


外事接待口译常用词汇及表达方式英汉对照 篇1


Acceptability 可接受性

Achievement tests 成就测试

Action plan 行动计划

Action steps 行动步骤

Adventure learning 探险学习法

Adverse impact 负面影响

Agency shop 工会代理制

Alternative dispute resolution(ADR)建设性争议解决方法Analytic approach 分析法

Appraisal politics 评价政治学

Apprenticeship 学徒制

Arbitrary 仲裁

Assessment 评价

Assessment center 评价中心

Attitude awareness and change program 态度认知与改变计划Attitudinal structuring 态度构建

Audiovisual instruction 视听教学

Audit approach 审计法

Balanced scorecard 综合评价卡

Basic skills 基本技能

Behavior-based program 行为改变计划

Behavior modeling 行为模拟

Benchmarks 基准

Benchmarking 评判

Benefits 收益

Bonus 奖金

Boycott 联合抵制

Career 职业

Career counseling 职业咨询

Career curves(maturity curves)职业曲线(成熟曲线)Career management system 职业管理系统

Career support 职业支持

Centralization 集权化

Coach 教练

Cognitive ability 认知能力

Cognitive outcomes 认知性结果

Collective bargaining process 劳资谈判过程

Community of practice 演练小组

Compa-ratio 比较比率

Compensable factors 报酬要素

Competency assessment 能力评估

Competitive advantage 竞争优势

Concentration strategy 集中战略

Concurrent validation 同时效度

Consumer price index, CPI 消费者价格指数

Content validation 内容效度

Continuous learning 持续学习

Contributory plan 投入计划

Coordination training 合作培训

Core competencies 核心竞争力

Criterion-related validity 效标关联效度

Critical incident 关键事件

Critical incident method 关键事件法

Cross-cultural preparation 跨文化准备

Cross-training 交叉培训

Cultural environment 文化环境

Cultural shock 文化冲击

Customer appraisal 顾客评估

Data flow diagram 数据流程图

Database 数据库

Decentralization 分散化

Decision support systems 决策支持系统

Defined-benefit plan 养老金福利计划

Defined-contribution plan 资方养老金投入计划

Delayering 扁平化

Depression 沮丧

Development planning system 开发规划系统

Differential piece rate 差额计件工资

Direct costs 直接成本

Discipline 纪律

Disparate impact 差别性影响

Disparate treatment 差别性对待

Diversity training 多元化培训

Downsizing 精简

Downward move 降级

Efficiency wage theory 效率工资理论

Electronic performance support system(EPSS)电子绩效支持系统Employee empowerment 员工授权

Employee leasing 员工租借

Employee survey research 雇员调查与研究

Employee wellness programs(EWPs)雇员健康修炼计划

Entrepreneur 企业家

Equal employment opportunity(EEO)公平就业机会

Essay method 书面方式

Ethics 道德

Expatriate 外派雇员

Expert systems 专家系统

External analysis 外部分析

External growth strategy 外边成长战略

External labor market 外部劳动力市场

Factor comparison system 因素比较法

Feedback 反馈

Flexible benefits plans(cafeteria plans)灵活的福利计划(自助福利方案)Flextime 灵活的时间


Formal education programs 正规教育计划

Frame of reference 参照系

Functional job analysis, FJA 职能工作分析

Gain sharing plans 收益分享计划

Globalization 全球化

Goals 目标

Goals and timetables 目标和时间表

Graphic rating-scale method 图式评估法

Group-building methods 团队建设法

Group mentoring program 群体指导计划

Hay profile method 海氏剖析法

High-leverage training 高层次培训

High-performance work systems 高绩效工作系统

Hourly work 计时工资制

Human capital 人力资本

Human resource information system(HRIS)人力资源信息系统Human resource management 人力资源管理

Human resources planning, HRP 人力资源计划

Indirect costs 间接成本

Individualism/collectivism 个人主义/集体主义

Input 投入

Instructional design process 指导性设计过程

Internal analysis 内部分析

Internal growth strategy 内部成长战略

Internal labor force 内部劳动力

Internet 互联网

Internship programs 实习计划

Interview 面试

Intraorganizational bargaining 组织内谈判

Job analysis 工作分析

Job classification system 工作分类法

Job description 工作描述

Jobdesign 工作设计

Job enlargement 工作扩大化

Job enrichment 工作丰富化

Job evaluation 工作评价

Job experiences 工作经验

Job involvement 工作认同

Job posting and bidding 工作张贴和申请

Job progressions 工作提升

Job ranking system 工作重要性排序法

Job rotation 工作轮换

Job satisfaction 工作满意度

Job specification 工作规范

Job structure 工作结构

Key jobs 关键工作

Labor market 劳动力市场

Labor relations process 劳动关系进程

Leaderless group discussion 无领导小组讨论法

Learning organization 学习型组织

Long-term-short-term orientation 长期-短期导向

Maintenance of membership 会员资格维持

Management by objectives, MBO 目标管理

Management forecasts 管理预测

Management prerogatives 管理特权

Manager and / or supervisor appraisal 经理和/或上司评估Managing diversity 管理多元化

Markov analysis 马克夫分析法

Mediation 调解

Mentor 导师

Merit guideline 绩效指南

Minimum wage 最低工资

Motivation to learn 学习的动机

Needs assessment(培训)需要评价

Negligence 疏忽

Nepotism 裙带关系

Ombudsman 调查专员

On-the-job training, OJT 在职培训

Opportunity to perform 实践的机会

Organizational analysis 组织分析

Organizational capability 组织能力

Orientation 导向培训

Outplacement counseling 重新谋职咨询

Output 产出

Outsourcing 外包

Panel interview 小组面试

Pay-for-performance standard 按绩效的报酬标准

Pay grade 工资等级

Pay level 工资水平

Pay-policy line 工资政策线

Pay structure 工资结构

Peer appraisal 同事评估

Performance appraisal 绩效评价

Performance feedback 绩效反馈

Performance management 绩效管理

Performance planning and evaluation(PPE)绩效规划与评价系统Perquisites 津贴

Person analysis 个人分析

Person characteristics 个人特征

Personnel selection 人员甄选

Point system 积分法

Position analysis questionnaire, PAQ 职位分析问卷调查

Power distance 权力差距

Predictive validation 预测效度

Profit sharing 利润分享

Promotion 晋升

Protean career多变的职业

Psychological contract 心理契约

Psychological support 心理支持

Range spread 工资范围跨度

Readability 易读性

Readiness for training 培训准备

Reasoning ability推理能力

Recruitment 招募

Reengineering 流程再造

Relational database 关联数据库

Reliability 信度

Repatriation 归国准备

Replacement charts 替换表

Request for proposal(REP)(培训)招标书

Return on investment(ROI)投资回报

Role ambiguity 角色模糊

Role analysis technique 角色分析技术

Role play 角色扮演

School-to-work 从学校到工作

Selection 甄选

Self-appraisal 自我评估

Situational interview 情景面试

Skill-based pay 技能工资

Skill inventories 技能量表

Specificity 明确性

Spot bonus 即时奖金

Staffing tables 人员配置表

Strategic choice 战略选择

Strategic congruence 战略一致性

Strategic human resource management(SHRM)战略性人力资源管理Strategy formulation 战略形成Strategy implementation 战略执行

Task analysis 任务分析

Team leader training 团队领导培训

360-degree feedback process 360度反馈过程

Total quality management(TQM)全面质量管理

Training 培训

Training administration 培训管理

Training outcomes 培训结果

Transaction processing 事务处理

Trend analysis 趋势分析

Utility 效用

Utility analysis 效用分析

Validity 效度

Verbal comprehension 语言理解能力

Vesting 既得利益

Voicing 发言

Wage and salary survey 薪资调查

Wage-rate compression 工资压缩

Web-based training 网上培训

Work permit/ work certificate 就业许可证

口译常用词汇 篇2

开幕式 opening ceremony/inauguration 开幕致辞 opening address 在。。之际 at a。。moment

具有十分重要的意义 be of great significance/be highly meaningful

不需此行 a rewarding trip 场合,时刻 occasion

趁此机会 take this opportunity

给。。的历史增加了新的一页 add a new page to the history of 共同开创中美经贸合作的新局面 1work together to open a new chapter in China-US trade and economic cooperation 2work together to expand the horizon of trade and economic cooperation between China and US 供给。。住宿,招待,为。。安排(在。。)下榻 to accommodate 贵宾,佳宾 distinguished guest 欢迎仪式 welcoming ceremony 冷餐接待会 buffet reception 前所未有的 unprecedented 热情欢迎 warm welcome 热情接待 warm reception

盛情款待 generous hospitality/warm reception 盛情邀请 gracious invitation/kind invitation 无与伦比的热情好客 unequalled hospitality 应。。的邀请 at the invitation of。。

重温旧情,结交新友/会见老朋友,结交新朋友 renew old friendships and establish new contacts

回顾过去,展望未来 look back at the past and into the future 本着。。的精神 in the spirit of。。

概述 General Terms

欢迎/开幕/闭幕词 welcome/opening/closing speech 开/闭幕式 opening/closing ceremony 签字仪式 signing ceremony 友好访问 goodwill visit 宣布开/闭幕 declare…open/closed

热情友好的讲话 warm and friendly speech 尊敬的 respectable/honorable 东道主 host 嘉宾 distinguished/honorable guests 值此……之际 on the occasion of

以……的名义 in the name of 全体同仁 all my colleagues 由衷的 heartfelt 荣幸地 have the honor of(doing…)

愉快地 have the pleasure(in doing…/to do…)

大洋彼岸 the other side of the ocean 友好使者 envoy of friendship 商界 business community 增进理解 promote understanding 促进合作 enhance/strengthen cooperation

符合……的共同利益 meet the common interest of 回顾过去 looking back on;in retrospect 展望未来 look into the future 最后;总之 in conclusion 提议为……干杯 propose a toast to

明/皓月当空 with a bright moon 拨冗光临 take the time off one’s busy schedule 良辰佳时 a wonderful time 金秋 golden autumn 祝……圆满成功 wish…a complete success

融洽的气氛 a congenial atmosphere 美妙的音乐 splendid music 热情动人的讲话 gracious and eloquent remarks 无比盛情的款待 incomparable hospitality 再叙旧情 renew one’s old friendships

结交新朋 establish new contacts 恋恋不舍 feel reluctant to part 千言万语说不尽 no words can fully express 前所未有的 unprecedented 卫生 public health;hygiene;sanitation 双边关系 bilateral relationship 剪彩 cutting the ribbon at an opening ceremony 奠基礼 foundation stone laying ceremony 亲切的问候 cordial greetings 兄弟般的 fraternal

移交仪式 turning-over ceremony 开工典礼 commencement ceremony

称谓与头衔 Address and Titles

陛下 Your/His/Her Majesty 殿下 Your/His/Her Highness;Your/His/Her Excellency;Your/His/Her Royal Highness 阁下 Your/His/Her Honor/ Excellency 总理 premier;chancellor 首相 prime minister

医院院长 president 董事长 president;chairman 大学校长 president 中小学校长 principal;headmaster 院长;系主任 dean

总书记 general secretary 总建筑师 chief architect 总干事 secretary-general;commissioner 总监 chief inspector 总领事 consul general

副总统 vice president 副部长 vice minister 省长 governor 副教授 associate professor 副研究员 associate research fellow

编审 senior editor 译审 senior translator 副总经理 deputy general manager 助理教授 assistant professor 主任医师 senior doctor

代理市长 acting mayor 执行主席 executive/presiding chairman 名誉校长 honorary president 院士 academician

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Ladies and Gentlemen,On this beautiful moon-lit evening, I would like to, on behalf of our Managing Director Mr.Ouyang, and all of my colleagues, express our gratitude to you for sparing time from your tight schedule at this busiest season of the year to attend our Mid-autumn festival party.We are honored to have invited some municipal officials, our business partners from New Zealand, and some veteran employees of our company.You are to enjoy the genuine traditional Chinese cuisine and wines as well as some wonderful entertainment program.At the beginning of the party, please allow me to propose a toast to prosperity of China, to our successful cooperation and to everybody’s health.Cheers!

口译分类词汇——接待 Reception

概述 General Terms

宾至如归 home away from home 不眠之夜 white night 持枪礼 rifle salute 怠慢 neglecting/slighting 当天的主宾 principal guest of the day

泛泛之交 bowing/nodding acquaintance 工友 fellow worker 化装舞会 masquerade;fancy dress ball 活动日程 itinerary;schedule 鸡尾酒餐厅 cocktail lounge

饯行 give a farewell dinner 健康证书 health certificate 接待 host;receive 接待员 receptionist 接风 give a dinner for a visitor from afar

经费担保 financial support 冷餐会 buffet reception 冷遇 cold welcome 盟友;刎颈之交 sworn friend 密友 bosom friend

牌友 card partner 外事办 foreign affairs office 喜宴 bridal dinner 校友 alumnus(男);alumna(女)

新闻界的熟人 journalistic acquaintance

野餐会 picnic party 招待 entertain 招待会 reception/entertainment party 招待所 hostel;lodging house 注目礼 eye salute

祝你胃口好!Bon appetite!

在机场 At the Airport

安全检查 security check 班车 shuttle bus 办理海关例行手续 go through customs formalities 包机 charter a plane;a chartered plane 报关 make a customs declaration

出境签证 exit visa 出租车候车处 taxi stand 到达时间 arrival time 登记卡 boarding pass 国宾 state guests

过境签证 transit visa 海关 the Customs 海关行李申报单 customs baggage declaration form 候机大厅 waiting hall 机场大楼 terminal building

旅行支票 traveler’s check 旅游签证 tourist visa 免税 duty-free 盼望已久的客人 long-awaited guest 起飞时间 departure/ take-off time

热烈拥抱 hearty embrace 入境签证 entry visa 入境手续 entry formalities 手提行李 hand baggage 双手拥抱 bear hug

随身携带行李 carry-on baggage 外币申报单 foreign currency declaration form 外交护照 diplomatic passport 往返票 round-trip ticket;return ticket 问讯处 information desk

行李标签牌 baggage tag 行李寄存处 baggage depositary 行李认领处 baggage claim 行李手推车 baggage handcart/pushcart 行李提取处 baggage/luggage claim

一次性/多次性入境签证 single-/multiple-entry visa 应纳关税物品 dutiable goods/articles 再入境签证 re-entry visa 曾用名 former name 种痘/预防接种证书 vaccination/inoculation certificate

宾馆餐厅 Hotels and Restaurants

按摩室 massage parlor 保龄球场 bowling alley 闭路电视 close-circuit television 标准间 standard room 餐桌转盘 Lazy Susan

茶道 sado 超豪华酒店 super deluxe hotel 大堂 lobby 单人间 single room 单人套房 chambers

弹子房 billiard room 迪斯科舞厅 discotheque 订房间 book a room 饭店/旅馆登记表 hotel registration form 高级套房 deluxe suite

高级夜总会 super club 公寓式饭店 apartment hotel 豪华套房 luxury suite 纪念品柜 souvenir stand 价目表 hotel tariff

健身房 gymnasium 叫人按钮 room service button 结账/退房时间 checkout time 卡拉OK厅 karaoke hall 客房服务生 chamber boy

客房女服务员 chamber maid 客满 no vacancy 山庄别墅 mountain villa 双人间 double room 未经预约的客人 walk-in guest

迎宾馆 guest house 永久地址 permanent address 预定金 reservation deposit 预付 pay in advance 总统套房 presidential suite

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