


职称英语重点词汇 篇1

distance n.距离,远处

distract v. 分散注意力

documentary a.有文件的;有证件的

double a.两倍的,双的

earth-orbiting adj. 围绕地球轨道的

effect n.效果,效力

elbow n.肘,肘部

emotionally ad. 在情绪上

encourage vt.鼓励,支持,助长

energy n.活力,精力,能量

enhance vt.提高,增加,夸张

exactly adv.确切地

exit n.出口,退场 vi.退出

expect vt.预料,预期,等待

experience v. 经历n.经历;经验

experienced adj.经验丰富的

experiment n.实验,试验

expert n. 专家

explanation n.解释,说明,辩解

exploration n.探索

explorer n.探测者

expression n.词句,表达,表情

extremely ad.极其,非常

fake n.假货,膺品 a.假的

fireworks n.[pl.]爆竹, 烟花

flutter v. 扑腾

follow vt.跟随,结果是

free v.释放

freedom n.自由

fridge n.电冰箱

职称英语重点词汇 篇2


Ⅰadj.(esp.of fruit and crops)fully grown and ready to be eaten(水果、谷物等)成熟的。例如:

The apples are not ripe;they'll give you indigestion.


Was the peach ripe or green?这桃子是生的还是熟的?

Ⅱadj.in a suitable condition(for something esp.a change or new development)(时机等)成熟的;为……做好准备。例如:

The time was ripe for a challenge to the opponent.


The land is ripe for industrial development.这块土地有发展工业的条件。

Ⅲadj.a very great age(指人)成年的;上年纪的。例如:

He lived to a ripe old age.他活到很大年纪。

Soon ripe,soon rottern.(谚)熟得早,烂得早。


These apples are____;you can have it.

A.ripe B.green C.raw



Ⅰvt.look at,inquire into or consider closely and carefully in order to find out something仔细地检查。例如:

You ought to have your eyes examined.你应该检查一下眼睛。

The police examined the room for fingerprints.警察为取得指纹而检查了这个房间。

Ⅱvt.to ask questions in order to find out something审问;审查。例如:

He was examined on his connection with the criminal.他被审问到他与罪犯的关系。

Ⅲvt.to test(a person's)knowledge by means of an exam考试;测验。例如:

He'll be examined in French.他将考法语。

Let me examine on your knowledge of American history.



The doctor____her patient carefully.




Ⅰc.n.the quality of being full of life and action;power and ability to do a lot of work活力;力量;干劲。例如:

Young people usually have more energy than the old.青年人通常比老年人有活力。

It's a waste of time and energy.那是浪费时间与精力。

Ⅱc.n.ability of matter or relation to do work because of its motion or its mass or its electric charge,etc能;能量。例如:

solar energy太阳能nuclear energy核能

Ⅲn.pl.the power which one can use in working精力;活力。例如:

He devotes his energies to revolutionary work.他致力于革命工作。

We must concentrate our energies on preparing for the exam.


You must devote all your energies to your work.



Young people usually have____than the old.

A.more energy B.energierC.more much energyD.many energy



Ⅰc.n.the sort of food and drink usually taken by a person or group日常饮食。例如:

A balanced diet and regular exercise are both important for health.


Ⅱc.n.a limited list of food and drink to which a person is allowed,esp.when this is controlled for medical reasons因为医学治疗而定的特殊饮食。例如:

a liquid diet流质饮食

The doctor ordered him to go on a diet to lose weight.医生要求他通过节食减肥。




Every person needs water and a diet of healthy foods.每个人都需要水和健康的饮食。


Milk is the natural food for babies.牛奶是婴儿的天然食品。

Too many sweet foods may increase your weight.太多的甜食可能会增加你的体重。


The doctor ordered him to go on a____to lose weight.


点拨:本题考查diet的词义。diet尤指因医疗原因而规定的特种饮食;规定的饮食;饮食限制,go on a diet是“节食”的意思,所以选A。


Ⅰu.n.material burned to produce heat or power燃料。例如:

Wood,coal,oil and natural gas are different kinds of fuel.


Ⅱc.n.any particular type of fuel任何类型的燃料。例如:

Petrol is no longer a cheap fuel.汽油不再是廉价的燃料了。

Ⅲc.n.thing that increase anger of other strong feelings(使愤怒或其他感情增强的)刺激因素。例如:

His indifference was a fuel to her hatred.他的无动于衷激起她心中的怨恨。

Ⅳv.to supply something with fuel;to take in fuel给……加燃料;补充燃料,例如:

The car is being fuelled in preparation for the race.


All aircraft must fuel before a long flight.所有飞机作长途飞行前必须加油。



There are different kinds of____(fuel).



Ⅰvt.change(food)in the stomach and bowels so that it can be used by the body消化(食物)。例如:

He is digesting his supper.他正在消化他的晚饭。

The food is hard to digest.这食物很难消化。

Ⅱvi.(of food)be changed in this way(指食物)被消化。例如:

Protein digests slowly.蛋白质消化得慢。

Vegetables digest easily.蔬菜易于消化。

Ⅲvt.take(information)in mentally;fully understand吸收(知识等),接受(消息);领会。例如:

He reads much but doesn't digest anything.他读得很多,但没吸收任何东西。

Ⅳc.n.short condensed account;summary摘要;文摘。例如:

a digest of the week's news一周新闻摘要

reader's digest读者文摘



1.Cheese doesn't____easily.

2.He has a good____.

点拨:1.digest 2.digestion



He gained still greater success.他取得了更大的成功。

He gained worldwide attention.他赢得了全世界的关注。

Ⅱv.(of a watch or clock)go fast;become ahead of the correct time增加;(钟、表等)快。例如:

The car is gaining speed.车子越开越快。

My watch gains two minutes a day.我的表一天快两分钟。


The sick child is gaining.这个孩子的病情正在逐渐好转。

His writing gained by continual practice.通过不断练习他的书法有了进展。

Ⅳn.increase of possessions;acquiring of wealth收入增加;财物的增加。例如:

No pains,no gains.不劳无获。

The baby had a gain of half a pound in weight last week.上周婴儿长了半磅。


She is____in weight.


Unit 14


Ⅰvt.feel honour for使感到荣幸。例如:

You honoured us by being with us today.今天你跟我们待在一起,使我们感到很荣幸。

Ⅱvt.respect highly尊敬。例如:

Children should honour their parents.孩子们应该尊敬父母。

They received me as an honoured guest.他们把我当作贵宾接待。

Ⅲvt.confer honour on对……表示敬意。例如:

They held a dinner party to honour his visit to China.


Ⅳu.n.good personal character,reputation for good behaviour,truthfulness,etc荣誉;人格;信誉。例如:

He brought honour to his country.他为国家争了光。

(1)have the honour of doing/to do sth.意为“有幸或荣幸地做某事”。例如:

I have the honour to introduce Jack.我很荣幸地介绍杰克。

(2)in honour of意为“纪念;为表示敬意”。例如:

We held a party in honour of Mr Smith.我们举行宴会来对史密斯先生表示敬意。


It is____honour____me to welcome you all to China.




adj.resembling sb./sth.but not the same相似的;类似的。例如:

She was advised not to eat bread,cake and other similar foods.





Your views on education are similar to mine.你的教育观点和我的类似。

Our cars are similar only in colour.我们的车只是颜色相似。

Ⅱsame意为“同样的;相同的;同一的;没有变化的”。其前有定冠词the,并且可以构成the same…as/that结构。例如:

These four coats are all the same size.这四件外套都一样大。

They began crying at the same time.他们同时哭了起来。

注意:the same…as指同种类的事物,the same…that指同一个事物。例如:

I have the same book as you(have).我有本和你一样的书。

This is the same book that I bought three years ago.这就是我三年前买的那本书。



1.I want to buy the same pen____you are using.

2.I want to borrow the same tool____you used yesterday.

高一英语重点词汇突破 篇3

① search v.搜索,搜寻;探查(常与for连用)

search for sth.≈look for sth. 寻找某物

search a place for sth搜某地找东西

He searched my face for my real intentions. 他观察我的脸色以找出我的真正意图。


in search of / in one’s search for 寻找, 寻求

Jack moved to Brazil in search of a better life. 杰克为寻求更好的生活,移居到巴西。

The search for a cure for this frequent disease is being funded by the government.


② witness n. 目击者;见证人

Police have appealed for witnesses to the accident. 警方呼吁这个事故的目击者出来作证。

witness vt. 目击,亲眼看到;证明

Did you witness the accident? 你亲眼看到那个事故了吗?

Over the past year,the Chinese Government has witnessed many severe tests and has also won extensive acclaim. 在过去一年中,中国政府经受了严峻的考验,也赢得广泛的赞誉。

He witnessed to having seen the man enter the room. 他可以证明他看到那个男的进入房间。

Shenzhen has been witnessing the great changes in China since the reform. 深圳见证了中国改革开放后的巨变。

③ due adj.

1) 到期(应偿付,付给)

The electricity bill is due tomorrow. 电费明天到期。

2) 定于(某时)到达

Our train is due (to arrive) in Paris at 2 p.m. 我们的火车下午两点到达巴黎。

3) due to由于,因……而造成…… (= because of );归功于

His disappearance was due to the storm. 他的失踪是风暴造成的。

He has become an artist; this is due to his mother. 他成为一名艺术家,这应归功于他的母亲。

2.In this heavenly world, people live in perfect harmony with nature , which has provided Shangri-la with endless natural treasures.

在香格里拉, 这个天堂一样的世界里,人们和大自然和谐相处;而大自然又给香格里拉提供了取之不尽、用之不绝的天然宝藏。

① harmony n. 融洽,和睦;和声;和谐,协调

We should realize the need to be in harmony with our environment 我们应该意识到同我们的环境协调的必要


to live together in perfect harmony 十分和睦地生活在一起

to sing in harmony 用和声唱

the harmony of colour in nature 自然界色彩的协调

② provide sth. for sb.= provide sb. with sth 供给某人某物


supply sth to sb.= supply sb. with sth. 把某物供给某人

offer sb. sth.=offer sth. to sb. 对某人提供某物

We are here to provide a service for the public.

=We are here to provide the public with a service. 我们来这儿是为公众服务。

The media supplies lots of information to us every day.

= The media supplies us with lots of information every day. 大众传播媒体每天把很多信息提供给我们。


provided=providingconj. 如果;假如;在……条件下

We’ll buy everything you produce, provided of course the price is right.


3. The officials including you try to convince the Congress to give China more time, like Mr.Alan Greenspan said, give China more time, you can’t force them to raise the RMB value rapidly? 是不是包括你在内的美国官员都在试图说服美国国会更友好地对待中国,如艾伦-格林斯潘先生说的那样,在敦促中国让人民币升值的问题上要友好?

① includingprep. “包括……在内”,后接名词或代词。

Included adj. “包含,包括……在内”,只能置于名词或代词之后。

Many government officials were present at the opening ceremony for the Shanghai 2007 Special Olympic World Summer Games, including Chinese president Hu Jintao.

= Many government officials were present at the opening ceremony for the Shanghai 2007 Special Olympic World Summer Games, Chinese president Hu Jintao included. 包括中国主席胡锦涛在内的许多政府官员都出席了上海2007年夏季特殊奥林匹克运动会的开幕式。

②convince vt. 使确信;说服,劝说

convince sb. that… / of sth. 使某人相信……

Mary tried to convince them of her innocence. 玛丽设法使他们相信她清白无辜。

Other than dialogue, what do you want the Chinese leadership and the whole country to do so will convince you China is not threat at all? 除了对话以外,你还希望中国和中国领导人做些什么来证明中国不会成为威胁呢?

4. In any case, do your best to prepare for the interview. 无论如何,要尽力为面试做好准备。

① in any case 无论如何,不管怎样

In any case, I won’t help the people like him.无论如何,我不会帮象他那种人。


in this case在这种情况下;in case以防;万一……的话;in case of在(有坏事的)情形时(▲通常用于句首),万一;in no case绝不,在任何情况下都不

In this case, is it that kind of fear behind the increasing political influence of China?在这种情况下,他们是在担心中国政治影响的扩大吗?

In case the George Bush administration wants to send someone to come to approach you, are you willing to meet them? 如果布什政府派人来和你协商,你是否愿意见他们?

The sign reads “ In case of a fire, break the glass and push the red button.” 标牌上写着“一旦发生火灾,打破玻璃, 按下红色按钮。”

In no case can you cheat in the exams. 无论如何你都不能考试作弊。

② interview[C] 接见,会见(例如雇主与求职者);新闻记者的访问


a television/radio/newspaper interview 电视/电台/报纸采访

have an interview ( with sb ) 接受面试

give an interview接受采访

The Ambassador refused to give any interviews to journalists or TV men. 该大使拒绝任何新闻或电视记者的访问。

interviewv. (指记者等)访问;接见;会见


interview sb (for a job, etc.)对某人面试(或采访)

interview sb (about sth.)(媒体)采访, 访问;私下提问, 面谈

Which post are you being interviewed for? 你参加哪个职位的面试了?

Next week I will be interviewing Spielberg about his latest movie.



intervieween. 接受面试者;接受采访者

interviewern. 主持面试者; 采访者

Over the past four years, Michael has been the chief interviewer in Talk with World Leaders.


5.He claims (that) British television is the envy of the world. 他宣称英国电视节目令世人羡慕。

①claimv. 声称;宣称;断言;认领

He claimed (that) he had seen the Mona Lisa. =He claimed to have seen the Mona Lisa.


Scientists are claiming a major breakthrough in the fight against cancer.


A lot of lost property is never claimed. 许多失物从未被认领。

② envy[U] 羡慕;忌妒

be the envy of sb/ sth 羡慕(或忌妒)的对象

His splended new car was the envy of all his friends.


envyv.envy sb sth. 羡慕人的……

I don’t evvy Ed that job. 我庆幸没干埃德的那份工作。


1.The police have _____ the thief for several days, and now they are ____ the station.

A. searched, searchingB. searched for, searching for

C. searched for; searchingD. searched; searching for

2.The sports meeting, originally _______ to be held last Friday, was finally delayed because of the bad weather.

A. due toB. thanks toC. owing toD. according to

3.They’ve _____ us $150,000 for the house. Shall we take it?

A. providedB. suppliesC. shown D. offered

4.Scientists are convinced _______ the positive effect of laughter ______ physical and mental health.

A. of; atB. by; inC. of; onD. on; at

5.______ fire, all exits must be kept clear.

A. In place of B. Instead of C. In case ofD. In spite of

6.He claimed _______ in the supermarket when he was doing shopping yesterday.

A. being badly treated B. treating badly

C. to be treated badly D. to have been badly treated

6月英语六级重点词汇 篇4

2. as a whole (=in general) 就整体而论

3. at will 随心所欲

4. (be) abundant in(be rich in; be well supplied with) 富于,富有

5. access(to) (不可数名词) 能接近,进入,了解

6. by accident(=by chance, accidentally)偶然地,意外. Without accident(=safely) 安全地,

7. of one’s own accord(=without being asked; willingly; freely)自愿地 ,主动地

8. in accord with 与…一致 . out of one’s accord with 同…。不一致

9. with one accord (=with everybody agreeing)一致地

10. in accordance with (=in agreement with) 依照,根据

11. on one’s own account

1) 为了某人的缘故, 为了某人自己的利益

2) (=at one’s own risk) 自行负责

3) (=by oneself)依靠自己

12. take…into account(=consider)把..。考虑进去

13. give sb. an account of 说明, 解释 (理由)

14. account for (=give an explanation or reason for) 解释, 说明。

15. on account of (=because of) 由于,因为。

16. on no account(=in no case, for no reason)绝不要,无论如何不要(放句首时句子要倒装)

17. accuse…of…(=charge…with; blame sb. for sth. ; blame sth. on sb. ; complain about) 指控,控告

18. be accustomed to (=be in the habit of, be used to)习惯于。

19. be acquainted with(=to have knowledge of) 了解; (=to have met socially) 熟悉

20. act on 奉行,按照…行动; act as 扮演; act for 代理

21. adapt oneself to(=adjust oneself to) 使自己适应于

22. adapt…(for) (=make sth. Suitable for a new need) 改编, 改写(以适应新的需要)

23. in addition (=besides) 此外, 又, 加之

24. in addition to(=as well as, besides, other than)除…外

25. adhere to (=abide by, conform to, comply with, cling to, insist on, persist in, observe, opinion, belief ) 粘附; 坚持, 遵循

26. adjacent(=next to, close to) 毗邻的, 临近的

27. adjust..(to) (=change slightly)调节; 适应;

28. admit of (=be capable of, leave room for) …的可能,留有…的余地。

29. in advance (before in time) 预告, 事先

30. to advantage 有利的,使优点更加突出地

31. have an advantage over 胜过

have the advantage of 由于…处于有利条件

have the advantage of sb。知道某人所不知道的事

32. take advantage of (=make the best of, utilize, make use of, profit from, harness)利用

33. agree with 赞同(某人意见) agree to 同意

34. in agreement (with) 同意, 一致

35. ahead of 在…之前, 超过…;……………. ahead of time 提前

36. in the air 1)不肯定, 不具体. 2)在谣传中

37. above all (=especially, most important of all) 尤其是, 最重要的

38. in all (=counting everyone or everything, altogether) 总共, 总计

39. after all 毕竟,到底; (not) at all 一点也不;

all at once(=suddenly)突然; once and for all 只此一次; above all 最重要的; first of all 首先; all in all 大体上说; be all in 累极了; all but 几乎

职称英语考试重点记忆的卫生词汇 篇5

capacity for[of]/ ……的能力;

capable adj. 有能力的,能干的;有可能的; 聪明的

be capable of/[指人]有……的能力或倾向;[指物]易于;可以……;

care n. 注意;照料;烦恼v. 关心;照顾;喜爱;

care for/喜欢;照顾;照料

take care/当心

take care of/照料;关怀;处理

with care/小心,慎重

care about/关心;担心

care nothing about/对……漠不关心;对……毫不介意;

career n. (原意:道路;轨道) 事业;生涯

career woman/职业妇女;

careful adj. 小心的,仔细的

be careful about/注意,关切;讲究;

areless adj. 粗心的;疏忽的;

carry v. 携带,运送;传送

carry on/继续

carry out/实现;完成;实行

carry through/帮(某人)渡过难关;

case n.病例;案例;情形;场合

in case/以防;可能;倘若

in case of/如果;万一

in any case/无论如何

in most cases/大多数情况下;

cash n. 现金v. 兑现;付款

to pay (in) cash/现金支付

short of cash/缺钱;

asual adj. 偶然的;不经意的;临时的;

catch v. 捕获;赶上(车船等);发觉;感染(疾病);抓住;燃着

catch up with/赶上

catch a cold/感冒;

cease v. 停止,终了

雅思英语考试重点词汇盘点 篇6

property crime 涉及财物的犯罪

write up adj. 写到最近的事情(详细地写下来,赞扬)

to some extent 在某种程度上

stock market 股票市场, 证券交易

tend to 趋向;注意;易于;有…的倾向

spark off 使爆炸,引起

on campus 在校园内

deciduous trees 落叶树

tie in 捆成束, 使 ... 结合在一起

attach to 附在 ... 上,系在 ... 上

animal testing 动物实验

make a comeback 东山再起,卷土重来

be willing to 愿意, 乐意

cheer up 高兴起来, 振作起来 vi. 使高兴起来 vt. 使高兴, 使振奋

come into bloom 开花

knock down (被车)撞倒;推倒,拆掉,拆毁(建筑物);降(价);杀(价);减(量)

insurance premium 保险费

extend life 延长寿命

in good condition 情况良好; 完好; 完好无缺

rock climbing 攀岩

help someone out v. 帮助某人解决难题

argue over 为 ... 争论

run wild v. 失控, (价)暴涨

overseas student 留学生

cross-country race 越野跑

have an effect on adj. 有影响

packing list 装箱单

relieve stress 减轻压力

parallel to v. 与 ...平行,平行于

transport system 传输系统 运输系统 运输体系

be attached to 喜爱,依恋,附属于

be permanently damaged 遭到永久性的破坏

abject poverty 赤贫 一贫如洗

social mores 社会习俗

a sort of 一种 ...

lead to 导致

the construction industry 建筑行业

inch along 极为缓慢地行进

snap up 抢购

raw material 原材料,素材

be keen on vt. 渴望(喜爱,爱好)

break the mould 打破程式,打破常规模式

sprout up 涌现

aim to 目的在于,旨在, 志在

out of temper 发脾气,生气

natural resources 自然资源

economic recession n. 经济萎缩, 经济衰退

public events 在公共场所举行的活动

entry visa 入境签证

be prepared to 准备做 ...

suggestion box n.意见箱,建议箱

feel inhibited 感到很拘束的

feel out of place (对某个场合)感觉很不适应

commit a crime 犯罪

make a fortune 发财, 赚钱

work schedule

graduation ceremony 毕业典礼

come true 实现 v. 变成现实,成真

letter of recommendation 推荐书 保荐书 介绍书

letter of acceptance [经] 承兑函,中标通知书

be preoccupied with 对 ... 全神贯注

adapt to 适应

surf the Internet 网上冲浪

skip school 逃学

solar energy n. 太阳能

impose on 把 ... 强加于, 施加, 利用

make ends meet vi. 量入为出(使...收支相抵,靠微薄收入为主)

make progress 取得进步

tick away (时间一分一秒地)过去

fall short vi. 不合格(不足)

be opposed to 反对

transport infrastructure 交通设施

chase up 设法(迅速)找到,追上,提醒某人快做某事

side effect 副作用

gear change 变速杆

hustle and bustle 拥挤喧嚷

irreversible damage 不可逆的损害

science fiction 科幻小说

plan on 打算

in addition adv. 另外,此外

a series of 一系列, 一连串

buy out 买下...的全部股份

convince someone of 使确信 ...

look forward to vt. 展望(期待)

football hooligans 足球流氓

on display adj. 公开展出

look through v.看穿, 审核, 浏览, 温习, 从...中显露, 彻底审查

inspire to 激励使产生

go on strike 罢工,举行罢工

provide with 供给,供应,以 ... 装备

punch line 点睛之笔

set aside vi. 撇开(不顾, 取消, 放弃, 保留)

a home from home 像家一样温暖的地方

notice board 布告栏

talk through vt. 导演

it is an inescapable fact that 是一个无法回避的事实

trade barriers 贸易壁垒

local resident 当地居民

英语词汇学对英语词汇学习的启示 篇7

自然教学法的倡导人特蕾西认为:词汇学习对于理解语言和言语输出都至关重要。有了足够的词汇量, 即使对结构的了解几乎等于零, 也可以理解和说出大量的第二语言。第二语言习得理论同样认为:大量的再认词汇是培养语言技能的基础, 对于初学者来说, 词汇量远比结构准确性重要。语言学家魏尔金斯 (1972) 更是精辟地指出:语言由两部分内容组成, 一部分是综合的, 记忆中的词块;另一部分是分析性的语法规则。没有语法不能很好地表达, 而没有词汇则什么也不能表达。研究听力教学的学者们都知道, 作为英语知识基础的词汇在听力培养中的重要性。他们认为, 词汇量的大小从一个侧面决定了听力理解的程度。可以毫不夸张地说, 词汇量是制约外语学习效率的最重要因素。在英语教学实践中, 有相当多的教师和学生对词汇的教学认识是片面的, 于是许多学生就只会机械地背诵英语课本后词汇表中每个英语单词和与之相对应的汉语解释。而当他们要把这些英语词汇运用到写作和口语中的时候, 结果却是错误百出。究其原因, 学生错误地认为:词汇是静止的单个词语的总和, 只要掌握单个的英语单词就足够了。其实这种认识是有局限性的, 谈不上是真正的掌握。事实上, 词汇是有生命的、活动的, 不是孤立的。


英语词汇学English Lexicology是全国高等教育英语语言文学专业本科阶段选修课程, 是培养和检验学习者词汇学的基本理论知识和实际语言能力而设置的一门专业课程。英语词汇学是以现代语言学理论为指导, 以英语词汇为研究对象的课程。英语词汇学以传授英语词汇的基本理论和基本知识为任务, 属于理论知识课。但是, 其实践性很强, 因为词汇本身是构成语言的具体材料, 在传授的过程中必然要涉及丰富的语言材料和大量的词语例证。课程的目的是帮助学习者对英语词汇学具有比较系统, 比较完整的认识, 比较深入地了解英语词汇的现状及其历史演变过程, 并能对现代英语词汇发展所出现的现象作出分析和解释, 提高对词语的理解、释义和综合运用的能力。主要内容有英语词汇的来源与发展, 词的形态结构, 词的构成方式, 词的意义及语义关系, 词义的变化, 习语及词典知识。以上几个领域都足以成为一个相对独立的语言学学科, 词汇学是语言分析的一个层面, 跟音位学、形态学、句法学和语义学并列。词汇学不仅研究简单词的各个方面, 而且研究复杂词和复合词——语言的意义单位。由于这些单位必须从形式和意义两个方面进行分析, 词汇学既要依靠形态学 (morphology, 研究词形及其组分) 获取信息, 又要依靠从语义学 (semantics, 研究词形及其组分的意义) 获取信息。词汇学研究的第三个领域是词源学 (etymology, 研究词的来源) 。


1. 从形态学得到的启示

词是比短语小、比音段大的一种结构, 英语词汇有四个特点:词是不可分隔的单位, 词可以由一个或几个词素组成, 词通常出现在短语结构中, 词应该属于某个词类。学会构词法是研究英语不同类型的词的一种途径, 如果我们知道复杂词项是如何组成的, 我们就能把复杂词项分解。其中, 屈折是一种语法过程, 通过加上词缀产生同一个词的另一种语法形式;而派生是一种词汇过程, 通过加上词缀产生新的词。名词、形容词、动词、代词、助动词、副词等等各有其独特的词形变化范式, 规则的屈折变化是根据普通的格式而形成的, 不规则的屈折变化是不能根据普通的格式而形成的。英语有60多个常用的派生词缀, 可以分为能改变词性的派生词缀和保持词性的派生词两种。另外, 还有复合词、混成词和缩略词等等。

2. 从语义学得到的启示

词的意义有能指和所指两个方面, 这里的指称 (reference) 是词与外部世界的关系, 词义 (sense) 指的是词汇内部词与词之间的关系。语义关系是一种纵聚合关系, 是一个句子中词与词之间可以替换的关系, 其中包括:同义关系、反义关系和上下义关系。词的意义是复杂的, 分析意义的一种方法是把词的意义分析成若干词义组分, 这就是所谓的“语义成分分析”, 除此之外还有“语义原始词”和“语义场”理论, 这些都有助于分清语义相关的词的意义差别。另外, “搭配”也是一种结构关系, 是一个词在同一句子或同一文本中跟其他词的意义关系, 所以固定搭配的积累尤为重要。

3. 从词源学得到的启示

要知道英语词汇来自何方, 就有必要调查一下英语词汇的来源。首先, 将英语置于世界语言的大背景下, 讨论英语词汇从古英语到现代英语的历史发展过程。然后, 英语词汇中包括本土成分和外来成分。最后, 要弄清楚现代英语词汇的特点:英语词汇数量大;盎格鲁·撒克逊词短小、具体、常用、亲切;尽管外来词的数量很大, 但是英语的本土词使用最为频繁, 许多外来词也完全本土化了。换言之, 英语词汇学习也是英语词源的研究。


【2】索绪尔著, 高名凯译.普通语言学教程.北京:商务印书馆, 1993.

【3】张韵斐.现代英语词汇学概论.北京:北京师范大学出版社, 2004.

摘要:本文从英语词汇学习的现状指出英语词汇学习的误区, 并通过探究英语词汇学的内涵, 从形态学、语义学以及词源学三个方面得到启示, 修正英语词汇学习的方法。



【1】Howard Jackson&Etienne Ze.Words, Meaningand Vocabulary An Introduction to Modern English Lexicology.Cassell Publishing House, 2000.

【2】索绪尔著, 高名凯译.普通语言学教程.北京:商务印书馆, 1993.

重点词汇专练 篇8

A. out of touchB. out of date

C. out of practiceD. out of place

2. Auctioned(拍卖的) goods are sold for the highest price ____.

A. chargedB. takenC. offeredD. ordered

3. ——I’m sorry to have broken your glasses; it was really an accident.

——It wasn’t, in fact. You did it ____.

A. for purposeB. with purposeC. to purposeD. on purpose

4. The expert decided to make further improvements on the computer’s

design ____ the light of the requirement of customers.

A. withB. forC. onD. in

5. I’d like to try and ____ what’s happening in the world.

A. keep upB. keep offC. keep up withD. catch up

6. I used to call people ____, from the moment I woke up to the time I

went to sleep.

A. all the timeB. at workC. at homeD. now and then

7. As you know, I’m not that sort of person ____ easily.

A. take inB. taken in

C. to be taken inD. to take in

8. They are ____ for their daughter’s wedding.

A. dressed upB. dressing up

C. dressed inD. dressing themselves in

9. ——You are so lucky.

——What do you mean ____ that?

A. forB. inC. ofD. by

10. We all think that it was an unfair trick ____ the disabled boy.

A. to play onB. to give toC. played onD. to play of

11. It’s unfair to blame the headmaster. As far as I know, he has done as

much as he can ____ the situation.

A. to controlB. controllingC. controlD. controlled

12. ——Are you tired after the examination?

——Yes, ____ I want very much to have a good rest now.

A. littleB. bitC. not a bitD. not a little

13. The professor’s report on the international situation ____ all the recent developments.

A. took onB. took inC. took downD. took off

14. The scientist ____ many experiments and researches.

A. based his theory onB. put his theory on

C. found his theory byD. make his theory by

15. ——I was riding along the street and all of a sudden, a car cut in

and knocked me down.

——You can never be ____ careful in the street.

A. muchB. veryC. soD. too

16. I promised to go to the party with Jane and I can’t ____ her ____.

A. let…downB. do…upC. round…upD. set…down

17. ——What do you know about the new school working plan?

——I know every detail about it, ____, I think I know.

A. that isB. namelyC. or ratherD. therefore

18. All the pupils ____ teacher Li are well looked after.

A. taking charge ofB. in the charge of

C. in charge ofD. under charge of

19. The driver began to speed up to ____ for the hour he’d lost in the

traffic jam.

A. keep upB. take upC. catch upD. make up

20. It’s not surprising you’re tired. ____, you didn’t go to bed until 12

last night.

A. After allB. In a wordC. Above allD. At all

21. Cheng Hua’s marrying a foreigner ____ her parents’ wishes.

A. went againstB. went intoC. went offD. went for

22. Experts will have to ____ new methods of increasing the world’s food


A. come up withB. come across

C. come into beingD. come up

23. He took ____ poetry while he was still at school.

A. up to writeB. up writingC. in to writeD. in writing

24. I have read the material several times but it doesn’t make any ____

to me.

A. meaningB. importanceC. senseD. significance

25. We thought of selling this old furniture, but we’ve decided to ____ it.

It might be valuable.

A. hold on toB. keep up withC. turn toD. look after

26. How much do you ____ me for repairing the bike?

A. costB. chargeC. giveD. spend

27. To his surprise, his daughter was ____ from thousands of applicants

for the job.

A. picked outB. looked intoC. picked upD. made up

28. As the old saying goes, a heavy snow ____ a harvest new year.

A. suggestsB. advisesC. permitsD. promises

29. His mother told us that he came back home ____ 11 o’clock last

night, which made her very worried.

A. forB. by the endC. inD. beyond

30. ——What has become ____ your brother?

——He is seriously in hospital and needs ____.

A. of; operatingB. to; operated

C. to; operating onD. of; operating on

31. After long discussions, China and Europe has ____ an agreement

____ the trade conflicts.

A. reached, forB. arrived at; toC. come to; onD. made; for

32. Because of backwardness this, small weak country has to ____ to

terms with that powerful country.

A. goB. getC. takeD. come

33. Mr White promised to come to attend my birthday party, but he ____ so far.

A. didn’t comeB. didn’t turn up

C. hasn’t come upD. hasn’t shown up

34. Joe Jones, the eldest of the eight children, had to ____ out of high

school at the age of 16 to help his father on the farm.

A. leaveB. dropC. fallD. go

35. It’s the present situation in poor areas that ____ much higher

spending on education and training.

A. answers forB. provides forC. calls forD. plans for

36. Everybody in the village likes Jack because he is good at telling and ____ jokes.

A. turning upB. putting upC. making upD. showing up

37. His idea of having weekly family meals together, which seemed

difficult at first, has ____ many good changes in their lives.

A. got throughB. resulted fromC. turned intoD. brought about

38. At the end of the month my money ____, so I have to borrow some

from my friend.

A. has run out ofB. has run out

C. has been run outD. is run out

39. The bed has been ____ in the family. It was my great-grandmother’s


A. handed downB. held upC. turned down D. kept up
