


英语专业个人英文简历的 篇1


目前所在地: 广州 民族: 汉族

户口所在地: 广东省 身材: 160 cm? kg

婚姻状况: 未婚 年龄: 23 岁


人才类型: 普通求职?

应聘职位: 行政/人事类:秘书/文员/助理

工作年限: 1 职称: 无职称

求职类型: 全职 可到职- 随时

月薪要求: 1500--2000 希望工作地区: 广州

个人工作经历: .11-.8   东莞杰光灯饰有限公司江门分公司






毕业院校: 私立华联学院

英语专业个人英文简历的 篇2

With entering the information age, we are urgently required to possess a valuable wealth—learning autonomy.Learning autonomy means that it is not the end of our school education as we step out of the door of school education, but a new start of new educationlife-long autonomous learning.On the other hand, during shool education, it is impossible to obtain every knowledge from teachers in class.There is no exception to the autonomy of learning English.Therefore, autonomous learning of English for college students majoring in English matters a lot.

However, in the department of foreign languages in Ding xi Teachers College, the autonomy of freshmen in learning English is not optimistic.Through making a questionnaire, I find that most of them lack of autonomy in English learning.If their teachers don’t arrange assignments, they even seldom read their course books.In class, most of them are unwilling to speak English actively;outside of class, they seldom create opportunities to learn English, or even they come across some chances, they seldom make full use of them.

The problems mentioned above are caused by many factors.In my opinion, the

reason why a lot of college students choose English as their major is not because of their interest, but because of their employment in future.I surveyed 123 first-year English majors from Class1, 2, 3, 4, in our department.The answers of 77 students can be used to analyze the questionnaire.When No 4 question“I think learning English is fun and full of exploration, the more I learn, the more interested I will be.”was asked, Only 5 students chose“5 (completely true) ”, 19 students chose“4 (usually true) ”, accounting for 31%.While No 7 question“I think my grades of English examinations have to do with my employment.”was asked, 35 students chose“5 (complete true) ”, 24 students chose“4 (usually true) ”, accounting for 74%.Thus, they study English very passively.They study English, most of time, just for examinations.

Therefore, the level of English major freshmen’s autonomy in English learning in our school is low, and it is hypothesized that the level of autonomy relates to learning achievement.

Therefore, my research general objective is to make a survey of English major freshmen’s autonomy in English learning.

Specific objectives are to find how high is the level of the autonomy of English major freshmen in English learning;how the level of autonomy relates to learning achievement;what the differences in the level of autonomy between female students and male students are.It is hypothesized that the level of autonomy relates to learning achievement.I surveyed 123 first-year English majors from Class1, 2, 3, 4 in our school.The survey lasted 3 weeks.The survey was conducted through interview, classroom observation and questionnaire.The survey showed that the level of autonomy in English is low and significantly correlated to academic performance.In general, there is no significant difference between male and female students, but in motivation female students are higher.

As far as I know, there are quite a few books, papers and conference presentations dealing with autonomous learning.They are, namely, Establishing Self-Access From Theory to Practice by Dickinson.L, Learner Autonomy in Practice by Little.D., Learner Autonomy and the Need for Learner Training by Mcdevitt, Autonomy and Foreign Language Learning by Holec.H.However all the books are simply an introduction to the western theory and practice in autonomous learning, few applying to the typical Chinese educational context, let alone the Foreign Language Department of Ding xi Teachers College, I know all teachers learn that most students do not like to study, but few teachers pay much attention to the cultivation of English major freshmen’s autonomy and enhance them.So I made a survey of English major Freshmen’s autonomy in learning English

2 Autonomous Learning

2.1 Definition of autonomous learning

The definitions of autonomous learning are of variety, different researchers focusing on different aspects share different concept of it.Debates about the acquirement of“life-long-learning”skills and development of independent thinkers rose in the 1960s, when the concept of autonomous learning emerged.Holec, Henri is an advocator and pioneer of autonomous learning in language learning.His definition is, “The autonomous language learner takes responsibility for the totality of his learning situation.” (Holec, 1979) .

Brain Kenny (1993) defined autonomous learning in this way-autonomous learning creates opportunities for the learners to generate knowledge”.

Cotterall (2000:109) argues that autonomous learning is supposed to be viewed as an essential objective of all learning and should include such aspects of language learning process setting objectives, selecting learning strategies, and evaluating progress.

The above definitions define the autonomous learning from different aspects.I will give my definition from another angle.In my own opinion, learning autonomy is not only a capacity to learn efficiently, but also, and what is more important, an excellent habit we can carefully foster through a long time, with which we can learn efficiently and learn lifelong time with fun, with our good qualities, like positive attitude of life, determination, perseverance, persistence and so on.

2.2 Characteristics of autonomous learning

According to my definition of autonomous learning and research of Norman, Little, and other scholars, the characteristics of autonomous learning in English teaching and learning, in my opinion, are as following:

1) Time-consuming When it comes to fostering and shaping the helpful habit-learning autonomy, Rome is not built in one day.That is really the case.Like all habits, good or bad, they are not shaped in a moment.

2) Correlation with good personal qualities.If we want to shape the habit-learning autonomy, we first should pay attention to fostering our good personalities.However hard and bored at the beginning, we should have a strong will, be determined, persisted until it is a habit without which you feel empty in your heart.Its shaping is closely associated with good personal qualities.

3) Stability Once the habit of autonomous learning is shaped, it is relatively stable, it can go a long way, sometimes for some body lasts lifelong.

4) Relativity Different person shares different personalities, which affects the degrees of autonomy.like what Noman (997:193) states, the fully autonomous learner is an ideal rather than a reality.Therefore, there are different degrees of autonomy.

5) Effectiveness and fun When the habit is shaped, we will take learning as a habit, it can help us to study effectively.Language is acquired most effectively when we are directly involved in accomplishing something, and then we will have a personal interest in the outcome of what we are using the language to do, we will feel fun to learn English.

2.3 Theoretical background

Autonomous language learning approach was founded on the basis of Constructivism, Linguistic basis.

2.3.1 Constructivism

Piaget (Developing a course strategy for learner autonomy.ELT Journal, 49/3, 219-227) stated individuals were actively involved right from birth in constructing personal meaning, which was their own personal understanding, from their experience.From his theory, we know the learner is the main role in learning and teaching.Learners take active responsibility for their own learning, engaged in formulating hypotheses to explore the rules of the target language.It is important for language teachers to help and encourage students in this process, rather than consider them as passive receivers.

George Kelly (Developing a course strategy for learner autonomy.ELT Journal, 49/3, 219-227) , stated his idea in his personalconstruct theory.He began with the premise of‘man-as-scientist’, constantly sought to make sense of his world.People carry out their own personal experiments, construct hypotheses actively seek to confirm or disconfirm them.According to him, language is not learned by the mere memorization of discrete items of grammar, discourse, function or other aspects of language.Instead, learners are involved in an active process of making sense.As language teachers, we should take advantage of a variety of ways to get students involved in learning and construct their own understanding of the language.It is more important to teach them how to learn than to give them knowledge only.

2.3.2 Linguistic basis

Chomsky (Learning as dialogue:the dependence of learner autonomy on teacher autonomy system 23/2, 175-181) claimed that human beings are biologically endowed with an innate language faculty.The innate language faculty incorporates a set of universal grammatical principles (UG) .If students learn a few words, they have an ability to creatively use the language to express their ideas.He emphasized the importance of innate knowledge and the learner’s contribution to the process of language learning.

Krashen’s affective filter hypothesis deals with how affective factors related to SLA.In his view, the filter controls how much input the learner comes into contract with, and how much input is converted into intake.It is effective because the factors, which determine its strength, have to do with the learner’s motivation, selfconfidence, and with low anxiety have low filters, and so obtain and let in plenty of input.For language learners, it is important to be aware of the fact that whatever language input is provided in classrooms, teachers should give students effective input and create lively atmosphere.They should give students more practice and make them the host of the class.

3 A Survey on Learner Autonomy

3.1 Research purpose and research questions

The above gives a definition of autonomous learning of my understanding and its characteristics.But it hasn’t made clear how learners act in real study.I want to know the level of the autonomous learning in real life in order to find causes of influencing autonomy of freshmen majoring in English.The survey tries to answer the following questions:

1.In terms of English major freshmen, how high is the level of autonomy in English learning?

2.How is the level of autonomy related to learning achievement?

3.What are the differences in the level of autonomy between female and male students?

3.2 Methods

3.2.1 Classroom observation

In Chinese language classes, students attach much importance to classroom learning activities, so their performances in the classroom reflect some of their learning habits and learning strategies.I observed 4 English classes (Class1, 2, 3, 4) .My observations aimed to identify how they learn.I wanted to get some useful information about how the students act in the classroom.

3.2.2 Interview

In order to get useful information about how students learn English in the class and outside, I conducted several interviews.Two groups of the interviewees were selected according to their achievements.One group came from the students who get high scores on the English section of their University Entrance Examination and could communicate fluently in class.The others scored lower and were unwilling to speak English in the classroom.I paid attention to the following points in the process of the interviewing.

a.During the interview, I speak to them in English as clearly as possible.I tried to make the students feel relaxed.In this way, they could express their real ideas.

b.The questions asked in the interviews were related to their learning in the classroom and outside.

3.2.3 Questionnaire

The questionnaire used in the survey which was designed by referring to HKBU Papers in (Applied Language Studies, 4, 64-79) was designed and expected to measure the level of autonomy.It was conducted on the basis of the definition of autonomous learning.The questionnaire contains two sections.Section 1 was on background information, including name, sex, and the scores on the English section of their University Entrance Examination.Section 2 consists of 58 items belonging to the following 6 categories:learning motivation, learning content, goal-setting and plan, learning strategy, assessment, and learning help.Each item was on a five-point scale ranging from 1“this statement is never or almost never true of me”to 5“this statement is always true of me”.The questionnaire was written in Chinese so that the students have no difficulty in understanding them.

Item 1-10 is used for testing motivation, item 11-20 for resource, item21-26 for goal-setting, item 27-43 for strategy, item44-51 for assessment and item 52-58 for learning environment. (see table1)

Before these items were designed, the validity was considered carefully.Mativation includes extrinsic motivation and intrinsic motivation.Although we consider teachers’efforts to motivate students, we do believe that ultimately students should become selfmotivated.The survey claims that intrinsically motivated people do things for their own sake instead of external reward.Intrinsic motivation is strongly related to self-regulation, one element of autonomous learning.Motivation was investigated through rating scales of various kinds of their attitude toward the language, the culture, and the learning process.The questions were mainly concerned with intrinsic motivation, such as“I am interested in English”, “I like to communicate with others in English”, “I think learning English is challenging and interesting”.

The items for learning content involve resources in class and outside.Here I suppose what students learn is determined by learners rather than their teachers.

The items for goal-setting and study plan are concerned with planning, time management.Goal-setting means that students set their learning objectives on their own.

The items for strategy mainly consist of listening, speaking, reading, writing, memory and other learning strategies.

The items for assessment include self-regulation, self-summary, self-assessment and self-reinforcement.

The items for help include physical environment and school culture.It showed how students get help from teachers, peers and other resources.

3.3 Results of the research and findings

3.3.1 Data analysis Correlation between different variables

The questionnaire was divided into six parts in order to test its reliability.Correlation analysis was used to test the relationships between different variables.Through calculation by the software SPSS 13, the reliabilities between the six dimensions range from0.770 to 0.961, which proved that the questionnaire was reliable and these six aspects were highly consistent.We can use it to identify the level of autonomous learning in Foreign Language Department of Ding xi Teachers College.As shown in Table 2, a close relation existed between the 6 variables of autonomous learning.Help had the strongest correlation with Assess. Levels of autonomy

Means and standard deviations of the learner autonomy in English learning on each aspect are described in Table 3.Most of the means are nearly half of the total.That means students didn’t have high level of autonomous learning.Of all the components, college students showed the lowest degree in assessing.The standard deviation is one of the most important statistical measures.It shows the typical amount by which values in the data differ from the mean.From the table we can see standard deviation of strategy is the highest and then comes motivation.All the standard deviation were big, which may be due to fact that students graduate from different middle schools. The relation between autonomy level and English achievement

In order to answer the second question, college students were divided into two parts in terms of the scores in College Entrance Examination, high-achievers are above the average score while the others are low-achievers.

The description of the levels of autonomy in high-achieving learners and low-achieving learners. (N1=51, N2=51)

The data indicates that high-achievers are significantly superior to the low-achieving ones in the overall level of autonomy.The autonomy in all the components is significantly related to learner achievement. The differences in the level of autonomy between female students and male students

M1=mean of autonomy in high-achieving learnersM2=mean of autonomy in low-achieving learnersS1=standard variation in high-achieving learnersS2=standard variation in low-achieving learners

In order to answer the third question, college students were divided into two parts, male students and female students. (N1=78, N2=24)

M1=mean of autonomy in male learnersM2=mean of autonomy in female learnersS1=standard variation in male learnersS2=standard variation in female learnersThe data shows that there are no significan

The data shows that there are no significant differences between male and female students (p>0.1) .But the autonomy of females in almost all the components except content was superior to males.

3.3.2 Classroom observation

Good learners were actively involved in classroom activities.They took notes when necessary and listened to the teacher inventively.They willingly and actively answer questions and think for themselves.In spoken English activities, they actively expressed their ideas and tried to use newly-learned words, phrases and sentences patterns.They seemed to have a strong desire to communicate, or learn from communication.They made up their own sentences instead of referring to the ones on the textbook.They were not afraid to make mistakes.If they had questions which could not be solved by themselves, they didn’t hesitate to ask for help.They took the initiative to speak in class.On the contrary, low-achieving students were tired of English.They tended to prefer written work, such as grammar and other written exercises.In class, they seldom took notes.Some of them don’t know what to take because their middle school teachers often told them what they needed to write down, but in college, it all depended on themselves.They were unwilling to answer questions unless asked to do so.If they had to do some presentations, they often read the original words in the books.Though they sometimes talked with their partners, they sometimes speak Chinese instead of English.

In reading, good learners did better than less successful students.They could take advantage of reading strategies well, such as scanning, skimming and guessing unfamiliar words from the context and find topic sentences easily.However low-achieving students couldn’t finish material in the limited time.Some of them even moved their fingers or pens while reading.They focused on words rather than meanings.

In writing, high-achieving students often wrote outlines first.They followed the teachers’requirements and directions of the training materials.After writing, they often checked their own assignments and sometimes ask their peers to do so.But low-achieving students often ignore the writing requirements.In addition, they made many grammatical mistakes in the sentences and submitted to the teacher without checking.

Neither high-achieving students nor low-achievers cooperated with their classmates in class.Females did much better in speaking than males.Quite a few males were reluctant to speak English in class.In the other fields, there were no differences.

3.3.3 Interview

students were also asked to reflect their learning, which includes the following questions:

1.Do you have a study plan?

2.Are you active in class?

3.What activities do you undertake to learn English after class?

4.Why do you want to carry out such activities?

5.Are you attentive or absent-minded?

6.How do you carry out this activity?Do you use any methods?

A high-achieving student:I have study plans.In class, I am active because it is good for me to practice my English and keep myself alert.I like reading English newspapers and magazines. (China Daily, 21stCentury, and English Salon) .They are too expensive.So I often read English books in our library.When I met new words, I guess their meanings.After reading, I look them up in the dictionary and write in my notebook.I like reading in the classroom.No one interrupt me there.I also like to speak English with my friends outside.I appreciate self-evaluation very much.

A low-achieving student:I don’t have a study plan.In class, I don’t like to answer the teachers’questions though sometimes I know the answers.I want to read some English materials outside class.But there are too many new words.I had to give up.Speak English?No chance.

3.4 Discussion

On the basis of the data analysis, we can conclude the level of autonomy has a significant relation to learner English achievement.The over mean of autonomy in high-achieving learners are higher than that means of autonomy in low-achieving learners.What made them different?


It is admitted that motivation is highly correlated to achievement, and this correlation is taken as evidence that highly motivated students do well in school and outside of school.The relationship may be in the opposite direction from that which is commonly assumed.That is, it may be superior achievement that enhances motivation as well as high motivation leading to superior performance.57%of low-achieving learners choose“they are never or seldom interested in English”and“only 10%of them like to communicate with others in English.”while 62%high-achievers say they are interested in English and 71%of them like to communicate with others in English.

There are two types of motivation, extrinsic and intrinsic.When the only reason for performing an act is to gain something outside the activity itself, such as passing an exam, or getting financial rewards, the motivation is likely to be extrinsic.When the experience of doing something generate interest and enjoyment, and the reason for performing the activity lie within the activity itself, then the motivation is likely to be intrinsic.Although both extrinsic and intrinsic motivations play an important role in learning, here intrinsic motivation is mainly dealt with and autonomous learners are self-motivated.Maslow (1970) claimed that intrinsic motivation is clearly superior to extrinsic.One of the most effective ways to help both child and adults to think and learn is to free them from the control of rewards and punishments.It was found that students who were interested in continuing their study beyond the college entrance requirement were positively and intrinsically motivated to succeed.In contrast, those who were only in the class to fulfill entrance requirement exhibited low motivation and weaker performance.

Learner level is likely to be one factor governing how important this type of attitude might be.It is possible that at the advanced level attitude towards the reference group will be more important than lower down.At the advanced stage getting inside the culture is more important.If the learners are interested in the target language community’s culture, custom, media and so on, it is more probable that they possess intrinsic motivation.It is also accepted that intrinsic motivation with long-term benefit and extrinsic motivation with short-term benefits.

The study of motivation also raises the interesting‘chick and egg’issue of cause and effect.Motivation may also lead to success;but success can also lead to motivation.

From the data, we can also see female students have a little higher motivation level in English.First it may be because girls have stronger competence in language learning.Second, maybe females are under pressure in education and employment.

4 Conclusion

In the thesis, I made a survey on learners’autonomy in English learning in Foreign Language Department of Ding xi Teachers College.The survey was based on the autonomous learning.I mainly focus on the understanding what autonomous learning means, including its definition, its characteristics and theoretical background.Then I use interview, classroom observation, questionnaire survey to explore the level of autonomy, the relation between the level of autonomy and English achievement, and the difference between male students and female students.At last, I point out one main cause which influences the level of autonomous in learning English.The survey showed that the level of autonomy in Foreign Language Department of Ding xi Teachers College is low and significantly correlated to academic performance.In general, there is no significant difference between male students and female students, but in motivation, female students are higher.By writing the thesis, I hope I can provide some useful information so that the teachers in our school know their students well about their autonomy in English learning, and help their students learn English actively and autonomously.

Though I have tried my best to ensure reliability and validity of the survey, due to my limited knowledge and current conditions unsolved, the present paper still needs improving.In the terms of methods, questionnaires may cover more aspects.Moreover, the subjects were chosen only 4 classes of freshmen in our school, which might affect its representative.Nevertheless, this paper describes what is actually going on in our EL classroom.It is expected that the result of the survey will benefit both teachers and students.


[1]Andrew D Cohen.Strategies in Learning and using a Second Language[M].Addision Wesley Longman Limited, 1998.

[2]Cotterall S.Developing a course strategy for learner autonomy[J].ELT Journal, 1995, 49 (3) :219-227.

[3]Cotterall S.Promoting Learner Autonomy Through The Curricu lum:Principles for designing language courses[J].ELT Journal, 2000, 54 (2) :109-117.

[4]Dickinson L.Self-instruction in language learning[M].Cam bridge:Cambridge University Press, 1987.

[5]Ho J, Crookall D.Breaking with Chinese cultural traditions:Learner autonomy in English language teaching[J].System, 1995, 23 (2) :235-243.

英语专业个人英文简历的 篇3

【关键词】原声英文电影 口译 自主学习










5.勤做笔记,勤查字典,建立丰富的语料库。将听不懂的、译错的单词或者句子写下来背熟。同时要挖掘词汇的深层含义。如在电影《阿甘正传》中,阿甘说“I could eat about a million and a half of these.”(我可以吃下一百五十万块巧克力)。此处的“million”一词并非“百万”的意思,而是指“大量的”。阿甘用夸张的语气表达了自己对巧克力的极度喜爱。






[1]Nida,E.A.Language,Culture and Translating[M].Shanghai:Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,1993:87.

园林专业个人英文简历 篇4

Basic CV

Name: Zhou xx Nationality: Chinese

Current location: Guangzhou National: Han

Exit and Entry: Hunan tall: 172 cm ? 65 kg

Marital Status: Single Age: 22 years old

Training Certification: integrity badge:

Job search intention and work experience

Personnel types: ordinary job ?

Position: Landscape / Horticulture categories: landscape design or construction design / advertising type of construction / real estate / property management

Work Experience: 0 Title: No Title

Job type: full-time can be reported for duty - at any time

Monthly requirements: 1000 - 1500 hope that the working area: Guangdong Province, Hunan and Zhejiang

Personal experience: second year as a school e-sports Association, the organization responsible for the work;

College part-time computer sales;

During the summer of plant survey conducted in Hengshan practice;

During the summer vacation in imperial garden in Beijing survey practice;

So far in October 2007 in Guangzhou City, Garden Design Institute internship Linke.

Educational background

Graduate institutions: Central South Forestry University of Science and Technology

Highest level of education: graduate - -07-01

Studies by one: the school garden professional II:

By education and training experience: from September to June the first secondary school in Changsha Railway

September 2004 to 7 in mid-2008, University of Science and Technology Industry Garden Nanlin

Language ability

Foreign Languages: English well

Mandarin level: the level of proficiency in Cantonese: null

The ability to work and other expertise

Performance of hand-painted with good graphics capabilities and the capacity of knowledge map;

Programming with the basic ability to skillfully use 3dmax, Autocad, photoshop and other software;

Open and generous self-confidence, others sincere and have good communication skills and team spirit, a more agile way of thinking. Serious patient care;

Love sports, have the physical stamina.

At school during the school term, president of E-sports, is responsible for organizing various activities, as well as members to participate in various activities to raise sponsorship funds, and a good communicative ability and organizational skills;

Actively participate in school activities, such as the school emblem of the house design house collection, a variety of landscape design competition, various sports competitions.

Detailed personal autobiography

Open and generous self-confidence, others sincere and have good communication skills and team spirit. Patient care seriously. Able to endure hardship;

Love sports, have the physical stamina.

For the garden landscape and the building industry as a whole, whether it is to do a design or construction, I do like it and were very keen to join the industry in the past.

涉外贸易专业英文个人简历 篇5

English Resume: Name:Michael Yang

Email Address:@public.usa.com

Mobile Phone:1363236XXXX


Age:26 Sex: Male

Expected Salary: face to face negotiation is preferred.EDUCATIONS:

Sep9.1998/Jul9, 2001 Central South university


Mar.2001/7 TO 2003/3 Pegasus Footwear Co., Ltd

Post:Assistant to Vice General Manager


 Arrange the production meeting for vice general manager. Receive and reply vice general manager’s internal and external mails. Communicate with Italian designer to follow up his design style with factory developers. Follow up factory 5’s production process and report to vice general manager every day. Receptionist of foreigners especially for dinner with drinking. Translate all the Chinese and English version of company rules. Handle all the issues of vice general manager when he is out of office for vacation or business trip.But calling vice general manager or reporting to president is a must before taking action.ACHIEVEMENTS:

Well assist vice general manager to handle his job.Jul.2003/7/now ACH & Co., HK Ltd

Post:Parts deparment manager


 Control running of parts department

 Sourcing new parts and purchase the general parts for oders. Search new parts vendor and compare the price.Build a system of vendors’ information for emergency use. Supervising assistant and staffs to send out the correct parts for production. Attend the jewely show in China such as in Hong Kong、Guangzhou and Shenzhen for source new vendors. Purchase parts in USA, Germany, and Italy. Execute the instructions from US head office

 Control the spare quantity of parts production.Show the

operators how to handle the parts such as laser shooting, plating and polishing etc. Management of parts inventory quantity.ACHIEVEMENTS:

 Well control parts department running and get good feedback from US head office.Save lots of cost for company. Train out some good staffs and cooperate with me very well.SKILLS:

 Familiar with footwear development. Good command of jewelry field.Practice of 6 months in the

fatory before positioning as parts manager.Good understanding of all the production procedures, especially well known of parts issues.Know the quality problems of the jewelry such as loose and broken stones, over-high and over-low prongs of the rings, over-polishing and poor plating etc.Well uderstanding of parts such as chains, lever back, pins, nuts and silk cord, etc.Know the labor fees of parts processing, price and quality. Can work well under pressure.Face difficulty and patiently train subordinate to work and build team work spirit in our group.Enjoy my work.Good communication and corresponding ability.Can handle the emergency issues well in the job. Good planning of production capacity and accordingly adjust staffs and equipment to match the production if necessary. Make correct decision under emergency situations

 Independent work under pressure

 TEM-4 and TEM-8 in May, 2000 and March, 2001

 Good command of English skills

工商管理专业个人英文简历 篇6

基本信息 姓名: 国籍: 中国 头像

工商管理专业核心课程:管理会计、财务管理、市场营销管理、企业管理概论、财政学、货币银行学、国际金融、生产与运作管理、质量管理学、企业创新管理、成本核算、金融市场、人力资源管理、消费者交流与销售管理、战略管理专题研讨、消费者行为问题与分析、监督与领导机制、电子商务、项目管理、小型企业管理。 语言能力 外语: 英语良好 国语水平: 精通 粤语水平: 精通 工作能力及其他专长 真诚`自信`充满亲和力的我相信一定会给公司带来不少冲劲.喜欢与人沟通`热情开朗`热爱交际也为我做服务行业带来了很大优势.

我相信机遇对每个人来说都是平等的,只要肯用心就一定能成功! 详细个人自传 专业知识的学习以及多年的工作实践,使我积累了丰富的工作经验,并取得了优越成绩。另外我还从事过部门员工的培训工作,具有一定管理工作经验。我本人性格开朗,积极向上,乐于与人沟通,喜欢迎接新的挑战。 个人联系方式

英语专业个人英文简历的 篇7

2000年版《高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲》提出了三门有关英语专业阅读方面的课程, 即《阅读》 (必修课) 、《外国报刊选读》 (选修课) 、《网上阅读》 (选修课) 。《大纲》对外语人才培养规格进行了特别说明, 其中第二点强调21世纪的外语人才应该具备宽广的知识面, 即除了英语专业知识如文学、语言学和相关国家社会与文化的知识外, 还需具备相关学科包括外交、金融、法律、军事、新闻和科技等诸多学科领域的知识。因此, 对英语专业学生来说, 仅靠学习精读书或泛读书上的几篇文章, 或者读几本英文名著是远远不够的。他们应该不断拓展阅读面和阅读量, 以适应新时代对外语人才的需求, 而英文报刊阅读成为越来越多的大学生的一个选择。


据笔者调查, 95%以上的学生从主观上认为英文报刊阅读对扩大词汇量、丰富英美国家背景知识等有重要作用。而从英文报刊报刊本身的特点也可以看出其对英语学习者提高英语水平有着得天独厚的优势。

英文报刊具有“快”、“新”、“俗”三个方面特征:所谓“快”, 即在社会生活生产中出现的某一新事物或新概念的表达能在英文报刊中体现出来, 如同性恋“出柜 (come out) ”等只要一出现就能立即出现在报刊中, 这是教科书和一般的词典所望尘莫及的。这使得英语学习者能紧跟语言发展的步伐。所谓“新”, 是指表达新事物、新概念的英语新词大多首先出现在英文报刊中, 才逐渐流行于世的。因此, 报刊被认为是英语新词诞生的摇篮, 它详细地记载了生活中变化的世界, 也成了我们研究、掌握当代英语最直接的途径之一。所谓“俗”, 是指报纸杂志通常被视作面向社会各阶层的大众化媒体。其措辞及句法上多采用简单句, 语言比较通俗易懂。

因此, 同普通教材相比, 英文报纸杂志具有时效性强、语言真实、题材广泛、内容丰富、贴近生活的特点, 能使教师更容易调动学生学习英语的积极性, 培养学生对英语的兴趣, 是教师教学和学生阅读实践的好材料。


随着学界对报刊阅读重要性的认识的加深, 越来越多的学校开始把报刊阅读课设为必修课, 但是其存在的问题不容忽视。

1. 英文报刊阅读教材

一方面, 市面上确实有一些英文报刊阅读课程的教材, 但大多是简单地按照题材搜集材料成为一本书, 难易程度把握不好。另一方面, 课程的教材内容比较老化, 很难跟上报刊的“新”, 尤其对于一些流行时间较短的与时尚娱乐相关的话题, 在某种程度上无法激发学生阅读的兴趣和积极性。

从学生能订阅到的材料来说, 现在国内发行的英语报纸杂志也有一些, 但是适合大学生的却少之又少, 只有《中国日报》、《环球时报》、《北京周刊》等。笔者所在的二本院校因为地处县城, 基本上很难买到英文报纸, 就算有, 也是发行日期几天之后的。至于主要英语国家发行的报纸, 因为价格或其他原因学校没有订阅。

2. 学生的学

(1) 学生的自主阅读能力差。据笔者调查, 学生除了上课的材料外, 很少进行额外的报刊阅读。受长期的应试思想影响, 很多学生还没有认识到扩大阅读量的重要性, 于是他们更偏向于在考试前狠背单词或者进行应试方面的训练而忽略平时养成良好的阅读习惯、课堂内外阅读相结合、多积累的重要性。

(2) 阅读策略和技巧不佳。在教学实践中, 笔者发现许多英语专业学生阅读仅仅停留在一个词一个词的阅读中, 他们习惯于用手机或电子词典查单词的意思, 却不知道这些词语在文中具有特殊意义。这种阅读方法会在很大程度上影响阅读速度, 导致Nuttall所说的“薄弱的阅读者的恶性循环”, 即读得越慢导致读得越少, 读得越少导致理解能力越差[1]。另外, 这种不断停下来查单词的阅读方法很显然会影响读者对文章上下文信息连贯性的把握, 最终导致理解的困难。

3. 教师的教

报刊阅读教学与普通的精读或泛读教学不一样。报刊阅读教学需要教师熟悉报刊文章的体裁特点、语言特色等。但许多报刊阅读的教师没有接受过专门的训练, 完全按照自己的经验与想法教学, 于是仍然会出现把大量的时间花在语法和词汇的讲解上的情况, 同时课堂上训练学生阅读技巧的时间少, 这样的教学方式久而久之会使学生对报刊阅读失去兴趣。


1. 阅读材料的选择方面

许多语言学家对阅读材料的选择提出了他们的看法。Krashen的输入假设提出理想输入应具备四个特点:可理解性 (comprehensibility) ;既有趣, 又有关联 (interesting and relevant) ;非语法程序安排 (not grammatically sequenced) 和要有足够的量 (i+1) 。同时, 他把输入分为两种:精调输入和粗调输入, 前者指经过修改或调整了的内容, 后者指未经过任何改变的内容。他认为后者比前者更能促进输入[2]。Eskey认为任何一个阅读老师的首要任务是寻找学生感兴趣的阅读材料[3]。许多事实也表明相对于简单但学生不感兴趣的材料, 他们更乐意阅读难度较大但感兴趣的材料。Nuttall提出了评估阅读材料的三个原则:适合性, 可开拓性, 可读性。适合性是指教师应该选择学生的感兴趣的材料来进行课堂教学;可开拓性是指有必要考虑阅读的目的, 并且综合阅读技巧;可读性是指教师应该评估学生的阅读水平、考虑阅读材料词汇、结构及篇章难度等是否适合学生的水平[1]。

根据以上所述学者的观点, 笔者认为学生的报刊阅读材料应该符合以下几个标准。

(1) 阅读材料应该有宽广的涵盖面。报刊阅读课上所用的材料可能大部分是由教师决定的, 而每个学生可能有自己的偏好, 很难满足每个学生的要求。但是教师可以利用有限的课堂时间让话题涉及政治、经济、文化、娱乐、体育、文教、卫生、科技、生活等各个方面。而课外的阅读学生可以自由选择自己所喜欢的话题和内容。

(2) 阅读材料应该是真实的语言材料。英语的真实语言材料是指文章的目标读者是以英语为母语的人, 而非二语学习者。Wallace认为选择真实的语料对阅读指导有至关重要的作用[4]。Wong与Choi认为真实语料对英语教和学有积极的作用[5]。英语专业的大学生大部分学习英语已达六年以上, 他们具有较好的英语基础, 因此他们完全有能力阅读这些原汁原味的报刊材料。虽然目前像笔者所在的学校订阅英语国家的报刊的可能性较小, 但是网络提供了一个广阔的平台, 因此教师可以向学生介绍并推荐一些主要英语国家的报纸杂志供他们选择。

(3) 报刊阅读材料必须有足够的量。尽管Krashen强调可理解性输入必须有充足的量[6], 但是他并没有确切地说明到底多少输入才是足够的。笔者认为作为起引导作用的教师应该考虑到学生的学习任务及学生的个体差异, 尽量做到课上阅读与课外阅读相结合。对于基础不是太扎实, 阅读能力一般的学生除了要准备课堂上的材料外, 还可以让他们每个礼拜至少读两份英语报纸。而对基础较好、能动性强、阅读能力不错的学生, 教师可以给他们推荐一些让他们自己完成就好了。

2. 学生方面

(1) 培养良好的阅读习惯。首先, 学生应该认识到培养阅读习惯的重要性。阅读的习惯能直接影响阅读效果及阅读速度。其次, 可以根据阅读材料的难度和要求确定阅读速度, 通过有意识地训练改变不良的阅读习惯。

(2) 提高阅读速度。Nuttall指出, 如果读者想要进入一个阅读的良性循环, 成为一名优秀的读者, 那么他最好读得快一些, 读得快一些, 他就会受激励读得多一些, 而阅读量越大, 理解能力也会随之增强[1]。因此, 学生可以通过改变不良阅读习惯, 以及在阅读过程中运用一定的阅读技巧和策略提高阅读速度。

(3) 扩大阅读面, 增加阅读量。目前许多报纸不仅有纸质版, 还有网络版和手机版, 学生可以充分利用报纸形式的多元化, 选择最方便快捷的方式阅读, 如很多学生喜欢手机阅读, 教师可以多加引导和鼓励。

3. 教师方面

英文报刊阅读课程的教师, 除了应该具备良好的思想素质和扎实的英语基本功之外, 还应培养英文报刊教学所需要的素质, 如了解主要英语国家新闻概况, 通晓报刊英语语言和篇章特色, 掌握丰富的英语国家背景文化知识, 以免在实际的教学过程中出现文化上的理解错误, 等等。除此之外, 教师还需要熟悉报刊语言习得规律, 结合具体的文章传授并且训练学生的阅读策略和技巧。

教师要充分考虑到报刊文章的难易度、典型性、实用性、趣味性和新颖性。在课堂上, 应该多给学生介绍英语报刊文章的语言特点、大体框架、文章类型等。有意识地训练学生的阅读技巧, 指导学生根据具体文章有针对性地运用浏览、略读和精读等阅读方法, 培养其快速获取信息的能力。另外, 教师应该多组织学生进行课堂讨论, 针对报刊文章的话题进行讨论, 同时可以鼓励他们把自己的想法用英文作文写出来。认知理论认为, 英语学习的过程是新旧知识不断结合的过程, 理论知识转换为自动应用的过程, 而这种结合与转换都必须通过学生的自身活动才能得以实现[7]。学生是教学的主体, 教学要以学生为中心才能真正取得良好的效果。除此之外, 还应该多推荐读学生一些难度与自身阅读水平相当的文章作为课后补充阅读。


英文报刊能给学生提供贴近生活实际、新颖时尚、丰富多彩的资源。教师可以很好地引导学生充分利用这一资源, 而学生则需要发挥自身的能动性, 积极主动地扩大阅读量, 认识到坚持英语报刊阅读是提高自身英语思维能力的最有效途径之一[8]。


[1]Nuttall, C.E..Teaching reading skills in a foreign language (new ed.) [M].Oxford:Heinemann, 1996.

[2]Krashen, S.D..Principles and practice in second languagelearning and acquisition[M].Oxford:Pergamon Press, 1982.

[3]Eskey, D.E..Teaching second language reading for aca-demic purposes[C]//F.Dublin, D.E.Eskey&W.Grabe (eds) .Theo-retical foundations.Reading, MA:Adison-Wesley Publishing Com-pany, 1986:3-23.

[4]Wallace, C.Reading[M].Oxford:Oxford University Press, 1992.

[5]Wong, V, Kwok, P.&Choi, N..The use of authentic mate-rials at tertiary level.The ELT Journal 49[J], 1995:318-22.

[6]Krashen, S.D.The Input Hypothesis:Issues and Implica-tions[M].London:Longman Press, 1985.

[7]闫丽君, 王冬梅.民族院校英文报刊阅读教学的现状及思考[J].西北第二民族学院学报 (哲学社会科学版) , 2007 (2) :110.

英语专业个人英文简历的 篇8

关键词:高职 英文录入 课堂教学















