


冀教版七年级数学教学计划指导思想 篇1


























第二周—第三周:Unit 1 A Trip to Beijing

第四周—第五周:Unit 2 On the Train

第六周—第七周:Unit 3 Having Fun in Beijing

第八周—第九周:Unit 4 Did You Have a Nice Trip?

第十周—第十一周:Unit 5 Li Ming Goes to Canada!

第十二周:期中复习考试(Unit 1—Unit 4)


第十四周—第十五周:Unit 6 Winter in Canada

第十六周—第十七周:Unit 7 Sports and Good Health

第十八周—第十九周:Unit 8 Li Ming Goes Home!

冀教版七年级数学教学计划指导思想 篇2

1. 能够认读地点名词:park, zoo, movie theatre, restaurant, store, gym和动词词组:watch a movie, have supper, fly kites, watch the animals, buyclothes, play badminton.

2. 能够运用句型I/We go to the ___to ___. Doyou go to the ___to ___? 进行口语交际。

3. 会说chant并进行创编。

4. 提高学生学习英语的兴趣, 培养学生与他人主动合作交流的能力。


熟练运用句型I/We go to the ___to ___. Doyou go to the ___to ___? 进行口语交际。


多媒体课件, 单词卡片。


Step 1: Warming-up and Revision

1. Greeting. (通过简短的free-talk拉近师生间的距离。)

2. Sing an English song: Walking, Walking.

T: Today I am a tourist guide. We will havea travel today! Let’s have fun together. At first, Let’s sing a song and do actions. (教师创设“一日游”的教学情境带领学生开启本课的学习之旅, 用富有节奏感的动作歌曲活跃课堂气氛, 让学生迅速进入英语学习的状态。)

3. Review the words:

park, zoo, gym, movie theatre, restaurant, store.

T: Please take out your learning notes. Lookat task 1. Write the words on your paper.

① Write the words correctly on the LearningNotes.

② Little teachers write the words on thecards.

③ Read after the little teachers: We go to the______.

(利用学习单, 让学生在课前预习的基础上默写本课复习到的六个地点名词, 并且通过小老师的领学让学生初步感受并练习句型We go to the ______. 将词汇和句型融为一体, 让学生自己体验学习的快乐, 也为进一步的学习奠定基础。)

Step 2: Presentation and Practice

New concepts:

I / We go to the____ to____.

Do you go to the _______ to ________ ?

T: There are so many places we want to go.Let’s begin our travel. Here’s our travel line. Atfirst, We go to the____.

Ss: We go to the gym / park / zoo / store / restaurant / movie theatre.

(课件中清晰明了的旅行线路图将学生迅速带入一日游的情境中, 让学生更容易接受本节课的学习任务。)

1. We go to the gym.

T: At first, we go to the gym to play. Therea r e m a n y s p o r t s . L e t ’ s p l a y c a r d s t o g e t h e r .Please take out your little cards. Group-leaders:Choose the cards. Members: Say and do it quickly.

Group-work: play cards. ( Review the verbphrases )

(通过小组的卡片活动, 让学生在愉快的气氛中复习学过的动词词组, 也为接下来的句型教学做铺垫。)

2. We go to the park.

T: Let’s go on our trip to the park. We go tothe park to fly kites. Let’s play together in thepark.

Ss: We go to the park to skip/run/swim.

T: What else can you do in the park ?

Students try to make new sentences with “We go to the park to ____ .”

(教师在公园游玩的情境设置中自然的引入句型I / We go to the ___to ___. 让学生发挥想象并通过充分的操练巩固句型, 为进一步学习一般疑问句打好基础。)

3. We go to the zoo.

① T: We go to the zoo to watch the animals.What a big zoo ! What animal do you like ?

Ss: I like ____.

T: I like animals, too. Do you go to the zoo towatch a panda ?

Ss: Yes.

T: We can answer it with “Yes, I do./ No, Idon’t.”

② Play a game :

Listen carefully and guess the animals withthe sentences:

Do you go to the zoo to watch a ______ ?

Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.

(Practice with the new sentences: Do you goto the ___ to ____ ?)

(让学生在动物园的情境设置中, 自然习得一般疑问句Do you go to the ___to ___? 及其回答, 并利用动物的叫声, 通过句型抢答游戏充分进行问答操练, 巩固所学。)

4.We go to the store.

T: Let’s go on our trip to the store. We go tothe store to buy clothes. I like shopping. I wantto buy a new dress. What do you want to buy ?

Ss: I want to buy a ____.

T: Let’s go shopping in the store. Pleasemake a dialogue in pairs.

Students try to make a dialogue with ownwords in the store.

(给学生一个开放的学习平台, 让学生在商场购物的情境中, 利用所学的词汇和句型, 拓展延伸, 大胆创编对话, 真正将所学的语言知识运用到现实生活中。)

5. We go to the movie theatre.

T: I’m tired and hungry now. It’s time forsupper. We go to the restaurant to have supper.I’m full now. After lunch, Let’s watch a movie.

S s : We go the movie theatre to watch amovie.

T: Let’s watch a movie about Li Ming’s family.

Students listen to the tape and read the text.

(借助电影院的情境设置, 将学生自然而然的带入课文的学习中。)

Step 3: Production

Chant: What do you like to do ?

T: I think we have a wonderful time. Now let’schant together!

① Listen and try to chant together.

② Make a new chant with own words in groups.

What do you like to do ?

Go to the _____, ________.

(通过小组合作创编chant, 不仅将本课所学的重点知识进行整理和运用, 而且将知识进一步拓展升华, 学生的学习积极性和创造性被充分激发出来, 学习效果也大大增强。)

Step 4: Summary


Make a travel plan.

Write some sentences about your travel plan.

(巧妙的作业设计, 让学生将本课所学知识做一个系统的回顾和整理, 真正做到学以致用。)


冀教版七年级数学教学计划指导思想 篇3



通过上一课的学习(Brian, Jenny and Danny决定发动全班同学清扫校园里的垃圾)学生已初步了解“污染”这一概念。课前,先要求学生去关注环境问题,搜集拍摄生活地相关污染图片,和家长或同伴讨论环境的变化。这些相关文化背景知识可以引导学生预测课文内容,激活相关知识网络。将要授课的初二3班,学生英语综合运用能力水平不错。对于需要掌握的词汇和接触词汇,以及文中出现的宾语从句和定语从句,前期学习中均有所接触涉及,不会对阅读形成障碍。

冀教版七年级数学教案 篇4














问题1:某校初中一年级328名师生乘车外出春游,已有2辆校车可以乘坐64人,还需租用44座的客车多少辆? (让学生思考后,回答,教师再作讲评)



44x+64=328 (1)














五、作业 。教科书第3页,习题6.1第1、3题。

冀教版七年级数学教学计划指导思想 篇5

1. mastery words: farm, hear, meet, course, of course, lot, lot of, enjoy

2. A dialogue between Danny and his new friend

3. The usage of some phrases

Teaching goals: At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:

1. Understand the meaning of the text

2. Remember the mastery words

3. Find and use the list of mastery vocabulary in lesson 16

Teaching key points: 1.introduce where you are from

2. some useful expressions

Difficult points: how to introduce yourself

Teaching aids: word cards, audiotape, flashcards, and slide projector

Type: dialogue

Teaching procedure

1. Class opening

1) Greet the students in everyday English.

2) Duty report.

3) Main revision of last lesson. Explain when necessary.

2. New lesson

Step1 Lead in

Ask the students some questions:

Do you like to make new friends? Why or why not?

Who is your newest friend? How do you meet?

Discuss them with the class and you gather many different answers.

Step2 Listen to the tape and answer the following questions:

What does Danny want to buy in Beijing?

Who is Danny’s new friend?

Where does Wu Li come from?

After listening to the tape, answer the questions and discuss the whole text. Make sure the students understand the meaning of the text. Deal with the language points in this period. Write the key points on the blackboard or use the slide projector.

Step3 Listen to the audiotape again and let the students read after it.

Step4 Practice

Have them read the text aloud for a few minutes and correct their pronunciation when necessary. Then have them act out the dialogue in roles.

Step5 Deal with “LET’S DO IT”

You meet a new friend on the train or bus. What should one say to a new friend? What can one do to enjoy time with a new friend? With a partner, write and practice a dialogue. Present your dialogue to your classmates.

In this part the teacher should guide the students to discuss the questions.

You may give them some words to help them.

Step6 A test


1) The woman behind me is singing. (一般疑问句)


2) She is talking to the man. (对划线部分提问)


3) The baby is sleeping. (否定句)


1) Walk to the station. (否定句)


2) Ben is noisy in class. ( 同义句)


Step7 Summary

Today we learn a dialogue about Li Ming and his friends. They meet a new friend on the train. Then they feel hungry and they discuss what to eat. What did they say? After class, read the text fluently.

3. Homework

1) understand the meaning of the text

2) finish the exercises in the activity book

冀教版七年级数学教学计划指导思想 篇6









冀教版七年级英语下册教案 篇7

1. one hundred and five


hundreds of表示“数百;成百上千的”,这是hundred后面有s,而且hundreds后面要有介词of,并且不能与数词连用。

与hundred 用法类似的还有单词:thousand,million,billion.

Our school is so famous that_____ people come and visit it every term.

A. hundred B. hundreds C. hundred of D. hundreds of

2. I ride it to school every day.

ride “骑”,后可接bike, horse, motorbike等。

还可以用做可数名词,“旅程”。 an hour’s ride 乘车一个小时的路程

every “每个;每一”,其后接单数可数名词。every day “每天”

every day 表示某事发生的频率,“每天,天天”。

I go to school every day.

everyday 形容词,“日常的,普通的”。

I study everyday English every day.

3. live

live 不及物动词,“居住,生活”,其后若跟名词则必须在名词前加上适当的介词。

I like to live in the country.

live on sth. “以某物为食”

Sheep live on grass.

live a ...life “过、、、生活”

The old man lives a happy life.

4. bus stop

bus stop与bus station 都是指“公共汽车站”。

bus stop 指城镇内外的停车点,bus station指能停、转车辆的汽车站点。

stop 做动词,意为“停止”,常用结构:

stop to do sth. “停下来去做某事”

stop doing sth. “停止做某事”(停止正在做的)

Let’s stop to have a rest.

Stop talking, please.

5. Crossing the River to School




crossing 是名词,“渡口,交叉点”。

6. For many students,it is easy to get to school.

It is +adj.+to do sth. “做某事是.......”

7. There is a very big river between their school and the village.

between ...and... “在....和...之间”,连接两个并列的成分。


(1) between 用于两者之间。

(2) among 用于三个或三个以上的人或物的“中间”。

8. But he is not afraid.

afraid: “害怕的,畏惧的”。

(1)be afraid of sth. 害怕某事/某物

(2)be afraid to do sth. 害怕做某事

(3)be afraid of doing sth. 唯恐做某事,指担心或担忧做某事会引起某种后果。

(4)be afraid + that从句,恐怕....


9. Many of the students and villagers never leave the village.


1. 离开; 脱离

The train will leave at six tomorrow morning.

2. 把……留在; 留下

Leave the child at home. 把小孩留在家里。

3. 遗忘; 丢下

I left my notebook in the dormitory. 我把笔记本落在宿舍里了。

4. 使……处于(某种状态),后面常接宾语补足语

Leave the door open.

5. leave for+地点,“动身去某地”

He left for the station a few minutes ago.

10.must /have to


have to多表示客观存在的环境所限,即客观要求(无奈)而为之,多译为“不得不干某事”。

I must clean the room because there are too dirty.

I have to do my homework now.

11. It takes sb some money/time to do sth.花费某人多少时间/钱做某事

Sb pay some money for sth 某人为某物花费多少钱

Sb spend some time/money on sth 某人在做某事或某物上花费时间/钱

Sb spend some time/ money (in)doing sth

Sth cost sb some money 某物花费某人多少钱


1.get to school 到校 2.take the subway 乘地铁

3.take the train 坐火车 4.leave for 到……地方去,离开去某地

5.take…to…把……带到…… 6. most students 大多数学生

7. depend on 依赖,决定于 8.from…to…从……到……

9.think of 想到,想起 10.ride bikes 骑自行车

11.in other parts of the world 在世界的其他地方 12. how far 多远

13.take the train to school 乘火车去上学 14.in places 在一些地方

15.go to school by boat乘船去上学 1 6.on the school bus乘坐校车

17.be different from和……不同 18.worry about 担忧,焦虑,担心


how 引导的特殊疑问句

1.how 引导的特殊疑问句提问交通方式,其答语分三种情况:

a. take a/an/the+交通工具(单数)

take +a/an/the+表示交通工具的名词,乘……去某地。

He takes the train.

b. by+交通工具(单数)

c. on/in+限定词+交通工具

by+表示交通工具的单数名词或on/in+ a/an/the/one’s+表示交通工具的单数名词,是介词短语作方式状语。

I get to school by bike. = I get to school on my bike.



Take the bus to school=go to school by bus=go to school on a bus

Drive a car to work=go to work by car=go to work in a car

Fly to shanghai=go to shanghai by plane/air=take the/a plane to shanghai=go to shanghai on a/an/the plane.

2. how far 用来提问距离,多远,其答语分为两种:

(1)用长度单位表示:It is five kilometers.

(2)用时间表示:It’s twenty minutes’ walk.

3.how long 用来提问时间,意为多久回答常用“for+段时”。

----How long have you learnt English?

----For 3 years.

4.how soon 用来提问做完某事还需要多长时间, 常用于将来时态时, 常用“in+时间段”来回答。

――How soon will you arrive in Beijing?

----In 3 hours.




(1)从属连词有that, if, whether。

Nobody knew whether she could pass the exam.

I know that she is from America.

(2)连接代词有who, whom, whose, what 等

Do you know whose book it is?

Could you tell me what your father looks like?

(3)连接副词有when, where, why, how等

He didn’t tell me when we could meet again.

I don’t know how I can get there. wwW.x kB 1.c Om

I’m always very busy (忙的) every day. I usually 1 up early at 6:30 in the morning. But 2 . I’m still sleepy (睡着的) . I put on my clothes, I wash my hands 3 face…Do this! Do that. 4 I have my 5 . I go go school. I usually leave home at 7:00. At school we all study 6 . We study English. Chinese, maths and so on (等等). 7 noon (中午) I get home and have lunch. At 1:30 I go to school again. Sometimes we play 8 football in the afternoon. I go home at 4:30. In the evening I do 9 homework. I go to bed at 10:00 and I go to sleep (入睡) very 10 .

( )1. A. get B. gets C. getting D. getting

( )2. A. often B. usually C. sometimes D. always

( )3. A. and B. or C. but D. so

( )4. A. Before B. After C. When D. If

( )5. A. lunch B. supper C. breakfast D. meal

( )6. A. easy B. different C. difficult D. hard

( )7. A. on B. On C. at D. At

( )8. A. the B. × C. a D. an

( )9. A. many B. a lot of C. any D. a lot

( )10. A. next B. soon C. first D. last


Writing, talking, sitting , playing, swimming , flying, sunny, studying, drawing, having

Dear Bob,

My name is Rich .I’m fourteen years old .I’m(1)__________ in a middle school .My school is nice and clean. There are 30 students in my class .It’s(2) _______ today . My classmates and I are(3) ________ a good time on the beach .It’s a nice place .The water is blue and clear . Many birds are(4) ________ over the sea .Many people are (5)_________ . Some boys are(6) _________ football . Some people are (7)________ on the beach . A girl is(8) _________ pictures on a chair .Another girl is (9)________ photos .I’m (10)_________to you ! What are you doing ? I hope you can write to me soon .

冀教版七年级上册英语知识点 篇8


Light blue 浅蓝色 look at?? 看?? come out 出现(I come out after the rain. High in thesky.)

in the sky 在天空中 just right 刚刚好,正好 (be)ready for??准备去?? catch a cold 感冒 go back 回去 put on 穿上

get well with 和??很相配,协调 take??all out of 把所有的?取出

look so pretty 看上去很漂亮 in black and white 身穿黑白相间的衣服 write??about??写关于??的??

around the world 全世界 uniforms for work 工作服

go shopping 去购物 at the shopping centre 在购物中心

mix??and??把??和??混在一起 just right正合适,刚刚好

What colour??什么颜色(对颜色进行提问)

at 1:00 p.m.


Sth. is too+形容词(原形)+for sb. 某物对某人来说太??

Whose scarf is this? 用来询问物品归谁所有,用于对物主代词或者名词所有格提问。句型转换时,若后有名词,要将名词一起提前。

单数名词+ is this/that/ it?

结构:whose+ 复数名词+are these/those/they?

不可数名词+is it?

Be ready for sth. 和be ready to do sth.有时可互换。如:

I am ready for lunch.= I am ready to have lunch. 现在我准备好吃午饭了。

How many colours do you see ? 你能看到多少颜色?

My favorite colour is ?? 我最喜欢的颜色是??

Say goodbye to sb.向某人问好。Say yes/no to sb. 向某人说行/不行。

I’mso+形容词+to do sth.+其他。 做某事我很?? 如:

冀教版七年级下册生物知识点 篇9





















第四节 生物与环境组成生态系统











冀教版七年级数学教学计划指导思想 篇10

A.a goodB.goodC.the goodD.an good

2.()What A./B.aC.anD.the

3.I(excit)about the(leave)for Beijing tomorrow.5.They enjoyed(play)basketball with Yao Ming.(find)the book yesterday?

7.Don’t go(cross)the road when the light is red.8.I want to go another(city)

9.He has few(friend)in this new city.10.Sorry,I don’t know.But you can ask other(student)

11.Erhu is called the(east)violin.(watch).(product)do you want?

(taste)delicious.15.He(be)a teacher next year.16.The workers(build)the bridge three years ago.17.Li Ming goes to visit his grandparents(two)a year.18.I hope(describe)my house.19.We should(learn)English well.20.Does anyone have any(suggestion)?

21.you(do)your homework yesterday?

22.There are 229(life)in the airplane.Good luck to them.23.Tom wanted to finish(make)the bird house on Tuesday.24.That is(I)own car.25.You can do it all by(you)

26.It is an(amaze)building.27.He can make donuts(he).28.There are many(different)between them.29.I think this book is useful and 30.We all(lost)ourselves in the beautiful music yesterday.(visit)32.We can take part in a few(activity)in school.(relax)music last night.He34.The students are in different(level).35.is an(act)boy, he act)roles.36.I feel so(bore)with these(bore)things.(say)one word yesterday.38.(be)everybody here?

39.Do you know about something)about Jim?

冀教版七年级数学教学计划指导思想 篇11


Unit 1 短语:

1、be from=come from

2、over there

3、a visiting student

4、have lessons=have classes

5、play sports=do sports=have sports

6、plan lessons

7、have fun=have a good /nice/great/

wonderful time

8、guessing games

9、a shopping list 句型:

1、What’s your /his/her name?

My/His/Her name is-----2 How are you?

I’m fine.And you?

I’m good,thanks.3 Good morning!4 This is------5 let sb.do sth.6 show sb.around 7 It’s one’s turn to do sth.8 Excuse me.May I have/borrow-----? 9 See you later.10 Here you are!11 You are welcome.12 need to do sth.13 How/What about(doing)sth.? 14 make a list

Unit 2 短语:

1、look at

2、come out

3、in the sky

4、be/get ready for

5、say goodbye to

6、catch a cold

7、go back/come back

8、put on--take off

9、go well with

10、take......out of

11、around the world=all over the world 句型:

1、mix A and B---mix......together

2、What’s your favourite colour?

3、How many colours do you see?

4、Whose......is this?

5、be/get ready to do sth.6、Let’s go shopping.7、It’s too small/big/long/short for me.Unit 3 短语:

1、play with

2、do one’s homework

3、feel blue

4、see red

5、listen to

6、wave one’s hand

7、stand against/upon

8、see a doctor

9、take the medicine

10、have a headache/stomachache

11、stay home

12、have a good rest

13、look different/the same 句型:

1、make sth.for sb.2、use......for/to......3、How tall is he/she?He/She is....meters tall.4、How tall are you?I’m.....meters tall.5 What’s wrong?=What’s the matter? 6 Are you OK? 7 You had better(not)do sth.8 You’d better go and see a doctor.Unit 4 短语:

1.a glass/cup/can/bottle of 2.write down 3.would like 4.take down

5.pass around 分发,传送 6.be away 7.get enough rest 8.Watch TV 9.too much 与 much too 10.be short for 句型:

1、(It’s)time to do sth.2、(It’s)time for sth.3、What’s for breakfast/lunch/supper?

4、What would you like(to do)sth?

5、have sth.for breakfast/lunch/supper

6、Do you want to come with me?

7、get sth.for sb.8、Goodjob!/Well done!/Great!/Wonderful!/

Excellent!/Perfect!9 take sb to some place 10 Are you ready to order? 11 How much is/are......? Would you like something to drink? 13 No problem!

Unit 5 短语:

1、the Smith family=the Smiths

2、walk to school

3、talk on the police radio

4、on weekends

5、play football

6、be close to

7、work hard at school

8、have fun=enjoy oneself

9、in front of与in the front of

10、on the wall于in the wall

11、lots of=a lot of

12、a basket of

13、look out=be careful

14、go on a picnic

15、have a birthday party

16、make a card

17、on the front 在正面

18、Set the table 摆放餐具,布置餐桌 句型:

1、What does he/she do?She/He is a......2、talk to sb.about sth.3、How old is he/she?

4、How old are you?

5、Happy birthday(to you)!

6、use sth.to do sth.7、make sth.for sb.Unit 6 短语:

1、get off......get on

2、get lost=be lost

3、on one’s way to

4、look for

5、turn right/left

6、good luck

7、make a noise/make noises

8、of course

9、on the farm

10、come on

11、learn about/of 了解

12、on one’s left/right

13、get to 与 reach,arrive

14、by bike/bus/train/plane/sea

15、take a taxi

16、next to 句型:

1、Go down this street.Turn left at the traffic lights.2、May I help you?

3、What can I do for you?

4、No problem!

5、Excuse me!

Unit 7 短语:

1、go swimming/skating

2、fly a kite

3、big sales大优惠,大减价

4、count down 倒计时,倒数数

5、come after

6、have Sports Day 开运动会

7、a leap year 闰年

8、talk about

9、get together

10、watch a movie/ see a film

11、go shopping

12、Go mountain climbing 去爬山 句型:

1、What day is it today?

2、How is the weather?=What’s the weather like?

3、Boxing Day!节礼日

4、Happy New Year!

5、International Day!

6、National Day!

7、Teacher’s Day!

8、New Year’s Day!

9、the Spring Festival!

10、What’s the date?

Unit 8 短语:

1、a big goodbye party 盛大的告别聚会

2、the capital of

3、know about/of 了解,知道

4、be famous for 与be famous as

5、in the corner

6、the same(.....)as

7、English-speaking countries

8、a list of 句型:

冀教版七年级数学教学计划指导思想 篇12

【Learning aims:】

1.New words: worried , surely, melt, plant, grow, throw, snowball,snowman.2.Sentence:(1)Does Danny know all the seasons at the end of the story?(2)I don’t know how to write this report..3.Important and difficult points:(1)at the end of

(2)how to write this report


1.Does Danny know all the seasons at the end of the story?在故事的最后丹尼知道所有的季节了吗?

at the end of 在……的末尾

e.g.:He always comes to see me at the end oftheweek.他常常在周末来看我。2.I don’t know how to write this report.我不知道怎样写报告。

how to write this report是由疑问副词how加上动词不定式短语构成,在句中作know 的宾语。

e.g.:Do you know when to visit the Great Wall?

拓展延伸:动词tell, ask, show, wonder, learn等后也可以跟“疑问词+动词不定式短语”作宾语,疑问

词可以是who, what, which, when, how,或why。

e.g.:Could you tell me how to ask for helpin English?She showed me how to water the flowers.【课堂练习与检测】:


1、I’m ________(担心)about your health.2、The sun soon ________(融化)the ice.3、These ________(植物)are growing well.4、Don’t __________(扔)any food to the animals in the zoo.5、I like to make ________(雪人)。

6、He likes to throw _________(雪球)。

7、But________(当然,确信)you do,Danny.8、New plants begin to _________(生长)。


I don’t know _________________ ________ the questions 2.你喜欢什么时候去海滩?

When do you ________ __________ go to the beach? 3.我喜欢堆雪人。

I like to __________ __________.4.你在等什么?

What ________ you __________ ___________? 4.那个小男孩看上去很焦虑。The little boy _______ __________.III、单项选择


1、Danny, why do you look ______.A.worryB.worriedC.worriesD.to worry()

2、Can you tell me how ______ to the zoo?

A.goB.to goC.goesD.went


3、He likes to wear shorts and eat ice cream _____ summer.A.inB.onC.withD.for.()

4、Who are waiting _________?


5、Let’s _______ to theJiuquanpark.A.to goB.goC.goesD.went.()6.I don’t know ________ about the seasons.A.somethingB.anythingC.someoneD.nobody()7.Are you going to_______ home?



1.Danny needs help.(变为一般疑问句)__________ Danny ______help?

对划线部分提问)_________________ you like todo?

对划线部分提问)_______ _______ she going to do?

4.Jenny went to the library last night(变为一般疑问句)。________ Jenny______ to the library last night? 2.He had a good time yesterday.(改为一般疑问句)______ he _______ a good time yesterday?

【能力提升】 V、阅读理解。

I have a good friend ,we call him Mike, He comes from Canada.He speaks English and French.He is the same age as I.We areboth 13 years old.He often goes to the English Corner(英语角),He likes it a lot.,He has a small family.His parents are both teachers.They work in the same school.They all live inGansu, China.They all like China very much.()1.Where is Mike from?

A.CanadaB.EnglandC.ChinaD.Japan()2.How old is Mike? A.10B.13C.14D.15

()3.What do Mike’s parents do?

A.They are office workersB.They are teachers C.They are driversD.They are cooks()4.What language do Mike speak?

A.ChineseB.JapaneseC.English and FrenchD.German()5.Which city does Mike’s family live in? A.HangzhouB.BeijingC.ShanghaiD.Gansu
