


职称英语综合类考试必记词汇 篇1

call off/取消

call on/拜访

call for help/呼救

call sb. /叫……;给……打电话;

calm adj. (天气、海洋等)静的 v. (使)平静,(使)镇定;平息

keep calm!/安静! 保持镇静!

calm down/使平息,使平静;

campaign n. [军]战役;(政治或商业性)活动;竞选运动v. 参加活动

campus activities/校内活动

on(the) campus/在校内;

can v. 装进罐中;把食品装罐n. 罐头,铁罐

Cable n. 电缆;海底电报;

calculate v. 计算,考虑,计划,打算;

call n. 喊声,号召; v. 呼叫;召集; 打电话

职称英语综合类考试必记词汇 篇2

ACT(American College Test)考试被称为“ 美国高考”, 它既是美国大学入学条件之一,也是大学发放奖学金的主要依据之一,同时又是评价学生的综合能力的测试标准;美国的很多大学都认可这种考试,尤其是中西部院校。 ACT考试更像一种学科考试,也就是说,他强调的是考生对课程知识的把握和理解、运用程度,同时也测试了考生的独立思考和判断能力。

ACT考试分为四个部分:英语( English) 、数学( Math) 、阅读( Reading) 、科学( Science) ,另外,作文为选考科目。 全套ACT考试,总共215道题目,总分为36分,其中英语测试75题,数学测试60题,阅读测试40题,科学测试40题,考试时间为175分钟。


从题量看,ACT英语考试共75题,由5篇短文或者段落组成,在45分钟之内完成;从考试内容看,它包括了标准书面英语和修饰技能;其中并不包含拼写、词汇以及语法规则的考察;从考试具体的题目来看,考题的设置一般来自文本的下划线部分,这就要求考生在做作答的时候要么针对下划线部分,要么针对某个段落,要么甚至针对整个文本进行作答。 总之,通过ACT英语考试,能反映出学生理解文章结构和修辞技巧的技能分数。

标点符号的考察在整个ACT英语考试中占到13%,这一类的问题主要考察学生标点符号在句中、句末的运用,学生必须要弄清标点符号和句子意思的关系; 句子结构占24%, 这一类的问题主要考察学生对从句、修饰词以及文章结构三者间关系的理解;写作技巧占16%,主要考察学生增删或修改辅助材料对文章的影响作出判断的能力;此外,还涉及到如何避免模棱两可的代词用法和冗余的词语,还包括如何掌握修辞句有效性的运用。

从ACT英语考试问题的设置形式来看, 几乎所有的问题的都跟随一个标准的原则,那就是,常常是考察文章当中划下划线的某个单词、词组或者是一句话。 一般会有四个选项,而第一个选项往往是“ NO CHANGE”;此外,也有的问题不跟从标准的原则, 在很多情况下, 问题的回答是“ yes”or “ no”;而这样的题型往往出现在一篇文章的最后,问题的类型包括,文章的大意理解、写作文章的目的、某个段落的语调语气,要求考生对所读文章进行评价,又或者是要求考生正确判断单词、句子甚至是段落的正确顺序。


1.同义、近义辨析法。 从ACT英语考试试题特点来看,我们不难发现,其中有不少是涉及不同动词形式的构成、代词用法、形容词和副词的比较级和最高级的构成及习惯用法等方面的考察, 这就给我们的词汇教学提供了一条重要的信息。 在平时的课堂教学过程中,注意结合单词的同义词、近义词来加深学生对单词的识记和理解。 譬如说, 在学到风景 “ scene”这一次的时候,教师可以将与此含义相同或相近的词如“ scenery、view、sight” 等词进行辨析; 再比如, 在遇到 “ look into”这个短语的时候,教师可以把与look相关的短语罗列出来,比如说“ look for、look after、look about”,这样学生的印象就比较深刻了。

2.直观教学法。 所谓直观教学法就是教师利用具体的实物进行词汇教学。 譬如说,教师在教到“ monitor”这个单词的时候,就可以指着电脑的屏幕告诉学生,这个单词是指“ 电脑的显示器”;再比如“ upset”这个单词,教师可以给出一个句子 “ I feel upset because I failed in the exam.”, 教师可以一边说这句话,一边做出很不开心的样子,结合教师的面部表情和具体的语境,学生对“ upset”这个单词一定记忆深刻。总之,表示具体事物的名词、表示具体动作的动词、表示情感的动词以及形容词,一般都可以用直观教学法。 这种情景再现和形象思维的综合运用,既活跃了课堂气氛,激发学生的词汇学习兴趣,又大大提高了学生的记忆效果。

3.英语解释法。 ACT英语考试试题当中有很多题目是考察下划线单词或者短语的理解,简单的来讲就是要求考生选出与下划线部分意思相同或者相近的选项。 而无论是题目的设问还是选项的设置均是以英文形式出现的,这就要求我们在平时的教学过程当中,注重用英文去解释英文,无论是单词、短语还是句子。譬如说“, astronaut”这个单词,教师就可以举个例子“ a man who goes into space in a spaceship”,这种用英语解释英语的词汇教学法既能让学生准确理解生词的含义,同时又增加了学生的英语信息含量。 当然,再运用这种词汇教学法的同时必须要遵循一个原则,那就是,用来解释的短语或者句子当中尽量使用常用的单词,避免使用学生生疏的单词,这样会使学生二次模糊。

总之, 英语词汇教学是英语教学中十分重要的一个环节,词汇的教学贯穿整个英语教学的始终;当然,我们又不能片面的单纯进行英语词汇的教学,笔者以为,我们应当把词汇教学和具体的课堂教学有效的融合在一起,让词汇真正起到基础的作用, 在词汇教学中不断的培养学生的观察能力、 分析能力、猜词能力和创造性思维能力。 结合ACT英语考试试题的特点, 以上所提到的几个方面正是ACT英语考试中所要重点考察的能力。


职称英语综合类考试必记词汇 篇3

关键词:现状  词汇模块  网络考试  词汇教学影响

中图分类号:G434 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1674-098X(2014)10(c)-0126-01

1 大学英语词汇教学现状

1.1 教学设施不完善


1.2 教学方法单一


1.3 测试体系欠佳


2 词汇模块对大学英语词汇教学的影响

2.1 词汇模块教学方式


2.2 词汇模块教学研究现状


2.3 影响的具体表现




3 网络考试对大学英语词汇教学的影响

3.1 网络考试概述


3.2 影响的具体表现



4 结语



[1] 李晓梅,罗桂保.模块教学——大学英语教学模式的新探索[J].河西学院学报,2011(3).

[2] 尤冰.以词汇模块教学提高英语课堂实效[J].学科教学,2013(10).

初中英语必记短语 篇4

初中英语必记短语 at the doctor’s在诊所;在医院 a cup of一杯at the end of在….末尾的时候at the moment此时;现在 at the moment此时;现在 a few一点;一些at the same time同时 a little有点;少量;稍微 a lot大量 a lot of 大量;许多 a kind of 一种;一类 a pair of 一片;一块;一张 a set of 一套;一副 a slice of 一片 according to根据….;按照 across from在…对面 add…to….把….加到…上 after all 毕竟 after class 课后 after school放学后 agree with同意;赞成;(与某人)意见一致 aim at 瞄准;针对 an alarm clock闹钟 all kinds of各种各样的 all over the world 全世界 all the time一直;总是 all together一起;总共 all year round全年 and so on等等 argue with与….吵架 around the world全世界 as for至于;关于 as well也;并;和;同 as well as也;还;而且(not)as…as(不)像….一样 as….as possible尽可能地 ask for索要;要求 at a meeting 在开会 at home 在家 at last 最后 at least 至少;最少 at night夜里;晚上 at once 立即;马上 at present目前;现在at school 在学校 at that time在那时

at the age of在…岁的时候

bank clerk银行职员 basketball game篮球赛 be able to有能力去做某事 be afraid to 害怕去做… be afraid of 害怕某物 be angry with对…感到生气;愤怒 be bad for对…有害 be in bed上床睡觉 be interested in对…感兴趣;喜欢做….be mad at 对…非常愤怒、恼火 be made from有…制成;由…构成 be off离开;走开 be proud of 为…感到骄傲;为…感到自豪 be strict with 对…严格要求 be supposed to 应该…被期望(做)… be terrified of 害怕…;恐惧… be used for用来做… be/get used to doing习惯于做某事 be used to do 用来做某事 because of 因为 begin with 以…开始 belong to 属于 billions of 数以亿计的;许多的 boarding school寄宿学校 break down损坏;坏掉 break off突然中止;中断 break the rules违反规则 bus station 汽车站 bus stop汽车站 by accident偶尔;意外 by boat 乘坐小船 by bus 乘坐公共汽车 by mistake 错误地 by oneself靠自己;独自 by the way顺便说一句 by the end of到…末为止

职称英语考试词汇 篇5

377.hope for希望(某事发生),希望有

378.to one‘s horror令某人感到恐惧的是

379.in a hurry (=hastily)匆忙地

380.be identical with (=exactly alike)和完全相同

381.be identified with被视为与……等同

382.in ignorance of不知道……

383.be ignorant of (=lacking knowledge)对……不了解,不知道

384.(an) impact (on)对……的强烈影响



387.make (leave) an impression on sb. =give sb. an impression给……留下印象

388.under the impression that有……的印象,认为

389.improve sth. (make sth. better)把原物改进

improve on (=produce or be sth. better than……)另做一物比原物更好

390.improve in (=get better)有改进,好些

391.improvement in表示原物有改进,好转


393.inclusive of把……包括在内

394.independent of独立的,不受约束的

395.indicative of表明,说明

396.be indifferent to (=not interested in)对……漠不关心,冷淡,不在乎

397.(be) inferior to (=less good in quality or value)比……差;superior to比……好

398.inform sb. of sth.通知,告诉

399.be innocent of无罪的,无辜的

400.insist on (=order sth. to happen)坚持要

职称英语考试词汇(二) 篇6



Cabin, cable, cafe, cake, calculate, calendar, call (call sb. call for, call off/cancel; call on sb.; call up), calm (calm down), calm/still, camera, campaign/champagne/champion, campus, can/container, Canada, Canadian, cancer, candidate, cap, capability/ability, capable (be capable of), capital, captain, car, carbon, card, cardinal/essential, care (care about, take care of), career, careful, careless, carrier, carry (carry on, carry out), cartoon, case ( in any case, in most cases, in case, in case of), cash, cast/throw, casual, cat, catch (catch up with, catch a cold, catch attention), cater (cater for ), cause, cautious/careful, cease/ stop, celebrate, cell, census, centennial, centigrade, central, center, century, certain, chain, chair/host, chairman, challenge, chance/opportunity (a chance to do sth.; by chance, take a/the chance), change, channel, character, characteristic (be characteristic of), charge ( in the charge of, take charge of, charge..with..), charming/attractive, cheap/expensive, cheat (cheat sb. of money), check (check in, check up), cheerful/pleasing, cheer (cheer up), chemical/physical, chemistry, cherish (hope/dreams/friendship), chief, child/children, childhood, childish, China/china, Chinese, choice, choose (choose sth. from/among sth. ), Christmas, chronic, church, cigarette, cinema, circle, circuit, circular/round, circulate, circumstance ( under/ in no circumstances), citizen, city, civil, claim, clash (clash with, a clash of views), class/category, classic/classical, classroom, classmate, clean, clear (clear away, clear up), clerk, clever, client, climate, climax/top, climb (climb up/down the hill), cling (cling to), clinic, clock, clockwise, close/open (close down, close season), cloth/clothes/clothing, cloud, cloudy, club, clue/hint, clumsy/awkward, coach, coal, coarse/rough, coast (along the coast), coat (coat the throat), code, coffee, coin, coincide (coincide with), cold (have/catch a cold), collar (white/blue/

职称英语综合类考试必记词汇 篇7

中期选拔英语考试试卷满分为150分, 不考听力。题型分为客观性试题和主观性试题, 客观性试题信度较高、覆盖面广, 而主观性试题则有利于提高测试的效度, 能更好地检测考生运用语言的能力。2003—2006年的考卷分为语法和词汇、阅读、翻译和作文, 2007年的考卷增加了完型填空题。以2007年的考卷为例, 具体分值和题型见表1。

在以上题型中, 语法和词汇这部分对考生来说, 具有一定的难度, 虽然考生已经学习语法多年, 但是历年考试也表明, 考生稍有疏忽仍易出错, 所以这部分的得分并不高。下面以2003—2007年考试试题为例, 谈谈如何掌握词汇和语法题的解题技巧。

第一部分:词汇和语法结构。本部分测试考生运用句法结构、词法、词性 (词性变化) 和词汇辨析的能力。本部分包括Section A和Section B。

Section A

Section A的题型为选择题, 题目数量为30题, 题号是1—30, 每题1分, 共30分。测试语法的范围很广, 考查重点是时态与语态、情态动词、非谓语动词 (动词不定式、分词、动名词) 、定语从句、状语从句、虚拟语气、主谓一致、倒装句、强调句型、反意疑问句、代词、形容词和副词等。语法所占的比率在这部分题中大约为70%—90%, 而词汇辨析题所占的比率在这部分题中大约为10%—30%。


在做本节的选择题时, 应该先读懂句子, 分析该句的结构及句子成分, 大致推断出该句的测试点, 再从选择项中找出答案。特别要注意: (1) 首先要搞清楚要填的是哪种语法现象, 是时态还是非谓语动词, 是介词还是连接词, 是虚拟语气还是情态动词, 是关系代词还是关系副词, 等等。 (2) 其次要看看所选的时态、语态、连接词等填入句中是否合乎语法规则, (3) 然后判断一下, 是否有更合适的选择项。因为只有一个答案是对的, 如果有更合适的选择项, 说明原来的选择是错的。 (4) 选用时态时要注意表示时间的状语, 如yesterday, tomorrow等;如果是复合句, 还要注意前后的时态是否一致。 (5) 选用介词时, 要注意它与动词或名词的搭配是否恰当, 如on可以与rely和depend搭配, 但不能与manage搭配。 (6) 选用关系代词时, 要注意它是代人还是代物, 前者要用who, whom, whose, 后者要用which, that, 但是在强调句“It is...”中则可用that代替人。 (7) 还要注意, 所选的结构是否是固定搭配, 如take it for granted, on the whole, as a matter of fact中的it, on和as是不能替换的, 等等。

实考试题1 (2007年实考试卷第1题) :

_____is well-known to all, too much stress can cause disease.

A.Which B.As C.That D.It

本题测试的是关系代词的用法。As is known to somebody是个常用的状语结构, 一般放在句首, 意思是“众所周知”。全句的意思是:“众所周知, 压力太大会产生疾病。”所以本题答案是选项B。选项A) Which虽然也是关系代词, 但通常不置于句首。选项C) That与选项D) It都不可以作关系代词。

实考试题2 (2007年实考试卷第13题) :

_____yesterday, I would have asked him not to do that.

A.Had he come B.Provided he came%

C.If he come D.Has he come

本题测试的是虚拟语气的用法。全句的意思是:“如果他昨天来, 我会要求他不要那样做。”事实上是指他昨天没有来。该句所表达的是与过去事实相反的非真实条件句:“If主语had+过去分词, 主语should (would, could, might) +have+过去分词”。该句可以改写为:If he had come yesterday, I would have asked him not to do that.虚拟条件句中省略if, 则应部分倒装, 将had放句首。解此题的关键是要能辨别出虚拟语气。

实考试题3 (2007年实考试卷第21题) :

It occurred to her that she might_____a homeless child.

A.adapt B.adopt C.adjust D.admit

本题是道词汇辨析题。本句的意思:“她产生了一个想法要收养一个无家可归的孩子。”adapt“适应”, adopt“收养”, adjust“调整、校正”, admit“允许”, 从句子意思来看, B) 选项adop“收养”符合句子意思。

Section B

本节的题型为填空题, 题目数量为10题, 题号是31—40, 每题1分, 共10分。

本节的测试重点为词性变化和语法结构。其中几题测试词性变化, 主要指动词、名词、形容词和副词四大类实词之间的转化;题干中给出词的原形或根词, 要求考生根据句子的含义及构词方法填入正确的词形。另外几题测试语法, 范围主要是:动词的时态和语态、非谓语动词、形容词和副词的比较级和最高级、虚拟语气及主谓一致等。


考生在做这部分试题时, 常常失分较多。主要原因是: (1) 无法判断该词在句中应该是什么词性, 这要从该词在句中的地位和作用来判断, 例如在定冠词后面只能是名词, 在主语后面的应该是谓语等。 (2) 对前后缀的变化不熟悉, 如manage变成名词“管理”时应加-ment (management) , legal的否定词是illegal等, 这要靠平时对词性变化的学习和重视才能掌握好。 (3) 对语法结构有认识的能力, 但是活用能力不够好, 这更要靠平时大量锻炼才能用得得心应手。 (4) 平时对拼写注意或练习不够, 拼写能力差已经成为很多学生的通病, 必须加以特别的用心。这里必须指出, 本门考试与有的考试不同, 它十分注意考查学生的语言运用能力, 很多试题都是要考生自己写出文字而不是指认答案, 因此要考出好成绩, 必须在平时重视拼写和词形变化。

正确的解题方法还是应该先读懂句子, 判断句子的结构, 以及所缺的空格处应填入什么句子成分, 从而推断出该句的测试重点。若判断出试题的测试重点为词形变化, 则根据对句子的理解和句子结构分析, 推断出应填入的词的词性, 再根据括号中所给出的词, 进行相应的变化———加前缀或后缀, 将其正确的形式填入空格;若判断出该试题的测试重点为语法结构题, 则根据对句子结构的分析和对全句的理解, 推断出所测试的语法点, 再根据括号中所给出的词, 将其正确的语法形式填入空格。

实考试题1 (2006年实考试卷第39题) :

Jim had to exert all his (strong) _____to pull the man out o the driver.

看到形容词性的物主代词his, her, my, your, our, their, its, 冠词a/an, the后都必须跟名词。本句话的意思是:“吉姆用尽全力将那个人从河里拉出来。”本题有一个很明显的标志词his, 后面一定要填名词形式, 所以要填strong的名词形式, 即strength。

实考试题2 (2007年实考试卷第34题) :

I shall never forget_____ (meet) her on the first day at college.

本句考的是非谓语动词。forget后可以跟不定式, 也可以跟动名词, 但是意思有区别。forget to do sth.忘记了 (还没有发生的事) , forget doing sth.忘记了 (已经发生的事) , 本句话中已经遇见过了, 动作已经发生了, 所以填meeting。

总之, 要在词汇和语法题上拿高分, 一定要扩大词汇量和系统复习语法中的词法和句法, 如果词汇量掌握得好, 语法结构了解, 解题技巧就高。除此之外, 一定要做历年真题, 只有真题才能准确反映考试的信度和效度。做真题不是死记答案, 而是要把考点熟练, 无论哪道题都能熟练运用技巧, 有了好的精神状态, 解题效率自然就提高了。

摘要:虽然高职高专学生已经学习语法多年, 但是“中期选拔”英语考试的语法和词汇题对考生来说仍具有一定的难度。本文以2003—2007年中期选拔英语考试试题为例, 谈谈词汇和语法题的解题技巧。



职称英语综合类考试必记词汇 篇8

关键词: 高中英语 词汇积累 积累策略





1.She struck him in the face.(v.打,击,袭击)

2.The man struck a match and lit a cigarette.(v.点燃,擦)

3.She struck a note on the piano.(v.弹)

4.The clock struck 12.(v.敲)

5.How does the room strike you?(v.给……以印象)

6.It strikes me that we should stay here for the night.(v.突然想起)

7.The union struck for better working conditions.(v.&n.罢工)



看书 read books 看情况 It all depends.

看病 see a doctor 看电视 watch TV

看电影 see a film 看望 pay a visit

看戏 see a play 看不起 look down on/upon

看见 catch sight of 看手相 tell ones fortune

看门 act as a doorkeeper 看笑话 laugh at

三、 注意近义词间的细微差别,将相关词汇串联起来记忆






例如:lie(v.&n.)撒谎 lied,lied,lying



The boy lied to his mother that the hen lying over there just laid an egg.







blackboard bedroom newspaper schoolyard footprint

man-made blue-eyed passer-by up-to-date worn-out




It tastes good. It has not much taste.


Lets go hand in hand. Please hand in you exercise books after class.




dis-agree(v.)同意 disagree(v.)不同意


-able accept(v.)接受 acceptable(adj.)可接受的



例如:Its all Greek to me.(我一窍不通。)

Johns first car was the apple of his eye.He was always polishing it.(掌上明珠)

In such a critical moment,I had to make up my mind to burn our boats and fight a way out.(破釜沉舟)

John has a good sense of business and his father is famous banker.Like father like son.(有其父必有其子)




比如:blog或weblog网络日志,即网络上的一种流水记录形式,成为网络时代的日记本。“博客”无论从外观还是内容上,都比老式日记本丰富了很多,声音、图片、视频、文字无所不有,可谓炫酷到家。blogger或weblogger指经常写网络日志的人。类似的还有:bird flu禽流感,SARS非典等。

职称英语综合类考试必记词汇 篇9

A) feel unhappy

B) say bad things

C) care

D) praise

2. What were the effects of the decision she made?

A) reasons

B) results

C) causes

D) bases

3.People don#39;t realize how serious this recession has actually been.

A) know

B) think

C) doubt

D) remember

4.First editions of certain popular books cannot be obtained for love or money.

A) at any place

B) at any price

C) in any language

D) in any country

5. About a quarter of the workers in the United States are employed in factories.

A) third

B) fourth

C) tenth

D) fifteenth

6. In a bullfight, it is movement, not the color, of subjects that arouses the bull.

A) confuses

B) excites

C) scares

D) diverts

7.Passenger ships and planes are often equipped with ship-to-shore or air-to-land radio telephones.

A) highways

B) railroads

C) sailboats

D) aircraft

8. The firemen acted quickly because lives were at stake

A) in danger

B) in despair

C) out of condition

D) out of danger

9.Mary called me up very late last night.

A) shouted at me

B) visited me

C) telephoned me

D) waked me

10. Mary gets up at the same time every morning.

A) arises

B) raises

C) arrives

D) stands up

11. Helen will leave immediately.

A) far away

B) right away

C) right here

D) soon

12.Susan is looking for the dictionary, which she lost yesterday.

A) finding

B) looking up

C) looking at

D) trying to find

13.John talked over the new job offer with his wife.

A) discussed

B) mentioned

C) accepted

D) rejected

14. While I sympathize, I can#39;t really do very much to help.

A) when

B) but

C) although

D) where

15.A beautiful woman attended to me in that store yesterday.

A) waited on

B) talked to

C) spoke to

D) stayed with


1. America#39;s emphasis on the importance of education for everyone has spurred scientific research.

A) encouraged B) endangered C) endorsed D) enlarged

2. Photojournalist Margaret White became famous for her coverage of significant events during the Second World War.

A) baggage B )orphanage C)reportage D ) usage

3. Below 600 feet ocean waters range from dimly lit to completely dark.

A) inadequately B ) hardly C) faintly D) sufficiently

4. “I#39;m not meddling ”. Mary said mildly. “I#39;m just curious”.

A) gently B )shyly C) weakly D) sweetly

5. In 1861 it seemed inevitable that the Southern states would break away from the Union.

A) strange B) certain C) inconsistent D) proper

6. Many of novelist Carson McCullers#39; characters are isolated, disappointed people.

A) solitary B) gloomy C) feeble D) frugal

7. The workers finally called off the strike.

A) put off B) ended C) cancelled D) participated in

8. John has made up his mind not to go to the meeting .

A) wanted B) promised C) decided D) agreed

9. I catch cold now and then.

A) always B) occasionally C ) constantly D) regularly

10. He often finds fault with my work.

A) criticizes B) praises C) evaluates D) talks about

11. The little girl grasped her mother#39;s arm as she across the street.

A) understood B) had a hold over C) took hold of D) left hold of

12. In judging our work you should take into consideration the fact that we have been very busy recently.

A) thought B) mind C) account D) memory

13. I can no longer tolerate his actions.

A) put up with B) accept C) take D) suffer from

14. The doctors have abandoned the hope to rescue the old man.

A) left B) given up C) turned down D) refused

15. Have you talked to her lately?

A) lastly B) shortly C) recently D) immediately



1. Even in a highly modernized country, manual work is still needed.

A) expressive B) physical C) exaggerated D) dubious

2. Techniques to harness the energy of the sun are being developed.

A) convert B) store C) utilize D) receive

3. Many residents of apartment complexes object to noisy neighbors.

A) managers B) occupants C) landlords D) caretakers

4. The steadily rising cost of labor on the waterfront has greatly increased the cost of shipping cargo by water.

A) continuously B) quickly C) excessively D) exceptionally

5. Hundreds of years ago cloves were used to remedy headaches.

A) disrupt B) diagnose C) evaporate D) cure

6. John Hanson helped draft instructions for Maryland#39;s delegates to the Stamp Act Congress.

A) clarify B) formulate C) revise D) contribute

7. Practically all species of animals communicate either through sounds or through a large repertory of soundless codes.

A) Simultaneously B) Almost C) absolutely D) Basically

8. Sulphur has occasionally been found in the earth in an almost pure state.

A) regularly B) accidentally C) sometimes D) successfully

9. When doves are about two weeks old, they are covered with grey feathers and are ready to try their wings.

A) grow B) wrap C) hide D) test

10, I rarely wear a raincoat because I spend most of my time in a car.

A) normally B) seldom C) continuously D) usually

11.When she was invited to the party, she readily accepted.

A) willingly B) suddenly C) firmly D) quickly

12. The dentist has decided to extract her bad tooth.

A) take out B) repair C) pull D) dig

13. You must shine your shoes.

A) lighten B) clean C) wash D) polish

14. The majority of people around here are decent people.

A) honest B) rich C) good-looking D) high-ranking

15. A deadly disease has affected these animals.

A) contagious B) serious C) fatal D) worrying



1. Many fine cooks insist on ingredients of the highest quality.

A) demand

B) rely on

C) prepare for

D) create

2. Since the Great Depression, the United States government has protected farmers from damaging drops in grain prices.

A) slight

B) surprising

C) sudden

D) harmful

3. Cement was seldom used in building during the Middle Ages.

A) crudely

B) rarely

C) originally

D) symbolically

4. Nerve signals may travel through nerve or muscle fibers at speeds as high as two hundred miles per hour.

A) velocities

B) impulses

C) ratios

D) atrocities

5. The poet William Carols Williams was a New Jersey physician.

A) doctor

B) professor

C) physicist

D) resident

6. Medicine depends on other fields for basic information, particularly some of their specialized branches.

A) conventionally

B) obviously

C) especially

D) inevitably

7. We shall take the treasure away to a safe place.

A) clean

B) pretty

C) distant

D) secure

8. An important part of the national government is the Foreign Service, a branch of their specialized branches.

A) a unity

B) a division

C) an embassy

D) an invasion

9. The child#39;s abnormal behavior puzzled the doctor.

A) bad

B) frightening

C) repeated

D) unusual

10.There is an abundant supply of cheap labor in this country.

A) a steady

B) a plentiful

C) an extra

D) a meager

11.In order to improve our standard of living, we have to accelerate production.

A) step up

B) decrease

C) stop

D) control

12.Gas does accumulate in the mines around here.

A) increase

B) spread

C) collect

D) grow

13. Our plan is to allocate one member of staff to handle appointments.

A) assign

B) persuaded

C) ask

D) order

14. Her behavior is extremely childish.

A) simple

B) immature

C) beautiful

D) foolish

15. We also want to use the water to irrigate barren desert land.

A) hairless

B) bare

C) empty

D) bald

职称英语考试卫生类重点词汇 篇10

choose v. 选择,选定

choose sth. from/among sth. /从……中挑选; Christmas n. 圣诞节 (= Christmas Day);圣诞节节期

Christmas Eve/圣诞节前夕,平安夜;

chronic adj. 慢性的

a chronic disease/慢性病;

circumstance n. 环境;详情;境况in no circumstances (=under no circumstances)/决不,无论如何也不

in [under] the circumstances/在这种情况下;

citizen n. 市民;公民;

civil adj. 全民的;市民的;公民的 ;

claim n. (根据权利提出)要求;要求权;主张v. (根据权利)要求,声称,主张

make a claim for/对(赔偿等)提出要求……;

class n. 班级;社会等级;种类;(一节)课

at the top of one’s class/在班级中学习居首位in class/在上课中;

classic n. [pl. ] 杰作,名著adj. 第一流的;模范的;著名的 ;

beat v. 打,敲;击败,胜过;[音]打(拍子),(心脏等)跳动

beating against/on sth. /打在……上

the heart beats. /心脏跳动

beat sb. /战胜……

a heartbeat /心跳声;

beautiful adj. 美丽的;很好的;

英语六级听力考试核心词汇 篇11

transmit v. 传播,传递 95-6-69 (mit-投,掷,扔)是词根含义)

verify v. 证实,证明 94-1-46 (very-非常,真是,真实)

view v. 视为,看做 93-6-53 (v=w=watch)

wreck v. 失事 93-6-44 (拧,扭曲) abnormal


account for 说明原因


appeal to 呼吁 要求


breakin/into 闯入,打断

break off 断绝,结束

break through 突破

break up 终止,结束,打碎,折断

break down 损坏,分解

break out 爆发 突然发生


call for 邀请,要求

call off 放弃,取消

call on 访问,号召

call up 召集,动员










职称英语综合类考试必记词汇 篇12

2014年更新(理工类)Call: phone Space: room At once: immediately Identify: name/recognize Occur: happen Complete: finish Eventually: finally Conversation: talk Attend: go to Make up one’s mind: decide Account: consideration Put up with: tolerate/bear/endure/stand Give up: abandon/drop/quit Seldom: rarely Take out: extract/obtain Spur: encourage Coverage: reportage Dimly: faintly Mildly: gently Inevitable: certain Isolated: solitary Call off: cancel Now and then: occasionally Find fault with: criticize Grasp: take hold of/understand/follow Lately: recently Manual: physical Harness: utilize Resident: occupant Steadily: continuously Remedy: cure/improve Draft: formulate Practically: almost/virtually Occasionally: sometimes Try: test Readily: willingly Shine: polish Decent: honest/good Deadly: fatal Insist on: demand Damaging: harmful Speed: velocity

Physician: doctor

Particularly: especially Safe: secure Branch: division Abnormal: unusual Abundant: plentiful

Accelerate: step up/increase Accumulate: collect/build up


assign/distribute/give Childish: immature Barren: bare

Appalling: dreadful/terrible Horrify: terrify Anyhow: anyway Achieve: attain Capability: ability

In conjunction: together Credible: convincing Diligent: hardworking Diverse: varied Faulty: wrong Gorgeous:

magnificent/lovely Persist: continue Regulate: control Scatter: separate

Standpoint: point of view Touching: moving Immense:

enormous/great/large Overtake: pass Advisable: wise Puzzle: mystery: Exhibit: show/display Eternal: everlasting Depict: describe Operative: working Wreck: damage Embody: include

Obscure: prevent/restrain Sensational: exciting Stroll: walk

Annoying: irritating

Deliberately: intentionally Vague: imprecise/unclear Summit: top of the mountain Census: count Duplicate: copy Ban: forbid/prohibit Lawful: legal Mock: laugh at Motive: reason

Notably: particularly Omit: fail

Orthodox: conventional Outrageous: unacceptable Scared: frightened/afraid Hail: acclaim/praise organizer: planner postulate: assume Extinction: die out Abrupt: sudden Mighty: very strong Authentically: genuinely Eligible: entitled/qualified Assert: state firmly/maintain Permit: allow Propose: suggest Regret: sorry

Rely on: depend(ent)on Remove: take off Improve: better Break: beat

Provoke: elicit(招致)/cause Gangster: violent criminal Framework: skeleton/system Hazard: danger/risk/distress Hazardous: dangerous Lure: attraction/temptation Densely: compactly Fascinate: intrigue Fascinating:


Probe: explore/investigate Settle: solve Tremble: shake Shock: surprise Abide by: stick to/adhere to/follow Widen: broaden Shabby: unfair Uneasy: anxious Demolish: pull down/disprove Adverse: unfavorable Concise: short and clear Courteous: respectful Invaluable: extremely useful Insane: crazy/mad Exhaustive: extremely thorough Vigorous: healthy/energetic Ingenious: clever Without bias: fairly Terminate: put an end to


Ridiculous: foolish/absurd/stupid Obvious: evident/clear Reply: answer Confess: admit Deal with: cope with Purchase: buy Convert:change/vary/ fluctuate/modify/shift/turn Conduct: behavior Start: begin Talk over: discuss Cheerful: pleasant But: only Let: rent Cultivate: develop(cultivating: developing)Merge: combine Graceful: pleasing Prior to: before Weary: tired/exhausted Contaminate: pollute Gauge: assess/measure

Deduce: derive/stem Massive: extensive Cater for: meet Certain: sure/bound Set up: establish Firm: company Survive: live/exist Highly: very Severe: hard Merely: just While: although Annually: every year Particulars: details Limited: small Blend: mix

Durable: long-lasting Expire: die/perish Gaze: stare

sensible: reasonable sustain: maintain upgrade: improve sick: ill

look for: try to find put up: raise lots of: many a lot: much/greatly/considerably pleased: happy/glad/cheerful mend: repair

eternal: everlasting eternally: constantly collaborate: cooperate consolidate: strengthen alleviate: relieve defect: fault

insufficient: inadequate in the end: ultimately complicated: complex appraisal: evaluation close: near alike: similar intelligent: clever goal: aim dismiss: fire

excite: arouse/awaken preserve: keep last: past

specialty: field intimate: friendly miraculous: amazing defer: postpone

elevate: promote/foster award: give dull: boring gap: gulf

grateful: thankful graceful: polite presently: shortly subject: topic

typical: characteristic liable: likely heap: pile sketch: outline utterly: totally urge: advise bump: run celebrity: star

discriminate: distinguish dwell: live

harmonious: balanced persevere: persist dramatic: striking/ sensational root: cause

affect: influence/impact brief: short consume: eat diverse: varied

prolonging: extending unwilling: reluctant slender: slim witty: smart

at stake: in danger guy: man

ample: enough marvel: miracle perpetual: endless

specifications: instructions concrete: specific end: stop

booming: successful rough: difficult promotion: advancement marked: clear miss: avoid capture: catch restrict: limit compile: write profound: deep funny: humorous resentment: anger turmoil: confusion rush hour: peak

as regards: about bust: break wary: cautious expire: end endorse: approve intact: undamaged magnitude: importance skeptical: doubtful cardinal: fundamental contend: compete

thorough: careful tag: label disappointing: chant: repeat

unsatisfactory update: modernize remark: say profile: description spectacular: magnificent asylum: protection obscure: unclear run into: hit approach: handle alleviate: ease contempt: hate evoke: refresh

layout: arrangement discriminate: distinguish
