


小学一年级端午节的英语作文 篇1

The Duanwu Festival,which is also called the Dragon Boat Festival, is an ancient Chinese traditionalfestival, celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month. For thousandsof years, various celebrating activities are held all around the country. Eatingzongzi and racing dragon boats are the most pertinent ones, which are said tobe in memory of Qu Yuan, a great poet. In some places, people spread realgarwine on the children in the hope of protecting them from the evil spirits. Manypeople consider May as an especially dangerous time for diseases in a year, andtherefore they hang moxa and calamus and things like that around the doors toward off evil and diseases and pray for good luck.


小学一年级端午节的英语作文 篇2

本课为EEC四年级下册第七单元“Where’s the p os t office?”第一课时。该课围绕Going to the post office这一主题展开多种教学活动, 涉及Excuse me, where is the post office?Well, I don’t know./It’s over there.和May I help you?I want to send this to China.OK.How long does it take?It takes about 10days.等理解问路及邮局职员和顾客对话的用语, 要求学生能用英语表达出自己的思想和感受。


(一) 语言技能目标





(二) 语言知识目标


—Excuse me, where is the post office?

—Well, I don’t know./It’s over there.


—May I help you?

—I want to send this to China.


—How long does it take?

—It takes about 10 days.

(三) 学习策略目标


(四) 文化意识目标


(五) 情感态度目标




T:Good morning, boys and girls.I’m your new English teacher.

I’m from Harbin.My name is Mabel.

The one sits beside you is your shoulder partner.

The one faces to you is your face partner.

Please say“hello”to your shoulder partner.


T:Please shake hands with your face partner.

(Ss shake with their face partners.)


T:Great!Today we’re going to learn“Lesson 7Where is the post office?”


1.Background knowledge:

(1) What is the post office?

T:Do you know what post office is?

This is the post office in China. (图1) This is the____in US. (图2) This is the____in UK. (图3)

(2) What can we do in the post office?

T:Look!I bought a Beijing Duck here.But it is too heavy.

I want to send this to Harbin.Where should Igo?

S1:Go to the post office.

T:Right.We can send the things in the post office.

T:What else can we send or receive there?

S2:We can send letters.

S3:We can send money.

S4:We can receive newspapers.


T:Have you been to the post office?

Have you sent or received letters (信件) , postcards, magazines (杂志) or packages (包裹) ?

S5:Yes.I sent a post card to my friend.



【让学生想起有关邮局这个话题的已有生活经历, 为学生学习新知做准备。】

2.Introduction to the dialogs

T:Now look at the picture. (图4)

This is Li Li.She is Chinese.

Now she lives in America.

And this is her classmate, Ken. (图5)


3.Look at the pictures

T:What can you see in the pictures?

Picture 1:

S1:I can see Li Li and Ken are in the street.

S2:I can see a policeman.

S3:I can see a box in Li Li’s hands.

S4:I can see a letter under Ken’s arm.

Picture 2:

S5:I can see a post office.

S6:I can see Li Li and Ken are talking with the policeman.

Picture 3:

S7:I can see two women.

S8:They are in the post office.

【学生逐图观察, 表述看到的事物。这个环节是听故事之前的读图活动, 帮助学生理解故事发生的情境, 为后面听力理解做了充分的准备, 降低了听力理解的难度, 同时也潜在地激发了学生继续学习的动机和欲望。】


T:Now please guess what the story is about.

(1) Where are Li Li and Ken going?

(2) What do they want to do?

Please talk with your shoulder partner.

【通过看题目和图片预测要发生的故事, 便于学生理解要学习的语言。】

S1:They are going to the post office.

S2:They want to send a letter and a package.



5.Setting up the framework

T:Now close your books.We will listen to thedialog.And see if our predictions are correct.

After listening, try to answer the questions:

(1) Where are Li Li and Ken going?

(2) Do they find the post office?

(3) What do they want to do in the post office?

【此环节在于通过听最重要的信息搭建框架, 了解故事大意。】

S1:They are going to the post office.

S2:They find the post office.

S3:Li Li wants to send a package to China.

【听后, 学生在小组内交流、讨论, 代表进行汇报。】

6.Putting Details in the Framework


T:Listen to picture 1.Answer the questions:

(1) Do Li Li and Ken know where the post office is?

(2) What’s Ken’s suggestion (建议) ?

Then what are they going to do?

7.Listen and speak

T:Now let’s listen carefully and fill in the blanks.

(1) (图6) Ken:Hi, Li Li.

Li Li:Hi, Ken.__________________?

Ken:Well, ___________________.

Oh, __________________.


(2) (图7) Ken:_______________._______________________?


Li Li:_____________.______________.


(3) (图8) Clerk:___________________?

Li Li:_________________.


Li Li:___________________?



Listen to picture 2.What are they doing?They are asking the policeman.

Answer the questions:

(1) Do they find the post office?

(2) Where is the post office?

(3) What do Li Li and Ken say when they asking for help?


Listen to picture 3.Look, where are they now?They are in the post office.There are two clerks.

(1) Where does she want to send it?

(2) How long does it take?

【理解故事中的细节问题, 分图听, 采用提问—听音—交流—汇报的形式进行。在问题的设计上采取type1 question和type 2 question相结合的方式, 层次性强, 面向全体, 并能有效地反馈学生听力理解的程度, 及时调整教学。】

【练习强调层次性, 首先让学生能够在跟读的前提下, 根据故事情境回忆对话语言。本活动采取听音跟读—情景语言补充—跟读chant等环节, 充分考虑到学生的认知规律, 加深学生对本节课有关邮局用语的理解】


T:Now let’s listen to the chant and read after it.

9.Listen to the dialog and follow the tape. (Each group reads the different role)

T:Let’s make a new group:Same number cards come together.

Then read in different roles.


10.Read and act it out in your group.

11.Dialog discussion

T:Li Li and Ken can’t find the post office.They asked the policeman.

(1) When you are going to a place, but you can’t find it.What can you do?

T:Spring Festival is coming.Li Li is in America now.

So she wants to send some presents to her grand parents in China.

(2) When you’re far away from your family and friends, what do you want to do?

【讨论环节, 将学生重新分组, 研讨与故事内容紧密相关的两个话题, 从故事情节猜测到节日话题拓展, 再到情感与生活的体验和挖掘。】


1.Read and act the dialog.


Where is the post office?

There’s a policeman. (clerk)

I want to send this to China.



本节课的课型是故事教学。在设计的过程中, 教师注意结合教材的重难点以及学科的教学特点, 将完整的故事呈现给学生, 突出了教材故事的连续性和完整性特点。教师利用多种教学方法, 在愉快轻松的气氛中进行教学, 从视、听、说等方面使学生得到语言训练, 提高了学生学习英语的兴趣。


1.教师利用课文中丰富的图片、生动的录音, 结合自身形象的肢体表演, 使学生多感官感受故事的情景和内容, 为听故事做好了充分的准备。

2.教师从学生的已有经验入手, 设计了了解学生已有经验的问题、预测性问题、理解大意问题、理解细节问题以及理解分析整个故事和联系学生现实生活的问题, 引导学生通过回答问题去理解故事。


本节课教师从上课的第一个环节就给学生营造了一种轻松愉快的“同伴互助”的学习氛围, face partner和shoulder partner不仅拉近了学生之间的距离, 而且改变了学生被动学习的方式, 建立了民主的师生关系。在教学环节中突出同学之间对话互动的学习和组织方式, 给学生提供了更多在课堂中实际运用语言的机会, 做到了真正将课堂还给了学生。


学生的理解、模仿及表演能力、学习策略、文化意识及情感态度都得以培养和提升。例如, 在本节课的dialog discussion讨论环节中, 教师将学生重新分组, 研讨与故事内容紧密相关的两个话题, 从故事情节猜测到节日话题拓展再到情感与生活的体验和挖掘, 十分自然地渗透了本节课的德育目标, 润物于无声, 点拨到位。

小学一年级端午节的英语作文 篇3




1.新编广州版小学英语教材Success With English单词容量大,对词汇教学的要求高。据《广州市义务教育阶段学科学业质量评价标准》,小学一年级学生要求听、说掌握词汇105个,小学二年级词汇230个。






















(1)“音”的游戏——石头、剪刀、布。先抽一张词汇卡片,一边大声读出卡片一边猜拳,谁猜赢了就得这张卡片,卡片越多积分越高。主要训练词汇的正确发音,在反复朗读中加强对发音的记忆。(2)“形”的游戏——盖棉被。先选出若干生词进行短时认读,一个同学手持若干张卡片派发,边发卡片边两人齐读指定单词,如派发的单词卡片和所读单词一致就迅速用手掌拍那张卡片,先拍卡片的同学得到那张卡片,卡片越多积分越高。主要训练对词形的辨认。(3)“义”的游戏——钓鱼。一个学生打开英语词汇的一面,另一学生打开中文意思的一面,先后将词汇的中英卡片进行配对,配对正确数量决定积分。主要训练通过词形掌握词义的能力。(4)“音、形、义”游戏——PK Words。一个学生派发卡片,另一个学生读出单词、说出中文意思,以正确数量决定积分。全体学生一起参与的游戏:从“听、认、说、读”四方面设计。(5)“认、读”游戏——Bombom Game。老师将词汇卡片贴在黑板上,先选一位同学读出。老师手拿一个“炸弹”,当“炸弹”移动到所读的卡片时,学生就马上站起来高举双手大声读出该卡片。反应最快又能找准的一组给予课堂加分。找错的一组相应扣分。该游戏帮助学生快速认读词汇。(6)“听、认”游戏——Bingo大卡。在硬白色卡纸上划分9个方格,老师读生词,如“NO.1 Plane”,学生找出该词汇卡片放到1号方格上,完成者大声说“Bingo”,老师给予课堂加分。该游戏训练通过词形记单词,为三年级写单词做铺垫。(7)“认、说”游戏——One By One。接龙游戏,全班分成四大组,课前5分钟复习词汇。老师手拿词汇大卡,快速翻动卡片,每组学生一个接一个读出卡片,能顺利读准的给予课堂积分,读错扣分,其他组纠错,并获得相应加分。还可让学生进行句型练习,如卡片Red,学生接龙说出句型“I like red”。








纪念端午节小学生一年级 篇4




小学一年级英语作文 篇5

I have a dog.My dog name is DuDu.DuDu is 9 years.DuDu is fat.It wears a white coat.DuDu has two big eyes and two small ears.It has one short mouth.My dog is smart.I like my dog.Do you like it?

My home

My home is on the first floor.There are two bedrooms, a kitchen and a living room.I’m a child.I have a nice bedroom.In my bedroom, there is bedroom, a closet, an air-conditioner and so on.My closet is green.My bed is blue.I love my bedroom very much。

My family

There are four people in my family, my father, my mother, my sister and me.My father likes reading.My mother likes cooking.They both work in Leliu.They always go to work by car.They work hard.My sister and I are pupils.I study in the primary school affiliated with Shunde No.1 Middle School.My hobby is collecting coins.My sister studies in Xishan Primary School.She likes watching TV.We love our family very much.How to make everybody happy

This is the way I maked all the students happy.One Monday.Tom and I went to Simon‘s office.Suddenly, I was slipping and fell, because there was some water on the floor.When I stood up I thought: If I took the mop and dry the floor, nobody would slip and fall.then, I took the mop and dry the floor.Tom also helped me drying the floor.So I maked all the students happy.Who am I?

小学一年级英语作文 篇6

The crow was sitting on the tree doing nothing all a day.

A small rabbit saw the crow,and asked him:“Can I also sit like you and do nothing all day long?” the crow answered:“sure ,why not?” So the rabbit sat on the ground below the crow,and rested.All of a sudden.

A fox appeared,jumped on the rabbit and ate it .moral of the story is :To be sitting and doing nothing ,you must be sitting very very high up!

家乡的端午节一年级作文 篇7




小学一年级常用英语作文 篇8

there is an aoyu in the picture. the aoyu has a green tail, two colorful horns and the silver skin. it’s a silver aoyu. it looks beautiful and lively.

Aoyu dance is a traditional dance in shawan piaose. it means it can always get the first. it’s a good symbol. everyone likes it very much.

小学一年级英语作文(动物篇) 篇9

In my family, you can see a cat, the cat is very beautiful.now let me draw it for you. he has got white hair and two big eyes, they are blue and bright. he has got four short legs and his ears are small, his tail is long. i finish it now. how lovely!

after school, i play with him first, he is my best friend. i like him very much!

oh, do you want to know his name? i’d like to tell you, his name is “mimi”.

我的猫咪(My rabbit)

I have a pretty rabbit. she wears a white coat. she has long ears.she has two red eyes. my rabbit likes carrots and vegetables. but it doesn’t like taking a bath. she can run and jump. it likes plating and eating. i have a small football and my rabbit likes playing football with me very much.

I like my rabbit. do you like my rabbit?

我的小狗(my dog)

小学一年级英语优秀作文 篇10

Guangzhou is the capital of guangdong. it is the biggest city in south china. and it is one of the most important cities in guangdong.

The population of guangzhou is more than 700 million. just like many cities, there are a lot of cars, buses and trucks. so the air in the city is not clean. guangzhou is a noisy and crowded city. but i like it best. because guangzhou is my home.

