


托福写作话题解析:stablejob 篇1

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is better to take a secure job with a low pay than to take a job with a high pay but is easy to lose.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? A job with more vacation time but a low salary is better than a job with a high salary but less vacation time.

It is true that a high-paying job gains more money to ensure a more comfortable and worry-free life. With a high income, people can buy delicious foods, live in good house, purchase expensive commodities and afford high quality healthcare. Earning a high income also wins recognition, respect and admiration from the public. However, I would rather sacrifice a high salary and have more days off work.

First of all, compared with the high-paying job with less vacation time, the low-paying job with more vacation time can contribute to physically health and emotionally happiness of people. This kind of job means that people have more spare time to enjoy their lives without the enormous stress like people with high-paying job. They do not need to work overtime frequently, and thus can have a more regular and healthier living habits than people with high-paying job. On their holidays, they can take exercise in the park or go to travel in the suburb. Moreover, Using the vacation time, they can also enjoy more recreation and amusement. They can go to the movies, theaters, or concerts, which create a happier lives for people. On the contrary, people with a high salary but less vacation time have not opportunity to live like this.

Secondly, with the more vacation time, people can improve the relationship between their families and themselves. They have more time to stay with family members and join in family activities such as picnicking and camping. Consequently, they can well communicate with their families, and understand well how well they lives, preventing many problems usually found in families due to a lack of communication. By comparison, those who have high-salary jobs often are often always so busily coping with projects, sales targets, meetings, business travels, and so on, that they cannot spare even one day for a friends gathering or a family trip. Therefore, I do not like the job with a high salary but less vacation time, although this job can bring a high -paying.Finally, we can spend more time in achieving our dreams, if we choose a job with more vacation time but a low salary. Everyone has their own dreams, like traveling around the world, making music records or studying abroad, but they have no time to attempt and achieving their dreams 表达有误because of the burdensome work and trivial lives. They just store these dreams in their heart, but these dreams often become accelerate their regret in their lives. If people have a job with more vacation time but a low salary, they will have more time and energy to take efforts for their dreams. Therefore, A job with more vacation time is better although it has a low salary.

To sum up, I believe that a job with more vacation time but a low salary is better than a job with a high salary but less vacation time.




Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Young people should try several different jobs before they take a long term career.


(A/D) Young people should try different jobs before they take a long-term career.





Currently, with the competition in the job market becoming increasingly fierce, the job-hunting has been brought under the spotlight of the mass media. The senior and experts strongly proposed that young people should try different jobs before taking a lifelong career, while the youngsters may hold the opposite viewpoint. As far as I am concerned, the former view is more reasonable, with the reasons listed below.

In the first place, different jobs will equip the young with multiple skills and professional knowledge in various fields. As we know, the completion of every job, simple or complex, requires differing abilities and expertise in certain area. As a result, young adults who take different jobs will grasp the knowledge in a new area and increase their potential capability to a large extent, thus having the well-rounded development. To be specific, to be a waiter or waitress in a restaurant enables us to cultivate interpersonal skills since we may encounter tons of people from all walks of life. Being a manager will help to improve the organizational skills and leadership, because the successful running of a department depends on the ability of leaders. Undoubtedly, those people with more than one skills will have an edge over other competitors in the future job market.

In addition, another conspicuous benefit of taking different jobs before you settle on the lifelong career is that the young have the chances to find the most suitable position. It is never uncommon to hear that many employees who have worked for three or more years complain that the work they take is not what they are good at or what they like. Consequently, their enthusiasm or passion for their jobs is relatively in a low level, which has negative influence on the development of themselves and their company. The best way to deal with the above problem is to allow youngsters to try different types of work at first and take the one which suits them most. The experience of my friend, Kozer, is a good case in point. After graduating from the department of foreign languages in Beijing University, Kozer was recruited by a Foreign Trade Corporation due to his excellent English. Unfortunately, he was too introverted to communicate well with strangers, especially with foreigners. Then he resigned from the position and became a teacher in a high school. The same problem occurred again. Finally, realizing his own strengths and weaknesses from the above failures, he found that the most suitable position for himself was to be an editor for China Daily, the most famous English newspaper, because there was no need to talk with many people in this job.

Admittedly, some opponents may assert that it is not necessary for young adults to try different jobs, because it will waste lots of time and even make them miss out some opportunities. However, the above reasoning is far from the truth. To illustrate, only when we have experienced several different kinds of work can we find the one which most fits for us. So the time spent on every try is worthwhile.

In a nutshell, it is safe to conclude that young people should try different jobs before they take a long-term career, in order to gain more skills and find the most suitable position. (By Zhaobo,548words)(新东方 赵波)



The benefits and drawbacks of job hopping have never failed to be the center of debate among employees and employers, and human resource managers of corporations. While some people believe that constant job hopping brings more benefits than pitfalls, others state that the disadvantages of switching between jobs before settling down greatly outweigh the benefits. Personally, I think trying out different positions is beneficial to one’s future career based on the following reasons.

Admittedly, switching between jobs will make your employers suspicious about your judgment and question your commitment and loyalty to the company, however, the taking different jobs gives a professional countless benefits, like diverse background, broadened social network, better compensation and benefits, etc.

First off, more job experience provides an individual exposure to different industries and more professional experience, eventually it is conducive for someone to find his or her real expectation and ultimate career goal in the long run. In a small company, employees might have intimate and close friendships with each other, and there is no standard procedure of daily business operation. However, in a colossal corporation, employees have a clear professional boundary and they have to follow strict regulations and procedures when conducting business. Having a chance to work in both small and big companies will help individuals to know which type of company fits them best and they can choose their future career according to their preference. Also, having working experience in different industries and various sized companies makes the employees more flexible and adaptable in distinctive working environments. Future employees will value those who have exposure to a variety of challenges and can bring new ideas and changes to the company.

Additionally, working in different companies and industries gives an individual more opportunities to explore new social networks and thus enjoy a much more promising career in the near future. An individual can expand his or her social and professional networks after having worked in different places, where one can plant roots and farm relationships and eventually these connections will prove to be very helpful in the near future. This is especially true in today’s overly competitive job market, a dynamic and active professional network will probably help you to land better jobs in the future.

In conclusion, it is more advisable to take different jobs before settling down permanently since it brings more exposure in different industries, rich professional experience and a more dynamic professional connection. (By Meng, Yan 404 words)



Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Your job has more effect on your happiness than your social life does.


Sample Answer:

People nowadays often talk about how maintaining a healthy work-life balance is the key to finding happiness. I think that both are needed in order to be truly happy, but I am also of the opinion that one’s job affects one’s happiness more greatly than one’s social life. There are a few reasons for this.

First of all, people nowadays tend to spend more time in the workplace than in recreational social situations, so work may be a bigger factor in one’s happiness just because it occupies a larger part of the day. I know of many people, for example, that work upwards of 70 hours a week. In my country this is quite normal. Averages out to a working time of 10 hours a day; assuming that most people spend about 1 hour commuting back and forth from work, and that they get at least 6 hours of sleep per day, that only leaves 7 hours of ‘unoccupied’ time at most. Realistically, errands will take up a part of that ‘unoccupied’ time, so the average person may only get a few hours per day to pursue their social life. A person’s work life may thus dwarf their social life.

Second of all, jobs are in many ways what enable you to have a social life in the first place. In order to go out and do things you need money, and in order to get money, you need to work. How interesting and fulfilling would a person’s social life be if that person couldn’t go out to restaurants and movies, or take trips to faraway places? I’d bet that person’s life would be pretty uneventful and boring. A well-paying job gives you more freedom to pursue interests and activities you enjoy with the people you love.

Admittedly, a good job can probably never fully replace a fulfilling social life. At the end of the day, we are social creatures. Though getting by despite having a poor social life is certainly possible, I firmly believe that every person needs a satisfying social life in order to be truly happy. However, this doesn’t mean that social lives affect your happiness more than jobs do. A social life will not by itself make you truly happy either. People are also creatures that crave progress, and having a job is one of the most straightforward ways to pursue progress.

Work not only takes up more of a person’s day than his or her social life, it in some sense is also what enables someone to have a social life in the first place. A good job could never fully replace a good social life, of course, but neither could a good social life replace a good job; both are fundamental to a person’s happiness. Still, in the end, our modern way of living dictates that our jobs will have a greater effect on our happiness than our social lives do. (487)


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: working three days a week with longer hours is better than working five days a week with shorter hours.

People nowadays are becoming more restless in daily work and life, in which the rhythm is in quite an amazing shift towards being faster. From my point of view, I would rather schedule fewer days of work rather than evenly distributed hours into more days.

Working three days in a week means that people will have four days off in a week, which leads to a more possibly flexible schedule. This will create a clear distinction between work and life. Not only do people have enough time to do house work, hang out with friends and read a book, but also they could plan a short trip somewhere nearby, which seems always to be in a rush in a five-day work circle. I work as an English course designer now. My supervisor permits that I can come to the office three days a week with the flexibility of arranging working days on my own. When I don’t come in, I usually visit exhibitions and art galleries, take my girl on a date, attend a reading session, and sometimes just simply camp in a mountain nearby Beijing. Apparently I am not having too much desire for an exhausting Friday drink or an anxiety when Sunday night comes. Now I have more accomplishments besides work such as improving my Spanish and Bulgarian and dwelling in a library enjoying researching academics.

Obviously, there is one implication to work fewer days: work longer hours each day. I am not hesitating to take this option still. I always need time to get into my role. When all these ideas come to me, I also don’t want to simply stop and leave the work to the next day. This is somewhat called “marginal time”, which means the time spent simply from switching from one mental status to another, for instance from that of working to that of lying down, takes certain amount of minutes to adjust to. Longer hours’ working usually can reduce this unecessary waste of time. I can go pretty far in my projects in a day if counting the long duration from early morning to late night without stopping. Some of my friends even see “work hard and play harder” as their motto. This is so true. Seeing one day’s workflow going fast is truly a pleasure, which always motivates the next progress to happen. I remember one time when my team and I went through an entire day’s brainstorm and received a huge burst of work until mid-night.

And there is one thing adding up to this. I take work as a path to an enjoyment of life. I would totally enjoy a short yet a little painfully intense work, enjoying at the moment of working, and enjoying afterwards as well.

(459 words, Ge Xu)

托福写作话题解析:stablejob 篇2







Your friends have the opportunity to choose either one of two types of major field of study, which one would you suggest your friend to choose and why?

1) A major that would allow him to complete and get a degree faster so that your friend could start working full-time sooner


2) A major that requires many years of study but would provide him with more employment opportunities and job offers in the future.


The constant demands for more knowledge and skills bring the significance of education. Students need to be prudent while choosing a major in order to find a decent job after graduation. I will recommend to take the education program that enables students to apply a better job though costs more time to finish compared with the one with short study time but limited potential for career advancement.

Admittedly, to start working soon helps students to become financially independent or even reduce family’s economic burden. For some students, their families may have difficulties in paying the tuition fees and hence apply loans from the bank. It is meaningful for them to earn money and alleviate the financial pressure as early as possible. For instance, some people choose to take the training of computer programming which enables them to find a comparatively well-paid job in IT companies. However, there are other options to reduce economic burden, like part-time jobs and scholarship. People ought to make study or career plan with foresight.

To begin with, the long period of time invested in study enables students to grasp more knowledge and skills that are essential for them to be competitive in job market. Thanks to the fierce competition caused by population growth and education expansion, there are more candidates with excellent academic background competing in job market. Consequently, with increasing number of choices, employers gradually increase requirements in recruitment. From the perspective of students, the investment of time in academic study and self-improvement, which allow them to become candidates appreciated by potential employers, will be rewarded with a satisfied job offer. For example, students who have the perseverance to major in economics or finance which takes four years will find a job as banker or finance analyst, while those who want to begin working early and choose to study accounting for two years may just find a position as accountants. As we all know, the former job offers salaries three to five times higher than the later one does.

Secondly, it takes time for students to improve academic strength and have better understanding of their filed, which allow them to achieve long term development in career. Few people work in the same position from the very beginning to retirement, as most people expect promotion or otherwise they will be replaced by younger employees who accept lower salaries. To get promotion, one should possess stronger ability to study on their own and insight of the industry which cannot be acquired within short time. Take students majoring in marketing as an example. Not only do they need knowledge of advertising and brand building, but also they must be able to understand consumer psychology, cope with public relationship crisis, and do research on market trend. All these are necessary for them to be promoted from a common employee to manager, and even company partner. On the contrary, without years of accumulation in study, people can hardly be competent for promotion.

To sum up, a person with foresight will opt for the education program with promising career prospect and prepare for the long period of study.

托福写作话题解析:stablejob 篇3







A lot of high school students now cheat in homework assignments, by asking other students for answers. Which of the following do you think is the most efficient way to stop?

-asking parents to help stop the students from cheating

-penalty or punishment to the students

-asking teacher to create homework assignment that cannot be easily cheated.


Thanks to the easy access to Internet, children today have more education resources. By simply typing in keywords, they are able to search for knowledge quickly online. However, Internet also makes it easier for them to cheat in homework. With the help of various chatting software, they even can share what they have acquired. To discourage children from cheating, teachers have three solutions in mind, including parents’ supervision, strict punishment and assignments that are difficult for students to cheat. In my opinion, the second one is the best of all.

To begin with, having severe punishment in place is the only solution that makes students consciously avoid cheating by themselves. It is important for students to realize how perilous to form the habit of cheating. Teachers fail to know students’ true academic performance, and students who find with fewer efforts they can also achieve a satisfied score will gradually refuse to work hard in both study and future career. The strict penalty reminds students the danger, warns them to actively regulate behaviors and stresses the significance of honesty and integrity. It is not worthy to take such a risk to deceive teachers. For example, when a student is found dishonest in an assignment, the professor should directly fail him in the subject and urge him to take it again the next year. A long term purpose of setting strict penalty is to educate students that whether there is supervision or not someday in future, they know that cheating is not the option.

Secondly, it is difficult either for all parents to effectively supervise children’s homework or for teachers of all subjects to design homework that is impossible to cheat. Sometimes, parents are busy with work both in office and at home. There is not enough time left for them to check children’s homework page by page. It is also unfeasible for parents to sit by side with children who will feel uneasy and even upset. Or simply, some parents may feel embarrassing when they find that the subject their children are working on is beyond their knowledge to comprehend. Then, from the perspective of teachers, homework of different subjects take different forms. For literature teachers, it is easy to prevent students from cheating by assigning essay writing as homework. However, not all teachers are that lucky. For teachers teaching maths, physics and chemistry, most assignments they give to students are questions that require students to use formula to do calculation and there is just one correct answer. This kind of exercises are essential for students to grasp knowledge they acquire in class. Therefore, teachers of those subjects can hardly inhibit students from cheating by changing homework.

In summary, to cope with the increasing number of students who cheat in homework, schools need to impose severe penalty on those who dare to cross the line. This is the most effective method to teach students to willingly regulate behaviors by themselves.

托福口语话题解析:交通工具 篇4

When it comes to the most efficient transportation, I would to say it is the inter-city train. The reasons why I hold that are based on the following aspects. First of all, unlike automobile, inter-city train never costs too much oil so that it won’t cause heavy air pollution to the city. And if there is creasing air pollution, it will ease the severe global warming to some extent. Besides, it is faster than driving a car since there will be no traffic jam at all, with the time saved, we can have a nice breakfast an d even feel fresh after we arrive at our office every morning. And since there is no traffic jam, it will decrease the accidents and numbers of people’s dying from the car crash.

托福写作真题及解析 篇5


After a century of virtually no population growth, the countries of Western Europe experienced dramatic population increases between 1750 and 1800. Many countries doubled in size. In some countries, the growth continued through the nineteenth century. The population of Great Britain, for instance, doubled between 1750 and 1800 and then tripled between 1800 and 1900.

There were several reasons for the sudden increase. Medical advances and improved hygiene limited the devastation caused by epidemic diseases and plagues. The introduction of new food crops, most notably the potato, provided a better diet for the poor and reduced the incidence of famine. The combination of greater public order and fewer civil wars meant that life was less hazardous. The net result was a lower death rate and soaring populations.

The growing population, with a rising proportion of children to raise and older people to care for, put increased pressure on every aspect of society. Many peasants were no longer able to provide land for their children, who were forced to look for other ways to make their living. Small artisans in the cities suffered similar problems, unable to provide places for their children in their own workshops.

托福写作解析举例子手法 篇6

Question 1

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

Remaining happy and optimistic when you fail is more important than achieving success.

Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Sample Response


To many people, having fame or wealth is the highest ideal. However, we deal with setbacks and mediocrity most of the time. In this case, optimism is desired, and, in fact, it is more important than attaining success.

An open mind in the face of failure enables individuals to have the gut to give it another shot, and as long as we try, the likelihood of success remains. Conversely, if they surrender to the defeat, they are hardly likely to achieve anything. This happens to me on a daily basis. As a salesperson, anytrade may not be made by the first meeting with my clients. Anegotiation may take forever, and failure is highly likely. However, I maintain my faith, and as a result, I persist all the time and have made good deals. Gradually, I find it more delightful to have resilience and patience than to achieve success, which brings only transient excitement. The opposite case happened to one peer of mine who recently quit the job. As he could notcope with the constant failure properly, he never made a single successful sale.


Question 2

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

Some believe that we should keep a distance from the people we care about, because it is necessary for people to understand the importance of each other. Others think being away from people we care about can damage our relationship with them and we should spend more time with them.

Which do you prefer?

Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Sample Response


Between two individuals, keeping a distance could go either of the two following ways: the either strengthen or weaken the relationship. It is reasonable that some people prefer the intimacy between loved ones; in my case, a certain distance is necessary, however.

Staying close with each other, the two parties of a relationship—a friendship, a romantic relationship, or family—may have no secrets between each other. This may be the expectation of a good relationship of my opposite side. The opposite side may also expect that friends, lovers or family stick with each other and be the 24/7 company. They would otherwise feel insecure or even deny the relationship. However, the closeness may be stressful and annoying,counterproductiveto building a sound relationship. For example, my parents and I used to live in the same neighborhood. As they were physically close to me, they visited me often or my apartment when I was absent. Although I appreciated their doing household chores for me, I also felt uncomfortable because many of their unscheduled visits were intrusions and those regular visits were also not-so-delightful. As an adult, I would prefer privacy and random solitude to being taken detailed care of. It thus follows that we in fact would not appreciate an around-the-clock companion but prefer having no distractions.

It thus follows that keeping a distance is actually favorable to the mutual cherishment between two people. When the distance is kept, nothing is taken-for-granted, and the feeling of thathighlights the value of a friend, a lover, or family. Behind the feeling is the sense of insecurity, which however makes the friend, lover or family treasure.This is my strategy of maintaining a good status in my friendships. I deliberately keep myself available yet from a proper distance to my friends, and they thus have limited yet adequate access to me. Many of them may have the fear that they may lose me and, as a result, always keep me in mind.










【托福独立写作】 高分技巧之让步式写法用法介绍

让步段,顾名思义,就是退了一步的段落。例如,For further career success, is relate well to other people more important than studying hard at school? 选择了同意的立场,写完了三个同意的理由之后,可以再写一点让步段论述一下反方的观点,即在学校学习好也很重要。写让步段的好处有很多,一是上文提及的最实际的用途---凑字数,二是从行文逻辑看,写一段让步段也可以展现考生思维的严密性。只要时间允许,此种一举多得的做法为何不尝试呢?


但是,让步段写作也需要遵循一定的原则。考生在写作时,应当按照三部曲进行:1)写出一个反方观点 2)进行一定程度的削弱 3)重申自己的观点。

1. 写出反方观点

这一步大多数同学都做得不错,但是在提出反方观点之前,可再加上一些连接词,例如admittedly, nevertheless等等。还拿之前拿到题目做例子,For further career success, is relate well to other people more important than studying hard at school? 总观点是同意,让步段写学习好也挺重要的。第一步引出反方观点时,应写:Admittedly, acquiring an excellent GPA is one significant proof of your ability, for “study” is one of the major tasks that students are supposed to fulfill in school.

2. 进行一定程度的削弱

这是大多数同学会忽略的一步。很多同学在写让步段的时候,喜欢跳过第二步,直接重申自己的观点,然而这样的写法会显得逻辑上牵强,行文也显得生硬。因此,在提出反方观点时要进行一定的削弱。例如在写完上文那句话之后,应加上:However, the outstanding scores only prove the intelligence of the student, while the EQ, largely reflected by how well you relate with others, plays an utmost significant role in the future career success.

3. 重申自己的观点

这一步非常重要,因为让步段的提出仅仅是小插曲,重要的还是自己的观点。切不可写了让步段,就忘了自己的立场,那样就是得不偿失了。因此,在写完上面两句话之后,需要再加上一句,therefore, I still hold the opinion that relate well with others is more important than acquiring high scores in school.



Students aged 13-18 are taught different subjects by different teachers while younger students are taught by only one teacher all day long. Some people suggest it would benefit younger students to be taught by different teachers. Do you agree with this view? Why or why not? (7月15日托福独立写作真题)


As far as I am concerned, the method proposed by some people that students aged under 12 should be taught by different teachers offers a better solution to these children’s education. [开头段直接表立场,言简意赅]

Body paragraph 1

[中心句,开门见山]→There is one major insidious[形容词,潜在的]problem with the traditional method – one teacher in charge of all the subjects.[含蓄虚拟,假设隐含在主语]→Being taught by only one teacher would initiate[及物动词,发起]boredom in children, [非限定语从句]→who are more boredom-prone[形容词,易感到无聊的] than others. From 6 to 12 years old, as children continue to grow, they are becoming increasingly interested in coming into contact with others. Different classmates of the same or opposite gender are perfect targets for these young students to mix or play with; their teacher, [同位语从句]→an adult they see throughout each school day, also ought to be someone of a novelty. [假设论证]→If all the subjects are taught by only one teacher, dislike or even aversion[可数名词,厌恶的人或东西] towards him or her would gradually arise in some students. A small proportion would simply dislike this teacher’s physical appearance while others may likely have an emotional aversion to the teacher’s teaching style.

Body paragraph 2

To address the aforementioned problem,←[不定式作目的状语从句] hiring new teachers to bring freshness to these kids would be an effective solution. ←[就上段的问题提出解决方案,中心句] 【内容详见真经6】

