


外贸常用词汇 篇1

出口信贷 export credit

出口津贴 export subsidy

商品倾销 dumping

外汇倾销 exchange dumping

优惠关税 special preferences

保税仓库 bonded warehouse

贸易顺差 favorable balance of trade

贸易逆差 unfavorable balance of trade

进口配额制 import quotas

自由贸易区 free trade zone

对外贸易值 value of foreign trade

国际贸易值 value of international trade

普遍优惠制 generalized system of preferences-GSP

最惠国待遇 most-favored nation treatment-MFNT

价格术语 trade term(price term)

运费 freight

单价 price

码头费 wharfage

总值 total value

卸货费landing charges

金额 amount

关税customs duty

净价 net price

印花税stamp duty

含佣价price including commission

港口税port dues

回佣return commission

装运港port of shipment

折扣discount, allowance

卸货港port of discharge

批发价 wholesale price

目的港port of destination

零售价 retail price

进口许口证import licence

现货价格spot price

出口许口证export licence

期货价格forward price

现行价格(时价)current price prevailing price

国际市场价格 world(International)Market price

离岸价(船上交货价)FOB-free on board

成本加运费价(离岸加运费价)C&F-cost and freight

到岸价(成本加运费、保险费价)CIF-cost, insurance and freight





租船charter(the chartered ship)

交货时间 time of delivery

定程租船voyage charter

装运期限time of shipment

定期租船time charter

托运人(一般指出口商)shipper, consignor


班轮regular shipping liner


舱位shipping space


报关clearance of goods

陆运收据cargo receipt

提货to take delivery of goods

空运提单airway bill

正本提单original B/L

选择港(任意港)optional port

选港费optional charges

选港费由买方负担 optional charges to be borne by the Buyers 或 optional charges for Buyers’account

一月份装船 shipment during January 或 January shipment

一月底装船 shipment not later than Jan.31st.或shipment on or before Jan.31st.一/二月份装船 shipment during Jan./Feb.或 Jan./Feb.shipment

在......(时间)分两批装船 shipment during....in two lots

在......(时间)平均分两批装船 shipment during....in two equal lots

分三个月装运 in three monthly shipments

分三个月,每月平均装运 in three equal monthly shipments

立即装运 immediate shipments

即期装运 prompt shipments

收到信用证后30天内装运 shipments within 30 days after receipt of L/C

允许分批装船 partial shipment not allowed partial shipment not permitted partial shipment not unacceptable


订单 indent

订货;订购 book;booking

电复 cable reply

实盘 firm offer

递盘 bid;bidding

递实盘 bid firm

还盘 counter offer


发实盘 offer firm



指示性价格 price indication

速复 reply immediately

参考价 reference price

习惯做法 usual practice

交易磋商 business negotiation

不受约束 without engagement

业务洽谈 business discussion

限**复 subject to reply **

限* *复到 subject to reply reaching here **

有效期限 time of validity

有效至**: valid till **

购货合同 purchase contract

销售合同 sales contract

购货确认书 purchase confirmation

销售确认书 sales confirmation

一般交易条件 general terms and conditions

以未售出为准 subject to prior sale

需经卖方确认 subject to seller’s confirmation

需经我方最后确认 subject to our final confirmation




招标invitation of tender

投标submission of tender


总代理人general agent

代理协议agency agreement

累计佣金accumulative commission

补偿贸易compensation trade(或抵偿贸易)compensating/compensatory trade 叫:往返贸易)counter trade

来料加工processing on giving materials

来料装配assembling on provided parts

独家经营/专营权exclusive right

独家经营/包销/代理协议exclusivity agreement

独家代理 sole agency;sole agent;exclusive agency;exclusive agent



品质 quality原样 original sample

规格 specifications复样 duplicate sample

说明 description对等样品 counter-sample

标准 standard type参考样品 reference sample

商品目录 catalogue封样 sealed sample

宣传小册 pamphlet公差 tolerance

货号 article No.花色(搭配)assortment

样品 sample 5%增减 5% plus or minus

代表性样品 representative sample

大路货(良好平均品质)fair average quality


索赔 claim争议disputes

罚金条款 penalty仲裁arbitration

不可抗力 force Majeure仲裁庭arbitral tribunal

产地证明书certificate of origin

品质检验证书 inspection certificate of quanlity

重量检验证书 inspection certificate of weight(quantity)**商品检验局 **commodity inspection bureau(*.C.I.B)品质、重量检验证书 inspection certificate


个数 number净重 net weight

容积 capacity毛作净 gross for net

体积 volume皮重 tare

毛重 gross weight

溢短装条款 more or less clause

-----------------------外 汇-------------------------

外汇 foreign exchange法定贬值 devaluation

外币 foreign currency法定升值 revaluation

汇率 rate of exchange浮动汇率floating rate

国际收支 balance of payments硬通货 hard currency直接标价 direct quotation软通货 soft currency

间接标价 indirect quotation金平价 gold standard买入汇率 buying rate通货膨胀 inflation

卖出汇率 selling rate固定汇率 fixed rate

金本位制度 gold standard黄金输送点 gold points

铸币平价 mint par纸币制度 paper money system国际货币基金 international monetary fund

黄金外汇储备 gold and foreign exchange reserve

外贸常用词汇 篇2


“外贸函电”是国际贸易、外贸英语等专业高年级学生必修的一门核心专业课, 旨在使学生熟悉对外贸易业务中建立业务关系、询盘、还盘、签订贸易合同等各环节当中英语的应用, 使学生具备独自完成对外商务信函的读、写能力。学好外贸函电的关键之一是要掌握外贸函电词汇的特点, 本人将教学实践中遇到的外贸函电常用词汇的类别和用法总结成以下几点。

(1) 普通词语专业化。外贸函电的初学者经常发现很多之前熟悉的单词在函电中被赋予了新的含义, 例如: 日常用语中我们常用offer来表示“提供, 给予, 出示”, 但是在外贸函电中offer经常用来表示“发盘, 报盘”, offer能和其他词组成许多常用语, 如firm offer (实盘) , non-firm offer (虚盘) , counter-offer (还盘) 等。又如:document一词的本意是“公文, 文件”, 但是在外贸函电中通常表示“单证, 单据”, 如果要在信函中表达出“请在本月底之前把装船单据寄给我们”, 可以写成“Please send us the shipping documents before the end of this month.”类似offer, document这样在日常用语中和外贸函电中含义有着较大差别的单词还有很多, 如enquiry (询价, 询盘) , cover (保险, 投保) , honor (承兑) , line (行业) , good (有效的) 等。

(2) 外贸函电专业词语 (习语、惯用语) 。外贸函电中会用到大量的专业词语, 这些词语一般不会在其他领域被使用。例如:for one's information (供某人参考) ;for one's file (供某人存档) ;in one's favor (以某人为受益人) ;to be specialized in (专业经营) ;by separate post (另外邮寄) ;

(3) 缩略语。为了交流的迅捷和简便, 外贸函电会用到大量的缩略语, 这些缩略语常常给信函的理解和翻译带来较大的麻烦, 这就要求学习者能分析这些缩略语的构成方式, 准确理解和翻译。常见的缩略语有:

①贸易术语。贸易术语 (trade terms) , 又称贸易条件, 价格术语, 用来说明价格的构成及买卖双方有关费用、风险和责任的划分, 以确定买卖双方在交货和接货过程中应尽的义务。目前有关贸易术语的惯例中影响力最大的是国际商会制定的《国际贸易术语解释通则》 (International Rules for the Interpretation of Trade Terms, 缩写INCOTERMS) 。在最新版本INCOTERMS 2000中定义了13个术语, 它们是:EXW (EX Works) 工厂交货;FCA (Free Carrier) 货交承运人;FAS ( Free Alongside Ship ) 船边交货;FOB ( Free on Board) 船上交货;CFR ( Cost and Freight) 成本加运费;CIF (Cost Insurance and Freight) 成本保险费运费;CPT ( Carriage Paid to ) 运费付至;CIP ( Carriage and Insurance Paid to) 运费保险费付至;DAF (Delivered at Frontier) 边境交货;DES ( Delivered Ex Ship) 目的港船上交货;DEQ ( Delivered Ex Quay) 目的港码头交货;DDU ( Delivered Duty Unpaid ) 未完税交货;DDP (Delivered Duty Paid) 完税交货。掌握这些贸易术语是准确理解外贸函电的基础。

②国际支付方式。支付是国际货物进出口中不可或缺的一个重要环节, 买卖双方在往来信函中对于交易的支付方式描述通常会用到以下缩略语:

T/T, (Telegraphic Transfer) 电汇;M/T, (Mail Transfer) 信汇;D/D, (Remittance by Banker's Demand Draft或Draft) 票汇;D/P, (Documents against payment) 付款交单;D/A (Documents against Acceptance) 承兑交单;L/C, (Letter of Credit) 信用证;Bank's L/G, (Bank's Letter of Guarantee) 银行保函等。

③其他缩略语。在国际贸易的运输、保险、单证等方面还有很多常用的缩略语, 如:FCL, (Full Container Load) 整箱货;LCL, (Less Than Container Load) 拼箱货;

(4) 古体语。

外贸函电语言较正式, 书面语色彩较浓, 在一些合同和单证中经常使用在其他领域已不再使用的古体语, 这些古体语大多数由here, there 和where 与after, at, by, from, in, of, to, under, upon, with等介词共同构成的副词性的复合词, 如hereafter, hereby, thereby, whereas, whereby 等, 这类复合词如果从对应的汉语意思理解比较难, 但如果掌握了他们的构成与意思之间的联系, 理解起来就比较容易。这类复合词中here 应理解为this, there应理解为that, where应理解为which, 因此hereafter 应理解为after this, therein 应理解为 of that, whereby 应理解为by which。例如:

We return herewith one copy duly signed to you for your files. (我们已会签, 今寄回一份备存。)

外贸函电不同于一般的日常书信, 只有了解和掌握了相关专业词汇的特点和用法, 才能正确的理解、翻译和撰写外贸函电, 使对外贸易业务顺利进行。这就要求我们正确引导学生, 根据外贸函电词汇的独特点, 注重培养学生的严谨性和准确性, 使学生能准确把握每个词在句中的正确含义, 以避免在以后的工作中误译而影响贸易活动的正常进行。


[1]贺敏.外贸英语e-mail中缩略语和省略句的理解与翻译[J].零陵学院学报, 2004, (7) .

[2]廖瑛.实用外贸英语函电[M].武汉:华中科技大学出版社, 2003.

外贸常用词汇 篇3

【关键词】外贸英语词汇 特点 翻译技巧





例:As requested,we take pleasure in making you the following offer.



例:Our bank will accept your 60 days' draft if you fulfill the terms of the credit.




例:They closed the deal in sugar after a week of negotiation.


例:This credit is available with any bank in China by negotiation.




例:insurance company、underwriter、insurer这三个词的含义都为保险人,保险公司。



OPEC (The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Country)石油输出国组织、ISO (International Standard Organization)国际标准化组织、PICC (Peoples Insurance Company of China)中国人民保险公司、GE (General Electric Company)通用电气公司。


FOB (Free On Board) 船上交货、CFR (Cost and Freight) 成本加运费、CIF (Cost Insurance and Freight) 成本加保险费加运费


ASAP (As Soon As Possible) 尽快、BTW (By The Way) 顺便提及、FYI (For Your Information) 供您参考


L/C (Letter of Credit) 信用证 B/L (Bill of Lading) 提单 D/P (Documents against Payment) 付款交单




例:It is a great pleasure to receive your first order for 60 dozen Ted Bear,Article No.TB397.



例:We shall make a reduction of our price by 5% if you increase the quantity to 5000 M/T.



例:Your 100 leather bags are on the way to you.


此句中“on”为介词,“on the way”词组的意思为“在路上”,但翻译成中文时结合语境翻译成“已寄出”,使得译文表达更符合中文表达习惯。


例:As soon as we received your letter we sent the replacement by the first available vessel.




例:We hope you will reply us at your earliest convenience.




例:You may rest assured that we will effect shipment without delay on receipt of your letter of credit.


此句中“without delay”的意思是“没有延误”,译文翻译成与“没有延误”有着等同意义的“立刻”,更符合中文的表达习惯。




外贸英语之常用外贸词汇(范文) 篇4

commerce, trade, trading 贸易

inland trade, home trade, domestic trade, internal trade, interior trade 国内贸易international trade 国际贸易

cash sale 现货

hire-purchase 分期付款购买(美作:installment plan)

competition 竞争

competitor 竞争者

competitive 竞争的unfair competition 不合理竞争

dumping profit margin 倾销差价,倾销幅度

trademark 商标

registered trademark 注册商标

registered office, head office 总公司,总店,总部

foreign trade, external trade 对外贸易,外贸

terms of trade 贸易条件

free-trade area 自由贸易区

import, importation 进口

importer 进口商

export, exportation 出口

exporter 出口商

commercial channels 商业渠道

customs 海关

customs duty 关税

quota 配额,限额

item 项目,细目

commercial transaction 买卖,交易

manufacturer 制造商,制造厂

middleman 中间商,经纪人

dealer 经销商

wholesaler 批发商

retailer 零售商

tradesman 零售商

merchant 商人(英)批发商,(美)零售商

concessionaire, licensed dealer 受让人,特许权获得者

consumer 消费者,用户client, customer 顾客,客户buyer 买主,买方

stocks 存货,库存量

purchase 购买,进货

sale 销售

bulk sale 整批销售,趸售wholesale 批发

retail trade 零售业

服装外贸跟单常用英语词汇 篇5

24l Button 24号钮

Feed Pique 6模珠地

Accessory 辅料

Back Across 后背宽

Across Measure 横量

Acrylic 腈纶

Adhesive / Fusible Interlining 粘衬

Antique Brass Coating 镀青古铜

Antistatic Finish 防静电处理

Apparel 成衣

Appealing Look 吸引人的外表

Approval Sample 批办

Approved Sample With Signing Name 签名批办

Armhole 夹圈

Assembling Of Front &Back Part 前后幅合并

Assembling Section 合并部分

Attach Collar 上领

Attach Label 上商标


Back Cover Front 后搭前

Back Mid-Armhole 后背宽

Back Stitch 返针,回针

Backless Dress 露背装

Bar Coded Sticker 条形码贴纸

Bargaining 讨价还价

Bar-Tack 打枣

Baste 假缝

Batilk 蜡染

Bearer 袋衬

Bearer &Facing 袋衬袋贴

Bedford Cord.坑纹布,经条灯心绒

Bell Bottom 喇叭裤脚

Bellows Pocket 风琴袋

Belt 腰带

Belt-Loop 裤耳

Bias Cut 斜纹裁,纵纹裁

Bifurcate 分*

Binder 包边蝴蝶,滚边蝴蝶

Binding 包边

Binding Of Slv.Opening R折

Binding Of Top Vent 面*包边

Binding Tape 包边

Binding/Bound 滚条

Blanket 毛毯,地毯

Bleach 漂白

Bleach Spot 漂白污渍

Bleeding 洗水后褪色

Blend Fibre 混纺纤维

Blends 混纺

Blind Stitch 挑脚线步

Blouse 女装衬衫

Body Pressing 衫身熨烫

Body Rise 直浪

Bottom 衫脚,下摆

Bottom Vent Of Sleeve 细侧

Bottoms 下装

Box-Pleated 外工字褶

Boy’S Style Fly / Left Fly 男装钮牌,左钮牌

Braid 织锦,织带

Branch 分公司

Break Stitches 断线

Briefs 男装紧身内裤

Brocade 织锦,织带

Broken Stitching 断线

Bubbling 起泡

Buckle 皮带扣

Buckle-Loop 皮带扣

Bulk Production 大量生产

Bundle Code 扎号

Bundling 执扎

Button 钮扣

Button Stand 钮门搭位

Button-Hole 钮门 / 扣眼

Button-Holing 开钮门

Buttoning 钉钮

Buttoning With Button Sewer 用钉钮机钉钮

C/B Vent 后中*(有搭位/重叠位)

Calico / Gray Clothes 胚布

Canvas 马尾衬,帆布

Cardboard 纸板

Carded 粗疏

Care Label 洗水唛

Cartonning 装箱,入箱

Case Pack Label 外箱贴纸

Cash Pocket 表袋

Casual Wear 便装

Catching Facing 钮子

Center Back 后中

Center Crease Fold 中骨对折

Center Crease Line 中骨线

Center Front 前中

Certified Sub-Contractor 认可加工厂

Chain Stitch M/C 锁链车

Chain Stitches 锁链线步

Champray 皱布

Chemise 宽松服装

Chest/Bust 胸围

Chic 时髦的,流行的 Circular Knit 圆筒针织布

Classic Look 经典款式

Classification 分类

Clean Finish 还口

Clean Finish Of Top Vent 面*还口

Clean Finish With 1/4“ Single Needle 1/4” 单针还口

Close Fitting 贴身

Close Side Seam 埋侧骨

Coating 外套大衣

Coin Pocket 表袋

Collar 领子

Collar Band 下级领

Collar Fall 上级领

Collar Notch 领扼位

Collar Point 领尖

Collar Stand 下级领

Collar Stay 领插竹

Collection 系列

Color Shading 色差

Combed 精梳

Constructed Spe Cif Ication 结构细节

Continuous Placket R折

Control Of Labor Turnover 劳工流失控制

Corduroy 灯心绒

Cost Sheet 成本单

Cotton String 棉绳

Covering Stitching 拉冚线步(600类)

Crease &Wrinkly Resistant Finish 防皱处理

Crease Line 折线

Crepe De-Chine 皱布

Cross Crotch 十字缝

Cross Cut 横纹裁

Crotch Point 浪顶点


Cuff 鸡英,介英

Cuff Attaching To Sleeve 车鸡英到袖子上

Cuff Vent/Cuff Opening 袖侧

Cuffed Bottom Hem 反脚,假反脚,脚级

Cuffless Bottom平脚

Curved Pocket 弯袋

Cut &Sewn 切驳

Cutting Piece 裁片

Cutting Piece Numbering 给裁片编号

D.K.Jacquard 双面提花(针织)

Damage Caused By Needle 针孔

Decorative Stitching 装饰间线

Delivery Date 落货期

Denier 旦尼尔

Denim 牛仔

Density 密度

Des Ign Sketch 设计图

Des Igned Feature 设计特征

Dimension 尺寸、尺码

Dinner Jacket 晚礼服

Dirt Stains After Washing 洗水后有污迹

Dirty Spot 污点

Discount / Sales Off 打折

Dobby 织花布

Double Cuff 双层鸡英

Double End 双经

Double Jetted Pocket 双唇袋

Double Needle Fell Seam 双针埋夹

Double Pick 双纬

Doubling 并线

Dress Coat 礼服

Dressing Room 试衣间

Drilling 钻孔位

Dry-Cleaned 干洗

Duck 帆布

Dying 染色

Easing 容位

Edge Stitching 间边线

Edge Trimmer 修边器

Edge-Finishing 边脚处理

Edge-Stitch Dart 边线褶

Edge-Stitching W/ 1/16“ 宽1/16”的边线

Elastic 橡筋

Elastic Waistband Is Extension Of Body 原身出橡筋裤头

Elbow Width 肘宽

Embroidery Patch 绣花章

Epaulet 肩章

Evening Gown Set 晚睡袍

Excellent Style 漂亮的款式

Excessive Thread Ends 多余的线头

Executive Wear 行政装

Expiry Date 有效期

Export Carton 出口箱

Extension Of Waistband 裤头搭咀

Eyelet 凤眼

Fabric 布料

Fabric Construction 布料结构

Fabric Defects 布疵

Fabric Runs 走纱

Fabric Shading 布料色差

Fabric Swatch 布办

Fabric Width 布封

Fabrication / Fabric 布料

Facing 贴

Facing To Out-Side 折向侧骨

False Fly 暗钮牌

False Placket 假明筒,假反筒

Fas Hion 时装

Fell Seam 埋夹

Figure-Clinging 紧身的,贴身胸围

Filament 长纤丝

Final Appearance 最终外观

Finished Appearance 完成后的外观

Fitting 试身

Flameproof Fabric 防火布

Flannel 法兰绒

Flare Skirt 喇叭裙

Flat Machine平车

Flat Seam平缝

Flax 亚麻

Flow Chart 流程 图

Fold And Pack 折叠包装,折装

Fold Back Facing 原身出贴

Fold Back Hidden Placket 原身双层钮筒

Fold Front Edge 折前幅边

Fold Line 折线

Fold Pants 折裤子

Fold Pocket Mouth 折反袋口

Form And Fold Garment 定型折衫

Frocks 礼服

Front Edge 前幅边

Front Mid-Armhole 前胸宽

Front Opening 前开口

Front Panel 前幅

Fully Fas Hion Sweater 全成型毛衫

Fully Opening 全开口

Fur 皮草

Fur Garment 裘皮服装

Furry 毛皮制品

Fuse Interlining 粘衬

Fusible Interlining 粘朴

Fuzz Balls 起球

Gabardine 斜纹呢

Garment 成衣

Garment Dye 成衣染色

Garment Finish 成衣后处理

Garment Sewing Technology 成衣工艺

Garment Wash 成衣洗水,普洗

Gathering 碎褶

Girl’S Style Fly / Right Fly 女装钮牌,右钮牌

Glaced Finish 压光加工

Good Taste 高品味

Gr.Wt.=Gross Weight 毛重

Grading 放码

Grain 布纹

Gray Cloth 胚布

Grommet 凤眼

Grown-On Sleeve 原身出袖

Half Opening 半开口

Handbag 手袋

Handfeel 手感 Handling 执手

Hangdling Time 执手时间

Hanger 衣架

Heavy Fabric 厚重面料

Hem 衫脚,下摆

Hem Cuff 反脚

Hemming 卷边,还口

Hemming With Folder 用拉筒卷边

Hemp 大麻

Herringbone Twill 人字斜纹布

Hexagonal Pocket 六角袋

Hidden Placket 双层钮筒

Hidden Bartack 隐形枣

High-Waisted Skirt 高腰裙

Hip 坐围

Hip Pocket 后袋

Hood Height 帽高

Horizontal Plaid 水平格

Incorrect Linking 错误的连接

Initial Sample 原办,初办

Inner Extension 搭咀内层

In-Seam 内骨

Inspection 检查

Inspiration 灵感

Interlacing 交织

Interlining 衬,朴

Interlining For Facing 贴粘衬

Interlock 双面布(针织)Inverted Pleat 内工字褶

Invoice 发票

Iron Overall Body 熨烫衫身

Iron Spot 烫痕

Jacquard 提花

Jeans 牛仔裤


Join Crotch 埋小浪

Jute 黄麻

Khaki 卡其

Knit 针织

Knitted Rib Collar 针织罗纹领

Knots 结头

Knowledge Of Material 材料学

L/C=Letter Of Credit 信用证

L/G=Letter Of Guarantee 担保证

Labour Cost 劳工成本

Lace 花边

Lacoste 双珠地

Lapel 襟贴

Laundry 干洗

Layout 排唛,排料

Leather 皮革

Left Cover Right 左搭右

Leggings 开裆裤

Leisure Style 休闲款式

Leisure Wear 休闲服

Leisure Wear Show 休闲装展示会

License 许可证

Light Curved Pocket 微弯袋

Linen 亚麻

Lining 里布

Linking &Cup Seaming 缝盆

Lock Stitch平车线步

Looped Fabric 毛圈布

Looping 起耳仔(疵点)

Loose Button 钮扣松散

Loosed Thread Causing Grinning


Lustrous 光泽

Machine Maintenance 机械保养

Magic Tape 魔术贴

Major Defect 大疵

Man-Made Fibre 人造纤维

Manufacturer 制造商

Mark Buttonhole &Button Position 标出钮门与钮扣的位置

Mark Pocket Position With Template 用纸板点袋位

Marker 唛架

Marking Mid-Point Of Neck 定领围中位

Mass Production 大批量生产

Match Color 配色

Material 物料

Measurement 尺寸

服装辅料 Garments Accessories 树脂扣 Polyester Button

按扣 Snap Button 金属扣 Metal Button 绳扣 Stopper

吊锺 Bell 吾眼 Eyelet 织带 Woven Tape 弹力绳 Elastic String 魔术贴 Magic Tape 松紧带 Elastic 反光织带 Reflect Woven Tape 商标 Main Label 吊牌 Hang Tag 价格牌 Price Tag 侧标 Side Seam Label 撞钉 Rivet 洗涤说明 Care Label

服装成品通常是经过洗水处理过的,可以起到定型固色的效果,牛仔的洗水更是种类繁多,介绍一些常见的洗水方法: 普洗 Garment Wash 酵洗 Enzyme Wash

复染洗水 Overdyed Wash(使牛仔面料达到怀旧色的效果)石磨洗 Stone Wash 漂洗 Bleach Wash

其实最主要最常见的面料分两大类: 1针织knitting(如t-Shirt的面料);

外贸英语函电写作常用词汇及句子 篇6

commercial counsellors office 商务参赞处

commercial attache 商务专员

commercial articles 商品,(报上)商业新闻commerce n.商业

commerce department 商业部门

2.embassy n.大使馆

the American Embassy in Beijing 美国驻北京大使馆 ambassador n.大使,使节

3.dealer n.商人

retail dealer(or:retailer)零售商

wholesale dealer(or:wholesaler)批发商

deal n.b.贸易,成交,经营

make(or:do)a deal with...与...做交易

deal on credit 信用交易,赊帐买卖

4.connected with...与...有联系;与...有关系

5.light industrial product 轻工业产品

6.competitive adj.有竞争力的competitive price 竞争价格

competitive capacity 竞争能力

competitive power 竞争能力

competitive edge 竞争优势

eg.If your price is competitive, we will place an order with you.如果你方价格有竞争力的话,我们将向你方发出订单。

Your products has no competitive capacity in our market.你方产品在我市场上没有竞争力。

compete v.竞争

~with(or:against)sb.in sth.在...方面与某人竞

eg.We should compete with other enterprises in the quality of the products.我们必须在产品的质量方面与其它企业竞争。

~with(or:against)sb.for sth.为...事情与某人竞争

eg.We must compete against other countries in trade for obtaining larger international market.为了获取更大的国际市场我们必须与其他国家在贸易方面进行竞争。

competition n.竞争

eg.To enable us to meet competition, you must quote the lowest possible price.为了使我们能适应竞争,你方必须报尽可能低的价格。competitor n.竞争者,竞争对手

eg.We trust that the superior quality, attractive design and reasonable price of our products will surely enable us to defeat the competitors.我们相信我方产品的优良质量、诱人设计、合理价格定能使我方击败竞争对手。

7.standing 资信情况,信誉,固定的,永久的standing cost 长期成本,固定成本

standing orders 长期订单

standing director 常务董事


credit standing 信誉情况

financial standing 财金情况

finances 财源,资金情况(常用复数)

8.We are permitted to mention the Bank of England, London, as a reference.我们已征得伦敦的英国银行同意,把它们作为我们的咨询银行。

9.regarding prep.关于,与 with regard to, in regard to, as regards 同义,一般可以换用。

金融英语——常用词汇(八十一) 篇7

Account considered to be an offset to another account.Generally established to reduce the other account to amounts that can be realized or collected.


contra broker对销经纪

The broker on the buy side of a sell order or on the sellside of a buy order.


contract n.合约, 合同

A legally binding agreement (oral or written) between two or more persons regarding an exchange of some sort.Alegally binding contract must include consideration passing between the parties, an intention on the part of all parties to be bound to the contract, a meeting of the minds of the parties as to the contents of the contract, and an element of clarity such that the terms of the contract may be interpreted, understood and enforced by a court.

两人以上的人之间, 就某种交换建立的一个有法律约束力的协议 (口头形式或书面形式) 。一个有法律约束力的合同必须包括各方之间交换的报酬、各方都有意愿受合同的约束、各方对合同内容意见一致, 而且表达清晰, 因此合同的条款可以由法院解释、了解和强制执行。描述未来的一项金融或商品交易的术语。也指交易买卖双方实际的合议。

contract broker合约经纪

A stock exchange member who executes transactions for other exchange members.


contract grades契约品级

The standard grades of commodities or instruments as determined by the government and/or the exchange that must be met when delivering income against futures contracts.

当依据期货合同收支收益时, 商品或支付工具必须满足的等级标准, 此标准由政府和/或交易所确定。是指由商品交易所统一规定的期货合同中的商品质量等级, 如果级别高, 则溢价销售, 反之, 则折价销售。

contract market契约市场

A market in which futures are traded.

期货交易的市场。是指商品交易的期货市场, 也就是买方和卖方买卖期货合同的场所。

contract month合约到期月份

The month during which a futures contract expires, and during which delivery may take place according to the terms of the contract.Also called contract month or delivery month.

期货合同到期的月份, 也是根据合约条款进行交割的月份。也叫交割月份。

contract sale合同销售

A contract in which a property title is transferred onlyafter the buyer makes a certain number of monthly payments.Also called contract sale or contract for deed.

在此合同下, 买方只有交付了一定数额的月度付款后, 财产的所有权才会被转移。也叫契约销售。

contract size协议量

The quantity of the underlying security that the holderof an option possesses the right to buy or sell.

拥有买卖期权的持有人所持有的标的证券的数量。contraction n.经济萎缩

A period of general economic decline.Contractions are often part of a business cycle, coming after an expansionary phase and before a recession.

经济总体下滑的阶段。经济萎缩中商业循环的一部分, 在经济膨胀之后而在衰退之前。

contractual plan契约计划

A plan in which fixed dollar amounts of mutual fundshares are purchased through periodic investments, usually featuring some sort of additional incentive for the fixed period payments.

按照一般性惯例, 指所有规定缴款期和按月或按季的常规投资准备的积累计划。

contrarian n.反向操作者

An investor who behaves in opposition to the prevailingwisdom.

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