-22)西方文化中,没有能准确表达“背黑锅”的翻译词汇,因此,译者在翻译的时候将“背黑锅”意译——“to become a scapegoat”(变成替罪羊)。这样既忠实地表达了这个词的含义,又符合英文的表达习惯,帮助外国读者更好理解原文意思。


有时意译也不能完全表达官方话语的含义,这种情况,就需要在意译后面添加必要的解释。例如,The mass line campaign was a crackdown on the “four forms of decadence”“formalism, bureaucratism, hedonism and extravagance”.( China Daily 2013-08-21)其中,《中国日报》将“四风”翻译为“four forms of decadence”,即“四种堕落”,又在后面再进行解释,充分向读者介绍“四风”的具体含义,使对我国政治词汇不太熟悉的外国人更易理解该词语含义。


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