


武大考博英语答案解析 篇1


I.Reading Comprehension(40分)(黄老师提供)BCAD ACBA DDCA DCAB CCBA

Part II English-Chinese Translation(5*4=20分)(方老师提供:标答)





Part III Chinese-English Translation(20分)(方老师提供:标答)

We are not sure what “intelligence” is, not what is passed on.However, the fact does not prevent us from finding it a very useful concept, and placing a certain amount of reliance on tests which “measure” it.In an intelligence test we take a sample of an individual’s ability to solve puzzles and problems of various kinds, and if we have taken a representative sample, it will allow us to predict successfully the level of performance he will reach in a wide variety of occupations.The Education Act 1944 passed by the British parliament made secondary schooling for all become law.Grammar schools, with the exception of small number of independent foundation schools, became available to the whole population.Since the number of grammar schools in the country could accommodate at most approximately 25 percent of the total child population of eleven-plus, some kind of selection had to be made.Narrowly academic examinations and tests were considered to be in favor of children who had had the advantage of highly-academic primary schools and academically biased homes.Intelligence tests were then devised to counteract this narrow specialization, by introducing problems which were not based on knowledge from books.In other words, the intelligence test attempts to assess the general ability of any child to think, reason, judge, analyze and synthesize, mainly by presenting him with different actual situations within his range of competence and understanding.Part IV Writing 20分(牟老师提供)Sample1

Paper Book or Electronic Book Nowadays many electronic devices emerge, such as kindle, providing possibility for electronic books.However, most of the readers still prefer reading in the traditional way instead of electronic books.Why do the paper books win the landslide victory? Apparently, paper books are of greater collection value than the electronic book.Some readers are looking forward to a blissful atmosphere with a book in hand, sitting in the sunshine comfortably.An electronic book can never fulfill the desire for this atmosphere.What’s more, the paper book is better for the eyes while the screen of electronic book may do harm to the retina to some extent.Using the electronic devices, the readers are absent-minded more easily as there exist many temptations.What we can’t deny, nevertheless, is that the electronic book has its own special merits as well.First of all, it’s much cheaper.Then, it’s easier to be carried with.While some readers have to put a heavy paper book in the bag, the e-book reader merely take the phone.Also, the electronic book has a larger coverage as some books or essays don’t have the paper version.Generally speaking, the paper books are irreplaceable, still playing the dominant role in reading market.Electronic books are also indispensable.We readers should use these ways correctly.Sample 2
