


天津高考英语书面表达范文 篇1



61.假设你是晨光中学的学生会主席李津。一批来自英国的高中生与你校学生开展了为期两周的交流活动。现在,他们即将回国,你将在欢送会上致辞。请根据以下提示写一篇发言稿。(1)回顾双方的交流活动(如学习、生活、体育、文艺等方面);(2)谈谈收获或感情;(3)表达祝愿语期望。注意:(1)词数不少于100;(2)可适当加入细节,是内容充实、行文连贯;(3)开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。高考英语书面表达发言稿演讲稿写作点津 紧扣新课标书面表达命题特点提纲类书信体典范

天津高考英语书面表达范文 篇2

2008年云南省高考英语考试大纲要求:“考生根据提示进行书面表达。考生应能: (1) 准确使用语法和词汇; (2) 用一定的句型、词汇, 清楚、连贯地表达自己的意思。”具体来说, 考生的书面表达内容应当符合题名, 选择恰当的文体;使用的词汇要准确表达思想, 正确使用词语搭配;使用多样化的句式表达主题;恰当使用连接词, 使语句之间连贯自然, 符合逻辑等等。


高考英语书面表达参考范文虽然不是唯一或是最佳的, 但对于考生如何写好高考英语作文提高成绩具有指导作用。2008年全国各地19篇高考英语书面表达范文总结分析起来有如下特点:

1.总字数要求一般在100左右;要求在100左右的范文平均字数110.5个词, 最多的为118词;范文所使用的单字字数总计为734个, 平均73.92个;


to (107) and (68) I (67) a (64)

the (64) of (41) you (39) in (35)

we (34) can (30) is (29) for (27)

it (27) that (23) our (22) will (22)

be (20) my (20) was (18) me (16)

your (16) life (15) learn (14) more (14)

with (14) all (13) are (13) as (13)

they (13) an (12) good (12) have (12)

her (12) should (11) this (11) us (11)

because (10) but (10) by (10) make (10)

not (10) on (10) one (10) what (10)

3.主体时态基本上都是一般现在时 (12篇) , 少数是一般过去时 (2篇) , 或者短文的某部分用一般现在时, 另一部分用一般过去时 (3篇) 。

4.大部分范文使用第一人称来叙述 (13篇) 。

5.短文体裁有书信 (4篇) 、应用文 (3篇) 、记叙文 (2篇) 、议论文 (4篇) 、演讲稿 (2篇) 等。


08年全国I卷:be delighted to, give birth to, live a happy and healthy life, by the way, have a photo taken, …

08年全国II卷:whenever possible, make friends, It should be a good idea to, …

08年北京卷:go for spring outing, come up with, go boating/mountain climbing, set off, here and there, pick up, …

08年天津卷:make one′s day, get on, fee exhausted, …

08年上海卷:As is known to us all…, call on sb to do sth, take an active part in, personally thinking, as well as, not only…but also…, call for, last but no the least, join in, …

08年重庆卷:in order to, be familiar with, give sb advice on sth, in this way, make progress, happen to do sth, inform sb of sth, …

08年福建卷:live/work together, without hesitation recommend sb to sb else, be good at, for one thing, for another thing, take care of, …

08年四川非延考区:for example, the last person to leave the room, turn off, in order to, be made of, …

08年湖南卷 (Sample 1) :be thought to be, be worth doing, in fact, a man full of imagination, because of more than, be eager to do sth, so…that…, day and night, …

08年湖南卷 (Sample 2) :every time, cannot help doing sth, give up, struggle to do sth, lead an active life, set an excellent to sb, try one′s best to do sth, …

08年湖南卷 (Sample 3) :a man of little education, all over the world, set sb doing sth, lead a meaningful life, play one′s role, …

08年湖北卷:sell out, at least, on hearing that, …

08年江西卷:deal with, on one′s own, at times, the other day, have a hard time (in) doing sth, major in, advise sb to do sth, agree to do sth, …

08年安徽卷:too much, encourage sb to do sth, be made of, a variety of, more and more, take steps to do sth, …

08年浙江卷:in this way, what′s more, be able to do sth, on one′s own, work out, prefer to do sth, get along with, …

08年江苏卷:listen to, find it easy to do sth, be likely to do sth, be interested in, even though, in a word, get closer to, …

08年陕西卷:all day, both at home and abroad, let alone, as for my suggestion, make a choice, benefit from, …

08年山东卷:feel distressed, too…to do sth, make fun of, to start with, compare notes with, in one′s spare time, adapt to, as soon as possible, …

08年辽宁卷:grow up, consist of, not only…but also…, in front of, in order to, do sports, so that, keep fit, go running, take a walk, after a day′s study, …

7.范文使用五种基本句型, 其中“主语+及物动词+宾语”的句式为最多。例如:

(1) He had more than 1, 000 inventions. (08湖南卷Sample 1)

(2) Helen has set an excellent to all of us. (08湖南卷Sample 2)

(3) …, and they will not disappoint you. (08江西卷)

(4) Firstly, we should develop a good attitude to life. (08辽宁卷)

(5) …you′ll learn and remember Chinese words more easily. (08全国II卷)

(6) You can also make more Chinese friends. (08全国II卷)

(7) They will tell you a lot about China and help you learn Chinese. (08全国II卷)

8.使用各种从句。2008年19篇高考书面表达范文使用了32个名词从句 (多数为宾语从句, 少数的主语从句和表语从句) 、29个状语从句 (原因状语从句10个;时间状语从句7个;条件状语从句4个;让步状语从句3个;结果状语从句、目的状语从句、表示对比的各1个) 和14个定语从句。

此外, 范文使用it作形式主语和形式宾语的句式;使用倒装语序;使用语句间上下文的连接手段, 过渡自然符合逻辑;使用非谓语动词形式, 特别是动词不定式做宾语和目的状语、-ing形式作状语等;每一篇短文都使用了不少的语句间的连接手段。



学习英语, 词汇的积累自不必说, 突破高考英语书面表达平时要注意基础词汇的学习, 用熟常用词, 熟记常用表达法。例如:spend… (in) doing sth/spend…on sth;It takes sb...to do sth.;have difficulty/trouble (in) doing sth;look forward to (doing) sth;be worth doing;How do you like/find the film?/What do you think of the film?;The reason is that...等等。实际上, 对于学了六年英语的学生来说, 高考书面表达中可能用到的词汇量并不算大, 几乎都是初中、高一、高二学的词汇。平时练习中有的学生往往忽略基础核心词汇, 在表达某一意义时只是看看汉英词典 (电子词典) 甚至不管其具体含义随便用一个词, 而只有掌握常用词的基本用法才有可能减少高考书面表达中的汉语式句子。例如:

(1) 这段时间学习很忙。

My study is very busy these days. (错误)

I am very busy with my study these days. (正确)

(2) 如果你方便的话, 请顺便买点吃的东西。

If you are convenient, please pick up something to eat. (错误)

If it is convenient for you, please pick up something to eat. (正确)

(3) 如果你有兴趣, 可以亲自来看看。

Come and take a look yourself if you are interesting. (错误)

Come and take a look yourself if you are interested. (正确)

(4) 这本书很畅销。

The book is sold well. (错误)

The book sells well. (正确)

(5) 有二十个乘客在事故中丧生。

There were twenty passengers died in the accident. (错误)

Twenty passengers died/lost their lives in the accident. (正确)

6) 我的家乡发生了极大的变化。

My hometown has taken place great changes. (错误)

Great changes have taken place in my hometown. (正确)

归纳熟记常用地道表达法能够丰富句式, 增添文采, 在有限的字数范围内, 尽可能地避免重复。在写作中相同或相似的意义其实可用不同的表达法。例如:

因为生病, 他没来上学。

(1) He didn′t come to school because he was ill.

(2) He didn′t come to school because of his illness.

(3) He didn′t come to school as a result of his illness.

(4) He was ill.As a result, he didn′t come to school.

(5) Being ill, he didn′t come to school.

(6) The reason why he didn′t come to school is that he was ill.

(7) The reason for his being absent from school is that he was ill.

(8) His illness prevented him from coming to school.

(9) He was ill.That′s why he didn′t come to school.

(10) His illness resulted in his absence from school.

(11) His illness led to his absence from school.


如果说词汇是建造英语大厦所必不可少的砖块, 那么语法就是钢筋混凝土框架, 砖块要用钢筋混凝土才能牢牢地连接在一起。英语中的五种基本句型, 即“主语+不及物动词”、“主语+系动词+表语”、“主语+及物动词+宾语”、“主语+及物动词+宾语+宾语”和“主语+及物动词+宾语+宾语补足语”, 能够帮助我们用好词汇, 表达思想, 不管多长的句子都可分解为其中的一种。例如:

我每天上学。I go to school every day.

考生表达思想时, 时间概念很重要。汉语的时间概念通过加“要、过、了、尚未、已经、正在……”等来表示, 而英语是通过谓语动词发生词形变化来表示。例如:

He is a student. (他现在是个学生。)

He was a student. (他曾经是个学生。)

He will be a student. (他将成为一个学生。)

He has been a student. (他一直是个学生。)

从历年高考来看, 比较重要的时态有:一般现在时、一般过去时、现在完成时、过去进行时、现在进行时、过去完成时、一般将来时和现在完成进行时。高考英语书面表达中的主体时态不外乎两种:一般现在时和一般过去时。写作时先确定哪些句子用主体时态, 其他句子以主体时态为参照点选用正确的时态。例如2008年全国I卷中的主体时态是一般现在时, 在此基础上就有了“About three years ago I was delighted to learn that Baiyun gave birth to her daughter Sulin and I have been watching her grow on your website.”。

动词词形变化有许多不规则形式, 一定要进行强化记忆。常考而考生经常写错的不规则变化有:


文章要语意通顺, 连贯自然, 前后衔接紧密, 以下连接词必不可少:

(1) 关联词:如when, so, if, because, so that, although等

a) She became deaf and blind when she was 19months old. (08湖南卷Sample 2)

b) If you happen to know the news, please inform your classmates of it. (08重庆卷)

(2) 过渡性词语:

表示递进关系: (肯定) Besides, What′s more, Also, In addition, Furthermore等;

(否定) What′s worse, Even worse, Worse still, To make matters worse等。


“一……就……”:the moment, immediately, directly, on doing sth, as soon as possible等。

“每当/每次/无论何时”:every time, each time, whenever, the first time等。

“不久”:before long, after a while, soon, 等。

“然后”:after that, then, afterwards, shortly after that, next, so等。

“同时”:at the same time, meanwhile, in the mean time等。

表示转折:however, but, on the contrary, on the other hand, yet, though等。

表示顺序:first (ly) , second (ly) , third (ly) , last, finally, next, the, to start with, for one thing, for another thing等。

表示惊奇:to one′s surprise, surprisingly等。

表示结果:as a result, consequently, therefore, thus, so

表示总结:in a word, in short, above all, generally speaking, to sum up, in all等。

表达观点:in my opinion, from my point of view, personally等。


a) Besides, dancing a group dance calls for teamwork. (08上海卷)

b) Also, I would like to introduce my good friends to you. (08山东卷)


写英语作文时根据需要使用简单句、并列句、主从复合句, 甚至复杂句, 使句子有长有短, 错落有致。

(1) 使用状语从句:状语从句是必不可少的, 特别是原因状语从句、时间状语从句。例如:

a) I will not use things like paper cups and disposable chopsticks because they are made of wood. (08四川非延考区卷)

b) As the work can be divided among several people, it can be done efficiently. (08浙江卷)

c) Secondly, we must study hard because knowledge is power. (08辽宁卷)

d) She became deaf and blind when she was 19months old. (08湖南卷Sample 2)

e) Show your respect and never stop others till they finish their talk;… (08江苏卷)

f) I think the compasses are reasonable to be proud because no one else can do the job better. (08北京卷)

g) I admire Helen because she is optimistic about life. (08湖南卷Sample 2)

h) He said since it was a new model in China, it was impossible to fix it without the right spare parts. (08湖北卷)

i) I′ve been a panda lover since I was a child. (08全国I卷)

j) When I was reading the advertisement, the aim of this activity impressed me greatly. (08福建卷)

k) I should try to use both sides of paper whenever it is possible. (08四川非延考区卷)

l) If you happen to know the news, please inform your classmates of it. (08重庆卷)

m) If we have the power, we can help to build our country and enjoy life better. (08辽宁卷)

n) Seeing her so tired, I offered my seat to her although I felt exhausted myself. (08天津卷)

o) In order to study well, we need to do sports so that we can keep fit. (08辽宁卷)

p) He was also so diligent that he worked day and night. (08湖南卷Sample 1)

(2) 在描述人、事物或地点时往往使用定语从句或者with短语。

a) You can write anything that you are familiar with and send them to us. (08重庆卷)

b) The students whose writing is excellent will be awarded. (08重庆卷)

c) He was thought to be a boy who was not worth educating. (08湖南卷Sample 1)

d) Our school is a beautiful (one) with green trees around it.

e) China is a country with a long history.

f) Shakespeare, a son from a poor family, a man oflittle education, wrote plays and poems that are read all over the world. (08湖南卷Sample 3)

g) These bags are made of a variety of materials that can be easily treated when they become rubbish. (08安徽卷)

h) This is one of the many steps we are taking to make our country an even cleaner place. (08安徽卷)

(3) 名词从句中宾语从句少不了。在动词think/believe, say, tell, know, learn, hope, agree, find, suggest, I′m sure/afraid等后常接宾语从句;适当使用主语从句和表语从句, 常用句式有:what he said/heard/needed, What surprises/impresses/interests me most is…, The reason why…is that…, The fact is that…, The problem is that…等。

a) Afterwards, teachers can give you some advice on what you have written online. (08重庆卷)

b) In this way, I′m sure you can make more progress. (08重庆卷)

c) What impresses me most is his famous saying, “Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration”. (08湖南卷Sample 1)

d) From him, I realize the secret to success is not when or where you were born, but what you are doing and how you do it in your life. (08湖南卷Sample 1)

e) Therefore, I require that you send me a new one of the same model within a month. (08湖北卷)

f) I′m glad that you′ve noticed our efforts directed towards environmental protection. (08安徽卷)

g) Many people suggest parents should listen more to their children, so they will understand them better, and find it easy to narrow the generation gap;… (08江苏卷)

h) What I want to stress is that each of us should listen more to others. (08江苏卷)

i) Everyone knows that we are busy all day. (08陕西卷)

j) I think it′s better to have it twice a week. (08陕西卷)

k) And we should make a choice about what we′ll read. (08陕西卷)

l) I′m sorry to know that you feel distressed at your new class. (08山东卷)

m) One of the reasons, I believe, is that you might be too shy to talk confidently with your classmates. (08山东卷)

n) Maybe you are afraid that your classmates will make fun of your accent. (08山东卷)

o) I believe, with your effort, you can manage to overcome these difficulties. (08山东卷)

p) I hope you can adapt to the new school life as soon as possible. (08山东卷)

(4) it句型:包括it作形式主语/形式宾语和强调句型。例如:

a) Besides, it should be a good idea to learn and sing Chinese songs, … (08全国II卷)

b) I think it instructive to learn to live together by living together. (08福建卷)

c) It is a good opportunity for the only child like me to learn to share and work together. (08福建卷)

d) I think it′s better to have it twice a week. (08陕西卷)

e) Therefore it is natural for you to feel lonely occasionally. (08山东卷)

(5) 使用非谓语动词作状语 (时间状语、原因状语、方式或伴随状语) 能使文章更具有书面表达的特色。例如:

a) Having learned my trouble, my uncle wanted me to talk with my parents frankly, presenting my real thought. (08江西卷)

b) Born in America, Thomas Edison was a great scientist and inventor. (08湖南卷Sample 1)

c) Seeing her so tired, I offered my seat to her although I felt exhausted myself. (08天津卷)

d) I sat there quietly imagining father′s smiling, satisfied and happy face at receiving the gift. (08天津卷)

e) While climbing the mountain, we enjoyed the warm sunshine and a beautiful view. (08北京卷)

f) In order to protect our forests, I will use paper wisely. (08四川非延考区卷)

g) I was so desperate on hearing that. (08湖北卷)

(6) 使用倒装句式。

a) Here are a few suggestions. (08全国II卷)

天津高考英语书面表达范文 篇3

The results of the survey show that the majority of students (73.3%) disagree with this kind of practice. They think if they have the answers with them, they can check their homework the moment they finish doing it. In this way, they can make sure they have correct answers. If their answers are wrong, they can correct them right away. Some of them think this will improve their studies.

On the other hand, more than one fourth of the students (26.7%) agree with it. They think it prevents some students from copying the answers and helps to increase their self-confidence. Thus, they will think more for themselves.

In my opinion, we should not look at the answers while doing our homework. We should refer to them only when we have finished doing it but are not sure if we have done it right.


Hello, everyone. My name is Li Hua. I’m glad to introduce our school buildings to you.

The grand building is our gymnasium. We have our PE lessons here. Behind the gymnasium is a big playground, where you can play football, basketball and tennis. Turn to the south and we face our theatre, where we often hold concerts. Next to it is our library. We have our reading lessons there. As you can see, there are three classroom buildings in our school. To the west of them is a lake with our dinning hall beside it. To further west stand the apartments for students.

Our school is very beautiful because there are many trees and flowers with the company of two small rivers. I sincerely hope you will have a pleasant stay here.


Dear neighbors,

We are very happy to inform you that a mountain-climbing activity will be held next Sunday. We are going to climb mountains in a scenic spot which is fifteen miles away from our residence, and all residents of our community are welcome. We will meet in front of the community office at eight o’clock, when and where a tourist bus will be waiting for us. Our outdoor activity will last three hours, from 8:30 to 11:30 am.

If you are interested, please sign up at the community office before 4:30 pm next Friday so that we can make necessary arrangements.

We suggest that you bring some water with you and wear climbing shoes.

We are looking forward to your participation.

Community Office



In order to enrich our campus life, we have decided to hold an English concert. To accomplish this, we need your participation. Anyone who is good at performance and willing to take part can sign up at our office before 4:30 pm next Thursday. The form of performance is unlimited. You can sing songs or play music, either classical or modern. You need to bring your own musical instruments, unless you need a piano, which we will provide.

Attention: There will be a quiz of musical knowledge. Whoever wins will get a fancy prize.

The concert is to begin at 1:30 next Saturday afternoon in our school theater. Remember to come to have the great fun on time!

Art Department of Students Union


Last Sunday afternoon, when I took part in the English Corner of our school as usual, some students gathered around me. They asked me to give some tips on how to improve their spoken English. The following are what I told them.

First of all, we must enrich our vocabulary and have a good command of their usages. Without enough vocabulary, nobody can express themselves fluently. Secondly, we should listen to materials read by native speakers as often as possible, and imitate their pronunciation and intonation. By doing so, we will gradually find ourselves able to understand and to be understood. Lastly, we ought to grasp every opportunity to speak English. In fact, no one can speak a language well if he doesn’t speak it.


Dear classmates,

In recent PE classes, I have noticed some of us slip out of the playground and return to the classroom. When asked for the reason, they explain they are going back to study. It sounds reasonable, but I don’t think such action proper.

As students of Senior 3, we’re all facing a big challenge in our life. There is no doubt that the harder we work, the better we’ll do in our studies. However, nobody can deny the fact that too much work with little exercise will eventually lead to poor health. Without good health, how can we carry on with our tough study and achieve better results? Therefore, as your monitor, I sincerely hope everyone will make the best of the PE classes, relaxing ourselves and improving our health.

Thank you!


Dear Mr Wang,

I’m Li Yue, a student of Class 5, Senior 3. Yesterday afternoon as I was riding home after school, my bike ran over a stone. As a result, I fell off the bike and got my foot seriously injured. While I sat on the road helplessly, one student of your class, Wang Ming, happened to pass by. Seeing me so painful, he stopped without hesitation and managed to take me to the hospital. When I was being treated, he called my parents and accompanied me until they arrived.

I am really thankful for what Wang Ming has done for me. Without his timely help, I couldn’t have been treated in time and might have suffered a longer time. By writing this letter, I do hope that you will praise Wang Ming for his kindness towards others.

Best wishes,

Li Yue


Several days ago we had an English test. One of my classmates, Li Hua, was caught cheating by using his cellphone to search for answers on the Internet. As a result, his cellphone was taken away and he got a “zero” .

As we know, tests are used to assess how we are going on with our studies. It can tell us what we have mastered and what we haven’t yet. If a student cheats in it, the test then loses its function. Moreover, test scores are of course important to us students, but what’s more important is our honesty. Without honesty, one will lose trust of others sooner or later. Therefore, in my opinion, what my classmate has lost is not only the scores but also his honesty.


Last Friday our class held a meeting, at which we were asked to introduce what we were going to major in at university. All of us expressed our wishes. Some planned to study science; some intended to learn literature. When it was my turn, I told my classmates that my ideal major was English.

With the fast development of our country, international communication has become essential. English, as one of the international languages, plays a vital role in it. Therefore, more and more people start to learn English. I choose English as my major in order to become a good English teacher and help people learn this language well.


Give Me More Space

As is shown in the picture above, the girl looks like a bird who is confined in a cage, hanging on the branches. Although she is safe in the cage, she doesn’t like it at all.

高考英语书面表达节选 篇4

6. 四川省书面表达

最近,某中学生英文报开设了“After-class Activities”的栏目,请你根据以下提示,为该栏目写一篇英文稿件,并鼓励同学们积极参加课外活动。





注意 1.词数100左右;2.文中不得提及人名、校名及地名;

天津高考英语书面表达范文 篇5

摘要:“书面表达” 要求考生有丰富的语言语法知识,而且有较强的语言表达能力和逻辑思维能力。它也是一种融形式、文体、交际三位于一体的试题,所考查内容都体现在表达和传递信息的交流能力。









这种错误常见的有句子结构不完整(如漏掉be动词);在表达时试图用比较复杂的结构,但往往又事与愿违,丢三落四;2个句子之间缺乏连词或多用连词;写出断句(sentence fragment)等等。






1.运用表示列、递进、转折等关系的过渡词(transitional words)。例如:

1)表示递进 what’s more, what’s better , besides, even, moreover, furthermore ;in addition ,etc.

2)表示并列或选择and,or,as well,as well as,both---and,either---or,neither---nor,some---others otherwise etc.

3)表示转折 but,however,on the contrary,instead,yet; in spite of ; etc.

4)表示因果so,therefore, as a result,because of,due to,owing to,thanks to etc.

5)表示列举 for example,for instance,that is ; namely ; such as,and so on etc.

6)表示总结after all ,in a word,in short,in all,in general ; generally speaking

7)表示对比 while,on one hand,on the other hand etc.



① 使用定语从句

The girl is spoken highly of. Her composition was well written. (一般)

The girl whose composition was well written is spoken highly of.(高级)

② 使用状语从句

I won’t believe what he says. (一般)

No matter what he says, I won’t believe. (高级)


① When he spoke, he felt more and more excited. (一般)

The more he spoke, the more excited he felt. (高级)

② Who will be on duty today? (一般)

Whose turn is it to be on duty today? (高级)

③ She can’t correctly pronounce the word. (一般)

She has trouble in pronouncing the word. (高级)

3) 适度使用高级词汇

① As a result the plan was a failure. (一般)

The plan turned out to be a failure. (高级)

② She went to Australia in order to study music. (一般)

She went to Australia for the purpose of studying music. (高级)

③ Because the weather was good, our journey was comfortable. (一般)

Thanks to the good weather, our journey was comfortable. (高级)


巧用思维拐弯法。当表达某一意思有困难时,巧用常用词语或自己熟悉的词语来进行表达,可达到同样效果,又可避免出错。在表达过程中,应选用自己熟悉的和有把握的词汇及句型,千万不能自己去创造或生搬硬套汉语式的句子。如果遇到确实难以回避的内容,一时又想不起确切的表达法,那就要“拐弯抹角”地去表达,尽量找同义或近义的词语或句型来代替,英语有句谚语:“All roads lead to Rome.”这样既可节约时 间又可避免犯大的错误。


1)A large number of visitors come here.

2)There are lots of visitors coming here every day.

3)Many people visit here every day.





[1] 《普通高中英语课程标准》 国家教育部

[2] 《走进新课程》 与课程实践者对话

[3] 马广慧、文秋芳,,《外语教学与研究》第四期

天津高考英语书面表达范文 篇6


资源名称:高考英语作文书面表达写作步骤教案 资源分类:英语作文教案 “书面表达”是考察考生综合运用英语能力的一种题型,根据其一般规律,它要求考生对所给情景和要求写一篇书面材料,做到所写的内容符合所给的情景和要求,文理通顺。它既象作文,又不完全是作文,因为考生不能离开情景和要求自行立意、选材,随意发挥。它类似翻译,但又不同于翻译,因为考生必须根据需要进行适当的发挥,因而有较大的灵活性。所以在做这种题目时,要掌握一个总的原则是“不漏、不错、不多写、不乱写”。具体地则从以下四个方面去考虑、着手: 1、读题,明确要求,做好必要的准备工作。高考的书面表达,题材较多,有给文字背景材料的`,有看图作文的,还有两者皆而有之的。对于文字背景材料,考生要仔细阅读,看懂题目要求,并对材料进行必要的删减。文字材料中有的是有用信息,有的是无用信息。不进行必要的删减,则会使做出来的书面表达轻者增加了错误的可能性,重者文不对题,逻辑不清。

高考英语书面表达能力升级策略 篇7


高考英语书面表达评分标准之一是, 覆盖所有内容要点。如果一篇文章定4个内容, 也就是4个要点, 如果有一个要点没有提到, 它叫漏点, 漏点是要扣分的, 所以在写作中千万不要有漏点。

1. 标题要点

有些书面表达需写标题, 不少学生审题粗心漏写标题, 造成不必要的失误。标题书写应力求简洁、明确, 有较强的概括性和针对性, 并注意单词的大小写。

2. 格式要点

不少应用文需要正确的格式, 如通知开头常交待通知对象;日记开头常交待时间和天气;信件右上角必须注明写信的地址书写信的时间, 下一行要顶格写上称呼, 正文结束后要有结束语并签名等等。

3. 正文要点

正文要点是全文主要要点集中的地方。老师应指导学生认真思考材料含义, 理清材料大意, 将所需要点一一落实, 并检查是否有遗漏。

4. 常识性要点

不少书面表达需要使用常识性要点。这些要点虽然在原材料中没有反映, 但仍很重要。它们既是重要内容又起着承上启下的作用, 对增强文章的可读性很有好处。如在写通知时, 结尾部分使用常识性要点“Don’t forget the time and address.”, “I’m sure you’ll have a lot of fun.”写参观欢迎词时, 开头部分可使用常识性要点“You’re welcome to visit our city.”介绍结束时可用“That's all.Thank you.”写信时可在结尾部分使用常识性要点“Best wishes!”或“Remember me to your parents!”“hope to hear from you soon.”考虑书面表达写作要点时应把握不多不少的原则。


做书面表达时, 应注意语言的得体性, 避免使用汉语式的句子和词汇及不符合英语表达习惯的语言。教师应告诫学生尽力避免下列错误:

1. 英语单词堆砌

英语单词堆砌是指学生在写英语句子时, 不会使用准确的英语, 而是根据汉语的句子顺序用相应的英语单词堆砌成英语句子。

例l:【误】l have some important thing to do.

【正】I have something important to do.

例2:【误】Please hurry to walk or we’ll be late.

【正】Please hurry up or we’ll be late.

2. 汉语式表达法

很多学生写英语短文时易受汉语习惯影响, 所写句子虽然语法正确, 却不符合英语表达习惯。

例1:【误】Tears fell down my face.

【正】Tears fell down my cheeks.

例2:【误】My bicycle lose air yesterday on my way home.

【正】I got a flat tire yesterday on my way home.


高考书面表达评分标准中明确规定, 在写作书面表达时应有效使用语句的连接成分, 使全文结构紧凑, 上下文连贯。针对这一要求, 教师应培养学生使用过渡性词的能力, 恰当的过渡性词能起到承上启下的作用。使整篇文章浑然一体, 给人以一气呵成的流畅感觉。如; (1) 表增补关系:furthermore, what’s more, in addition等; (2) 表转折关系:however, otherwise, on the other hand等; (3) 表比较关系similarly, in the same way, meanwhile等; (4) 表对比关系:while, in contrast, on the contrary等; (5) 表原因关系:because, since, thanks to等; (6) 表结果关系:therefore, as a result, in conclusion, to sum up等; (7) 表目的关系:for this purpose, in order to (so as to) 等; (8) 表顺序关系:firstly, next, above all, to begin with等; (9) 表让步关系:although, though, after all, 等; (10) 表时间关系:afterwards, immediately, meanwhile, at last等。

最后, 应着重写好开篇主题句和结尾总结句, 做到首尾呼应, 以增强文章的逻辑性和可读性。例如:叙事的文章, 要注意时态语态的正确使用;适当使用分词短语或倒叙的手法以增强文章的文采。

例l:We have a busy day planned for tomorrow. (busy一词别


例2:More than 20 people were killed in the fire which destroyed the Capital Building on September 30th 2012.对人物的


如:Albert Einstein was born in Germany on March l4th, 1879, when he was a young boy he used to ask lots of questions.

结尾是文章最后一次吸引读者的机会, 切忌平淡无味或虎头蛇尾。要尽可能多地掌握多种表现手法。如:That necklace you

borrowed from me wasn’t a real diamond necklace.It was worth five hundred francs at the most. (出人意料的结局) 它对增强文章



高考书面表达评分标准第五档:“应用了较多的语法结构和词汇;语法结构或词汇方面有些许错误, 但为尽力使用较复杂结构或较高级词汇所致;具备较强的语言运用能力。”因此教师应鼓励学生大胆使用各种句式和高级词汇, 注重语言、语法知识的掌握, 帮助学生完成从写“对”的句子到“妙”的句子的转变。


1. 大胆使用各种句式和高级词汇

1) .使用倒装句、强调句, 改变句子单调性。

【例1】尽管这项任务艰巨, 我们仍然按时完成了。

1:Hard as the task was, we completed it on time.

2:However hard the task was, we completed it on time.


It was the reform and open policy that benefited my hometown.

2) .运用并列句、感叹句、省略句, 使句式灵活多样。


What a wonderful world of“why”he leads us to!

【例2】我母亲喜爱音乐, 我父亲也是。

My mother likes music, so does my father.


You can refer to a dictionary when necessary.

3) .灵活使用定语从句

【例l】中国西部资源丰富, 可以开发利用。

Western China is rich in natural resources, which can be exploited and made full use of.

【例2】九寨沟闻名于世, 那里湖水清澈见底, 色彩斑斓。

Jiuzhaigou is well known for its beautiful lakes, of which the water is clear and looks colorful.

4) .灵活使用状语从句

【例l】虽然他是个孩子, 但他知道的很多。

1:Child as/though he is, he knows a lot.

2:Although/Though he is a child, he knows a lot.

【例2】他知识渊博, 我们非常佩服他。

He is such a learned person that we all admire him very much.

5) .灵活使用名词性从句


l:What caused the fire is a puzzle to the police.2:What puzzles the police is what caused the fire.3:It is a puzzle to the police what caused the fire.

6) .使用不定式、-ing短语、过去分词, 提高句子表达力

【例l】司机没有停而是逃跑了, 使那位老人躺在路上。

The driver escaped without stopping, leaving the old man lying on the road.

【例2】一旦搬出去, 动物在郊区的活动空间会更大, 生活条件会更好。

Once moved, animals will have more space and better living conditions in the suburbs.

7) .运用介词 (短语) 压缩句子, 使句子更加简洁、实用、高效


Instead of giving us answers immediately, he encourages us to think by ourselves.


At the bad news, the young man couldn’t help crying.

2. 学会遣词造句, 提高文章的档次

物以稀为贵。词汇的选择不应人云亦云, 而应尽可能独辟蹊径。以下是一些运用了常见高级词汇的句子, 将它们与普通句子进行对比, 其中妙处, 大家可心领神会。

1.In the Chinese tradition, old people are greatly respected.

In the Chinese tradition, the elderly are greatly respected.2.As spring is coming nearer, the weather becomes warmer.

As spring is approaching, the weather becomes warmer.3.Thank you very much for your help.

I greatly appreciate your help.

4.John is always doing difficult jobs.

John is always doing challenging jobs.

5.The road being built leads to a chemical factory.

The road under construction leads to a chemical factory.

6.The show should be good.

The show is supposed to be good.

7.It needs a lot of hard work.

It involves a lot of hard work.

8. She’s my honey.I'm so proud of her.

She’s the apple of my eye.I'm so proud of her.


高考把书写列为书面表达的评分标准之一, 如书写较差, 势必影响内容表达, 降低得分档次。这就要求教师平常训练学生书面表达时, 要强调书写结束后, 应认真修改, 避免大小写及标点符号错误, 注意书写规范, 不能让蚂蚁文 (字体小且密集) 、蜘蛛文 (书写龙飞凤舞辨识不清) 成为阅卷者的障碍, 应尽可能书写工整, 布局美观, 卷面漂亮整洁。

高考英语书面表达高分策略 篇8

【关键词】高考英语 书面表达 备考





高考英语书面表达的原则是:合理性、交际性和实用性。这一考点的命题主要是通过提纲式文字提示命题(08年江苏卷“Being a good listener”)、图画图表式命题(2011年北京卷“英语园地”)、开放式命题等形式,让考生运用已学英语知识进行写作。从命题趋向上来看,应用文、议论文等体裁有所增加,且题材上更贴近考生的学习与生活,并紧密联系社会热点。



要写出一篇相对成功的文章,首先要建立一个框架,覆盖所有内容要点,结构完整。此外还要在句式上做到多变,恰当使用连接成分,行文如高山流水般流畅,做到长短句灵活搭配,主被动句合理运用,适当穿插倒装、强调、比较等特殊句式。最后,如果能在语言的运用上花点心思,较复杂的语法结构和较高级的词汇能运用自如,并设计一两个亮点,必能给作文锦上添花。如下面的例文:Do you know Hamlet? Have you read The merchant of Venice? These two great works are both written by William Shakespeare, my favorite English writer and the man of all ages! Shakespeare, a son from a poor family……

Since “Life is a stage”, we are actually all actors and actresses. On this stage, everyone had his own role to play, and I will try my best to play my role well.




除了需要通过背诵来内化英语语言表达外,要想很好地完成高考英语书面表达,还需要考生掌握一定量的英语语言知识,这就要求考生养成良好的积累习惯,随时随地积累好的句子或习惯性表达,只有先积累,才有可能随时拿来运用。比如“be+介词”的结构,完全可以通过积累掌握如下常见结构:(1)be in class / be in trouble / be in danger;(2)be at meeting / be at work / be at peace;(3)be on sale / be on the increase / be on a visit。



