


新标准英语三年级起点第四册教学建议与教案 篇1


Module 8   题目 Changes(变化) 题材 (主要) 内容 Amy到Lingling家做客时,对Lingling家的几张老照片产生了兴趣。Lingling告诉Amy那是爷爷、奶奶年轻时以及自己小时候的照片,并拿出现在的照片进行对比,谈论以前和现在的变化。 教学目标 语言 知识 目标 功能 谈论过去与现在的变化。 语法 (结构、句子) 一般过去时: I was two. They were young. She wasn’t tall then. She was short.   词汇 听 能在听录音的过程中从语句中辨别单词:who, grandparent, then, me, hair, so 说 能在说句子时候正确使用单词:who, grandparent, then, me, hair, so 读 能在图片的提示下、在语句中正确朗读单词:who, grandparent, hair 写 能够正确拼写单词:who, me, so 语言 技能 目标 听 能听懂对过去事物进行描述的句子。 说 能够对过去事物的状态进行描述并与他人沟通。 读 能够在图片的帮助下指读课文。 写 能够看图抄写出对过去事情的状态进行描述的句子。 学习策略 对所学的内容能主动练习和实践。 文化意识   情感态度 让学生在新旧生活的对比中,更加珍惜现在的`美好生活。 任务 课后回家拿出自己和父母的旧照片,用所学过的知识对父母和自己的变化进行评价。   Module 8 changes Unit 1 I was two 《英语》(新标准)三年级起点,第四册 作者:张丽  作者单位:  山东省邹平县韩店镇中心小学  邮编:256209  联系电话:13792281245  电子信箱:lilizhangdcba@126.com 一、教学内容: 《英语》(新标准)三年级起点第四册 Module 8 changes unit 1 I was two  课时:一课时 授课年级:小学四年级 二、教学目标 (一) 技能和知识目标 1、基本能听懂会说,会读,会写grandparent, then, hair, was, were 2、基本能听懂,会说,会读句型:I was….. They were….. 3、初步掌握词汇so 4、巩固复习词汇big, small,tall,short,long,fat,thin,old,young及句型I’m…..who is that little girl? It’s….. (二)能力目标   学生能够运用Was和were来描述过去,介绍自己或他人过去的事情。 (三) 素质教育(文化,情感态度,策略)目标 (1)  培养学生主动用英语与他人交流,能积极与他人合作,共同参与,合作完成学习任务。 (2)  通过对本课的学习,让学生学会对事物进行分析与观察,培养学生的观察能力和判断能力。 三、教学重点和难点 (一) 重点 1、  词汇:grandparent,then,hair,was,were 2、  句型:I was….. They were…… (二) 难点 Then 的发音。 四、教学用具 教学用书,录音机,磁带,照片,单词卡片,多媒体课件 五、教学和活动过程 Part1:热身复习1. Sing an English song 2. T: Hello! Boys and girls! How are you today? I’m very happy to see you again. Are you happy? Please look at the screen, do you know these words? Very good! Stand up. Ok! I give an example:“old, old ,it’s old. Yong ,young, it’s young.” Let’s say them together.(Point to the screen) 3. Now let’s play a game, If I say long, you should say short If I say big, you should say small. Are you clear? Listen carefully Part2:导入 T:You’ve done a good job and you’re cute, I want to be your good friends, How about you ? First, let me introduce myself. My name is zhangli . I am 28 years old. I am tall, I am thin. My hair is long. (hair,hair, point to your hair please ) Would you like to introduce yourself. You can use these words, Practise  with you  deskmate ,  Then tell us.  Part3:操练与指导 ① T: What’s your name? S1:......... S2:………… T: who are they? They are…… Guess its meaning. 跟读并板书 ②  课件出示老师小时侯的照片 T:look, who is that  little girl? Guess. S: Guess…. T: It’s me I was sixteen, then(那时) (拍手说句子,按上下左右由慢到快的原则)Please take out your photos I was sixteen, then How about you ? S1…….,s2…….. T:Look, my hair was so short, now my hair is long (let Ss say it one by one) ③  课件出示玲玲祖父母年轻时的照片,并问,Who are they? Ss:Guess Do you remember lingling? She is our old friend. They are lingling’s grandparent. Grand,grand,grandparents(拍手说)they were yong,then. Part4 训练大本营 1.  Listen to the tape,read the dialogue 2.  Discuss in groups then ask and answer ①  How old was lingling,then? ②  Was lingling’s hair short or long? ③  Were lingling’s grandparents old? 4. 课件出示(我能行) Part5 完成运用任务,猜猜我是谁? T:Boys and girls Today I invite three superstars   然后分别出示成龙、姚明、刘翔小时侯和现在的照片,老师用I was….,then 解说 Who am I? Ss Guess. Part6 Homework Talk about the changes such as our school,you T-Shirt,your family. 板书: Module 8 changes Unit 1 I was two   I was two, then   They were young, then                  


新标准英语三年级起点第四册教学建议与教案 篇2


2.过程与方法:诱导学生质疑解难, 运用思维推理的方法找到认知的路径。

3.情感与策略:培养和发展学生对英语知识渴求的心理欲望, 鼓励学生自行探索、归纳总结并得出正确的结论, 保持最佳的学习状态。

[教学重点]理解课文并能用所学的重点句型进行有效的语言实践, 学会本课字母和单词的读写。

[教学难点]一般现在时中主语是单数第三人称, 谓语动词的词形变化及其应用。

[教学策略]运用观察——质疑——探究——归纳——应用的方法, 达到本课的教学目的;用实物、多媒体等教学手段, 达到知识呈现、扩展和应用的生动性和有效性。

Teaching Process:

Step 1.Arouse and Recall

T: (After a short greetings) Well, let’s sing a song, We Like School. (The words with vivid pictures on the screen.Ss sing, watch and follow with actions.)

T:We all like school, but at the weekend…

S1:we don’t go to school.

T:What do you do then?

S2-5: (Answer it one by one) I sleep in the morning.I go swimming in the afternoon.I watch TV in the evening.I play basketball.I do homework.

[看屏幕唱歌曲, 把学生的情绪带进了英语学习氛围中, 轻松愉快地聚焦重难点知识。教师的提问, 唤起了学生对已有知识和经历的回忆, 一个接一个地踊跃回答问题, 教师由此初步掌握了学生对学过知识的理解应用情况。]

Step 2.Trace and Survey

T:Now let’s see, “What does Lingling do at the weekend?”

(After listening, Ss are asked to go over the content again.They come up with some questions like the meanings of the new words, the grammar points…)

T:Ok, look at the Course Schedule here.Today is Tuesday.We have (Ss say together with T) Maths English, Science and Music in the morning.We have Chinese and PE in the afternoon.Tomorrow is Wednseday.There are Chinese, Art, Maths and Science.Then we have no class. (T writes the new words on Bb.Ss read and spell them.As for the grammar points, T asks the class to have a discussion in groups.Ss voice their opinions, saying Lingling is only one person.)

T:Yes, you are right!But‘I’is only one person, too.

S1:Third-person? (In Chinese)

T:Yes.How about“they”?

S2:Plural? (In Chinese)

T:That’s it!

S3:In Module 4, “Does Daming like bananas?”

S4:Yes, he does.

S5:Tom likes milk. (Ss think it’s the same here)

S6:But plays, sleeps, watches, does, goes… (Ss mean to show the different suffixes.T explains it and show them some examples.)

T:Please work in a group of 6.Ask and answer each other questions like“What does Lili do at the weekend?” (Ss do so for a few minutes)

[诱导学生质疑, 把整个教学内容用多媒体呈现给学生, 由学生自行领悟、理解问难。对学生提出的词汇问题, 教师用课表引导学生明确语义;而语法问题, 教师则让学生小组共同研究, 找出规律。]

Step 3.Search and Create

(On the big screen are some famous people and their weekend’s activities with some missing information)

T:Listen and fill in the blanks, here, here… (Ss listen while filling)

VIP’s Weekend Activities

A.Yao MingB.Guo Jingjing C.Tian Liang

D.Zhou JielunE.Li NingF.Sun Nan

G.Han HongH.Wang FeiI.Li Yong

J.Liu DehuaK.Zhao WeiL.Xiao Shenyan

M.Song ZuyingN.Bi Fujian

T: (Showing the best work on the overhead projector) Let’s check. (Asking Ss to say one by one) Now circle your favorite stars and talk about them focusing on their weekend’s activities only!

[通过选择填表格, 使学生集中注意力听、思考。这些名人大部分是学生熟悉和感兴趣的。这样的模拟练习逼真, 有利于学生思维的调动。即使填错了, 在后续的练习中, 也不会影响到学生语言的正确表达。]

Step 4.Watch and Write

T:Speak out the letters, Aa…

Ss:Aa…Kk… (T shows how to read and write and spell the letters, the words:LlMmNn lion monkey noodles.Ss copy.)

T:We make up a chant together.L is for lion…

T&Ss:L is for lion, M is for monkey, N is for noodles.

T:Where is l?S1:The noodles have it.

T:Where is m?S2:The monkey has it.

T:Where is n?S3:The lion has it.

(Then T shows them pictures with letters and words.Ss read and spell.)

[字母和书写教学是本学期的教学重点。因此, 教师的启蒙很重要。学生不但要会仿写, 而且还要把握好笔顺、间隔、大小写和艺术性等。最后, 教师同学生一起编创歌谣, 达到强化字母和单词的音、义、形的目的。]

Step 5.Achieve and Assign

T:Look at the screen.Let’s have a match between two.Who does it better and faster?

Lingling-1- (likes, like) PE.At the weekend she-2- (have, has) no Music, Art or-3- (pe, PE) .She-4- (sleeps, sleeping) in the morning, plays basketball in the-5- (afternoon, moon) , -6- (go, goes) swimming-7- (on, in) theevening.In the night she-8- (watches, match) TV at home.She-9- (have, has) a good-10- (weekend, weekday) .

T:Stop here.Let’s see, who wins?Faster, hands up!Better, hands up! (T gives a big smile and some comments)

T:Homework for today:

1.Write and keep in mind the 3 letters and the3 words.

2.Read the text freely.

3.Do a project, talking with other people about their weekend’s activities:What does he/she do at the weekend?

[教师设计了双人对决赛, 振奋学生学习情绪。教师根据学生的练习情况, 初步掌握学生的学习效果。学生边听边选, 质量和速度并行, 进一步强化了本课的重点内容。课后学习任务的布置, 机械练习和项目实践相结合, 实现用语言交际的学习策略。]

[扼要评述]本课是以周末活动为主要话题, 展开学习任务, 并含有一般现在时单数第三人称的应用。针对大多数学生的表达“障碍”和认知“惘点”, 教师调动集体的力量, 通过查找、问难、讨论、迁移、推理等方式, 完成学习任务。

教师没有把知识平铺直叙地强加给学生, 而是让学生从理智的观察、发现、比较中得到。课堂上, 学生在教师的引导下, 进行了自学求索、团队解疑、交流展示、思辨巩固、实际应用等尝试。教师让学生自己出发, 自主完成整个学习过程。

为了进一步深化本课重点知识的学习和巩固, 教师设计了名人度周末的听力填空练习, 把学生的学习兴奋点又提高了一步, 增加了学生练习的情趣。写字母、记单词比较单调, 教师引领学生编创简单上口的歌谣, 动静结合, 学生很容易学会。

主题概括和归纳总结过程, 教师处理得也很有特色。用填词的方式, 让学生唱着说出来, 不仅达到了教学目标, 还使课堂首尾呼应, 学生印象深刻。课后作业设计, 也给学生很大的拓展空间, 不但全面, 而且质量兼顾。写会读熟, 学生可以根据自己的实际情况来做。采访的人数、对象也由学生自行确定, 不受时间和条件的限制, 有利不同层次学生完成作业。

新标准英语三年级起点第四册教学建议与教案 篇3

英语新标准三年起第四册 Module 4 教案与建议

Module 4 题目 Robots(机器人) 题材 (主要) 内容 Daming 和Sam在探讨机器人能够做什么,将来会做些什么。Daming告诉Sam,将来机器人能做一切事情,就是不能做作业。 教学目标 语言 知识 目标 功能 用will谈论将来可能发生的事情; 运用情态动词can描述能力。 语法 (结构、句子) 一般将来时: Robots will do everything. Will it be windy in Beijing? can描述能力: It can walk. 词汇 听 能在听录音的过程中从语句中辨别单词:robot, everything, housework, learn, our, weather 说 能在句子中正确使用单词:robot, everything, housework, learn, our, weather 读 能在图片的提示下、跟着录音在语句中正确朗读单词:robot, everything, housework, learn, our, weather 写 能够正确抄写并拼写出单词:our, one, day 语言 技能 目标 听 听懂介绍将来可能发生的事情的句子。 说 能用will简单描述将来可能发生的事情。 读 能够看图认读用will表示将来行为的句子; 能熟练并有节奏地朗读韵句。 写 能看图抄写出描述机器人能做的事情的句子。 学习策略 积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务。 文化意识 了解中国城市的地理位置及其天气变化特征。 情感态度 培养学生的模仿能力及团队合作精神。 任务 一名学生扮演机器人,做出各种动作,其他同学来讨论它能做些什么; 观看本地区天气预报,然后制作本地区天气预报图表,小组间进行天气预报。 《英语》(新标准)(供三年级起始用)第四册Module 4 Unit 1 教案设计 福建厦门实验小学黄宛辉 一、语言功能 描述将来的.行为与状态。 二、语言形式 They will ... (It will...) 三、词汇 one day, walk, talk, everything, do the housework, children, learn 四、教具准备 多媒体课件、录音机、磁带、机器人头饰、练习卷。 五、教学步骤 Step 1 热身活动:Listen and do the activity. 教师发指令: run, jump, play football, play basketball, play the flute, row a boat, do Taichi, write a letter, make a cake, wash clothes, watch TV, do homework, repair the chair, etc. 学生做出相应的动作。 (设计意图:通过活动,帮助学生回忆学过的动词和动词词组,为接下来学生能流利表述将来要做的事情做铺垫。) Step 2 导入及任务呈现 1.教师谈话导入 As you can see, sometimes we have to do many things. And we will be very tired. If someone can help us, that will be good. Who do you think can help us? Can robots help us? (学生发言) 2.教师提出任务 Yes. One day, robots will do many things. In this lesson, we are going to talk about the robots in our imagination. Let's see whose robot is the best one! (设计意图:“任务型教学途径”强调在课的一开始就向学生提出任务,让学生在完成具体任务的活动中学习、使用语言。) Step 3 观看录像,整体呈现语言 请学生欣赏一段有英文配音的、关于未来机器人的录像。(英文配音内容:One day, robots will do everything! Look! They will play the piano. They will sing. They will dance. They will talk. They will play basketball. They will pick fruits. They will make the introduction. How capable they are!) (设计意图:近年来语言教育领域出现的“整体式语言教学”理论认为:语言是一个整体, 语言应该在语境中使用。教师应根据本节课的内容创设恰当的语境,通过声音、图片、动作等媒介,调动学生的多种感官,使其全面感知,从而能运用所学语言进行交际,同时为引入课文教学做铺垫。) Step 4 课文及单词教学 1.教师谈话引入 Are the robots capable? Do you want to have a robot? Have you got a robot? Our good friend Daming has got a robot. Let's see what his robot can do and what his robot will do. 2.学生观看课文录像 (设计意图:同上) 3.复习单词walk, talk 教师提问What can Daming's robot do? 学生回答: It can walk. / It can talk. 小组读单词: walk/talk 4.学习词组 do the housework 教师提问:But Daming hopes his robot can do more things. What does he want the robot do? 如果学生回答: Do the housework. 教师要适时补充: They will do the housework. 学习单词housework,可顺便与homework进行比较,并领读They will do the housework. 5.语法学习They will... 教师点明:Daming's robots cannot do these things now. They will do these one day. So we should say: They will do the housework./They will help children learn. (设计意图:通过观看课文录像引出单词,使学生易于理解、接受,并为理解课文和完成交际性任务扫清障碍。同时,适时、适当地点明语言点也是很有必要的。) 6.游戏活动Listen and do the activity. 教师发指令:walk, talk, do the housework, help children learn. 学生做出相应的动作。 (设计意图:小学生的有意注意时间较短,经过一段较长时间的学习,注意力可能分散,这种活动有助于活跃气氛,并能巩固所学单词和词组。) 7.听录音,跟读课文 教师:We learned something about Daming's robot. If you want to know more about his robot just now, please open your books and read after the tape. 学生跟读课文两遍后分角色朗读课文。 (设计意图:让学生听录音跟读模仿,有助于进一步理解课文并形成良好的语音、语调。) 8.完成《课堂活动用书》P14 Exercise 1 教师:I think you know well about Daming's robot. Now please open your Activity Book to P14. Let's do Exercise 1. (设计意图:通过完成《课堂活动用书》的练习,既进一步学习、理解课文,又可以照顾到不同学习类型学生的需求,为教师提供了对学生进行单独关注的机会,并了解学生对课文的掌握情况。) Step 5 游戏活动 1. Guess what Ms Huang's robot will do? 教师: Ms Huang admires Daming very much. And I have a dream, one day I'll have a robot, and it will do many things. Now the robot in my dream comes to our class. Please guess what it will do. 请一名学生上台,戴上机器人头饰扮演成机器人,并按老师悄声给的指令做动作,让其余学生猜。It will... 2. Guess what your partner's robot will do? 教师: I'm sure you have the same dreams, too. Act out what the robot in your dream will do and ask your partners to guess. 学生在小组内进行游戏,一人做动作,其余同学猜:It will... 然后由做动作的学生上台表演。 (设计意图:教师是课堂活动的促进者,通过创设学习语境和条件,让学生主动参与认知活动,通过“做中学”的活动来学习语言,使整个语言学习过程都以学生为中心,促使他们为了了解他们感兴趣的事情而主动运用所学的语言,从而产生成就感和对英语学习的兴趣。) Step 6 “我理想中的机器人”交流 教师:OK. Now do you want to have a robot? Please imagine what a robot will do one day, draw and write them and talk about them in your group. 学生在小组中画一画、写一写、说一说自己理想中的机器人能做什么事。 Step 7 展示、汇报,评出“最能干的机器人” 学生上台展示自己的机器人,并汇报这些机器人会做的事,根据会做事情的多少(即学生能说句子It will...数量的多少)评出“最能干的机器人”。 (设计意图:通过小组的“我理想中的机器人”交流展示活动,培养学生的想象能力、表达能力和写作能力。在活动中,学生们能充分运用所学语言描述自己的机器人将来能做什么,尝到了“学了能用的甜头”。评选“最能干的机器人”活动又与课前所提的任务相呼应,把整堂课推向了高潮。) Step 8 作业布置 1. Talk about what your robots will do one day for your parents. 2. Finish the Exercises of Module 4 in Activity Book. 3. Follow the tape of the text.

新标准英语三年级起点第四册教学建议与教案 篇4

Module 6 Travel

UNIT 1 I went there last year

Teaching objectives

1.Words and phrases: photo.stay week

2.Sentences: where/when/what/who did you?

Teaching procedures:

A: songs: mangoes and rice

B: free talk: Where did you go?

C: Step 1: leading

(Introduce the English Where is Beijing? /London /New York /Tokyo /Moscow)

Say the names of famous places in China and England

Step 2: Take out many photos

Introduce: This is a photo(举一张).These are photos(举全部,多张照片)

Then have the students try to describe the photos.The teacher can say: I stay there for one /two weeks.Explain: ‘stayed’ is the past tense of stay

Week: from Sunday and Saturday is one week.Step 3: Playing the tape

So that the students can listen to the conversations and follow in the books

Tell each pupil to get a piece of paper and draw a question on it.Ask the students to close their books

Play the dialogue part by part and have to listen.If they have a question, they have to hold up their pieces of paper and say questions.Now tell the students to open their books and underline all the questions in the dialogue

Have the students answer the questions

Do Activity book Exercise 1

Step 4: Show the pictures and have the student try to say and write.Use the drills.At last give them answers

Who has got some photos?

Where is Lingling?

When did Lingling go there?

Who did she go with?

Where does her uncle live?

Steps 5:Activity book Exercise 3

新标准小学英语第四册教学计划 篇5






本学期是英语学习难度逐渐增加的关键期。尽管学生在上学期学习了字母,已不再陌生,但本学期的语言内容,特别是主要语言结构be doing,对学生来说是新的语言结构,而且有一定的难度。因此,本学期不仅要让学生掌握主要语言结构,还要让学生形成学习英语的基本情感----意志力,以及通过反复实践掌握新的语言结构的策略。



2、能听、说、认读60个单词和词组并能听、说、读、写61个单词和24 个句子并简单运用。







2、巧用实物、头饰、卡片、chant 等来帮助进行单词教学。




6、面向全体,注重个性的发展,培养学生学习英语的兴趣,对学生 进行阶段性、综合性的合理评价。




上一篇:年度表彰动员大会活动发言总结下一篇:英语口语培训课程 禅城