新版八年级英语下册 短语unit10


新版八年级英语下册 短语unit10(共8篇)

新版八年级英语下册 短语unit10 篇1


7.把旧东西赠送给需要的人8.不再9 你可以用75元买下它



16.长大17.我们的房子似乎变小了 18.清理,丢掉











新版八年级英语下册 短语unit10 篇2

总体来说, 这次课堂教学实施比较成功, 达到了公开教学应有的效果。从询问职业开始, 然后通过幻灯片展示各种职业类型, 一直到谈论理想, 整个过程如行云流水, 连贯自然。遵循了面向全体学生、倡导体验参与、开发课程资源等课标理念, 初步培养了学生的交际策略、资源策略等意识。教学任务基本完成, 各层次的学生均有所得。此外, 英语学习氛围宽松、民主、浓厚, 师生情感交融极为成功。


1.采用多媒体教学, 形象直观、省时高效。放映关于各种职业的幻灯片, 能激发学生的兴趣, 减少学生对母语的依赖。将新授的语言内容制作成演示文稿, 相比在黑板上板书省时不少, 而且高效。

2.本节课从学生熟悉的句型入手, 引出关于职业的单词, 如teacher, student, worker等, 然后放映幻灯片展示新的职业类型, 如engineer, pilot等, 最后谈论理想:What are you going to be?并进一步讨论:How are you going to do that? 这样的教学流程既科学合理、严谨有序, 又符合学生的认知规律。

3.从旧知识的复习到新知识的呈现, 过渡自然, 富有逻辑性。教师设问:What do you do? What does she/he do?自然引出关于职业的单词, 进而学习新的职业类型。这样的衔接很巧妙、很自然。

4.生词的呈现与记忆很直观, 且多样化。开展了 “Do you have quick eyes?” “Can you remember well?” “中英文互译”等教学活动。

5.教师在教学过程中基本起到了引导者、指挥者的作用, 能够立足于学生的学, 充分调动其主动性、积极性。呈现完“What are you going to be when you grow up? How are you going to do that?”后, 随即提供Tina等人的信息并要求对话操练, 起到了很好的巩固效果。

6.在“Choose one of the situations below to make conversations with your partner.”中采用了任务型教学法和合作学习法。

7.学生积极主动, 发言踊跃, 师生配合默契。

8.作业设计紧扣重点、难点, 达到巩固知识、学以致用的目的。

9.教学节奏中速, 教学容量适中。


1.教学重点不够突出, 主次不分明。重点是学习关于职业的生词, 还是掌握句型“What are you going to be when you grow up? How are you going to do that?”从教学现象来看无法判断。

2.学生语言输入后未能进行充分有效的输出, 使语言停留在知识状态而没有转化为能力。

3.学生自主学习的空间与时间均不足, 教学尚未充分体现教为主导、学为主体的思想。

4.听、说、读、写四会的基本原则没有很好地遵循, 且忽视了“写”的技能培养。

5.时间分配不够合理, 花在生词教学上的时间几乎等同于句型学习的时间。


1.在直观呈现生词后, 应让学生通过大量的对话操练来巩固和掌握它们。因为单词是死的, 只有在语境中才能活过来。皮之不存, 毛将焉附!

2.句型“What are you going to be when you grow up? How are you going to do that?”的操练, 应分三个阶段:控制→半控制→全开放。具体做法是:让学生先练习演示文稿中的对话例子, 然后根据所提供的信息编对话, 最后发挥想象畅谈自己的愿望与打算。

3.生词教学控制在15分钟以内, 拿出25分钟的时间学习句型“What are you going to be when you grow up? How are you going to do that?”把教学重点放在这两个句型上。

4.多一些自主, 少一些灌输。注重精讲多练。


1.仪表端庄大方, 精神焕发。教态亲切自然, 富有感染力。

2.口语准确流利, 能用英语组织教学。

3.课堂驾驭能力强, 有一定的教学机智。

4.专业素质比较扎实, 有良好的教学功底。现代教学技术娴熟。

新版八年级英语下册 短语unit10 篇3

1. Ive been skating since I was seven years old. 我自从七岁就一直滑冰。

【点拨】 1)since是连词,意为“自从……以来”,用来引导时间状语从句;主句常用现在完成时或现在完成进行时,从句常用一般过去时。例如:

He has worked here since he came here in 1990. 他自从1990年来到这儿,就在这儿工作。


She has been playing the guitar since nine oclock. 她从九点起就一直弹吉他。

2. My mom says I have to stop, because weve run out of room to store them. 妈妈说我必须停下来,因为我已用完了屋里所有的空间去储存它们了。

【点拨】 run out of意为“用完、用尽”。例如:

We ran out of all our money this morning. 我们今天上午把所有的钱都花完了。

3. By the way, whats your hobby? 顺便问一下,你的爱好是什么?

【点拨】 by the way意为“顺便一提;附带说说”。例如:

By the way, I have something to tell you. 顺便我有些事告诉你。

4. I am interested in the job as a writer. 我对作家的工作很感兴趣。

【点拨】 be interested in意为“对……感兴趣”,是一个固定短语,后面接动词时,要用动词-ing形式。例如:

The boy is very interested in playing football. 这个男孩对踢足球非常感兴趣。

5. For a foreigner like me, the more I learn about Chinese history, the more I enjoy living in China. 对于像我这样的外国人,我对中国历史了解越多,就越喜欢住在中国。

【点拨】 “the + 比较级,the +比较级”表示“越……,越……”。例如:

The busier he is , the happier he feels. 他越忙,越感到高兴。

6. Would you mind turning down the music? 你介意我把音量调低点吗?

【点拨】 1) mind意为“介意、反对”,后面通常接名词、动名词或从句,一般用于疑问句、否定句或条件从句中,表示请求许可或请求别人做某事。句型“Would you mind ...?”意为“你介意/反对……?”例如:

Would you mind cleaning the yard? 你介意打扫院子吗?

2) turn down意为“把音量调低”,是由“动词+副词”构成的短语动词,当宾语是代词时,代词要放在副词的前面。例如:

The radio is too loud. Please turn it down. 收音机的音量太大了,请调低一点。

7. What a lucky guy! 多么幸运的家伙!

【点拨】 这是一个省略了主谓结构的感叹句。由what引导的感叹句用来修饰名词,句型结构为:(1)What + a / an + 形容词 + 单数可数名词 + 主语 +谓语!(2)What + 形容词 + 不可数名词 / 复数可数名词复数 + 主语 + 谓语! 例如:

What a good boy he is!他是一个多么好的孩子!

What beautiful flowers you bought!你买的花真漂亮!

8. They only cost five dollars. 他们只值五美元。

【点拨】 cost意为“价值(若干),花费(多少钱),”一般要用物来作主语。例如:

This dictionary cost me forty yuan. 这本词典花了我40元钱。

9. In the USA, some people ask their families and friends to give money to charity rather than buying them gifts. 在美国,有些人不让他们的家人和朋友给他们买礼物,而是让他们把钱捐给慈善机构。

【点拨】 rather than 意为“与其……(不如……);不是……(而是……),”可以连接词类相同的词,意思相当于instead of。例如:

He ran all the way rather than walked. 他不是走着,而是一路跑着。

10. Maybe you could even make friends with a native speaker of English. 也许你可以和把英语作为母语的外国人交朋友。

【点拨】 make friends with 是一个固定短语,意为“与……交朋友”。例如:

You should make friends with the people there. 你应该与那儿的人交朋友。

11. —Have you ever been to a water park? 你曾经去过水上公园吗?

—No, I havent.不,我没去过。

【点拨】 have been to ... 意为“去过某地”,指过去去过,现在已经回来了。have gone to ... 意为“去了某地”表示人已不在说话处,可能已经到达了目的地,也可能在途中。例如:

Mr Li has gone to Beijing. He will come back next week. 李老师去北京了,他下周回来。

12. On the one hand, more than three quarters of the population are Chinese. 一方面超过四分之三的人是中国人。

【点拨】 a quarter意为“四分之一”,也可说成one fourth;“四分之三”可说成three quarters,也可说成three fourths。

13. It looks like rain, doesnt it? 好像要下雨,是吗?

【点拨】 反意疑问句的附加疑问句与陈述句在人称、数及时态上要一致。若陈述句部分是肯定的,附加问句部分就要用否定的;若陈述句部分是否定的,附加问句部分就要用肯定的。例如:

He cant speak Japanese, can he? 他不会讲日语,对吗?

14. Two people looking through books in a bookstore. 两个人在书店里浏览图书。

【点拨】 短语look through意为“浏览”。例如:

Here are the books for you to look through. 你要浏览的书籍在这儿。

look through还有“仔细查看;温习(功课)”等意思。例如:

Look through your notes before the examination. 考试之前温习一下你的笔记。


()1. —Peter, I think we need to buy a new car.

—Oh, no! We are _______ out of money, you know?(2008湖北武汉)

A. tryingB. goingC. gettingD. running

()2. —Are you worried about the coming exam?

—No. I think the more ________ you are, ________ mistakes youll make. (20008湖北黄冈)

A. careful; the less B. carefully; the fewer C. carefully; the leastD. careful; the fewer

()3. Ive been collecting old coins ________ ten years ago. (2008福建厦门)

A. forB. aboutC. since

()4. I didnt pass the math exam last month. ________, how do you study for a math test? (2008山东滨州)

A. By accident B. By mistake

C. By the way D. By the time

()5. —Youre new here, __________?

—Yes, Im from Dujiangyan. I came here last week. (2008重庆市)

A. do you B. dont you

C. are you D. arent you

()6. —Would you mind _________ your bike?

—No, not at tall. Ill put it under the tree right away. (2008湖北咸宁)

A. moveB. to moveC. movesD. moving

()7. —I want to sleep. Could you please ________ the TV a little?

—Oh, sure. Sorry about that. (2008四川巴中)

A. turn down B. turn on C. turn up

()8. The ticket is on the floor, please ________. (2008山东烟台)

A. pick up itB. look for

C. pick it upD. look it up

()9. —_______ beautiful day! Shall we go for a picnic?

—Good idea. (2008广东湛江)

A. WhatB. How C. What aD. How a

()10. The funny toy monkey ________ Sandy five dollars. (2008四川成都)

A. cost B. spent C. used

()11. 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出与所给句子划线部分意义相同或相近并能替代的那一项。

—Would you like a cup of coffee?

—Sorry. Ill have a cold drink rather than coffee. (2008湖北黄冈)

A. would than B. would rather

C. insteadD. instead of

()12. —May I speak to Tom?

—Sorry, he is not at home. He ________ to Shanghai. (2008湖南长沙)

A. has beenB. has goneC. goes

()13. ________ of the land ________ covered with forest. (2008甘肃嘉峪关市)

A. Two thirds; isB. Two thirds; are

C. Two third; isD. Two third; are

()14. Ive __________ all the photos in the drawer but I still cant find the one you need. (2008浙江舟山)

A. opened upB. given away

C. handed outD. looked through

15. 用所给词的适当形式填空,使句子意思完整正确。

Most of the students arent __________(interesting) in the article. (2008内蒙古乌兰察布)

新版八年级英语下册 短语unit10 篇4




9.忘记带伞10 在周末11 对我来讲有点热两个排队买冰淇淋的人两个在书店看书的人在电梯里15等待去干16 玩的愉快17 多少钱18 多大19 跟我谈谈你自己20 打棒球21 带我参观学校22 过的很愉快23等我10 分钟24 在周六的晚上25 对我友好擅长数学28 容易的多29 下周比赛的门票30 赢得比赛31想起你32 感谢信33 举行90岁生日晚会35相处的好36 是数学变得如此容易37 当心38 完成作业

13.横过马路4.(意外的)发生,出现26集体中的一部分26 很费力的寻找它

句型复习,完成填空他真的很好,不是吗? He is really good ,?

2队伍进行太慢了,不是吗?This line is slow,it? 3 天气很好,不是吗?The weather is fine,it?火车总是晚点,不是.吗?The train is always, isn’t it?

5、15路车停在这儿,不是吗? The No.15 bushere , doesn’t it?是的,停这儿。Yes ,it does.不,不停在这儿。No, it doesn’t.6 他们的价格很低,对吗? Their prices are really,?

7.他从不拥挤,对吗? 是的。It is never crowded,it? 8 这件衬衣值多少钱? Howdid the shirt cost?非常感谢你邀请我。Thanks forme.我一直在费力的寻找它直到你地到来。

I wasituntil you came along.11 他说他要帮我学习数学。He said he’d help memy math project.12 在一个新地方碰到像你这样的朋友使相处变得容易得多了。Friends like you make it a lot easier toin a new place.我现在感觉我是集体中的一员了。Ipart of the group now.我们看到Black Socks 队获胜时就会想到你。

新版八年级英语下册 短语unit10 篇5


1.talk about health problems谈论健康问题 2.give advice 提建议 3.have a fever 发烧 4.have a cough 咳嗽

5.have a(bad)cold 患(重)感冒 6.have a toothache 牙疼

7.have a sore throat 患嗓子疼 8.talk too much 说得太多

9.drink enough water 喝足够的水 10.have a stomachache 胃疼 11.have a sore back 背疼

12.lie down and rest 躺下来休息

13.drink hot tea with honey 喝加蜂蜜的热茶 14.see a dentist 看牙医 15.get an X-ray 拍X光片

16.take one’ s temperature 量体温

17.put some medicine on the cut 在伤口上面敷药 18.cut oneself 割伤某人自己 19.take risks 冒险

20.have a headache 患头疼 21.sound like 听起来像 22.lose one’s life 丧命

23.in the same way 以同样的方式 24.take breaks 休息 25.go to a doctor 看医生

26.in a difficult situation 在困境中 27.go along 沿着……走

28.on the side of the road 在马路边 29.shout for help 大声呼救

30.without thinking twice 没有多想 31.get off 下车

32.have a heart problem 有心脏病 33.to one’ s surprise 令某人惊讶的是 34.thanks to 多亏了;由于 35.in time 及时 36.give up 放弃

37.be in control of 掌管;管理 38.get into trouble 惹麻烦 39.right away 立刻;马上

40.because of+n.pron.由于…… 41.get out of 从……出来 42.hurt oneself 受伤 43.fall down 摔倒

44.put a bandage on sth.用绷带包扎…… 45.run it under water 在水流下冲洗 46.keep on doing sth.继续或坚持做某事 47.have a nosebleed 流鼻血 48.run out(of)用完;用尽

49.put your head back 把你的头向后仰 50.make a decision 做出决定 51.rest for a few days 休息几天52.get hit on the head 头部挨打

53.have problems breathing 呼吸困难 54.get hit by a ball 被球击中 55.get sunburned 晒伤

56.go mountain climbing 去爬山

57.as a mountain climber 作为一名登山者 58.be used to doing sth.习惯做某事 59.be used to taking risks习惯于冒险

60.cut off half his right arm 切除半边右臂 61.so that 以便

62.so...that 如此… …以至于…


1.What’ s the matter∕the trouble(with you)? = What’ s wrong with you?你怎么了?

2.You shouldn’t eat so much next time.下次你不应该吃这么多。

3.He should see a dentist and get an X-ray.他应该看牙医并拍一张X光片。

4.She should take her temperature.她应该量体温。5.I think I sat in the same way for too long without moving.我想我以同样的姿势一动不动地坐得太久了。

6.You need to take breaks away from the computer.你需要远离电脑去休息。

7.But to his surprise, they all agreed to go with him.但是令他惊讶的是,他们都同意和他去。

8.Thanks to Mr.Wang and the passengers, the doctors saved the man in time.多亏了王先生和乘客,医生及时地拯救了那个人。

9.Did you hurt yourself playing soccer? 你在踢足球时伤了你自己吗?

新版八年级英语下册 短语unit10 篇6










韩赛尔与葛雷特 韩赛尔和葛雷特与他们的父亲和继母住在森林附近。有一年,天气太干旱了以至于粮食(作物)无法生长。妻子告诉她的丈夫如果他不把孩子们扔到森林里让他们自生自灭,整个家庭就会灭亡。葛雷特听到了这件事,并且韩赛尔制定了一个计划来拯救自己和他的妹妹。












1.为什么妻子让丈夫把孩子丢在森林里?2.韩赛尔出去捡什么了?3.为什么他在月光下做这件事?4.韩赛尔和葛雷特怎样找到了回家的路?5. 韩塞尔和葛雷特为什么第二次迷路了?







登山者的精神 登山者的成就 事实与危险

珠穆朗玛峰——世界上最危险的山? 登山运动是世界上最危险的运动之一,喜马拉雅山脉是从事这项运动最受欢迎的地方之一。喜马拉雅山脉横亘在中国的西南部。在所有的山中,珠穆朗玛峰是最高的并且也是最著名的。它有8844.43米高因此攀登珠穆朗玛峰是非常危险的。浓云覆盖着山顶并且雪可能下得很大。更加严峻的困难包括极冷的天气状况和巨大的风暴。当你接近山顶的时候呼吸也是非常困难的。 在1953年5月29日,人类最先登上(珠穆朗玛峰的)山顶的是丹增?诺尔盖和埃德蒙?希拉里。中国登山队于1960年首次登顶。而在1975年首次成功登上珠穆朗玛峰的女性是来自日本的田部井淳子。 为什么许多的登山者要冒生命的危险呢?其中最主要的原因之一是因为他们想在面对困难时挑战自己。这些登山者的精神向我们证明:我们决不应该放弃实现自己梦想的尝试。它也展示了人类有时比自然界的力量更强大。
















Amy: 我选择了《金银岛》,但是我还没有看完。我只看了二十五页。 Steve:你至少看了书的背面的内容简介吧?

Amy: 是的,我读过。这本书看起来很有趣。


Amy: 是,我知道。我会快速看完。











安娜:上周末我去了电影博物馆。你曾经去过那里吗? 吉尔:是的,我去过。我在四月就去了那里。


吉尔:是的,我喜欢那里的所有的古老的电影摄影机。我还了解了一些发明,它们成就了彩色电影。 安娜:那么,你在周末做什么了?

吉尔:我和一些朋友在山里野营了。我们搭起了一顶帐蓬,并在外面做了饭。 安娜:那听起来很有趣。我从未野营过。




埃米:最近我去了印度的一个很不寻常的博物馆,国际马桶博物馆。当我在那里看到那么多不同种类的马桶时,我简直不敢相信我的眼睛。这个博物馆告诉人们关于马桶的历史和发展过程。它也鼓励政府和社会团体想出办法,以便将来改进马桶 琳琳:去年我去了杭州的中国茶叶博物馆。它是在湖附近的一个令人放松和安宁的地方。茶艺表演展示了如何用精美的茶具沏一杯完美的茶。看着他们用美丽的茶具沏茶的过程和饮茶本身一样令人享受。我终于明白了我祖父为什么喜欢喝茶,并且喜欢收集茶具。








埃米:最后一件东西是面包机。我妈妈买了很长时间了,可它仍然正常运转。 琳达。非常感谢你!







有些人仍然生活在自己的家乡。然而,很多人可能每年只回乡一两次。如今,数以百万计的中国人离开农村到城市里寻工作。钟伟就是其中之一,一个46岁的丈夫和父亲。过往的,他一直住在温州,在一家蜡笔工厂干著艰苦的工作,也没有太多的时间回家乡看看。 「以前我每年至少回家一次,但已经差不多三年了,我都没有回过家,真可惜,但我真的没时间 」他说。


「我发现我的家乡的确如是」,钟伟继说道, 「自20世纪中,就在我以前念书的小学,孩子们都学会了阅读和计数。但是,建筑物现在已经很陈旧。我听说他们打算建一所新的学校。 」钟伟认为,这样的发展很好,而他也知道,他的家乡不可能永远保持不变。

新版八年级英语下册 短语unit10 篇7


( )1. What will happen if I am late? A. If you do, youll be late.

( )2. I think Ill go there by bus. B. Its a good idea.

( )3. When will the meeting begin? C. The teacher will be angry.

( )4. Shall we invite James? D. Sure, Im glad to.

( )5. Can you give me some advice? E. At about nine.


1. I dont like potato chips and __________ (巧克力).

2. Our teachers often __________ (组织) some after-school activities.

3. Mr. King went to the airport with his wife by __________. (出租车)

4. He doesnt want to hang out. He wants to stay at home watching __________. (录像)

5. We gave Jake some __________ (建议), but he refused to take it.


1. What will h________ if I stay at home reading a book?

2. Are potato c_________ junk food or healthy food?

3. Susan was so u________ that she began to cry.

4. I remember m___________ your father at the end of last month.

5. Shall we eat out in the r__________ to celebrate Mothers Day?

6. The match will be more e_________ if more people join in it.

7. Ted w________ some small gifts in the games.

8. The teacher will be angry i_________ you come to school late again.

9. I didnt finish my math homework because h_________ of it was too hard for me.

10. If I walk instead of taking a taxi, it will take me too l_________.


( )1. —I dont know if Karen ________ tomorrow.

—If she ________, Ill meet her at the train station.

A. will come; will come B. comes; comes

C. comes; will come D. will come; comes

( )2. —Do you want to visit Guilin in Guangxi?

—Sure. Its ________ its beautiful mountains and rivers.

A. famous for B. interesting as C. famous as D. interested in

( )3. —Can you share your ________ of learning English?

—The most important is that I read English every day and use it often.

A. worries B. problems C. experience D. meaning

( )4. —I heard Vince had some problems with his family.

—You are right. He ________ his home yesterday.

A. was far from B. ran away from

C. got ready for D. looked forward to

( )5. —The ad says they sell a kind of medicine that can make you become cleverer.

—Dont ________ the ad. Its not true.

A. refuse B. trust C. solve D. delete

( )6. —You had a problem with your friend, right, Jake?

—I think he is wrong, and he is still ________ me.

A. angry with B. afraid of C. worried about D. friendly to

( )7. —What do you think of Mrs. Steen?

—She is kind and ________ and never gets bored.

A. dangerous B. educational C. comfortable D. understanding

( )8. —There is only one apple for both of us.

—Thats easy. Lets cut it ________.

A. in fact B. in order C. in half D. in trouble

( )9. —Its getting colder.

—Look, it begins to snow heavily. So take care of your ________ while walking outside.

A. mistakes B. steps C. preparations D. temperature

( )10. —What do you think I should do? Can you ________ me some advice?

—I think you should go to college.

A. give B. accept C. solve D. take


Bob likes to eat spaghetti (意大利面条). Every Friday he goes to an Italian 1 and eats spaghetti for lunch.

Phyllis is a 2 at the Italian restaurant. Phyllis and Bob always talk and laugh. They 3 good friends.

After Bob eats, he 4 for his lunch. Then he puts some money on the table. The money is 5 Phyllis. It is her tip (小费).

One day Bob ate spaghetti at the restaurant. He paid for his 6 . Then he asked Phyllis, “Do you want a tip today, 7 do you want half of my lottery ticket (彩票)?”

“Half of your lottery ticket?” Phyllis asked. “Yes,” Bob said, “I have a lottery ticket. If I

8 the lottery, you will get half of the money.”

Phyllis felt a little surprised but 9 . “OK,” she said, “I dont want a tip today. I want half of the lottery money!” She laughed.

The next day, Bob really won the lottery. He won six million dollars. Bob went to the Italian restaurant to 10 Phyllis. “Here is your tip,” Bob told Phyllis.

( )1. A. store B. house C. restaurant D. school

( )2. A. waitress B. owner C. teacher D. doctor

( )3. A. enjoy B. become C. visit D. call

( )4. A. leaves B. sits C. looks D. pays

( )5. A. for B. about C. with D. on

( )6. A. lunch B. tea C. clothes D. service

( )7. A. and B. but C. or D. though

( )8. A. take B. sell C. buy D. win

( )9. A. angry B. happy C. sad D. worried

( )10. A. invite B. accept C. find D. pay


As I am now a middle school student, I have many friends, but there is one I like best. I first met him when I began to go to school.

Though he looks serious, he is interesting. He is clever, sometimes even much fun. He knows every language in the world, all the things in history, and the words of all the great articles. Everyone who knows him loves him. To me, he is a great teacher as well as a good friend.

My friend is always ready to help me. Though I may not be very smart, I can ask him for help again and again. When I am bored, he tells me something interesting. When I am lonely, he always stays with me. He is a friend not only to me but to all the people around the world.

Do you want to know his name? His name is “Reading”.


( )1. The writer thinks his best friend looks serious.

( )2. The writers best friend only knows one language.

( )3. The writers best friend doesnt help people who are not smart.

( )4. When the writer feels bored, his best friend tells him something interesting.

( )5. The writers best friend is “Reading”.


( )1. —What are you going to do tomorrow?

—Well go to the library tomorrow if it ________.

A. isnt rain B. rain C. wont rain D. doesnt rain

( )2. —Do we have to wait for Peter?

—Sure. But it will be a long time ________ he ________ his work.

A. since; has finishedB. after; finishes C. when; will finish D. before; finishes

( )3. —Susan is not going to the beach.

—If she ________, I wont, either.

A. isnt B. wont C. doesnt D. didnt

( )4. —Do you think the games were ________?

—Yes, we were all ________ about them.

A. exciting; excited B. excited; exciting

C. exciting; exciting D. excited; excited

( )5. —What will your son do if he has some problems?

—He is shy. He will ________ them to himself.

A. take B. keep C. catch D. stay

( )6. —Dont put so much money in your ________, Karen.

—I am going to buy lots of school things, but I wont spend it all.

A. books B. friends C. wallet D. school

( )7. —Should I ________ Ben to have a talk with his parents?

—Thats a good way to solve his problem.

A. advise B. invite C. reply D. make

( )8. —Are you going to take a trip with Vince?

—No, Id like to travel with somebody ________.

A. other B. another C. more D. else

( )9. —I am not ________ what clothes to wear.

—Youd better put on your shirt and pants.

A. afraid B. careful C. sure D. surprised

( )10. —Do you think we should give everyone a small gift?


A. Good luck B. Thats all right C. Good idea D. I am afraid so


Not all people like to work but everyone likes to play. All over the world men and women, boys and girls enjoy 1 . Since the days of long ago, adults and children have called their friends together to spend 2 , even days playing games.

Sports help people to live 3 . They help to keep people healthy and feeling good. When they are playing games, people 4 a lot. This is good for their health. Having 5 with their friends makes them happy.

Many people enjoy sports by watching others 6 . In small towns, crowds meet to watch the bicycle races or the soccer games. In big cities, thousands 7 to see an ice-skating or a baseball game.

What are your favorite sports? Is the weather 8 where you live? Then swimming is probably one of your sports. Boys and girls in China love to 9 . There are wonderful beaches and there are beautiful 10 and lakes across the country. The weather is also good for swimming.

( )1. A. music B. movies C. sports D. game

( )2. A. hours B. weeks C. months D. years

( )3. A. alone B. busily C. happily D. slowly

( )4. A. speak B. think C. move D. laugh

( )5. A. fun B. jokes C. dinner D. money

( )6. A. walk B. play C. jump D. move

( )7. A. buy tickets B. take turns C. read newspapers D. get ready

( )8. A. cool B. cold C. hot D. fine

( )9. A. skate B. swim C. surf D. play

( )10. A. mountains B. cities C. rivers D. girls


1. If you have problems, you should get __________ from an expert.

2. Youll be __________ if you are in our new movie.

3. Students have some __________ problems in their studies.

4. Learning to __________ is the right thing we need to do.

5. Ill never be so __________ with my homework.


One day Tom was playing with his younger brother Paul beside the well (水井) near their home. Suddenly Tom f 1 down the well. Paul was afraid. Their parents were not at home. Their father was working in the f 2 and their mother was helping a neighbor. Tom called his y 3 brother, Paul. Paul looked at the bottom (底部) of the well and saw his brother s 4 in the water of the well. Tom was five feet t 5 and the water was only three feet deep (深). Paul was g 6 to see his brother safe in the well. Then he ran home and brought a long rope (绳子).

He was only six and not very s 7 , so he could not pull (拉) Tom out. He was thinking hard and finally had a good i 8 . He tied (系) one end of the rope to a tree and threw the other end to his brother in the well. Then Tom c 9 up the rope and got out of the well. He t 10 his brother first and went home to change his wet clothes.

1. f_________ 2. f_________ 3. y_________4. s_________ 5. t_________

新版八年级英语下册 短语unit10 篇8

Knowledge and Skills:

1. Recognize and use vocabulary about the theatre.

2. Use “because” and “because of ” to give a reason for something.

3. Use “so” to introduce the result of something.

4. Understand different contexts for using “hope” and “wish”.

5. Pronounce contracted from correctly.

Procession and method:

1. Use teaching cards, slides, real objects etc. in English classes

2. Infer meaning from keywords and context.

3. Check meaning by completing sentences in a conversation.

4. Identify true or false statements based on the reading passage.

5. Generate broken sentences using information from the reading passage

6. Make a poster

Emotion, attitude and sense of valuation:

1. In this unit, the Beijing Sunshine Secondary School students are involved in raising money by organizing a charity show.

2. It focuses on how young people are able to make realistic contributions to charity.

3. It invites students to consider ways of helping others and express their feelings and attitudes to charity events.

The seventh period

Integrated skills

Main points:

1. To recognize key expressions involved in organizing an event;

2. To understand specific tasks;

3. To recognize keywords when asking people to do work;

4. To write a note explaining arrangements for an event.


To master the usage of fluent English.

Teaching Methods:

Listening, speaking, reading, writing and translating


I. Part A: Working on a charity show

A1. The class 1, Grade 8 students are planning their charity show. They held a meeting to make some decisions about it. Look at Sandy’s notes and answer the questions according to the information.

1. What’s the name of the show?

2. What do they raise money for?

3. When will the show be held?

4. What time will the show begin and finish?

5. How much does each ticket cost?

A2. Sandy has organized another meeting. Help her write down what each student says. Listen carefully. Complete the table below by putting a tick in the correct boxes.

Kitty Sandy Daniel Millie Simon Amy

Design the poster

Organize a play

Be the host of the show

Set up the stage

Sing a song

Ask friends and families to come

① Play the recording through without stopping. Ask students to get the main ideas.

② Play the recording again and check answers.

Who will design the poster?

Who will organize a play?

Who will be the host of the show?

Who will set up the stage?

Who will sing a song? / Who will ask friends and families to come?

A3. Sandy is writing a note to Mr. Wu about the charity show. Help her complete the note. Use the notes in Parts A1 and A2 on page 68 to help you.

A4: Useful expressions

1. talk about doing something讨论做某事

They are talking about setting up the stage.=

They are talking about how to set up the stage.

2. The show will be held…被动结构

3. The show will finish at … The show finishes at …

4. do a very important job/do an important job/do very important work

5. volunteer to do

6. cost: v. 某物花费(某人)多少钱:The book cost (me) $30.

II. Part B: Speak up: organizing a charity show

1. Read the dialogue:

①Remind students of their duties, responsibilities and the workload when organizing public events.

②Divide students into pairs.

2.Make similar dialogues: Ask students prepare their own conversation about organizing a charity show, using the conversation as a model.

3. Act out the made-up dialogues.


Check the preview paper and complete “integrated skills” in class.


The eighth period


Main points:

1. To recognize and use contractions appropriately;

2. To pronounce contracted forms correctly;

3. To generate ideas about designing a poster ;

4. To make a poster and describe the details of a charity show.


To improve English reading skills;

To raise and strength the interests in English

Teaching Methods:

Listening, speaking, reading, writing and translating



Part A: Remind students of different levels of formality when using contractions or long forms. Explain that we usually use contracted forms both in spoken English and in informal types of writing.

1.List the changing forms of “be”(, “do”, “have”, “will”, etc.) with different pronouns and read them.

I am; you are; Amy is not; they do not; It does not; The boy did not; we can not…

2. Try to read them again when two words are linked together.

3.Listen to the tape and try to read after the tape, paying attention to the pronunciation

Part B: Contractions in sentences.

4.Divide the class into pairs and ask them to read loudly the sentences to each other. Ensure the partner pronounce correctly.

5.Play the recording for Part B and tell students to read out one sentence each.

6.Ask five students to read the sentences each and the rest repeat the sentence in chorus.


Read the sentences in this part.


The ninth period

Main task

Main points:

1.To generate ideas about designing a poster;

2.To make a poster and describe the details of a charity show.


How to make a poster.

Teaching Methods:

Listening, speaking, reading, writing and translating


Part A: Organizing a charity show

1.Make students think what is needed to write on a poster about holding a show.

2.Explain the context, ask students to read the poster and answer the questions:

①What is the name of the show?(Sunshine For All)

②When will they hold the show?(29th April, from 730-930 p.m.)

③Why are they holding a charity show?(To raise money to help poor

children go to school)

④Where will the show be held?(At Beijing Sunshine Secondary School)

⑤Who organized the show?(The Beijing Sunshine Secondary School students)

⑥How much do the tickets cost?(¥20)

⑦Which charity are they supporting?(Project Hope)

⑧What’s the function of Project Hope?

3.Talk about what makes a poster more effective and how to make people notice a poster and become interested in the event.(bright colors, interesting illustrations, relevant information, attractive fonts, etc)

4.Encourage students to make comments about the poster and how they could improve it using different fonts, titles and subtitles, pictures and illustrations, etc.

5.Divide the class into pairs. Ask students to design their own posters based on the model. Choose a charity and plan a programme of events. Pat attention to the following items:

Information should be included:

* name of the show * purpose

* place * price

* data * programme(event/activity)

* time *which charity you are raising money for and why

6.If students need help with ideas, suggest the following:

China Children and Teenagers’ Fund(中国少年儿童基金会)

China Disabled Persons’ Federation(中国残疾人联合会)

China Charity Federation(中华慈善总会)

China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation(中国扶贫基金)

China Women’s Development Foundation(中国妇女发展基金会)

7.After completing the poster, look at the one on P71 and replace the underlined words with your own words. Display them in class.

Part B: writing a speech

8.Tell students to work alone to complete the speech, using information from the poster on p71. without referring to it.

9. Read the speech out to the class. Pause at the blanks and ask students to call out the missing words.

10.Ask students to work in pairs to write a speech in part B1 as a model. They should refer to the poster they designed.

Part C: Language points

11.We would like to thank the following people for their help and support.

Thank somebody for something“为某事感谢某人

I thank you for your support.

12.Their families have no money so the children have to go to work instead of going to school

Instead of “代替,而不是“

I will go to school instead of you.

We are going to play football instead of basketball.

We are going to swim instead of hiking.


Summarize the key points in Unit 4


The tenth period


Main points:

1.To ensure that students can use “because, because of and so” to talk about reasons and “hope and wish”

2. To review vocabulary related to the theatre.

3. To review the whole unit


Use “because, because of and so” to talk about reasons and “hope and wish”

Teaching Methods:

Listening, speaking, reading, writing and translating


I. Part A: Charity shows: Review the grammar and vocabulary items that students have learned earlier in the unit.

1. Tell students that in Part A, they will have to use “because, because of, so, hope and wish” to complete the letter.

2. Explain the context that Sandy is writing a letter to her friend about the Beijing Sunshine Secondary School charity show.

3. Read out the letter and pause at the blanks for students to complete.

Part B: Tell students that Part B is a page form Kitty’s diary. She went to the theatre with her parents to see a show and now she is writing about it.

II. Revision of Unit 4

1.Useful expressions

①host, advertise, practise, introduce, donate, poor, camera, introduce, event, success, fan, loudly, seem, generous, support, local, business, duty, audience, curtain, indoors, attention, like, instead, magic, pass, rise, break(different transforms of words)

②give out, a bit, in the beginning, because of, pay attention (to), instead of

2.Useful sentence patterns

①Only if you sleep less during the day.

②I felt very happy when the organizers chose me to be the host.

③It was my job to introduce each star.

④Slowly, everything became a little bit easier.

⑤No time to be nervous any more.

⑥I had to speak loudly because of the noise.

⑦Everything seemed to happened so fast and now it is all over.

⑧I’m nervous because I don’t know how to organize a show.

3. Grammar

①because, because of

②hope and wish

hope/wish to do/ hope that…/wish that clause(过去时)

③conjunction so introducing results.


Complete exercise of unit 4 Revision
