


ous作后缀的单词20个 篇1

7 analogous adj. 类似的

8 anomalous adj. 反常的,不规则的

9 anonymous adj. 匿名的

10 antonymous adj. 反义的

11 anxious adj.渴望的;忧虑的

12 abstemious adj. 有节制的,节俭的

13 acephalous a. 无头的.,群龙无首的

14 acidulous adj. 有酸味的,刻薄的

15 acrimonious adj. 尖刻的

16 adulterous a. 通奸的,不贞的

17 advantageous a.有利的,有助的

18 adventitious adj. 偶然的,外来的

19 adventurous a. 喜欢冒险的,大胆的,惊险的

5个ous形容词后缀的单词 篇2


He has an amorous nature.


Amorous of you since the day we met.


All these require artist to be more sensitive and amorous than ordinary people.


What inspired this amorous thyme? Two parts vodka, one part lime.

ous为后缀的单词有哪些? 篇3

autonomous adj. 自治的;自主的;自发;独立的

avaricious adj. 贪婪的,贪心的

barbarous adj. 野蛮的,残暴的

beauteous a. 美丽的

bibulous adj. 高度吸收的,嗜酒的

bilious adj. 多胆汁的,坏脾气的

bituminous a. (含)沥青的

blasphemous adj. 对神不敬的

boisterous adj. 喧闹的,欢闹的

bounteous adj. 慷慨的,丰富的

bumptious a. 瞎自夸的,瞎自大的,傲慢的.

cacophonous a. 刺耳的;不协调的

cadaverous adj. 像尸体的,(形容)枯槁的

calamitous adj. 造成灾祸的

callous adj. 结硬块的,无情的

calumnious adj. 诽谤的,中伤的

cantankerous adj. 脾气坏的,好争吵的

capacious adj. 容量大的,宽敞的

10个ness作后缀的单词 篇4


He might make a boxer, with his width and heaviness.


The heaviness in the evening air oppressed us both.


The light served to enhance the impressiveness of the place.


The group awareness, the psychological dependence and the impressiveness and collectivization of suicide;

rious后缀的单词20个 篇5

illustrious adj. 著名的,显赫的

imperious adj. 傲慢的,专横的

industrious a.勤劳的`,勤奋的

inglorious a. 不名誉的,不体面的,可耻的,

injurious a. 有害的

laborious adj. 费力的,吃力的

lugubrious adj. 郁郁不乐的,悲哀的

luxurious a.爱好奢侈的,豪华的

meritorious adj. 有价值的,值得称赞的

multifarious adj. 多种的,各式各样的

mysterious adj.神秘的

tend后缀的单词20个 篇6

He refused to attend out of sheer perversity.


She agreed to attend but jibbed at making a speech.


There are no compulsions on students to attend classes.


Mandela will attend an outdoor concert in his honour.

tional后缀的单词20个 篇7

adjuration    n. 严令,恳请,请愿

administration    n.局(或署、处等)

admiration    n.羡慕,钦佩;赞赏

admonition    n. 警告,劝告,训诫

adoption    n.收养;采纳,采取

adoration    n. 爱慕,崇拜

adulation    n. 谄媚,奉承,阿谀

adulteration    n. 掺杂,掺假的东西,冒充货

adumbration    n. 轮廓,预示,阴影

affectation    n. 做作,虚假

affection    n.慈爱,爱;爱慕

affiliation    n. 入会,加入

affirmation    n. 肯定,断言,主张

affliction    n. 痛苦,折磨

agglomeration    n. 结块,凝聚,块

aggravation    n. 更恶化,加厉,恼怒

aggregation    n. 聚集,总合

agitation    n.鼓动,煸动;搅动

appellation    n. 名称,称呼

application    n.请求,申请;施用

apportion    vt. 分配

appreciation    n.欣赏;鉴别;感激

approbation    n. 称赞,认可,

以ian作后缀的单词10个 篇8


Librarians spend a lot of time classifying books.


The students put the books on the library desk, and the librarian checked them in.


English tense system has long been a focus of linguists and grammarians.


The computer can alter the Serials Librarian and produce a bindery notice.

ent名词后缀的单词20个 篇9

antecedent n. 前情,先行词;

apartment n. 公寓;一套公寓房间;套房,(美)一套房间;房间,间;公寓住宅,套间;

apparent a.表面上的.;明显的;

abandonment n. 放弃,自暴自弃,放纵;

abasement n. 贬抑,屈辱,谦卑;

abatement n. 减少,减轻,缓和;

acquirement n.取得,获得;习得;

adherent n. 拥护者,党徒;

accent n.口音,腔调;重音;

accident n.意外的;事故;

accompaniment n. 自然的伴随物,陪伴物;

accomplishment n. 技能;成就;

achievement n.完成;成就,成绩;
