


三年级上英语月考测试 篇1




1. Which is Lucy’s sister?


2. Who did Nelly visit Beijing with?


3. What is Jack’s favorite food?


4. What did Bill do yesterday evening?


5. Where did Peter go for vacation?




6. Why does Peter like Golden-prince Restaurant?

A. Because the food is cheap.

B. Because the food is sweet.

C. Because the food is delicious.

7. How is Peter going there?

A. On foot.B. By bike. C. By car.


8. Who is Alex’s best friend?

A. Alex.B. Paul. C. Cindy.

9. What does Alex think of Paul?

A. He is funny and outgoing. B. He is a little serious. C. He is tall and funny.

10. How often do they play tennis?

A. Every day. B. Three times a week. C. Four times a week.

第三节:听短文,从A, B, C三个选项中选择正确的选项,完成信息记录表。(每小题2分,共10分)

The Twins

Name Tom Jim

Age 11 11

Personality(性格) 12outgoing

Dislike to make parties or bring friends home to be in a quiet room

Schoolwork better at English and 13better at 14 and PE

Mother’s Hope The twins can be 15and happy.

11. 12. 13. 14. 15.



( )1. - Did you go to the park yesterday? - ________. I visited my aunt.

A. Yes, I did B. Yes, I doC. No, I didn’tD. No, I don’t

( )2. Is there ________ in the newspaper?

A. something specialB. special something

C. special anything D. anything special

( )3. -________ do you watch TV? - Once a week, only on Sunday evenings.

A. How long B. How much C. How often D. How many days

( )4. - ________ does Betty do on weekends? - She often reads at home.

A. Where B. What C. How D. Why

( )5. He is ________. I think he can look after himself.

A. old enough B. enough young C. enough old D. young enough

( )6. He ________ from Canada, but I’m not sure.

A. maybe B. may be C. is D. must is

( )7. My father spent two hundred yuan ________ a bike.

A. /B. on C. for D. in

( )8. Doing sports is ________ our health.

A. good forB. good at C. good with D. good to

( )9. - What makes you _________ all the way, Peter?

- Look! Dave. What a dirty shirt the man is wearing over there!

A. laugh B. laughs C. to laugh D. laughing

( )10. She speaks English as ________ as her teacher.

A. bestB. good C. betterD. well

( )11. Tom does his homework ________ in his class.

A. very carefullyB. the most carefully

C. more carefullyD. the most careful

( )12. - Can you speak French, Mr. Brown?

- Yes. But only __________ French words.

A. few B. littleC. a little D. a few

( )13. Don’t forget _______ the door when you ________.

A. closing;leaveB. closing;are leaving

C. to close;leaveD. to close;will leave

( )14. - _________ hours do they exercise every week? - About 40 hours. I think.

三年级上英语月考测试 篇2

1. The little girl has ____ uncle and ____ aunt.

A. a; aB. an; aC. a; anD. an; an

2. ____ your brother ____ fruit?

A. Is; like B. Does; like C. Do; likesD. Does; likes

3. I think this kind of movies is interesting, ____ my pen pal doesn’t like it.

A. but B. so C. and D. or

4. ——The sweater is beautiful. ____ is it?

——It’s 120 yuan.

A. HowB. How muchC. How manyD. How old

5. This is Susan and that is Mary. ____ my ____.

A. She’s; friend B. They’re; friend

C. They’re; friends D. They; friends

6. They like ____ books and we like ____ music.

A. read; listen B. reading; listening

C. reading; listening toD. reading to; listening to

7. ——When is your brother’s birthday?

——It’s ____.

A. July 8thB. nine o’clockC. two hours D. Monday

8. Tom can play ____ guitar, but he can’t play ____ basketball.

A. a; a B. the; theC. the; / D. the; a

9. ——Where does your pen pal David live?

——He lives ____ Tokyo, Japan.

A. at B. onC. to D. in

10. He likes ____ and ____.

A. tomatos; chickenB. tomatoes; chickens

C. tomatoes; chickenD. tomato; chickens

11. ——Do Chinese like playing basketball?


A. Yes, he does B. No, they aren’t

C. Yes, they doD. No, they can’t

12. ——____ does your brother go to school?

——At 7:00.

A. What time B. WhatC. HowD. Where

13. He eats ____ healthy food.

A. lot ofB. a lot of C. anyD. a lots of

14. ——Your hat is very nice.


A. You are right B. That’s right

C. You are welcomeD. Thank you

15. She is ____ at playing the piano. And she can sing very ____, too.

A. good; wellB. well; good C. good; good D. well; well


Peter is an eight-year-old boy. He is a good boy. He does __1__ in all his lessons. He __2__ school and he is always active in class. Every time the teacher asks a question, Peter always __3__ his hand quickly. Sometimes his answer is __4__, but the teacher always smiles(微笑) and says, “Good, Peter. But __5__ a better answer to my question?”

One day, the teacher asks the boys and girls a question. “Swallows(燕子) fly to the south before winter __6__,” he says. “But why don’t cats and dogs do __7__?”

Peter lifts(举) his __8__ as usual.

“Yes, Peter?” says the teacher __9__.

Peter stands up and says, “__10__ they have no wings (翅膀).”

1. A. good B. hardC. well D. bad

2. A. lovesB. likes a C. goes to a D. enjoys

3. A. gets up B. puts onC. gets on D. puts up

4. A. rightB. wrong C. easyD. hard

5. A. has B. is thereC. are thereD. have

6. A. will come B. is coming

C. comes D. is going to come

7. A. differentB. theseC. the sameD. with

8. A. hand B. headC. foot D. eye

9. A. heavy B. glad C. happily D. angrily

10. A. Why B. BecauseC. ThatD. Where



Mr King has a car. In the morning he takes his children to school in his car at about seven. Then he drives to work. Mr King and his children do not have lunch at home but Mrs King does. She does not go to work. She stays at home and does shopping and some cleaning in the morning. In the afternoon she usually goes to see some of her friends, has tea and talks a lot with them. Then she cooks supper for her family. Mr King comes back home late. He comes home at a quarter past six. The children do not come back in their father’s car. They take a bus home. They usually come back home before five.

1. The children usually go to school ____.

A. on foot B. by bus C. by carD. by bike

2. Mrs King has lunch ____.

A. with Mr King B. with her children

C. at school D. at home

3. Mrs King ____.

A. does housework at home

B. goes to work with her friends every day

C. goes to cook supper for her friends in the afternoon

D. goes to take her children back home every day

4. Mr King usually ____.

A. takes his children back home from school in the afternoon

B. drives to work

C. comes back home by bus

D. goes to talk with his friends in the afternoon

5. The children come back home ____.

A. at sevenB. at half past six

C. before five D. at a quarter past six


Kate and Mike like sports. In summer they swim and in winter they ski(滑雪). They are planning(计划) a ski trip for this weekend, but they don’t know what the weather will be like. It’s 7:30 now, and they are

listening to the weather report(天气预报): “It’s going to be -4°C. It’s going to snow Friday night. Saturday and Sunday are going to be clear(晴朗), cold and sunny.”

Now Kate and Mike are excited(兴奋). The weather is going to be perfect (完美的) for a ski trip. They want to have a wonderful weekend in the mountain(山).


6. Kate and Mike like listening to the weather report.

7. They plan to have a ski trip for this weekend.

8. They want to know about the price.

9. It will be clear, cold and sunny on Saturday and Sunday.

10. Kate and Mike are excited because the weather is going to be perfect for a ski trip.


Dave: What sports do you like?

Rite:I like basketball.

Dave: Why do you like it?


Dave: Do you want to play it now?


Dave: What movie?


Dave: But I don’t like so. Action movies are usually boring and scary.

Rite: __4__

Dave: I like comedies.

Rite: __5__

A. I enjoy P.E. at school.

B. I like history.

C. What kind of movies do you like then?

D. Because it’s exciting.

E. Frequency. It’s an action movie and it’s interesting.

F. Oh, I like comedies, too.

八年级(上)第二次月考英语试题 篇3

笔试部分(150 分)


A. 根据句意及首字母提示完成句子(10%)

1.I love reading books because I can learn much k ___________ from it.

2. What do you usually do for your summer v _____________?

3. At the c___________, we saw some famous pop singers.

4. “ What’s your h___________?” “1.65m.”

5. Four boys s______ up a band called “Hua’er Band.”

6.I called you but nobody a____________ the phone.

7. When he got home, I was listening to the r___________.

8. Do you a _________ with me?

9.Yesterday was the b_____________ of the winter vacation.

10. He is t_______ tired to walk.


1. I love eating fruits ________ ______ (例如) apples, bananas and oranges.

2. Do you love _____________ ____________(集邮)?

3. My grandma used to ________ __________(养宠物).

4. I am ___________ __________(对……感兴趣) drawing.

5.What do you usually do _______ your _________ time?(在业余时间)

6. Don’t worry. There’s ____________ ___________(不严重) with your leg.

7. We relax in _____________ ___________(不同的方式).

8. My uncle loves ___________ ___________ planes.(做飞机模型)

9. We have ____________ __________ __________(两天的周末)every week.

10. Can you hear someone ____________ _________(敲) the door?


( ) 1. My sister is fond of __________.

A. cook B. cooker C. cooking D. cooked

( )2. _______ you use to go skating in winter?

A. Do B. Does C. Are D. Did

( )3. She is very clean. She _______ a bath every day.

A. takes B. take C. have D. washes

( )4.Miss Gao teaches ______ English.

A. us B. our C. we D. ours

( ) 5. “______ do you like collecting stamps?” “Because it’s very interesting.”

A. Why B. What C. When D. Where

( )6. They are soccer fans. They _______ miss any important games.

A. no B. not C. never D. aren’t

( )7. We should keep our classroom ________.

A. cleans B. cleaned C. cleaning D. clean

( )8. The music ______ beautiful.

A. looks B. sounds C. feels D. hears

( ) 9. Pop music often comes and goes easily. It is always about love and ______life.

A. every day B. everyday’s C. everyday D. every day’s

( )10.China is famous _______ a large country.

A. to B. for C. as D. in

( )11. I with my parents ______ a nice time in Hainanthis time last year.

A. spent B. were spending C. spend D. was spending

( )12. Miss Gao was very angry ____ me, because I was late again.

A. to B. with C. in D. at

( )13.__________ beautiful music!

A. What an B. How C. What D. What a

( )14. My parents usually make me _______ at home on Sunday.

A. stay B. to stay C. staying D. stayed

( )15. “_______ do you think of the story?” “Just so-so.”

A. How B. Which C. What D. Why

16.( )Xiao yun likes sports and she is interested in______

A.play basketball B.play a basketballC.playing basketball D.playing a basketball

17.( )Lily is good at English,and she is fond of ______other students with their English。

A.helping B.learning C.help D.learn

18.( )-Can I ______in a pond?-No,it’s dangerous

A.have bathB.take bathC.take a bath D.have a bathing

19.( )I heard Michael was ill.So I don’t know _____he will come or not.

-I’m very sorry to hear that.

A.if B.thatC./D.whether

20.( )Li Bo_____play computer games,but now he hates it.

A.use to B.uses to C.used D.used to

21.( )-Which does your brother prefer singing or dancing?-I think he ____singing_______dancing

A.prefer;toB.prefers;to C.like;to D.likes;to

22.( )-What delicious food! I want to share it _______my friends-Good idea!

A.withB.on C.in D.to

23.( )-Lucy,will your parents come here?-It’s raining now.I don’t know_______they will come______

A.if;or not B./;or not C.whether;or not D.weather;or not

24.( )-What kind of sports do you like?-I_____soccer

A.am interestedB.enjoys C.A and D D.am fond of

25.( )Our math teacher is very kind to us and often helps us______math after class.

A.studyB.studies C.studying D.studied

26.( )-How much is this concer ticket?


A.cost on B.took ; to C.paid; forD.spent;in

27.( )The coat is too lere.Please show me________.

A.the other B.other C.another D.others

28.( )- -May I ________your English book?

-Sorry.I________it to Li ling yesterday.

A.borrow; lentB.lend borrowed C.borrow lent D.lend lent

29.( )-Tony , could you ______your bike________me? My bike is broken.

-OK It’s over there.

A.borrow; from B.lend to C.borrow to D.lend from

30.( )-Xiao Yanzi ,Zhao Wei_______many people.

--Yes, she is very famous in China.

A.is popular to B.is popular at C.is popular among D.is popular in

( ) 31. What ______ you ______ when your parents came back?

A. are, doing B. were, doing C. did, do

( )32. My sister and I ______ English.

A. am interested B. are interesting C. are interested in

三年级上英语月考测试 篇4





第二题,选择题,要求学生准确把握所学内容,正确剔除那些似是而非的答案,做出自己的选择,每题1分,共7分; 第三题,连线题,分值为8分;

第四题,阅读短文,简要回答问题。要求学生根据自己对短文的理解回答相应的问题。重点考察学生的知识掌握与语言表述能力,共6分; 第五题,科学实践探究题,旨在培养学生的实验操作能力,分值为19分。


第一题,填空题。本题学生答题情况良好,失分率不高,但是出现了 写错字的现象。










三年级上英语月考测试 篇5

A、洗濯(zhuó)厄(è)运 嬉(xī)戏 蜕(tuì)变

B、风韵(yùn)扒(pā)窃 庸(yōng)人 姊(jiě)妹

C、蹂躏(lìn)奢(shē)望 金窖(jiào)湛篮(lán)

D、寂寥(liǎo)猝(cù)然 点辍(zhuì)堕(zhuì)落


呼朋引伴 花技招展 德高望众 波光明灭

凡花嫩叶 抖搂精神 津津乐道 返老还童



B. 卖弄(炫耀)玄奥(玄秘深奥)宛转(形容声音圆润柔美)星汉(银河)




①他们的房屋,稀稀疏疏的,在雨里 着。

②因为有这样 的冬天,干啥还希望别的呢?


④放下 过稻香的镰刀。

A.静默 慈善 慈祥 饱食 B.慈祥 慈善 饱食 静默

C.饱食 静默 慈善 慈祥 D.慈祥 静默 慈善 饱食




A小村庄的房顶上卧着点雪 B点雪卧在小村庄的房顶上

C房顶上的小村庄卧着点雪 D点雪卧在房顶上的小村庄


(1)父亲 地说:你是个学生,怎能不刻苦学习呢?

(2)老师 地说:你果然是个有上进心的孩子,学习比过去努力多了。



仿句:理想是。没有理想,就没有 ;而没有,就没有。










(9)《论语》是___________________________的一部书,是__ 经典著作之一。其中论述学与思的辩证关系的句子是:。论述学习态度,告诉人们不要不懂装懂的名句是:

























⑴、人不知而不愠 ⑵、学而不思则罔

⑶、见贤思齐焉 ⑷、诲女知之乎










16、看,像牛毛,像花针,像细丝是一个比喻句,像牛毛写出了雨 的特征;像花针写出了雨 的特征;像细丝写出了雨 的特征。(3分)

17、小草儿也青得逼你的眼中逼字突出了小草 的特点。逼字的作用是。(4分)


A、雨是最寻常的 B、一下就是三两天

C、看,像牛毛,像花针,像细丝 D、人家屋顶上全笼着一层薄烟








21、写景当中往往寄寓着感情。该段文字字里行间渗透着 的感情。(2分)































得意 信任 醒悟 悔恨 谦逊 失望 骄傲


27.用文中原句回答,能体现中心思想的句子是: ________________。(4分)


28、在你的人生道路上,一定有对你产生深远影响的事物或经历吧。请你以难忘的 ________为题,写一篇500字左右的文章,让老师、同学共享你的人生收获。



1、A(B、zǐ C、蓝 D、缀)

2.技-枝 众-重 凡-繁 搂-擞。






















25.热情鼓励 严格要求

26.得意 失望 省悟



三年级上英语月考测试 篇6

1. What kind of movies ______ Jack like?

A. doB. don’tC. doesD. is

2. —Does the boy have a great sports collection?


A. Yes, he isB. No, he don’t

C. Yes, he doesD. No, he isn’t

3. I think it is______interesting story.

A. ×B. aC. anD. the

4. —______ you play chess?

—Yes, I______ .

A. Can; doB. Do; canC. Can; canD. Can; read

5. The little girl can’t______ .

A. play the pianoB. play piano

C. play a pianoD. play pianos

6. Can you help me______my music?

A. toB. forC. onD. with

7. The little boy is only four, but he can______his clothes and take them off now.

A. put it onB. put onC. put on itD. put on them

8. When do you______classes______weekdays?

A. begin have; onB. begin to have; at

C. begin your; onD. begin to have; in

9. Jack’s favorite______is Tuesday because he has P.E. on that day.

A. timeB. monthC. yearD. day

10. I’m______you like green because it’s a beautiful color.

A. sorryB. sadC. sureD. not

11.______the Japanese people______English?

A. Do; talkB. Does; talkC. Do; speakD. Does; speak

12. The girls in our grade like______sports.

A. playingB. playC. playsD. to play

13. —What’s Lisa doing?

—She’s______her classroom.

A. cleanedB. cleaningC. cleanD. cleans

14. What do you do______Friday evening?

A. withB. inC. onD. at

15. Could I have______bananas, please?

Sorry, we don’t have______these days.

A. any; anyB. any; someC. some; someD. some; any

Ⅱ. 句型轉换按括号内要求改写下列句子。每空填一词。

1. The woman speaks French. (改为否定句)

The woman______ ______ French.

2. They are difficult physics problems. (复数改为单数)

_______ _____difficult physics______ .

3. The little girl can speak French and Japanese. (对划线部分提问)

_______ _____can the little girl______ ?

4. My favorite subject is science. (对划线部分提问)

______ ______your favorite subject?

5. He is really busy today. (改为一般疑问句)

______ ______really busy today?

Ⅲ. 补全对话从方框中选出恰当的语句填空,完成对话。

A: Hello, Bob, nice to see you.

B: Nice to see you too, Jenny.

A: What’s in your bag? 1

B: No, there are some fruit in it.

A: What are they?

B: Let me see. Oh, they are apples, bananas, oranges and...

A: 2 I like eating tomatoes.

B: Yes, do you want one?

A: 3 How many do you have?

B: 4 You can take this red one.

A: Thanks.

B: 5

A. That sounds good.

B. And some tomatoes?

C. Three.

D. Do you like tomatoes?

E. You’re welcome.

F. Is there any food in it?

G. Are they fruit?

Ⅳ. 词汇

A. 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。

1. I want the______ (three) book. Give it to me, please.

2. September 10 is______ (teacher) Day.

3. —Maria, when is the school trip?

—It’s on June______ (twelve).

4. —Is this______ (Jeff) room?

—Yes, it is.

5. —How old are you?

—I’m thirteen______ (year) old.

B. 用括号内所给动词的正确形式填空。

A crow (乌鸦) is sitting in a big tree. She 1 (have) a big piece of meat in her mouth. “My babies will have a nice breakfast,” she 2 (think). An old fox is looking for his breakfast. He 3 (see) the crow and the meat. “How can I get that piece of meat?” he thinks.

“Good morning, Mrs Crow,” 4 (say) the fox. “How 5 (be) you?”

But the crow 6 (not say) a word.

“You have very nice babies, Mrs Crow,” says the fox. “How are they? May I see them?” Still the crow 7 (not say) a word.

“You are very beautiful, Mrs Crow. And you 8 (have) a beautiful voice, too,” says the fox. “Would you please sing a song for me?”

Mrs Crow 9 (think), “How nice Mr Fox is! I must sing him a song.” So she 10 (open) her mouth, “Caw! Caw!” Down drops the meat into the fox’s mouth.

Ⅴ. 閱读理解


This is a picture of Mr Li’s family. The man in the middle is Mr Li, the father. The woman beside him is the mother. They have two sons. The son behind Mr Li is Li Lei. He’s thirteen. The son in front of Mrs Li is Li Ming. He’s eleven. Li Lei and Li Ming are in the same school, but not in the same grade. Li Lei is in Grade Two. Li Ming is in Grade One. They’re good students.


1. There are______people in the picture.

A. threeB. fourC. fiveD. six

2. Mr Li is______Li Lei.

A. in front ofB. behindC. onD. under

3. Mr and Mrs Li have______ .

A. one boy and one girlB. two boys

C. two girlsD. one boy

4. Li Ming is______brother.

A. Mr Li’sB. Mrs Li’sC. Li Lei’sD. We don’t know

5. —How old are Li Ming and Li Lei?

—They are______ .

A. eleven and thirteenB. thirteen and eleven

C. eleven and elevenD. thirteen and thirteen


The name of this movie is Hero. It’s an action movie. The story is about Chinese history. I like this movie very much. It’s interesting.

The name of this book is Boys in Big Trouble. It’s also a comedy in the USA. I like Tom and his friend Bob in this comedy. They are funny.

The name of this thriller is On Tuesday Night. It’s a scary and sad movie. It is about a UFO. It comes to the earth and wants to kill (杀死) us.


NamesKindsDescription words

Hero ①_____②_________

Boys in Big Trouble③_____funny

On Tuesday Night ④_____⑤_________



Our Teacher, Lucy King

Lucy King is 30 years old. She is our English teacher. She likes her job very much because she likes her lovely students. She goes to work at seven in the morning and goes home at five in the afternoon. Her favorite color is white. She likes tennis best. Her favorite fruit is orange.

Name: 1 Age: 2 Job: 3

Does she like her job? 4 Why? 5

When does she go to work? 6

When does she go home? 7

Favorite color: 8

Favorite sport: 9

Favorite fruit: 10

Ⅵ. 书面表达





饮食:喜欢:hamburgers, chicken, bananas, apples

不喜欢:broccoli, eggs


Ⅰ. 1-5 CCCCA6-10 DBCDC11-15 CABCD

Ⅱ. 1. doesn’t, speak2. It’s, a, problem3. What, languages, speak4. What, is5. Is, he


Ⅳ. A. 1. third2. Teachers’3. the twelfth4. Jeff’s5. years

B. 1. has2. thinks3. sees4. says5. are6. doesn’t say7. doesn’t say8. have9. thinks10. opens

Ⅴ. (A) 1. B2.A3. B4. C5. A


NamesKindsDescription words

Hero① action movie ② interesting

Boys in Big Trouble ③ comedyfunny

On Tuesday Night④ thriller ⑤ scary and sad

(C) 1. Lucy King2. 303. a teacher4. Yes, she does.

5. Because she loves her lovely students.

6. At seven in the morning.7. At five in the afternoon.

8. white9. tennis10. orange

Ⅵ. One possible version:
