


高三年级关于地震英语作文 篇1

In 20xx May 12th, an earthquake shaking heaven and earth, is an earthquake China by scale in history the strongest, at that time we were all scared Stigmata.


The next day we watch the news to know, the natural disaster is the most severe place is Wenchuan.


The earthquake, Wenchuan bridge broken, houses collapsed, trees and flowers break, many residents and their families because of the dispersion or relatives and friends die, and cried, many people have money, output, blood donation, to help the victims, the victims to resume normal life, is really good.


高三年级关于地震英语作文 篇2

三年级是英语学习的初级阶段, 在此阶段侧重培养学生的听说能力既符合学生的心理特点, 也符合小学生学习语言的规律。但这并不表示小学英语教学只包括听说两方面, 小学生认读能力的培养也不容忽视, 应将读写与听说有机结合, 使其相互促进。所以在英语教学的启蒙阶段, 对小学生认读能力的培养也要有所侧重。长期的英语教学则存在着“重听说, 轻认读”、英语认读能力较弱的问题, 忽视了语言学习的输入输出平衡原则, 英语学习中的“瞎子”现象的发生频频出现。适逢我校三年级开展小班化教育教学实践, 如何体现小班化教育教学的优势并在此基础上对中年级英语认读教学进行改革与实践, 提高学生英语认读能力, 形成有效的方法与策略等问题的涌现, 大大地激发了我的研究激情。


本课题的研究是研究者经过一轮三至六年级的英语教学, 又重新进行三年级的英语教学, 追溯以往三年级英语教学中所遇到的实际问题, 本着“问题即课题”原则开展小课题的研究, 积极探索在小班化教育环境下提高三年级学生英语认读能力的有效策略。本课题的研究可分为三个阶段:

1.前期准备阶段 (2006.3~2006.5) 。

本着“问题即课题”原则, 找出自己在今后一年内的主要教育教学工作的立足点, 把急需解决的主要教与学的矛盾, 确立相应的研究范围。

2.实施研究阶段 (2006.5~2007.3) 。

经过对本课题的文献研究、现状调查、行动研究、个案研究等方法的综合运用, 了解三年级学生在英语学习的起始阶段的英语认读能力的现状, 特别是对单词及单句的认读情况, 从心理学和教育学出发, 把握影响学生认读能力提高的主要影响因素, 并结合小班化教育的整体优势, 研究出提高三年级学生英语认读能力的一系列行之有效的方法及操作策略。

3.总结反思阶段 (2007.4~2007.5) 。

边研究边进行反思, 运用行动研究法、案例论证法、个案对比法及经验总结法对所开展的课题研究原始资料进行分析与整理, 找出成功的经验与操作的不足, 认真撰写相关课题的研究报告, 找寻并加工典型案例, 使之成为研究报告的有效例证, 按期完成结题工作。


(一) 课前 (Before Class)


我在班级的黑板报或宣传角等, 不定期地刊登出有关英语学习的知识, 如常见的字母所略词、单词接龙、单词图片创意等, 设计来源与制作均出自三年级学生之手, 大大地提高了他们的英语学习积极性、思维能力和动手能力。同时我还利用早读、活动课时间和他们一起读一读、说一说、拼一拼, 共同分享“研究性学习”的乐趣。


三年级学生在作业本中进行英语单词的识字剪贴, 如水彩笔上的颜色图案、服装广告、超市标志等均被孩子们一一发现, 并进行合理分类, 很是美观, 同时利用活动时间由作者介绍给同学, 很是有趣, 边介绍边认读, 起到异曲同工之效。


在每天的家庭作业中我会布置比重较大的预习作业, 具体有:预习内容、预习方法、时间及达成的具体目标等, 避免了孩子课后作业不落实的现象, 也减少了家长应不了解而出现的要求过高或过低而造成的误导或低效现象。学生对所学的知识预习过后, 以至于对所学知识比较“面熟”, 久而久之, 学习的效率就会逐步提高。


提及认读单词的效果, 最简单的方法就是增加复现的频率。我倡导学生自己制作单词卡片。大大地提高了孩子的单词认读能力。


每次早自习安排一位学生领读早自习, 鼓励学生进行比赛, 选出优胜者担当光荣的“麦克风”, 学生必然认真准备, 特别是认读、发音发面更是显得特别认真。

(二) 课上 (In Class)

1.“Hello, A B C!”牛津教材在课程安排时在3A上学期没有安排字母教学, 而是安排在下学期。但是从我的教学经验来看, 3A上学期的学习内容少, 而此时单词的难度尚不难, 何不趁此契机, 教会学生学习单词的方法呢?此阶段学生存在的偏差多在认读方面, 所以想从提前教授英文字母入手, 将字母按5个单元分解进行教学并与本单元的单词结合教学, 边认字母边学单词, 学生既学会认读了单词, 又会拼读单词, 两方面相互作用, 互相推动, 相得益彰。

2.“眼睛跟着手指走”。很多一线老师都会发现, 三年级学生的注意力状况不佳, 特别是刚升入三年级的学生。认读英语时, 很多学生是在随着录音、同学一起朗读, 眼睛却东张西望, 这样认读的效果不好。为此, 我从开学的第一天开始就鼓励并要求学生用右手来指着英语来认读, 并随着认读内容的变换而正确移动。

3.“声音代表我的心”。英语知识的输入是通过听、说双渠道进行输入与输出的, 循环反复, 形成有效知识体系。在中国学习英语说的语言环境尚不成熟, 所以英语教师要主动创设说的环境, 以说促听, 以说促用。

4.“比一比, 记一记”。我结合中年级学生的心理特点, 不时比较几个单词的特征, 既有趣又巧妙, 很受学生欢迎。教师的轻轻点拨, 学生茅塞顿开。学生也逐渐养成了这一习惯, 自己也会将所学新知与旧知进行对比, 巧妙地记忆或认读单词。

5.“我爱简笔画”。如果希望学生喜欢学习英语, 首先得要使得学生喜欢英语教师。故而我充分发挥自己的教学优势——简笔画, 经常利用简笔画进行新授、导入、操练、巩固各个环节的教学, 学生对此形式也较感兴趣, 越是感兴趣, 学习效果就越好。

(三) 课后 (After Class)


我鼓励学生按照字母音序排列制作一本小字典, 用简单的活页纸, 随学随记, 同时也可将自己课外学习到的拓展单词进行归纳, 这不但可以摆脱学生对图片的依赖, 同时也可以加强学生的书写、拼读、整理等各方面的能力, 不断积累、丰富就将完成一本正规的牛津小学英语字典。


孩子的个性就是喜欢在成人面前展示自己的特长及所学知识。基于此, 我就鼓励学生将所学单词做成小标签, 及时地张贴于家庭或活动场所的相应位置, 并大胆地向亲朋好友展示。学生能正确认读出后, 必将获得家长的夸奖, 必将信心百倍, 学习英语的干劲更足了。


因为提前学习了字母, 必然会要求学生书写字母, 同时我也因势利导, 鼓励学生抄写单词, 在抄写完毕之后, 许多学生就已经能够熟练的记忆了, 更别提认读了, 同时也能将三年级下学期技能目标的难点进行合理地分散了。


结合单词认读教学进行简单的作业分层安排:A学生要求能正确抄写单词, 并能熟练背默单词;B学生要求能正确抄写单词并能熟练拼读单词;C学生要求能够熟练认读单词并拼读单词。每组内的A学生检查B类学生, B类学生检查C学生, 这样循环反复, 最后全体组员一起检查A学生, 不断挖掘学生的资源优势, 给不同层次的学生制定出“合理的标高”, 学生通过自己的努力能够达到目标, 加之教师的指导到位, 实效较好。


如何合理地进行课外阅读?我定期选择一些短小精悍的趣味阅读小文章, 让孩子去读、去理解, 并能回答出相关的问题。学生在阅读的过程中, 尽量调动自己的单词库, 主动去理解文章的大意, 对其今后的英语阅读理解学习起到铺垫的作用。


(一) 成效

通过一学年的研究与实践, 本课题的预定目标:提高三年级学生英语认读能力已基本达成, 本年级学生相对认读能力较高, 年级中“瞎读”英语的现象也有所减少, 大部分学生已形成主动认读单词的学习常规习惯, 对3A教材中约百个单词能全部认读正确达96%。

(二) 反思

经过一学期的开发与实践, 再对比后期的调查问卷, 结合学生的实际达成情况与具体表现, 我欣喜地发现许多可取之处, 但也使我看到了许多不足之处, 引起了我的诸多反思, 即教师要善于“抓住细节做文章”;帮助学生形成良好的学习习惯;科研型的教师要形成系列研究项目;处理好个别班级与学生之间的差异;挖掘与发挥教师的引领作用。

摘要:“问题即课题”是确立个人个性化课题的最主要出发点, 此类课题的研究主要用于解决教师个人教育教学中出现的实际问题。本课题的研究与实践着眼于课题创新细节的过程及实效研究。力图从小处着手, 开展“零距离”式的课题研究。通过一学年的研究与实践, 本课题的预定目标:提高三年级学生英语认读能力已基本达成, 本年级学生相对认读能力较高, 年级中“瞎读”英语的现象也有所减少, 大部分学生已形成主动认读单词的学习常规习惯。但也使我看到了许多不足之处, 引起了我的诸多反思。



[1]英语课程标准.北京师范大学出版社, 2001.

[2]芦云丽, 蒋海虹.小学英语认读初探.


关于地震的英语作文范本 篇3


小编推荐:| | | | | if you have received possibly have the earthquake warning, continues to maintain listens to the local broadcasting station newest report and the suggestion, like the suggestion switches off the liquid gas, the power source.greatly but the heavy object from high will put on to take away.the jar, the glass, the chinaware and other brittle things admit in the low cabinet, the baggage shelf should have keeps off the hand by to prevent the object whereabouts.the cabinet gate should shut tightly, moves away to be hanging the object.below

八年级关于地震的作文600字 篇4








外研版八年级上册英语作文地震 篇5

Earthquakes almost never kill people directly. Instead, many deaths and injuries in earthquakes result from falling objects and the collapse of buildings, bridges, and other structures. Fire resulting from broken gas or power lines is another major danger during a quake. Spills of hazardous chemicals are also a concern during an earthquake.

The force of an earthquake depends on how much rock breaks and how far it shifts. Powerful earthquakes can shake firm ground violently for great distances. During minor earthquakes, the vibration may be no greater than the vibration caused by a passing truck.

On average, a powerful earthquake occurs less than once every two years. At least 40 moderate earthquakes cause damage somewhere in the world each year. About 40,000 to 50,000 small earthquakes--large enough to be felt but not damaging--occur annually.

关于高三毕业英语作文 篇6

Born in America , Thomas Edison was a great scientist and inventor 。 He was once thought to be a boy who was not worth educating 。 In fact , he was a man full of imagination。

I admire Edison a lot because of his great contribution to the world 。 He had more than 1000 inventions 。 In his life time, he was always eager to know how things worked, which helped him to own the nickname “ the wizard of Melo park” 。 He was also so diligent that he worked day and night 。 And this explained why he had so many great inventions 。

What impresses me most is his famous saying : “ Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration “。 Probably I can’t be an Edison myself , but I can be a hardworking teamer 。From him, I realize the secret to success is not when and where you were born ,but what you are doing and how you do it in your life。

关于报考志愿的高三英语作文 篇7

Some students prefer to consider majors first so that they can learn what they are interested in. It will also make it possible for them to take their favourite jobs in the future.

However, those who think differently believe that the environment is important to one’s development and that graduates from leading universities are often more likely to find a good job.

In my opinion, the best choice is a good major at a good university. If we cannot obtain both, the first thing to consider is a good major, because no matter where we study, we can still achieve a lot in a certain field if we try our best.




高三年级英语作文:中国书法 篇8


Calligraphy is the essence of Chinese culture, which has developed into a special high-level art apart from satisfying the needs of daily writing. It has been flourishing for thousands of years in China. Shops with strong commercial atmosphere will gain some elegance if they are decorated with some quaint cultural calligraphic works. Sitting rooms, studies and bedrooms can be nice-looking with calligraphy works decorated. As a kind of art work, the writing of calligraphy is particular. The Chinese characters are written on Xuan paper which absorbs ink very well and then are mounted to hang on a wall. The calligraphy works are mostly a poem or a motto that the host of the room likes it much; if it is written by the host himself, it will demonstrate more his aspiration and interest as well as his talent.


关于人工智能的高三英语作文 篇9

AlphaGo fire, five one hundred million people watching “man-machine war”, in the end it depends on the technical advantage of big data and deep learning in a 4-1 winners posture tell people, to artificial

intelligence is no longer just the scene in the movie, but in the real world there is another round of industrial revolution, however, this changes make many people feel scared, at that time all kinds of artificial intelligence threats to the human voice, according to the British science association entrusted network research firm YouGov, according to a survey of about 36% of people think that the rise of artificial intelligence technology will pose a threat to human long-term survival. People in all

高三年级一班英语作文 篇10

I’m more than delighted to know you are curious about the club activities of our school and want to join one next term. I’d like to recommend Peking opera club to you, which I believe you will enjoy a lot from.

I recommend this club to you for the following reasons. First, Peking opera is like a pearl in Chinese traditional art. Joining this club can give you a taste of Chinese traditional art forms and even have a hands-on experience. Besides, the club will regularly organize various activities, such as inviting famous actors to perform, and drawing Peking opera make-ups. Considering your interest in Chinese history, I believe getting close to Peking opera will also be a good way of learning more about it.

When it comes to preparation, you can watch some famous Peking opera videos on the Internet or read some relevant materials, which will definitely be beneficial for you.

Hope my suggestions can be of help. If you want to learn anything more, don’t hesitate to contact me.

Best wishes.


高三年级关于地震英语作文 篇11

No one knows for sure when a fire witt happen,so it is extremely necessary to make preparations before a fire starts.Check the fire escape in advance and make sure that you can find it in the dark when lights have failed. Find out where the nearest fire extinguisher is and read the instructions to learn how to use it.

Dont lose your head if unfortunately a fire breaks out. First,telephone the fire department immediately when the fire just gets started. Take care not to be overcome by smoke,which containing monoxide gas,can kill you quickly. Cover your mouth with a wet towel or a wet cloth,and avoid getting into the smoke. Dont get in an elevator,as you may get trapped if the electricity fails.If you can not get away by yourself,it is of great importance to hang something out of the window to attract attention as a sign of asking for help.
